215 bodies found in unmarked graves behind Mississippi jail

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Factor Uncensored, an unsettling situation in Mississippi. Jackson, Mississippi, to be exact. It's been revealed 215 bodies were buried in unmarked graves behind a state jail in Jackson. Of course, attorney Ben Crump is now calling for an investigation. Families of the dead reportedly had no idea until last month. Some of them, those gravesites were only labeled by a number and a metal rod joining us to talk about it. Activists are Arthur Silky, slim Reed, who also works with Ben Crump. So Arthur, this started with Dexter Wade's case back in March. Right. He was an individual who was hit by a police officer and his family thought he was simply missing, but he was dead and buried and no one notified them. Well the thing about it is that he had identification on him. Isaiah and the medical examiner gave it to the lead detective, who said he called and didn't get an answer, and they didn't worry about doing anything else. Um, what we are finding in Isaiah is that Mississippi is Mississippi. It's an ugly Mississippi. And this is sad because now we have six other individuals that has been put into this same grave. And if you look at the video from when we first went to that site, that site buzzards were flying overhead and we were trying to figure out why are the buzzards flying over here? But it's because they're putting them in shallow graves. And the only thing that they're putting them in is a body bag without embalming the bodies. So the stench from the bodies are drawn . Buzzards there. It's so inhumane for anybody to do any one like that. Isaiah is just horrible, is what we can say. And that's not even a word that we should use in a situation like this. It's something that we haven't seen. And what we're seeing here is over 200 people in this, what they consider a pauper's grave behind the county jail. There And what you guys are learning in your investigation is many of these families were never called, were never notified. Many of them still think their family members or thought their family members were simply missing. But they were dead and buried and never got a call from any investigator or any law enforcement official. Authorities in Jackson, Mississippi. That's right. And one of the things that we face by being Mississippi is that, um , they thought that we were playing the race card. We have white clients as well. They were white people that were buried the same way. Um, Isaiah and any human being that's buried the way that they are burying these individuals, it says a lot about the people that's doing this. Um criminal act. And the only thing that we're asking, because people always look at us when we're out fighting for civil rights of individuals, the only thing that we're asking in this case, we want you to do the right thing and give them a humane burial. And the city is you know, so it's crazy, Isaiah, to see something like that. It's 20, 23. It's not 1940, but to see them just dumping bodies in a grave like that. And no name, just a number. So they'll say, well, number 13, that's Arthur Reed. Um, number 21 is Isaiah Kerry. But we don't really know until we get the remains and then the remains, um, had decomposed. So bad. We just have to take them at their word. And when you look at the story, they told us that they would, um, exhume this body at 12 noon. But they ended up taking this young man, Dexter Wade, out of the ground at 630, 7:00 in the morning. They say we were not going to allow them to embarrass us with those cameras. If you're not embarrassed by what you're doing, it's shame on you. Absolutely incredible. Now you guys, uh, along with Ben Crump and I think attorney Dennis Sweet, you all are asking for a federal investigation that the feds come in and take a look at this and see exactly what's going on, because there's some questions as to Dexter Wade's death when he was hit by the police officer. What ever happened with the officer in this case? And why wasn't his family ever notified that he was dead? And not just a missing person? So bottom line, you want an investigation, right? We think many civil rights were violated in Dexter Wade's case. Um, not. No, no notifying the family by bringing him without permission. Um when you knew who he was, that's that's the key issue right there. You knew who this individual was. And if you look at the Dexter Wade case, um, it's sad, but Dexter Wade, Uncle was killed by Jackson police, and they knew the family because they was involved in a ongoing lawsuit with that family, with attorney sweets, who you're talking about. So this is very, very, very troubling for us to for you to know this family already and for you to do something like t
Channel: FOX 26 Houston
Views: 1,047,753
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Keywords: isiah-factor-uncensored, kriv, Isiah Carey
Id: 3C9Yv41OjGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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