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[Music] imagine the following scenario you face with a robber and all you have is a pen in your pocket what do you do start writing your will not if your pen is the P shot pen shot it fires a p compound similar to Pepper spray you can defend yourself from a Mugger effectively at a distance of up to 9 M away plus if things get physical the pen serrated edge will be quite handy the pav shot pen shot is priced at [Music] $149 now let's talk about this Wonder hoodie yes that's actually its name this remarkable piece withstands Cuts punctures and even fire there's no hidden magic here the creators achieved this toughness thanks to their Innovative swx fabric this hoodie comes in a unisex Style with seven different size options and it's priced at [Music] $795 to enhance your personal safety many sellers offer telescopic batons they're usually quite affordable for instance on a Chinese website you can get a set of three batons for just $12 moreover you can conveniently carry these batons in these Universal holsters customers who purchase these holsters will be pleased with their 360° rotation capability they're also versatile as the standard model can accommodate batons up to 66 cm in length each holster is priced at approximately [Music] $12 Envy has made quite an impact in the fashion accessory world with this bracelet it appears entirely normal yet it conceals a rather unpleasant surprise inside the bracelet is a capsule containing an extremely foul smelling substance in the event of an attack all you have to do is take the bracelet push the button and pull it this action will release the contents of the capsule deterring the as salum with the stench the bracelet is priced at $74 it might seem a bit costly considering it's designed for onetime [Music] use have you seen peaky blinders in the show characters can seal blades in their flat caps the creators of the gotcha cap did something similar but in a usual baseball cap instead of a blade the brim conceals a unique self-defense tool it lacks sharp edges but it's useful for both striking and blocking blows you can buy the gotcha cap for $45 [Music] the creators of this knuckle duster have reminded buyers about some military history episodes the Tool's design resembles the handle of a trench knife similar to those used in World War I besides their historical significance these brass knuckles also offer a practical feature a built-in bottle opener additionally these Knuckles come in a compact size measuring 8X 7 cm and have an affordable price of [Music] $18 there are plenty of self-defense items like pepper sprays brass knuckles pens and more but they can be easily overlooked when leaving home that's why knife came up with a different idea hiding a knife in a smartphone case the knife with a 5.4 cm long blade is designed for easy gripping even in the dark however the kickstarter campaign didn't succeed possibly due to the price tag the creators were asking $89 for a set containing the knife and a [Music] sheath another interesting Discovery can be found in the martial arts category on Amazon you can get this shield for just $80 it's designed to be versatile with a primary emphasis on self-defense as a result it's on the shorter side measuring just 47 CM this compact size allows it to easily fit into various briefcases bags and backpacks additionally it's suitable for both right and left-handed users and it's quite lightweight weighing in just 700 [Music] g the rap company is developing devices to enhance criminal apprehension for instance the bowler wrap can immobilize a fleeing Criminal by firing a Kevlar cord it's effective from a distance of up to 8 m and reloads in about 6 seconds US law enforcement agent agencies are already using the bowler wrap and it's being shipped to 59 countries you can buy the bowler wrap 150 for [Music] $100 the folks behind tactic key have a simple message safety is a state of mind they believe that wearing this accessory will serve as a constant reminder to stay vigilant tactic key is a device that transforms a regular key into a self-defense tool unlike brass knuckles and similar items it doesn't draw much attention and it weighs less than a gram despite its unassuming appearance the enhanced key is so effective that the makers confidently pric the tactic key at [Music] $13 the seon 180° backpack has your back quite literally you might have assumed it was armored but the makers did something even cooler this backpack features a camera with smart AI algorithms that keeps an eye on what's Happening behind you if it spots anything unusual it'll send a notification to your smartphone on top of that the backpack packs a 20,000 mAh battery and a solar panel for recharging you can pre-order the seon 180° for [Music] $443 meets the Dapper Defender a comb that can also pack a punch this concealed self-defense weapon is budget friendly priced at just $10 despite its affordability it boasts an 11 cm long Blade with a total length of 23 cm it's compact enough to fit into many women's handbags you could give them as gifts to your friends just like the seller [Music] recommends finger sling shots may be small but they can pack quite a punch some are even marketed as hunting slingshots a slingshot weighing just 35 GRS can launch a projectile at an initial speed of 50 m/ second many sellers also mention that it's quite enjoyable to shoot with these slingshots the fact that they can easily fit in your pocket means that you can carry a couple at once and set up a friendly [Music] composition the hyper whistle rightfully claims the title of the world's loud lest whistle it produces over 142 DB of sound this whistle is so loud that it's used on American aircraft carriers that was actually commissioned by the US Navy it took more than 2 and 1 half years to develop but the end result is a whistle that's effective even underwater you can purchase it for a reasonable $15 a trucker from the USA came up with this concealed whip the clever part is that it's hidden in the belt or shoulder strap catching attackers by surprise the advanced whip is crafted from steel cable while the basic version uses nylon and is great for practicing strikes or deterring dogs the shoulder strap with a steel cable is priced at [Music] $89 [Music] Stinger is a keychain that can help you in encounters with aggressive individuals it'll prove handy in various situations as it features a siren a glass breaker and a cutter the siren sound is claimed to carry up to 183 M the key Chain's design is so unique that it was patented it's powered by three LR44 batteries and is a available for purchase at $25 the stun gun 519 is marketed as professional self-defense equipment this model comes with a built-in flashlight to potentially blinds the as salant it's knuckle duster shape design ensures a secure grip furthermore it's quite compact measuring 7.6 6X 9 cm the stun gun packs enough power to immobilize an attacker for several minutes you can purchase it for [Music] $1 saber has introduced an interesting innovation in pepper spray after being used it automatically sends a message with the location coordinates to any preset contacts this functionality is enabled by connecting the spray to a smartphone via Bluetooth you can manage your contacts using the official app which also includes a panic button additionally saber offers a subscription service where data is sent to a 24-hour call Center employee who can notify the police this pepper spray is priced at $30 effective up to 3 m and can be used up to 25 times [Music] Joe Caswell is a highly versatile individual he's skilled in guitar and piano fencing Shooting Sports and holds a journalism degree notably Caswell is well regarded among knife enthusiasts for inventing and crafting unique models the crkt provoke is a prime example with its remarkable kinematic opening system the blade is connected to the handle via two levers and when folded it creates a protrusion pressing on it allows the blade to extend without contact with your fingers however the crkt provoke comes with a price tag of [Music] $200 secure what matters most most fortify your do defense suggest the door bll creators surprisingly most doors in modern houses are so vulnerable that an adult can force them open in under 4 seconds the door bull system eliminates the elements of surprise for homeowners granting them more time to contact the police this system is suitable for doors that open inward and features a simple installation you can purchase it for $40 strobe Defender claims to offer the world's best strobe and siren with a power bank according to the creators this technological Wonder shines brightly with 990,000 lumens and alerts those nearby with a loud 140 debel sound the power bank's capacity is a bit modest at 4,000 Milah hours but it can conveniently attach to the back of your smartphone the price of the strobe Defender is [Music] $39 when an attacker demands money they probably won't be shocked if the victim reaches for their wallet however this wallet is designed with safety in mind crafted from Aerospace grade up aluminium it's so robust that not even 9mm caliber weapon can pierce it you can rely on this Wallet not only to carry up to seven cards in a stack of cash but also your keys and it blows are certainly strong as evidenced by the damaged [Music] watermelon [Music]
Channel: TechZone
Views: 1,780,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inventions, gadgets, technology, tech, techzone gadgets, techzone, cool tools, cool inventions, incredible inventions, camping inventions, construction technologies, construction gadgets, cool gadgets, construction, satisfying, satisfying video, road inventions, handyman tips and tricks, tools, concepts, mobile homes, car inventions, garden inventions, tech zone, 22 gadgets, gadgets protect you, Invi Bracelet, SEEON 180°, Dapper Defender, Finger Slingshot, BeltWhip, CRKT Provoke
Id: rB9L6mRgeeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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