24 Hour Ride Along - Fort Worth Fire Station 2

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] it's been a busy start already here at the Big House Fort Worth Station 2 ran an elevator rescue and a medical call and just getting back to get the day started [Music] please the security officer at the uh the 7-Eleven was the one that called and said that he tried to wake up a guy playing on the sidewalk uh right outside the store and he didn't answer so he called us so when I got over there you know just kind of tap him see if he's awake or you know actually unconscious or just sleeping which we get a lot of them in that area and a couple of other spots in our territory where it is that it's just some homeless people just sleeping on the sidewalk and so basically it becomes a conversation of hey man do you need any medical attention do you like do you need anything if not you have to move somewhere else you can't just sleep on the sidewalk one people are gonna be worried and keep calling us and then two when it's something like it's outside of a property uh you know like 7-Eleven or something like that you know PD will start to get involved as well because you're on private property at that point so this is basically just the conversation of okay glad you're okay you got to get up and go somewhere you can't you can't just lay back down and go back to sleep here you can't sleep here foreign [Music] foreign got called out run with one of our engine companies down south they had a grease trap from a restaurant overflow get into the roadway first company on did a good job of blocking it from the storm drains keeping from being a bigger environmental issue they did the work they could with the absorber they had they called us out to mitigate any additional hazards and also to make the roadway safe so we just put some absorbent down grind it in and brush it out so hopefully no vehicle accidents occurred and environmental is on the scene so we'll take care of the rest [Music] foreign YouTube I'm here with Jano he is Wheeling Squad two today which is a beast I've been enjoying the view from the back seat phenomenal job oh thank you um and you're the resident expert here on this shift right you've been at station two the longest it sounds like I have yeah on this especially um I guess I've been here about going on 19 years wow okay with the Department 22 or so yeah yeah I've been here the whole time here in Fort Worth we do a vacation relief setup where we Bounce Around the teeking up senuri on the job to bid on the spot and then I end up coming here as soon as I could nice that's great well one of the reasons I picked the big house was because of its large stature that it takes up on this block and the very unique building construction so I'm excited to learn a little bit more about it yeah so we we are the biggest fire station in Fort Worth in two ways uh one way is pure square footage of the building as you can see it is a large building when we get this side you'll see even better it is a large building yeah uh two floors plus two basement levels okay uh and also we have the most amount of people here with staffed rigs so here in Fort Worth we run four on everything okay with very few exceptions to that so we have the engine has four on it the ladder truck has four and we have our Squad that has four okay I think our Squad here is a combination of Hazmat trt rescue um so we go to fires rescues and hazmats uh for the most part we stay out of the EMS system and the engine will handle most of that we also have our battalion chief here currently here in Fort Worth we have seven battalions that we're formulating the eighth one as we speak and it's about to come online here with the next couple months nice but for right now we have the seven the seven battalions and uh yeah Battalion two is housed out of downtown here so as far as people and square footage we have a pretty big piece of real estate here open around 1930 uh it is his second oldest working fire station in the city of Fort Worth a lot of the small portions of the station especially the corners where a lot of work is put into it and you also see our neighbor building over there has some of the same architecture put into it that was put into this one today that houses are balm and arson division Fort Worth fire department is slightly unique in the way that we house the bomb squad it's not on the PD side it falls to the fire side for the bomb squad nice so we have the bomb dogs that live here we have the arson dogs that live here Ariston investigators live here in the regional bomb squad also lives here as well that Tower right there is duplicated at the Will Rogers Center you may have heard may have heard of our Will Rogers Area is a city-owned Event Center we do our anal stock show a lot of it happens over there but that Tower is the kind of the junior to the one over there same architect and he kind of built this to see how it all played out then we also built it again over there and that's the belt they rang to let the volunteers know that there was a fire somewhere they'd hear the bell ring and then they would come downtown much like volunteer firemen have pagers or apps on their phone now they had the bell at that time and that is the original Bell so as you can see our Bell here is from 1883 as dated here and that's that's a true date you can also see there's a lot of Nicks and dings on the side of these bells because the tradition is when you have a new brand new rookie come to the fire station at 10 o'clock every night he has to come out here with a sledgehammer and he has to ring the bell to let everyone know it's 10 o'clock but the real joke is the captain's office is right there and he wakes up the captain and he the captain comes out of his office and goes in let the rookie know that he would not appreciate that at that point in time so that's why that's like that I like that tradition so this here's our lobby um everything in this Lobby is pretty much original uh the floors are original the woodwork is all original from the 1930. um the only thing is it's been face lifted with a new front door and some painting some pictures uh but other than that this is all of the original setup and you can notice as we walk up the stairs you'll be able to see where the actual tiles are worn from the years and years of walking up and down these stairs so it's pretty interesting to see that this entryway is incredible yeah it's a lot of fun and also we have the panther up here this is original also and there's a story behind the Panther and that's there was a time when Fort Worth is pretty sleepy and that was really no secret um it was a small town There's a railroad Town it was a cattle town but other than that there was a time when not a whole lot went on in Fort Worth and our neighbors Dallas who was their city is not very far away from ours there was always that rivalry between neighboring cities and the Dallas Morning News newspaper wrote an article about how I was so sleepy a panther could walk through downtown and fall asleep on the streets that's how sleepy this place was and at the time we we owned it we took it and owned it and uh you'll see a panther here you'll see Panther City Fire Department oftentimes referred to as Fort Worth fire department a lot of shirts and hats out there right now I have Panther City Fire Department on it also if you walk around downtown you'll see some Panther sculptures okay and that's where that all came from Wow also to this day on the PD bags Police Department badge of Fort Worth there's a panther on top of their badge and that's all where that came from wow so as far as Dallas with rival Windows they cause the Sleepy Panther talents you know what we'll take that if we're not Dallas so we'll accept that yeah as you can see in here very traditional fire station uh we have three brass pools the slide slide poles we still use them today uh one for the engine one for the truck one for the squad or depending on what side of the rig you're riding on that day um that's the one you're gonna you're gonna slide down uh and all these go up and upstairs into the dorm area uh traditional watch room here we keep someone in there just because of Any Walkers downtown that might need assistance they can come here in a watch room uh attendant will be able to see them and give them a hand and there's a sleeping area in there yeah that was for the watch our watch room is maintaining 24 7. okay I always have someone in there this is all pretty standard the gear lockers uh nothing fancy going on here so this room here is just set aside for our in-house conference training uh any sort of training we do of course we can always just do it at the kitchen table like your traditional fire station does because of the amount of training we do associated with the special operations of this station uh it's nice to have a conference room with a projector screen to where we can really dive in and get some focused training with all the distractions of being in the recliners upstairs or on the kitchen table or something so we can come down here and most of what we see here is Hazmat training material that we use a lot of expired stuff that we use on the training level is over here and then just book references um but other than that all of our training and Hazmat storage is kept downstairs in basement working with you in a minute okay now here's our workout area nothing fancy here um regardless of the weather we work out outside in our in our Bay here also we have Lumber storage over here this is our primary Lumber storage for the City Furniture Store structural collapse uh most often what we go to are that the cars in the houses cars into buildings type situation we go fairly often actually because we are city-wide so anywhere in this city or neighboring small cities that don't have a lumber cache they're going to call us and we're going to go out there and we'll do some Shoring we'll occasionally do it after fires as well if we know some occupies need to get back in there and get personal belongings or something an apartment complex where one side is uninhabitable but the other side maybe we can go in there and do some Shoring and get it to where they can get inside and get some stuff out or still live on half the building and the other half the building will find a new place for them that's awesome yep so a lot of effort was put into this building as far as architecture and these are some of the things you'll never see from downstairs and when I built that they knew that they knew you'd never be able to see this stone work from the ground the only way you're going to see is if you come up to the upper roof you get better view the tower here our signature Red Roof uh and a lot of really cold stone work here so if you've ever been to a boxing gym this one is quite unique in the fact that it's fully adjustable and it's really Stout this is if it is dated up top 19 teens so this is original to the fire station when we did boxing upstairs wow so here this door leads us back into the truck bay in our fallout shelter basement is here of course it doesn't get used as a true fallout shelter in a way that it once did but we are in kind of a tornado alley here me in Texas so it's not unheard of for the if the bad weather is coming through downtown or a tornado coming from downtown like it did back in the late 90s early 2000s that went straight through downtown uh this is where we all kind of ride out the storm okay once the storm passes we're back up and we're out on the streets all right also down here we have a tunnel that goes all the way over into the building I showed you earlier whereas our Bowman arson division is is housed so other than utilities today what we use that for is confined space training oh we're the primary confined space team for the city of Fort Worth um so if we ever do some training scenarios that's a great real world prop that we have I didn't hear what it was but I might jump on with them Mike back from you yeah they're going to the homeless border okay okay so we can go ahead and go upstairs uh all the business happens down here really and all the relaxation and fun stuff happens upstairs uh except in the chief's office you would kind of fall down there it's not always the funnest time staircase is incredible yeah it's really cool staircase and as you stand here and look you can see the wear marks uh you can see the dips in the tile from the years and years of steps have gone or years and years of feet that have gone up these stairs so it's it's uh we take we take some project stuff yeah we really like it so up here you have our main hallway uh down this dish this direction is a Chief's office and bedroom and that door at the end leads back onto the lower roof that we were at right there by where the ladder goes up to the upper roof uh going down this direction you have at the very end you have the station captain and right there you have the engine lieutenant and right here is a common work area with some computers to where you need to do some reports CES whatever you need to take care of us right in there okay nice uh this direction will be our dorm so this is sleep Recreation and lockers restrooms and things are over on that end all of our slide poles are behind doors one safety two air conditioning yeah air conditioning being the big one and I noticed those doors are labeled so that correlates to where the pole comes down that's right so for the most part it does uh so if you're riding a squad this will be your pull slide down unless like in my situation I'm driving so I'm on the other side so I would ride the truck pull okay either way yeah the squad ladder engine those are the pools there nice Behind These doors over here is our gymnasium right now I think it's team building physical fitness with pickleball we're going to take a look and see what they got going on so right here you can see we have a basketball that's awesome yeah uh so on the one side you can see we have a basketball court yeah uh we can also do the pickleball obviously we also have a volleyball net and our Hooks and a floor where we can secure the volleyball net on this side we play three wall racquetball okay so it's kind of a modified racquetball but we have the three wall on this side we need the racquetball on of course half court basketball that's awesome yeah yeah it's great for team building and uh rivalries between stations sometimes so sure it's good for that uh washer dryer back there recent renovation this has just been completed here now we have separate woman men female or female male restrooms upstairs okay previously we did not have that that was completed this month okay so that's brand new to us there uh Recreation here and this will be our kitchen Brad's in here making us dinner and uh two tables plenty of room for everybody and just to help you be oriented right there where a refrigerators are at that's the tall tower that we were looking at outside okay and then for secondary egress we have right here this is our porch goes out to the roof we're uh nice I really like the information board here just a little bit that's relatively new but it rotates through very cool did we miss anything cover I don't think so I don't think so either cool we missed Brad but we can't let him talk to the public he was begging me earlier to be on video [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] turn two go ahead sir I'm talking to the property red he said it's the construction stuff we're gonna go up and just take a look at it real quick you can hold whatever you want to hear discretion get coffee now we're gonna hold it [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so Dax we're in the bay at station two and you were telling me about some old call logs that you know of in the firehouse tell me about those and where they're kept yeah yeah so I'm newer here but you know the old guys you know when I got here they wanted to share all of their the history and and the tradition and everything and so one there's a tons of different rooms and little hidey holes and stuff in the station since it's like the second oldest station um in the city and it's been around for about 100 years yeah kept up 24 7. so they've they've kept a lot of their history with this place it's kind of unique to this this building that's really old 1930s so yeah the attic in here that we can and they've kept a bunch of stuff and want to share with you yeah the call logs there's uh purchase records call logs um blueprints to the scene a long time ago that are pretty fun to look for I wouldn't have known that it was here but they showed me all the stuff and that's real cool that is awesome I've never never seen this in a firehouse before so this is the biggest one this is 1959 recorded and they just kept these massive some stations still even keep the tradition up to this day we've got a couple around the city that still do so it's just um out on arrival origin yeah I mean there's just November 1959 District One all this all this cool stuff wow it's got a fire record there got blueprints old blueprints I don't even know how old these are old maps of the city maps bunch of History up here that's I would no one would ever know it's up here except for the guys passing down the the tradition and um hopefully it doesn't get forgotten up here we keep it alive and stuff like right yeah that is awesome thank you five pills no rebounds general rule and effect three in one hole you get to pick somebody to automatic hands long as long if you throw the pill and goes in the kitchen you're automatically in WoW and uh one Redemption throw for everybody unless it goes to the kitchen the the guy that throws in the kitchen he's automatically in but he gets one Redemption throw s oh wow [Music] [Applause] back in oh oh no what does that mean s oh my god oh is he talking your back swing all right anything by himself come on Daniel you know what to do you know exactly yeah hey we do have we do have an off shifter on this ship right now yeah you too me um thanks for playing always if you get if you get three pills again [Music] [Music] Pennsylvania Avenue one two three uh it appears to be clear at this time for security we're gonna go check it out and it's unoccupied the main clear alarm is one two three you can hold engine Trucking it's just about 9 30 at night and I am getting ready to bed down I've got this great bunk room all to myself it's got a half bath attached and this is in an area back behind the apparatus horror where the squad company has their bedrooms there's office spaces that have been converted over and so there's five rooms total back here so I've got my own place I don't have to be up on the second floor of the firehouse and have to take the polls tonight which is uh kind of nice so great it's nice and cool back here it's been a pretty steady day and I'm interested to see what the night will bring [Music] the Third Street [Music] equestrian Texas Street that's 76 David [Music] [Music] citizen Lipscomb Street and Nest Victory Boulevard this kind of state and just living good about it that's 76 can mean I've heard they they've already been cooking for a while there you go it's charging [Music] [Music] I don't know good morning from station two got a little bit of sleep last night overall this Firehouse had 13 calls yesterday so it was a pretty steady day and I'm off to start my second day with Fort Worth fire and I will see you in that video [Music] thank you
Channel: Eric Hurst
Views: 281,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fort Worth, Texas, Fire Department, Ride Along, A Day in the Life, Tour, Cribs, Fire Station, Firehouse, Firefighters, EMT, Tones, response video, Eric hurst, Engine, Truck, Tower, Squad, Rescue, Battalion, Emergency, Code 3, Lights and Sirens, what's inside, behind the scenes, overnight, Zigzag Moderne, Art Deco, Pierce mfg, SVI, tradition, downtown, big house, DFW, Tarrant County, rescue, Station 2, 911, real, vlog, fire pole, old school, bunk room, dinner, cooking
Id: BSHcb-d-bjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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