$2300 Later, Some Corn Cut Down

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rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble it ain't gonna rain a lot when it gets here it's kind of i think the center of the front is right there it's just kind of swirling almost but it's about all it's doing about 2 300 later i hope the combine's fixed so this thing right here a little box here controls the two controls the two valves here for the left and lower for the header that's the header height control so we'll find out when i use it here but if this does solve the problem now though which i'm guessing it should but don't be surprised if it doesn't because it could be a unique situation then too so but if this does take care of it um we're gonna get the other box hopefully repair where to send it into board repair place to wherever the bad solder soldered whatever's wrong with the board whatever it's bad get that repaired and test it out put swap them back then put the old one back in make sure it works good then if that is the problem so either we'll just keep it as a spare on hand or resell it then i suppose but uh there's those control boxes deal with the chip shortage as well and everything but those control boxes i don't know if they're going to be obsolete at some point too that's the other problem too with some of this electronic stuff it's really any part in general but you know so that stuff can be obsolete and you can't get any more than something happens then well you might be have to be pretty lucky to find park to the salvage dealer maybe has one then but it's had this problem ever since we've had the combine but like this year actually kind of last fall too it was kind of doing it a bit too but um but the spring that's been really bad though you know where power cycle the key wasn't solving the problem when it usually every other year before that's what it would it would solve it but this year nope nope sometimes it takes a couple power cycles or you say the last time when i did it power cycle the combine i went back and i tapped on that box a couple times and i didn't have a problem since but i don't want to use it here next time here if it's going to do it at all anymore chunk of money but easy fix like that whatever sure fine i don't want it to be like the the drill the fan motor on the drill or it's just like you just spend time and time troubleshooting try this try to change this change that and not really spending money really it was hardly spent anything on it's just the time and the time and the more time what's going on over here oh i got a third of them here eat buds big buds yeah i know i got you guys corn yeah you yeah i know grouchy we've been bottle feeding him yet uh no not them we've been bottle feeding him and three other ones including buggy boos we've been bottle feeding four of them every morning for the past month yet so we're just about out of milk replacer and that's gonna be it they're just gonna have to just eat a little more corn that's about it yeah you're looking for the bottle i don't have a bottle at least you come up to me huh you're not really tame or anything yeah yeah oh yeah all the meat meat my buds meat the heck me buggy boo show them how it's done oh here we go couldn't hear me from down there or what hey bud it's about time here's you yeah here's the other guy here's the other one in bottle feed yeah you guys come right up here in the bugaboo middle one there you guys are gonna go on cold turkey without any milk soon here you're gonna run out but i'm glad him and uh that 855 drink out of the bottle right away so it saved us a little bit of headache some of them get some more milk yet yeah yeah you buds okay they're eating your corn yep you're you're the runt of the bunch kind of sort of oh i think he still has 878 beat yet where is he at always by that red calf over there i think you got him beat yet but there's that twin calf yeah little birdie you look pretty good look pretty good for what it's worth it's pretty much just a just a pet at this point can't sell her she ain't worth the darn can't butcher her because she's not much on her so it's like what do you do what do you do buds they're still getting more rain over there yet my pedals are going in front of the barn already i don't know how much rain we got 30 hundredths that's the most dream we had in quite a long time kitty what abby booper or balia ugh you're wet kid you got caught in the rain huh yeah you didn't know it was green either we got about uh um got 30 hundredths that storm and uh actually the old farm got got about uh got about a half inch so it took swath down flax to finally get some rain over there i mean our old farming is just six miles further west here that's had that's always had less rain over there no rain at all compared to the farm here so few years right but that's good though that's good so i could use more of i know it's a little bit places further east here a couple miles kind of where uh we put up that temporary fence i got an inch up there but it rained pretty hard so hopefully that'll help the beans out a little bit and uh and uh yeah the pasture up there too in the water that'll settle the dust but it's blasted hot again it's got 95 degrees yesterday and now we're gonna hit over 90 again today so hot tomorrow yet so it's uh yeah cooking the moisture away again just whatever do little bit we get to it just doesn't can't stick around so and here's the car north of the yard here you know these two fields look a lot better the one east of the yard is because of you know we have the cattle east of our yard all the time so it's a little more fertilizer than that burned up more on the lighter stuff but you can see the cobs you know starting to come they're really small right now but i can say it's very spotty here's the neighbors feel here too side by side [Music] you say it's really amazing for what the corn looks like right now yet even but you see it's burning up the bottom of the stalks are really even on his too they're really brown [Music] from there yeah of course burning up hey look at ours now the soil kind of gets a little light here too through a stretch here that really not gonna mount anything there and then rallies back up then yeah here's that land that got broken up that you know a couple were questing on it wondering about it yeah it looks way different this year it's kind of weird not making any hay on this this year it's kind of kind of weird but still have plenty of other stuff to do that it just didn't even bat an eye i got a bale up here to get so if i'm coming up here [Music] yep mowing down some of the corn here yeah like you really see it up here light soil and uh good yeah kind of a lighter hill but a lot of fertilizer up here from the cows yeah really burned up i mean we didn't even we didn't drill in any fertilizer here at all we spread a little bit you know on top but it wasn't much though but just all the fertilizer here from the cows it uh really burned on me it's pretty nice there yet and this drop low swept back there and of course the northern draw here too that's there yet so could amount to something but this field was pretty bad though would have used the shredder really but just for this little bit though it's like didn't want to get it out and everything so just use the mower too many nutrients here that just didn't do anything heck even the common mallow here this stuff always comes mad in the fall of the year here it's just even that stuff's struggling one thing that loves it is the kosha see there's some kosher here so cows will eat that stuff i don't know this is see this is i say the two fields up north they don't look nearly as bad as this field does but as i say before and i'll say it again it doesn't it's not saying much though everything's struggling we're just doing this you'll just pick and choose where to cut down we're taking video we're gonna leave some strips and uh yeah see what we can do here before it completely goes to waste it's kind of a bugger i'd rather use the shredder but just for that rink and dink and fiddling around it's like just use the mower hey this stuff's actually like six feet tall right here look at that yeah 30 minutes rain didn't last very long and then it's hot out right now and windy supposed to be windy all week i don't know why the grew on this hill floor that's surprising i don't know why i grew on this hill fort huh oh oh there it is there it is soil just drastically changes here a little bit it really becomes gravely then and from manure yeah this stuff is shot so yeah see where all that brown is that's pretty much all this stuff is i don't know how much dad's gonna do for sure just gonna pretty much do this hill and do with that part of that hill might leave some of it stand here you know i'll rake this up in a couple days i'm sure i don't know how much moisture it really has it's got a bit i think i should run it through a crimper or a shredder this is fine i would drive these this material is there won't be a problem that thing is cheap to run of course gotta run the rake over but take down pressure off the rake and and go slower and yeah it'll do a good job not to worry so that's why this field did really well the corn looks so nice here in 2019 so we had blizz toba roll through and pretty much level off a bunch of the corn over there and everything in the drifts and but i mean that was close i forgot what the numbers it was it was close to 200 well maybe not too well it would have been closer to 200 but you know we lost a bit from the snow but um but it did really good for this soil corn did absolutely fantastic because because all the all the manure that was on here and all the rainfall we got this the corn just thrived here but i don't get drought though it's stuff that stuff will burn up here i should say four and a half inches of total moisture this year for 2021 and you know this is what it does so and we were already really dry at the end of 2020 we were pretty dry on top of it so compounded pretty bad you know we had that rain two days ago it's just look at this that didn't even do anything i see a tiny bit of moisture here just a tiny bit i see a little bit of darker discoloration there that's it that's it oh soil is just loose [Music] a little patch here where there was a lot of residue here you see this you must have had a corn stover bale here before last winter and in a bale feeder here that's what it looks like looks like a bale feeder was sitting here a lot of uh residue here and look at this corn here a little green patch here got cobs here got cops coming on this little patch that actually a lot of extra residue here kept the moisture in the ground a little bit unbelievable oh that's funny i mean this really is gonna amount to too many bales either much it's a bummer it's a shame especially prices are now it's like man it seems typical though you have high prices you have droughts you have abundance of crops usually low prices right that's kind of common sense really so i remember the corn down here in 2019 was like 15 feet tall here close to it right where i'm going and now it's maybe six or seven here for the healthiest looking corn i see here look at that cob coming here and ain't seen much yeah this is stuff that plant's probably seven and a half foot tall there one of the plants in there but man this was really tall here two years ago but stark contrast
Channel: Farming 4G
Views: 3,347
Rating: 4.9550562 out of 5
Keywords: farming, 4g, rancher, tractors, new, holland, farmer, massey, ferguson, north, dakota, cow, calf, cat, truck, semi, crops, cattle, agricultue, wheat, flax, durum, soybeans, case, ih, agco, allis, polaris, arctic, ford, simmental, angus, simangus, saler
Id: bhLT83bhnaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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