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Channel: TechZone
Views: 537,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inventos, avances, futuro, curiosidades, del mundo, accidente, listas, tops, casero, inventos que no sabias que existian, facil, energia, regalos, mujeres, caseros, cocina, increibles, top 5, top, cosas, extrañas, personas, top 10, mas, sabias, Pavashot Penshot, Wonder Hoodie, Baton and Baton Holder, Invi Bracelet, Gotcha Cap, Trench Bottle Opener, Knyphe, BolaWrap, Tactikey, SEEON 180°, Dapper Defender, Finger Slingshot, Hyperwhistle, BeltWhip, CRKT Provoke, Door Bull, Strobe Defender
Id: 6h1OJ42qwjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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