[2/13/21] cool

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foreign messy i'm not sure is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] fine [Music] is [Music] uh queen of hearts try to get away have some sense of space have some sense and change has to be this way has to be this way oh god i didn't even notice at the time when i am i'm not on my phone i'm not scrolling twitter hi hello what is up cheyenne they go to four months welcome back gracie with the three yogi the kidding with the four and cody things in 26 months welcome back hello everyone it's really bright in my room right now hi this is my first time watching your stream lonely welcome to the stream hi i'm jody if you don't know who i am um let's see the stream usually goes like this we sit and just chatting for a bit of time um and i just kind of catch up with you guys say what's going on with my life you tell me about going on yours and then we usually hop well actually we always hop into a game um but yeah so today i'm gonna be playing monopoly with some of the girls um it'll be a [Music] okay it is iman celine sydney jamie janet ray lilly me i think i don't i did not forget anyone so it'll be fun i'm gonna be honest i've really never really like i never really played monopoly growing up and i don't really understand you don't have to play monopoly but like whatever [ __ ] and then after monopoly i'm gonna go play some valorent yeah leslie couldn't kimmy couldn't um but yeah so we're gonna we're gonna play some monopoly today i don't really yeah it's gonna be a long-ass game i remember i tried playing monopoly a long time ago on stream and i still don't know what it how to do it and i actually remember we didn't even finish it so i have a feeling you know maybe we won't finish it i don't know i don't know we'll see but uh you know whatever worth this worth of shot try yes voodoo think about the seven months alistar i'm excited for the think of the 17. appreciate they have the 17 months in a row every time i get bored like an hour and monopoly and stop the thing is i just like don't i don't know what monopoly is like i remember holding the money when i was younger and like moving across the board but i don't really remember like doing anything so i think you said you didn't enjoy it at the time and then you stopped well let's find out we'll see yeah um fantastique think of the touchdrive's up thanks for using that on me welcome to the jv monopoly so complicated wait is it really wait that monopoly is like a party game this lighting though i know sorry it's really bright in my room i can um if it's too bright just let me know i'll i'll close my curtains um sophie think you're the three men's cub wub think of the tier one self thank you so much for the support welcome to the jade brigade yes auntie they go to the four months zachary james with the two bubble reaper they go to the two cody with the a thank you for the twitch for himself welcome sleep chucky you look like an angel or a berry in this lighting i just want to be fair okay literally last night i was like what is stopping me from being a fairy bro like just buy a mystical dress and some fairies and a crown and like just do it for yourself and so i did um and yeah everything's coming in like a month and i'm gonna be a fairy for no reason for no other reason than to just why not you know okay whatever it's not even like i can go outside like i can't even like go outside like whatever i'm doing it anyways um hell fell well together 25 months eggsy thank you the 100 is you two john joe you think of the 300 bits hello hope you're doing well ali d with the four months haley and she is a tier three sub welcome welcome to the journey thank you so much for the support um i hope you enjoy your time here i have to get to know you a little bit better welcome salvador gave you 11 months if you thought pummel party rng was bad you're in for some trouble [Music] like really no okay that's fine as long as i know beforehand i can eventually prepare all right okay that's fine yeah no it's fine as long as i okay monopoly is luck based [ __ ] it's just a rule of dice you don't get the chance to redeem with the game oh [ __ ] [ __ ] okay okay i will okay dropship game thing with the five months what are the top five animes if you watch any okay promise ireland attack on titan akatuki no yana made sama is it an like can i say like howl's moving castle does that technically count i wouldn't say that's technically counting as an anime it's an animation ah yeah i'm counting it those are my top five um gekkos necco sorry i didn't mean to say duck necklace thank you for the two years welcome back hope we're doing all things serious before i really usually think of the 34 months i hope we're doing well i like how everything matches here thanks does it i mean right actually i guess i'm kind of pink and white right now we're a lot of pink and white who are the girls me amon celine ray janet sydney jamie lily eight total newberg thank you for the ten gifted subs welcome everyone thank you so much thank you thank you thank you for the 10k kids itself if you just gotta get this out i hope you enjoy your time here um welcome uh see you don't think of the 16 months tutorial the ten grape is a food they're the five ones we're doing all hello mel they got the 26 months of two two sub welcome back jodo so happy to be subbed to you and spamming your emails and everyone's stream and discord maybe the 13th honestly i was i'm thinking about getting my emotes redrawn because right now they're just like me i don't know i'm wondering if i should have them redrawn with pink hair i'm debating right now uh do you have any egg yolks i don't how do you have an egg yolk isn't that an egg yolk is it is an expression you should okay i'll probably will then yes are your teeth so white um in the same way that like this is like too it like the exposure is really high my teeth like the camera whitens my whites because like of exposure and contrast and all that stuff and so my teeth eye and my teeth are like kind of white i mean like my teeth okay my dentist says i have naturally whiter enamel but like i don't think my teeth are that white like i look at um they're not yellow they're not yellow they're just not like perfectly like i could definitely get my teeth whitened but just know like my camera changes a little bit about like color saturation and all that egg yolk's just acting cute right it's like it's it's like an expression like you're acting like an egg you're like a baby almost like and it's like do you have any egg yolks i mean i don't know how do i how do i have an egg you know berries think of the two choices of welcome nick right there the two times up welcome both of you thank you so much prodigy productions here with the two years think of the two months ethanol dom think of the six um i have no idea what that is some link and i'm not gonna click on it floating cucumber i think three months ikea bed frame gate yeah anybody else got the same bed frame ikea mom anybody i do i just don't have the drawers underneath it um because we actually ordered the wrong size and then i had to return them and now i just don't have them but yeah anybody i have it i think a lot of people have this to be to be fair but i said there aren't enough people for monopoly how we have a group of eight wait what do you mean i don't know hello i came from ray's channel and i had to check you out because you were so funny you're also favorite thank you welcome to the stream yeah so my stream kind of looks like this we i just started uh 10-ish minutes ago and so all i i pretty much sit here and i um chat with you guys for about maybe 30 minutes to an hour every stream and then i jump into a game so right now we're just hanging out we're chatting i get to know a little bit more of my community and then um yeah we're going to play some monopoly monopolies yeah i thought i'm pretty sure we have over invited there's only six bucks [Music] they said two groups i mean to be fair oh okay some of us are in the discord already i'm gonna go in there and see what's up you know hello someone gets bored so i heard that monopoly we overrided or yes okay it doesn't make any sense this is my worst nightmare no no how many how many people oh my god oh my god lily just backed out okay okay she said she said that she has to finish something she doesn't have time this is okay okay and i'm i am willing to i am also you know i'm willing i'll say you would rather play ballerina i would rather play violent i can't wait but i don't feel that's bad like if you guys actually you know would be down to play something else i don't feel as bad but if you don't actually then i feel you know so i want you to be honest you want to play yeah like do you do you want to play or do you know i want to play monopoly because ray invited me and i want to play with ray you know i would play any game of rainbow whatever it is yeah i'm not here for the monopoly i'm here for the girls so like if you guys want to do something else i'm so down but if you want to play monopoly i'm also very down or like i said willing to did you like that bellheim game 3 it um it's i i think it's a great game i just don't know if it's very stream friendly i see yeah it's very it's i loved it actually but i i would much rather play off stream than on stream it gets it gets pretty grindy sometimes but it's really fun it's really fun shut your ass up satan papa party if i see people partying my chat one more [ __ ] time huh i'm on installing this stupid game don't even i'm ptsd oh my god i'm unmuted oh my god oh my god you know we shouldn't do pummel party [Music] [Music] we are working things out wait what are we working out i apparently it's eight people in real life but online it's only six people back people in real life yeah it's eight people on the switch too apparently let's see what else could we play i don't i don't have an i don't have seven that works either i have a switch but we have a surplus of people well lily lily backed out uh she had she had something else to do so we have seven people playing we have i'm leaving a review we could try a random game together i'm super dumb i'm doing it yeah this is why i think of the fight now sometimes the people that you think are wrong um looking at my steam library that sounds incredibly deep i just don't understand i cannot believe i just [ __ ] on the public party in front of thousands of people um oops what is seven people daisy is seven oops i uh started together i don't starve together sleepy sleep junkie think of the five get themselves thank you so much welcome everyone um [Music] get more people if you don't don't but i'm down i think i have it but and then there's jack box i don't even i'm not gonna suggest jackpots but like again do you guys have table tops in nothing just wrap ice wrap there's wraps i i i do have table top i think i have tabletop as well monopoly on table top sim not opposed to it you could i'm down for whatever i'm also down for whatever i'm literally here for you guys i'm also here for you guys just lean me in the thank you um as long as it's not football yeah i just realized i don't have bubbles anyone got bubbles i have bubbles i do [Music] i can't even believe i was on mute i can't believe i was unmuted i am rarely unneeded i rarely i really do that player game fast go go go go go go go go never never ever this girl only knows [Music] okay should we just play scribblio for a bit until we figure it out oh sad no no no no you know stuff like this happens minecraft now like i i feel lost now because i like to have things planned ahead it's not doing a party time i feel like i need [Music] [Music] do you think that board games are called board games because you lay them on a board but also because you play them on the board stupid jamie jamie if you have time leave it to me on steam i got donut my family online but like six players but in real life you got eight people are you you left a review no but i want to because there's a reason why it has mixed reviews and i think this is why yeah probably cuz what kind of like it's stupid it's stupid not the exact same highlighter thank you i'm cool but dumb retweeting you're the one that bitties want to hear joke about peace but never mind it's terrible this is better in my head jukie think of the two ones up patrick with two times yeah every time i play maple it's with like one or two people i never had like a huge group i can't even remember my login and photo map story every time but i love people's story i think you guys like people we're missing a solid eight player game i am dead by yes the game of life is on steam and it has very positive reviews [Music] [Music] [Applause] messenger thank you for the six charlie you stink wow massively multiplayer massively multi ceiling you remember that farming game [Music] we could start a mmo together you guys honestly online yeah like like start a trend shall we just starting to move together golfing two goal golfing guys my friends golfing is so fun oh this has a max of 20 people oh but i've played this before i never played golfing okay what could we possibly do well it's called golf party i think an mmo i mean an mmo might be really fun you know i'm just throwing that out there are you available for like have you guys played final fantasy 14 or the first two oh my god i do i would personally recommend guild wars 2 as john what is it about man there's a game called potato party but it's not um [Laughter] uh what's up courtney have you heard about peter's unfortunate slip-up yes he messaged me davey [Music] it's max eight people in real life but online it's six people streaming deadass it doesn't matter why would you leave it what are you gonna hang out yelling oh my god chat come on like someone suggest a game like um they keep saying party you know yes i suggest games [Music] [Music] i don't think we can play mario okay um last minute girls podcast wait what about why don't we have phone names that's eight people right set code name online code names almond oh [ __ ] sorry janet where do you play things oh um evelyn think of the two trips up make three shifty things four months king quack these are two years welcome back silly signal four okay so this is the thing hafu showed me and she always says not to show chat the the browser of it and i don't know why maybe like you just don't want it maybe it's people will like crash the room yeah i don't know so i'm going to give them the whole website maybe i don't i i if you guys do f11 it hides yeah so you do this and then you click f11 don't show the okay okay i oh okay this is anxiety yeah anxiety inducing i'm a little scared anxiety did someone create a game already um i'll create one okay so you don't show the url yes okay okay so press f11 okay so okay silly thank you for the four months bam [ __ ] boozled thinking to try myself man i think of the 26 months do lunatic oh okay thank you for the two more months elena thank you for the 100 and thank you welcome to vanessa oh oh pog okay cool all right i'm in okay i'm in very cool very cool um um no vanessa i can't man bang marzita think of the three minutes um crowd laughing with you once up is not welcome scribble yeah [Music] oh my god display capture gives me anxiety okay i'm kind of scared okay so okay so just window capture do i need to do f11 yeah you can also alternatively do window capture and crop out yeah you can crop out the top the top yeah but you'll have to do that in studio mode so people don't see it okay it's gonna sound like a stupid question um where is f11 because i don't have a regular keyboard like where you know like 11 is on dash yeah thank you what i don't i don't have the and three more to the right for me okay i got i it worked with dash oh okay interesting perfect okay so now oh i'm in does it leaking the bubbles text do anything because i kind of actually leaked the bubbles no that's about it okay cool oh no no okay so after 11 i am fine to show the screen just making sure yeah yeah as long as people can't see the url you're good got it your icon's so crazy i'm a little scared jody why what your icons are oh thank you i love it she's so nice she really does love it no i really like what i want to look like okay um i'm going to put this i'm telling you we should all bring one more together we could get one more or i don't know or here a message here's happy cozy who typed the password as their name two people did that [Music] [Music] think that they don't even know where to put the you know they don't know where to put the passwords but they're not like yeah they don't even know where we are we can't find it like another pap man that would help i think that because they don't have the link to the website it doesn't matter yeah okay but there is a person other of course there's two people from all it's freaking me okay it wasn't just you moon number five more huh i let me let me ask who made your discord boyfriend picture um i retweeted it on my i don't remember the i think it's like starts with the b they're using themselves at the b it is um on my twitter yes i retweeted it you'll be able to find it basically joined with our password the screen is kind of small well i don't really know where it goes [Music] okay oh okay okay okay wait um can i go pee first i'll be right there okay okay okay this is i've been feeling a little bit better okay this is good it's good we recovered okay we're recovering all right how would you guys like to do the teams we can randomize you just randomize it you could do by alphabetical order wait wendy needs to get in here first church church what does lfg mean i thought it meant looking for games i also i think it does there's zombies okay hi oh no i saw someone say like lfg but looking for looking yeah but in a context where it has nothing girlfriend okay right lsg let's [ __ ] go oh yeah what's the context now i really want to know don't worry about it damn show bomb hide bomb yeah we can click randomize after every game okay sorry my alerts which is going to be yeah why don't we just randomize it yeah it doesn't matter i'm waiting for it oh okay so to use this site so be careful because if you click spymaster and you're not the spymaster you're gonna see the answers [Music] yes i put it in you either crop the url or um f11 f11 first first yes this is fine i'm a little stressed but this is fine suspicious think of the twitch try himself welcome to the jb thank you for the support f up vkp thank you very much hello okay if you click spy master you'll switch the color right okay you could open a new tab first and then and then show it and crop it i think you need to change the title of my stream i don't have a title that's why i saved my title cool because i'm stealing my banana bread oh what my cat is stealing my bananas oh what the heck sneaky sneaky little bugger [Music] banana [Music] so is it just the top that i can't share [Music] maybe we just picked the person in the top yeah okay am i on the top we are all on the same wavelength yes jamie you are on top okay this is a [ __ ] show i'm here for it nah no i think there's a time rolls on the bottom right oh yeah okay oh yeah so i just want to clarify because i just learned how to play this game the last like i don't know a while ago so okay okay i'm spymaster i need to get my team to guess the words in red but not the word in black and not the words in blue yep yeah yes the black square if your team guesses it then you just insta lose if they guess a blue car then the other team gets a point i'm not going to lie it's kind of like reading a textbook on screen i can't like look at these words very well [Music] drawings eagles i mean i'm down i'm down to draw i'll just go from there we go i'll just stare at this until i get it but we go i think this is easier than the bubbles i my actual name is bella well hello bella masturbating with 10 months brandon with the eight minutes and you're not going to sleep with 16 months welcome back until you guys think of a word unless you're ready then i'm ready oh hey okay yeah red goes first sorry sorry sorry it's gonna be a little loud wait i'm changing i'm blue [Music] okay you can type sauteed pineapple thing with the 13. and for everything with the five kids itself welcome everyone okay are you guys ready [Music] i will link this um i i did it oh you did it yeah okay [Music] what's up busy marks oh for sure ban we for sure click banned did it it's like oh yeah oh you can click yeah okay i'm clicking trying i yellowed it oh let's go do you guys want a yolo a vote yeah yeah okay okay [Music] wait what wait we should pick a word that's really hard you know true like psycho okay well actually smuggler yeah i was thinking i was even thinking smuggler pole would maybe be hard actually [Music] what if we get the black card and then we lose yeah that's the yolo part all right [Applause] [Applause] over yeah it's in the middle and it's weird so it's actually perfect i don't know how sick would you talk i would have cried if that was the black light because i had it was the like death yeah i was i just do the math it's like one out [Laughter] [Music] how do i end my turn i can stop right top right oh oh okay it won't let me press and turn oh there you go there you go oh i guess we have to do with the players mechanic too okay okay panic oh parts might be china that's true that one's pretty good trunk ruler circles my needle like a mechanical i would have picked all the places where mechanics could live [Music] panic honestly trunk or staff for me yeah leaning trunk but i oh trunk what are we listening to our code names wouldn't she have just said car or something maybe do you think staff because yeah [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] oh no [Music] [Laughter] okay wait it's not staff no no that's definitely our word it must be trunk it must be trunk then yo what the hell didn't you get your word yet okay so i was gonna say that i'm not anymore so one second says it we're so behind okay but come back season you know if you guys yeah we're gonna need like eight i'm gonna get excited to think as well you can do so oh yeah yeah each other we're blabbering away yeah okay brb okay trunk honestly i thought it was staff for you guys i can't believe it's not staff i never learned wait how does staff has like a staff that's like working with you i think you guys are like a [Music] i didn't get stabbed i was thinking circle ruler and trunk more than anything but angled on that hmm [Music] it's a lot of work i like it's fun it's fun i like the challenge yeah it is hard to go next it's very stressful especially when they start talking about the words that yeah they start confusing your teeth at least this way like we can't give it away with the like the reactions yeah yeah true oh my god i have to look away from everybody i'm cracking under pressure right now guys i'm cracking it it's really good one word you're weighing so wait what happened we have a dc oh we have a dc oh um i tried to deafen but my death and mouse is oh it's also ultimate four that's fine how did that happen utc too no i was joking oh i wasn't sure how you're pushed to talk to me the password is your name you guys oh my god okay everything is a mess how do you play this game but you're on the wrong team you're almost two oh wait no you can you can just join right you just join blue or something [ __ ] it says she's on both why are there two [Music] it's like registered her twice maybe it's like a ghost no because we leaked the password so isn't it someone okay okay so cindy you think it will work this is so hard i'm just gonna give you one okay that's right yeah that's fine you guys can slow it down slow it down for us yeah slow it down you know the most um so bdsm for one oh geez what oh wow are we allowing acronyms i don't think we allow acronyms in general okay [Music] i thought north [Music] oh god i don't know if it's that straight forward or if it's like five head i don't know oh there's also like a a trip what would jamie think paul you guys want to do poll i don't know i was wrong last time should we click trunk to see if it was right from last night yeah yeah right boom ready yeah do it okay okay okay okay you guys click undercover gives you scandalous ones i think she thinks about north poles because penguins are cute okay all right i trust your judgment ray really yeah i trust myself okay oh i'm gonna i'm gonna touch it i'm gonna touch it touching it okay no wait no i don't shut it no yeah you can touch it i'm touching it oh it's that's just neutral okay okay oh my it might have been working okay okay wendy's on the same wavelength as jamie sweeney yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so you guys have the same brain yes another level where am i all right can you bring it home where am i like twenty think of the five once casual music you may think of the ten welcome back thank you so much thank you the support sydney say yeah oh hi yes the little handsome space they're running it might be actually running cold very cold huh there's so many cool things like that there are many hawks live in the cold one okay berlin is cold i'm ready okay okay bird star for two okay good thing okay okay we didn't star for two that is uh there's a lot of uh chinese pop stars like star smitten but she's trying to like use five headaches star wars she looks like what star [Music] my next guess is either circle or china oh i was thinking circular war okay why war i was just thinking star wars i feel like war could be their word because cold war [Music] yes wait what is happening yeah [Music] um we got space already sorry i just had to make sure that this is technically a circle yeah so jody was thinking circle or china i'm thinking circle or war i can kind of see china also china is the flag yeah i think yeah the flag yeah but yeah i thought it's on y'all i don't i um i like it all i like them all circle china war work but then i'm also scared that circle is mechanic but ruler could also be really yeah well then trunk their mechanic did they have two oh true trunk and part unless those i mean we could have guessed a random word yeah we could do circular china because let's leave war out okay i am my vote on china my votes on china too actually okay let's go let's do china nice oh nice okay big brain all right jamie give us a fiver okay i'm gonna end our turn right i'll give you a yeah wait do we need a fiver um i think why they're last words what the facing for the three thank you so much appreciate it life but only six i think online so it was so tense okay um cucumber three [Music] right um you put cucumbers in your mouth yes yeah fruit you do do you want to click or eat it and you eat cute numbers on dates should we click mouth first eat cucumbers honestly i would put eagle and hawk yeah because they eat cucumbers also exist in berlin yeah cucumbers are popular cucumbers are in the shape of a ruler lengthwise like pirates to survive cucumber cucumber lengthwise the roller coaster [Music] should i click it i i i think i agree with mal because you eat it okay wendy agrees yeah yeah when he agrees we do it what about war cold war i feel like if it wasn't it wasn't the other one so it has to be a war right like what else yeah because it's not space yeah yeah it's not space okay yeah click it oh oh god what what cold what do you think [Music] what's cucumber is oh well because like it's the same okay if you don't know how this game works you just need to read what i'm telling you the logic circles like sphere cucumber i don't think that i could get these in the same one are we okay with one and one that's up to you i don't know i don't know that's your call to make okay well i have no choice shape for one circle circle okay definitely not that for cucumbers do you guys want to just guess don't we get an extra one oh yes we no she can't do it yes oh you can just put it but the other thing is if we get blue they only need two and that could be problematic no no no no hear me out we should yeah just have them think that circle is opposite of what okay can't be ball or if she put them together you know mm-hmm smuggler can't be probably net well net and ball and circle i don't know circle could go with rule or if it was like measurements smugglers seems hard eagle hawk you know oh i don't know we could win we could just win three yeah i still let them have their turd i will end turn boom all right jamie let's wrap this up let's wrap it let's wrap it up [Music] uh wait if i give you guys one can you guys guess the other two yeah we can still we can still we could possibly go with the previous one yeah berlin no eagle hawk would be hard smuggler but try to try smuggler pirates try to like date trip okay honestly okay guys speaking of wait i think ruler is a cucumber and berlin is a cold one yeah you know yeah berlin's cold one website pirate net net net nevermind net net net internet so think net right she wouldn't say internet knowing that there's net on the board without it being yeah she she can't say internet because it has a lot of similarities yeah yeah so website makes sense yes ruler ruler is the shape is the length you measure yeah you only guess one no no they can't keep guessing every time we get it right yeah because she said one you get one and then you get a guess and then you're done no no no no that's how it was too if oh really no if it's a one i don't care anyway they didn't get to guess before that's turn then they're able to continue guessing i thought wouldn't you have to give them website two and then they would put in their own yeah wait really yeah either way you're welcome to go again yeah because like we know all the previews that we didn't yeah but she has so she has what it gives me the three months pikachu knowing that net was one of them and then or like website and then the other one is carrying over oh but that one so go yeah yeah yeah agreed i'm just okay this was a practice front but i think it's a ruler yeah we'll do that we'll enforce those rules you know i was thinking the reason why sydney couldn't say one of the words is because like the two words were taught so i thought one of our words was eagle or hawk i know exactly yeah [Music] ball was the the the bomb i would have said okay iterate that rule real quick okay so um if you want to guess more than one so you guess the one that they say and then you get a plus one if they say two you guess two and then you can guess another two right another one a one oh there's always another one yeah so it's like i think the spy master has to verbally give you the chance to guess one more i think they can all have to no right you have to know i think on the last round you basically like if you want them to guess everything you just say it's a word yeah and then infinity or two if they only have three mm-hmm okay okay okay yeah no biggie randomized teams again [Music] and i want to know what it is can i click on undercover what is that oh what's that what is that i don't know i'm clicking it oh what does it mean i don't know what that means i don't know either it changed the amount of words in the selected packs oh it did change the amount of words okay anyways so how do i how do i see yeah oh oh bottom left click spy mouse chats it's not safe for work two people are saying it now three yeah yeah i have one thing i'm also down okay it's not safe for work wait what the words the undercover pack oh okay i'm blue okay i'm blue okay giant tablet okay monster could be good for giant and loch ness oh but wave isn't it and ray and jody's turn for big monster is a good one actually so i'm gonna definitely dwarf pistol missiles okay i'm i'm feeling a monster i'm feeling a monster alright actually i kind of want to take this time to get some water dwarf lochmas giant wave torch contra cloak is pretty much historical fantasy [Music] for food i don't want to look at chat like i don't want to look at chat so i'm just gonna sorry because i don't want to cheat you know i'm not just letting you know um so i'm just gonna like brainstorm out loud but like not like you guys okay soldier [Music] how do you shuffle the words though tablet i don't know there are some rep there's a lot of repeating oh no guys i think they can look at jack i just wanna are we is chad i'll have to help because i'm like avoiding them right now but like i'm not looking at chad i'm not looking at you i'm avoiding sorry chad yeah i i can't look at them i feel like i'm gonna get roasted okay male bridge pin engine cook okay shot okay okay but loch ness okay giant dwarf block giant goes with lock this but not really goes like it's harder when it's digital i don't know but a giant i am [Music] yeah all right this is red fantasy janet sydney uh okay uh red we're ready okay occupation three okay so the cloak though the giant i don't think you're gonna get from that soldier so fantasy bank for a second like a bank i think oh yeah that's true well i bought contract because you had a contract when you crashed optimization crash missile i feel better about cook but gun powder yeah yeah okay three okay i actually feel really good about cooking they took soldiers okay yeah me too is it gunpowder one more one more that's the first thing i thought but what was the first thing you thought yes it is contract mailman if we do okay i'm gonna do gun powder three because i don't have that and i believe that they occupation my occupation [Music] [Music] so the thing is um it between mail and bank i would think she would lean more towards bank but she might be cringing right now or i go back to my initial one and say like because yeah it is a little scary if it's like a death card yeah [Music] is but then there's also mail true um loch ness distal missile pistol missile crash yeah yeah this is okay okay okay let's just check okay when i see missile and pistol i think of valerian and i think of the shot is bad shot is bad all right okay okay okay okay um let's go jody okay okay hold up okay lock this door for sure giant i think i know she wants water mythical creatures you guys know fiction i hope you're having a good time don't forget to wash your hands fantasy fiction fantasy mythical i'm just scared about mythical cree mythical giant mythical fantasy fiction mythical i think mythical magical mythical mythical i'm going with mythical okay i'm i'm go i'm okay ready okay jody um mythical three dwarfs three okay opening chat high chat dwarf luck this giant i don't know oh [Music] uh mythical i think loch ness [Music] yes i believe i believe in them i yeah i agree with i believe i believe ever heard of uh frosty the snowman he's not mystical harry potter there's that like cloak you know nice all right loch ness yes okay get in yeah yeah door i'm thinking those are kind of mythical yes they are fellini input i mean not a lot of three words that came to my mind when i first saw it but i can see with horse and star know what you guys those are the three words that came to my mind to begin with [Music] let's go nice um and the last underneath was giants right yes yes okay let's take one giant giant no no just giant giant giant giant just do it if you pick dwarf you have to pick giant mythical horse yes you're right wendy i wouldn't horses are not mythical they're just horses they're just bigger dogs whatever yeah but it doesn't say unicorn no it doesn't exactly but that's the point of giant do it it wasn't a stretch i picked three dollars i believe yes yes there we go there we go nice one let's go i'm so impressed with you guys [Laughter] [Music] okay i hope they get shot out if they get shot out then it actually makes it really easy for me but it depends okay um okay okay missile pistol crash um deliver three mail oh mail bridge postmates oh [ __ ] i don't like a rose because you deliver flowers yeah yeah yes absolutely sydney yes okay um deliver i could do more for four deliver contracts you know because that goes insane except i think that they will choose shot and injured for sure you could use and maybe contract to deliver it is a mode of transportation and it's the only one on the map or tablet could be a one bathroom if we're gonna think about transportation there's preach but no but we're not thinking about transportation we're thinking about deliver like i think it's a little bit it's not like i don't know delivering it to berlin though like what are we talking about location okay pistol missile crash tablet rose like how the [ __ ] am i gonna get bigger big brain thinking rose missile pistols my second brush yeah i like contracts crash missile pistol the other one i don't know but contract trash isn't that rude i think if i say raise roses to people only celine and yeah actually yeah i think but i think they'll choose shock before they choose christ okay i mean sorry i'm closing chat i'm contractually quick yeah i don't really get the contract one but i'm doing deliverables yeah so in contracts like sponsorships you have like deliverables actually if they choose contract okay then i'm weapons two yes but did you shot weapons confidence all right okay cool oh oh we entered tablets [Music] tablet crashing malfunction a glitch tablet electronics can crash tablets can also break tablet tablet crash crazy clicks i just want to show you what ray's saying where is the molding might confuse him um she's baffled [Laughter] baffled i don't think they're gonna get tablet and crash or maybe they will there's only board i don't think they'll get glitched from a board glitch i actually think they might get glitch glitch or like some sort of malfunction glitch electronic glitch is very much they might get crashed but they won't get tablet it's a stretch sorry i'm not talking i'm eating i'm feeling too in a way eat away bored so i can't the thing is board and tablet are kind of scary so maybe i do glitch so they know it's like in terms of okay this is a softener okay okay okay okay okay glitch two i don't know crash shot no no yeah well i thought a glitch popped too so i thought a shot can crash yes i like crash click crash yes i'm trying to think if there were two words bridge glitch or rose it wouldn't be wrong board is kind of like motherboard even though yeah i was thinking motherboard too so i was like a tablet crash board engine shot okay jody do be playing valerie so like shots not that far that's true glitch bliss though if you were trying to connect crash and shot are there other words you would use russian tablet maybe something violence related i'm too stressed for this it's crash and tablet yes trash is bored i like crash though selena would you say the word glitch if you weren't using if you didn't want to use the word crash that's true celine would you ever be like our exactly um bridge and shot no boredom shot boredom gordon no no tablet and crash i'm gonna click crash yes yes yes and on that note okay one more okay tablet tablet tablet think about it i chose tablet or think about it you know i agree i think tablet sounds great i think tablet sounds amazing she said yeah i would have definitely thought crash is engine yes yes i'm still kind of down for a shot to be honest no tablet or shop tablet you guys choose style engine all right wendy you choose tablet wendy you said it earlier tablet wendy no it's a tablet tablet on the next round hopefully i will click i'll click i'm clicking tab okay here we go accessory infinity okay okay star uh okay first series apparently engine points we have three from transport yeah [Music] okay yeah what if it overlapped i think berlin overlapped like i think berlin was her deliver and transport oh okay okay okay that's what i thought about horses should we do engine first i feel good about bridge but i feel good about that too yeah you transport on a bridge transportation i think what's the other thing mechanic oh my god no rose could be accessory tv actually that's true rose can be an accessory i'm probably just going to say floral flower one yeah i think so too oh yeah rose for sure accessory yes jamie i agree pin bridge rose and star i like i can say flower right i mean it feels so easy but i don't want to get a chance a cloak is an accessory oh my god the word [ __ ] okay i think definitely engine and bridge right okay which one because transport i definitely think of anything first how are they gonna get shot like engine oh gosh how quick okay okay whatever [Music] okay so there's two more for translation i feel good about bridge i feel good about bridge okay okay nice oh man pinned for accessory is my favorite add-up between star rose and pin and cloak okay actually it's between cloak and pin do we still have one more for delivery um you haven't finished that we did mail and there's two more actually i just wonder if accessory is also delivery with rose yeah or the bridge could have been part of delivery i think it was so if that's the case we still have one more for delivery and i think it's berlin but that's just me and i don't see it being anything else okay wait should we click like so we want to do accessory yeah anything for sure but then it could also could be for delivery it could have been rose and pen i agree absolutely jamie yes but we feel good about pin no matter what right accessory or delivery i definitely think she wouldn't have said accessory if pin was on the board because it's like an accessory pin right [Music] okay [Music] the two salvation of the two sarah ttv the three thank you so much you guys appreciate the support i think we bring it home guys i think we bring it home okay i think we bring it home oh i think she wanted one and then everything else is okay the previous stuff yeah the words overlapped and there's a chance that pin represents more than one i guess maybe i don't say flower maybe i just say something else to like three not make it cook [Music] i mean oh yeah transport could have been bridge too though oh yeah how much transport did she say three so engine bridge engine oh yeah two miles what's yeah well ladies yes [Music] obvious accessory [Music] i think overlapping that really really confused you guys that's my bad i think it's no good dude is being a spymaster is hard is it better not to like overlap cards what are these words i'm just looking at the word orgasm it's a saturday night ladies randomized i see duck we're safe we're safe we can do wendy janet uh jamie sydney and raywood yeah yeah blue goes first because we have an extra nine yeah okay okay i'll be back okay sink fence brush soul compound ninja gold bond moles sharp now for sure ice like i was vomiting when you guys said that because i just it was obvious yeah deliver roses that's what people do i didn't think about it i didn't think about that one either to be honest yeah i just i didn't think so hard for roses words were overlapping like we both had war stuff yeah i was like missile pistol crash and you had shot soldiers i'm like [Music] oh i see i see brush why what oh my makeup [Music] okay for sure bond okay i'm just gonna click bond okay yup okay um i i think bro i don't know i mean i don't know who else james do you think you're right i'm not even thinking unicorn actually i was thinking unicorn i think brush for sure because james charles james charles makeup oh okay so on the same wavelength of brush i was also thinking unicorn but that's off the bases that brush is correct yeah james james sink james there's a lot of james in europe like james street olive street stock james i don't know it's james any famous artist for concert i'm sure there's a famous james there's got to be yeah but do we know him like what jason is there's james brown which would make me think soul and concert unfortunately i don't know who that is same and i don't think okay okay okay janet listens to seoul she listens to that ratchet [ __ ] with me okay brush down [ __ ] unlucky yeah i don't know who else all right or whatever ladies i don't know james brown i don't know how to answer that question what do you think i'm ice and glass is there glass oh my sink my life your life souls shatter soul shattering yeah okay and ice ice yeah eyeshadows yeah yeah like it like melts really like would she be so scattered knowing ice was on i can know a song but i'm not gonna know the artist that's true shattered ice but like what if a scientist is like playing with glass and shatters also thank you for saying macro instead of marketing i think it has more of a chance to melt but yeah i actually think my channel is really nice shatter oh okay okay i got a little bit thick okay are you down for ice celine yes i'm done for ice what if it's the whole club [Music] okay wait before janet says anything i want to pitch this to jody and i'm one okay so james bond golden eye yeah i watch it in the theater i just like don't know janet's knowledge on james bond i guess like i don't know um but i agree sounds pretty good yeah i agree with like golden gun golden eye and maybe maybe even ninja yes okay but okay jen janet wouldn't she she definitely wouldn't say spy or something um give me one second one second let me just step in real quick okay on the basis of her of bond james bond okay so she's thinking like like spies so what did she just say [Music] but maybe she wanted a third maybe she was trying to relate ninja bond and like something else um james bond james i don't know who the [ __ ] is james i think james is a bit of a toughie it could be a lot of like james could be a scientist like i don't know who james is yeah um i'm still [ __ ] with unicorn to be honest okay well i was rushing right then is you right but maybe she didn't see brush like trust me trust me okay i trust you in knowing janet so if we want to go unicorn i trust you i think we focus on the words she says upcoming yeah yeah and we'll revisit a few weeks it'll be so much easier out of the way james i can care like so if she was thinking um she would probably bond wood would too okay stick olive you know olive tree fence and since compound fence and stick i i'm thinking fence for sure for sure and and stick stitches stick for sure bruh let's go and then we can guess one more if we want i think we go i don't know either james i think if we're going off of bond then we would do gold or maybe mole i mean mole's like a spot ninjas like a spy i don't know but maybe theater like actor james theater's probably my favorite out of all of them but i don't mind skipping also i am i agree i i like gold theater personally i like see sure click it let's go yay we're getting on your wavelength janet dude not gonna lie my words are like so hard it's okay it really does happen so i wonder if we got theaters last word accidentally or a feeder if it's theater then james bond and theater makes sense which makes you want to go gold or mole or europe isn't james ninja stock james james bond james bond in theater james bond and gold or james bond and moles ii i mean honestly to be fair jameson would be like the worst spy in all of history considering everybody knows him so that may be gold yeah they take if they take mold rabbit then we know it's probably gold actually like moles and rabbits burrow but a hole is already there right oh you mean like the action of birth the action because she couldn't she has said underground or something or dirt um she couldn't say dirt i mean i am so specific i think she does one i think she does want to connect like mole and rabbit rather than hold to one of the two what would you think i think she wants to connect those um i just don't know which one's not the one that she wanted to connect because if she wanted to connect mole and rabbit can she do it without saying burrow i think bro is pretty good if mo it was small and whole i'd be like i don't know like or like a like a what like a skin pore because like you know you have moles and there are holes in there oh i have no idea what jamie's saying yeah oh if she wanted but if she wanted mole and rabbit couldn't she have said like mammal there's other there's shark duck eagle as well so i i feel like she had to like be so specific because we'd question it even if it wasn't a mammal i think sharks are warm blooded aren't they are they not animals sharks are like hole could have been like circle or something they aren't dolphins no what the [ __ ] is working what the [ __ ] when dolphins are mammals and sharks are they're literally like one in the same they're just a different font so don't even be like how did you not know that i'm gonna store that information but then what about you they're literally the same with different fonts like whatever would it think of unicorn for mammals because it's not a real animal but maybe mammals have fur that's the horse mammals okay okay it wasn't our words say so yeah so wouldn't it just because do whales have fur burrow uh if we were willing to give up a word that was a blue word which one do you want to give up rabbit or whole as if as if okay as if that is well-known knowledge no [ __ ] way okay no i don't know okay they technically have hair but it's like not visible they're saying she was referring to it but i do think some of them do okay a hole doesn't burrow a hole exists but a borough can be a hole biology major by the way yeah bro it's been a long time okay to be fair a lot of the biology information that you learn it's not about marine biology oh my god where the [ __ ] okay i can't even believe that you're sitting here and telling me like oh my god but she's a biology major you think of all the information that i'm gonna grab from my biology major about like anything about energy and carbs and cells at the molecular level you think i'm going to remember if whales have hair shut up james bond related yes so can we think goals now like they you're heisting some gold yes yes absolutely but what the second one be ninja because you're being sneaky true on the heist yeah but then that she said james three so she doesn't relate gold to ninja and bond and theater oh you know yeah what about compliments maybe when she says james she meant bond ninja theater yes that's what i was gonna say um and gold would be just happening then yeah yeah okay i like that okay gold for sure yes yes i tried clicking in i can't sorry oh thank you okay and then i think on that basis i'm ninja ninja please parkers nice hey we're doing pretty good doing pretty good ooh okay janet from my goddamn yeah oh god i'm not ready it's okay it's okay you can take time you can take your time take your time okay okay i'm meeting for a second so how many more do we need you need eight total of seven totals [Music] yeah it's just samantha they're going to try themselves are different perspectives which i really like yeah yeah speaking of do you guys know that whales have hair [Music] yeah where i don't that's what i'm saying somebody was talking about like well if you know wouldn't she just say mammals and then they're like no because there's a bunch of stuff on the board and then somebody said shark and i was like wait is a shark a mammal and they're like my chest like no yeah but then i'm like okay to be fair sharks and dolphins are like the same thing but different fonts so like i'm like forgetting that dolphins are mammals and sharks are not themselves and then they're like hello and then i'm like oh whales are mammals and then whales somebody with my child was like well mammals are defined by having hair i'm like whales don't have hair donald don't have hair and then they do apparently so yeah anyways don't worry now well the way i think of mammals is that they like give birth baby yeah dolphins not do that no they do no they do they do sorry sharks don't do that sharks are fish yeah but sharks know also like teeny little babies yes they absolutely are for fun so it's actually the hair they do yes they do it i remember dissecting a shark and it had a baby in it so i absolutely know that a shark has had a baby in it and it gives birth he's being so cute right now sharks like eggs too do they lay eggs inside of themselves because i'm stuck and i think that would be accurate if yes because i definitely remember dissecting the truth definitely and the shark yeah definitely stock had a baby shark in it oh yeah oh go about it so the shark lays eggs and stuff honestly at this point i'm just convinced the shark is a [ __ ] mammal and you can't tell me anything otherwise it is it is a dolphin but a different shade whatever wow let's go that was a great word wow maybe it was another fish are you telling me that i'm [ __ ] stupid you're telling me that i cannot tell that there's a baby shark in the shark it's in an it's in a sack i had to pull never mind it's whatever you guys think i'm actually stupid yeah is it my turn yes hello brady thank you for five months what's up it was like in this little pouch of the gut it or not the gut but obviously that's like the internal organs and stuff like you move its stomach and we moved it to little all this little stuff and then we move in and slice it open you're like oh my god it's pregnant playlist [Music] mine it consists of only lily that's pretty much the only songs that i play on my stream is lily's music why did you dissect a shirt i'm a biology major god okay i want to go back to thinking what do you mean you think i just picked up a [ __ ] shark from the ocean and said yeah i'm going to cut this thing open now you guys confuse me silver bank unless it was already dead i guess you know what i think about often there was i was just an archer i just wanted to oh wait oh wait okay jan is here okay hold on just stick two unicorns unicorn clicking it i can't it's red stern oh shoot our bad okay um soul i kind of thought soul too because i don't really see how it would relate to anything else eagle maybe oh majestic eagles for sure 100 yeah i like eagle a lot same clicking nice wait she gave us two on a three or we need to guess right wait wait what don't we guess one more we can yeah we can wait but don't did we already get all our words yeah we have no hints for this one we'd be going blind yeah no that's why i said she gave us two on a three-year because now they have like a one turn for two words which is relatively easy yeah i don't understand we could process on a yellow one yeah i think it's probably not duck or shark yes based off of eagle how are you guys guessing with no hints be we're gonna go based off of the rain yes we don't really have a choice because you guys probably just win next year okay um so what does not relate to all of the words that we have sync sync i was thinking but as soon as you said sync i was also saying sync sync europe's a bit out there too europe but maybe billy if you ran into james bond i don't think that's what i was saying oh i don't think it's whole oh i think this is also very unrelated i think so far except for the wood one but unlikely scientist you guys want a yellow sink honestly yeah i can sense it [Laughter] [Applause] oh my god okay what are you gonna say i was gonna say tree that's good it's good actually i think for this one overclocked you're so good yeah oh my god when i said james i did not think of james charles and you guys yeah as soon as you said james i muted myself and i was like she's thinking bond gold eagle movie oh wow wait were you thinking well yeah what did you mean with jesus no no no no it was a james bond gold ninja yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and then when you guys said theater i was like wow there's actually so many good words for james bond actually yeah good thing like uh theater was one of ours yeah no i was scared too because like six months lexie think of the two legit very careful i was gonna say cocktail for life and shrimp it's not about like that he is or is it it's like stretching life things that could be related when your life sucks you drink alcohol and you always put in all of your [Music] honestly it's like really it's really fulfilling to you like man it's the words thank you how do you okay celine is going killing thank you so much em thank you thank you thank you oh my gosh my master is so hard yeah it is but it's fun though right um being so stressed out oh my god when you got you know what's really funny is like you guys always got my word immediately but then you start talking about i'm like no no no no no no please no oh my god square around center the thief ship england stream slippery line rocket germany himalayas ambulance horseshoe bar dogs oh my god bro tokyo france it seems hard this one seems hard like especially if you have one location but on another those are always just a neutral oh yeah concert was the death yeah oh yeah i had peterborough you guys guess sink unicorn and eagle and i was like what the [ __ ] how do i do this it was like process of elimination because it's like if she said this then she would have shark and die yeah horseshoe yeah okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna click some yeah cause my brain can't right now okay okay horseshoe horseshoe i like it they rust yeah that was unlucky we picked that as our second one stream that's okay to the next round hello bye master please grace us with your graces with all right beef if she's going game stream she's going like game um i have no [ __ ] clue bones dog spine oh definitely spine right it's me cause i think you're the tyrese we also have to be aware that they have five other rust words i think dog i think dog yeah throw a dog in a dog yeah you could throw a dog a bone i said [ __ ] but that's off the base system we're off to the same start yeah yeah we're off to the same starts so well because we can bait we can and we have five others for right now i definitely think it's [ __ ] because wait there's strips and rust right yeah why don't we just start with her most recent and then go back to the other ones afterwards okay okay i think it might overlap i think stream and slip skip oh and streaming [ __ ] shout out click ship okay i think stream stream and then yeah it could be wrong yeah and then we get one more four overlapping i think thief definitely for rust yeah or and pull because you start off with like a polaroid but i went off with oh will you start off you started a poll what do you mean i think it's full key thief i i don't know about pole because i was thinking russ like the actual wrestler that's why i went horseshoe and i relate horseshoe to pull definitely meant the game okay so then i think thief for sure okay thief and then i think that's all we get right that's all we get unless celine was just add on the six yeah the three then yeah that's all we get that's it wow oh god okay all right guys uh slow and steady wins the race are you guys done yeah yeah okay uh i thought germany too for beer she might just be overlapping them so that means that it could be actually i'll just choose what she based off the next ones yes yes danny dennis brought children within three months welcome back we do have one more bone boom could it have been ambulance i thought ambulance as well but it's not china or spot right code names is a game of guessing there is a code master that person gets to see the board that is assigned to certain colors you try to get you try to find like you try to create i'm just going to literally just just what what other country drinks a lot that's that england maybe i mean i i used to see them i feel like we would think of like german people yeah i think germany alcoholics i do remember um when i went to berlin beer was cheaper than water oh wait or and their water is like sparkling water it's hard to find like distilled water the word was straight up beer beer the word yeah okay i so is your body pretty safe wait wait no because there's actually there's china england germany tokyo france okay i feel like it's way too many this is a one word that's true there's so many locations i feel like that's like i don't even know there's alcohol everything but oh it's one word it wouldn't be microscope would be what if microscope for bone okay so now if you're interested you can just look it up yeah i think maybe like broken bones ambulance yeah because like have you ever like studied a bone under a microscope [Music] for me it's between england and germany but more germany more germany for me i think or around round is pretty good too like hey let's get a round of beers for everybody i'm more confident about ambulance than uh the b-roll okay let's touch the ambulance for bone okay [Music] good job good job goodbye we end turn right yes yes uh when i'm feeling this country oh wait what oh zero so it's not a country like it can't be a country oh oh okay so okay and then we go back to rust right west well for us she said six we got thief stream and ship which i'm pretty sure we're prior to rust i think it's right no because she said uh something about like water but unless she was overlapping them just it might have overlapped but also she's a water three it could have been slipped as slippery as her third one instead of stream she might not have done it for um like wow like maybe she was choosing to stream for rest but um so that means like we should have like three left for a rest i think it's pole is there a racket in rust can you build a racket i didn't play that much shouldn't be honest okay i think it's pull and key did you you already did key all right oh okay so i think skeleton slip if you want to do water but i don't know i honestly for rust let's guess the rust board first just in case her water were her third water word was strained and not slipped how many rest words do we have though she said six total we have four four but then ship was water so it could have been over it yeah especially if you did zero i think it's pull because you start off with the pulse i don't understand what you need but you start off with a pull because i don't know yeah remember that you don't there's no poles in rust we have a rock here and like it's not france it's not tokyo it's not china it's not england right uh-huh yes and so what else would be rust i think like a rusty spot um pole could be you can also rest yeah yes but i don't think of it in terms of like the game of poke and rust though but celine might be thinking of it in terms of the game right and i said horseshoe is wrong um i'm pretty sure it has to be full like what else can you rest racket yeah right we have two left so it could be racket and pull and then maybe um slip was how many words do we have a sport of rust we have four it's at the top you can see okay it's it's rough because horseshoe was wrong so now i don't i don't know i'm not certain i'm thinking of harsh i think like a hundred percentage thinking poll okay then i agree with you if you 100 think full click it i'm here for it like it nice 100 percent that's paul [Music] i think based on horseshoe probably not [Music] okay all right slow and steady rust can't be racket unless russ is a raccoon that i don't know um yeah i'm thinking [Music] slip because of water and i think she was thinking stream for rust so i want to say slip for next and then oh it's our turn yeah yeah okay so i think slip speed run for sure yeah i think slip too uh just because if she's thinking rest of the game and it's not poll or horseshoe then i think russ is related to stream and game and then water with slim flip yeah okay okay nice oh really oh wait did you guys wait for uh celine's clue ah sorry oops [Music] um i'm in the trenches relax what what do you mean i don't know brockton god i think it's 22 months and it's me carter ring fan of your oh big fan i'm assuming of your youtube and you really inspire me i love your energy provide such a fun and no worrying atmosphere for anybody have you ever had any hardships along the way there is a pole yes i actually of course was so confident it was pulled forward yes and there's poles and rocks yeah um many like 26 miles thank you so much i gasped when i saw it was gray actual gasp i think selena's gonna slanted water she said rust rust big braining right now rust zero countries so i'm ignoring england and i'm ignoring france himalayas for whatever reason i'm like kind of thinking russ just because like i think of himalayan salts and restaurants use salt or like i don't know the rock i don't know um okay i can't i can't decide between two other words i'm gonna say i'm gonna say this word everest three okay himalayas himalayas i'm gonna click it uh okay everest so i'm thinking a little bit of yeah line because like when people climb you know they like hold on to the ropey thingy and they kind of like form a line i'm not 100 positive just throwing it out there okay um spot center round square are all so very similar that i'm like but maybe everest okay mountains because it's like a spot to go to yeah i'm my view mount everest [Music] i like kind of underst i think center's a stretch but i can understand that makes much sense line i don't really get but i can understand based off sydney's logic and spawn i also understand i also don't think we got all the rest words because there's sickness everest mount everest line i mean i guess maybe she wanted to put himalayas in it i don't know but then that still leaves like one i don't know personally i like line and center i don't really feel spot when i think everest oh i actually think that mount everest is like a very popular spot yeah like a really well-known not tourist spot i mean i guess it's kind of touristy i i understand that i guess like i could i could be fine with spot two i'm more spot than line okay but i'm set for whatever reason i'm like yeah centered okay yeah i don't but if we're putting it in ranks like that and if you like spot the best then i like line better than center i think i like spot better than both we're all on different wavelengths okay like okay um okay so she said himalayas three right three three three everest what if it's center and spot okay what is your logic behind it just because like it's so hard like center and spot are so similar that it's like it's hard to um mine makes sense too though i feel really good about lying bottom line i think could also relate back to rust so i'm like yeah flying yeah yeah wait what do you what what the divide but i think that spot i like lying better than because i don't know if we i'm pretty sure one of these like her recent hit like overlaps with at least like rust so i think line makes a lot of sense there's like a giant line and then i also use a line for at mount everest okay okay line or spot wait we can i think it's two of them you think it's both line and spawn i think we can click a line first for sure okay i don't i don't know so it's all you okay i'm gonna click line i think alex um and then so does that mean that line was related right around everest or was it rust oh the divide and then also like you use a line when you climb okay spot i then i'm spot i'm for spot sure but i don't have a preference or spot or center [Music] wow wow i think it's just it's just square okay click click dude oh my gosh [Music] that was so i thought it was spot it was so hard i thought it was dude there were so many good words for russ there was key there was ship there was a line like the safe zone line there was like a thief there was so many words for us i was like oh this is this is great and just wait what is your logic what what's the center like like a peak like us or yeah i was just thinking well center and spot is like 50 50 and round and so i was just like i must say everest and hopefully they think like oh it's like the tourist center like or a center for something or something i was thinking it was more like a tourist spot or not yeah yeah not like a spot like but i couldn't i couldn't connect well the the the the bomb word was round mm-hmm i was thinking of saying equator for center and line but i was like they wouldn't guess himalayas from that that no and then they could also say round and then we'd lose so it was just a gamble for that one trying to get um with rust actually because like oh there's always like a center like uh like i don't know like there's always like a center hub where people always go to i was genuinely thinking that well i was literally just like physical thing of the five months you said asia too and we automatically thought china and tokyo [Applause] [Music] no i couldn't say everest for that too because china was on there which is why there are zero countries oh my god and then someone in my chat was like when you said everest they're like lying because people die waiting in line at mount everest oh my god i was like none of us yeah we've never ever gone there i don't think we would guys yeah like um i totally thought of like ziplining can you think of the floor yeah i can't always watch you but i am still live when we started watching the four months thank you thank you thank you yeah i thought round of applause was like obvious no like i wouldn't have mauled it if it wasn't for the fact that it was the death word you know oh oh yeah that's true oh my god that was so scary oh okay guys if i had set if you didn't know that it was spot and i said room would you guess square and um spot not spot but square yeah but out of the other words would you guess center maybe if i said i think they just said instead of spot before it's falling oh i don't know that's a tough one right i couldn't think of anything else welcome oh we can't oh i'm down right now for the spy master like this okay okay yeah oh yeah you just moved the timer welcome i think three i don't think it's okay yeah three okay okay three well we'll reset it soon let's figure out who wants to be spymaster anyone really want to be it on red uh do we just want to anybody i'm down to do it again all right um okay anybody on our team want to do it and then if you don't want to see me i think we have the best chance of winning if you go code master me yeah okay i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it okay let's wait for you monica come back i'm also gonna go bathroom be right back okay i'm just gonna i'm gonna just think all right potty break okay i'm gonna think too brb okay okay how long has this break can i make ramen oh you don't think it's gonna be that long yeah you'll have to like boil water right you can boil water right now remember that you have water boiling um he's a dove on rex but yeah genji he loves his blinky and he's finally like learning to be by himself you know just hanging by himself because like but when jody talks again she sounds like the girl from a little bit sporting i don't even remember i said hello i don't even know why what do i say i just say genji they love you you're so cute only occasionally not as bad as they used to be nah they're only 100 what's up welcome jody have you returned and also jamie i'm ordering popcorn chicken and boba does anyone want yes oh okay i just sent the text saying no but yeah okay i'm gonna send you the place and then you just we love a growing independent he's a really good boy like honestly he is the greatest cat i started to ever exist and i'm totally biased but i'm really impressed with genji i guess um not only is he just really uh affectionate with people like i've never met a cat that let's say like john and anthony whatever come over like i've never met a cat that hangs out with people who don't live there with them you know like as an owner so people will come over and genji will like sit on the couch with us or like sit in people's laps or like come and cuddle with random strangers or not strangers but you know people who don't live with me and i think that's really unique in a sense but i also think like he's always where i am so he'll follow me like if i go and hang out in the living room he will also come hang out in the living room and i actually love that about him it's something that i'm like um i wished i guess in an animal but i didn't expect it when i got a cat and i wanted an animal that was like going to be really affectionate with me and i didn't expect it when i got a cat but technically devil rex's are supposed to be really affectionate um and he is he's really affectionate and really social and i'm like i really like him impressive i don't know i love him um but yeah he's he's just he is a good boy he's a good boy like i love him a lot yes there are many there are not many things i'm super passionate about but genji is one of them what's your favorite movie from studio ghibli i love howl's moving castle i should no i have six of them oh yeah i was actually just thinking about that today um i was wondering i don't know if i believe in signs or not you know i don't know perfect oh i'm doing it now sorry oopsy oopsy um but yeah i was talking to sydney and i was like i wonder if i should get genji a friend because sometimes like i stream for long hours and i can't like hang out with him and so um i was like oh maybe i get him a friend whatever and cindy's like oh i mean like if you want you know who knows and then okay hold on let me do this hmm fruity oh my gosh it sounds so good fresh strawberry lemon mint green tea yes okay added sounds good but you don't have any food i have food okay actually you're right okay okay okay oh yeah is that everybody ish i am all right let's see celine yes jamie yes natsumi yes sorry i'm going through discord uh pokey yeah quarter date i wanted to say sydney so bad but i was like stay on track okay okay ray's here for sure all right okay get skipped go um but yeah i was i actually found an email in my email and it was like oh oh god the timer starts with me uh okay uh the email was like hey like we're just reaching out to know if you're asking if you're still interested in getting a cap blah blah blah we knew that you messaged us a while back and um they're like we are going to have litters here's coming up soon and this is the one this is the um uh the breeder that's available or like that lives in california which makes it really easy so i'm like oh [ __ ] so now i don't know and we'll call for rape but it's because she was laughing presents why i know i don't know i don't know if i should i don't think so good good good i don't think so i don't know alps nice forest forest temple forest forest temple i guess this mercury not a location no no dead enough no i agree with you maybe if i got if i lived somewhere where that's a little bit bigger it's a place for sure but right now i think it's my place it's a little small but yeah i don't have room for another litter box or anything even whereas mercury is like the name of a place we can we can just skip no let's click mercury then no wait okay location location wise it's the difference between forest and temple i would actually prefer temple because forests are kind of uh everywhere and not so much like mom's going away for the weekend time to throw a party does that mean yeah it's actually a nice city it's great to watch genji which is sweet but i don't know i don't really want to bring genji to an airbnb or i don't know i'm kind of scared i guess not scared let's guess forest unknown i don't know you can click it with the two years what the hell welcome back everything to the five months uh do you know what time monopoly no no we're not playing it that's why we went and played this um [Music] okay is is this timer for me to say the word um it's both it's both oh god okay okay um okay um okay that looks so fake um that looks so fake okay i did not know what to talk about i do not know manifesting your brain right now i'm rachel i'm rachel rachel i'm p rachel elky ray washington mercury [Music] glitter litter that's litter yeah but it could be you know the stretch too because i don't see the board card for sure tick mercy wait wait wait wait wait wait i don't understand cards i don't know every scientist has a card to access their lab bro okay but don't think of that um file file i'm more on okay before i like mercury the more yes i'm down from mercury okay touching okay and file i agree with bile scientist scientist um i also very much agree with model i like model is there a person named jack that's some scientist probably yes out there definitely i get it i get it i like it anatomy model let's do it click model okay um file file i think has to be because science is all about documenting i'm very certain scuba diver leprechaun no scuba diver actually couldn't be very much a scientist this is true yeah but [Music] i kind of like scuba diver okay i uh our word is cat sorry cats three pound our cats be chonky queen take take yes definitely litter it could be tech for sure litter what was the word cats cats four three three pound pound pounds yeah yeah i'm sorry i mean i actually think of like science having a lot to do with measurements [Music] what was their last word yeah okay cat yeah i don't know i forget how many you know this timer doesn't make it again i really want to dye my hair but i don't know how to do my whole head just know that you die your whole head it's gonna cost a lot of money okay okay okay okay okay um name two okay jack jack card jack card i'm sorry oh cause your name card i think card goes with scientists as well yeah i like it for sure so for sure jack yeah jack okay okay card card okay could have been clean good [Music] unless scientist is cast i don't know why why i don't know if i like cats for scientists yeah i'm down to end turn and make them sweat yeah yeah enter no they're on a sword sweating yeah all right they're not sweating guys okay the clue is gonna be venom you have to go to so i was thinking a scuba diver could definitely be a scientist and something like you usually would be but i think we still have locations i mean unless it i wasn't sure if we were like name could literally be jack queen card man that's like the most true in my opinion night you want to do it the queen and knight yeah like guys okay let's do scorpion okay and maybe queen because if you have two more for cats and then we have one for have three location um that's true so maybe venom was like maybe i i don't know it's a stretch but for cats what do you guys think the third one is and for location are we sure it's temple [Music] i don't think it could be other things right yeah i mean what if it's like ground or like helicopter okay should i just click temple or you want me to click something else first what about queen for cat right mm-hmm would i be cat cat i [ __ ] what i think it might be what if it's cast because wendy said cats and she didn't say cats she said cats i don't think she'd do that okay i mean that's big brain but we haven't done that kind of word play yet i like eye i like that i like i too how about we do temple first okay i'm down yeah i um i think it's cast but this is me with pole so i think eyes mean or i um i just have to sorry if i'm not chatting with you because i just have chat clothes right now just for the game okay sorry i'm here hi wait it's not our turn right wait it's our turn oh yes okay okay so i'm trying to think that scientists could have gone beat card and name could have been van give me a few seconds take your time i don't think she would have had queen or night in like 30 seconds if she i okay okay before rey says anything let's say that card was scientist and let's say that it wasn't name what if van is name or queen actually queen and knight uh it could be van van is like a name i think yeah okay i don't know if rey would think that okay i mean but isn't vanna's name it could be i think vanna's like vanessa isn't our famous person named vanessa for your team vincent van gaal oh man vincent van gaal there's not really anybody named batteries i know of okay uh scooby two all right scuba diver right okay van is a scuba diver i mean like okay i love your brain ray but then for sure right okay yeah i think she's expecting us to get van yes and then she says scooby so that we get school yeah i agree with this logic wow i'm clicking man okay okay and now i'm clicking scuba diver okay yeah wow oh my god this is a miserable experience honestly you could have told me his name was van and i would have believed it because i wouldn't know stress you meant battery for venom also right ah no my battery i didn't say anything for it yeah yeah i would have guessed battery for venom yeah did jamie five did she go make her ramen no no no no also cats was also like uh there's like it's like a musical so it's like couch [Music] so jamie was on the yeah she was on the right path but she was on the right path king sean so i didn't know it was cats or cat my boyfriend van sitting here watching this with me hi ma'am we can restart it again we get restarted who's the new uh yeah who wants to be the spy master um [Music] because i'll do it again okay i'll do it yeah okay okay because you copper in a ring jewelry and a cell in a sink and a jet and a piano and a check and a thumb and a pool a thumb thimble thumb ring copper hands three hmm what's going on are you playing [ __ ] i'm thinking of a word but uh sorry i was deafened sync check jet ring ring sink check thumb thimble jet piano cell it gets stuck in my head immediately sell a copper ring okay so ring and copper definitely go together sink i don't [ __ ] know sell cool sink and pool could be water water for two jet water for three jet check jet sink and pool are all like a hot tub you know what i mean except washington yard trunk buffalo pan play nut engine okay i think water three water three oh that's us oh god okay water water water water thumb like all the other ones are kind of oh yeah that's true you can play yeah like a water jet yeah water yeah yes i think that's right yes yes yes okay let's oh applies to everything ever yeah what about toothbrushes your brush what what about but it's you said water water water okay yeah water she says i consider brush more true yeah right you're right i'm just gonna click it yes because i cannot think with and i only have so much time so while they do this i'm gonna think okay copper ring sell check thumb piano brush watch soul engine war buffalo trunk washington yard pan pan is oh it's our turn what the what is okay [Music] yeah yeah yeah we got time except panda i'm not looking at chat i'm gonna fly i'm not allowed myself okay yeah [Music] ring um hand four i wanna do hand four hand three at least hand three one two three fingers i could probably add copper for fingers right fingers hands fingers four is a stretch for copper but if they like think you could have a copper or something we'll definitely thought not fingers fingers four okay ring also you wear rings and maybe watch actually some fingers though ring yeah but it's like a little bit close that's true piano band oh i don't think okay not though thumb for sure right i'm gonna yeah for sure yeah and then ring and piano for sure for sure yeah i would say so okay yeah on piano okay now this is just a shot of the dark copper it was with an s fingers within us yeah i think so okay i just want to ask is it is this allowed am i allowed to say alliteration so alliteration is three words that start with the same first letter right except washington war wash can very much be never mind never mind i don't know if you're allowed to do that okay no got it okay because of like like you play an instrument or play piano i was thinking yeah but that's pretty similar to band then that's whatever you guys choose them yeah i don't think they're gonna get copper i'm done wait you can't say see how to skip we're gonna chill yeah let's see let's go yeah let's chill all right blue's turn one wait hair two you can't say c you cannot say a letter i'm pretty sure um okay sell check maybe vacuum and copper so for sell and check i actually think of like um like the not the crop cycle but like the for sure oh what is it right because it's just hair oh yeah yeah i like brush i think it's like you know your cell cycle hair color hair hair copper and check and sell copper yeah cell could be here cell could be here hair band oh hair oh sound check check okay when i think of cells i think of biology when i think of checks i think i like it better than background science three good thing we didn't click banned true good thing we didn't click it mm-hmm so then it's likely not play right buffalo trunk yard pan play nuts i'm in a chemistry lab i definitely would in my lab i would check things science lab three what would lab relate to copper well we got mercury for science so it could be science i don't think i should it's okay we can science and then think about it engine could very much be science accuracy lab science or science lab let me think about from if i am them lab i would for sure get sell copper in a lab check wait science i might choose engine i actually think lab is okay okay yes jody i'm debating between words hold on check science chemistry chemistry you said engine i don't think they'll get injured for chemistry engines more like physics lab three sorry no time slab lab lab lab three three lab okay sell for sure right i believe so lab copper maybe hey ray we're on the same wavelength let's [ __ ] go lab like a science lab lab a laboratory what about vacuum like a vacuum sealed lab i don't know what that means my brain would have oh [ __ ] my brain would have never gone there literally never have gone to vacuum in lab pokey you're muted oh i'm so sorry i clicked sell oh my god yeah um copper seems dece yeah i was almost thinking pan like a peach tree a p whatever that's called yes no not p yes a pizza oh kind of like a pan i don't know vacuum also maybe do you guys want to yellow these two or wait for the next one let's do copper i think whatever i don't think anything else here relates to a lab i'm down [Music] oh holy [ __ ] okay check um um it could be like you can write a check it could be money related it could be um verification oh verification is an amazing word like not always like wait you get a check mark for being verified and also you have to verify certain things you check just die yeah verification one i think that works for everything you got this [Music] so jamie has to combine watch soul engine war watch engine war what and soul maybe like i would probably do something mechanical but soul is hard well just um yeah how the [ __ ] would oh soldier but how watch doesn't really you know that's hard how would how would she combine watch soul soul your soul so soul of your feet yeah it's hard that's so i know but you're you're it's like you're stretching okay the whole reason is you try to yeah if you don't know pam like um peter pan peter wait what is she what was her words play you watched disney mm-hmm yeah um seoul the new disney oh she said dizzy okay so i'm kind of stressed out because um she seems stressed out about it but yeah yeah i'm pretty sure not all the words are actually disney but like she just like yeah let's let's pick which one we think oh i see so she's already related some of these and that's just trying to get them to soul i see i see i see soul and pam the most yeah i like swollen did you watch seoul with jamie sydney no but we've definitely talked about it yeah you talked about it okay oh nice yeah okay oh yeah we have 18 seconds okay uh play okay oh oh no good try good try good try nice try i totally thought peter pan too wow [Music] is this is this also the thing or last finger no i think i think finger might have been sell for cell phone oh [ __ ] me and wendy are in completely different wavelengths but that makes sense right like a like a twitter verification check mark check yeah verify oh there's like such a very small thing to verify that verification it's just it's their thing yeah makes more sense than copper yeah i feel like check is pretty like you know check this is pretty official check mark yeah check yeah i think so there you guys have to go into the war you know yeah i think it's checkmark that's just she sounded so confident when she said it you know ring it and ray yeah yeah another turn i was just gonna do oh my gosh it was a black word i'm sorry i'm so sorry every like what did you say i would have just said tank for engine and war and then like i was hoping for disney i was gonna just say two for watching silva it was i thought i was playing as if it was our last turn yeah i said infinite so that you guys wouldn't think it was like four disney words but i think could have meant to play that you can't say check because there's a word okay yeah honestly i'm just looking that play wasn't in it i was like oh i probably would have clicked play if it wasn't panned and i'm like oh we also didn't choose watch yeah i thought either [Music] wow because of the lab i just wish one of the words was not see what people come up with you know oh my oh my mom's been saying nuts since the beginning i was hoping it would be the bomb ah imagine no that'd be funny you guys want to try like one minute [ __ ] who who wants to be the spy master for the one minute down i'm gonna do one oh okay okay yeah i want to be a spy master for a whole [ __ ] minute oh man bros we uh randomized teeth mm-hmm yeah yeah all right all right okay okay okay does that does anyone else want to be spy master because i'm also daddy how do i who hasn't gone in a while how do i oh there we go i haven't been spymaster so i'm for sure picking it okay okay follow me on blue team i think come on iman you want to go no blue team is anywhere sorry we just switched you can also go has anyone else only gone once january i can go twice i think oh yeah it goes downwards okay okay okay all right move it down to one point sorry krypton yeah we're doing nothing for the 18 months draymond i think that's your one oh yeah i'm supposed to listen to this cece boy i think they're getting accepted to lead us team a move think of the eight months okay um theater oh okay um what is there i have no idea what it is but i don't because i don't see it so yeah theater you see watching superhero movies i like superhero war england harley thank you so welcome thank you so much welcome to the g and hello more than more yeah i'm more superhero seems more she said theater right yeah she's a theater yeah you watch superhero movies yeah i'm definitely wow okay food three okay pumpkin three olive buffalo yes i'm with like are you ready okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we should we should not end turn so she has time to think maybe strategy strategy wait wait shouldn't we end this yeah okay go go go go next oh oh oh ocean two wave bermuda click bermuda beach is that a beach water buffalo what do you guys think bermuda or buffalo it's not bermuda thinking bermuda yeah water triangles in the water no it's like um it's not a fish but i don't like water i don't know i like the clue's ocean bermuda for sure i don't know wait water a pound of water a janet think what she think water buffalo or water water pipe after that i don't know for sure ray pick one it has to be for me why is it not bermuda is i might have implanted a seed can you play the until we figure out okay okay ready [Music] i don't want responsibility is oh [Music] is [Laughter] [Applause] spy master yeah it's in the ocean and everyone goes missing is it not yeah we're going to click new game and then you have to click spy master body okay ready i'm feeling like because i never mind wait do i say it wait wait wait wait yeah yeah and i went the opposite way um city 2 beijing city new york city new york city yes new york both beijing atlanta fair atlantis is young okay atlanta the city of atlantis underwater wait dude is i don't know my favorite i don't know much about it to be honest atlantis is the city underwater is it [Music] yeah i don't think it's but it could be related if she's like thinking american culture [Music] [ __ ] water what about like american day like like independence day american day i'm going to be quite honest in the water i don't know because all of this could be american yeah it's hard like oil you know we definitely i think yeah that oil is associated i don't know that jamie would pick that though i don't either um american i don't know jamie's brain uh shopping logs yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna choose oil just because that's what i personally think thank you very much okay robins are birds sky buffalo yes i can't think i can't think because they're saying other words yeah okay and one more cliff clothes okay so i'm thinking clothes press or oppress or i honestly i don't know it wasn't oil and so now i'm really i don't know i don't trust my judgment we could try i like press i like price [ __ ] it okay okay now let's do one more for american oh we have six seconds okay shakespeare thank god no i got it it was shakespeare oh i think she [ __ ] up on shakespeare yes you know we learn a lot about shakespeare americans educational education that's what i'm singing americans you climb a cliff you climb a cliff we totally climb a cliff yeah we totally have a clue now it's dave right for sure dave it could be light obviously it could be tough it's not that we don't think they teach anything else i feel like i shouldn't have to explain this oh hook you use a hook to climb right you use the hook yeah yeah you need to use your spine when you climb okay we do what we do a hook right telescope or hook look let's stick with climb first let's see who's fine okay first i would associate like telescopes american yeah we learn a lot about it and there's a lot of movies about american culture like large big big yeah i think so big that's all we get right yeah yeah yeah nice nice nice okay good and turn all right take that guys we're taking it home right okay we're taking it all the way home i'm taking it hard tango infinity tango all right dance dance dance and then three and we only got fly yeah yeah we only got five okay what about ninjas climb um wait wait wait how many damage did we get no we come in could be climbing and also it's a blur we finished climbing let's push it you can't climb into the light so it's just two more um sky sky day and light isn't it not not i mean that's what i think about when i think of sky yesterday i like light day dance tango robin tango screen tango copper's fine log ninja back switch uh number five it's where it's works ninja pom pom pom pom oh but like american robin but i didn't say it because i don't think anyone would know american jobs what is that i wouldn't i would not put it in but like it was american eagle which is a shop and then i i had to get a word off her back this time yeah oh [Music] all right oh yes i'm so sorry about the sky one i didn't think telescope at all i did think you guys might think winning shifts light and day later so it's okay wait so american was only for eagle and shop eagle and shopping thinking that i think shakespeare is american i was thinking more so there's just a lot of influence in the shakespeare anime i don't know you guys are like oh i think david made a mistake in thinking that shakespeare is american i was like no no no yeah i meant like in terms of schooling like we have to read shakespeare and so i was like oh i think that what she is thinking american education yeah yeah yeah american culture i i was thinking culture american culture i really liked with less time do more people want to try less time as a spy master i want i i want to try being spymaster one minute i love the rushed ones actually yeah yeah the restaurants we're just i don't think they'll ever be able to recover from buffalo typical american education thinking shakespeare's americans but just keep in mind we thought it was multiple watersheds i thought the word was water if it was ocean i wouldn't there's no ocean yeah i love how like none of us remember that the word was ocean you guys like told i heard water in a room once upon a time bear with me i think yeah does anyone want a spymaster you can do it i don't know we need another [ __ ] handle are we keeping the same teams we uh i could try okay i don't know how i work under pressure all right yeah we could do i can okay so let's get it okay okay okay did it change i actually didn't notice i didn't know anything i didn't see it anyways okay okay okay um genius roulette ego offense dragon pit compound engine lion london pyramid thumb field damn theater centaur figured sink millionaire microscope moscow charge sub seal orange yes the horseman okay eagle [Music] [Applause] in american culture like romeo and juliet being in a lot of american movies i think shakespeare is a huge influence on american culture so i actually understood if shakespeare was for america personally this is just a word association game yeah great singularity sub welcome thank you so much i am try okay figure okay because like you have a big figure in true true true true true money was it money i really like fence you want to click i quite like figure i like [ __ ] [ __ ] wait what i didn't think figure for rich at all i have no [ __ ] clue what i would do [Music] to seed seed seed seed field orange i've seen orange pit though oh seed i for sure with pit yeah i like pit because you know the pit is a seed does wendy like avocados i don't know but even if she doesn't i think that people know pit is seed okay i'm okay with it okay orange field orange or field orange or field okay if if she was trying to connect field and pit i think she would have not chose seed right really i think seed is a good word to connect the two i guess it works for both like orange and pit orange and field yeah orangerfield orangefield seed seed i like field but i think it's because i don't like oranges and so i just don't want to pick orange i think it has nothing to do with the game you guys pick whatever you want okay oh okay science science three okay genius microscope and you don't have to be genius sorry okay like oh okay let's go let's go okay i agree so i'm clicking nice all right one more one science science was a scientist or science it was relatively like compound pit orange orange seeds plant seed could have been either i don't remember what i said i guess like field okay for rich roulette compound because i remember we spoke about compound interest earlier and charged those are and maybe fence maybe one day [Music] i think i feel like about that confidence um what's rich about roulette because that's like gambling it's like money because you got to have money to get why don't you just say money thing yeah if she said money we would have got compound roulette millionaire and charge yeah true well i like fence though because when you're rich like the notion about being rich you have like that white fence thingy bobbery yeah it's just a word association i really feel strongly about roulette okay maybe in charge right we have the rest of our lives to pick up okay do you go okay uh fixing three sink what did i think the sink fixing three fixing is she giving us an extra word so we can get orange i don't know okay so engine i think engine fixing sleep but you you can seal things like yeah going to try to fix seal fixing fixing yes okay okay okay i have no [ __ ] clue then engine and sink i guess i think she's gave us three for orange fix we have three wouldn't um why don't you choose like something else for engine and sink madame right yeah oh yeah oh yeah i'm here i'm here like engine and sink could be like appliance right appliance [Music] so that's why i feel like it isn't bread too engine is an appliance but it's like the stretch of like if she said appliance too i would for sure say sync like self was one of the richest oh what i mean i think she's just three to give us an extra word fixing three i should have clicked sub first clients would be like sync and then maybe the machine mixing charge charge sync engine thumb i fixing is like things you can fix or not pyramid right no no fixing well i like engine okay i think sync for sure okay okay then i think on that we just go engine engine yeah yeah okay and then now we have to wait for her wait did we even get a word yeah she said fixing three again oh you can oh so there's still one last one okay okay um fixing fixing fixing yeah i don't know or fixing fixing a mask fixing a memory fixing me yeah i think if we go engine sync we go sub right because like they're one i don't know all right all right [ __ ] whatever i doubles definitely because you've fixed wait she hasn't said her word yeah fixing like fixing something up like you're fixing it is there another way like what else is fixing fix fixing you're fixing something you're it's damaged you're fixing it um like repairing yeah acting too nice oh my god i guess like i wouldn't um uh london so those are like maybe london we're all i'm gonna think in it engine is like a tool that you can or like a thing theater roulette theater and snow anything okay but not sub so not green theater then fixing i think could only be charged or i think um yeah all right yes oh my god it's so close oh we don't maybe like that's hard oh yeah i'm not a thai theater in moscow oh my god fixing through you guys i feel so dumb this game makes me feel dumb no no no no no no no i think like the brain works in different ways you know what i mean yeah you're so [ __ ] dumb engine and sync fixed oh my god multiple choice was the death of me yeah you know that stop they say that people guess the right one on the first try usually and then they end up they end up it you guys want to play some scribblio i kind of want to play some scribblio big down i love scribblio okay i'm going to use the doll cam yeah somebody make a room oh shoot i'm gonna join sync and like guys that's kind of wholesome [Music] what happened i missed that oops you need your thumb to fix things yeah that's true i've totally i'm tired my brain is melting 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes okay are you guys making the scribbly room or should i never have an ad made it cindy jacob figure the tier one so awesome [Music] what do i have to change uh nothing you just hide your url [Music] oh oopsies now we paint i don't have an ad oh there are there's an ad that please i got an ad uh okay i just have to hide click cindy's link and it should direct you me and celine this is this is all of us right yeah yep wait am i the leader because f11 yeah i left because i didn't have my i didn't change my name or what i look like okay how many rounds and okay how many seconds um is good three rounds gals about oh oh i'm just straight up dumb 60 seconds what's 60 seconds one minute okay okay should i do this again three okay i'm starting hey yeah all right wait a second let's go jamie is choosing [Music] um oh oh my gosh cynical before me what oh i definitely didn't sorry how did you guess that so fast ah i'll tell you in a bit it took you practiced i wasn't sorry i was getting some stuff i'll do some stuff on my me and janet have mom no idea [Music] i'm gone too i was literally thinking if it's not [Music] okay oh what i can't spell oh what oh that's a word that can be a word yeah there's a nouns in this there's now oh i didn't know that's as good as it's gonna get man i don't know wait until you get like what wait what i don't know people right this is a very um yeah you got it [Music] [Laughter] if my kid handed this to me i would have to accept it like put it on my fridge that's like the level of what this is like [Laughter] that's like some macaroni art [ __ ] oh my god dude a minute is kind of stressful i'm not gonna lie a little bit just a little bit we should have kept the 80 second man what um oh i see a theater too um no wait what should i spell it oh uh it's an r oh okay oh okay it does it does what the [ __ ] wait uh we're just so long i mean sure when are you ever going to spell opera me and janet are in the same way i'm so sorry what is that okay i got it um oh oh my god what is the green thing um [Music] [Applause] i was thinking but that's actually kind of good now that i think about it yeah it was really good i love it my cat's on my hand again okay i'm gonna cover chat also by the way i'm going to put this over my cam or my cam over oh i have to type with one hand okay i was excited to draw something cool that was really cool no i love it yeah the three of us put lit lit wow look at these branches how do i draw this oh what i understand you ah too [Music] oh my gosh i also just do not type that fast man oh get at it ladies and gents come back oops i i definitely just gave away the word sorry jamie do you remember your point um you can go to one of those yeah yeah yeah we can i restart care let's just restart do you want me to start okay calm down wait what are we doing i'm gonna stop right now for the rest of my freaking life i'm never gonna forget this drama okay oh yes i finally got one first let's go i love the attention to detail yes how do you guy you guys practice this oh my god oh [ __ ] yeah the next davinci hazel wait do you guys want to restart we might as well know yeah we could yes because it's little okay oh let's do 80 seconds it's so cute it is cute i just do not know what it is oh [ __ ] oh it's a fish or something oh wait whistling is oh what oh i'm sorry i don't compute it's a fish right i mean i just no oh it's not a fish okay this is a pig now we're no it's a one way it doesn't matter what someone drew i would not have guessed manatees wait do we restart i'm just drawing until we restart can someone make a thingy uh sydney's got it yep yes it's not earth oh okay i'm gonna just say i take first yeah that's me is mine i take all my weddings new link is in general okay i'm here thank you madam sydney thank you are we doing [Music] thank you so much okay is everyone ready yeah okay it doesn't show up on my screen anymore okay here we go jamie is choosing word oh um [Laughter] oh i can't believe i kept that i can't wait i have no idea oh wow [Music] yes oh i can't believe that's even a word same that's why i was so confused it was surprised oh my god blabbering yeah because i thai bugs [Music] i really do [Music] okay that's a turkey that's a chicken of some meal wow okay i have no idea how i got that i have zero clue man at least i can type meal at least i can ride out meow who the [ __ ] is throwing up bitcoin not me what is the polka dots why is there weed on the turkey it's a dank meal it's dank i just said meal nice knife wait is that a knife [Laughter] kfc i don't know oh just don't guess please kick him kick him oh yeah i think i can vote kick oh wait that's x chocobo oh my bad oh no wait don't kick me oh shoot she's saying bye to me like i'm about to get my ass kicked there's something bye can we make a new room i'm down to make a new room yeah we can make a new room oh they want me to avoid it though like how do cause you just hide your url you're just hiding behind the hero but i did so i want to figure out you know make sure you don't hover over the link in the middle something else yeah where wait when you join it's in the middle it says like click or hover it says like don't like to cover the link for the thing my biggest concern is that nobody leaked the vibes are ruined yeah it's okay we can just make a new room yeah yeah your room is up okay nice okay you guys see um when you press play posters what's something like the year invite your friends hover over me to see the invite link thanks for being here middle yeah just don't hover that yeah it probably was just accidentally yeah it's okay okay i'm just not gonna show my screen until we're in game endgame sounds good man of course when i'm on a roll thank god being grieved okay is this the new new one yes yeah i'm just watching an ad that i cannot skip yeah yeah i have that's you block i don't need to hide it you guys okay i know i know when it's okay and when it's not okay okay i can't figure it out i can't figure it out either oh there we go ray yeah i'm here cool okay let's go all right i get to go first you get to go first okay okay okay just in case [Music] oh i don't like this okay what about this [Music] okay i don't like that either okay cancel those okay um okay okay press the delete button oh i don't like this word okay okay okay oh god i don't like that oh my god okay wait how do i draw this okay okay okay okay okay okay um okay okay okay okay okay okay okay my url showed i'm sorry i'm it's honestly okay let's restart okay f11 to exit and then when i open the new one i forgot to f11 again oh you can maybe just crop your wings i cropped the top of my screen yeah i just cropped the top of my screen i'm just gonna f11 this time oh loading is three dots not a bar okay you know the loading circles like the surface yeah i get you now i don't know what it is okay f11 on not hovering okay all right okay oh good thing we restarted again and i reached 12 hours too but we can keep playing sprung spray getting the three months okay nice everybody ready yes ma'am okay yes i am okay all right then all right let's go you know i like to keep things simple oh oh unbelievable i was trying to meme it being more difficult what oh my god that's weird that is weird it's like suspicious if you may no it was can't believe you're blatantly cheating like that around us so then i picked hat um is it a tree is that a christmas tree is it a leaf autumn oh somebody already wrote autumn why um canadian what canada oh okay well i definitely i hate it here definitely gave it away sorry i always like the [ __ ] word man i always leave a leaf i did just oh what a nice cube that is a really nice cube [Music] excuse me what jungle gym oh the [ __ ] am i looking at oh my god oh desk setup you made it really buff what is this it looks like a roblox character but i have no [ __ ] clue oh why why he's so big for what he did i'm setting up for this yes oh my god i could have typed faster my hands were off the keyboard or if it's not then what is it slice no cheese okay come on don't worry i was on there yes it did i was with you you look like i was on the same page as you for sure smile happy i can't help this fast [Music] wait guys yeah sydney simpler simpler don't overwhelm you don't overthink it why does it end with a d you're a what harry you're a white oh okay you know i thought it was pizza before and it was cheese you know yeah i also thought it was pizza i kept thinking it was pizza pickle cucumber pickle rick i can't type this dude oh i got it oh my gosh oh i i have trouble and typing seem to just show the word to everyone i'm sorry this does not look like broccoli that's a very thin stem that is not my preferred veggies [Music] going to leave myself here okay this is kind of lit this is pretty good [ __ ] it's not even dive at the end um [Music] jumping jump jump jump jump jump jump jump man oh my god [Music] okay wait damn jamie you're so fast i don't know i don't know i don't know huh gee glass oh [Applause] my oh my god i hate this game yeah my brain is my brain is as smooth as it gets you guys say no me whatever we got jumper pig oh pig okay oh let's go peppa the pig what i'm sucking peppa too oh it's like pepper papaya pepper peppa pig peppa it's not peppa pig i actually only had two words like two word words oh and this is the easiest one yeah also that was the other typing peppa pig like catwoman that would have been totally cheesy oh god i don't know okay okay okay thank you [Music] oh my god god don't overthink it geez i can't tell if they're puking if they're playing well i kind of know what's going on but i don't know what the word is yeah meaning oh i don't know how to spell it why don't i spell it what okay so i see we don't know how to spell it yeah i don't know yeah oh well you know i'll never forget how it's called coordination i will [ __ ] that word what the heck was that but you knew what it was right yeah yeah yeah yeah i only knew because it was see she spreaded the drawings let's go [Laughter] mickey honestly cuter [Applause] actually i don't even know if it smells like this game [Music] or mickey yeah whatever okay [Music] hmm what does this mean that i can understand what is it what i know is relationships when the intellectuals understood is it true i feel stupid for knowing what this is let's try to guess teletubbies oh my god i was thinking minion but i for some reason didn't type it oh my god wait that's it [Laughter] um [Music] are very well done oh no i was about to get real morbid after that yeah everyone gets it i was kind of morbid to draw you guys [Music] my words always suck [Music] oh i don't know what else to give you guys um great i have um that's all i got horizon oh i saw the n i would have not gotten dividends in the end oh i tunneled into the water a little too much same water buffalo [Laughter] man this is i'm going to be 30. 40. actually a couple years from not just going to think of the word water buffalo one day it's going to be useful in my life too i know it i know it oh god how do i spell this what an awkward word to touch how do i spell it it was very awkward oh my god okay it was like first thought but i was like there's no way because of how many letters i didn't even look at the number of letters i actually thought it was the same um what uh what dump truck yeah i actually just wrote that fat ass what is what is that a shoulder is it a boob is it a butt what are we looking at [Laughter] what's oh my god i didn't i could never think that this would be a word dude i didn't either how could this be a word oh my god it's with an oh [ __ ] oh my god three months breaking the three months as well you guys appreciate it that doobie did ray you're really good at drug shapes yeah those shapes what kind of house it's um green house it is a oh that's so cute i love it hmm i don't know what it is but i love it it's on fire i have no idea home show me more yeah super house what [Music] where are my god they're inside [Music] oh am i stupid i'm stupid no no no not at all oh yeah you'll get there you'll get it yay i kept thinking dominoes yeah kind of like the pizza colors what did i just type oh um [Music] and then i write tables [Music] [Laughter] [Music] actually i know i love scrivener dude oh my god hmm what pokey mean actually though oh what is it not what what oh wait i said that in the beginning though oh i just typed it oh my god it actually is vlogging i didn't type it because i saw youtube videos i didn't even get it i was like oh yeah same i missed it babies have more fun than blood [Music] okay don't mind how [ __ ] this one is i totally get you joey don't worry i got it i got it wait rick got it too i got it i got it too i got it too let's go oh no huh [Music] [Applause] oh oh [Music] oh my god wow actually wait what this is like um a taser how is this a word what is a dog a puppy you have maybe a puppy dude i don't know either [Music] i have no clue zero idea i [Music] thank you you guys have a good night thank you so much let me enjoy my 12 hours i had a lovely time [Applause] i also i'm going to take off just because my food is here and i'm starving yeah yeah well this is really fun we should play scribblio more often yeah [Music] because i really want to play life uh the board games super down and then maybe monopoly someday monopoly bye bye have a good night okay i don't know what i'm doing um i literally went to my discord i was like okay it's valentine's day um i know girl sign would be really fun okay yes also my lipstick is dried and it kind of hurts my lips we should play on the new account yeah i'm gonna log into our new accounts so we have new accounts completely new we're just gonna uh actually do our ranked games on stream our like placement games on our new accounts which is just whatever because john ready yeah good question i said around seven or eight so um [Music] i will never forget the word opera accordion and bermuda bermuda guys okay she was so confident on bermuda that i was like oh [ __ ] is it bermuda i was like i swear the bermuda triangle is the thing in the ocean where you get lost but she said she i was so i was like yeah bermuda okay yeah anyways hi thank you ray for the for the manual raid i appreciate it welcome everyone um if you don't know who i am my name is carter jade or jody i'm a variety streamer um i'm gonna play some valerian so my account on my main account is already d3 so you can't play with friends anymore you have the duo um so we're actually gonna play on these new accounts that we all ranked up and um yeah so we're just gonna we're gonna rank up new accounts but yeah we're gonna just go on the grind again because we already hit d3 so probably just gonna try to hit d3 again also this morning this is gonna be really loud sorry if that was unbearable paisley bro thank you for the tier one so wait they give the 30 minutes let's puma party i'm sorry i can't hear you what was that beard down they go to two years welcome back for two entire games with the two used to support but do i think with the switch from sub welcome if you'd like you can join the discord just go to your site for today that would be amazing i'm about to ban the words bubble party for my chat man you know what i okay i have given public party two chances i'm sure that the third one i would have really great luck there's just like no way right also sorry i have to move on my monitors and stiff so just give me a second i can work on replacing by allergen did you pronounce that one stuff what's up bam bambi think of the five months you didn't see the drawing right welcome back for five months and i hope that your shift's been going well um envy the kidney with the two months ssja sing with the nine with the tier two sub low key lock and jalen and jane jafia jafia thank you for the uh the twitch primes you guys talking tuesdays against three months and corolla think of the floor okay boom boom oh i just opened random things i didn't mean to open i had to pee gaming angle boom valerian okay hi honey cat hey i love you say hi this is genji this is my cat he's a devon rex he's a cutie he baby vented crimson thing of the twitch pumps up then i said a niner nine earth thank you very much welcome spacey secretary of dark titan welcome back beard checking the two trips up two cable through the three months [Music] i don't know how to pronounce your usernames i'm really sorry thank you for the twitch i'm sub um and nickel a nickel to get the tier 1 sub it's me carter thank you for the 100 sharks or dolphins but a different shape i'm yes i will die on that pill i think sharks or dolphins are just a different font and i will literally die on that hill you can't you can't tell me any differently so whatever um adrian thank you for the twitch prime sub welcome and unicorn roxy thank you twitch warm sub welcome okay we're just gonna hunt for some peeps okay genji okay john i don't know if john's coming unicorn roxy thinks the two tribes have real lumidar things you guys thank you so much for your twitch primes um i hope you enjoy your time here i hope you enter the email so you get to use on twitch and yeah thank you so much for the support if you would like you are more than welcome to join the discord discord that gg quarter jade if you're looking for a community on like twitch or just in general to find like games to play with or whatever i will say like my community is really really nice if you are looking for like a wholesome banter heavy community this is the place [Music] i could just eat you alive you're just so stinking cute mr and amy think of the twitch for himself welcome good night and thank you so much for hanging out these are the one hybrids don't fight lula thank you uh resub welcome back mom emilia cruz think of the 100 buddies in the immortal words of britney as pierce dolphins are just gay sharks did you know that oh cindy's got the what okay we'll pass it to you oh yeah okay i'm [Music] like why why you have no business being this cute got no business don't leave you're fine what you doing he is a devon rex so payne um yeah so he's a demon executive short-haired smaller version of a cat hypoallergenic has curly fur if you or can i see but when i first like can get or got genji he had like do you need like no hair he was probably bald cat but it's funny he still has like peach fuzz on his head so he's like a bald bald head but yeah oh yeah he has a striped tail i can't really show you because he's i have double rock they're the best yeah hi sponge okay what are you doing hanging out you've had a long day honestly yeah i thought about i actually really wish i had some more time to play down right during the day i'm so tired yeah and that's that's fair yeah thank you okay [Music] okay i should probably pee but i didn't get boba i actually does anyone oh okay let me so i think i'm allergic to boba kind of so like every time i drink boba specifically boba like the actual tapioca balls i like get a stomachache but it's not it's not like i could i can drink milk all i want it so as i didn't do that and i can drink tea all the time and so i'm like what even but also i wonder if it's not even like allergic um like i wonder if it's just so too much sugar for me like i get a headache and i don't feel good like my stomach hurts so i don't know but then i'm like i eat tapioca pudding all the time so then i'm like me i honestly think that it might just be does anyone else feel this way like whenever you drink boba is it um it's just like too much it feels like it's too much so i actually try to avoid boba sometimes so right now i got a strawberry lemon mint green tea oh it's hard to digest different brand just to set your stomach so it doesn't justify my stomach i actually just like straight up get a headache so that to me sounds like maybe too much sugar i have no idea i always go for 50 sugar so i actually always also go for 50 sugar and then i had to go for even less sugar and like at this point i just kind of gave up you know yes on an empty stomach oh i don't really i don't know last villain thank you for the 22 months welcome back panda pogba thank you for the t-shirt and baby uh there that kind of scared me auntie baby the two one sub k bomb thank you for the 500 base water buffalo me joe gentle think of the four months european thing with the 16 derrick movies here one [ __ ] i think of the deterrance out rising of the prime you guys if you're new here really i appreciate the support thank you so much we're going to dive into some valerian if you're interested in watching valor gameplay um i'm currently d3 on my main but we're gonna level up some or rank some new accounts uh just because d3 is the cap of five bands you can only duo so we're gonna just um play on these new accounts and yeah it's gonna be me celine oh do you think i can announce uh stuff they i say you say whatever you want and i support it yes ma'am all right okay so twitch rivals is coming up um they announced twitch rivals for valerie and they announced it yes that's why i'm thinking like i think it's okay for me to talk about so twitch rivals for valor is coming up which is really cool um hi genji buenas yeah baby and i'm we our team so i'm captain which is really cool i got invited to be a captain for valerian and i'm like super excited about it and um i think john is going to be my co-captain and then celine celine's john so i think he goes on the wrong show maybe and um a random that i met i think in act one like the first ever season episode whatever the frick you call it um in valerian i went in with a four-man squad and i met this random his name was josh he mained omen at the time but i actually like he's just been really nice ever since and like you don't run into really nice randoms so we've been playing with josh uh quite a bit and yeah so that's our squad so the people that we've been playing with uh are the people that is on our is going to be the people that we play with our valerian team or at least the people we try to grab for the roster oh sorry genji i just hit you show me yeah so yes um that's yeah i actually have no idea who else is in this valerant tournament but at least like i think it'll be really fun i don't think dates have been announced so i'm not going to announce the dates just because i don't i'm a little scared of leaking things um as of course when it gets closer to hey no bye as i get closer to the date i will let you guys know all everything oh the announcer dates on twitter well yeah i can't even tell you because i don't even remember the dates so i'm sure you can go find out though they announced it yes of course i just don't remember date is in february two dates are in march and the exact dates i do not know so kenji [Laughter] honey you can't go up there honey oh my god you're so cute i love you honey i love you so much i love you [ __ ] no bye nobody ah okay what do you want why buy you want to play we can play i don't understand you mad at me you can't go up there you're being weird you're being weirdo that was so cute except now my monitor is all crooked okay actually the p um okay i'm gonna randomly i'm gonna make you not sit in silence because i have done this often enough where i leave you in silence um meet your country i'll get something right i keep on thinking of the 500. now i said that already i said all these janetta they could twitch by myself and look what's all it takes for two years welcome back okay i'm gonna go bathroom um we'll do this okay be right back genji wenji ninja wendy [Music] hey [Music] [Music] oh chad has been really nice to me these last couple of days and i just want to say that it does great things for my mental so i really appreciate it chat thanks guys thanks chad i love you too oh wait oops wrong one i'm gonna um play some aim lab just to warm up um because it's been a while i didn't play valor much um we love jody and genji i love genji arguably more and that's on good vibes i will say like i feel really spoiled by my community or like i don't know i just see pockets of twitch that are kind of on the more troll um a little more toxic side which is just inevitable as the internet is as it is but i'm really grateful because i feel like when i stream um everybody in my chat is actually really overall really like positive and wholesome and i greatly appreciate it because if there's any other way i think i would not be able to handle it so if you're like part of my community i really appreciate you guys being awesome and just i don't know i feel like you guys are really kind so we banter but not too hard that is the perfect way to describe my community i do i think that you guys do have a nice happy meal like balance with banter so and i'm glad that you guys like pick up on it like you guys don't bully i'm a big fan [Music] you always do grisham um so i've been i'll show you guys my aim my aim practice i guess so this is how i usually warm up actually okay so what i've been trying to do is there's this really um tedious training task but i think it's pretty good um okay so it's called six shot so six wait why does this keep moving is it me let's see so six shot is one that i've been trying to use for often zettageek thank you for the five get this subs thank you so much welcome everyone thank you thank you thank you for the gift that subs stand on my cheeks even the two i'm a chi bo these are three months uh yeah thank you so much for the good subs appreciate it okay so the sixth shot has been something that i've been really trying to uh so garcia i used to kind of get used to my sensitivity of just my mouse and whatever and then shot is where i'm trying to work on my accuracy and just like get really really comfortable with my aim but i think this is i mean actually i think this is good so this one triggers me i don't know why it's hard so i think like what i've tried to do in this one is not really like go fast but just be completely accurate so like i'm like slow when i do this but i think it really helps with accuracy and like learning your sense [Music] sorry this is the thing not the fun part of stream but i promise you i just have to warm up it's just i can't play otherwise okay but what's really fun is you go from here oh this one is called six shot okay so i usually practice here um and then i'll practice it a couple more times i don't aim practice as nearly as much as i should but um and then i'll usually go from there to grid shot which i think just overall again helps with like that accuracy and reaction speed and flicks which i have been finding myself constantly flicking invalid which i shouldn't because i sometimes flick it shows that like i don't really know how to play valor well in terms of holding angles but yeah at no i just love a mob but this one i have to also learn okay let's do it okay this one i have to have music genji and she's clawing at my footrest [Music] i can feel myself being really [ __ ] rusty right now [Music] okay i want a different song but i have a feeling you know what [ __ ] worth what [Music] it's a matter of time [Music] [Music] wow [Music] oh sorry honey but i passed look this way [Music] oh [Music] right [Music] i don't think that song is yeah [ __ ] it worth it so worth it [Music] done dude paramore is kind of unmatched i'm going to be honest um made it thank you for the two months haven't you one thank you for creating such a good community being my comfort streamer thank you for being here thank you for the support um eliminate think of it illuminating with the six months of spring one thank you for the three and thank you gracious llama thank you for the two one stop sweet baby aaron thank you except the blazing angel blazing angel welcome uh and no breaks poppy thank you to myself what's up what's up okay i'm sorry this isn't gonna i think i need this one more [Music] i know that song is so good like that i swear that the chorus makes me play better [ __ ] part of my french but they're just so small and i'm like a sliver off it's good it's good practice oh my god i can't i don't know how you're supposed to get anything i don't know how you're supposed to be fast at that at all there's just no way you know maybe if i just play the song but like quiet you know that but maybe i just a taco room [Music] quiet quiet quiet stick shopping is so much pain i know but it's good for you right think of the two myself what's up i need to go slower i think my frames feel kind of funny in aim lapse i don't know why oh my arm is in pain dude i bet you playing right arm is gonna be more buff in my left just because of aim training [Music] hmm the fatigue is kicking in okay now i think we're just waiting [Music] so where's john well the last time i checked discord he said he was scrubbing a dish oh i'm battling a dish yup okay he said he's battling a dish let's ask hey it's cool ray thank you for getting us up to all dawn hold on welcome not one of them hold on i'm looking for bubbles and then yes [Music] chelsea think that twitch yeah i don't know he said he's squirming a dish bread and bread um favorites actually i should favorite this one how does one dave please name your item to save it what not no no yeah so i guess we're pretty much just waiting for john and john isn't going to be found so i don't really know well it's not my last stream let's hope not i'm not sure where is john is there any other like dmca free good songs okay if anything john's gonna have an upbeat good song but um i need something upbeat okay but this is kind of a banger so [Music] you know i'm gonna actually just try and actually no no no no i should learn [Music] is [Music] [Music] look at that in just a second [Music] zero thank you for the fire kids it's subs welcome everyone thank you so much welcome welcome welcome welcome um no uh [Music] maya or mxm tune is dmca free but um thank you there for the five good themselves welcome everyone to the j forget hello thank you thank you thank you so much welcome she has amazing music [Music] is [Music] this makes me feel like i should decrease my sense just because you have a better control when your sensitivity is lower it's just that i don't know [Music] [Music] the deed is done okay john is coming it's just so chill yeah sorry we're pretty much waiting for our fifth does anyone use name live here actually to practice t think of the tier one sub yeah i actually think it's like um i for me some people like yeah some people use kovacs and a lot of people do death match um i actually hate deathmatch and valor i don't know why i like can't for whatever reason deathmatch like doesn't let me practice i i don't know how to feel i guess it would help me a lot with movement um but yeah same with you i agree it's like a little too much for me this just like really helps me i guess to learn like get comfortable with my mouse because sometimes i kind of forget my s or like i don't know like a nice reminder my sensitivity [Music] hmm [Music] oops this one i feel like i'm like getting better at already which is weird spider shot ultimate dude spider shot ultimate it's just so much harder i'd rather do this you know that's true so i think like misery by paramore like the b is just really good for a good shot for me like that is like my firing rate i guess or if i want it to be but yes that's why i like listening to the music so embarking compass they give them 17 months even the 17 months don't own support thank you thank you for supporting me um chaoster yeager thank you for the twitch prime sub um anyone else's hair be looking like the information is when the wake up in the morning not just me i don't know what you're talking about actually i wanted to get a tier one sub easy i john too easy i didn't know you're talking about hi hello and uh a species was growing in my kitchen what i know i'm gonna be annoyed by this song i have a feeling what uh what are you are we at currently oh wait wait you do unrated right um john did you ever play your phone rated yeah oh then we just we're playing on our new account sorry i was doing aim lab so i couldn't talk i i haven't unrated ready to go okay perfect wait what about button dick yeah i mean i do we want button dick to be like our five only account i have to win four more i think i just asked yeah she asked that oh i know i never finished butt dick but i haven't unrated ready okay yeah oh okay get on that one john is an accounting button hopefully we can rank together on it though i have like two games left and then i think it's ranked oh oh yeah this should be fine so we play someone rated how did it how long did it take away sorry i wasn't right should i do the unrated we can play for unrighteousness yeah wow i don't mind we might as well play together um how long did it take you to where you are i started around 45k and i'm up to 75. so i started around 60 60 75 i would say it was where my starting was and now it was like averaging eight you want to play together on the button dick we're all playing okay so you want me to get a button dick no not unless you have an account like we were our plan was to just rank up these accounts yes but i have one that already has three games played on yeah okay then get on that one yeah okay okay because button dick isn't ready to play ranking yes i know that's what i'm saying and then you said let's play it together so i thought you wanted me to get on to play the n rated together gotcha yes oh wait i think i'm one away my professionals uh who can i add who is the easiest username tinysprite4237 actually elektra is really easy you need to play games with the girls again because that was great i know that was a lot of fun like i hope we do that more often that's not you wait who are you john court k-o-r-d-t did you add me yep i didn't get it oh it says tiny spread tiny spread electra nine yeah five two six nine i think yeah you just spelled it wrong added court yep wait did they fix it the front thing you added me instantly i guess so it's like orange i think yeah i have to say i think it just works sometimes and not others oh unfortunately what's up model they're like 18 months welcome back how are you doing well what do you mean thank you for using that callistic with [Music] yeah there's no way like fresh accounts get placed to plat right i mean i think of anything i'm probably gonna i would have we kind of trolled right ish ish okay i definitely trolled i have like two games three games that i've like wait john what was your rank we can tell by that like when you played ranked what teams were you against on that account oh you know john scored 31 and 11. um but he played with bronze like okay here i'm playing sage like it's fine you know to try like i'm like nine we're talking about getting sober super cold cool but john has like in you know john you might get placed in like high gold or maybe even play true caleb leaving the two months welcome back thank you so much i'm closing this we shall see we should i'm closing this i guess i don't really need me genji what are you staring at um this is celine celine josh john john crazy things that was a two years alright that's what i'm saying oh my god they were almost two years shall we shall we hi genji so the question is do i buy oh i know i bought the reaver vandal for this account i did that yup me i did that i have to get the finisher in order to get a variant yeah actually is it variant 10 or 15 15. oh my god i have enough to get the finisher but then i'm off five to get i'm so close smash bound oh i didn't even buy the variant all right debating between the white one or the black one of course it's david let's get it i've never i've always seen your clips on twitter but now i'm actually here to see excited to your pl welcome okay to be fair i don't always play as good as my collabs but i'm gonna do my best have you thought of trying skye if so if you did what do you think of her so sky is not my play style um my playstyle is kind of reyna phoenix jet all right let's do this yes oh we're like we're like pick-and-picking what does that mean what does that mean we're like trying trying well we are playing ranked we we should try try i don't know we should try try when i get this guy i'm gonna i'm gonna try that out i keep opening this stupid thing but it is my first game of the day it is same so you know whatever they have so whatever try win some lose some you know yeah along those lines um but the yeah so sky i think is a really good agent like i think battle sky is op right now i think sky is like really good to have on your team if you know what like what if they play sky well i just don't play sky like i consider sky and like silva very similar i guess in terms of like dog drone whatever it's just like that kind of staying back and getting intel is just not my stuff i'm kind of i thought we would start from like iron wait um [Music] i don't know they said comma oh my god i feel like i haven't played valen forever same why does my map suddenly feel like so big actually i mean you wouldn't oh my god i'm not used to this all right yeah i feel like i haven't played in so long i know saying i really just didn't play for a day and like i'm i feel naked oh yeah you guys have a place for a day we played yesterday i haven't played for a day i feel naked my movement's still wizard not gonna lie i thought you said movement what did he think movement nobody no oh they're all see oh he's running out he's running i'm coming i'm coming up oh no oh my god everybody okay um i think they're already on site yeah all right we we win these guys i have one blind to get us in getting wait she can right-click you from wait what was your health i had 20 hp but you know oh [ __ ] that right click rng yeah that's a very lucky that is the luckiest session i've ever seen she right-clicked dude that hurt so bad um viper poisoned me and then they shock-darted me [Music] and then i had 20 hp i held my mouth even in the center and it did like the other ring all right all right all right all right i always force i'll be honest i bought the wrong [ __ ] gun nothing here nothing mirror super okay i'm hiding in smoke because they're careful you're long either on their own wait for this i got one yeah that was intentionally intentional i think my frames are again going to [ __ ] thank you thank you um yeah i felt that i felt my [ __ ] like for a night this is my save uh yes bonus yeah john has a frenzy if you want that i do have a frenzy i do i have a deagle as well no i think i'm a deagler bigger they have a big bite to be honest they bonus they didn't buy uh yeah they have enos i'm gonna just back it up then do you see though you see long i'm coming up i'm playing retail oh they're coming okay i'll rotate i have double shot okay maybe i can push up here okay i left a like they're coming c right yep okay okay turning it through oh one in window one in window oh they're rotating back okay i'm leaving okay oh they rotate back wait one bottom bottom b it's okay off grudge [Music] i have no smokes i have you just killed yourself for what i thought the molly would die it honestly seemed like it lasted for a very long time what the heck how long did molly's last night um that seemed long okay john pop off i think viper's got to carry me with his eight kills okay um yeah i just wickied it it does stay too long in the description careful raises one off nice wait how long does that moment maybe three going long nothing much 8.3 seconds that's long wow that's really long yeah that was an amazing remote i actually have learned that in higher elo it's usually better actually okay okay lower elos it's good to save bremont for um planting because people usually plant default but now people like usually will look and be like oh brim has old don't plan default careful results um so yeah so a lot of people like have been using bremo more aggro i grabbed or any longer than peach they smoke your window your door you go heavy you smoke a window garage window he's not committing they're joining garage one close b they have spectres and they're droning into a garage can you peek me john usually will drown smokes bee smokes balls still love i don't know what they're doing okay chubby two out grass silva has been darting wherever they go which is mid ceiling's clear one rim was mid yeah one's puppy are they really just gonna try to come be oh one enemy they're really they're really windy sure i didn't do anything really they really committed i was like waiting for them to rotate again oh you're rich oh we're rich we're all rich yeah i don't know why they just stopped the best anchor ever what can i say doing my job well i killed the killjoy with 17 damage david carcass thank you for himself welcome to the champion only meant you think of the two dick duck doggy thing for the two three months jim inside i think this up to it's alexasaurus josh leading in the nine jupiter what is your high score aim lapse uh i think 96 something wow and window one hey garage garage open i live do you got a grudge as well i'm moving to heaven breaking my wall oh actually smoking mid what does that smell that's too silent what is this smoke one outside garage [Music] why do i hear one no i think they're in garage okay i'm gonna just started seeing yeah one's cubby i can't tell if they're gonna rotate or stick yeah i don't know either so last one was cubby i don't know you killed the couple i was gonna explode as soon as i get to the doorway okay coming coming 3v2 there my bad um sure feel a little jumpy i saw her i knew she was shooting and i just kind of flipped like i don't play for one day and i'm like scared and i haven't taught her somehow welcome to twitch hello my words of advice um if you are using any kind of browser whatever download or install uh the bt tv and ffc extensions okay browser extension you will be able to see email she's on playing viper with the vandal there's spring garage okay nothing was back there i'm gonna push i'll show your platform no there's still spring garage they could be going into nothing in the garage that's 2c thank you sir i just want a flex system same i'd rather just play like a mortal flex yep yep okay i wasn't able to check the cross my bad oh you're cool oh one's along one side oh they're yeah oh one's too long waiting for me to come in i hear them i have a blind ready oh this smoke lasts forever you should run and he reap oh i broke the i whiffed on this over hmm wait that shark was kind of nutty it was killed one and i killed the children yes dude you did it for default plant yeah i didn't even know she went to default um okay reyna increases her actually a perfect time for it um increases her firing rate increases her reload speed my dismiss not only does it like dismiss me able to come or become invisible for a period of time if i get a kill and i automatically heal off a kill ah i'm moving raj it's three c long uh care garage spike planted blind front you can deepen it from the front last player standing 108 on viper oh my gosh there's a hole how's oh that was so funny 108. dude that was like the blind i couldn't kill the killjoy there's like it is it's not right and let's think of the two one so i guess at that point we just flanked how are you gonna have short oh [ __ ] oh my wait they're staring at it there's two windows staring at garage yeah i hear them pop out garage gun one is definitely shooting long they wanted me ceiling uh turret man i think i mean they could could be in garage one just hopped down nothing long pushing for infinity coming in see okay coming oh no all four inside no flanks yeah hey molly ct i'm gonna go long because i think they all have volts either two okay three two long three three three it's five pursuing lineups i guess one's puppy or something oh yeah there's a string they have four post planners great it's doomed it's doomed it's doomed [Applause] they line up for me if i hit a head shot they're always on well in case you need abilities like um oh no eyeball josh keep the johns though the jaws oops i hate it here is she wobbling me can you hear me ct's oh i already killed josh okay so i think what i do i'm gonna try to kill one with my drone tag my hands do be kind of cold you know once grass he's drowning as well across either i flank or i hold smoking can you smoke my front bead he's like windows side they're all getting my heels up watching doors down here dropping out of the window oh i lied [Music] no i don't do that what drink did you get they sounded like um it's from a boba place but i ended up getting like a strawberry lemonade thing imagine you think of the 15 months i moved to the pmw this month and i get the two real snow this weekend yeah it's snow i don't know he's hitting the smoke what you just ditched his ass completely i'll kill her one time i think the last one is short was short i thought i could make it she's literally definitely a double cycle angle whoa whoa whoa what that was my bad that wasn't my first show i know i have a really bad habit of panicking but i think that that you just get over that i didn't really just slow your time right you just get over that with playing more and like kind of becoming immune it's like mighty knight is mine but i panicked i also have this really bad habit of assuming everybody every enemy is better than me and so that also gets my head cause i'm like oh [ __ ] i'm like dead and then i'm like well i might as well just spray to get as much damage but then i'm like no jody you could have a chance if you would just oh i don't know calm down you know origin think of the twitch prime sub welcome yeah i assume people are better than me and it is honestly really bad for my mental smokes down see nobody's watching brimming girl walked out yeah brim walked a lot they're going to die here jody we don't have window okay killjoy's uh he's alive all right seven bullets for the break let's go see let's go see evan arrow yeah yeah it clears i'll say killjoy had already rotated information you can just learn i swapped garage thinking through garage i feel like we should one day on site in your head oh you're watching some water reload your mags and let's get back out there oh my god no i think the guy killed him with the shorty and sick in your face thank you for the chance up does she ever so look you know solo queue is a dangerous place for women unfortunately i've still looked cute twice in my life and i have been yelled at by men for being a woman so i will not sell it um oh recon hey hit like once with a stinger but she isn't marshall and that hurt backseat back to you wait like five seconds i can dart to see okay wait five seconds five five five all right let's go let's go w key then i am speaking right fourteen a game and one of our friends would be a warm-up game and he killed two people because he had a stinger because the rate of fire is just so fast the breach ultimately killing anyone maybe can you come sit on my lap or something because um i'm trying to play a video game and you're kind of in my way crazy they didn't reduce the accuracy you can't sit there you're in the way of my mouse oh she's kind of close to the marshall wrong buddy actually i need to move her with the marshall what is this smoke is there wait he's close left right back side still marshall standing okay so this girl loves the fling yeah okay silva's not my place now my frame sucks so [ __ ] bad why on the air oh no no no no no no earlier yeah they're just batteries don't think it's your frames um my frames are bad why are my frames so bad just because i have a oh god you people are the peanuts for brains and it's just i don't understand for what why i say what do you mean my frames are bad they do me my frames are bad i don't know what i don't know oh my friends just do that i it just happens for whatever reason my computer is kind of [ __ ] but it makes me sad because they're so bad i don't know if it's killers gonna op i don't trust this race you're one's on logs they molly'd see long oh what th that's theirs they don't make different sounds down to not go see i can fake this recon we can walk in nice my name renee smokes down try to plant ammo he's pushing short with the judge okay he's so little a call i did try changing it i'm not sure i think that my cpu is actually just not powerful enough to stream and play valor so i think i needed a new cpu which sucks but that's okay i was talking to chris about it he just thinks that i need to yeah adjust that take flight launching smoke what is he using what the [ __ ] why is that not getting out what in the world there's a marshall garage okay we're all off site i will chill right here oh he's watching one's here one's here one's close to me two watching garage um john i'm sorry you might be burning i'm getting ready what is this smoke what's next to me one's next to me 2ct i do not think he was gonna be long i heard ct i'm like okay this is fair no we just kissed phantom shot kind of scared john 27 yeah you guys didn't carry me i'm not doing [ __ ] good job guys good game 14 assists on reyna oh yeah that's what feels bad that means that i can't hit a six first you know they can't hit my shots that literally means i see them i hit them but i cannot i cannot deserve no they don't i don't think they do i think that's just good all right oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa grass oh last left side left side paramedic came outside nothing peaking long are we trying to nc here around here sure okay oh they will come one enemy remaining okay yeah nice it's not spawn okay yeah i didn't do anything i literally do yes quite literally did nothing in the game good job everybody dude i don't think i can play this game with the contacts i'm wearing i might go oh glasses no you play too good john oh both of you yeah you both of you kind of we're just oh i'm breathing i think you people you be there you're iron one no way john's account can't play with john's account okay i don't know because john plays bronze three so john needs to get on button dick yeah so we just gotta finish unrated account i think no no no i think we should finish our own ratings anyway yeah it is easier yeah that is true yeah jackson stuff like the four months it's because she played with bronze people so the game can you say hi to my friend i mean i have a friend i don't know she's a big fan i don't know oh yeah that too because how are we supposed to play together or practice together when we're d3 yeah yeah yeah mr quality performance struggle by saying with the ear welcome back thank you so much for a year um orders thinking that twitch arms up a little bit well it's hard to do solo queues on myself but you were better than them um i mean i'm definitely not better than everybody it's more just like i obviously you will come up before he's kind of weak we're lucky i don't have the mental capacity to deal with people being straight up just mean and sexist yeah it like gets into my head and i can't play the game so okay good night marshmallow sleep well gamers one thing in eight months yeah yeah yeah how long has valor been out forever almost a year right it wasn't like march of last no april around there i think so it took them eight months to remember it was after animal crossing so april april 7 took them eight months to respond to what players wanted hey it's better than like pub g you know i think for six months they wanted solo duo and higher inc oh what were we gonna say oh i was just gonna say that um i saw a tweet the other day talking about how pubg still has not increased their loot like rate it's been like at least two years right who should i recruit i haven't free agent recruit skye [Music] don't you guys want to play skye john and uh oh yeah i want to hop on that skytrain okay but think about long term these accounts sky right yeah cuz i'll probably be helping on raise and bind i'm gonna be interlocking rays wait yeah john why did you ask me what i was talking about and then you ignored me i didn't you did it's okay my feelings are only slightly hurt i reciprocated what you're saying but then the the conversation changed to what he should unlock as an agent right calamari thank you for the six rosie no you didn't like even say anything in acknowledgment to me but that's okay because eventually after you talk with his agent i'm not gonna interrupt him and say like okay so i was just kind of making a joke never mind oh okay it didn't just feel like a joke okay adam will think of it eleven months melissa thank you for the five what's up moxie did we give this a chaotic broccoli oh man i'm yeah whatever unless you go awesome [Music] oh i'm going to use the restroom real quick i'll be back it's a very satisfying sound should i play killjoy or sage up to you are we just trying to like roll through these underrateds oh we're playing these are unrated yeah oh oh shoot sorry i didn't even i didn't even look i didn't even ask next time it's okay i'm [ __ ] with jack but at least i gotta try to learn her alt ace of hate with the twitch trying stuff welcome and no i think it's one hundred buddies actually that's my bad i only saw john hover it so then i didn't yeah faster the better well we said that last time and then not many people surrendered well yeah but we also were all these heroes that we don't normally play that is true i don't play anybody else right this is it [Music] how long you've had your account for influences what you get in your in your night market because my account is very new and there's like zero legendary really this accounts do you want to have oni claw and what finally i have only claw in night market oh i think that i don't know i guess it's just random wow this account just got really bad rng then i wish i had only full price wait what is okay i'm gonna i'm not gonna spend these but i don't understand the difference i don't really care about the finisher so i think the spline skins are so ugly too like what is this like why why did they create this oh i know like this for whatever reason like you know it's like gross or it just reminds me like a bug or like some sort of something you know one for the really wonderful time i wanted to finish [Music] oh shrimp taco think of the one-handed babies [ __ ] it i'll play sage you sure no thought i'm like wait no i don't want to do that i'd rather this five-man duelist than but one of my one of your last times you were wearing a green shirt with your hair and match your color of your build and you set up and set up perfectly it made me so happy oh you have a build that's pink and green cool but i love that i'm locking in [ __ ] it killer mafia i think of the 20 months emoji bunching with one handed videos you guys thanks it's ugly but i picked it up once in the game and i played so well with it not even like oh it's fine yeah i think i'm down five dollars in a stage let's go this guy's a duelist you really do her thank you so much i am smokes welcome everyone to the jamie thank you for the support hi everyone welcome permit the frog [Music] my name is christy kermit the flesh frog frog i can't do it uh well i don't know i just think i started talking through my throat and i thought why not all right oh please no [Music] awesome what's up thing with the three what's up what's up nobody has act ranks this whole game [Music] but they do all look like banners so they're not new accounts so i don't think we're gonna steamroll this well let's um john do you remember what setting scientists have to like optimize this uh everything off and on the lowest but you want to turn improve clarity on improve clarity on like even on a multi-thread reddit rendering off yeah okay and and anisotropic filtering eight uh i have it at one one x and anti a listing is none for highest fps things ooh stages air support all the way let me show it with same frames oh no no my friends just got better i was getting eight i have a heel i'm gonna drop all of them i'm getting 80 and then now i'm at least getting wait that yeah i was getting at least a hundred and something three three well i'll heal the lower one well 2v1 i'm down oh shoot i got the spike hated heaven i have one bullet one bullet there's a frenzy here what am i wrong player my momentum randomly disappeared i whiffed i whiffed no worries clutch yeah i had 700 but now yeah so like before when i was doing this i got like 80. now i'm getting at least 100. [Music] marshall let's find out i didn't buy my wall oh so the backside of the i'm a doctor b stingers is better holy [ __ ] uh [Music] so what's going to happen right now oh my god this raised nose lineup are you i can't even believe i have no comment somebody for 25. remaining come on oh my god my game relatable relatable omen smoked window i think bowman hit 81 in the mid oh oh two two two two on twice one back side two players stand ninety four on uh i'm scared i just hit that omen in the [ __ ] head well i didn't expect two twenty empty damn this feels kind of sweaty when i'm ready this is kind of sweaty for an unrated guys my crosshair is off there we go i think i'm aiming here i need to aim here you're 100 hold off no sorry i'm uh i'm measuring my crosshair stay safe josh bye please this guy's a madman i freaking didn't expect it 142 to kill joy i jumped as she swung i got to kill c [Music] my bad my bad bad okay they push on a okay we can go pretty much anywhere now nice thank you for the garage i think you see i think backstage could be wrong oh [Music] hey hi there tips on being better at valentine um i think that ballard has a lot of cross hair placement and knowing where your crosshair should be depending on where they are so for example if i'm peeking here i'm not gonna like hold here right i'm gonna aim my crosshair down here or like knowing like with this and like knowing crosstalk is really important but also i think it has a lot to do with aim practice and just kind of game sense oh my god okay coming i'm blind is that coming for you one raises heaven a short been cleared go downhill raises heaven um garage chloe cause i was like oh i know for sure he's not gonna tip he's going heaven i know for sure he's not gonna tiptoe considering and he knows i'm looking at him how did he get to the bomb in time is he leaving maybe he wants your guys's guns he hasn't he hasn't rambled what well you know at least yeah that's happened to me before that doesn't bomb but it still hit me i'm confused i think the elevation rush pixel yeah because i was on a stair it didn't count as like the same distance oh let's see they should not have a goodbye like a lot of them careful they might have shopkins joining a garage one more was the oh one more one made one more up my brains are ass just absolute dog [ __ ] just so bad i have a bulldog hi peter what's up dude yo what rank are you i'm trying to rank up this account so that if you want to climb to like v3 together you know what i'm saying if you don't want to play let me know awesome thank you for the 10 kids it sucks my friends are differently um anybody have any advice to fix frame issues by chance no are you dropping frames yeah come to my res if you want yeah my friends went to 50 when i was in that fight that's crazy it's so bad you guys i don't know what the [ __ ] is open in the background no i'm just streaming i have chrome to open stream chat but that's it bit as [ __ ] no way no crash i'm we're both one house i can kill you yeah yeah she just jumped i'm backing it up last player [Music] either left or right there he's kind of pre-aiming for long i think you're going to run away it just lined up perfectly so should i go like here you guys are like yeah you either walk left or walk right staying open that way you can drop you jump if you walk left you actually get to see him first as well okay can which one is john john is button dick and then other john is but before then at the same time oh they're running now feeling i want to play safe wait this ball is actually so good for heaven yeah why are they just omen tv across the players yeah they're like smart and they're [ __ ] sweaty yeah i thought one was heaven so i kind of got him bumble yummy what's up jim basically i had this i had to step on the wall and i had a headshot level and then you broke the wall at the same time i got to shoot her head why are your friends i don't know my friends are so bad it actually like kind of and then she also [ __ ] me up i'm not gonna lie i wish but on the freaking stage it gets really bad like mid-fight like right now it's fine and then as soon as i see someone's out also i'm not peeking the omen again because his advantage our spike's down oh i got the spike oh my god flat side [Music] yeah how do i i'm in a really [ __ ] spot it's okay you can hold [Music] i'm not playing for long they're rotating now i think i will just try to get a pic and then rotate as fast as i [ __ ] kill i think i don't think they think we're here by the way wait let's put oh he droned i can kill one i can kill him he's going to see me 30 seconds left still life i'm still my from [ __ ] no idea planning for a a link he's not i don't know why he also was just like staring at me with this drone like i don't know it's because i like a timing that areas look at my frame it's kind of unlucky for him to get there i can't drop one it's okay it is what it is today will just be rough and it is what it is or i don't know man i'm having something on top all right let me give it to you what's up what's up welcome we we make do with what we have also sorry john we hid in the same place for that dart we have the exact same idea oh good how is that not her head dude i can't click this i have no fears she's uh she's walled up on top oh my god you know what's so funny is i was thinking no way people hide like there and we talked about that corner and then he was there that's funny i saw him he talked about the question for a while for a good second before you decide to shoot you're like your gravity setting to medium highs no no mine are low mineral on low right now i don't have oh our stage that we wanna on the platform okay so it was in the window 120 still windows i think we should just plant b here yeah go pee one backside b i believe yeah nice omen a link dashes [Music] [Music] i just don't there's nothing i mean i guess i don't even know what these are send those creds i shouldn't i mean i don't know what they are if they are running i don't know they must be relevant somehow so that's a [ __ ] well i mean like okay exit sure exit sure sure i mean those are not really gonna help me with my frame you know what i mean like they shouldn't they shouldn't have backed my frames like four or five times the bonus one graduated fight for ammo plant way backstage i don't even notice that your juicy is not over they could they should finish cool 4cc [Music] pretty much chris the computer guy says that my cpu is not good enough please that's like oh it rings it like let me peek just a sliver yeah you should have shot in my background wait when did i get spike i don't know but thanks for drawing right yeah so i talked to chris and i mean chris just like i need to get a new cpu because of some update that valerie did so i just get to deal with the [ __ ] frames i don't know carlos baron think of the twitch find yourself welcome thank you shinto thing for the three months it is what it is i do not know i do not understand me before my knives went through it but i was pretty sure my knives would have killed her if you do not perform this one on obs you will not get good frame something i don't know what that is sorry sir i'll assist you [ __ ] they get yeah one enemy remaining here's an eye just in case no i've checked my test so this is not a this is not a new problem i've been having frames frame problems with balance for a long time it just like sucks uh i just sucks oh i i yeah i just complain about it on the stream because it's annoying i'll stop see that silva flicked in my head too he's so sad i had armor embarrassed embarrassing embarrassing embarrassing they're crossing a feeling what they were crossback too short or too long i'm dinking i'm gonna back the [ __ ] i'll join those assistants though well i appreciate that you're trying to help that though but yeah i uh sorry i just kind of complained about it because it bugs me and it feels like there's nothing i can do yeah i'm sorry like one was like around short but i don't know yeah yeah i heard it one is around short camera they wrote they've walled i feel like they just walled over the wall at least we killed one two well they had guns do you have color blinds that mo no i don't think so immediately it should just be red right satisfying multiple enemies three grass oh my gosh they're okay one more stage hit 120 kilojoule 60 both that's dead one enemy remaining 30 hp but probably healed i'm dogging through mid wow that was fast as [ __ ] all right right wow she's the best player ever designer yeah she's the best player she's the best player ever best player ever popped up with her spectre so i remember we tried fixing that last time we made valon a high priority and there wasn't really a place it better any place we can send you art like twitter or discord twitter discord my subreddit sometimes i'm going to be honest um discord and twitter get a little flattered why are unnoticed so sweaty yeah i'm like we weren't sweating like when we played average is it because we played a race it's skill based matchmaking crossed crosstalk okay you have nothing to see alongside drones one short [Music] dude honestly yeah oh he's part of me [Music] [Music] yes we can oh they scared they're super scared i'm scared i'm scared wow there's three c long i'm double scared careful long careful long stage she's running up one garage door dead okay last three we're see long lasting could be site i'm gonna come with you okay oh one's here one saw me uh [Music] you don't even know him [Music] i think people who come in and say mean things i didn't see it but in general i think that people in general enjoy my last fight if you are not playing at your best they're just kind of [ __ ] suck i also think that like people are oftentimes feeling really bad about themselves and so they see anybody that's like doing well or it's like someone's successful and they just uh but kill joy in phoenix you know you will not kill me i'm just no we don't know where elemental is oh [ __ ] you're going to try and go for this i don't think i heard it hey [ __ ] time oh he's a ct okay i'm gonna just walk it you know i'm gonna walk in i didn't expect her to be so close holy 103 to raise one backside if you don't see it it just grinds my gear yeah no um i've hit diamond at least every ring which is better and i've been i feel like i obviously i'm not going to mvp yes i want to hide in this corner yeah i go yup i'll stand there all the game oh lots of grass reloading i think i'm gonna dive through one window one window one long on it nothing drunk you're going to switch away [Music] i can't see the smoke one long one coming up oh man is on site i thought that was a headshot for sure he's on top on top of each other players standing one enemy remains doesn't have all right nice control did you mean that dart is on top of me the race was on the truck like just on the truck oh on default yeah wait is that a truck yeah is it a truck let me see oh no the crate i always called the default yeah she was on top no you're like defaults here but she was like i just wanna i think if anything i just want i mean i guess we also want to get out of this game all right all right here comes i really just died of that i have no fear i'm coming okay the rub they walked me off one default welcome back thank you garage is walled i'm going to hold suits you push okay he's drowning actually spike planted what one left side one left side enemy's spotted god dude raised back left one no oh here 120 close left one hp yeah sorry i didn't know how to word this and yeah i was looking at it what do we call this right here shadow defenders i heard on a youtube video called shadow i just call it i like shadow it's called shadow because if i if i heard cubby i would also think yeah long cubby i'm going to call it shadow i like shadow yeah shadow is it's good practice though before yeah you can say i only see it got some practice and look yeah because i do feel kind of dude i don't play valor for one day and i feel so rusty knee stick is the twitch prime step welcome also i just want to say like to chat who understands i guess i appreciate you guys being really nice and also understanding like everybody has good games and everybody has pop-up games and i also want to say thank you for not correlating my kda to my skill because um yes so i'm currently playing with like everybody in this lobby except for me has hit immortal at least once you know so these people are really good actually two of them have hit radiant like um but we're pretty much playing together so that my mmr like i want to play in high mmr to get better and that's how you get better i'm craving fried chicken yeah i ordered it freaking excited what i ordered popcorn chicken earlier and i'm really excited to eat you pop up more than a majority of chats but either way i will say that just like playing that oh my god and ray just texted there's fried chicken on the couch what the heck it's like the heavens actually dude i literally just dead but either way i appreciate the support dude what i don't know how to word this um is anyone on steam randomly screen cutting my no no every time i tap in it just it gets pretty tough my check gets pretty toxic the higher my rank goes up it's been happening for whatever reason um maybe it's a key binding yeah um but yeah i don't know i'm gonna go check out that fried chicken be right back green shot is f12 she's she's like having a mantra she walks away right she can buy chicken pie chicken i made it so there's no screenshot short uh hotkey and it's screenshotting still what does that mean what's wrong with that pc is it again i don't know mike has background noise and you talk well of course because i'm talking about the noise gate it's picking up on my voice and then there's background noise that you hear but when i don't talk you won't hear it you want chat because sorry i asked that one second because i wasn't paying attention were you asking if who wanted you oh no i don't care you're fine um yeah that's just kind of how it works so like in my room i have like a i have like an air purifier on i have my pc with that is also loud i have a heater on right now you know all those things make like kind of like that fan background noise so yeah you'll hear when i talk it's something that i can't really fix just because of the noise gate and there's noise in my room and yeah hopefully you won't be able to hear it i think over like game noise maybe never take the girl out of the salvador i gotta pee what you're doing okay hold on i'll ask i have to pee on me back i'll like walk up somewhere i will hold mid i'll be i have to be so bad hey where do killjoys put their turrets on a it's like this spot that's like really hard to hit but i don't remember where it is i think there because it it scans uh uh and then uh there's another one there here let's scan here wait dodie's a little too high wait jody get down get down okay she's safe i can't be an actor i think they're really good john that was most romantic that you've ever done to me wait what wait there's nothing i need to they're smoking somewhere they're concussing mid oh they're up kitchen get your kitchen what kind of an unrated am i in right now wait [Music] today's been pretty laggy today okay check that windows update bro i think that's i gotta have that too i think that's what's going on okay i wish i had a windows update and it wasn't actually my skill wait john where was i standing like this you're like i'll watch mid and you're staying like this wait no way i was like this for sure right no there's no way right you're like right here like no way lucy sally i was just giving you the uh opportunity to yeah i think i'm i'm the one that doubles at you down you're like no i wasn't [Music] one for sure i'm dead i feel like i don't know what's going on i'm dogging through the smoke [Music] in dude please heal me i'm out of stuff wait she says i'm out of stuff yeah she's out of stuff she says i'm out of stuff stuff i can't tell if you guys are trolling me or not i'm not she says i'm out of stuff why would you think i guess it's better than no when she has never met her why can't she just say i can't heal like i'm coming i'm i'm here to save you don't worry i save you one more yellow oh i think there's no top of the wall one's planning one to know one enemy remaining oh he's there yeah i was like where is she going we bonus [Music] out of bandages alcohol cotton fingers you know stuff it's just weird that she says stuff like of all the voice that lines they could give her stuff is the one ones you think of the two months appreciate it castle thing with ten unbelievable ubc rower think of the eight months oh i learned i can also do the saturn belt for the uh for the orb yes ariana i agree honestly i'm the biggest [ __ ] [ __ ] you'll ever meet not really they didn't i didn't see anyone in the dark yeah can't be caribbean it sounds like mid dish there yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh my gosh like three or four men i'mma be oh go on two baby yeah i'm super understood wait i'm beyond the ball she's still on two [Laughter] what you scared me and celine had the same idea super easy can i get a drop uh jody can you buy no i'm out of medical supplies why can't you just be like i can't heal no healing heal like i was stuck in their parking lot for 40 minutes because my bank account was i hear what yeah do you watch the launch you know what's funny is i was i've watched did i hide behind this oh there's one pipe i think i hear one pipe they smoke their base oh that was a oh that's 114 one tap in uh nest one enemy remaining hit 55 pipes drop recline running away going out nice a weird skin vandal that i'm going to like whiff on oh wait oh wait it would be funny if she said heal yourself i like that face now you've been trying to maintain your hair i feel like i've got the same color you're going i didn't take care of it ended up really really fast oh i've had my hair like this for a month reloading yeah oh episode one actually matches with the skin what where what the episode one matches with the vandal skin um like the blue turquoise honestly i'm really tired and i'm having a hard time understanding words and i'm tired and i'm hungry and i don't understand anything that was way too high of a crosshair valve for 80 she's an off wow she came so fast coleman is a one tap dad he's fridge i'm a dog he's got a knob poor oh he's on top wow i got a sneaky angle 30 seconds left is it 40. is he a bomb oh yeah nice shots um i wouldn't quit unless something really drove me to split so uh [Music] yeah i don't imagine myself quitting streaming if anything i just imagined myself streaming less because i love streaming but sometimes it's just like really i'm like not mentally strong enough sometimes so yeah john's name i know so it's button dick but kind of looks like butt on dick running back running so yeah okay i'm going to help out my team nope but i've sat at this point all right i got your belt yeah this is a mid meeting blonde off wait they did like wait they playing boiler kitchen they're in kitchen yeah they're on oh yeah yep running through kitchen my bad my bad i didn't control that at all so that's a bad smoke though stay somebody okay your kitchen coming out now i need a kill or i'm screwed spike planted get out of here one is for sure honestly these people are just too good like i just don't get the chance i mean i did get the chance but they're just better than me so they get the kill sorry i get my sorry going back in no no literally john josh and john are [ __ ] cracked celine is also [ __ ] correct she's just on a sentinel right now they're literally all cracked yeah um so john is celine's friend john other john's my boyfriend and then josh is a random that i met in uh uh would we four cute i'm hungry i hear eh off your feet you will not kill my allies that's so good unless oh one one close one yeah this uh was really good sorry i thought you heard my roomba how much have you guys been dating oh if you mean how long um john and i've been dating since july july it's july it doesn't holy [ __ ] i actually feel myself deteriorating i need to eat something you need to get so hungry that you kind of like that oh i'm getting not or not yeah yeah i need uh [Music] i need these like immediately sometimes i just like tunnel vision yeah i literally love blood sugar right now sometimes you just like television on gaming and then can i get a job that's what i'm saying why don't these people mff maybe it's just like ice boxes that's true it is practical it's unrated you wanted to win then so i've learned the trick to this jump is your crosshair for you does my turret bother you should i move it oh no i actually should be peeking under tube if they're going for tube just uh there's a lot of people here nothing about yet okay pop off it's phantom this phantom fixed wait one ball one's in spawn one enemy remaining last one get him what in the easiest pie man fixes fps oh fat last round before you know what i got i got a i got nothing off that actually i didn't even hit them what's the fastest way to peek under tube i wonder if it's running here you could say i think that yeah maybe but like running from up there it's like a weird angle to peek from two two two one made it in uh one close left leg in this cup in this pocket sorry about that what in the world watch your tube could be i'm stuck not tube yeah what where did this guy go i don't know where to look okay i'm gonna stand right here i don't like this wait don't we have a chart in our spawn when in doubt peak no the turret is in kitchen oh you could just be anywhere swing jody 30 seconds oh my gosh eyeball saved everything i'm proud of you for not dry sweetie i would never yes i would all the time and i would lose it john what up so where did he come from do you go all the way um i guess he came out of the kitchen he must have like yeah and then back to boiler oh man i am gonna my stomach is eating stuff out or whatever okay after i win this game what wait is running accuracy so good bye-bye running frenzy meta reloading oh my i just got like five headphones on that what yep what he's cute you run with the front end oh there's four and eight five on eight five five five on eight backside and left one enemies far from him with a frenzy dude that's the one time i wish i had all the dream okay i just heated that food up and then [Music] bacon lies desert i really feel like i'm gonna faint we're loud we want to do this all right [ __ ] yeah [Music] what a game i love the game at the game john still has two more to play no way that's a pretty fast game though could have competitive i think i have one more two two two no way okay are we just making mff here how did we not make them fm with the last game you know thing how we get oh gets to choose which one which one you like one two three wow once um that work oh my god oh my god whatever they put in the breading in this world that was the first time i've ever done that successfully you actually did something bro you don't need to insult me no oh my god really run it back okay okay i understand now number one is hi hyperbolic my my gay yeah my gay is going great um my day is going well i have very low blood sugar right now so struggle oh also just a reminder you guys i i don't know um i will be around for a couple of days john and i are going to go take a trip we're going to the forest to literally just do nothing and i haven't been around nature in a really long time and honestly my mental is kind of breaking so i'm trying to take like a two day trip i think i can't remember but pre-peeled garlic i like it um show me them but you won't see me for a couple of days like i'll probably be gone i don't know we leave tomorrow i wish i remember what days we were going but i can't remember so a where do i go as jet like what do i what do i do here okay i don't know i'm here whatever nobody goes b first round nothing about is this the first time they don't work yeah who the heck doesn't come in oh it is not there's two of them belt [Music] i don't really know how to use jet smokes let's blow them over and it's all yours i'm sick and tired of holding like i might as well you know these are unrated and i haven't been really getting kills i'm kind of like bored you know what i mean you're not bored but that's hard to even shoot at people actually i'll let you know okay no it does not have stingers singers before they're in kitchen oh there may be he's not dead one ten two two two alright maybe three yeah snow pile and running off two or three just holders hold spikes here spike's here hold on turn out well they can't do anything without the spike oh no i'm gonna hold them one snowman i was lit okay maybe i should just come help no they're coming for spike now wow one down 76 oh there's one here and here in here what was the point what was the point was there one flank and ct 30 seconds left i heard a deagle shut up here though oh i'm over spike planted no way hi genji one down one screen i think [Music] yeah i would love to pick them apart are they really gonna trash talk hit an unrated game you love to see it go junky there's a lot b spectrum oh yeah they're pushing b lesson here oh they're be there be oh dear lord man [Music] oh my god [Music] he's kind of cracked i didn't expect her to push through the syllable i was ready we like have to win this one right yeah we have to win all right time to die is this our last one last one right here dude full blind backside man you're inside coming by bridge phoenix last player standing i whiffed i whiffed i whiff i just heard someone spray near me um kenji can you not play with that i should have definitely killed that cell phone we're here because we're the best don't any of you forget that actually do i just kenji can you not play with my food you're being really demon right now you mean little demon kissing okay i'm gonna buy a shorty i'm suggesting actually i'm gonna buy frenzy just in case and then i'm gonna knife and yes yes honestly i think i am way too like deprived of food right now to play violin as well here comes the party genji leave my food alone flash med liking tourey right now okay i'm holding mid but john what he thinks like 150. does that make sense here what is this movement what is this is how is she diamond brush don't know man the game kid is putting me in there spike planted did you guys hit the phoenix nope i hit him 156 is never full i'm literally you know when you're like i don't know like splinter runner celine can i see the reaver oh i need to wake up with it that's what it is this is what it is it's more likely negative okay three or two any assaulting coming right side one enemy remaining oh really come up close elbow push he should be the yeah i got his body oh yeah [Music] can you buy me yep i can buy as well if um anyone needs john will need one do any of y'all want mid them down because i think rays they have no smokes by the way wait you want a uh i'd like to practice raise on the end i'm gonna watch for a second that's close oh my i'm sorry no she's crying should you be cracked i just kind of assumed that i would not have time to peek down i thought she would be for sure these looking at maze i am gonna buy this spell actually [Music] you know what [ __ ] actually you know what it can't be shields either way let's go steer for sure you know what i'm gonna sit by i'm gonna sit in the corner you guys hi genji it's time for dinner i'll be doing a little beat i think i hit another one too i will just [ __ ] run in and you know i actually really don't know how to play jet after this like what do i do right now phoenix hit 80 silver hit 27 five okay let's feed you bare back [Applause] yeah that was a classic angle he flashed himself man oh my god i had that if i just whipped up my classic oh my god i'm so mad turn it out actually i kind of like my turret here they are struggling to shoot it [Music] i hear one one plus a one close a one pipe oh one pipe i have recon in ten i think phoenix has left a but bombs on our side okay he's on the bottom can you get on that zipline i i don't want to talk about these arrows i can just jump to it 30 seconds left i watched mid do we not have bomb anymore we do have bombs i have a recon [Applause] you want this yeah uh i am just accepting it dude what oh wait offing is just it it just feels like it's lagging in this game i can't explain it if you played counter-strike when you counter-strike for the op why did i get a knock counter chafing is when you're at a complete hole and the game thinks you're not moving so you get a perfect shot but in this game that way and rather it's like just uh yeah rather it's just supposed to be a mechanic that they did on purpose it's foreign that was very comedic though yeah i don't really know what to do i stopped playing one back yellow do i shoot it i'm fine oh my god i actually can't believe what this phoenix got away he's flashed himself every time and i still died in the past he's flashed himself every single time they do something different every time it can be [Music] they do something different every time b so that time he concussed me so i couldn't off him he left it wasn't kind of crazy i think that has oh to dismiss last round in the half i don't think jet's my champ we lose it anyway i will plant my stuff no oh no this seems really good um this rayna is crap i like this is reyna's like feels very very radiant for sure i don't know i don't know why these are radio games they're so sweaty [Music] oh [Music] uh i think it might be giving haircuts i'm um oh no man you know i just is a windows update for sure that's what i'm saying yeah crazy we all run into the same problem this rain is just cracked out of her [ __ ] mind only only that half now we win yeah it's funny that we have to get four or with a win um ten games to play frank and we're trying to win this tenth and this is the last one like of course this is hard it's funny [Music] what is that they're all here oh wait what nest nope oh [Music] they're pretty good and so are you uh yeah let's check it they don't have anybody that can like jump up except for rays i'm not trying to look uh it does doesn't it yeah dude this razor is super aggressive by the way ten shots to his body ten shots his body he didn't kill him 127. wow i actually didn't damn the rey's room buzz and then she almost immediately pushes okay maybe not that's wrong she has been keep it cool that's how you survive i'm going to kill this spot then to be close to b2b [Music] oh [Music] giving us the momentum truly run here sheriff anyone want i'm good i just never use it wait no oh i don't see anything under tube hmm i'm in a weird spot oh he's don't sit down hello here delivery thank you you won't mind oh bridge clear backside i think that worked dude i literally have no clue does that work it's one more ct be hot 148 that's 148 like what what that's like that's a worse feeling man that really is i'm knives um jody i did you drop that vandal real quick thank you but you can request i'm super rich oh wait i don't think it matters right keep up 149. that's even worse you're right i see one head the end of white he's pushing right pushing right close right close right actually if you hit f1 says it popped both no i i hit i spammed it oh need to drop oh thank you thanks john have you ever played cypher i've seen people play with him but i've never seen them like stack up cypher smoke serena holds b it's raining [Music] hey we got one [ __ ] in all these games i'm actually playing on a controller like that's how i feel literally on a trackpad what's going on i think i have straight up hey don't find the trackpad remember handy there's a guy that had no arms that played csgo that was global oh yeah with the track man that is crazy [ __ ] impressive could push right when i push left here just be careful [Music] i think i'm just going to hold this side's clear the [ __ ] summons clear wait the roomba's bugged what the hell what 120 to breach he's made one tap like under two bucks i thought i eat in time that's so weird that you could eat but then go right back oh bad i thought i shot was detected in the gear oh what one more so i don't know i don't know we kind of brought it back you guys we've won ever holy phoenix usually sits behind fridge thingy after dead raptor dude one screen right he's next to me race screen picking screen my dude screaming could be flank this has to be pushed mid flank yeah i think he has to be frank why is this okay it's a team game at least these games aren't steamrolled so we're getting some some impressions i think it's good practice yeah that reyna was cracked over mine in the first half oh my gosh you get the scoreboard she's actually just hard carrying yeah and that um like if you she was crazy oh i didn't even realize she was crazy the counter was just don't go be the off angles uh i don't want this chicken okay i have a weird thing fly about wait can we play competitive now i think we need one more walmart dude i was owning you really were i was six two five out of six two raise five three arena three one silva three one breach i was two three to the phoenix all right let's skip my show three times i died today flashed himself guys i'm zero on five that just i died to this phoenix he flashed himself again it happened it do happen mitch now they given two and sub thank you so much for supporting me um in my stream appreciate it thank you for the two minutes of fun thing of the 14 months hyper group i think with uh 50 bits and good nights vinnie's world thank you for getting this up to dimitri frankie rose uh jose sorry fakie how's it going for the four months um [Music] david what's the thing in the 16 months literally for the four okay yes i think i'm up to date but okay i have this weird thing about fried chicken that if it's too much skin late bread no bread what do you call the outside layer of a chicken the skin is it the breading is it never mind i think it's the breading yeah yeah anyways um chimken skin if there's too much chimken skin ratio to chicken i do not like so for example this breading is too much no chicken no chicken all breading again i don't like it's too much this is the one that chat shows thank you it's just like i don't want it because it's not that you know because it's too much chimken skin then i'm like oh also i have this okay i think something's wrong with me um i've like really lost my appetite over the last like two weeks or so and i'm not sure what it is i don't know if it's like mental physical i don't know why i've lost my appetite i'm pretty much like only eating when i like know that i need to but sometimes like i have this also really bad thing about myself like um i can't eat something if i do not want it uh like for example i will literally just gag um even if i know that i need to eat i would really so like if i'm not in the mood for something i will straight up cat and it's like the worst thing about me it was the worst thing about me when i was a kid because your parents kind of force you to like eat some stuff but if i try like so i think that i also haven't been really anxious lately and that might be the cause of maybe my lack of after it could be anxiousness and stress i know like both of those things right um but yeah i also like it finding myself really picky or like i don't know it's like very yeah with my anxiety it makes it a lot worse i don't know if you've been working i've been a little more anxious lately and a lot more stressed but oh i just and struggle i'm struggle right now and i hate it meditation is so helpful you know what i think that i will i'm really looking forward so yeah like i said i'm not pregnant i'm currently on my period which just makes everything much better um but yeah i also am unable to get pregnant because i have an iud but you know what's also really great i don't know if i have any girls in my chat right now but if you are a girl and you're in my chat and you have period problems um so i've recently not actually recently um i got an iud because my period cramps have been so bad my like literally my entire life and maybe it's like you have a girl in your life you guys that if anyone's listening um like if your mom has period cramps or your girlfriend or your friends or whatever um you should tell them about like an iud or you should tell them to go talk to the gynecologist about an ied but it has drastically changed my life uh in the sense that um an ied is an intrauterine device but my period cramps would uh quite literally knock me out for the day so i would either have to call out a school called work um whatever and it's just a it's like a t-shaped device it releases hormones systemically into your uterus and therefore it finally uh it's actually a birth control um or what birth could yeah it's a birth control but um it actually was you might have approved fda approved go for it fda approved for um helping with period cramps and so it's probably the name jed i'm yeah calling it a ball corner pocket confidence confidence card i'm going to be korean jet confidence right now pull up the montage um also in terms of jet right click am i supposed to aim at like a shotgun kind of okay hey is viper smokes enough or do i play brim you know what's crazy mitch as right as i saw you with mitch snow i'm like josh i'm not i'm literally but i'm not going to bounce i'm not about to say that dude i hope you're doing well okay do you guys remember when i tell you about like the people that i would okay let me tell you about my life i used to gain a lot like my entire life but it's essentially in middle school i play a lot of halo and like black ops um and mitch chino is one of the people that i would play with and i love him and i hope you're doing well and i wish you all the best um but in terms of your iud i was really struggling with period camps like i said um would call it a work call to school like i just i couldn't i would straight up like take medication and cry in bed all day uh and i went to the gynecologist because when you turn 21 you need a pap smear so went to the gynecologist and she was like do you peer promise i'm like honestly yeah i got some [ __ ] beard problems and she's like okay well let's like think about the iud blah blah so i got my uv it's been in a year or so no way um not only are my period cramps like nothing to fall down i actually just don't even get my period as heavy like now it's just like like it's nothing i literally like barely have a period it's like something basically um when do you get it out it depends on the size or the the kind you get there's like a marina kyleena nothing here here um but it can last like five to seven years depending on which one you get copper the copper one the non-hormonal that is careful thanks for not peeking play or stand the process itself did not hurt that bad but uh it was painful it's a different kind of pain but one moment of like kind of excruciating pain is is much more preferred for me like i would we rather have one time extra champagne than be like knocked out every month you guys are kind of sweaty so up to you guys i'm saving all right save it okay yeah when does not painful with it i have a pretty high pain tolerance i would say seven or eight but like i know a lot of people who have problems like oh my gosh one's in the thing that's not what i meant they smoked me off getting warm when's up ramp 117 to brimstone did reign again uh i'm reloading so sorry that was so unlucky did it help with my acne i [ __ ] hate the audio in this game [Music] honestly it is so worth talking to your gynecologist they're so expensive mine's covered by my insurance most are covered by your insurance birth control usually it's covered by your neighborhood but i would say that i don't know if it's like the best birth control i guess it depends on in terms of helping with my period cramps it was like kind of definitely it's also yeah it's systemic so or sorry it's locally um released rather than systemic so it personally like is a lot better is actually inexpensive my accutane i think i want to say it was like oh i actually can't remember oh you're gonna play aggressively one's uh nothing up mid maybe i'm gonna just hold that all right i'm gonna hold light on this i mean go ropes google ropes okay they're all drops it could be in male right now but i think he's past the event smoke i'm holding heaven i think i hear one everyone's remaining what's on spawn near ramen does make your acne get worse before it gets better your skin goes through an entire persian series got scared and ran all the way mine got pretty bad before i got or better but that's just inevitable with what it was so whoever invented acne stupid yeah what the [ __ ] i was in 19 i seen it a lot better but now it's really dry in some areas and i'm breaking out again but that could be some stress skin is really interesting um accutane did not cure my acne acne was just kind of like the stepping stone in terms of i don't know my crosshair placement for this which is not good i'm dropping wallet dropping yeah one should be like new ramps one's there once they have no there are no more flashes i'm coming guys get out of here once under hell i wonder one on one could very much be ramps i have no idea it could be flanking events right now it's like dropping on site right yeah yeah why are skins here than regular guns yeah good question it's pay to win actually i'm telling you he could be pushed i like this pop is crazy we went up yes okay okay they just did a weird wall on a care for headshot angles one's mid oh one's up one [Music] okay so quickly go through heaven and flank that might be [ __ ] here they're in heaven they're in a heaven now we just touched it at this stupid house [Music] of me for why you hop on up and up pop up up up up up pop up i'm literally gonna go watch that on slow-mo because what the [ __ ] did i do awesome look at the five of them um welcome everyone to the jake again hello both though it's happy valentine's day thank you um i'm so scared to ask you about this because my mom pretty much looks good with my room because my cramps are getting worse now sorry hold on good to go sorry i was definitely not paying attention to you what was that you can push up with my roomba you just need to watch the danger ping but no i'm backing up no no no no no okay careful ramps i ended up down here drop off i am whipping every flick 114 man from one tap he's behind the cheeky box that's my fault i should just kill them i should just stop trying to [ __ ] spray [ __ ] he's not planning about my body was really really sore like my back was really dry i took vitamin e um to try to make it better but um i don't know i didn't see it it's inevitable because the way that accutane is working i believe it changes uh the way that your oil glands are even just like four which like it just completely changes your your body i think um yeah i think it changes but we have triple a i think flicking with arm is way harder than wrist oh they altered mail or be happy i do need help i do be coming i am in hell i am b-side i am coming b oh no way used to that oh british is flying in to be made still in sight smokes are dropped all right i think it's good they don't go because they know you play there i thought so maybe you can like set up just as how we're holding it i don't know just in case oh something that was a bonus for my kidney was i didn't have to wash my hair that often because i was so dry i'm not swinging this room welcome see nothing i heard one being named oh my god did you just refresh john is the crap i'm an obvious holds honestly i'm dropping i'm dropping smoke i didn't mean to do that oops i can anchor it dirty i didn't shoot my flash so i don't know um i'm just i'll just hold unless i need to go b i think we're okay one b main i don't know what's happening they're just like i'm holding an angle that i'll need to fix your no no i'm just gonna close your hand or something so you can have a faster rotation i think they're trying to come here fire in their home i'm not reyna they are all 11 yeah could it be heaven i'm so blind one in then oh they dropped on me one second one was then i think john said one enemy remaining well 108. 30 seconds oh you can't right click wait you can't even left-click huh what you're stunned i guess but what happened okay no we're swimming left and right it's coming bold kind of thing i can do either something reset after yeah i don't know sometimes you just kind of give up [Music] what about your mental health in the midst because i heard it um i was fine mentally i was fine on accutane i knew growing you gotta nobody has your events guys i can go that's okay oh facebook this one [Music] yeah i'm gonna sit on site then is he smoking you up raise nate coming or ray's bot coming to you she's crossing crust raise up in ramps [Music] right now john i think both i just wanted to have these spikes dropped near me all the time one enemy remaining fire oh this is a wall [Music] [Music] yeah if you're looking for like any kind of skin recommend or advice um the basics should be uh hold on a couple of b face wash toners slash they're just gonna keep flashing just play back nobody crossed across okay yeah i'm helping um face wash some sort of toner or active whether it be like vitamin c serum or like uh um i don't think i had already you know kind of things a moisturizer of venusaur and sunscreen there's literally the best thing that you can do for yourself if you're not gonna wash your face is sunscreen because well you're gonna get old and you could get skin cancer so you should really just wear sunscreen i need to control this i'm with you john i'm i can't see they are up and down yeah they walk that spike what am i doing with this right click what is the point well uh 74 what is the point of the right click when i should just i'd move the left leg i need to laugh okay whatever i did my job i held whoa yeah anyways yeah don't remember it's gone i've completely lost it's whatever glad to see you're doing good jody it's snowing really you want a judge over a phantom i dropped a rifle that was so funny i've never heard i just instantly cut like that oh what oh one ramp one eleven two a heaven oh i need an event [ __ ] oh my god the [ __ ] [ __ ] i thought they're ovens one enemy remaining i think just right below um once or twice and it yeah it just doesn't work for some people um i would say that i still get acne it okay wait maybe i i've been shot in the back of my head every single death for the real point you just you have to look you gotta feel the view i'm sorry yeah yeah so acne didn't like cure me of my acne it was more so just uh like pulled them under setting that would have happened i'll one more i don't know i saw the roomba and i was like i'm dead there's no way maybe you guys four walk b and i'll set up bay again okay also mitch if you're still here i give this a shield literally everyone um anybody in my life i try not to give away any like information just because the internet is a scary place i don't know if you're still here but oh okay before saying yes yes just watch [Music] oh ah please oh um but that is like so that's so weird to like split her sage was mid so she explained herself across the back and then walked after her yeah to avoid you i didn't see i mean i also was at a second i think i was um here like i couldn't see heaven okay for a second oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] ate it though sign him dude [Music] [Music] one enemy i'm not gonna lie she just did she just one tattoo the sheriff every damn time have it man half my life you deserve it i'm quitting i'm leaving that's how i feel today's not a very good day for me it feels like god i look at this and i know i need to eat it but i'm so not like it i'm not i have no appetite for this tiny spray that's me i'm tiny sprite maybe don't really want to hold this for this long plus okay no i don't know blind i think we should regain a main control we can i can smoke oh [Music] i think going is gonna be huge here if i kill yeah probably well i'm sorry where's sage i [Music] oh shoot i used to does anyone in chat having to remember one of them still one time oh shoot my moon four's light armor i pretty sure my oh i just know him the opposite of sydney it's funny because it's pretty accurate i can't drop you young request you ain't hearing here i don't remember i think i don't know nobody's here all right where where is everybody at what what i mean i mean not that i know uh well those who are a player so one enemy remaining breaches yeah pop off john who you think [Music] this has been running simulator for me i really feel that i haven't done anything i really feel that all right let me see my chart my would have a crazy oat here that i can make that out there my moon is in gemini my mercury sneak into a with my old stuff virgo venus and libra mars and scorpio jupiter and aquarius saturn aries uranus and aquarius neptune and capricorn areas right wall right well right one let's go let's go yeah we just um hug this right wall okay i think there's somebody backside backside i feel so naked amen right i know i just listed it all in case you know yeah let's bring it home grenade placing swamp grenade liz what's up that you're about also i'm excited for you to have some time away and i need you to enjoy your best honestly i'm really excited um but thank you so much hope you're doing well rainbow moon pony i haven't done anything these games and that's running simulators that's fine okay no wonder there's no chick dude can you see this there's no chicken in this it's just bread it's all bread oh my god oh [ __ ] okay um i can't even do it [Music] sorry ikm i don't know what that means in terms of eyebrows imax can just be genetic sleeping like like it's literally all related to like blood circulation or it could just be actual skin color if it's your skin color like for us um like your there's a way to tell but usually eye bags is like completely the highest ranking to phil related like blood circulation really i'm gonna die i love the lowest duelist we can stay even yup this chicken's just ass so bad wait i'm gonna pull out the chicken in this and you are to laugh there is no chicken in this look at this try to learn skye okay you know what i'm just going to take the breading off that's the answer never mind i found the solution i think in two games i'll be able to unlock her i'm still far from unlocking cipher oh that's way better why do you like that no definitely not popeye's chicken okay i'm determined to have like a good game i had a good game this entire time thanks for watching because i've literally been doing nothing come on honey thank you for the two months out welcome to the champion hello thank you so much the skin is best part not when it's hard and like takes up too much of it red hearts taking seven months you the go i like your username welcome back um it's been showing that john is in our party he hasn't been i don't know what's your zodiac actually i just named all of them my son is in virgo right you're rising is always like your mate your son your rising is like your your whatever that everyone yeah my son is in virgo my moon is in gemini oh wait no no my send-in is in gemini as well so my it's actually pretty crazy so let me read it to you i don't know if i like okay you know what's kind of crazy um everybody i know has been feeling really tired lately are kind of exhausted and somebody told me i didn't know they were meaning or not but like yeah they're like oh yeah mercury's and running whatever the [ __ ] retrograde retro i don't even know the word what are they saying to me what is the terminology anyways there's something with mercury coming or it's happening and i'm like okay retrograde renegade anyways so i'm like okay i don't know what that means for sure but then i was like talking sydney she's like i'm so tired lately and everyone's like so tired lately and i'm like oh my god yeah maybe somebody told me she's like yeah somebody told me the same thing i'm like oh my god wow like we're all really excited anyways so my son is in virgo the sun determines your ego identity and role in life it is the core of who you are and is the sign you're like you're most likely to already know your son is in virgo meaning you're particularly smart smart responsible hard-working and self-sacrificing you're thorough meticulous and intentional in everything you do you can accomplish things that most people i don't know that most people can't but may also get bogged down by the details of your day to day you need to be wholesome so true right it is your fourth half blah blah blah you need to feel okay whoever my moon and gemini this moon rules your emotions moods and feelings this is likely the sign you most think of yourself as since it reflects your personality when you're alone or deeply comfortable your mood isn't gemini meaning your emotional self is often me over your sky john or jody oh i do yeah i'll play phil whatever oh thank god you're extremely adaptable which sometimes makes you feel pulled in too many directions you're easily bored you need to feel like you are free to be creative and create meaning which can make you feel like you're in constant identity crisis i don't know what it is yeah i mean that seems about right but also oh oh you know you know what hi new follow here hello kitchu welcome to the stream and thank you so much i'm gonna make it here that's why i relate to you so much the sun and the moon the same never met a person i love the same sign oh wow really nice box what do you guys think what'd you say sorry sage was kind of nutty though for two i mean i guess i think it's because i don't know as long as we play one two this one against plattsmouth and bronze honestly the game it's the game's fault yeah because i don't know any defaults for a raise on icebox i feel like i'm just wasting time i need to do my homework first the game is just like the fact that they have made it so d3 cannot play with friends or walk it cannot five seconds i think has created a lot of smurfs in the game so they can't choose especially in black but i also think uh sorry what do i think it is one game right where you lose writing because i most likely lose against a smurf crazy really good practice though if you imagine you pee by a landslide like being placing yourself um maybe you play like in a or when you get a play against smurfs it's like i think it's pretty good practice at least that's how i feel when i get smurfed on all right [ __ ] let's go i'm trying to eat because i know i need food to get good about her to be you know what i mean but i got yeah super fan flats and silver is weird they're like joey you're a [ __ ] silver i'm about to get played silver and john's got to get placed black then what yeah yeah i think it's same for me mm-hmm i don't know or like i don't know who the [ __ ] are they talking to five unrated into golden flat maybe we'll all wink up together kind of sounded like she said wink but i'm not gonna say it i hope so honestly i think the john the the johns and the josh's have been kind of popping off nah no i want like nine kills a true that was my pop off game that one game of sky you had i think they get smart for losing this so no point better [Music] i can't see this [ __ ] wobble my brain [ __ ] here after after i'm dropped okay 26 john relax john don't kill him let me kill him relax let me kill him relax we need to rank up too you know uh no more no more he says okay no more hey guys what does that mean i think john picks the lag issues uh i just ended that round zero zero zero same i love it here for me i gotta keep going i gotta keep going that stage was blind though huh come on don't lie the pink hair looks great mossy or you should get pink get mad i mean i'm so [ __ ] oh this is a rank game i was about to run in mid could be close okay so this is my eye she's by fridge i am blind what is this wall john one enemy remaining how's it hold this guy i want him no clue oh i think phoenix is holding kitchen he came out a tube last round at least i got an assist papa i'm on the board at least you're doing better than john he died i [ __ ] you up yeah yeah don't hurt me don't hurt me nothing close [Music] on hp phoenix oh i'm sorry he's staging his [ __ ] [ __ ] backside clear backside i'm on the board oh 27. i heard walking i heard it i did it i didn't i heard three footsteps is that actually me i heard your footsteps oh wait is my audio off then because that sounded really far off for me so i thought it was hers are your headsets backwards no it's not like it's far away not like to my left oh i don't know i didn't hear her get off juji's nice vandal they pronounce i think that's fine yelling somebody she's here but there's already two here what i'm going back hey i'm going back hey heal me one more backside i am trolling heal me left side enemy remaining [Music] [Music] i appreciate it welcome to the jade brigade hello wait that worries me is my headset configured wrong then maybe it's like i'm getting shunned sean didn't realize his right earbud was oh yeah wait [Music] though i saw the ending why is our unrated order right you just killing it instead our unrated was so sweaty that's actually crazy hard i think the unrated system is better than the ring oh okay chitchat now i run out with judge do 149 and you and tap them milo first thing that you want welcome that's true we're actually going to get placed in different rings for sure we can we can dial down could be close watch closely down seems to like counter-intuitive though for practice flanking flanking flanking flanking careful jet flanking he's running it you guys got that right i here one someone's lit yeah i think stitch armor oh my god oh my god i don't even want to talk about it i was just so bad at 120 to scotland happy valentine's day [Applause] he hasn't done one smoker i have no bullets on van dorn yeah woman's afk it's walled off because no time right yeah nice place well thank god the old man's afk one enemy john walked off the plane i thought i walled on it and i thought it would break in front of me oh look at us we're all so nice that's good karma for sure let's let's [ __ ] win this game [ __ ] them holy [ __ ] oh we lost just hit the best shot of her life dude okay all you want is my vandal skin i get it that's why you didn't trade me one so that my kda is better who goes what does that mean oh my god what this is this is something else what is something else what's happening we got two afk's oh oh a negative kitty wait people negative kda on it all the time i don't understand what my gosh this is the best player i've ever touched party on the fricking sky oh she's a bug wait she's unsigned she's actually still on the wall one more fridge she dropped and reloaded phoenix isn't man he's at 80. backside with screens oh my god that was the craziest actually just like the world just like here comes the airplane spoon fed him that was a crazy thanks chat that's sweet man oh far paws oh wait they have three players oh our bombs ay though i'm i'm just running i'm gonna oh i don't have it i don't think they're here i think she's the best player to touch this game yeah that's our bomb well i'm gonna i'm just really bad at playing this angle i'm convinced i'm convinced she's throwing bridges josh and i are just hinting she's so good i can drive peeking shots man what bridge phoenix is on the fridge and connection i swear i just heard her dance or something i thought i heard her yeah you know i was like i thought it hurt right next to me oh my god okay i'm pushing through my i know the body flop was honestly pretty comedic like that comedic timing was they can't ff when there's three people you can only have like you can only vote once per half i think so they have to wait till next time [Music] that sucks they tried fffing at round five they said no and then they but they have k what the heck are they they're trolls can you hear me john i broke my legs bruh could somebody just entry for me your legs oh god one way for them one way for them go for it what is this what do you have out poor cats dude i'm whipping all my stuff at least it's fun get me out i hate kills oh you win oh they're giving you dude if i didn't fail that last flash yeah i would say like yeah i was blind oh yeah windows update for youtube man someone buy wait can we go under tube i can't believe this is a [ __ ] guy blind why is the rain so short i'm going to hide in this little crevice get him get him get him get him remaining there was a she shot me six times that's six chances for you all four bait for celine we all i am literally running with my pistol out celine get him get him okay i'm running my phone okay you're the president we're for surrounding you there's no way you're the president this is a ranked game by the way i don't care you're the president go go go i'm actually i'm the first to die dude she's 80. why couldn't my jet game be a right game they can't they can't they're gonna surround you all right that's why that's why i lost it on purpose if they don't thank god defenders win whatever yo guys i can't [ __ ] type i can't take fast these flashes might be rough yeah um josh i told you i told you i should play jet my sky's not feeling it today okay i bought i bought skye okay i'm sky duty now you're on skype what's up delirious thing with the four months welcome back today's been rough on my sky has been rough for me i'm gonna be honest it's always rough for me nowadays i swear to god i play worse into worse people like i popped off against that reina that cracked ass right up and i just ended these like bronze kids i don't understand dude i think it's because their movement is crazy like where you think they'll usually counter shape but instead they're just [ __ ] running it you know so you expect a counter strafe or like sometimes i expect a wide peak and i'm ready for the wide peak but then they just slow walk and i'm like oh i don't know my reaction speed's [ __ ] man all i know is that i pop off against better players and i just do worse into worst players i don't understand i can't suck i can't believe they had three afk or two afk's i really don't hopefully like she didn't lose much when is valentine's day on february 14th yes that's all probably saw the full team of smurfs and some [ __ ] it i mean i think they were doing fine i mean they're like one players right i think i don't know i think any of rank can kill any rank i don't want to eat this [Music] do [Music] do do man thank you for the 20 months appreciate it thank you so much [Music] you watching you come balance i was just watching the nerds game comp fella but i'm actually honest the film work on valor comp games are really hard for me i don't know what it is but they constantly jump from team to team and i get confused about like the point of view and it just is all like i wish they wouldn't cut like show me one part of the game and then like show me i don't know how to explain it they're like constantly i don't know anyways it just is like a little too much for me that makes sense yeah it's a it's definitely a me problem so like yeah that's what i have in color differently uh it's not so like the color it's not like i understand what team it's more so like i don't understand the plays that are happening because they cut so fast i'd rather them like show me one side and then switch and show me the other rather than constantly go between the two but they go between the two a lot and it's just like not enjoyable for me to watch also i think that their cinematics are stupid like they pan up and like show me the entire the entirety of lamps i'm like oh cool i like get to see the actual interior of lamps i guess i'd rather see how like um players set up and stuff that's just me i don't know uber long stream today oh yeah long shoe today well today's a long stream just because we did or had a lot of plans outside of valor and then also this is my last room for a couple days because i'm gonna go on a vacation with john i'm going to the forest i think i'll be back on like the 17th or something i don't remember but yeah this is a good this is a good stream for before i take a little mini vacation king mason thank you for the tutorial welcome thank you social support i appreciate it hello and if you'd like you can join the discord discord.js how do you study biology i'm not sure i understand your question you say have fun i'm really excited to just sit my ass on a couch look at a mountain and read like that yes yes match found yes how did i know i'll deny though we were going to get this map have a name have a name okay okey dokey okay play someone new no don't do anything bad with john like rob a bank what do you what are you chinese on your dad or side or your mom's like my mom's not reading my dad's room what the [ __ ] my mom nor my mom's or my dad's chinese button dick play skye what advice you have for aspiring neuroscience major um i think neuroscience is okay i mean my advice will for any major is to just learn time management and to utilize office hours um also if possible record your uh lectures and take handwritten notes as fast as you can during and go over your recorded lecture but that's with any major it doesn't have like anything time management learning how to study learning how you learn i'm chinese in norwegian you posted in your ins post on instagram your trip like a mini vlog on instagram stories i'll probably upload oh imagine queueing onto a five one raid on ranked team that would be kind of scary [Music] and then how do i control my flash i'm sorry i'm trying to say things at once what did i add [Music] hold down left click what oh there's two window two window two windows two window raise oh vlogging um i don't plan i have no flashes i have one what i got i got frenzy armor when you say backside i definitely look nevermind um we i won't be vlogging yet yeah friends on instagram but i won't be vlogging it pretty broken the whole point is kind of like a vacation you should just save the flash for running well i need to figure out how it works you used your one flash to figure out how it works yeah okay we force it what am i gonna figure out yeah as we entry and then blind my whole team yes oh where did she go definitely don't make any sense nobody peeked this last time smoke's down where did she grab the orb machine a holder no she i saw her your goop kill choice here follow me jody all right [Music] lady that's 200 daenerys you got 200 arrows what [ __ ] out find it heaven oh thank you me advice first lonely souls on valentine's day he is a battle sky all right what's the plan i don't know i just i'm just going to assume you have no abilities i have healed now i feel i'm really trying to think of actual advice stay close i don't use my heel honestly just know that it is rare for you to find someone who is not exists an exhausting partner like finding a partner that is a i blinded myself not a withdrawal i'm by myself i'm stuck guys i'm stuck enemy spotted last player standing oh that was a good walking headshot well they coming all you need all you need is all it takes she's still right i bet i'm pretty sure she's sweating okay i have a rifle now i'm just supposed to uh i just think like having a significant other is not life there's more to life than just being in a relationship and i think that movies and everything portray like same thing and others being everything but i actually think that like it's just not true and it is rare i think for you to find someone that is watching a deposit rather than withdrawal because i mean a relationship is hard undercover so maybe you know you're alone on valentine's day but jets [Music] i saw john running after the other john so i was like you know what they're both like immortal radiant i know that this is a good decision how are you flaming us right now we got timing how are you flaming us or not hello to be fair i ran through acid and i got double shot in the toes [Music] you're flaming it's reading timing it was more of a joke i'm sorry okay we survived i can buy people some stuff if they want deployments can clear left and right oh i have no fear really none of them blinded what one's on c one's in um window i just [ __ ] pushed that i bring it that missed you that missed we know what we're doing each other we know what we're doing i think we should just execute five somewhere [Music] [ __ ] left standing ahead who is how long does right [Music] oh my god there's no way that you understood what the [ __ ] i just said take it slowly they can opt let me drone first john in case they're hopping how are you sure of what you wanted to make sure my first year from like this thing smoking beer i thought that you were in my ballerina yeah huh i've always the scariest [ __ ] in my life i'm not gonna lie even though kyo jose i think we should just go i'm down i'm down with my arrow i'm to arrow and then i'm going to appreciate your positivity and everything this is my first valentine since i've been divorced so i'm a mess so my associates helped me keep my head up i hope we're doing all right lord reverend but have a valentine's day for me and you you know you deserve something to buy yourself some some flowers and some chocolates and watch a good movie you know smoke's down short because then that happens we wait like two seconds wait for my recon to hit it hit short i don't even know what's going on anymore i'm just whipping all my shots and they're all different i'm going to the movies alone it's kind of safe now right is it i wouldn't be going to the movies right now but hey man do you eat your own is the movie even open is the theater i don't know man i wouldn't like i'm just kind of scared of that actually i'm going to touch this if we're going to go because it's best move immo i can blind side window player what [Music] right wait wouldn't you just wait on my bird to go out then swing uh no no i i dodged the roomba so i swung oh cause i like hopped over there okay i thought that back movement on minimap was you waiting for flash not i'm not trolling you guys are losing that's right but that's it you guys i don't know i wasn't really paying attention but i do think your a is easy next time wait like three seconds [Music] phoenix i'll follow your dog raises here she has old wait raises it isn't short [Music] wait two there just one i just think i need to bring my crosshair up because it's constantly wrong a little bit yeah let's get into it like constantly wrong and then once you just use it for postpartum we have like five volts john is a full-time scene you can use where do you wanna take it we're all maybe we just go back a but we i don't know the op razor's playing short um it's like you should play default and wait let her be here she peeks always okay [Music] still short hey nobody's watching b-link i she's not going to be linked she's coming to beat me isn't she i think she's going to be linked i'm going to die ahead about your footsteps 146 by the way i'm just entering i'm just jump picking this one no i believe there we go [Music] yes wow okay to be fair i am totally not playing like realistically i would have never picked up that off and tried to kill the jet but i'm like uh josh [ __ ] it okay okay i'm getting i'm getting i'm sweaty okay i'm getting sweaty i mean i really did do that kind of for the walls but uh the time is now going to see them she's kind of throwing it's all right let me see just for the fun oh okay then hey i'm here yeah okay three six [ __ ] cheers yeah i'm the frenzies i'm all for c okay i'm coming we can play retake what nice pictures oh my oh i got cut on the door eggs three on site all three bike planted oh my god this wall [Music] don't sit down we're not done yet not kidding we should force i'm very down okay i believe in us i really do we have we have won games from worse 310 that's live yeah now we just 10 is over again i don't know guys i'm getting old no no no every round my head is just bigger than their [Music] 96 okay at least this is comedic honestly i'm having a good time okay they peak for a orb i think you're wondering actually no i'll do the same thing i'll just push out a short um you know sick i'm not really sure i'm gonna soon probably think every single sorry this game is scary i feel like i'm playing black ops literally i'm like i hear one enemy nothing outside a i think c grass oh wait one's outside garage 144 and raise okay okay one tap i think he flashed him to be careful question to be pretty sure spike play grudge sorry one enemy [Music] i saw the phoenix mean i thought the meaning was the one that was b and then judge came in from i don't even know it's not usually all actually someone can upgrade and then uh i'll take stinger or judge heavy garage push with this and phoenix might get old running window jet is this jet is cracked oh that's all i could say [Music] don't talk to me about that fire i'm dead to this box three bullets player 74 to phoenix no the jets crack dude i can't hit the check did they change like killjoy spider mines and raise mobots to protect you in smokes is that um okay now the recon we're just like phoenix oh god i got one med running up c i believe yeah what's going on c two's on c two vibrations spike planted one enemy remaining beautiful executioner she was long but yeah i mean either way one of us had to stick and one of us had to push wait boom bots can't see you in like jet smokes right you can dodge proximity mines and jet smokes if it's direct they hate people i've had people in hey this vibral is like scary but it's directly like that never like when i play jedi you smoke and walk through it yeah i think i'm eating this because they don't have smokes i think window nothing's too long oh it's probably a viper yeah i'm going to save my blind yeah uh i smoke the wrong thing how do you get of the window nice shot well somebody else can take this honestly decide to come back absolutely okay you know as long as like the goal here might not be to win but the goal here is to get as many results see i'm gonna just play retake as possible girl i'm playing okay i think heaven is even more fun is the way oh you like skye i like her more than soba really i think so is more fun on some maps i feel like silva isn't fun unless you're good with him like you know all the lineups and stuff we start with if i lose the lineup to just feel slow you see none cross i'm gonna come up hey yeah oh that's all i know literally yeah man i don't know the biggest thing i've died four times because i dogged next to something wall bangable i think that i'm okay with it though drone problem actually i think when we get beaten like that it just means that there are smurfs i don't care about the rank on this account i'm just trying to like improve lasted like a second i was just entry die i think i did okay i know okay i think uh yeah this jet was the one that killed me a lot of the viper too but the jet felt like i got [ __ ] by the truck that's okay no just okay playing the frames well the frames do impact my game but i don't think it like well i don't know actually my frames have been when my frames get down to 50 60. yeah i actually will blame my frames anything other than that like if my frames are at least 100 it doesn't i don't mind but anything below actually like kind of really [ __ ] my [ __ ] up ever honestly i think those are just smurfs right yeah they would have to be i think in five stars we're only gonna be playing against first does it identify us as a smurf even though we're new it counts probably we've already lost the game until then wait a minute never lost unrated yeah remember how our unready game is really hard but won't to give isn't it ranking us right now so we can't be a smurf considering we're ringing well i think it starts from unrated i actually think this it does it does it does it i guess i'm confused because yeah it's like that's really found uh i guess i don't understand they start your mmr starting from normal right yeah no i thought like why would we get placed against smurfs if these are new accounts and wouldn't we just get placed against people with high mmr because you won 11 normal games in a row with 30 kill plus games i see what you mean no 40 frames is not no back to my roots i see what they mean you and john brought lots of entertainment first during quarantine enjoy relaxing on the mountains thank you i'm so excited honestly pop queen i have to go to bed but i want to say happy valentine's day and bye chat and judy have a nice restaurant date or night you as well happy valentine's day thank you thank you what's up jesus cat to your church hello your time thank you for the seven months love your streams thank you thank you for the seven months oh i'm tired is it all right this is called what sorry let's let's let's let's lock in first of all they have no unless you delicious that didn't mean to open violent valor it's open let's open spotify why do you have a smurf this isn't a smurf technically we just made a new account so that we could play ranked together because we all hit d3 or above you know this song is gonna yes the song is gonna bring back my morale so smurf um okay so the way that i see this is not a spark because we're trying to rank it back up to our main level like we're all playing because we want like we're gonna bring this hopefully we're just gonna grind these accounts to d3 as well [Music] at least we're just gonna have icebox on the lockdown now uh jug juggling sub what's up welcome [Music] smurfs ruin this game blame riot they need to know how to flex you stay with me [Music] hello hi hi how you doing are you tired it's um a little bit it is 1am i'm done for this vlg really yeah well it's up to you if you guys want to keep going i can keep going yeah honestly i'm kind of tired i'm still awake if celine's awake i'm i'm down i'm down to play i don't know i'm worse and worse i'm like teetering confidence that was so loud that it scared me i just hate when i don't play well i gotta say wait i don't remember the last time i've been owned that hard actually like i've just i haven't been winning losing on this channel i don't care too much about i just want to definitely i just want to get better kind of thing i'm striving for improvement so one of those fluke games you know where it was just one of those i hope so yes i just went here because yes wait do i go no armor three flash i usually go half shoe triple flash and heal until a lot of people go yeah i did on sky two or you can go frenzy light armor and only one flashlight i like it [Music] a lot mid blinded [Music] they're all all of them are here okay get here carol this one go this week i dash [Music] he lost his precious frenzy we're forced by though anyway he's got the guardian he's fine how does how am i even on this box like where am i where am i [Music] ready [Music] your [Music] i feel like i'm not shooting half the time i'm just like throwing flashes or healing or i'm throwing a wolf it's true i hope you get a wolf kill how much damage does wolf do 30 it's pretty satisfying 30 damage holy that's actually a lot yeah it is i think it's by range so if you're closer it's 30 and if you have to jump longer it's less blinded how's he alive uh he's only slowed and concussed oh he's hit 140 hit 140 did i just hear one on box it's probably gonna full heal in that corner three minute three moon she's crazy oh my god are they gonna go other than me how do you do that the spectre [Laughter] okay you can go die do it do it stay with [Music] is actually so accurate ads what the ads spectre spray i never use a spectre now because of the stinger i never ads on the spectre actually i use vector on b and [Music] oh my god he's walking up what are you doing what are you doing i think his monitor turned off he just like ran into four of us honestly sometimes you know i saw him no flash [Music] my total time spent alive was probably less than a minute last game holy [ __ ] hey okay when they're close into smoking the smoke they're smoking 33 can you hear me he's judging him it's an art you have to engrave within you i know i know i legitimately need new cpu it's crazy but you start watching streams and now you're teaching my friends good luck it's gonna be all in one motion i mean i wish i was crying but you want me left click if i want to shoot after it's so hard the john can you buy me i want to play more i'm with you bad mindset huh that's oh that flashed me where did that go all the way mid like tours of spawn i left you uh race oh wait they're like um two two closer to my smoke one more cipher spotted one enemy remaining somewhere fowler to me oh my god puppy's a funny word the idea of calling it the dog puppy i don't know i have three do have three flashes so i throw one for early info and then i hold the rest for free takes and peaks kind of kind of that's what i do but melon months charge for i think about the two [Music] [Music] i'll take that one mid oh my man and i heard one more two three two one for real i think he made it through man oh my god josh that's it oh [Music] i cannot believe they let me get away with that yeah they were i don't know what they were even looking at i was blinded too like i think which could just full kill me i am whiffing maybe it is time for me to stop went from hitting every shot to missing original i guess maybe you won't see me you don't see me that way mental good and mental more when i'm playing bad there's something more i hear so many men oh oh three [Music] i was more concerned that because the omen was turning then more of them were coming and yeah that was my bad that was a bad call on me uh [Music] you lie are a liar i'm i unranked someone didn't notice at first i was wishing you wouldn't notice for longer so did we get unlucky last game or were they just partying smurfs i told you it's a fluke game i don't know okay don't worry don't worry there's two john here maybe the slow will help you okay i love mint i'm i know she's really friendly i see it now this is the weirdest game i don't want to see anybody like i just like leave and nobody comes they all go missing oh okay defenders wins this is weird i don't know what's happening right now with our mmr or our like what is happening so the other guy wasn't the other team i'm a sky man you find your bird calling well at least we're all in similar rank if we're all able to queue together that's true actually wait one more to get placed yeah but we should get placed relatively similarly right i'm guessing like goldish gold really pretend spots we're playing against one flat and gold threes oh um dude they loved mid that was kind of crazy gold twos sorry they were like we contest the opera jet on a or do we contest this aggro peaking sky mid and i think they just wanna see that was one of my first time seeing people like just run down mid like that usually they just hit a site they hit me a lot yeah stay with me sorry car jack fan i know who you are [Music] oh because i'm moving my desk and you will saw me gently i didn't know honey yeah no sorry go ahead do your thing this is like bridge part is like itching my brain you know what i mean like it just feels so good you know what i mean [Music] sorry genji i definitely woke you up hi baby cute little gremlin genji i love you i love you what song this is called stay with me actually i can link it well the funny part of my username is when i go to the streams i get a lot of my scene quarter juice in my channel so there's that hey you know what i think our communities are they have high or you know we're a good community stevo how are you not going to bed no offense like wait is it wait i don't get it wait why are you not going to bed or why haven't you gone to bed it's the weekend bro it's a stop oh it's sunday it's saturday night never mind [Music] how can you social this is a new account [Music] well he usually see what goes about how early that's awesome we all dj for the weekend [ __ ] yeah [Music] fantastic thank you for getting us up to ori re-aurea are you activity whatever browser also fantastic thank you for hanging out for so long i hope you're enjoying the stream sal jpeg as i pronounce it thank you so much for the house thank you for sharing your community come into me with me i can't talk community with me i hope you had a great stream welcome everyone um if you don't know who i am i'm quarter jade you can call me jody um i'm a variety streamer but uh yeah we're trying to grind these ranked accounts or these new ranked accounts up to d three d three i can't talk ignore me yeah whatever i don't know i'm stupid hi honey can i have loves oh my cat my love of my life what's that dude how's your grind going 39 months hope you're doing well oh yes i'm so excited to just not play ice box i wish i had a decide for i really like saffron yes i am we haven't been here in forever okay no claws it's okay i'm holding you youtube thank you so much for the host welcome everyone thank you for sharing community with me you know what's the best valentine's day gift a sub you know tiny j you ain't wrong these are new accounts that we're trying to rank up are you gonna fall asleep in my arms honey i can't okay god i [ __ ] love this tiny little being of fur like so so pure animals are so pure like they just lick clean eat bite play sleep do it all over again cuddle thank you for the licks honey thank you so much yeah thank you thank you for the queens no he doesn't it doesn't hurt he just nibbles i want to be reincarnating his cat dude yeah okay no bites are you hey mister mister with your cute belly we haven't been here in so long we win these dude we haven't played i'm allergic to all day it's our first they say that but then we got our yeah that happened last time yeah it was like am i gonna get raised or whatever yeah but they were the ones smurfing so i'm not getting fooled i'm not getting pulled why's the twitch why are we twitch streamers wait why can't we just wait i'm confused friend of unranked dude there's prob but on dick there is a streamer named button he plays a minecraft weird smoke we got the wall broken i got the wall brokey what in the world she was pushed out of the smoke yeah she just ran it what one more under 1tp didn't know that she was already in there what'd he do to her what the hell i was not expecting that at all i was gonna say she was short we're not another person oh she didn't portal sage the one that puddled yeah oh she insta ran out look at his name it's like could be buttoned it could be butt on dick and yeah stage portals so fast dude not only did she portal fashion she walked out fast she used to ran out like i didn't think she would just run out you know so i thought i had time to get into i did not they're gonna force for sure i'm so tired it's okay i'm sorry yeah i'm also having a late stream but um i hope you have a great valentine's day sup yo stuck right side showers if you want to help me oh my god what the heck well who's like what is that i've gotten cheese by stage two rounds in a row last time she hid behind her wall could you watch u-haul for me yeah what the [ __ ] is happening what why am i beating the 1v1 of a century why am maybe he's in showers um do we know locate you know what uh when do you haul on cars last place they definitely know him yeah sorry they're in time we got the biggest flank whoa i did 79 to silva dude i was running it i was running yep welcome welcome all right we're what's our plan breathe and then hit somewhere together or you go now do they swing at a shower i think so tagged you're on top brandon brandon tagged okay bring a lit 100 i can push this with you [Music] okay just cherish your slow [Music] molly yeah he died if he had just like not stood by the bomb he would have left i don't pass molly for a gun see the horsepower i have a feeling they're going to rampage through short because we've broken the wall every time can i have one stand by me you're i'm with you i got uh i will be there in one second for what wow like this one and this one these two are my favorites like my eyes dilate like i like i like i didn't wallet last time get clear i'm not even going to be getting worth one's flank flank right now two flank two flanks silva's unknown flashing pipe care heaven oh my god there's one with you as well over there it's oversight you are why did you say b [Music] have a great one let me get i guess i get button okay yo i don't know i just wanted to say it you know it's a good name it is but on dick button dick i don't know if she crossed she didn't i was reloading i'm so sorry that's good i think i heard one hookah it could be flanking actually hold on in here what are your rats i'm pretty sure okay so we are about to have v feelings or the character's broken careful hookah i think i don't see anybody reloading we're playing one enemy remaining oh that guy's what is going on he's right here we can get on the wall yeah for what why me huh grab my van don't run oh yeah it's fine it's whatever it's fine stingers you're the [ __ ] at me it's fine it's fine [Applause] welcome i hope he likes my glitch pop skin help they're thank you so much thank you for the support welcome to crazy hello i'm learning you're learning kind of insanely fast i love it i just choked on my spin 20 games monkey good name 10 sledgehammer it's so really difficult getting the timing right with facebook double shot yeah she's old now she's on her [ __ ] wall man a psycho aren't you they re-smoked this concussion kind of she jiggled right here i don't know hawk is josh you just left her yeah that's all right though what are you up to i hit the moonwalk on the razor right there joshua's dead if he didn't portal there that was like such a sick play you told me to request and then nobody's buying me thank you got it yeah honestly the stinger okay i'm not getting any headshots though which means that my crosshair is [ __ ] wrong like so wrong wait why is rays they push up they push up [Music] here yeah and damage i'm pretty sure now how close your dog is when you left click so if it's like right next to them i think the stun and damage is more i don't think you're so annoying and if it's like they are but that barely touches him at the end it does like no damage okay yeah mine was like a the max range for probably point five seconds yeah with how far how fast you like you're super close it does more damage but probably can't cost longer i'm just i'm gonna pre-fire this one i'm gonna show you somehow he's got to go to sleep tell him go to sleep right now tell him to go to bed for way too long tell him to go to bed right i can like nice the judging omen i can't believe i die like that so annoying yeah i got them going on my trip with me i was actually wanting to do it again but john can you drop it i don't know the airbnb is like a little bit bigger because it's not really like it wasn't an airbnb i pretty much wanted the view that was the only one they wanted a mountain because it reminds me of washington um but uh i'm afraid i'm a little bit trying to bring i missed one shot i just think he'll be like this is a shot i was more stress free here with like sydney hit him with it no way he's in there okay [Music] please oh players like that i will never win against like what what nice um we're still ripped very [ __ ] oh my god what happened i died so much so why am i getting so unlucky my bad it's just been reclaimed i've done a lot though holy [ __ ] i've got a lot okay maybe i'm just like super i'm done at coordinates to plays with uh you john cause i'm playing like i'm literally using skye's phoenix right now with the heel oh [Music] [ __ ] it just thinking with the judge what's up don come here keys oh come in um do you think he's really gonna try to do this no he's smoking i'm gonna get a gun short or something maybe balor what do you see oh my god how are you short oh he's uh he has my offensive running into beat get him get him we got we got mad money i'm trying i'm trying oh oh oh i was distracted by us nice little one last round in the half you saved i got the little purple hood i have died an ungodly amount and selena's only died twice what does this mean granted i've been holding flank and you've been entering so i'm about to run it in i'm running run it down right now again got it wait really yeah actually the whole thing is from sight yeah you can throw it from ariel you can throw it above and it'll flash everything what the [ __ ] are you looking at it's a lineup yes you don't know this lineup no which round do we light up to land right here or what rotator i don't know why i looked oh i asked the question before whenever i look at team comp i press tab i never look top right i don't you're so annoying you're so annoying is it loud yes oh my god that's [ __ ] loud like what were you even doing they boom-botted b and they're darting beasts that is yeah wait can i throw this into the portal let's try it oh i can see them it's good flash again i'm healing you two two two two flashing flashing flashing throughout the day oh my windows update my windows is important [Music] okay i'm just gonna flank i'm gonna just run it my wall's broken she walked oh in the smoke in the smoke in the smoke and you smoke i was here well she wasn't it be clear what what what it when and how i didn't even wear the rat right no what makes you think they're gonna come back i have no idea spike planted i was good as i feel like they'd be bronzed to come back what if they're still in portable seven hp honestly i've seen john wendy's no way [Applause] that didn't happen oh god can i have whatever you've been having i'm go to one let's go i'm gold one too going fine let's go okay josh is going to not play duelist for the next every game honestly yeah he's still gonna drink technically but i'm put this guy's fun wait i'm down uh okay i just yeah degenerate whoo this guy's way more fun than uh breach that's for sure yeah that's true you can do way more aggressive peaks with i don't know i don't know no who are you what's going on wait who is that you actually just need a she's like a phoenix but better on the glow who are you where are you did the rayna add you guys was it reyna not morphing yeah yeah yeah yeah it was right now button i'm sorry i'm getting a little tired so i'm getting a little delusional so just like don't really take me seriously i want to play phoenix i want to go for him unlock his true potential when i see him in pro play he's so crazy like every time they uh every time the oats they get three but when i alter you can't even kill one it's impossible i don't know how they do it it feels like whenever i owe the phoenix most people hide from it rather than contested which i think is kind of a smart thing to do sometimes thank you for the 300 thank you so much for the bats nah i don't know who played who last game john played skye right john is button dick he writes guy this is other john cecilian's friends john spelled j-o-n this is josh john john josh this is jody john josh josh john john john john josh jodie sling i was sorry julene jolene something we could definitely change to jolene that's what's different to jolene and celine okay lots but yeah j cube c i don't know goodnight this is definitely lg dying watching you play makes you want to play be as good as you tolerance really addicting really addicting [Music] dude no stream later today um john and i are going on a trip we're going to the forest i don't know why i said it like that you know i hate but i'm weird and people don't just be like that's [ __ ] weird i hate it i don't know why i said that okay what i mean like for example i like bro buttoned it or like i don't know where i know and everyone's like okay they just like accept it and then like why do you accept it just say it's [ __ ] weird be like okay like acknowledge it and be like okay instead of just leave me hanging and then i'm like you know food is weird it's true just um i don't know i just wish people would be they would acknowledge it hello rizzy they let you be your full weird self i would rather than make just say something though i'm weird but i'm also really normal you know when i say weird i mean i understand social norms and now i am going outside of social norms purposely so people will be like jody what the [ __ ] because i want to even laugh but then sometimes people just like oh [ __ ] that was weird i'm like see i'm being weird on purpose to make you laugh so laugh god damn it really acknowledge that i'm being [ __ ] weird do you know what i mean you understand what i'm saying i just find it endearing you know that is a really positive and wholesome outlook even though i know that that is not what they're thinking it's freddy they get to touch prime sub welcome thank you so much you know what i mean do you understand what i'm saying though i'm being outlandish on purpose like i understand social norms i'm going outside of them so people be like hey what the [ __ ] weird instead they just go like i'm sure they like get off me bro why do we play with jody she's [ __ ] weird they're like okay i mean like i guess uh that's an intrusive thought anyways when you purposely say something out of pocket for the last thing disregard it yes yes i'm like what is your opinion of me i say something out of pocket on purpose and nobody not and they did what what do you guys ever say something out of pocket to like make people laugh or just like kind of break ice or whatever and then you like ignore you yeah and then you're like oh [ __ ] well that was really weird and i was even weirder because i wish i would acknowledge it because that was weird because like you understand social norms you're just being outlandish on purpose but you don't know that they know that you're being allowed on purpose all right now that jody's deafened what are you gonna talk about i was gonna say i don't do that very often but janet does that very often and she feels bad when nobody responds it just takes a while to think of a response that's all i would but i want people to think what like i want people to think yeah that's [ __ ] weird jody or like whatever yeah i like those though yeah i like them i'm like wow this person is willing to entry frag you know that's cool i just um it just takes me a while to respond i'm like stunned that's all i feel like during the course of our games together i'm constantly saying outlandish things waiting for you guys to acknowledge them and you don't it's i'm sitting here talking to my channel like dude what if they think you're [ __ ] weird what if you it's mainly your tone what did you say your tone sounds serious so i can't tell i'm never serious honestly like rule of thumb i'm just like never serious unless i'm talking about serious things you know if like you have to offset your tome tone as well as like offset when you're offsetting jokes because if you're just offsetting the joke but normal voice i'm gonna think you're serious but isn't that just right but even with sarcasm i think i don't i don't remember you saying anything outlandish i can't remember either yeah in particular but i remember some was very or like i know that it's happened because i remember the feeling the feeling yeah that's just sorry or not responded to you could have trouble realizing you were joking i can't what do i do about that match found fowler honestly though john and i run into this problem with my flashes oh my god this this oh my god this is my sky map dude i just want a scent i quit on frickin jet part of my joke got destroyed i guess part of the way that i make jokes we can tell you took you a little too seriously like twice a day yes so i don't play for a second you're talking to honestly i i thought you were someone random what i guess that's what i don't want you because i don't want it i mean other john see i feel like i'm joking i feel like you can hear the smile in my voice thank you for the three months they have no hello oh they smurfing that kj got a diamond and gold in the same triangle whoa the hell kevin goldberg he's got the infinity stone holy actually actually if she gets a oh they're eventually getting that humor is saying these stupid [ __ ] with a straight face and like but they don't have skye yeah i'll like eat your [ __ ] i don't know like okay like are you trying to go wolfy boy no heel is kind of broken like i'm like yeah i'm gonna chop your foot off and sacrifice it to the [ __ ] [Music] it means that i'm not good at tailing no like uh crashes i think just need help okay we're in a or you could just go all ability sprint sprint sprint okay i'm helping all right i'm gonna tell congratulations they're hopping out they blend it in oh i'm coming over they're in garage they're in garage here i'm gonna give an eye ready oh i'm sorry i'm coming okay we have all five here all five i did say that i want to learn how to play phoenix so that was [ __ ] cute it would be a perfect time okay he's like oh nothing better they're they're coming in i'm on my way yo sage and brent both take care they're going short we're gonna have nice lineup phoenix balor one short stay short watch this watch your flash one behind me on the enemy remaining oh i'm crazy you see that you can get rest balor i guess like usually john takes offense i'll be like okay i don't know what to say what would i say as an example i'd be like trying to think of something like yeah i'm laughing trying to think of something that i could think that i would say that he would maybe take offense to it i'm like um i don't know this one's [ __ ] sad they're coming soon see along one side one enemy remaining back side back side back side b and double box oh that bow tommy honestly messed up oh not one tap two tap well the speculator maybe four tyler's not facing you know who you're talking about the girl who's always straight-faced right i'm just like i'm telling you i'm like never serious i will literally say like i will [ __ ] murder you and i'll enjoy california but i'm joking [Music] three grass once again if you keep running it and they just let you one enemies i'll clean up the crime scene and then we can like [ __ ] eat her after that you know what i mean like this guy said he was sober anymore you know what's up oh okay i guess we're winning okay you do you not intentionally oh window obviously not intentionally i wasn't prepared for that they're saved again yeah window with a deagle dogging med did that flash again well because it is i mean i constantly make jokes and how will you grow oh oh my god the timing dude they're probably gonna crush for gun trying to be super sneaky you're so sneaky right now sneakiest there there's no way they go right here that's all we know one enemy remaining nice dude these guys i don't know i can wall off [Music] i didn't break them but she broke them around okay way my foreign hit the ground though [ __ ] from here like it looks like jesus can't stop that that won't stop are they should i where where do i need to go right now stay you will not go yeah right that window there's window here okay if he smokes i won't have a say hey smokes you olton jump out don't talk to me about that i no i was spectating that fight she might be short 30 seconds left oh yeah fowler not short filler upside down she's underneath on her way she's crazy she's crazy [Music] oh i was talking about when i was going in a garage and you know when um oh yeah i was saying that john ignored me but i was joking yeah but then i let off [ __ ] like i guess walmart double garage with me you know technically raising someone so that they get old for next round is kind of smart too yeah or get a kill for retakes launching planted [ __ ] what mates [Music] if she's on this i bet she's pushing you she's not good i bet you poor cat blinded oh a maneuver what did i say i bet she's pushing you oh yeah for sure one's pushing but can i see glitch pop jody i missed that that's okay i wouldn't need to drop that [ __ ] this is very easy to drop by the way thank you you can needy tons of [ __ ] oh my god oh my god shop thank you thank you you guys the glitch thank you i'm gonna be stupid you smoked me off i'm sipping them out one's or i can't go no they just checked a i'm dead oh my gosh yeah go away there was at least like two are they raining flash moves down short seven bullets oh i love this i guess that's all you need 30 seconds left hey genji she knows you're there right there's no way i would imagine this one is so dumb though i don't know did you just say brimstone make me mom who wait what brimstone makes me moan who said that me what what's going on [Laughter] [Music] genji what i'm trying to play devil woman genji what are you doing get your all my mouse pad here hi come here baby oh damn i can't hold my b side okay okay do they have rest did you die no one enemies so bad i didn't even hear her hit the orb i'm gonna be honest hi stupid boy test it on my lap hi come back on my lap good night jaden this you cannot play with my mouse you cannot cannot it's okay why are they so bad if they're in gold who are you talking about spike planted why would you say that that's not b right yeah it's there's no way you don't hear the people yeah i mean so we're currently ranking of these accounts we started from unrated and now we're all unranked oh we just hit gold so we're just ranking up these accounts these new accounts that we've made and then we'll straighten this out and then yeah um and we're just watching an angle i don't know we're getting placed i don't know um i can vote if anyone wants a good phone i think they mean the other team well we definitely uh turn the center around after that game won how is john doing so well on bret you're gonna get out right we're not gonna be able to play with you you're gonna rank up on this game yeah oh true he's gonna get i hope he doesn't get plucked too you don't want enough i thought yeah john come on let's go yeah right that happened yeah he ran what was he gonna do i'm out of what i mean that john said brimstone makes me moan and i said what and then i said brimstone makes me moan and then you guys are like who said that and i said throw the blame on me you guys know that i didn't actually say that it was a joke you know jody okay this time yeah i'll take the blame for this one jody i said i'd go ever butted dick i said it you said you said it that was so good i mean i know jody i'm she's all pink but miss begins so funny i honestly you thought i said that yes what [Laughter] i hear them in garage josh it's okay one minute one minute go in you have my gun go spike planted i think john's afk why do we not have guns i'm sorry i literally i don't even know what john but same i'm so pissed also the sage has owned me every round the sage have i even killed the stage i don't even know if i had a real gun that raino is dead losing to orgasm donor not as bad as what does that mean you give out orgasms that's kind of wait there's no like he literally had the only rifle i'm freaking it out yeah it's because it's because 50 right now safety's off all right i'm playing textbook i'm playing that quick skye i'm running grass all right i'm mentoring i'm learning russ yeah i like this for what why do i even buy the frenzy for what what is it for there's two there that's three of the chain rims hit 78. oh my greasy two right side john last player i freaky surprisingly horny i thought all right valor and i fowler tammy and i we're gonna go uh okay i'm gonna go scout b that's not b that's a no i was like hopping on this grass okay okay okay i'll just follow valor and tammy what do you guys think down bad memes doesn't it mean that you're horny yeah depressingly yeah i thought it was just you're sad but i didn't know yeah i literally looked it up oh you so hard [Music] before you through c okay we keep on seeing killjoy killed in there it's hard it's hard i don't care let's do anything no they're committed wait wait can someone buy from you no launching can you talk too long oh god for that what are you cuckoo i'm the you guys ct i'm so worried we're playing close sight justified one's blank two in garage two girls jenna's still 50 damage with smoke good save team i'm feeling out of my mind you have no idea i flashed one person that round out of three what do you mean you're healing out of your mind explain okay wait i have old here wait this game's over why would you not explain i'm holding left click i'm holding c left click and i just killed my whole team for like 400. but could you just say that why did you oh okay okay reuse and recycle basically when garage i'm flashing her it's bugged it's bugged it's bugged he's blinded backside i'm afraid back side back side backside oh my you guys you guys i'm not gonna lie i thought that was our killjoy shut the [ __ ] up and get your goddamn head in the game i apologize okay take it take it just honestly throw the molly right here all right here on me right here we have the first thing you got to do okay okay jet piece is long jet pieces okay oh my god you're all dead i'm sipping out i'm sitting at the site everybody listen to me breathe in breathe out you know this is not called duty we win these we're just trolling it's john's fault we haven't me since you trolled george with the brimstone multi we have not one around yeah it's declined it's declined okay listen to me ready we are going to pick this [ __ ] up oh my gosh let's go let's go let's go team i was locked also frames what is that right here right here right here where's the [ __ ] frame okay lady he's long you're both watching crush yes yes look at that off my old tv we did it we did it remember to talk to each other out there i think i should never play phoenix again to be honest i think i'm actually gonna one tricks guy i want to [ __ ] die push up short pants this one begins she wasn't she pushing a last time all right i'm gonna check out the smoke anything garage scout destroyed one inside here top of her wall no way she hit you spike is down let's just go through [Applause] my smokes can block the line of sight i'm turning into a zombie from this game all right let's go motherfreakers i'm breaking up with you jon on valentine's day unfounded and i would do it again watching backstage she's what oh she barrel stuffed you did you guys get a windows update windows update again of this getting a new pc i think match point okay guys this must be done i know we're having fun is that josh not dude this game is over and i'm pissed and john owes me everything yeah john seriously you're going to be able to interrupt me what what's the deal hmm you want to interrupt yes yeah yeah you mr masayoshi mata she's not in this game shut your goddamn truck okay we're getting organized see both on besides [Music] i'm going cheeky spot man i'm doing it i'm [ __ ] going through one's uh [Music] i trust you i trust you i trust you judy i got the single um i think she's picking me one enemy remaining oh my gosh this is gonna be over time and limit that's the thing for over this character is actually really hard this character actually okay okay let me think about this this is a beginner tutorial character hey sage was missed she just keeps getting the pics maybe we just smoke her off there wait a moment hold up focus you on get the order get the orb come on i can't see just wanting to point that out that's good we kill her then we win one close right behind this wall she she is on the right side with an off show let's dip that's dead let's do it oh my gosh john you're waking up john all right josh what do you want to enter okay are you gonna just dry swing this down jody i don't have your window i'm smokes he's from backside take care what is he doing with it [ __ ] it i got the air linebacker got the alarm butt logs stage back side back yeah i know she does that i was holding this and she came yes i was holding this and i couldn't tell where to pee because where the [ __ ] is she going i was very confused as well okay anoint me with the glitch pop and we will win this round done done done is this not our spawn no this is this one this is what this is how many were there two two oh [ __ ] can we break this by chance you will not kill me there's three eight right now brims back side b one in garage one in garage garage three a one backside b come on can we can we play for long play play let's go am i exposed to seaside here uh no this is only a pixel so if i shoot it away because they're all live alive i have my old tv you don't need a peek jody just wait till you tap it you can someone else will fight back maybe okay got it on that was the least satisfying game actually it wasn't even lisa that was like the worst game gold like i hated that how do we feel i mean i feel god awful but like i don't want to go into another view with that exact same thing yes therapy session how do we feel okay okay let's talk about it let's talk about our feelings you know terrible so i have a lot of pens of anger against john you know i'm just really [ __ ] good that was a joke i just wanted you guys to know just in case you know sometimes the tone you know i'm just letting you know it's a joke guys just remind me every time i hover phoenix just never click lock i will be sure to remind you that's just all we need to do i do think that we play another game you don't play phoenix we win whoa is wait i jody told me he's a classic so i i was using a classic okay listen listen let me let me try let me get on j real quick to end the night can i get on jet 10 tonight josh like i'm just telling you that was literally the beginning that was the beginning let me let me end with jet and we're all happy okay i don't care we're happy i am seriously unhappy okay so we could be happy by winning this game we did lose some orgasm donor that is a bit of a disappointment to be fair he's obviously he's an orgasm donor dude he's flexing you know listen he's probably giga chad yeah we're not we're not losing we're not getting off this game until we win so let's win this game i am incredible i'm gold one kind of the best [Music] because we're trolling like i i'm learning skye what do you want from me no not you oh he's learning phoenix i was actually told to chill out i haven't been like if you want to win we can win but it's like i'm getting big signals it's like don't pop off but like you know okay don't pop up the wind that's this yeah don't pop off but there's a significant difference you know like let us entry and then you just clean up our mess like completely i we can win i can i okay no we just were trolling as a team like it wasn't like 10 first bloods oh my god so i'm i'm pretty sure this game is just on us just john had us on his show if i had to say anything this guy was like climbing miles if i hadn't if you know if we're putting blame on someone i for sure think that it was button dick's fault no john i don't know no no one no i think that um ever yeah dude i think it was your fault for sure no one got that exactly it was my valors i blinded that's all you heard i think i've missed more flashes i never missed lashes don't worry jet doesn't have flashes so we won't have that problem great so chat how are you it's going really well um i think we're all a little sleep deprived you know when everything's like kind of gets funny at sleepovers with friends you know that that yeah that's what it feels like i think we're all a little delusional 2 18 a.m cool i need to pee i need to pee i'll be back why is nobody why does anybody say anything to that like okay yeah that's fine fine i don't give a [ __ ] whatever i'll be back here's a song i'm actually [ __ ] playing the song i gotta be [Music] i'm watching someone eat bamboo noodles and i'm kind of freaking out anyone want to watch with me i'm sorry what happened you wanna see you're gonna watch someone eat bamboo noodle slide noodles how are we gonna watch together we start 32 and go all right sure oh wait you guys are going to cringe together you can watch diy prank videos i have an idea you stream it on discord and then we can all watch together i'm really sad that while i was away nobody said to john how about you shut the [ __ ] up well you know it was like the perfect joke i would never oh john would be like how about we watch cringe diy videos and then you say how about you shut the [ __ ] up and it's like a classic joke and i was really hoping but i couldn't say it because i was peeing i felt it while you were gone okay yeah the game started insta-locked jet you bad bro we're not losing this game straight up if we lose this game and i'm on jet i'm uninstalling and i'm taking a week break okay that is um counter-intuitive but yes my brain is not gonna be able to handle why is anybody streaming also yes i am wait what happened can what do you guys have twitch twitch to twitch twitch what's twitch is my chat is wondering this is your moment to shout yourself out yeah joshua it's my discord name double z double elder everyone does one now there's no way oh okay why is this wrong tv i don't want to spell it r-o-n-g c-hope i'm sorry oh you guys want a silver i don't know celine i'm getting the silent i'm paralyzed by indecision so do you want a detail tofu what's up sibling pranks what are you doing diy pranks and the thumbnail is putting a water balloon in a pringles can shut up it's exciting stop wasting your [Music] breath well i don't know you know i'm just like i'm gonna let you know i'm just gonna let john know that i'm joking every time you know never mind footsteps there's footsteps huh there's footsteps okay they're coming hey flash out okay two belts i see multiple enemies what pipes one pipe one pipe the nest one enemy remains on the pipes here i hope he ran by gay that would be great guys where are they i think he ran by gay i mean i would he just he just put us on a leash no i'm not there i don't hear him 30 seconds left wait this is the guy who killed me is he in our nest or some [ __ ] oh my bad i would have said that earlier don't mean to brag but all my birds flash three i literally have to deaf into focus for like oh my gosh welcome back thanks celine celine i got a video just to detail you honestly that's a good idea i'm gonna meet john real quick i got just did josh dc no no i got [ __ ] up there's a lot raised jet brimstone planting they're up for planting spike planted you [Music] again how do you have a phantom did they buy phantom no he bought a phantom why are you buying phantom on our bonus round um i was just limit testing on a ice box because it's like such a long range on defense i just played rafter and like shot screen hey oh they had stingers and bucky's is he saying anything i muted him it was a joke nice pick thank you they smoked a rafter one belt i'm leaving under two of somebody else watch i'm watching i'm not watching v though it's clear one's on metal i think pipes jumping around wanna close under dude if you clicked in the air and killed her it would have been a clip josh oh you're dialed in so good at this guys now tofu builds what's up think of the twitch this is a bee for sure they can't be i'm seeking them out what they are all dude i'm gonna hold i missed nice i'm going to try to get plants that's mid oh they're ow you ran longer oh man nice give me one give me one more i heard phenomenal such a good cheese i'm gonna start using that except now no longer anymore but yes oh [Music] thank yo you omen's here okay one belt there somebody else watch under two headshots yeah i'm someone's hit once no one's crosstown's crossed oh you're out of the smoke what where they see my gun but i don't see them hey did he beat someone it could be top two you could be top two watch out no i'm i have top two okay push through there's a [ __ ] turret here though dude could you be like literally anywhere like we're [ __ ] me off smoking on yeah yeah are they going up i hear them i hear them or like for sure one enemy remaining a spike down kitchen or yeah i think one's in kitchen care boiler are you in kitchen i'm in the kitchen oh what the what is she in tube no she can't be i checked it 30 seconds left could have been on the my pipe smoking a maybe what simming synchrony or defaulting b i don't want this mountain this vandals reload your mags and let's get back out there handle skin yep yeah i was trying to answer you but then i like talked about paralyzed myself it was really weird i had my mouth open to answer your question and then i just went my way didn't it that's just valid enemy spotted okay i'm rotating they smoked heaven or rafters blinded me i'm going to rotate stabilize could be screened oh yeah right side pipes more pipes 148 what you have to destroy it oh thank god amazing jazz hands i literally thought that i killed that omen and so i just like kind of gave up and i i trolled i literally was like he's probably dead like that wait you can't smoke a little watch anymore i swear if you're if it's in the smoke it'll see you okay that was a mukbang game you know that's why i did that before and it used to work i don't know you should do that for killjoy mines raised boomers lg for sure now i'm good to know good to know i'm careful i don't go around this placement or it's just never i don't know it's weird it's weird for me the mandela effect maybe not mid watch your festive find a one yeah i feel like phoenix is just an old day they're smoking kitchen what they do actually i must say where the [ __ ] am i tell me what jody hides snowman yellow yellow oh i had no idea what you were saying i'm sorry it was okay hey butter wait she's a chicken chicken [Music] standing clutch we'll give him that he was so funny we give him one guy dude like my wrist breaking i'm sitting in tube i'm like safe okay and he's like stole me so like what like why does it matter i'm interested but they were yellow i meant yellows not snowman but you meant yellowstone [ __ ] i'm tired i'm like one's close i feel drunk you know closing your smoke with the i feel like how i feel after 24 hours straight pipes i think okay i'm holding pipes i have their push through on the lower side right side right joke's over you're dead one right side oh wait what came through me planted jet dash away joshua oh my god [Applause] [ __ ] like i should honestly i should just play phantom like i think that this one i'm a phantom player she is not anybody have a phantom skin nope anybody got a vb jody i'm down to coordinate like a flash out with you cool i mean i don't know we're kind of separated okay i'll rotate belt push and then i'm calling close close close close dude i would scare that jet mid with knives i'm not gonna lie they shouldn't dash on me if i zoomed in in my bag what the jets died in like three seconds i know but that's why i had to run around i tried to go that's what it says in kitchen oh i feel drunk truly they're smoking oh hi nice i didn't see anything but nevermind is i think that they're trying to create a more let's leave whatever happened in the past i guess like i mean we just got destroyed the last game i feel like this is how it goes we get destroyed in the next game we just stopped for you hermanita actually honestly you're not worth my words one more belt i think i gotta hold nobody comes please nobody ever comes i think i heard maybe one b raise mid i pushed nests i don't see anything could be bbb i hear it there marshall yeah yeah [Music] someone shot me in the back of the head oh my god i was looking at the radar i was like i see him but i look here and i didn't see him and i look at the radar i was like oh my god he's there though last round oh see him in front of me and i looked at my right arm he's there again i kind of want to just fight i'm sick and tired of holding you know what to do why are they trash talking they're i just can't imagine don't detach from reality i'm down here i don't see it he's top two but he's tough too i um wait they picked up the boat one more they're running back one enemy remaining trying to heal josh somehow oh he's a he's a you guys saw him you guys saw him in a flawless wow damn it i pushed down mid to season and then i didn't get to see anybody honestly i'm just playing with two corrective players it's true though if you actually say that i'm reporting you you can't catch us okay i'm i'm running it i would like to kill i'm coming watching smoke flying for a minute oh my gosh he's about he's about 90. felt lit ninety oh wait i can heal up be hopping yeah could have timing me on one enemy remaining what the [ __ ] what phantom just can't imagine any range climbing if you're going to complain about smurfs when you're trying to climb to play against that ring i just think that right now right needs to implement a flex system and then they complain complain i just think it's kind of the state of the game unfortunately no just think of that mindset you don't really true climb it's just like such a [ __ ] mindset every protagonist mindset yes he's the best player [Music] oh well we lost our fandom yeah okay i'm literally playing my [ __ ] and i'm beating a dead horse because i want to play better and i'm like playing like [ __ ] i think today is just like our our back day oh well john i hate breakthrough but we're taking a couple days off and we're going to be out of the dog when you come back that's okay though i i think small breaks are good for any bad habits you had yeah my crosshair is off too i keep hitting too close right okay okay i'm not pushing that oh uh yes do you want it honestly celine take it no ma'am okay careful playing my time [Music] crazy i don't know what this pendulum is man i don't know i don't know what it what i feel drunk that's like i [Music] i feel like the very distinct feeling that you get after 24 hour stream like i feel kind of exhausted and drunk i got 50 rr yeah did i get 40 we're boy literally did nothing me i got 36. oh i got 24. this is good maybe we'll catch up okay yeah i literally are we done yes i think it's a good one to call it on that was pretty good i'm i'm i feel drunk honestly we played um it's okay we had a we had a troll day what do you mean troll day yeah that was free troll i'm not gonna lie it wasn't troll at all it felt pretty damn troll okay well ggs guys well um john and i won't be on to play for like three days so i have a feeling we're we're gonna get real um we're gonna get real rusty john we'll be fine see when sometimes you take a break and come back you just clap all right honestly yeah let's hope so i'm gonna break two it don't feel fresh not about a deer [Music] i might start maplestory again all right guys do it i love maple okay bye-bye [Music] i'm gonna die we're gonna go raid wardell so you can actually watch them with hit and something holy [ __ ] well thank you guys for hanging out i had a great time nice long stream um yeah so as you know john and i are going to take a nice little vacation we're going out into the forest we're going to go enjoy nature for a couple days and i cannot remember how long so i know we're leaving tomorrow but today and coming back sometime i think it's only three days two days i don't know not long okay so i'm leaving but i won't see you and i probably will stream on like thursday next okay i'm taking three days off i'll probably be back there i think i've been i don't know i literally don't know anyways if you want you can follow my socials everything escorted jade would love to you know catch up with you or whatever you know what i don't literally i do not speak english anymore so i feel like i'm speaking sim language i'll probably be updating some stuff on my instagram like you know be putting up some stories on my instagram when i'm out in the in nature to like show you guys who [ __ ] care i don't know goodbye i'll see you later bye i don't know anymore i don't know okay love you guys okay bye
Channel: QuarterJade Vods
Views: 25,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uHwvKBmXVis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 610min 7sec (36607 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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