24 Facts Only Old Valorant Players Remember

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from the oldest version of ranks to going completely invisible and even the fact that the old ghost used to be the gold gun here are 24 things that only old players will remember starting with the background gameplay is actually a release version of Rey's back in beta and man did it go against everything Riot stood for the whole point is not killing with abilities but then they gave her two grenades look at this clip one grenade nope that's not enough I hate you two grenades just completely oppressive Reyes went a series of insane amounts of Nerfs and it's for good reason and even the second clip we gotta pause even her boombot used to look different there are a lot of things in this video but that's not the point the point was that the spike could get stuck inside the wall and on top of Ledges as well and completely be unable to be picked up again it was obviously game breaking in this case they could have picked up the spike and maybe won the game but no no no on top of that all old players will remember the fact that you used to be able to ride Viper's wall I've actually talked about this in a previous video so I don't want to repeat myself but I did want to show this clip in which this dude gets revenge on those exact bug abusers who were abusing the wall right just and I'm not gonna lie this dude did it in a bunch of different ways he was expecting them as you can hear there he had a perfect camera to make sure he knew they were coming he had his wires ready he had his uh cage ready and this dude was so fed up with bug abusers just listen to him this next one is actually mind-blowing so by using Nvidia overlay you were able to remove hood and if you did that it would actually remove the overlay that is flashes it saw the flashes as an overlay and made you immune to flash is absolutely game breaking and then what Ryan did is just made Nvidia completely not supported this next one would be hard pressed if you guys don't recognize it it's still like the top Reddit clip till today this is release right now she took the Valiant Community by storm she by default had four dismisses meaning even without her ultimate she was moving left and right like crazy but people didn't know how to fight her or what to expect and she came out as a fan favorite and continuously touted as broken besides our rain has always busted so busted it's a pro this next one takes me back it's the old valorant menu but more so old Valerian skins and what you're watching is my video on my main channel curios that this is this is OG that the Bulldog used to be called like the 3x Bulldog there used to be a ronin Bulldog the luck had variants that came in red it was just insane this is how Reaver used to look and in my opinion it looked kind of even better I used to love the OG River also Omen looked different just a bunch of bonus little things all in one little section man I I hope they bring back Ronin but following this guns used to also look different and most noticeably the Specter used to uh you know not have a silencer which is kind of wild it's because that Riot actually confirmed themselves that they played around with a removable silencer on the Specter also the ghost is what we now know today as the Gold's gun but also originated from the fact again they played around with removable silencers which is kind of mind-boggling but I I gotta leave you guys with one note look at the player icons bro what is this anyways moving from there there was also an invisibility bug yeah this one was busted and you're literally watching this race she just shot her rocket invisible and it's not a visual bike it was invisibility the the Phoenix couldn't see her no one could see her and happened after being Sage revived how are you invisible bro literally massive bug that was obviously game breaking but didn't happen too often it's obviously super comical but also game breaking Beta had some of the most game-breaking bugs Bar None speaking about beta these were the original ranks um besides the icon we had mercenary Soldier veteran hero Legend Mythic Immortal and then Valor radiant used to be called Valor that one most people know of it caused a lot of controversy especially in title and marketing but then look at this mercenary Soldier veteran Soldier looked cool it's like an inverted bronze slash ascendant hybrid veteran had a blue icon hero was just kind of what we know as Diamond that looked normal but Legend and Mythic completely different now I'm gonna be honest I actually liked how Mythic looked I think it was kind of cool not gonna lie I I personally like it I personally like it this next one they're both zero zero but he defuses a spike and dies at the same time and the game just ties up the round they both get rewarded a point can you imagine if you could literally tie rounds and valorant just crazy but it was a bug very similar to this one in which if jet dashed as you were jumping she would like boost you she literally head butted your ass forward and you got rocket launched absolutely crazy just I love it though I love it though there's so much Nostalgia the icons the Luxe red variant Vandal and the bug I mean can't go wrong here with this clip or this Aries that wouldn't stop shooting I mean literally if you dropped it it would continuously shoot it just it would keep shooting and it's even making hit markers but this next up is just as game breaking bro imagine getting fly flat by an Odin muzzle but you know what's even funnier is how it'd look in first person bro I mean literally what like what oh yeah you could also fall through the map but if you're a jet you'd able to hover slowly and still shoot people and the classic was way more accurate because look how far he was shooting from I feel this is a lot more than 24 but you know what it's okay they're all blending together at this point like the Specter the Specter used to be able to shoot way more accurately while running we could also tell split had Vines a lot of the graphics were very very different I think we're at like 30 plus at this point damn we're kind of on a roll here but there's a lot more to these clips the main one I mentioned is the fact that running and gunning was just way more accurate like everything in Balance was more accurate the Bucky right click was more accurate classic was more accurate Specter was more accurate everything was just way more accurate not to mention there's some nostalgia in the fact that you're watching an OG Ace and there wasn't even an a symbol yet that would come up like on the main screen oh okay or Phoenix Phoenix used to heal more by the way his fire would straight up heal more or you know the running gun I was mentioning yeah the Phantom also had it too what is that bro what is that the Run and Gun was insane or uh you know Jet Jet oh man Jet Jet Jet Jet Jet I mentioned a little bit of this but there's a lot to Jet one the instant Dash two the right click three she had three smokes each lasting way way longer and that made jet a total tank it's kind of crazy how long she stayed like this between the right instant Dash right clicks that would reset so much about her kit was absolutely insane and it's kind of mind-blowing now this is also nostalgic in itself just watching ASU absolutely pop off outside of popping off of course there's always the game breaking bugs like this one which you know when Ascent first came out uh Viper could kind of do this insane ultimate and it's it's it's cursed no no it's not like those weird normal op Viper ultimates to abuse no no it's cursed it's it's cursed like chunks weren't loading Minecraft style cursed you got your one way that only looked this way right if you're inside bam you can't see you can't see you can't see right I'm gonna run at you no okay I can't see but from this side I can see you just fine but then you also get to clear the the door the revolving door is cleared um you can also plant in there well it covered so many things a hell stays clear so you can still hold hell for when they're gonna jump down you can still jump Peak for info it's just kind of unlimited amount of breaking points in this okay it's not even done it's not even done ready ready wait for it wait for it wait for it if you held you can also see underneath generator or you could hide by just moving a little bit and all of a sudden bam you're hidden in the Smoke endless endless dude why does this not end as insane also I did want to mention vipers alt by the way and everything about Viper used to also harm her team like if you were on Viper's team and went into the smoke you would lose Health which is kind of crazy it's also crazy if you don't hit that subscribe button
Channel: Dittozkul
Views: 832,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valorant, Valorant Curios, Valorant Moments, Valorant Versus, Dittozkul, Dittoz, Valorant Crazy Customs, Valorant Stream, Dittozkul Streams, Dittozkul Twitch, Live Stream Highlights, Valorant highlights, Valorant streams, Valorant Radiants, Valorant Immortals, Valorant Diamonds, Valorant Platinums, Valorant Golds, Valorant Silvers, Valorant Bronze, Valorant Ascendant, Valorant Iron
Id: 5FoMtadMOUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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