[12/21/20] raft w/ friends at 2pm!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello oh my that took [Music] i don't know why that just showed up as that wrong alert but that's okay yeah sure alrighty then oh lord that was a lot okay hello everyone welcome to the stream you didn't even stream on the other channel i know i remembered to change it last night so yeah i didn't all stream yesterday we played valerian it was like my first second time maybe having camera on that account i just was like really grinding valor and off stream but usually when i go and stream on my alt um i always accidentally start stream on my old but this time i remember to do it before i would lie or yes i did last night smart okay so everybody that just got gifted a sub for me um welcome sorry that took a little bit of time i've been honestly really busy with just like merch stuff holiday season gift stuff and yeah the beanie was too far not to have the camera oh yeah i'm surprised if everybody likes beanie i'm glad um i actually want okay god gift alerts are so pretty i love the i love the orange and the blue um but yes if anyone is like rather new here uh i understand that not everyone can afford a sub so if you actually watch me enough and uh redeem 75 000 channel points i will gift you a sub um judy who drew that animation um it wasn't drawn i guess um i just hired a motion designer graphics motion graphic designer listed down below in the panels um these are specifically done by my logo artist and then he helped like make bring them to life um his name is dean down below uh s vixx i believe um but anonymously you're getting so too addicted to who sunflower seed think of the two months look like anonymous thank you for wait that's me diamond wait that just doesn't make sense oh whatever fm smiley they go to twitch prime stuff welcome to the jade free game hello also i decided to just gift five more extra stuff so hopefully oh that's me that's me so hopefully some of you got lucky because i was i was gifting so many subs and i was like well i might as well just get five more all right what's the point um dallas leading with a seven month leather rerun thank you so much welcome back comparing the 18 months welcome back infuse you think with the 10 months have you seen rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai if you're not you should read what don't think too much of the name i was going to say is that it sounds like porn what is that rascal does not rascal does not dream of of a dreaming girl that's the first school what is it hentai oh this looks kind of cute i'm down i'll i'll read this i'm gonna write it down here i go who are you playing with hold on rascal does not dream um it's not hentai well yeah well it kind of sounds like hand that kind of means entirely sounds kind of funny i don't know bunny girl senpai i'm just like oh um i'm playing raft with me seikuna toast ray corpse john ape right i don't remember i think it's a romance don't let the cover okay yes i would imagine is it like a shoujo actually shojo was like guilty pleasure um oh shoot where am i uh infuse you i said that oh man it's been a while oh my god look at that the pug i didn't know that that happened cool pog chip i didn't know that it would happen in my alerts oh but yo cruise control they got the 50 dollars i appreciate it thank you for the generosity royalty to get the three months eighty eight four eight one seven thank you for the three months good anime oh well welcome back to the three months marshmallow hello this is one of the videos have fun playing rap all the stream timing was perfect i'm just getting off the phone with my family [Music] i miss my parents man oh my gosh let me read you the text that my dad okay to be fair i don't really know where my dad got this information but my dad texted me last night so as you guys know i um cancel my flight home i was supposed to be home from like december 16th i think the 28th i was pretty much gonna go home for two weeks because i haven't seen my parents since march um if everything was okay and kind of was getting safer uh it wasn't coveted cases spiked in california so i cancelled my flight my dad texts me did you hear about the couple on united airlines that lied about the fact that he was feeling covet symptoms and then started having breathing issues midway from florida to l.a they diverted flight for emergency landing but he ended up dying and his wife admitted to paramedic through the paramedics that he had lost his sense of smell and taste now all 200 people on that flight need to quarantine themselves over the exodus holiday holiday crazy ass selfish people although i'm so disappointed not to be able to see you i'm glad you didn't fly up right now we'll cover the cases are spiking and i'm like okay i just think it's pretty crazy crazy like you you know you have covet symptoms and then you're gonna go home to visit your family to then except maybe give them covet and then you just put yourself on the plane to give everybody i just like it's not even just like it's like so selfish of the way i'm like do you just not even care about their family the people that you're gonna go see i don't even know but um reading that made me very solid in my decision right like before i was like oh shoot like should i have just gone home i don't know i see other people flying like is it fine i'm like nah i'm not going home yeah but yeah um to those of you who can't you know spend time with family i'm with you i feel you i'm really sad this is my first time uh gonna be away from home for christmas but at least like i have my roommates and you know we're planning on like getting matching christmas pjs and watching christmas movies you know so at least i have that i guess um oh sorry i'm behind um i'm those i think of the 11 months welcome back to the 11 month thank you so much uh welcome back it's barrio think of the tier 1 stuff welcome to the jade reading hello tomahawk thank you twitch up welcome thank you for using it on me um do something with the two months santa sort of think of the two months as well thank you for your positive energy every stream you're an absolute try to watch i try to stream when i'm only in a really good mood sometimes you know it don't work out but i'm glad that i can be that positive energy for you thank you for the two months desperately 22. how are you doing today i'm good i pretty much woke up okay okay so i didn't have enough 50 and just remembered something so um loaded is my management company my management company sent me like a christmas bundle gift box and in this box is this dyson i don't even know what it is it's this dyson circle okay it looks like this okay um anyways it's supposed to be like an air purifier cooler fan air fan yes okay oh so it's a fan okay well it's a cool fan okay i know it's just a fan but it's like a air purifier anyways i turned it on last night and it's like purple red beep beep beep severe i'm like what oh hold on anyways i'm i'm looking at the app and it's telling me like bad air bad severe do not breathe turn on auto max volume whatever not like like air purify i don't even know so i'm kind of freaking out because it's telling me that literally everything in my room is like level 10. i'm like [Music] oh yay so now i've just been having it run all day and finally wait it has like a little screen on it i think we're getting down to like the the um not so bad like we're in the light red right now okay but when i turned it on it was severe i'm like also when i've been i've been waking up with such a sore throat every morning or like a dry throat and a dry nose so i have a human of fire right here i bought one and it kind of i don't know mine did the same thing i also forget is it a marketing scheme is it real am i gonna die i don't know i'm like oh [Music] either way grateful for loaded for buying it was like one of those things that i would have never bought for myself you know i'm never gonna buy this futuristic looking air fan purifier also aren't dyson's really expensive anyways it's a great gift because i was never gonna buy for myself and apparently my my air quality sucks so here i am now oh it's two okay okay okay okay hold on i'm looking okay i'm gonna read this off with building good sticks a month walk to the six months thank you so much happy holidays to you sleep junkie through the 1000 bitties i should really love my bit alert i think of all the alert sounds that my bit alert is the best it's like sounds so you know like commercials where you chew 5 gum that's kind of what i imagined my bit sound to be if anyone remembers grimly thank you for the four months i'll be an amazing stream and thank you for the four months i hope you have a great dream and enjoy your upcoming holidays with your friends and loved ones you're amazing and we love you so much jenny thank you for watching oh yeah no this sorry this looks like whiskey it's apple juice i can't really prove that i don't know how to tell you um it's apple juice i don't know okay um let's see liz lee is me liz leaves me think of the 100 bitties became a sub last month and i'm trying my best to watch audrey's content available you've really become my content streamer during this crazy time i appreciate how all you always take the time to educate your audience and chat with us i appreciate you no okay you guys if it was whiskey i get drunk off like one soju bottle so if this was whiskey i would actually be like there's just no way i don't even like whiskey [Music] anyways it's apple juice it does look like whiskey though okay but it is apple juice i don't have any way to prove this oh i love apple i love apple juice i love juice it's just oh it's sugar and i love sugar so yeah you know how it is um marshmallow maybe you guys can have a movie night in a private discord well my family was pretty yeah pretty much my family is gonna we're just gonna facetime on christmas morning and pretend everything's normal but um cruise control thank you so much for the intent give this up sorry i was late on getting to that uh but usually that gets us up in cruise control welcome to the jay brigade i hope you enjoy your time here um welcome yeah boy john's i think the twitch prime sub if you'd like you can join the discord just go to that gg such quarter jade but welcome thank you for using me raleigh with the nine months per snoop piece snoopy is thinking of the two one sub welcome to the jade reed judy how old are you i'm 23. [Music] crazy is somebody asked me that the other day and in my head i feel very much like 20 i don't feel i don't know i don't feel 23 at all like at all also life goes by really fast if you are younger than like oh god if you are younger than 23 right now listen to me okay life goes by really fast after the age of like 20. okay so enjoy it and and be grateful and wow look at me i'm so wise um i don't know do your best to be grateful and you know it's really there's this really cool quote from a movie i think called wild she talks about how like you should does you get the chance every day to see the sunrise and sunset and you should put yourself to see beauty every day so you know i see the sunset every day unless you know i'm streaming but i usually see the sun's everyday it makes me happy makes you know it humbles me it makes me yep okay sorry okay so kuno is waiting what do you mean though okay guys i've developed a new strategy for the next trust me it works better times both times both times what do you mean both times way too dangerous way today okay almost completely useless no no i practice i know how to use them now sakuno i will let you be a net lord on one condition what's the condition it has to be symmetrical because i i'm i don't have ocd but it's common sense okay jody can back me up hi everyone what we love symmetry house we stand symmetry yes in this house when jody sees my nets she'll she'll be happy with them i promise oh are these a net sets i couldn't waste all the wood planks on yes and we were struggling on wood oh jody jody do you think we should we were thinking of just starting a brand new raft since like it's you know i so i've never played i'm all down for literally whatever yeah let's just start a brand new one jody's brand new oh my god jody i'm really excited i love survival games yeah i can't wait to show you my nets mm-hmm oh okay they're gonna be great they're they're bubbles corpse you're a professional tell them how good the nets are test tests yeah they're good the corpse knows he's a pro with this game yeah i i know all about the nets um sounds like we're talking about basketball do we have to download any viruses to play with this many people or is it just normal if we could play um so toast is on the way he just logan [Music] welcome back i hope you're doing well happy holidays um you think it's 100 people says we give you the 50 [Music] and it will be eventually uploaded on my youtube channel yes could you uh do you know where john is no ttm me at 9 19 in the morning oh so i'm a bit worried um i can call him oh wait john's on the way oh good good good good good good here i have the bubbles if you guys want the bubbles uh but i think there's a few months been just barely over here now i hope you have a great christmas also at the street school thank you very much happy holidays i definitely didn't check three welcome back to logan think of the one-handed bass hi you're uncle you're cool too sleep juggling everyone welcome to the gym when ray asked for them what i just want to make sure i got everything you know bubbles well i i don't even have it well look i just copied the obs thing and then bubbles um bubbles so john and toast are on their way huh mm-hmm oh boy can't wait to start a new raft bubbles why are my bubbles working my bubbles don't work either oh that's so strange let me help you by linking my thingy hey mine's working with your link give me your bubbles it is i posted in general i just realized i said that all up okay i'm turning push to talk on yep yep ear there we go bubbles hello hello testing test test test test it work christopher leaving three months do you think with the 21 months welcome back all righty then damn boobs boobs work okay so i don't even know how okay i actually have literally seen zero raft gameplay i don't even know i've seen um people on a raft but that's it like i don't really know how everything goes you go to raft do you survive anybody know gather okay it's chaotic fun okay so for example one of my favorite games is oh my boobles are in the way um hold on i'm moving this one of my favorite games is oh sorry struggle um oh god what is the thing what is the the name the name is um the uh you know we could um help forest the forest right what are you okay what did you say about my height you sound like i just like step on your foot or something the forest one of my favorite games is the fourth so i'm excited that i'm gonna like rap what'd you i saw i did a little reddit recap and there was a lot of stuff about cycuno saying something about my height and i don't remember you saying something about my height me neither me neither um say to her face like luna say what what say what hold me back jody grabbing your earrings right hand to me grabbing her earrings hold my eraser what you take your ears off you take your shoes off yeah okay i don't know about the shoes but uh the earrings for sure wait why do you take yourself sometimes they wear heels i wouldn't know i've never i thought you just wanted to run around barefoot yeah i've never been in a fight before shoes oh yeah i don't know down i've heard i also think you could take them can we take a vote there's an option to turn friendly fire on nope that's a terrible idea i remember pvp in minecraft speedrun i'm gonna calm down vote no on that no pvp of any trouble no idea okay i'm sorry after minecraft ppvp gives me ptsd training with the four months including here they get the 34 months supposed to do stuff on twitter and i tagged corpse i feel like you will never see it yeah no i don't think he'll see it for me to be quite honest with you i don't even yeah i don't even think that if yeah for who looks at that maybe i don't know but yo wish you luck you know maybe one day he'll fall in love with you david crt five one seven two months welcome back galaxy rush it would be great it's pretty similar the mechanics really make you feel productive and a great sense of progression [ __ ] yeah do you reach out and no z and f hunter they'll be eight months welcome back i'm really confused my bubbles are not working hi that is kind of weird i do reach out it just doesn't want to work um smooth we kind of uh we're just we're kind of like me and my chat are very yeah we're sassy sarcastic memes don't take anything i take just say too seriously name and password right now uh test test test okay so i just opened raft when you type the password that shows up on the screen i don't think i think people can join i don't think people can join anyways why because you have to be on friends list remember to join okay i am going what are we starting um i just loaded in to see what's like this is my first time yeah i also don't know it's your first time too it's jody's first time too corps is a professional raptor two by two wooden plank [Music] okay sorry hold on i'm gonna have to figure out how to get here okay look at dolphins or without john it feels immoral oh we could join right now while we wait for john and just give like a crash course to like [ __ ] um how do i get in with the information spawned without a hook like where do i put the password yeah that's what i'm trying to figure out yeah i'm lost um you should you have to have abe on your friends list yeah oh i think i have to add you guys okay opening steam hold on i can i can just join off of rey whenever she joins i think right how do i do this i have you added yeah i think we did that how do i add friends on steam do you get eaten by sharks right away no they're friendly at first at first i want so i spawned without a hook a by uh sending my friend code what is this music test test test test test oh i got a plank i'm so pog so pog very pop john's late not sure what happened i don't know um beach in the morning in the five months like uh origin let things in six months happy you're not bad cheers to making this year beautiful many have a good christmas merry christmas thank you the six months double hook bam mia bambi b thank you for three months happy to be part of the jade brigade for three months i love you and your streams hope you have an amazing holiday and stream day thank you so much you're the first person i see my first time on twitch welcome to twitch no i'm not download bttv chrome extension you'll thank me later it's my bubbles right now i don't think it's gonna work bttv chrome extension and ffz but bttv definitely very important house whiskey and apple juice yeah one sec um okay friendlist friend requests friend potato a potato food i posted another group dm okay i've added an ape do i join off of babe yeah and then i think you entered a password and they can see the password right it doesn't matter yeah i don't think it matters okay god i do not know how to work steam i just don't um it's like you're crazy penis okay what jody did you get it yes i'm just struggle hold on okay okay join on abe where is abe abe isn't online for me uh you're not you're not on my friend's list oh did i not just add him hold on i'm gonna cancel the invitation oh whoopsies okay and can you try adding me with my friend code oh wait i might just worked oh dude oh oh oh join game shark right under those stop wait oh join world guys we don't oh god um oh corpse what's up hey i'll learn how to play the game yeah yeah we got it i'm gonna get this we're gonna plank oh you mean pl i thought you meant planks like uh oh no we need a we need a crafting hammer this is so small oh yes the minor minor issue we'll make it bigger there you go oh no i got the hammer already all right so did we give you the stuff yeah sure i just need plastic and planks okay so can i go swim out and get some planks or uh i dropped nine plastic and nine planks right let me make it bigger thanks dude is there like a field of vision all right that's all i got we need more plastic how do you guys drop an anchor drop the anchor the one-time use by the way the anchors one time use so don't mess up when you drop it oh thank god what's up cool stuff you should probably come back we can't stop the boat so um how dangerous oh my god there's a shark wait what that's the shark that's the shark so don't jump out i'm assuming you yes you can watch your health bar it won't kill you right away but it will kill you eventually my my hook is actually glitched maybe try dropping it how do you drop it uh press tab and then try dragging it out of your inventory oh there we go uh wait i thought you guys dropped an anchor no wait nobody said that i got a problem literally you said that toast wait who hasn't i said wait guys an anchor you're always waiting for me oh [Laughter] hey what are you doing back there oh this truck is oh you made it you actually made it i'm i'm a little surprised yeah well you know oh barrel stuff you still need to make the raft how do you craft tabs on something oh nice gift barrel oh uh yeah oh can we capture this shark with the show oh you okay no but we can like try to kill it oh sail plink leaf scrap plank leaf scrap plank leaf scrap plank leaf scrap i'm gonna make a sail i don't really i don't know because there's a hammer um oh yeah yeah hammer i don't know i don't know what i'm doing so we're not going to that gosh okay plank what do you do here we just it is indeed is this a scrap is this a what is this jug just a jug i'll just keep trying to make the next a little bigger what is this what is what did i just pick up i don't know i don't know plastic this game is growing on me yeah we think it's a two months welcome back to the twenty-three welcome back oh it's a scrap okay so if i tap apparently there's animals in this game three out of twelve i love animals i think we we never made them what do we consider the shark that's a face oh that's it i think we should try and rush the antenna if we get the chance there's animals no way yeah yeah we should we should see the bear yeah i said we need that oh yeah barrel is huge what is a barrel nice i got it okay so do we just do this for forever we just capture this together gather enough what is like what's important in the early game barrel food and water okay you get multiple items along hook what is pretty important okay plastic chance how do i give you stuff it's like kind of like minecraft you just hold it and push it that's a shark oh wait we don't have to oh jesus what do we do um wait didn't we prioritize spears so we can eat the shark oh that's a good idea let's eat the shark screw that guy no you don't need to like eat him like another one we'll just spawn and we can we can't really like unless we need food if we but but but his spawn has a timer and it gives us enough time to like swim out and grab as much stuff oh and also we get food all right oh yeah yeah yeah he's he feeds uh he drops like four look at all those barrels what my barrel the shark instantly okay okay oh god wait it's coming it's so dark what do we do what happens at night nothing's just a little darker it's just dark yeah no i think they should have ghosts and stuff come out but nothing happens they should have ghosts coming oh god for it whoops he's crazy crazy what are you doing the shark oh my god [ __ ] it's gay i touched him see you can't see i weaved him anyone got extra plastic i'll try and make the raft anymore we got water i'm thirsty oh we need to make a purifier we need to make stuff uh oh how do i okay i'm giving you my plastic again i'm kidding okay i'll make a purifier okay all right now how do we drink from it um you have to make it boil water yeah oh what do we have to make sorry an empty cup okay i made a simple grill i will put it right next to it i i don't know where that is wouldn't it island island i'll put it right oh four plastic here okay that's all you i can make a cup if we don't have one actually we all need one individually yeah every one cup okay everyone needs a cup where does the water come out from night time's kind of it comes out from the same thing you see that cup on the right side or the left side when that might taste kind of nice oh that is not going to grab anything but that yeah my purifier well we definitely will need more than one i think yeah we will need more than one [Music] i have a raw potato am i gonna this is my raw potato please something excellent this one's my raw potato that's your office i'm glad we're really um being a team right now guys we're straining on you i'm gonna pass out can i get a cup of water um salt water i'm drinking it oh that was salt water okay grabbing this barrel grabbing that plastic classic i need something mighty fine yeah can i even put it um wait where's my potato oh water plastic no plastic you can have that one it's the same thing 19 palm leaves or 20 palm leaves three scraps to make a sale so i have 11. yeah i have one sometimes we don't need an anchor if we can kind of angle [Music] two years thank you so much but no one think of the four if you haven't easy for wait wait what is this a tool plastic hook planks plait stick i guess for now it could just go right here okay this is gonna break i'm gonna need some water soon as well all right oh i do need what are the corpse water the course water the corpse um this shark is horse i got it he's got a stick guys i got the antenna do we need stones or rope we need everything yeah we need everything okay can someone build behind this sail right here what i don't have enough plastic if we have plastic i could extend it a lot because i have a lot of room i have plastic i have five we need to build around this it's two plastic per piece so like the more plastic the better i'm lost i can i can give you the plastic i don't know yeah put it down jody okay i have a i'm saving a beat for someone that's starving i can't this is so interesting this is kind of fun did did you just take my water guys we need one more than one selfish crew i made a second water purifier wait don't do it drink drink the fresh one please cup of um what it worked actually phil ray you're getting eaten by a shirt [Music] oh that's my barrel and we got extra plastic so we can make it bigger yeah i do i think yeah you can have 11 plastic yeah plastic we need plastic to expand the size all right oh that should be guys i'm drinking salt water because i don't understand how to use this okay okay okay all right so okay okay okay okay calm rest deep breaths okay so first things first okay uh okay so you have your cup right yeah okay you put salt water you fill it with salt water you put it in there and then you have to put planks in the bottom to cook it and then you know what's done when the water goes from this cup to this cup well this to th excuse me you see there's two cups on the thing there's one under the leaf on the other side yes yes so when it goes in there and then you use your cup again to pick it up and then you can drink it with left left button guys i'm not gonna lie i filled this up about five times and haven't drink water okay i'm not sure what's happening so before liquid you were a community we work together right uh so is this phil everyone is being selfish well look at how big the raft is thanks to everyone giving that plastic poor phil space to walk around i made a research table how do i how do i place now oh i had fresh water okay i might have just thrown fresh water out of the boat sorry oh dear i'm sorry you guys i'm struggling that's okay it takes a little getting used to i will answer all of your questions about this tiny oh oh oh fill with fresh water okay drink we're gonna try to go to this island over here huh oh oh i'm getting a little bit hungry i have a raw potato what do i do with it yeah um okay um yeah take this when this beef done you can eat that and then place your potato on can i okay i'm gonna drink this and i'm gonna fill it i thought corpse was a pro and then it's been a while nice yes i've made water he's wrinkled one rafter right it's apple juice so i build my own do you build multiple rafts let's let's aim the sail at that island connect probably yeah i think it kind of like invisibly connects it'll always move in the same direction all right we are we're going to this island okay captain jay snipes thing for the two months while going uh 22 months vernon they were the five we get some subs welcome everyone how much did you think of the two months all right this is my potato guys we're almost there we'll find some food there i'm sure i'm sorry i'm fishing i mean i guess i could give you one of my potatoes yes uh you can make all right [Music] where are who are our bread rod how do i only give you one okay wait let me eat one oh should i say this i just ate the [ __ ] yeah in front of me both potatoes you ate the potato in front of them sorry let's go check out the islands flowers anyone have an accent pick up yellow pineapple obviously no we're just going to try and aim this is going to remember that i'm going to die she's going to not give me are these flowers food no they're pretty much useless oh okay you know i'm not gonna lie this island is not the best um it's very small very small there's no we need to grab and then rocks underneath the water whoa oh yeah let's kill the shark let's kill the shark we need spears though do you have extra spears oh abe can solo it he's a shark slayer what i am a stark slayer i don't think that's the right tool movie i don't think that's the right tool i'm sorry uh yeah we do yeah shark slayer the movie there's a movie called hold it the one about the dude who pretends to beat up the shark for the sharks mark me wait corpse you know too yeah sharks litter the movie trying to do the movie i think you guys are making this up oh okay i'm out here collecting potatoes you guys the ship keeps drifting away oh yeah i'm pretty far away should we return to the ship well i'm collecting rocks i've got i've got a couple rocks here i'm trying to keep it what is this towards what is this one but it's oh my god it's getting further away yeah yeah i think it's time to just um come back all right let [Music] i think we need to make a fishing pole anyone do a research yet yeah probably all right we're killing it we're killing it yeah okay yeah yeah okay we're gonna get some plastic you know plastic is good wait guys yeah maybe you should probably oh wait i'll make a paddle the shark isn't gonna kill me right fishing pull the toast i'm gonna keep you alive am i gonna die i feel pretty safe i feel pretty safe okay okay what else do we need stone axe fishing rod shark let's make it oh i killed it what yeah oh my we can make chairs how do i how do i catch something um you just throw it out and then left bumper went we can paint it let's go abe he's grow from well i was going to make you tilapia but you ate my potato should i babe wearing shark head he daunted it okay okay this is if this happened i would be worshipping to the left to the left okay it's in the fog right now but it should pop into our vision soon oh chester i could put all the fish on oh we need to make a chest okay so do you need seeds for crumbs why do we have a killed the shark why do we have a net already fruit crop oh i found that on the island i just found it on the island oh you found it yeah we don't have the technology to craft you right storage i see yeah because somebody ate my i'm just kidding i made it we're gonna make more though i put a shoe underneath the workbench this is making me realize i don't want to be stranded with you guys wait what do you mean what's going on what is this okay um do we have a storage i think we need to make more storage for sure oh i'm dying my hunger i'm also dying yo why is this shoe under the table oh god i need this barrel whose foot is it who shoe is it oh that's it oh god my friend oh dear god okay um no no no no no not titty um what did i i didn't i got nothing we got planks can i put this in here nice you got it stick guys i'm dying i'm just straight up dying um i'm starving um yeah my my vision is going in and out hey who took my fish wow shark steak [Laughter] um i don't have food can i give one a shark steak yeah yeah you guys got sharks i'm gonna i'm gonna take this i am gonna take this i could use a shark steak what ray the one in front of you should finish soon i know i'm watching it like a hawk oh my stomach is growling um here jody here i have food for you oh abe the the shark god i worship abe here's a mango you know abe abe is my leader oh yes mango i owe my life to you oh my gosh why does it take so long a big piece okay he's still really hungry are we going to this island to the left a little bit yeah yeah we're gonna try oh we're panting it oh hold on i have a paddle steak okay okay this barrel's not okay i'm gonna paddle over to the island i don't think barrel nope that's kind of far okay you need to make a plant bed and then you have a starter paddle like the actual pattern yeah all right everyone make their own sections oh yes of course ah yes of course the bed the simple bed this but that's not yeah it lets you sleep through the night i guess i'll park it around the front oh my god my stomach chances are i think of the five months drizzy day singing the touch frame stuff welcome to the jade forget thank you for using me um i'm also starving i can't sprint anymore oh god this steak looks so good give it to me also kind of looks like those little cushions that you sit on when you hit your bruise or tailbone you know what i mean how do i when do i know this is ready um we need like guys i'm dying straight up potatoes oh no watermelon seeds i am dying oh no my raft or my uh i'm gonna i'm gonna sit right here stress stress wait is this shark head making me happy i think it just obstructs your vision i am no second ago literally going to sit here like i can't sprint [Music] down the tree so you can make more nuts no i'm just trying to get a coco please hurry the simple bed let's just sleep and revive oh maybe i'll make that shark wasn't the best honey don't think that two months the arctic wolf thank you please please feed you a lot oh oh oh one of them cooks i think sakura was dying sorry you know are you starving yeah i think i'm about to pass out you know i don't know i put a tilapia oh my god i see him little tilapia okay drink yeah i'm going up there uh i have seeds and i'm okay i found the watermelon blue seeds add water your flour [Laughter] [Music] all right not to alarm you but i'm also about to be dying of hunger so if you're gonna guys we gotta go back oh watermelon um this one's cooked this fish cooked i got because he's dying of course she's gonna eat all right okay i don't make my own section of the wrap all right there's a cooked fish you know for the people that need it okay lafayette right here oh a fish oh thank god [Music] [Music] my seeds are like flowers how do i not drop all of them um if you uh if you right click and drag it drops one oh i see here you can have one six my scrap thank god all right who's been drinking the water yeah we need another frosty firstly okay so should i make okay that's i'm gonna make a fishing pole for now fishing pole you need rope which uses okay uh whoever has toast you said you have a pineapple seed yeah can you please got a watermelon oh that's good can you plant it right here yep perfect okay okay now i just do what do i need bait do i just we're doing it no one's died yet it's amazing and what do i do my kid he was oh he's breaking help that's my i got a fish don't worry guys i'm giving back they're collecting i think they are i just stole from it all right i'm gonna fight him next time i've got a spear okay i'm just gonna i'm gonna go gather stuff and create my health for it actually wait wait i'll grab this barrel barrels are important you know i'm gonna do that too if we all go out the shark can only be aggroed by one yeah only one of us will die survival of the fittest yeah i'm sorry [Music] [Laughter] okay everything's fine i'm fine all right fish is that dmca-free abe hmm huh i'm humming is that on you i think it was him babe wait it wasn't me i wasn't humming toast that's posed again okay got two fish let's see what else got two fish we need to research a new the new water purifier that one's opening i was i think the faster we get okay well you know yeah okay save a lot of pranks too all right yeah it's fine okay true oh oh oh i'm gonna you know i'm gonna drink this fill drink refill i just heard was that the shark chomp hmm wait these necks are these that's actually collecting so much right now can we eat raw fish see how it's in front of the ship this is this i think it's it's nice because we're running forward with the yes that's what i'm trying to do wow good [Music] oh raw catfish where's john good question don't worry he said he don't have a tail for us i cannot wait a tail a tail oh i'm hungry hey corpse you know a story an excuse i'll put this big fish what oh no it's that bug where they dropped in a random spot place plank yeah i picked it up wait oh i gotta shake on the fire oh hey look wait what there's another ship over there i should go for it oh [ __ ] oh we can have two rafts now they see there no that one just has some treasure oh right here oh yeah oh what's up place i got it okay and then i'm to corpse this does not next dedicated to you thank you there's 20. please uh-huh what do i do with a catfish do i need a bigger grill oh yeah we need a bigger girl for that why do they call you the night lord anyway um i'm not really sure wait but let's get ourselves to make nets okay okay now we don't have to collect as much what was on it uh recipe ah i just did it right in the head chips have like a chest on it you need a bigger couple of like stuff um do i know that right now definitely simple bed small storage plastic hook stone arrow test test test sorry oh yeah randomly started maybe we make a small storage let's get plastic and then let's get plastic and then we can make a small store um okay that chomp is kind of terrifying whoa whoa the tide you know okay you know kind of getting a little little aggro out here just give me the damn thing does anyone need anything to build anything i could use some more pranks he's eating your neck stop him oh no i don't have a spear oh no yeah i could repair it i repaired the network okay i think we should like small storage i just don't have enough small storage small storage face and showed his dead short cousin on my head and he ran away uh dominance for sure nice job thank you does anyone have like four scraps he's protecting the net guys i see a big island yeah big island i see it on the right side turn the sails on the right you guys i don't know what i'm gonna do that's true do you have any scraps oh scraps are hard to come by because we need scraps i have a strap one scrap one for it i uh what do you want for i have i have plastic i have leaves i probably we're on the same team not all of that sounds good all of it and how many pairs do you have i have a scrap mechanic duck um does anybody have any that's not what she was looking for here you can have one of each wait you gave me a duck yeah it's right here by the watermelon i got three place plank oh really well if i get oh my god you're probably gonna make storage i promise it will be worth your while yeah i do yes i think we'll get a bunch at the island right wait wait the islands back that way thank you thank you for going i'm gonna make a paddle to start paddling i give you light wow i'm paddling technology i like it okay i give you storage but i don't know where to put it we can move things around it's okay storage oh we can start making a second floor eventually all right i'm going to paddle oh i need water i'm done one two drink drink fill one two one two three four five one two [Music] because right now we're going against current so it's like extra hard you're doing it you're doing it you said this was a big island this island's tidy it looked big from far away okay i'm dying okay it's okay it'll be done soon oh please oh no no oh my god i'm killing myself oh oh my god drink the water drink it drink it trick or treat in the season okay and then place and then fill and then drink and then grab back e and then place all right on the eyelid okay we're good we're good we got to collect some scraps and stuff okay scratch i like it i like it it's like it's clean that looks good what am i going for is there anything that i can gather i don't really know can you guys get a seed it's just so this just so far from what the tune is yes the ship is baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo baby shark an estranged married couple who realized they don't love anything shiny underwater exactly like that actually anything shut up okay anything shiny underwater okay well my boat is sleep uh none of this looks shiny to me baby baby sharks okay um can i make okay how do you expand the how do you expand what are these things what are these in real life yes yeah does this make you nauseous a little bit honestly it kind of does like the the you're wrapping up moving i didn't mean to grab that i didn't mean to grab that i tried turning on c6 mode but i don't think it made a big difference this seasick mode oh a hammer i think it was called like motion sickness mode but it didn't john's here oh course did i just see you eat a dinosaur didn't say anything about it i saw him hold out a giant fish with both of his hands and just chomp into it that was a nice sign i didn't think anyone saw that you can make signs needs fresh water it's raining poor liquid let's go back we should probably make the wraps bigger right yeah i don't have much supplies though oh okay just this constant need for food is oh god yeah it gets better eventually eat the fish and then cook the beet in exchange you know bleed the nuts into it can i just i'm just gonna anyone has a watermelon seed or a pineapple seed please are you not that rich oh what uh what is it okay i need plastic i need plastic okay guys i'm passing out i'm passing out oh that's too bad oh there's a fish i got it yeah i have more fish to crack why am i so [ __ ] bad at this does anyone need fish anyone need food oh i i just ate a random fish right now and you want me to i don't know where'd you find it um on the grill randomly there huh that you found well look i was i was about to pass out i had i was i was discovery you found that behind the fish behind on the floor yep just um oh thank you um yeah wow we're supposed to start at two o'clock right wow hey john wait we're starting at two i thought it was i thought it was three p.m we're all oh yeah we did so three terrible misunderstandings yeah you all said two or three so two or three yeah that's okay and then like three of us all said two after oh oh i don't know i think my internet went out you know so johnny oh that's true what [Music] i see the wait why is the password toasted oh i didn't mean to go for this barrel nope it's my barrel go for it am i gonna die okay it's not bird that's really far away let's go to the island i'll start paddling over there oh my god i'm one type dead one type dead come come come come so how do you get health back uh you've got a passive passively regenerate it oh good well i can eat this potato the bird bird that's a bird and oh my chicken chicken oh oh ow [Music] okay well then you take one and i take one and then someone needs to go fish i found a pineapple on this island nothing like some fresh winds and shark guts oh are you in john i'm here hello john hello hello john you said that you're going to tell us a tail there's no tail i uh let me let me show you something all right so i've been having the worst sleep for the past guys i'm gonna die oh my god the shark is coming for me so i bought an eye mask to get deeper sleep oh jesus the shark bit me i managed to sleep through this i managed to actually i think i slept walked and turned it off because my eye mask was across the room when i woke up it's just interesting your eye mask has nothing to do with sound that's true yeah that's true how would an eye mask oh yeah the sound we don't even talk about i don't know how that happened i'm going to be honest that's a mystery to me hmm oh all right let's begin stopping the melody yeah we're going yeah you have to oh how do i he said you're dehydrated yeah i think that's it for this island uh i suppose we should go of course it's underneath you there's a lot of sand here we should we should grab them before we go we think i'm about to die and i can't really that's the future we need to research sand for glass yeah yeah listen i'll kill the shark we need glass to make a better purifier and a better grill well not a better grill but you know oh who just dropped well toast what do you what do you toast oh it's just those are flowers oh i thought you were sabotaging the raft you know just was making sure not that i think he has ill intentions or anything press t i'm not reading that oh just two cups of water really i hate reading in video games water oh [ __ ] place cup of sea water oh okay sakura oh god oh god what's up all right you guys i'd be dead oh wait we can't make big make big i can't grow palm trees here cannot make big yeah oh also oh oh my gosh okay before i forget to unlock we need the giant planter hello tomorrow at 3 p.m i'm doing a charity stream i'm so sorry i completely forgot to tell you guys uh we're doing a charity stream tomorrow it's gonna be me sydney and jamie it'll be on my channel uh it'll be like christmas themed so something that i did last year was a gingerbread um charity stream gingerbread building charity stream and so we're going to be doing the same thing i want to make it a tradition on my channel that every holiday season we do a charity stream last year we did it for actually like um americares which was pretty much funds that go to medicine and such or people that can't afford medicine but this year we're i think we're doing something covet relief related so um tomorrow 3 p.m pst we're going to do how did you forget i forgot because i um was late for stream and then i ended up playing raft at 2 p.m so but yeah tomorrow 3 pm pst we're gonna build gingerbreads together um me and the girls are gonna probably like brainstorm some incentives maybe but um either way it'll be fun and you know hopefully it'll feel like kind of like holiday season especially because i haven't been home i really like our house doesn't really feel like christmas but i think this will feel like christmas okay so yeah i just want to let you guys know that before i forget all right getting a move on it wait why are there nuts [Music] he's a changed no no no i've i've developed new technology for the nets they work great now look there's even a sign jump see this sign it says net look wait wait it says that it does say that okay you're right you're absolutely right that would be so mean yeah i would never call it yeah i'll just i'll just use the nets i believe in them oh great look at what you did whoever did it please don't cancel me it was a john sakuna simpson was a joke i can't promise shrimps shrimps yeah [Music] the shark sticks are almost ready i'm [Music] surprise mark good we're doing great food like slightly left okay all right john let the nuts do they got my steak i need food oh my god i need food uh sorry oh steak uh yeah i'll research sam okay can i um i can't research sam no okay i'm gonna fish oh [Laughter] okay fish more fish i will provide i will provide for this round backwards yeah how is uh glitter we're going through the litter oh okay how is it doing that i thought we're going against the kern no no no i'm fishing food's been okay honestly yeah there's a lot of like reading you have to eat a lot oh you already got it like i'm constantly hungry which is just not true you know just not real life well actually okay well you know guys i made a bed in case anyone can lie down are we gonna spear up oh abe's taking it out i have fish oh we should all kill the thing again so we can get more steak all righty working on we need to kill it at the next island okay so that's right yeah then we have more i'm gonna put it in the chest i'll just put everything we need we need sand and clay we need to oh i have one clay all right just put it in the i think if you have extra stuff put it in the chest okay i need to keep track i need two clay we need to make a smelter i don't really know oh cooked fish okay i have all these fish that i can give or put on oh oh oh fish i am fish provider there's two rivers of litter and we're should i drink water drink place okay all right i'm killing it i'm killing it let's go this way grip grab plastic plastic heat grab oh i see an island i'll forgive you oh nice and nice okay starboard okay maybe mommy made it i really god i just want to go swimming i just want to go out there you know there's an island on the left oh you already got it one straight ahead yeah yep straight ahead slightly to the left okay that's not bad her oh okay who needs food wait a minute oh [ __ ] anybody need food um no i'm good i think i'm okayish for now i need to make a cup soon here you go corpse so does this shark just follow us around thank you forever wow persistent little guy needy yeah persistent and needy and okay he's like a shrimp the shark jumps onto the boat to bite you right he bit you that happened to me we have literal head northeast let's just squiggle to the left a little bit so next we pick it all up and then we'll keep going to the island what the [ __ ] [ __ ] perfect this is like minecraft why is this relaxing at the same time welcome to survival games okay i'm getting more fit i'm i'm a fish provider oh oh wait actually cancel i really want my classy research all right specifically let's paddle i want wait what i do not like that i don't like going off i made a wet brick and i can't research it it's fine oh it has to look like it's like a dog right there oh maybe you just leave it on the floor i think put it on the ground oh put it by the grill maybe it'll dry faster by the grill oh okay and then i'm gonna kind of uh what am i where was i working what was i extending okay this is all like weirdly all right we're on the island okay pulling sails i see sand i see sand oh wait we gotta kill the sharks does anyone have a spear uh yeah i can make this right here oh i can also think if we have a spear we should like all right if you have one you should go for that yeah brick dries we will have to pick up and place and we have to keep this and george um come here sure uh okay and then water we can grab and then we can oh i have to drink it well okay drink i'm not gonna lie it's not corpse helmet i thought he was a shark grab place get my rear john there's an option to turn on friendly fire oh i have big fish does any is anyone hungry i'm a little thirsty i'm a little cold can i put food in here yeah i think we got most of the trees already cool there's so many trees on this island yup is there anything you're hungry i'm hungry did i yes oh i can eat this full now yeah god heal it up first okay okay more fish let's provide for my children i will protect you with my life shrimp pizza board think of the switch from sub welcome [Music] yeah if you want to see his dead body look at it wait they just just put me in the bed what are you hey i'm trying to right i found hinges everyone i found hinges we can make sure that's fine okay be careful i'm alive thank you for the three months i think i said that already just making sure what did i learn what did that say i'm coming real dad more leaves and we can make a couple slots i think we should expand them wait didn't they have oh sh my fishing rod broke were you trying to plant that ray did it ah [ __ ] uh yeah can you please thanks yeah i got it does anyone have leaves or scraps all right mr stark dies we need to go mining mining wait are we leaving we didn't gather the scrap yet did we wait come back don't leave oh no no done damn it you're dying i'm injured [Laughter] is while you guys are fighting to the death i'll go look for scrap oh god the only aggro one of them not me right come here hit him once get the killing blow [Laughter] i'm oh back i'm coming back let's see he's so close he's injured [ __ ] me no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh no oh no no no no no no and there's stuff that you can hold left click on and um like mine underwater like salmon guys where am i where okay god i just okay take take my hook go underwater where did you guys go underwater yeah i'm underwater gathering stuff it's really dark down here you know i think i'm good up here i think i'm gonna appear yeah i'm great this is fine click cook click car drifting away okay um very far away oh nice pillow okay you can make rope out of leaves to make a new fishing rod that's true yeah um okay what else can we make there's a case brick nail equipment building hammer research table storages hinge hmm paddle sale okay so so how do you learn more how do you get more um floating away stuff do we have an ink what pull the anchor no we we don't have an anchor too why any um um the leafs any leaves i'm stranded again uh eat drink i anchored us god nice we're still a little far out but that's god you just need food so much just so much drink don't worry it'll get better things get better and calm there's food here on the grill if anyone needs oh okay are you saving all these flowers last time i saw toasters checking them overboard so that it's true wait there's a sale flower zone are we supposed to go towards this ship is it just for dye i think so yeah oh this is [ __ ] yeah it's super fun [ __ ] the people on the island we're going to the ship wait what are you what do you mean wait i think the ship is coming to us i'm coming back right this is the yeah okay i'm gonna chuck all the flowers i guess i need a sweet oh we get larger islands by using a receiver when how long until the thing is that's what huh we need a smelter wow anchor's not down you need to pick it up who's got the water sorry oh sharks back yep eat it i put the clay in the box okay all right we need all the questions cough it up cough it up hide it put all my stuff in storage oh my gosh we have a duck cute right where all right i sound like a duck from pokemon that did not sound like a real thirsty quack oh no go to the research table to learn new things to craft and that's what this is any plastic ray yeah open all right perchance get a couple uh changes oh how much do you need never mind oh just a few it's for something useful oh my god you actually gave me one what the heck um this shark is coming for us wait the shark is back it is oh god uh okay so i'm on the island still oh you're looking i got um wait oh my god she's this bird i thought we were collecting the material around the island guys john's still on the island you're still on the island i thought we said i don't even remember what direction it's in we said collect statements oh jesus john someone plugged her there she's gone he's coming swimming wait wait you're still on fire are you still on the island i see him in the water i put palm seats in one of the boxes my leg cramps i can't swim fast oh nice next well john it was almost nice knowing you all right don i'm pulling aggro oh my god please i'm pulling aggro oh i hit it i see the shirt abe is king of the jungle i just really want this um future is now all these barrels i just want uh research the brick and then we can make a small three let's go oh did you clarity went to the ship right the one that sings yes yeah i grabbed it okay um stone yeah oh my god enough plastic okay so i want to make this to what i want i'm ready to just make this i want to make this wrap a square i just want a square you don't know so i'm a little oh is that what they're doing whoa all right first smelter we need four planks six dry brushes four scraps and six nails oh oh god uh i have six nails i have no nails dry bricks are two sand two clay each well that's good luck with that we need more islands yep uh piece of wood i think the two tribes have chippy lifted they were the tier one submerse stick with the 21 months and griff thank you for the twitch prompts up welcome hello so how do i research is this the research table sorry i don't know this is just my inventory oh dave's wrestling a shark in the water i think it's almost done i think it's almost better i think it's like one hand so i'm looking for something that i don't know that i'm looking for battery it's broken advanced purifier you need glass i see so that's why that's where the water goes out i'm moving it to the side i'm about to pass it i did it yeah i'm not gonna make you much further so you just need one person to research so i'm a little confused like how i'm researching or how i'm supposed to we can research so learning oh to learn you just end up getting the materials and then you know a little boot okay this is the first time i watched it welcome to the stream wait why don't we just make more um things set it maybe like there's one for everyone um if we make the next purifier it's op as heck oh yeah we just need glass and doesn't use planks with shavings yeah it doesn't use planks it's so good oh wait we unlocked smelter right we just have to uh we need glass oh i need to eat uh smell some salmon i need to eat i need to eat bananas okay eat this yeah we need more sand and clay in order to make the thingy but once we make the purifier it's smooth sailing literally yes ma'am i'm really annoyed with how our raft is not a square yeah i'm on the hunt for plastic to create a square yes yeah that's what i'm saying wait uh fresh water here fresh water this just needs oh yes how does one equip shed and there's a clothing like oh we got the bird you got the bird we got fried chicken are we meant to be angry we're angry yeah we're anchored right now no we're not going to this would smell so bad oh ray the anchor is this bucket with rocks in it that just smells so bad okay but don't put it down don't pick it up all right where's all the plastic you gotta find another island but it looks but it looks cool make a big one i don't know how to make a big girl it's a big girl the smelt i think it's time for a second yeah fashion first place items in slot to research i don't know what you need can smell metal okay where's the letter the salt that's where none of you guys went from my inventory oh what happened there's no letter i don't understand no island in sight is i see litter i see litter behind us oh whatever my team will carry me i have no sense of direction right now put this out behind us i look everywhere and i don't see anything don't worry i see i see an island guidance captain i see an island fried chicken coming up i do not understand what you want i did not understand you made it crooked on purpose that one time but this time look at how lined up it is i mean this is better this is better it's still crooked oh i'm hungry what do you mean it's still crooked come here come here oh it is off what is this the tree's already in there we can't undo it well it's odd we're going to lose the tree but ray's going to lose her mind and i'm going to lose my mind no no we're fine guys everything's fine who would like a drumstick me me me me my drumstick for you thank you for the drumstick sir ray you should make a second floor do you have any fish i'll get fish same thing we can make second floors on the raft yeah second floor gosh we should make a beautiful room we can focus on the first floor being all nets okay um i'm just gonna can we kick the [ __ ] off the raft no no if the first floor is all nets it'll gather right now second floor can have stuff on it or what who's got a lot of wood i'll give you plastic i have eight you want plastic sure yes ma'am here are eight planks milady oh thanks for making me pick those up all one by one oh he learned stuff guys oh i have fish fish cook fish place cook yes drink drink place whoo murph man think of the two months right back with two minutes and roger they give them two months two two two welcome back everyone litter we love literally why are you laughing like that that's a that's a two-hander that's a big fish right you need both hands to hold it if you use your combo you can check it out fish it's a big fish yeah damn oh big fish big fish toast oh my god so big that's a big fish i had no idea hi here i am you just wait is there no shark right now i have a big fish well i'm gonna swim out too then i think i have two i'm gonna swap two then no that's the barrel wait corpse have you been talking no focused on the game anybody yeah anybody got any wood planks anymore i need more i got two wood planks and them over i'll give you a a fish in exchange if you wanted me to put on the furnace right no oh man yeah oh it's like kind of hard to read to fix that you didn't even laugh you just you just let out a little huff but i will okay so sorry if i kind of scuffed right there okay [Music] is that a good is going it's kind of honestly really fun i like survival games with your imagination [Music] john are you okay i'm so good at he's trapped under the boat come through the net john oh my god why do we put these nets in the middle i wonder because sakura was mastered at toast yeah these nuts are in a great position what's wrong with it they're on the back side now oh no it's fine they'll still collect as long as they pass through the boat shark is coming right right trigger's quick we'll be fine we'll be fine just collect everything on the sides of the boat give me what and plastic fleas oh my gosh i'm going to die i'm alive oh my god wait no yeah what are you doing oh dear god i want this square so bad look we need more wood and we need more plastic okay give me okay okay i go to someone else oh i heard the trumps i'm out okay i've fallen and i can't get up okay oh yeah oh wait i'm so bad at this everyone i think toast is running in place but oh oh oh my god are you serious that was fun that was literally a hedgehog and then valerian give me my goddamn bat piece of plastic [Music] no i'm dying is there any food by any chance i have a fish to give to you ah you have a fish for me well um where are you well i do but everything else is cooking so well you can eat that oh here i have a tilapia there you go well thanks abe i'll eat it in front of you weird wait why is that weird i was showing my appreciation weird okay [Laughter] i'm glad that you i think it's weird to say oh um [Music] john i got you john john has died twice um here are you gonna eat a fish in front of me ah oh no no he's not oh john oh okay what are you doing under the ocean oh my god no john i'm coming i'm coming john i didn't think she'd do that oh jesus i'm coming tomorrow oh my god i thought you were gonna revive him oh sorry i thought you wanted me to throw him overboard oh my god jody will you probably and i was at the end and i thought that you wanted me what was your deal oh so sorry it was just i didn't know it was a miscommunication john welcome back to the land yeah minor miscommunication minor guys how have we not found an island this whole time there was a zombie apocalypse jody would eat you that's not true he would be dead for sure though i win come on we need more sand more sand yeah we need to stop by an island okay they need an island real bad i need water where is the water i'm assuming you disconnected from the internet because yeah they're probably died let me check you from well paul the other three months greenhouse 17. welcome back got to sacrifice him to the sharks you can live i i probably wouldn't hesitate i'm going to be honest drink fill lace raft oh no more okay i can believe i can make this oh [ __ ] yeah square square it's almost square is there know how to make a bolt you need metal there's three barrels three barrels four barrels stuck okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay i dodged the shark it was intense okay i'm doing it i'm doing it for the sake of the wrap oh i have a potato if you want to start growing potatoes i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'mma die please [ __ ] you i'm zooming i'm gonna zoom in i'm bobbing and i'm leaving so there's uh there's a minor leaf shortage huh i have leaves wait how many leaves do you have uh 32 32 leaves well we could make um well what are you going to make the draft hey i forgot all right we got to get it did you forget second round does some work i also think we are good on nets you know what we've got our raft is gonna flip the second the second floor will be fine oh god i need one more piece and it will be square here what do you mean you need classic plastic plastic give it to you yes oh god i can't believe we haven't had an island yet it's square yes oh my god it's [ __ ] it's beautiful chef's kiss we do got a lot of litter do we know how to make bolts yet oh i don't know actually oh we need metal ingots but we don't have a smell too oh i think we need sand like basically we gotta find that really scary oh please oh [ __ ] oh god it scared me because i saw him coming for me he came for me twice ow i didn't like how do you that so fast [ __ ] you there's no way i'm so sad okay i can't do this okay the other side with the nuts aren't square i mean uh do i need to put okay fine i don't think we can progress right now without getting square a bunch of sand yeah we are actually stuck roger that oh i see it like there's a giant island on the left there's a giant island on the left but look at all these barrels really big barrels oh jesus you guys distract the shark i'm going to get all the barrels what um distract all jesus i'm trying to drive i'm trying john distracted distracted oh jesus is gonna break like if we all go together it can't attack all of us i'm going for the barrels go for the barrels go for the [ __ ] hold the ship i can't oh i have to eat [Music] yeah i have food i have food here down yeah you look pretty cool with shark head good thanks i didn't get oh the shark i'm like oh who's fighting it jonathan get it john get it you got it it looks it looks wounded john you got think i i'm missing every hit oh my god i was just about to start doing that too the one on the left looks actually why not just go to both one at a time how do you hold for more parts wait how do you fresh water wait what are there's two islands like right next to each other stairs foundation all right which one should we go for we're passing we're passing wooden floor is that what this what i did not understand yeah the right one was i don't understand is that not a wood floor rotate you need a pillar oh oh i don't need i don't have nails snails are okay nails i don't have any scraps where do you get scraps so there's more barrels i do like barrels i do we need to get the sand and stuff cook herring up oh none of the trees are watered um oh a bee oh and i have a potato um do i just eat the potatoes or do you need to do something with them cooking a potato potato okay this is kind of peaceful i feel like i feel that easy even though there's a shark and i'm like always hungry and dying she's kind of nice to the to the right abe oh wait there's three over there too there's just so many barrels yeah yeah yeah i'm grabbing all right fit what gets off our ship he's kind of just a dick you know now that he's accurate you're right now that he's background we may as well [Music] get to the island right dark um gathering materials thank you very much wait you can climb up this that's a what kind of crazy angle okay so i don't so how do you get scratched you can walk up that that looks so good so think of the eight months welcome to two years welcome back for two years did it uh okay that was potato i'm daddy gathering them unfortunately there's nothing actually dead i think sand is usually under water my hero all right i'm gonna go digging underwater after i finish up the trees i will kill the shark oh that looks like a nice fish it's injured um an injured man so you get i love the bit sound you get scrap underwater oh well are we going to they oh they already went well okay hmm so how can you protect you know how the shark eats our sides is there anything to do about that like can i somehow oh wait do we need sand arkansas sharky said yeah i had two this whole time does that matter you just stepped up trying to get more sand yeah we need a lot more anyways okay so i wouldn't have made a difference i didn't mean to take that my accent you need to eat this that's all i had oh no oh no i'm gonna go gather sand though yeah maybe you can finish it then uh underneath the tv on the left jar right it didn't drop in there i couldn't find it i didn't mean to grab this oh god does anybody need a fish i i'm gonna need like food yeah i think i'm okay hmm i'll eat it okay i'm just gonna keep fishing oops one person oops okay i'm just keep fishing so you can only you can verify your flooring but it takes a lot of scrap um oh water i need water oh god i need water oh i need water well i guess i could fit one middle even two nails to make a fortified floors in ground level four foundations i think i'd rather make a second floor how are you liking rap i love survival games survival games are actually like my favorite um type of game i need water what did i just get did i just get a bottle phil place phil what abe hello i just randomly saw you in an underwater cave um yes hello okay tell ready to put her chat back on um no [ __ ] off weird sorry i just think it's weird when people come to uh okay i want to be honest when you go to the literature chat and tell the streamer to do x thing to tell another streamer i'm just they're not going to do it it's just weird no but you know maybe i've never been told that but i'm going to tell you right now it's weird and it's oh i guess i'm putting a pudding there's a cook fish here as well i'm coming back to the the thing there's still so much stuff here oh well it's all yours i'm going back i feel like right now help me wait which island are you guys at wait you guys love um we never you know uh guys our our sail is pointed towards the island but it seems like we're at a standstill there's a storm it's a kid all right oh no oh leave yeah good food i can cookie fish but you're fire i mean i got a clam i'm battling i'm popping well that's unfortunate i'm gonna i'm gonna eat this okay and then i'm gonna make a fishing wait right i don't even know where you are legit taco think of the 10 months welcome back tell everyone you wanna you can scroll to pick up how much wait is this even an island or is this a rock uh it's getting dark scroll down pick up how much you wanna try to carry me to the ship what do you mean wait guys is you guys see the ship let me see let's look for the ship she's under the top of that i did just hit the walk dude i think like back in the day and like maybe okay i'm currently 23 to give you some myself but i'm 20 no you can make it right you just gotta believe i don't know where you guys are go ray go if anybody tells you that you're ugly their priorities are just [ __ ] up all they care about is exactly what's we're getting drunk you have like a bigger treasure i want to make a storage next to the food so we can just like have a supply you know oh right that's a good idea i don't have any scrap i need one scrap to make a storage i got you a scratch oh it's too uh just a one oh thank you very much craft place okay and then i'm gonna put all the cooked food all right i'm on food duty how do we still not have a baby all right let me get all your sand and clay friends that's a true but also has a girl i found almost every other girl attracted okay i was just talking to jamie about this all right it's really really rare come across somebody like toast toast that is genuinely all right i gave you my sandwich first of all people can be attracted to so many other different people like yeah yeah yeah what do you mean what help you with anything uh is there anything you want in it [Music] i hope you guys enjoy your time here you feel very well you can leave corpse you don't have to stay i was gonna make it till four i think i know but i feel like you're here yeah it's okay yeah um get off harvard kick him kick him kick him i don't know how to i'll guess i'm right yeah we can just play another time too yeah you can join in okay i'll save you this clam it's yeah my [ __ ] symptoms are acting up right now really bad so yeah of course it's fine 100 oh god no he literally told me an hour ago that he was going to try to last till he's over here dying in the corner oh my god i'm stubborn i'm too stubborn you are stubborn you know it's pretty much four already so four games later it's four somewhere somewhere else yeah okay bye and don't worry about it goodbye i drink some water bye i'll try to drop all my stuff no no just like no no just keep it you'll be fine yeah you'll spawn back on the ship when we do that huh feel better of course i'm sitting here i'm gathering foods he literally is just dancing yeah he's trying to make it 4pm he doesn't sleep oh my gosh beauties and everything isn't easy to say when you're attractive you may not be hurt by insulting because you never know you know you're good like however there are people who are easily hurt with this and that's really good um right now i have put in a lot of effort we never made the antenna so we never progressed and i know that wait where's the does anyone still have the blueprint for the end please yes cool i do all right i think that i thought we almost beat the game last time no i think they should make them nobody's like ugly there's so many right here the blueprints are here oh i don't want to make it really ugly is very rare in my opinion i'm good at it i feel like ugliness is a lot of times just like lack of effort into appearance because people are like oh whatever [ __ ] i don't care i'm just ugly but like i don't i don't really feel that way okay i'm cooking i'm cooking there just needs to be more grills they're really doopy okay i'm just not going to cook the cake cooking but i just like don't really understand that insult not because it doesn't hurt my feelings but because my just i value it enough to get ready in the morning and to make myself feel good but value myself enough to not look for affirmations from others that don't matter to me in terms of my appearance finding nemo when they do that thing hi where are we oh well hello hi hello there welcome back jody jody is there something you wanted to ask us why were you somebody called me ugly i had to call him i had to talk to him well you had to call him what oh i just you know just they were like you're ugly bye and i was like well you care too much about a parent so your values are [ __ ] bye sorry dozel and don't worry i'm i'm back to i'm back to cooking for you guys uh-huh thanks jody ugly people lash out at us inside and out that guy is i'm assuming he's a guy ugly oh yeah you know that guy was mean you know just forget about it yeah i don't i don't mean i don't mind it i just i mind because i don't like what my friends get anyway uh thanks for cooking i'm thinking i just ate yeah john mines i don't know yeah john mines yeah beat him yeah [Music] self-defense i don't think he's nice i don't know if it counts as self-defense if started it that's true god this is just this is so long this takes so long [Music] and place and put in nope wrong place and then what is this fish okay all my things that i need to cook yep i have a bottle don't know what to do with my bottle okay cooking video's subjective no matter what you will no matter what you will never appeal to everyone also self-conscious really makes a huge difference even some people who are considered attractive still get hurt by being called ugly because of the lack self-confidence yeah i mean i think it's so interesting that people are like well you're not going to get fed up because you're attractive and it's like i sit here and i'm like but does anyone have an ax i think the trees are ready am i and do i feel that way and no and is it just i don't have an axe anymore so we just saw a feeling it's all just and it's all just beauty standards and all that whatever jazz and then at the end of the day i'm like i put an effort to like make me feel confident but also like okay i'm gonna get old and wrinkly and i don't think wait wait wait there's a there's an island right there that we can put all my value into my appearance this island has stuff on it i think there's a chest on i need to cook this beat these things forever all right i don't have an axe but i'll get all the other stuff wait here's i'm gonna take the pressure sacks take the sax wait you have an axe ape all right for this axe i will give you 50 uh 25 of the tree i'm going to take the time to explain this i honestly think that i have it's very rare to run into somebody that is like genuinely just ugly and a lot of the times if i think you're ugly it's probably based off of your personality and how you treat people and also um just putting effort into your appearance like hygiene and styling yourself right and haircuts just can do so much for your appearance or also like i don't know like wearing the right glasses for your face kind of you know things like that so i just and i i wish our society really didn't place so much value on appearance because it just doesn't matter but it does for whatever reason for i don't know but either way you guys really i promise it's just everyone its beauty is just so subjective all right cool come thanks for going to my ted talk i have oh my gosh i got the loot i'm taking the shortcut off i'm gonna be honest this is it's on my face and it's blocking my thing okay okay do we have lots of fun we're stocking up melters we're stocking up let's go last thing right what is this i don't know what's lootable i'm just going to run the like you're just kidding man oh wait this isn't rare this is just a random one day judy's going to be an old wrinkly kind grandma i hope so i hope i'm kind ok flowers don't matter right i don't know white's pretty i like white we're gonna paint it you know maybe we can paint the white do you need an accent plank no no abe gave me one so i don't know what i'm looking for okay i'm just gonna go look under water none of these are shiny yeah ray i gave what's john looting ugh uh-huh yeah oh scrub yeah did he give you a stone axe or a metal axe you don't even have metal it was just a stone wait ray you have you have a metal axe i could i don't know if i'm really what i'm coming back to the rafter right now you have a metal axe wow how do you make a bowl is this like listen listen i i could definitely have a metal act so scraps are like the most important things and sand right where is it i thought that counts right where can i find this thing i got it on steam i don't know if there's like oh it's not the thought that counts it is not the thought that counts oh that's what they say that is what they say it's the thought that wow thanks for the thought you're welcome i want to give you a million dollars well i oh but now i can't pay off my water bill how am i gonna i'm gonna go get some scraps from the you can upgrade your hook to mine faster under one i just don't have any nails oh jesus my leg poke it poke it everyone wait a second i'm going to say dumb question yeah you got it if you get it what do you think of people saying that you or other students are popular because your appearance poking it's wounded i see some i think they're just it's hurt it's turret they give it a healthy jab okay so i think that those people are kind of like um they they they want to see you and be like this is so unattainable and they look at you and they're like yeah of course they just like want to put no effort behind you so that they can justify their jealousy like they're like yeah i could never do this because i'm not as attractive as so-and-so which is just stupid and untrue and like it's just it's a self-confidence thing and um it's just yeah i just think it's a lot of people who are don't don't quite understand the are you dead what did i just pick up dude if that makes sense like they're just like they can't they don't want it to be effort because they're like it's like they're like oh whatever i could just never do that like i would put in the effort but i want to make it because i'm not just not attractive like they're selling themselves short because they just don't want to put in there i have to eat i'm gonna die i'm gonna eat i'm going to die i got to die i'm going to die i need food food food food food right food i got to get the glass going all right let let ray handle the water thing first yeah we need wawa voiwa i have your metal ink it abe okay white seeds keeping it warm like perfect sitting on it perfect scraps what do you make scraps with you are definitely discord i know well cause i can't talk to you guys and talk to discord people at the same time all right we got the water thing and then wait a minute big grill eventually yes we should start working on the antenna after we get the water working oh my god we can get in an organic wi-fi would have what's the antenna for yeah it helps us track down the next parts of that there's actually so much stuff that we haven't done yet apparently there's a there's a story line that we never got to last time because we were busy fighting over water and yeah did we check this island for supplies wait you guys didn't you guys didn't leave me right no no no we're we're still inside wait abe you're still on the shuttle i think oh wait what was that i think people need to understand that it's not about being attractive about being self-confident i understand that to make your mother oh my god you guys look at all the stuff we can learn oh [Music] i think once we uh further the storyline there's like animals we can catch for aminals [Music] oh are we ditching the island in the future um i think we're done there weren't too many i'm fine but if you haven't uh yeah we're all here dr king raise the sails on the island we raise it all right raise the sails all right let's go we're going ray's holding a watermelon well let me see wow this looks kind of funny it's really big i'll trade you oh a fish for a watermelon what a deal thank you milady all right we're good to go um let's see fishing so fishing rod oh we can make a bolt okay wait i actually really want to learn how to make up wait you guys we're leaving where's abe how do you guys actually actually left him um i thought everyone was here i'm gonna put this here because i think it's important i don't know what to do with it where do you get metal ingots uh oh no there's another there's another side you find put it in the smelter and it'll turn it into an ink oh oh god i'm dying oh i'm dying bread lover welcome back oh my god i'm starving toast you're back your internet's very fun [Music] wait can i remove the bed while he's on it we're driving by him i don't think we should we should let him rush he'll be really funny he's such a good friend oh no he's doing the fun stuff i appreciate it toast look at this harvest i got i got a large melon already thanks guys glass all right um um um second you have wood man toast really likes milk uh yeah that's a mess here right now wait this glass there's glass we can make a purifier the secret with all of it looks great how much do you need like three i need like ten all right how's seven i need seventeen seven enough right you have seventeen more all right maybe not maybe i don't know wait wait ray was twenty enough because how about how about another 20 ray how about another 20. he's rich another 20. it's right next to you oh my gosh oh okay okay i'll make it worth your while don't worry um wait someone needs to plant a tree is palm seed the tree yes that is oopsie yes yes oh my i want to make more it's on the first page oh do you have enough glass yet oh i also put the glass in the storage box oh that's a good idea um i'm cooking up some some seaweed so i'm gonna be using the smelter first okay i'm gonna get some food okay we got to find another island you need wet bricks to the right to the right is an island large island on the right wet that brick this fishing rod how many times it's a vine glass oh you is um three using it what you got what do you want for this they don't want to see that you've worked hard on it so they give excuses for what you've attained with your hard fingers we're going to the island a torch or jesus i'm blacking out yeah i can't do this anymore oh i'm getting light-headed yeah i can't do this anymore all right guys we're gonna see the island we're heading towards it okay ray where's the middle ingot where's the metal um but yeah if you've seen lily's dr k episode that's really good talks about that like how lily has gone through depression and all of these hardships and then they see lily and she has a lot of hair because they're like well i'm depressed but look at you you're so successful and so they're just like kind of like [ __ ] you should have disappeared right anyways oh no oh toasty gonna oh no what happened i'm cooking my coffee cooking my fish connected again to the four months order let's say the tier ones all right welcome welcome i actually need food um literally italy oh did you miss the memo he missed the memo he for sure did what do we do with palm seeds we just plant them for coconuts or uh yeah coconut and wood but you could just put them in spots for now anymore anymore who added this come forward who did it it must have been john the wall well there is a net here why don't we fill in the holes it was perfectly square and then oh you mean this row right here i did that oh it's not like you wait why i don't know [Music] this row over here so i wanted to make it more square so i added this entire row of wood over here hmm it sounds like somebody extended more and then you try you see this thing right here starting from this wood all the way to this wood i added because somebody over here added this that's the culprit yeah that's like who knows what sorry i was in the bathroom [Music] yeah it couldn't have been me you messed up the square well we can fix the square with some plastic and wood right yeah i just don't really have any of that guys did someone take the medal oh i need nails oh no i i literally just put metal in here i don't know i don't know hey was that your medal i was trying to just keep it cooking you know hello what is life i think i said that honestly thank you that i put in oh no here did i just oh you can just research it for okay so how do we make big grill wait where's the research table oh it's out there the future is now oh wait we passed we're probably can't wait for us to make a purifier oh yes there's an island called wait there's two islands oh we met hello did i pronounce that right there the two months thank you for welcome back thank you so much for watching hold on before we go to island let's go to the junk pile junk pile i know nothing stuff i know nothing oh yeah yes do you have three glass yet no i haven't been cooking any glass it there's one piece of glass and storage here handling okay two right okay yes okay you guys if we get two more glasses where's two smelted sand we will have a purifier which is huge you should be able to get into the island right huge huge huge huge i don't have any planks well that's unfortunate oh we're trying to go back to that island i know all right well i'm officially out of planks so i can't cook anymore fake and advanced girl right put some down you guys want oh wait why didn't we make that uh litter should i make advanced grill should i do it do i do it if we have if we have something big to cook on it there's a fish in your inventory top roast um i can't just cook it until i get a big grill but i don't know yeah you can get three stuff at once it's chow one me think about three months welcome back it's live three months of shrimp respecting the three months hmm and then after that i think we can work on the um potato antennas big grill yes big grill a grill my thingy broke i was like what is that sound wow this game isn't pretty god for again uh vine goo you can make a water bottle and stuff oh it's goo oh and then i my fishing rod so okay what i'm going to do okay how do i god this is x remove how do you place scrap in here i'm going for this garbage hey guys this shark out there because i'm just going oh jesus i'm not letting you get you daryl okay you can't believe scrap i'm sorry okay okay yeah i'm just gonna yep just gonna he's he's aggro somewhere else you know island island island island island island yep ireland [Music] god what's the thing okay uh smelter smelter meaning another small dude do you have scrap i have the nail for you i have vine tubing goo see scrap oh oh you need vine goo i dropped some where are you sorry where do you get iron from we have to smelt some but we only have one smeltery so it's make that two wait we have two smelteries now we got all right we should probably start working on the um the antennas so yeah underwater on your island got it i'm assuming we need metal i have a question anything under here i forgot hmm okay huh the island oh oh does anyone have scrap that's what i was gonna ask i have three but i have nine two oh can i get can i get can i get oh i'm getting more now excellent it's an animal what is this oh it's a flower there's so many scraps around here how do you from the side it looked like a i loved it like a black duck wow so two sails won't make the ship faster get the seaweed [Music] don't leave me okay wait the ship is anyone on the ship i am i am okay the sail is pointed towards i'm fighting the shark i don't know what's good and what's bad and i don't know what sand is pick up seaweed okay hey do you know what we need feels very important so i'm going to grab lots of scrap what is sand probably lots of metal like where do i look for sand the blueprint i think i just i'm actually not sure how it works i was kind of hoping abe you know he's pretty smart you can uh stand in clay you're not leaving me right guys huh wait are you still on the island yes no network ever again oh yeah so are the rest of us okay okay okay i'm getting really hungry guys shark is like about one hp mm-hmm um good calm could call it's really low i have a spear but i'm gathering some stuff okay i got him come here sharky oh some people are saying we have to research the blueprint oh really okay i'll try yeah try this okay here i go yeah can i just eat this raw salmon eat you kill it because it's okay i'm very thirsty oh jody oh no what's up my spear broke too okay i hit it four times no one has a spear um oh god i'm gonna i'm thirsty oh no oh god oh no oh i'm moving real slow oh no oh dodie we gotta go i'm come coming we gotta go slow like who knows [ __ ] slow you guys antenna all we need is a circuit board no no no no no so i think we just need to smoke copper oh i have three copper already i think we need more than one antenna i've heard hatchet does not work on the shark yeah it doesn't i've tried does anyone want a spear i can make you one right now yeah please guys the shark is gonna kill me please tell me about please please please please please ready quick quick real quick please don't help me ready quick right quick i'm okay come jody come back oh god i didn't want him moving so slow oh god that was stressful how dare you oh yeah correction how dare he ray my savior let's go back to the raft with stuff hopefully we can work on that i have sand and scraps oh nice that's exactly what we need okay cool how much um sand do you have four is that enough for the thing um yeah i didn't get it you got it wait did you drink it no i just didn't really know that you were waiting and then i just grabbed i was like oh oh no it's fine you're like dying right i am yeah yeah yeah you're fine okay and then um i need food wait that potato is not cooked so we should cook that and then we can eat that for you it's all good that's okay okay and then we can cook this after and then okay this is pin seven thing with the twitch prime stuff welcome to the jade forgiveness uh rain rain leaves freezing of the twitch hold on also they might be actually that should help maybe with the lag what'd you say hawaii look at this furniture it's a rug cute wait did we uh did you get the ingot carpet the copper ingots oh there's a bunch of copper in here okay so we just uh okay i feel a little overwhelmed and a little loud or i don't understand what i think i'm waiting we need three cook battery and oh here's seaweed here's all my sand okay we definitely need more storage we'll work on okay ah okay let's make a storage for you hear something jiggly what is that abe is that you i don't hear anything jacob did we get the advanced water thing yet so how do i i need a bolt and the bolt needs it sounds like all right do you it's nice am i gonna get it every time no right what oh are you trolling i've never heard that until now i'm pretty sure that's what i might just be lying too true you didn't get any no i just don't you do it again abe i'm doing get back on the boat right now mister i'm doing no you just ate wait 30 minutes before you go in the water hey i'm drenched you just ate mister get back on this boat stretch oh can i get rid of this like can i just get rid of it can i leave why around islands usually okay metal or okay bigger oh how do we make a bigger grill again sorry or like how do i make one right oh um okay oh my god you can make a girl now oh yeah i can make a group so uh if you want to see new stuff to make you can come up to this table why should you walk away click e on the book and then on the right side you can like scroll through the stuff we haven't made yet and then oh these are all of the stuff we haven't made oh dirt i'm gonna and then if we've researched it you could click stuff i lost it the copper's cooking up yay that was really i'm really upset about that you need an axe to de destroy things yes are you also starving i'm making the thing i'm making the thing i just don't ever have points uh the real right [ __ ] you shark just gonna just you know oh you don't get any materials back oh that's too bad oh whoopsie oh sorry okay whoa square ow you learned sir i think i can already make the battery oh um oh my god advanced oh wait i need more plastic oh i just really need okay gathering plastic i need another metal ingot hello someone welcome to the train sub welcome to the jade brigade thank you so much for using on me uh okay i know we need a big grill i [ __ ] up i [ __ ] up i [ __ ] up toast i don't understand ghost you're back is mike i didn't know it was uh 1am for spectrum at 4pm so close internet always goes out at one why is it so bad right now barrel oh almost okay i need to cook sand oh yeah we should get that zone first yeah i forgot to make the purifier i need a lot more plastic to uh make the antennas do you have wood hi where are you i have plastic i have some wood i have 40 plastic i dropped 13 oh wait yeah i could use that plastic here you have you have wood yep there you go it's probably all i can spare whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa perfect shark short sure the sand's done we're gonna have water forever yep pretty much [Music] i uh oh nope oopsie hello twilight bride i think he's a twitch for himself welcome to the jade brigade hello um typical we like thing for the ten months welcome back farrony kenshin thank you for getting accepted i am value welcome it's time the future the future oh my god there's a good i'll just put it right here all right so how this works is you just put salt water in there fill it with water you can't drink it and we don't need planks i'm scared yeah we should just throw away the old water stuff drink poor little um i don't even where am i pouring the liquid in oh it's full it's full all right i'm gonna finish cooking so we get a little more water since there's already planks on it drop down to this bottom cool that is really cool abe did you make big grill uh no i need to make metal but someone keeps putting uh copper oh i'm trying to get the the antennas okay um like we just don't have enough smelteries it's it's tough out there i see an island i see an island island yeah that's true we can make another wait how much metal do you need i just need one nope here you go i have an extra oh yeah oh thanks i'm just trying to make copper so we can i have a copper ink for you all right ray where do you want the grill okay where do you want the barbecue right next to the food over here right here yeah yeah yeah let's uh i mean we can get rid of these small girls should we yeah we could oh because i use a wood yeah you saw what so it's more efficient to use okay so let's remove them here put it but we should put it by the pier where's the purifier it's over we need to get rid of those other pur okay so should i just should i just break them with my ass yes no no uh hold excellent okay all right so you want me to put the grill right next to this right here you know why don't you put it down it's not that big of a deal right it's fine you can put the batteries it's fine you put it down it's not i'm not crazy i don't want to get yelled at oh my goodness oh and i'm gonna put a torch right in between it's gonna look so cute okay um oh there's two islands oh my this is cool okay and then i so we don't have an iron ingot just to be sure oh wait wait i have one jody oh i want to take a fishing rod there you go it's in the chest yeah all right we're going to the island on the right that looks big big you're dying here shark meat right here oh thank you oh wait i'm dying of hunger okay so i also i have um these i have five of these ah i got i got a bird oh did you kill the bird nice oh my god these fish are huge the water is ready if you need something oh my god oh my god oh we got big fish anyone got four scraps or three scraps me here you go yes uh who's swimming oh there's seven i don't know how to do it oh god bless okay if you need something okay where are you i don't know oh jesus help i'm right off the raft jump right off oh god ray you're a hero i'm good oh look at this big fish i feel like yeah i feel like we should just hold on this is oh my gosh this is looking good i think guys post this bag is back post is back his internet no poor guy yeah that is the worst feeling internet problems where'd the vine go go do we have oh sorry i grabbed it uh here we should just put it in the chest like when we're yeah yeah all right stronger oh okay well now we can cook multiple things oh i'm hungry i'm hungry i'm hungry um yes i'm hungry as well yeah okay yeah let me just take a bite out of it and then you can take a bite there you go wait there's multiple bites that's how big it is oh my gosh three bites we shared oh i just ate all of it okay i think i'm a little confused about how this mechanic works okay oh cool we're here island oh my gosh this is cool all right we have everything we just need more materials rubble freaking me eight months obsessed with your rebound thank you so much is she okay she looks like she's crying on the recommended page what place plank this doesn't need pikes toast it's here pikachu though easy place that says he joined the game i'm starving oh god there's two look at our advanced water collector here oh it doesn't use planks anymore it's the future what am i supposed to do with this catfish yeah you can just eat it i got catfish oh no no no put it on the can you place this no oh after this one's done lame i guess it's really thick it takes a minute so i don't know what to do no idea what to do with this uh-huh wait toast look at this i got a water bottle can i have it dropped i only have one it's a little rare this is [Music] done can i help you ray what why are you why are you yelling it is cool let's get some water wait i didn't want to go here yes oh please what i'm drinking out of this water bottle right mr for free for 14 months right the only thing for the nine thank you so much that's me dropping the pizza let's go make another one oh my gosh they gave me the thing three months welcome back okay um i'm waiting for it to finish so that i can place another one yeah i got three we need more sand you guys i need to grab does anyone got scrap i think i gave my old array i uh i'm i have something yeah we'll get four hey thank you thank you all right they're gonna duck let's try and kill the sharks oh good duck help secret help i have like barely any health right now i love that water bottle oh water bottle i'm going to go get some food do you need a melon wait we should get we should collect materials from this well here's let's kill the let's get the shark and collect materials okay and when they kill the shark i'm going to the sharks weren't wounded um okay i'm gonna get oh oh i'm gonna go out okay i have enough food i have enough yes i'm gonna go and look for sand and scraps and metal and there doesn't seem to be any because i think they already got some shark's almost dead okay oh god you guys stopped talking for 10 seconds i thought i lost internet again oh god ghost has ptsd hey there's another shirt internet i'm i'm glad you're back though toast oh just kidding no no no i'm just dumb i went around the whole island thinking that the island would be bigger were you looking for the metal uh [Music] oh could you water these plants with a water bottle um diamond doesn't work for two years uh-huh okay i'm up i'm down okay i'm gathering scraps and sand right trees need water oh yeah yeah you got it it's much easier with the water i think what's my problem is it's a lot of bottles yeah uh-huh i think that's the only water bottle our whole ship has actually wow and i haven't oh i see it's like this kind of white i mean cliff edge could be metal gosh clifford i think they almost have stuff for the antenna it's pretty much just a matter of time because i gotta keep cooking stuff in the smell tree if you guys don't mind you need metal there's cooked food in the chest next to the i'm gonna put the metal in this chest over here and anybody can take it we could probably make another grill what's in here um i don't know but i feel like i shouldn't be here i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die gonna die gonna die didn't die didn't die i didn't die okay you know i really chickens i don't know what kind of animals are i have no idea chickens are really bears bear fish for sure oh my god we can all gang up on the bear are there beers in this i don't know i think so can i do this like what is this like this i'm working on the antennas though it's just not our time we gotta wait for this pretty good i'm farming i'm farming no that looks like i should be able to but it's not okay what is that song coming on spotify soon don't worry working with my uh record label now okay seaweed i'm dropping seaweed it's time to make more smelters clay yeah it would help a lot um is there any more clay okay i have one piece of sand um yep that's good that's good wait have we researched dirt yet okay um two months it looks like baby muffin think of the food is that what the shears are for sure it says cuts wool extremely well we haven't seen any sheep we oh we haven't seen any animals but we saw bigger islands we need a research we need that thing we need the antenna and stuff yeah yeah we do we do antennas oh i can just zoom out a sprinkler boop oh where the what for the plants yeah it automatically waters plants let's go here right no what wait abe you're missing again we left i'm at the island we left like five minutes ago we don't know where you are at all oh my god wait are you just dead now like what happens um no we're still at the island aren't we cool wait what's wrong you know you're a real homie what's wrong is this the wrong one no it's like you know you are real did we leave him at the last island you know what let's leave you at this island i don't understand i'm confused we almost got him we almost got him i was so scared oh you guys are trying to trick him no of course oh oh i'm gonna die the the dankest trolls as the late epic meme once yeah ready once they're ready once they're ready hey did i need water oh god i need water i'm hammering i think we got everything from the stuff oh yeah this is looking pretty um i think i have some metal in the chest cooking but i just wanted to get the antennas cooking first all right for another smelter you guys have more copper by the way anyone got sand and do you want them yeah put them in the chest by the smell i feel like we should just put all the the stuff that smelts by the chest and the smell to eat they have these fish the right no i have two for you no only cooked yeah oh i didn't find any sand unfortunately dawn sorry what's up sand sand i'm being taxed yeah all right thank you perfect oh too big cook fish oh we just need two more fish okay shouldn't we just make two big grills instead of you that's true see the second floor oh i'll try and get the antennas up because i think once we get it ready we can find big islands that give more stuff uh what does this require for a plank half a fish why can't i because i need a pole is that well then i don't have any nails yeah and i don't remember nail i need oh okay sure you're throwing out raw potato and raw beet me oh does that even have plastic yeah we got mad we got we got mad food now i need your rice where's the food it's in the chest to the chest yeah wait why did we throw out this still small ones and because they use wood so we need to make another grill how do we make a grill click tab and then if you go to the first tab where it shows the water and the meat and then you can see the bigger grill needs plank metal ingot i see yeah yeah yeah yeah cause we need to uh start saving we have plenty yeah okay we need links we're ready to leave this island right yeah i think we need two yeah planks all right yeah planks are the tough thing now maybe if we make more trees thank god we didn't make any more nets oh can i uh oh yeah here huh oh i skied the okay i think we just need a little more vine goo and then the antennas will be ready if we have enough planks okay i have a lot of square square square squared square square square squared planks by the way planks i have yeah i got points square square square square you need point what do you think i need like at least 10 or more okay cook that later there you go there's 16. not cooked not cooked thanks not cooked and not cooked whoa okay cook did not cook i'm the captain now i am the captain now okay square oh oh oh i see it squirrel uh i literally saw that shine on the ocean i was like what is that shiny shiny shiny oh guys my air quality is good my my little aaron dyson thing we should give him a name he says green now my lungs are fine oh god oh god oh god okay oh wait you know what i should do i don't remember um oh you can create a shovel uh bow and arrow no i wanted this rope better okay instead i'm gonna make that because i don't have any planks never mind i see barrels we need a room tour okay you're actually getting a room tour soon as soon as my editor edits the footage then it will be uploaded onto my jody um channel promise i promise what is this so i'm going i'm coming you guys got more plastic plastic anybody plastic um all right it's okay if you keep it aggro to you then we'll be fine with the shark um oh you're getting good i'm blessed i get to live another day bless up bless up okay all right when you rule if you drink water you put another cup in now have people not be doing that yes that's just common courtesy that is that is just common courtesy yes that's gonna be a rule who hasn't been doing that yeah who has it why what do you mean it's full i fill it up every time i also feel every time you should you should see my apm it was done it was fine anybody got um what do you need sakuno wait no you mean the saltwater i'll just go swimming here i have i have oh yeah i drink it oh i got it i got a straw in that i got a bendy straw for that he's fine i'll die breathe just fixing the 22 months i'll come back you can toss your hook and leave it out and collect multiple things on the way i could oh dear god pick up cooked shark pick up cookie as we have technology we have technology up here get up here come up here i got the antennas and stuff oh too close to other antennas okay i got to split up the antennas but it's working can we make our second floor bigger yeah yeah we should probably make it we just i just don't have any nails uh nails nails how many do you need oh i got nails i got nails how many nails you need we just don't also don't have planks i got planks too like dumplings oh no poor toast wait oh my god it happened again [ __ ] you thought yeah [ __ ] you [ __ ] yeah yeah [ __ ] come on little sharky fish you thought we got your back don't worry thanks guys i'm all hyped up there's uh there's a ship ahead of us guys there's there's something here we just got to go forward and to the left i think i see a little blue thing maybe you see that blue thing i just gotta go there is that the [ __ ] um oh i see we should turn it off though because it's going to burn up the battery oh what why did he not what um so we got a oh we can just make it super far away from me resources let's see so we're going to the right range i do not understand okay wait the ship if you see a shark keep attacking with a spear once you kill it you can cook the meat or use the shark as a hell okay yes that's kind of what we've been doing right okay that's what i want to do i wanted to create a spear so now i have a sphere i got this i got this hey don't you worry okay oh it's already plugged in okay weird way to organize but that's fine oh wait um we should um okay so food leaves guys i'm getting the shift thank you so much to litter the ship there's so much time back we gotta stay on course for the thing do you want it yes sir yeah you got it abe you got it don't worry we're we're on for the i'm coming right we we're on the way everyone it's beautiful yeah you can um huh you got the loot what the hell but beats on this i got the mood fish stew recipe the smelters are open by the way you don't need anything oh what is that constantly it's a trophy thing is it cooking we should be smelting stuff right yeah yeah we need to put stuff in table does anybody need plastic this is so unesthetic how deep i think i'm okay for now pull and pull you need to pull right here pull right here i need one nail anybody got one nail there might be one in this chest over here i found a nail oh uh if you need some spares to drop some onion and krista where did you get vine this is just weird i think it's what are they using seaweed ah seaweed all right what are bugs for hmm good question because a sweep that catches bugs but i'm sure this is so unesthetic dude oh no would they have us catch bugs late in the game maybe it's maybe it's oh no what eats bugs um okay guys our poles are kind of [ __ ] lucky really wait what happened oh just look out just something happened oh yeah this is uh we need to scoot this one over but i don't know how you do you remove it or do you yeah scoot which one oh what happened i don't know dude shark is to kill me ray don't break the table be very careful where you break oh did we lose an antenna um no no i don't think so actually maybe oh no we didn't second are we going the right way yep let me check the little microwave yep we're only 1200 things away 100 i'm gonna turn it off the same battery okay what's the ring i think it's just in the same path of this thing there's a pole that's out of line there is it needs to be okay can we move the table oh well i'm not bothered by it right jody we're not it's fine i know i was i mean yeah it's fine yeah we're not bothered why would we be bothered by that i'm it's just so ugly but it's fine it's fine it's fine okay you son of a [ __ ] fine you know what i'm going back to my safe my safe raft what the hell what is it no i got i made a big chest i made a storage test i hate that where can i put this wherever you like because i'm not bothered by anything right what she said wait really right what please don't put it anywhere eight please turn this new leaf how about live on this ship you could play stuff anywhere okay i have an idea how about you leave spray i'm okay you know what let's let's suggest some things some interior design stuff you know jody jody what what do you mean jody jody how does this make you feel what what what no no no no huh no no no no it's a treasure oh hey this is great it's right in the middle so there's easy access great idea the accessibility it's endless yeah the such practical usage exactly great idea what okay you know moving this storage over here and we can put that storage over here too you know right next to it okay oh god that was fine no no this is fine nope i'm moving it this is fine also i don't like his shoes here that's not perfect yes okay storage is by the palm trees okay palm trees storage okay yep oh much better oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah much better much better right yep yep we like we like look good square look nice nice square nice square nice okay my hammer is in the storage oh yes it is you are right it'd be should we just keep building up hey guys you got more planks we're out of uh i don't like how this is either i want this to be over here and then i'm just going to do some remote interior design upstairs okay just just island island should we stop by the island second or should we just be going i think we could just keep going right because we'll unlock like the giant islands or something we're just gonna bar how far away are we 900 something oh well we're making our way we were like 1500 before so yep just gonna move this yes i can't i can't hold x on it because it's the boat is moving what hold on sorry i will why is this oh no oh i did something then i don't know what i did oh my gosh all right ray uh oh thank god okay okay that's okay it can't be too close what can't be too close this i don't have ocd i definitely don't guys i might have broke the thing but don't worry you can fix it oh you're trying to make it look nicer yeah oh but it broke it but it looks nicer a receiver but it looks nice though we can fix it we can fix it um oh this one's too close i think i made it our house looks so good far away from the thingy in a hammock you like where i put it um how do you make a torch torch torch torch i love it torch torch torch torch wait we don't need this bed anymore then right torch not some sort of fire fire lantern i don't know is that what that is is this is the lane jerry decorators the upstairs does look better hmm okay that looks bad i don't know we're still about 800 away from yeah sure but we're about to pass an island anyway so that's a cook i suppose we should stop at this one right now since it's on the way there oh second apparently you can make a battery charger oh yeah oh battery charger you know it might be easier to just make a new battery um it might be easier just because it's just some like copper and stuff like that um oh this is cute okay this is cute wrong button let's see i'm dying but i have priorities okay this is actually kind of fun i feel that who put this bed here did you put this bed here no you think i'd put that there you think i'd put that there i just jumped freshwater yeah who put that back there right right stupid question i wasn't gonna say anything yes yes i didn't want to say anything but um yes um it's just so large like can we make another grill yeah we definitely do need i just uh right here we go land hose leno i think we just try and loot the island and then continue to the thing because it's kind of far away okay i need a new still 600 something away fat fish and then i want to do a grill metal ingot nails okay we just need two metal ingots and then we can make another grill well i don't know how to do that all right i'm sure we'll find it on the outside ready to give it three months welcome back thank you so much for the three months we're doing well uh seven months uh and doc's i think reading this up to too oh one three terrible justification for 22 months danny it says i don't mind this day today and i just want to donate some of my face streaming charities thank you for appreciating everything happy birthday hope you have an amazing birthday and cluster buster think of the house hero coco thank you for the kiriko think of the twitch friends up welcome to the jade breed [ __ ] judy with the 10 months thank you so much uh and i know you can save the seven months so you just hate it when you run to a wall with a bone over your nose as a wall first bro didn't somebody say it to me last time somebody had just told me that okay these go in here what's the point of a table um i wanna just if i foreign have like flower seeds we could plant in these foods i'll go find some flower seeds yeah somewhere that i don't know i thought we're throwing out flowers okay i'm just gonna let you guys know bin on the left is cooked food bin on the right is raw food okay cool we got some cross contamination um oh no i'm collecting flower seeds you can put chairs you can build chairs oh you can build did we gather the stuff on the island yet oh my gosh okay i have 60 leaves i have 80 a lot of leaves that is so cute it's so cute who cares who cares about my materials um wait that scene i messed that up yeah we should get stuff on the water right yeah oh there's probably some stuff oh right the sand this is cute this is cute [Music] hello hello yeah i don't need this anymore i look goo that look real good yes yes i like yes yes i hate this [ __ ] pole like i just hate the poles but i what but you know i understand i understand oh god i'm hungry i'm starving oopsies all right i got flowers ray i mean i got seeds here's some seeds all right one red seed one black seed definitely just drink sea water i definitely just drink sea water here here's some white and yellow ones too no we don't need anymore oh oh wait i guess i'll start dying stuff oh ray what what happened can you put these down somewhere guys ready to start traveling again right here i'll be honest i didn't see much sand on the island i feel like yeah then we just go the bigger islands will have that stuff too anyways i'm kind of excited to find bigger islands yeah me too me too grab these on the ground behind you oh oh oh bird's nest i never figured out what to use this for last time it i think it's like to attract birds and then we kill them for food to bait them kill the birds i see a boat cycle right there shark i don't have my spear anymore i have a spear where is he no archer poke it poke it i trust zombies i'm i'm healing oh my god fish should we go for that boat or yeah it's a little far yeah okay let's just keep going i mean it just gives us supplies only 600 away from this thingy oh nice all right meddling gets anybody oh it's actually pretty in here metal get from how how do you get metal ingot do you just put scraps i don't understand how do you get the metal get that do not know it's weird hearing like no computer sounds now yeah right [Music] okay smelt metal are scraps not metal see that's why i'm a little confused i think crunch crunch crunch crunch we just need to cook we need we need another grill i need planks all right storage how did you not catch there's a block metal i see okay hello i need playing don't you dare do it i have waited for four different vine i put four vine in there i dropped it i dropped it i never look you're gonna have to take it to hr john that's me i'm hr go ahead oh all right what happened nothing i got it we're fine oh that'll be going in your face john i i got some extra goo if you really need it john no i got it i got the bottle oh the bottle yeah the bottles are great lay down stand up cute very cute this is cute cute cute key oh pick up feather okay don't mind if i do guys we're almost there we're only like 300 away 300 away yep from the the keep growing i'll help you out i'm rolling i'm rolling roll this oh we're speeding and filling their water [Music] oh that was me well look john's working hard paddling he didn't have time to fill it up [Music] true you're very true actually i think these shows are in the right ways yeah i think we're really wait is that it is a huge ship over there you guys don't think it's going to do it go east no this thing is huge we have to go no guys it says we're still 200 away i think we'll we'll just skip it we got to go you got to go to the beeping microwave big ship baby guys just ignore it we got to go to the beeping thing guys you know what guys let's go to the big show story mission guys i'm going to the ship this ship is too big guys we got to continue the story what about the storyline over the big storyline mr side quest completionist looking achievement one ten thousand achievement point looking ass i'm going over it we're gonna get the bp after this ship oh are you sure yes you don't want to go to the beeping thing i want to go to the bbq but look how big this ship is bp after this ship all right all right you know you're not interested in this ship really it looks great look at it it's huge wait that's actually wait that is a huge ship what is that big ship it's like actually i think i just the beepy thing is this giant thing oh my gosh it all makes sense now do we have an egg wait do we probably need an anchor i don't think we can glitch wait wait wait wait guys we need an anchor i don't know how to make an anchor um i need wait there's more store here you guys there's a shore anchor i can make the anchor i got it okay okay all righty we can get santa's up wait there's a basement here it's a one-time use though so uh oh my god am i gonna die hold the cells oh ready the ankles [Applause] get how come i can't loot these buckets yeah why can't they loot anything there's a boat here let's just keep looking around yeah there's also a underwater park robbie boat's gone bruce is after me i got another note guys i got a drumstick with jam recipe drumsticks with jam that sounds kind of good why are you scared the shark is there's there's stuff underwater i should be able to take these chairs for sure see one well there's stairs yeah i don't know where i'm going or what's even oh this way this way oh can i climb that really all right jody you got to jump off this ledge why oh john already knows oh i fell it's up to you guys i fell again where's the stare at yeah stairs in here whoa i made it i'm up here there's nothing here really well i'm not going yeah what is what is i don't understand what the point of this is is it like story oh it is we have to get the thing at the top of the tower oh holds up even higher dang our raft looks kind of sick i'm not gonna lie i got a headline yeah we've really no headlights and a note this is utopia you know it's doing pretty well you know i do like utopia what can i say being the sponsor brings those satellites you live a good life thank you i have a no i don't think we can but i don't know oh i'm gonna go please don't drop damage utopia utopia question mark yeah lore wait why can't we use this i'm eating this did you grab all the notes yeah all right i guess we go back to the thing you guys think there's fall damage i didn't have to take any is it fall damage uh no but you shake and runs a little bit in other words you're fine all right we got a headlight feet into the left storage who was it tell me oh it was you wasn't it oh well i don't have any berries gotta refill our water thing i have no berries there we go oh god you guys good that's so much loot all right i don't know what to do guys please believe me no no it's not we're fine look we got some potatoes wait i think we have to kill the shark i think we have to kill a shark there's a lot of stuff like water and there's a basement there's a basement with like a chest and stuff in it there's mushrooms in this game cool this table's cute guys push t foot table it has coordinates for people what whoa t all right i'm gonna is that is that the end of the game well i don't have iron so i can't smelt iron you know kind of needle metal how it all right guys is there one middle and get anywhere um let me see i have no i only have scraps but i don't think that's what you need all right guys let me know when you're ready to go uh we're gonna go to the coordinates to find people i know there's stuff underground oh yeah like when when you guys are ready but we have to kill the shark because the shark like i actually don't i need to cook this it's bothering me i need one metal ingot one metal i got one for you i don't even know where to get metal angus other than like on the side but i just can't i'll cook something oh did he die oh no he's still there i'm trying to make a metal spear okay oh my god i'm gonna get it yep uh one metal ink it thank you hmm am i gonna die i want to go i want to go down in mine well okay this is a rock right stone scraps that was metal what was metal scrap i got a metal spear i'm gonna i'm gonna fight it with you abe okay okay okay it's coming back around lower um let's try and jab it well scraps are good oh wow we just destroyed it metal looks like angular water and look for stuff okay there's a basement section oh you can go oh i see it yeah won't we drown i don't think anything's in here there's stuff in there i saw a chest in there or like a crate looking for metal or i mean i got some scraps oh right here i got the crepe crates oh my god i got a little salmon let's get out of here all right i think we got it all we can start going now metal i just see stone and scrap on the raft everyone back on the raft sir yes sir i'm coming i'm coming well jody i gave you a recipe for a salmon salad oh that is bud oh it says you need a pot to cook it oh we can maybe make one i don't know does anyone have two wait come on did you pick up the stuff yes i'm the crate yeah i picked up all the stuff favorites okay we're good because my inventory is full so everything drops oh okay yeah i'm dropping sand and stone should give a metal spear from that to someone else too oh wait there's an extra metal sphere who wants a spear john right uh i have one more john jody hi i have a silence for you anyone need a metal spear i was gonna make one but i'm not you can just take this one john we have an extra here john i threw it next to you thank you thank you okay so crooked cute this is cute i have an idea great great great barrel green barrel oh great and barrel barrel barrel so this one's like pretty far away so we're just gonna have to keep traveling okay so i think it's like 2 000 away is there any way to make the boat go faster um i don't know i have no idea literally zero clue okay there's a lot of barrels coming up and i want to oh my god look at those barrels i know and oh an engine how do you make an engine that sounds really hard apology yeah i don't think so headlight flippers oxygen bottle sweep net useful for catching bugs when do we catch bugs storage bed smelter collection bird's nest scarecrow sprinkler we just need metal i just need more god metal why is metal so hard to come by uh we gotta mine it i know but this just seems very scarce how much metal do you need two i think four total exactly oh i only have two two okay this is good this is good thank you i have some metal cooking though should we make them yeah i'm gonna make a grill wait can that's catch a barrel [ __ ] yeah thank you um i thought it went past it for a second like it looked like it did right all right uh-huh yeah i see i see why this uh this net tech is really good though it's pretty useful for like passive gathering you've done it i could have third time's a charm yep yeah i mean we figured it out you are now net kuno is the shark still dead uh yeah why is this in i made another large storage uh jody i have some oh wait you already have the second thing i didn't need the metal anymore well unless you want to make a all right here's the bolts i think we need one more vinegar though yep one more vinegar oh i got it oh that okay ray there you go yes okay and now we have a pot whoa this thing is why do you need so much stuff for a pot you have this whole table in the i what can i put on put it okay nope [Music] okay okay what's next for the future i'm not sure raw fish goes in the back bin cooked fish goes in the front bin jody's working on the food the sun you guys know where the fish goes we're still about 1600 away from people from people that's what the if you push t it shows the coordinates and then says people what if we have to fight them well we're not going to fight them they'll be friendly you know what what do you think they're just going to let us go there and get killed that'd be crazy you ever watched the walking dead second though yeah um i'm not sure exactly like how i just tried to move it one point maybe once well i got a metal spear so that you put recipes on the cooking pot one more that's three total guys we can make armor you can make armor yeah next step is we need leather and wool so wow we need to do is um find animals animals yeah maybe once we get to this next island it'll have yeah so i i'm gonna make a net launch oh i just made one okay all right catch animal what did i um another thing that we can other um oh honey is used for healing do you guys want to go to the island or skip the island because um you want to go straight to the people yeah i kind of want to go straight to the thing we need more sand and metal yeah we need more let's stop at this island then since it's like right by yeah yeah oh grass is for feeding the animals oh my god we're gonna have a farm catch animals abe where have you been i thought we were going to kill them and cook them i mean i think yes why not both why not both animals um you know we're on a raft you know i didn't think we would raise them well we're raising you on the raft oh sorry sorry i didn't mean it was just you know you're like a shark kid you know it's just easy [ __ ] jordy say you're sorry am i'm sorry i'll make you some fish you guys are fishing we should give abe the first thing we cook in the pot as a gift yeah don't worry abe because i insulted you you get the first well um i'm working on it you don't have anything well i don't have think i don't know we don't have wait so why why because okay because you gave me all the materials and i said okay and then you know but i thought i thought you had a recipe i do i mean i kind of do i think we need mushrooms fish stew okay oh you're pinning them whoa i just i can supposedly put them on the pot but i don't know how oh oh oh are we okay we're going straight wait what about this one does anyone have no pineapple stews or watermelons yes but plates no or pretty sure we had some do you do you know what i mean or maybe not like can these recipes go on this wall or no they can all go there come here [Music] oh my god that makes me want to chalupa from from for whatever reason game's kind of addicting oh yeah the recipes you put the recipes on the board up here look oh they go mushroom omelette [Music] [Music] oh maybe we can catch this i will die for my people we have an anchor by any chance hmm we should make a stationary anchor yeah what's the station mango seat add water to get me oh i don't know how to do that so i'm gonna put that in there hope somebody else does it okay so i just need a bunch of metal okay okay okay okay we're cooking the fish so i can't really cook anything in my pot you can just cook with a potato and all right i don't have anything up against the rock so we're good for now i was about to say the spider is the shark alive i'm killing it right now right now it's dark it's dark can't see hey dork do i need to get a giant clam i'm gonna do it anyways oh me stupid me to kill you boat is not super special press e on glen get clap i'll just start yelling if it starts floating away [Music] you are copper oh we're so good oh my god oh my god in this island big loot it's definitely a rock ollie my man milady can i just like dump it yeah oh there is a lot what's up dead guy piece of [ __ ] um it's dark i can't see oh over here ashley think of the tier 1 so welcome to the jay brigade thank you so much for subbing welcome hope you enjoyed your time here um let's see hold on to mock think of the twitch okay we just don't need any more stone i just have so much stone it's cool it's hard for me to like okay this has to be metal right right copper it's just floating all right i got it poor shark he just hungry me too oh apparently this is i'm i live on a [ __ ] raft chickens goats and llamas what llama i guess llamas for the leather for the arm i'm getting more copper and metal with armor wait have you guys been talking about this yes what don't leave me don't leave me don't leave me please wait you guys are leaving no no no no i just i just finished the anchor we're good now sorry i'm scared for no reason they're panicking my bad you guys are leaving yes this is metal this i understand is metal uh the smelter has nothing in it right now does any thank you you guys i needed oxygen most of the metal has already been cooked so just cook whatever we have okay okay i have three metal oh i have copper i may as well cook it because we got nothing else kill the burp what okay first of all i have a lot of random stuff oh that's what we're doing with it oh that's not what we're doing i think we uh loaded the island let's go well okay maybe it's so nice that you look faster okay keep some material so that i can crash but everything else i think is good yep i'm coming but i don't know what to do okay we got metal sand so much loot you guys who organized the right chest not me it wasn't me with you jody that well i just didn't care i'm gonna be honest you guys ready to go but think about the outside everything looks good who cares about the inside yeah you've changed i think i've always been like this can i learn how to plant a mango scene please no um that mango goes into these big uh here i'll cut this one down you can plant it uh oh oh and oh we get wood from this huh yeah leaves coconuts cool all right see it's planted then you water it uh we need an automatic water wow i can only plant one and get one is it a mega tree or is it just one mango it's a tree it's a tree okay it's time to make this anyone got one inkit yeah i do yes right just one we got food for days you guys yeah we're pretty set on many things all right we're leaving right everyone's here the beginning was pretty rough for food but like it snowballed into like making it so easy whoa but like really stable oh i need to water it um i put rope in there water i need to eat all right or survivors i want to get rid of that leaf okay yeah i also need to eat your weird sound you need a water bottle you know if you guys see a bug okay i have a net a water bottle is somewhere water bottle plastic oh okay so um so i can't yeah okay we've officially cooked okay this is the last fish and then everything is officially cooked okay you know things are looking good wow killing it up in here yep things are good things are good okay should we be practicing her neck roll okay it was so funny that he started beatboxing yesterday because uh on set yeah yesterday if anyone remembers on the first day of um d and d episode one it was like i was supposed to speak necro and i was like uh and it ended up sound like beatboxing and it was like kenneth's inside joke but i don't know if you mentioned as an inside joke again i don't know that was a lot of words that probably didn't make any sense and half of you don't even know what i'm talking about anyways this looks so nice everything's so organized yeah it's so pretty wait if this is ready should i cut this down if it's telling me to yeah if it has the axe symbol it's right okay yeah you just hold it [Music] yaya cool we're like 900 away this is my first time in the stream welcome to the stream so i am welcome hi uh nice to meet you um no ammo yeah we're definitely i'm a variety streamer and it's my first time playing raft can we change this but i actually just love like survival games oh my god ray you got a minute pretty much i just love survival games and i love playing bees and bugs and then this one's for animals okay i'm ready but it says no ammo so i think i need something but welcome oh cool i actually um yeah i've been trying to get back in the valley lately i want to get back to d1 this so that's kind of what what stuff so that's what um really i'm trying to think of like in terms of my stream you'll be seeing me play this and like play with friends play minecraft play ballerina um but yeah oh where did we find that i see a boat i need a hook okay so this is a tool so there's like a green blip can i mean you're telling me it's a big island all the batteries metal ingot don't have a map and i can make one i actually already made a backup um place guys the chests are very organized that's good yeah i think we skipped the big island for now and we just go to the main thing right i'm maintaining organization why is this chest in the middle of why is it right next to this um [Music] what is that what's that i didn't put this here who did it it's disgusting disgusting disgusting oh no what is your favorite game to play with friends with the chest ends on like like i'm all over the place like i really like wow they have to be like a this certain distance i also just really love um ballerina violin it's a game that i won't get here i'm forever in love with no okay we're talking i can't hear him is he talking okay [Music] mm-hmm how long does this take where's the water oh jesus i i got no water left it's all the water okay i have mangoes and i have this beet okay only 700 away starving my dad texts me i'm dehydrated what's that ship i guess we can just swim to it yeah there's a ship um there we go swim to it okay how do i put something in there oh wait never mind should i cook the mango three floors would be kind of cool no no no no no anyone going to swim out to that ship i don't really know you can if you want but you know i think look what do you really get from a ship right some dirt sand oh my god abe's going to have nice things is why we can't have nice things like can we have nice things this is why we can't have nice eggs i need scraps i need scraps how many scraps do you need right so i'll just eat it any scraps how's that that's good thank you okay that's that's almost all i had oh one of the antennas isn't working um oh i forgot the antenna down oh my god oh my god uh antenna uh down um oh okay i take this and then i want to make a hook it can't go i need a bolt it's bad it can't be near the receiver so um oh it can't go there either yeah they can't go next to the receiver so is it just fast i'm going to put it strong yeah sure does it work right there you know i don't really know nope it's too close to otherwise you're out i cannot hold on hold on let me one sec one second you're about like oh no um none of you need water okay put it right here put it right here put it right here where right here next to uh to the left and higher durability cool we love that i hope this is far from raining album it works no listen to the whole song a little too close oh my god okay okay oh god this is a disaster it's a disaster hold on we can make this game is really addicting it's like when do you stop probably what's in here wait does it even work that way i feel like it wouldn't but how to build a place blink oh sakura i'm building out anyways you could put it over here me caveman knows how to cook does it work oh wrong altitude okay we can't it has to be on the second food okay um okay everything is good we have lots of food plethora of food that was so satisfying okay um abe yes yeah there's five scrap in here okay all right we're only 400 away and there's another big island right past ashes it gives a five gifted subs thank you so much welcome everyone if you just got done something she used to thank you to thank you thank you thank you foxy moxie with too much hazelnut or haul nut sorry you should place the food items on the napkin things on the pot to cook awesome i made another small series oh i would have not known that p is for pizza roberto roberto that's the hashtag hello uh oh it just falls out okay [Music] i don't know i do not know what am i building what is this in my hand oh do you want to do how about any fish from up here i need nails how do you make nails nails nails scraps craft nail tubes all right the third one wait did you guys see that animals um look to the the side with our trees one thing two you guys don't see oh oh i see oh my god what is that thing what is that is that the thing on the receiver i think so yeah let me check yeah we're only 300 away we're almost there oh my god that must be it that's gotta be it okay people get your weapons ready wait what do you mean i'm sure they're friendly [Music] i'll be honest i don't i don't even see it anymore it disappeared to look like a little bit to the right yeah to look at it from the side i don't have to have a pole underneath oh i see it it's hum is that a boat what the i'm not looking i'm not humans oh my god aliens oh it's here it's huge do you see it it looks like a pyramid humans i think we're gonna see people see people see people i see people who are to see people hey that thing's like humongous this whole game is a mystery yeah i mean i mean have you guys ever seen gameplay of this i haven't no nothing ever never i mean either go it's really big looking though horror game is it gonna get scary is it a hard game there's no way there's a horror game crazy oh i'm sure something has to be coming up though because this shark is a little [ __ ] now wait really nay hey be nice to him wait all of you guys are calling him little [ __ ] i like this especially cycuno ish do you have to have poles underneath our platforms in order to like oh for the anchor we need to know in order to build it upstairs yeah yeah i think yeah yeah yeah oh wow this place i think it's a cruise it's a yacht i'm hungry i'm hungry yeah what's on it oh yes there's like some star wars land i i i i i i i let's try and land nearby give me water let me get drive me water uh-huh let's just get as close as we can first guys make sure you eat and drink water oh yeah eat and drink before we go who knows what we'll find it's probably empty let's be honest guys we're not gonna find a goat here there's no way we're finding literally a yacht no way oh okay oh yeah so can we just like just can we just you know transfer our stuff to the yacht i don't think the yacht moves i think it's maybe maybe there's an engine i have my spirit authorized personnel i'm not reading that let's go look nobody lives here this is our yacht now hey there's stuff scrap there's stuff oh guys we're starting to start you guys it's dark and scary oh yeah it's a little dark it's dark it's dark you can make a headlamp very much wait we can make a headline so i think we have to find all the notes and i did something coordinates for them okay i picked up a note what's that i don't want that wait last breaking how did that open i i pull up the switch and then wait there's people here what what with you guys yeah oh my god oh jesus oh jesus christ oh my god oh god oh my god there's so much stuff here look at all this plastic oh we got notes wait guys we're getting so much stuff you gotta lose stuff screw that rat look there's just [Music] [Applause] no more rats no more anyone in here whoa oh a gas tank oh you're telling me i can't pick up the knife come on that's lame there's a note here you would definitely pick up that knife okay grab a note guys i'm scared now we're fine requires red key oh we have a red key it'll open i got a mechanical part oh we should research that the bolt cutter go back for it what do you mean bullets what that's that noise you can get guns well look guys what do we need guns for all right we're just fighting rats let's who has those maybe we should be peaceful there's guns in this game search the bolt cutters i'm sure they're just the loot is just around the ship yeah it's probably a mission right oh it has to be a second floor we've only checked the yeah we've only checked the bottom floor rich wait we gotta bolt cut that locker wait we should stick together in case more rats attack us [Music] right here right here open it open it summon it to the oh oh i can't i need an extra battery yeah okay we don't have any we need more copper does anyone have copper on them you're dropping from me i think i can make a headlamp maybe oh i don't know i don't know wait she found a boom oh my god there are guns wait oh wait where's the copper ingot jody well i don't know where i put it it must be on the ship on the ship oh look i can kind of see a little bit let's just go through it wait we can just jump over like it used to be a pool oh our wrath looks so cute we got a bullet guys are we gonna get a gun three more mechanical parts in order to unlock that next step okay you know i'm just gonna hop down you know maybe look at this i'm gonna go try and make that headlamp yeah i found a mechanical part on the outside of the ship uh copper i'm not gonna die right yeah i did not expect um a bullet bullet yeah the bullet caught me off guard wait did we find enough notes yet uh not yet we haven't gotten the new coordinates so hey oh my the shark is still eating our ship what dick oh i can't believe it i'll repair i'll repair um wait so if none of us stay here then it could possibly just destroy the ship i don't know if i can destroy the whole ship a little mildly inconvenient yes yes who keeps putting raw food in here so there's the third floor it opens from the other side so i was on the second floor i got copper opened it i swear yeah i could have sworn we had some actually um 14 right here oh i got one okay i'm smelling some copper right now where's goop um do we need like just one headlight no oh it's working does everybody got a headlight can you see when i have it on yes let's go does it run out of i need to battery yeah i think it's running out of battery i'm going to turn it off until we get inside okay um jody would you like to be in charge of the headlights sure absolutely all right um so only put it on when it's dark because i think it will run out of battery eventually all right let's go it's just like equipping the shark head shark's dead for quite a while so we should be okay oh my god oh i'm just gonna stick with jody in case we run around some rats and stuff too oh someone found a keyboard we found the keyboard actually let's go put on the headlight jody let's see how amazing it is our new technology oh my god that's that's it's actually bright it's wait john's super great john has one too oh my god oh my god it's a what it's a hat oh jesus poke it poke it oh jesus [Music] look at how bright it is we should check out this floor first maybe any foods on yeah just like one good thank you thank you hmm hmm damn this place is nice this place is fancy yeah i kind of wish that we could stay jody i think there's a car jack some candles here oh and what do you want me to do with that i don't know i wish we could take him back though i know i feel like a lot of this stuff is literally nice nice comfy bed hmm okay one green key we need a car jack and a green key okay there's so many doors this way um um one bomb we need a bomb what oh what there's a rat there's a rat guys oh jesus oh thanks for the help john why is there a bomb on the ship why is there a bomb on the ship i don't nope i think we have enough parts to get to that other floor oh i need uh i'm stuck oh storage probably has stuff right okay so now we head back i don't see anything oh we grabbed everything john are you what are you doing in there trying to do some bljs what's that mean okay i'm i'm heading up to the third floor it's like a blt please no cats no i'm okay have fun oh there's an emerald well this door is a little jammed [Music] oh there's a fourth there's a fourth floor oh dancing okay i'm gonna keep exploring the third floor oh ray are you setting off a bomb shrieking noise all right john let's go up here okay oh i found oh wait look john there's some some cans of soda sodie pop come on inside some soda oh i got a mechanical pie sorry oh no no that was good dumb oh look john you could be a dj we got the four-digit code john we gotta get back to that treasure chest um we gotta get there first jump we gotta get there first back to the safe there's oh this place looks nice eve i'm coming to you i see oh i haven't met us ever ever ever where was it jody wait what you know it's a that's a good question i found i'm it go see if the shark's been eating them oh this there's been seagulls on our boat though oh right the seagulls yeah oh no my spear's broken oh shark's dead still oh okay what did we need the electrical wires for probably for another door maybe um i'm gonna go bring okay wait where are you guys what do we need the green key for it was for a door where oh did you guys open it let's go let's go all the way up dodie okay oh hello john hello hello then i have to head out it runs and spot someone take my headlamp here take this let's go back saikudo carefully we should go back in um i'm making an extra oh it's nighttime i can take the headlight off yeah i'm bringing a lot of food is that today no you don't need the headlights you wanted to today i don't know i think it was on one today just kissing it's it's not uh daytime you don't need the head name oh i also don't know where this green key goes also do we have enough stuff to get the hammer and the the thing downstairs is the first floor quest i don't know what i'm going up oh my gosh i'm going up again oh my gosh i'm going oh i'm going up all the way i'm going up requires one bomb just kidding have i been here why do i need a bomb okay so that already needs i am looking forward to our raft adventures 100 what do you have to do i think it'll be cool i have to do the kool-aid among us have fun all righty later everyone thank you for the game thanks for playing john i'm going to save right i'm good to go yeah yeah i should have asked before i left but yeah all right i don't think it's like okay guys i just don't know where the green color is see you soon something's wrong i can't tell i i don't have anything to attack with okay i have a high vantage point oh i got the car jack i'm watching them what's the car um we need the door wires lighter gas tank and bullet i have wires um do we have does anyone have a lighter no where are you i'm on the first floor um this is how we get the next task quest okay so we're looking for a lighter we are coming down i need to go back to the ship i'm dehydrated and i need um another weapon okay i do have a weapon any water oh god i hear something hey is it me i don't know um i think it's one of those crazed rats again yeah what are we looking for we're looking for a lighter yeah we need a lighter and we we can definitely oh god i hear it it's a rat i'm poking it oh i got some meat wait a minute meat you can get from the rats we got meat i've never had meat before in this game like other than fish there are these rats on stairs yeah i mean like meats you know i see this thing looks like a steak this is like wagyu to us this is rat lagoo or something no never mind okay i think i feel like the green key is where the lighter end but i just don't know where the green key goes we gotta find the also i'm just i'm honestly really lost oh okay i used a car jack to get through a door that was blocked okay did you hear that that just moved my whole that just moved my whole game wait what was that um screen just shook yeah it was a it was a giant metal thing that was blocking the door jacks get through oh we're doing something there i guess it is kind of like a puzzle or something it is it is yeah oh god this ride is aggro to me and i don't have a weapon oh jesus jody where are you right where are you oh oh he's chasing after me oh god oh oh my the first floor fight oh he didn't help first floor first floor wait a minute oh god i'm leaving i don't know how to get out of here i forgot oh god okay okay um okay i'm fishing full okay i'm leaving oh i found another mechanic oh [ __ ] god oh god oh god okay that makes three right um from the five mechanical part i got the car jack which i just used so we just need a lighter we just need a lighter yes all right okay i'm going back to the wrap oh i'm dropping okay i'm going back okay yeah i'm gonna go hang out you know maybe eat some fish maybe you know hang out in the hammock okay i'm just i'm scared and sad and yep it's you abe huh it's you what it's you what's me i found it found out who it's you what are you talking about no nothing what are you talking about nothing i did nothing you did everything it was you all along it was you it was you it was you it wasn't me you are the one that's just putting raw food in the wrong bin there's a bin for raw food that's looking for that lighting um you know what we could do i'm sure there's like some kind of wikipedia that i never told you i can't even believe that you under those words those words came out of your mouth i cannot believe you oh the audacity oh there's a rat there's a rat oh we got it i'm going to take the wagoo oh you got it here you can have the [Music] she's like sanji from one piece i do be cooking it's not too dark should say found the lighter you found the lighter yeah yeah now where do we go did you open that uh cool what's in it do we have any stuff it's seaweed right oh well i might have just there's more rad sabe oh god all right so now that i've got the lighter we can go back to the and first okay you go back to the what the first floor to finish does anyone need food i can bring you food or water right now um i'll meet you down there i can use like a little bit of food okay um i'm coming i'm coming second home oh there's another rat i'm already gone abe good luck oh ray saved me okay i'm coming now we make the we gotta go to the first floor jordan i think of the two months welcome back oh my goodness um oh here i'll give you some um i'll give you some of the rat wagu we've been collecting oh great thanks there you go cool oh where'd you get this algae it's you can make stew with it oh yeah i collected it i remembered it was part of the recipe for stew hmm i only found one though all right what floor are you guys on uh go to the first floor supposed to be on the first floor yeah yeah we're going to finish the bomb and then we have to go to the top okay finish the bomb we've been making oh jesus there's a rat oh cool thanks for the steak yeah no problem okay cool oh there you are remember the quest the first i think it's down this way i'm just gonna follow ray she seems to know what she's doing he said we're making a bomb we have to make a bomb because that's him for the first to the last the last like the super last that's it this is it we went from like fighting for cups of water to making a bomb all right let's all go all right everyone follow the top floor to [Music] over here here go here i thought we were finding people wait a second the stairs are over here i'm gonna go over here and then we go around what kill the rat all right i'm so excited for this door this is it is everything all right guys ready come on please oh there's a wrecked well you got it my dad didn't think of the three buttons welcome back merch is probably coming out in january next month my character my character just screamed okay holding a fish oh jesus my oh my god i lost all my health i lost all my health i thought it was going to be like the other doors but oh i did not think i would lose look if a rabbit bites me right now i'm going to do something here's a steering wheel so i know wait guys we gotta we got a steering wheel whoa whoa oh i got jam and cooked potato you got jam oh yeah oh that's really good okay what do we do with the steering wheel we're gonna make a giant ship we're gonna make our own yacht all right um is that really it there's gotta be something that's it let's try and check up here yeah can we get up there it looks like there's something yeah is there a way up there no i guess that's it back to the round i cannot believe we just blew up we wasted a bomb to blow up the door i think it was meant for that though i know yeah yeah i think it was that's like of all things a bomb yeah why don't they oh wait do you have an engine blueprint no i think the wheel is going to unlock this i got it is this an axe oh okay the shark hey hey get off my balls my inventory is full well we can't even farm this wood oh my inventory is very full great that was pretty good that was good let me try and research the um oh i have recipes oh you already researched the steering wheel how's that possible wait did someone do it oh wait we have the engine and we have the steering wheel now nice we did it wait let's make it wait we're gonna be so fast we're gonna have an engine and a steering wheel awesome ready five metal ingots circuit board um how much longer do you guys plan on going i mean i'm probably you guys i could stop whenever i see you guys i'm starting to get like carsick no games we have been on mushrooms we have been playing for about four hours now oh yeah four hours four hours yeah we were wait this game is really fun yeah i actually like it like i didn't even notice it's been so long wow oh yeah yeah john had to go yeah yeah we don't want to go too far um we could just like craft the stuff and then like get stuff ready for the next adventure and then we'll be good maybe yeah yeah yeah let's just try and craft like the engine and steering wheel to be ready for next time uh here's the blueprint second i don't know really oh it's already researched we can craft it now yeah but i think blueprints are for like i can't believe we've been playing for four hours five metal ingots oh oh yeah okay you know i don't know if we can we need a lot more um oops we need a lot more metal ingots oopsie oh we don't have them yeah the next time you play yeah i really like this game yeah we need i think ten metals hmm a 12 metal these that's a lot of metal we need a lot of metal okay i like i like i like the plants we've done and then these this is one of those big guys okay you guys want to go to one big island to see if we find sheep and then sure i don't know and that'll be it i think it's eight players i'm also down to just play next time oh yeah we could also just save it for next time too have fun with anything yeah i'm cool with that either let's save it for next time since my headache is getting that's yeah yeah okay yeah i'm down okay sounds good to me do i have links nine planks um okay and then i have these randoms because i want to keep playing i know it's just really fun i'm having a lot i think it's for the better because like um john's yeah yeah unless we do like a side quest like just to gather sam and salad i think we're good we played for four hours right [Music] we got a lot done wait i don't know where anyone anyone's put play again hopefully i'm done yeah all right um literally whenever i do not know where anything goes why is it so random why is everything all right you guys ready to go i can say yes i'm just kind of just you know just mindlessly doing things yeah there's so many things to be done you know there's just so much to do who's putting the raw meat in the first home who did it you're making her angry why are you looking at me you i don't know you you left you left the meat you know it makes me feel like it's probably you you know what what do you what do you mean did you put the raw mean in the first one in the bottom one on the back one you know i didn't even have any raw meat then it must have been abe i just picked up the wagoon interesting ape well you know as we just you know idle here and sitting here i'm just gonna fish because like why not you know frankie thank you everything's up to black if you don't give me no good welcome back for almost two years today bravo think of the twitch prime myself welcome to the gmail thank you for subscribing thank you for supporting me sam arizona thank you for the 15 months happy holiday [ __ ] hope you guys all send your best of days surrounded by loved ones enjoy please be safe for your social gatherings but don't forget to spread love what are you real on youtube same with something for the 15 months happy holidays what you staring at all right so we're uh yep yep i think we're good yeah last night so much these guys gigi's i'm saving world right now i was doing some one of my valerian games oh sounds sad that was fun that was fun can't wait to make around yeah i can't like i'm addicted yeah i actually i think if we go to a big island we can find animals we'll coordinate to the next wow look at this wrapped like yeah all right [Music] yeah well thanks for playing see you guys soon see you guys later bye bye if you guys want a game let me know i have to do a 24 hour stream what yeah yeah yeah you want a game yeah okay hold on hi everyone welcome to the street sorry whenever oh i can't wow i was really obtuse welcome hi ray thank you so much for the raid welcome everyone for the stream i'm actually gonna hop on to valerian um i'm trying to get back to diamond well i think today i'll play on my smurf actually i'm getting back into valor so i gotta you know take off the rust but welcome welcome welcome uh thank you guys so much for the raids rpg oh my god you guys are crazy hi welcome uh but yeah my name is jody i'm a variety streamer so i play pretty much whatever we were playing wow for a little bit we were playing valor we play raft today we play minecraft um but welcome i hope to get to know you a little bit more if you hang out james marks taking the five months lauren kingston thing with the two and seven finished vinnie think of the eight months january day drew thanks for 14 months welcome back everyone okay sorry why did you have to do 24 stream oh because when i first started streaming um chad wanted me to do a 24 hour stream but i said no and then i said i'll do it when i hit 100k oh my gosh we got 100k like a few weeks like two weeks how many hours in are you four oh my god i don't know what i'm gonna do when it like everyone's offline you know you know that's the word pretty much you have to just find a game and still look here like yeah mine this way minecraft is a really good game um yeah good luck gabe are you trying to play ballerin i am down to play valentine um i wonder if anyone else is down ooh yeah let's try to get a swan yes valorant let's hunt for peeps wait the balls think of the 100 buddies luffy king of pirating the 11 months welcome back to summer thank you for the 16. thank you for the 60 months of support to neil holliday for the two months it's like thank you for the raid sorry my alerts are new and they're like we got them all rebranded and stuff and so they have like this really you know cool opening and stuff but because of that they take a little bit longer to you know catch up but thank you guys so much for the raids uh if you're from saint cuna's channel welcome my name is jody um okay i just did this introduction for race community but i'm a variety streamer if you don't know me i play really anything like today we played raft i've played wow played minecraft play ballet um but right now i'm really trying to get back um to diamond and valor so last act act when i was in my peak of valor and i got the d1 but i don't remember what act we're on but i really want to keep grinding valerie and try to get back to diamond um but that's what we're going to do today we'll play some violent uh alice you're thinking about that 16 months welcome back poetry i think for the five gets itself welcome everyone to the jpeg hello uh virdue thank you i think i said this hello i think of the 10 buddies uh diffie thing with two months hope you're having a good day hope you're having a good day as well borah lore they get the six months steve jobs let's take with the 20 rpm only getting two months i am daphne julian look at the 500 i'm out of breath oh desert velvet thing for five months and ludavik boor is i pronounce that think of the two what's up welcome the view is amazing yeah so recently i actually moved um no chance to get the tier one sub gaming little thing with the one had a biddies uh so back in um october i want to say um back in october i moved in with two other or like new roommates and my best friend moved from washington and then okay well we're both from washington so my best friend from washington moved to california because she was planning on moving to california and so then uh yeah we ended up moving in together and then uh it's sydney if you guys know sydney so city on and then uh jamie i gum drop is my other roommate so we live in this beautiful place with this incredible view um but yeah so far we've been here for a while i mean only two months or so and it's been incredible fast feed i think of the two months welcome back joey anonymous thank you for getting a sub too it's stable my stomach is growling you look like such a happy person yeah thanks i try not to stream when i'm in a bad mood honestly i really want i really want my shoes to be like um very positive like lots of like you come here and you smile kind of thing but itchy panda balls it is good to see you there the 25 months of the tooth yourself welcome back jennifer's i think with the 50 bits and rc sworn i think inside pronounce that naomi sir thank you for getting something amy sir uh dr waffle thank you for the twitch prime sub uh thank you so much and welcome you're welcome to join the discord also if you'd like discord.gigi's quarter jade and it's really good for the five months and wave the baller hello thank you for the six dollars lolly leaving the five minutes i need water sorry [Music] i'm out of breath do you live near john um john i mean like he doesn't live far do you like that indirect answer sorry it's the internet and i'm a streamer i'm kind of scared of locations so um indirect answers are what you're going to get from me in terms of locations and names and stuff and we're going to be quite honest with you come up to me to mammoth is that you pronounce that think of the twitch problems up welcome to the jade brigade hello snoopy train anything for the two months welcome back thank you for the support are you a rapper by any chance no but i do have this weird like hidden talent where i can talk really fast when need be kyran think of the twitch for himself welcome to the j read hello how long have you been with john john i've been together since oh god um july 16th okay i have this really okay so pretty much i'm currently dating mossy yoshi right but then the problem is our anniversary was is so similar to my last ex's anniversary because i'm pretty sure my ex and i it was like august 17th so then like july 16th august 17th like my brain has a really hard time remembering which one is associated with which boy but i'm pretty sure john and i started dating july 16th august 7th [Music] whatever one of those months but from 2019 electric missing for the 27 months so welcome back uh gummy bear thing with the 85 bits diesel day they go to the twitch prime stuff stop pxa with tier one stuff kind of think of the pitch frame so i think i already said that button but welcome everyone welcome to the jade frickin july 16th it's hard oh wait i know a way that i'll never forget it july july starts with the j john j i'll never forget it cool why don't y'all live together i don't know are you do you live with your significant other bro i'm not trying to get married i'm 23. i don't [ __ ] know i'm not trying to think i don't have to live with him okay think of the chair and said wait didn't i just say why i didn't live with it my best friend from washington moved down and i moved in with her yeah you're 23. i am 23. yes uh fiona you think of the five months welcome back thank you so much for the five months they give the five months of support you're gonna forget there's no way john july i'm actually gonna remember that but it was really yeah you're so much younger than ray i actually don't know how old ray is it's interesting um i think i feel like outside of high school slash college you don't really know people's ages at least i don't really it doesn't come up in conversation 28. i had no idea ellie uh elise tsak of the cheer what's up welcome to the gym being hello um maverick think of the cheerleading stuff as well welcome lazy thank you for 17 months in gaming through the 100 bitties and d they were the three months oh my god my throat hurts so you live in washington dc no i lived i'm originally from washington state oh you know what's really cool so me ray uh celine and sydney sydney city on star smitten valkyrie me respectively right um we all are from washington isn't that crazy that we all ended up hi honey i've missed you all day you've been playing with evie hi baby um but yeah we're all from washington and we all ended up living in california and being friends and it was just weird but yeah we're all from washington this is my cat genji so he's currently what six and a half months or something like that he um i got him in september so he's baby he's baby but he's genji he's like he's just the babiest neediest boy cat ever literally i've ever met um death placing the twitch prime sub potato wrong think of the sevens you're the best i love you as much as if you can love as a streamer in a non creepy soccer way it's the internet you get it on the awesome thank you for clarifying uh potato seven months death pleasing with the twitch foreign 25 months thank you so much do you think of the three months your bald dad you're so cute you get so big you're getting so big do you know that you're handsome look at you what are you looking at uh celibate selvold is that your pronunciation tier two sub welcome he's not a hairless cat so he's a devil wreck so he has short curly hair i can pick him up and you'll see you see his hair is actually curly he has like this striped tail he he's actually really he's full of fur um even his head is just peach fuzz oh baby uh charizard i think it's a twitch prime sub truck truck driving the one handed fits jacob griffin switch up welcome uh tangerine how did you get into streaming um my ex-boyfriend was kind of streaming a little bit and i was watching his stream and i was like wait this looks so fun like i pretty much i've gamed my whole life like my parents have been playing like since i can remember halo when i was like growing up and so i've just kind of grown up in an environment around games and so uh i feel like any gamer can relate to there's like such a cool moment in gaming you're like trying to show someone like exactly with this cool thing that happened but you know they weren't there you're not recording it so streaming was really like an appealing ideal idea to me uh as well as i was in college at the time and was pre-med and so i didn't really like make any friends in college i just studied so i didn't really make friends i was kind of lonely and so streaming was super appealing like i get to play games which is what i would love to do and i get to talk to people so yeah um let's see now no armadillo thank you for three months i love you i love you dude what is he doing j dog they go to two months welcome back brian guy silly mandy for the 11 just found out it is short girl appreciation day okay okay i'm 5'3 thank you very much i'm pretty tall [Music] jessica tear what's up welcome to the jade brigade hello thank you so much i'm tall compared to some things [Music] uh it's fine it's fine five three is tall no it's not ash k thank you for the twitching for himself welcome because cass guy think of this here what's up jesse with the tier one sub uh lillian was loving the two months and this week i think within 19 months welcome five three shorts i do beef okay it's fine but like i've been five three since i was twelve and i'm currently twenty three i i literally remember like being in sixth grade and measuring myself and i was five three and i have literally not grown oh big yawn okay i love you where have you been all day genji um so my roommate is i gum drop if anyone of anyone's familiar she's another streamer and she has a cat named ebby um so evie and genji are like weirdly in love okay so every morning i open my door and genji runs to jaime's door and he goes meow meow he waits for ebby and then he like scratches the door to let her out and they just meet up and hang out sorry i have hair on my face from genji and they just meet up and hang out every day and that's where he's been all day how big of a delay are these people want to still be posting the red message the shade fk jessica the three months phoenix music for the 100 bitties i had a blast watching you play rock i know raft is so fun i love survival games so like um for the forest is one of my favorite games i love the forest but the forest is so janky like the forest is so we ran into a lot of problems when we had eight people in the forest which has really sucked so every time that we were like getting closer to end game our forest game would just like go boom hi honey oh baby boy he shall couch i love you he's getting indoor cat he is uh i don't let him outside he's honestly i feel like too curious i think he would i don't think he would make it emmitt's face i think within 19 months welcome back ralph was today was so fun you guys made so much progress i know raft is so fun what i was actually really impressed by is that there seems to be like you're like a little lion just like the storyline i'm impressed by or i guess like the like the yacht i didn't expect at all so [Music] i love you wait if you're 5'3 then you're in the same height as rey i don't okay there's hair on me i don't know is it i don't know how tall ray is ah actually i think whenever i've seen rey for around the same height yes cute flashing awesome thinking of the titration welcome to the jv and hello little rose queen thing for the two months thanks to kingdom for my sub gift welcome back uh mk justin i just said i'm kind of having him or my hammer i don't know i thought you were taller isn't it i think a lot of people think that streamers are always taller than they are okay this hair made i can feel it she's five four ray claims to be five three three i'm five three three fourth wait right i'm five three and three quarters i'm lit wait okay i know i've told this to chat before does anyone remember i don't know if anyone would actually remember i literally am five three three i'm either five three and a quarter or five three and three quarters but i feel like i'm five three and a quarter march says oh yes marshall thank you so much i'm five three point nine four literally last time i went to the doctor i'm five three point nine four i'm tall blur maybe one day i'll have a growth spurt at the age of like 32 maybe okay wait let's see uh let me know trying to get some valorant peeps [Music] i don't know if that's how it works you know it's not but it could be okay sydney's raiding john's playing among us well it seems to be me and abe okay i feel this hair on me and i have to go get it i just okay oh gosh sorry i'm so behind um who's singing and thinking of the touch myself and little chocolate thing for four months hello yeah so last night i tried to play a solo queue game but i was really uh surprised because i had a team and none of them yelled at me so loud i've played three solo queue games in my entire ballerina career the first one i got yelled at some guy said some weird [ __ ] about me having vagina privileges and it was really weird uh second time the guy was just like totally well technically a duo cued with sydney the other guy was like being so mean about me and standing like trying to like help our team like shot call he's just like just weird so then i was like all right screw it last night i was like streaming on my alt account and i was like screw let's just just do it and so we uh i played by myself and it was actually fine people were nice it was just that i think that solo queue gives really bad habits um like your entry like your duelists are good at gun play and they want to play duelists because they know that um most of the time they'll get the kill but they won't entry because they're scared that their teammates won't trade them but i can understand that because bad teammates don't trade you when you die and valid so it's just like there's these solo queues that are like we have duelists that won't entry and we have lurkers that are not there and i just i could i could okay let's see um let's see sean might okay sean and sydney can't play right now either pokey if you wanna play later let me know join the otv wow right i don't really want to play well actually i kind of am really into playing well okay i'm gonna message let's see who is not in this wow raid first of all um celine valent pause champ celine and pokey oh my pawshap emote just turned into a pause champ with ava's waiting well we don't have anybody so yeah uh i found a candle with a scent called sweet beef what is that i don't think i've ever smelled a sweet pea i'm going to be honest one sweet pea thing in the 23 months welcome back j show today two years um banana and i think that's what's up and probably thinking of the 1000 bits thank you so much uh okay i just still okay i'm gonna okay i gotta get this hair off my face i'm gonna i feel it i feel it [Music] okay i think i got it but i also have to pee i feel like i should just peed right now oh my gosh that leans and staring uh i have p2 account and p1 i think other shout out lotus they get to cheer what's up welcome okay so i'm just going to log into my smurf that's what we'll smart genji genji's screaming at me i also have to really pee things are a little chaotic right now for me uh chaotic egg the other five hundreds give me the two months okay i'm opening balance okay i've recruited celine nice um and then what else i have two oh yeah you want to play with uh timmy and hannah sure let's do it uh king junior they give them nine months welcome back i don't know who this is is this who is this somebody i don't know who this username is oh god okay okay i thought so look look i didn't know celine adame i'm like who is this oops okay i think we'll just play on my swerve account so we can until i can really get back in the groove of valentine i had the p i have to be i'll be back after b so bad i have to piece about uh i've got a p p um okay and i gotta let genji out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi i invited you to our lobby yes balor into grind i don't know what to say other than valor and grind i'm hungry jody question what's up babe i don't know why i said it like that when you do check when you do the shooting range right on hard how many can you kill with a sheriff oh i have dot many i don't i don't really practice in the range with the sheriff oh okay well i use aimlab i think three is okay three three three i'm ready to play i'm warmed up three all right i'm going in three wait what is average uh i actually really really bad with the sheriff though i want to be good with the shirt me too i feel like it's it looks so nice when you like uh [Music] f2 to change hard oh can you join the mine yes sorry my scenes are funny ceremony think about the 10 months i hope we're doing well happy holidays get some just something about [ __ ] subs um there's just no way yeah like this recoil yikes what bro [ __ ] that it's like how do you know where your crosshair is when it's hello hello hello what's up dude the the recoil makes it so hard there's just no way forget about it abe don't practice like that use aim lap yep three not bad right three not bad yeah yeah we are just about to maybe do a minecraft speed run before this oh god what kind of camera do you use i use a black magic camera this account was plot now it's immortal one what happened wait whoa okay all right i can't do that don't worry give me your okay my aim lab practice is much better also i never use sheriff i tried using sheriff yesterday though and it was uh the highest or lowest rank i can have i don't know i don't know uh someone who ate i'm all right let's do this hold on i have to do a couple things first oh sorry wrong order okay so for valerian actually let me join again we do gaming angles i can see the accounts specifically close my face uh the highest is plot one in the party and the lowest is gold tattoos look it i bring my monitor close really close and up to my face so i can't have it i can't have my monitor i have to do my game gamer angle i have different accounts oh oh god they're so spread out okay so my my warm up i usually try to get to at least 80 and then i'll play and then i get in but i have to get 80. if i don't get 80 then like it's a bad day yes it's okay come here you think you have one yeah yeah i have one abe check your team okay then i just i'm gonna slow it down i think my accuracy is bringing down my score by a lot also have to react it's unranked but it was like ranked like silver gold so i don't know oh my god i don't think you're online dude one minute just so long like i get fatigued yo jody where's celine at i don't know i invited [Music] oh wait she's here oh in the call wait kent wait oh okay sorry my camera hello what happened oh we can split off into two parties i'm okay with that i'm cool with whatever oh okay wait is someone too high or do you have too many people uh i think we have too many people now oh okay that's fine yeah yeah let's just split off into two parties i'll play with hannah and timmy and you can play with celine and kent oh okay and then we can just honestly join up with whoever plays longer come down i mean you know i'll be here yeah exactly i'm done and kentus diamond won so we can't even play with him yeah yeah uh what rank are you in i could just move on to my two another account hello i could maybe play you pew all right this is all confusing um evil hates they go to the tear what's up wicked fabrication for five months and zinfandel's tier one sub welcome oh well okay we split so me you and can't play together hello zoroarp welcome okay i have to my aim up sucks right now this is actually i also wish i had music but i can't hi honey hey genji okay sorry i got a little distracted by you not gonna lie hi baby okay goodbye okay fine you smell like poop did you just poop hmm oh genji's look at my screen angie your big old head is in my way hey i can't hey can you move oh cat oh cat can i bring people yes maya i'm actually gonna put on music copyright free music hi baby [Music] i'm just gonna put on yep sure sounds nice [Music] i'm starving i'm starving okay genji you're on my mouse that's fine hey we're getting there [Music] when are you gonna play ballerina well we're waiting for a squad right now i think um i'm currently playing with celine and i believe windows user is kent so are you doing the thing where you lose like two times you totally lose focus yeah how do you turn off the breaking animations in aimlab you go uh oops sorry just into settings right settings and then graphics and then it should be like target destruction off i helped it helped me a lot like it was so hard to focus on the next um i remember like it was really hard for me to focus on the next target because the target was like in the middle of breaking is free i don't remember i'm gonna be honest i've been watching the stream since the beginning so i'm gonna jump off i hope you have fun thank you so much for watching for so long really have a great day it's free a mob is free [Music] [Music] all right that's why i can't play shooter games i'm so slow reacting can reactions be i feel like you just get better over time or like i don't know i feel like i've definitely gotten better through aimlab i don't know if i was like good in the beginning but i think like aimlab has helped me a lot like a lot like a ridic sorry i keep trying to figure out my camera and it's kind of being weird it keeps moving ah wait two okay um i think it's a ten months welcome back are we using discord hi baby hey genji what are you doing how are you tonight i'm doing well okay sorry i wonder what your score was um i'm pretty sure my score was like 70 something when i first played and then i quickly got up i want to say i averaged like 80 now my peak is like 92 or something hi baby hi genji when did you get new sub alerts we've rebranded um just a couple days ago really hi from brazil hello okay genji i'm gonna aim lab now you can sit on my lap do you wanna sit on my lap you have eye boogie oh hi i can put a blanket on my lap can you sit here how long you feeling since i was like four literally um oh well hello uh halo came out uh i think i was around four years old my parents were playing i would play uh goldeneye definitely on the n64 went to black ops like call of duty growing up um pub g and then this i have this discord i know i just send invites anyway you want to come see it it's faster than being like can you come into this discord i literally just create an invite and scroll through contacts type name oh yeah actually it's a lot faster i was thinking of how it wouldn't be faster but that actually makes sense yeah i literally hit the crate invite okay to the person are you blind literally there's a command in chat and it's right there all you have to do is take two seconds to read it but instead you're just copying and pasting mindlessly i know man sounds kind of [ __ ] weird my friend is in like an eight nine hopefully that finish is bad i don't mind waiting that's good thanks for being patient i'm not patient i just have food how come you're not raiding oh wow it's too life-consuming true yo hello i can't be a human being playing wow yeah i'm eating my life back plus i just i just really want to get my competitive edge going hey there's valerant no league both i can't do that without wow is so life consuming yeah i'll do i'll play wow when i'm like 60 or 70. and i'm ready to like give dude yes it's like god are you an arm aimer um we'll watch the clock you know i'll just stop it spend all my time all of that is a wrist i i it's so close together but um it takes me one i'll be your greatest partner my monitor hey no 20 hours of my day bling no it a noise um i've been playing um on and off since alpha but i didn't start getting into valor until like yeah i don't think parsing is a big deal this song one act indicator yeah so yeah i didn't play much actually to be honest i don't even know oh this is my exactly calculated i don't know okay i can't show you um it's like people just hey stop find out what partisans uh i i can't really i got more into act two right yeah it's just all uh oh acting one i gotta do it a lot act one and okay you no circle become no fun no comparing game yeah oh sorry john can you go into the other discord and yell at paul to be faster how are you so good i've been playing since this game i'm still garbage yeah i mean you have to also think like i'm a streamer i probably play this game more than the average person does not only do i love gaming but it is also like my job so also i feel a little like it is part of my job to get hey no to get good at a game because i spend so much time at it and i feel like well if i'm gonna spend so much time like i feel like it's kind of like my homework like i'm on as well you know um god thank you the twitch prime sub welcome hey i see you eyeing my neck stop dude okay fine hi i hold you there's no suckle okay you guys want to play snowball sure yeah yeah it's actually so fun i like it but i'm so bad at it because it's too if i hit one person i'm happy okay robo something thanks for the twitch friendship welcome to the jade brigade is that a geek look at this seven months thank you so much um probably to go to two months oh what is that name it's not my account baby i will pass for snowball and you guys can play without me okay i'm gonna set you down now e you can be happy right here okay fine fine nothing i do is good enough for you suckle jody it's not that i'm totally looking at your chat or anything but i saw a question that i'm curious about too what is your mbti uh that's like the reminders right yeah e-n-f-j oh what are you enfp but i aspire to be like an enfj i admire your jaynes i think i'm like um only like like 52 into jay and then oh [Music] don't look at me like that please just chill it is really interesting to me how many people don't know what suckling is though ultimately he sucks on only flesh my cat has this really nice thing that he suckles on me which is pretty much just like a suck i guess he just sucks um onto skin only flesh no sherpa blankets no none of that just no yeah only flesh jane uh neenah they go to twitch prime sub welcome to the jade brigade hello gifts up for five wait what gifted sub per kill first five rounds all right gee gaming i'm gonna throw just to get in there you bet all the back seat cat parenting gotta come in today i'm gonna have to make my fourth smurf third smurf wait why because we're ranking up today true should i go on my my main nah or you can if you want i mean i'm down i mean i only went on my smurf so that i can oh wait no no no wait oh wait ken has an account that can play with her just one has skins and one doesn't so is this the one with skins this is the one without skins you want to rank up the one with skin okay maybe you should get on your man then kick it on the god that's on the p3 account d oh god i say we're gonna rank up today watch this like honestly there's no way we don't rank up what are you talking about yeah you're right you're right i was just talking about casting doubts for you this whole time i was talking in this chat the whole time i was talking in this chat oh nice shot oh my god this game is just so different than like gun mechanics i don't know what to do yeah it just feels like apex oh they're coming from b like how there's rain up behind me what is this no i wanted this skate ooh gift opening dude was oh my god i jumped so high where is everyone i don't know you're shooting me and i keep thinking it's the enemy oh i want the skates this is no fun without the skates the [ __ ] is this mode they just put it for christmas it's fun oh my god where's that what are these massive snowballs oh yeah there's this thing called a grow ball and then it's just like that's just not fair i know hello ricochet has to be op right look at all these yeah i like the skates [Applause] oh yeah this one this whatever i have right now is little okay well what i had was really nice and then i left i let go of it how how how do you possibly play this it's so different than balor mechanics i just don't know i just let that happen to me i'm gonna be honest i took it in the face there's so many gift boxes oh my god open them all take them all getting them oh and he kills me i didn't even get to use it yeah oh i landed into this guy i'm coming over i never played overwatch like what this is just so hard this is like impossible i know they just don't travel at the same speed of a bullet and i don't understand the mechanics just shoot where they will be it's hard i don't know where they're gonna oh be god i'm gonna handle your inner psychic jody this is stupid what is that what is this i don't know what that is loki flinch no i hike he flinched shut down huh what why are you gonna hit anybody are you serious are you serious oh my god one more kill who's gonna get it not me because i don't see anybody i go splat i don't see anyone i haven't run into people guys i got four kills that was a good warm-up cool cool cool yeah that was great that was great we love them it's just some really bad habits let's go mm-hmm well if anything isn't there like a really new mechanic the new mechanic you just counter shape that would teach you that no i'm saying i don't think i counter strafed at all okay john do you see me cause i don't see you um yeah i opened it sorry i'm moving they're hopping on two higher accounts i'm gonna hop on mine yeah dude simple fight is so fun i thought it was hard super hard adrenaline um i'm you always think of the three months welcome back uh juicy nuggets and the five welcome back and forth so how many games do you opening we're playing why are you tired no no just curious when you play the force on stream i've already played i'm kind of like done with the force i think cool to jade at least one okay at least two for sure wait why does it just keep going up [Laughter] we're just being honest with you it's just an auction going up close that do this and you hear but i like it already welcome to the stream i'm glad you like it did you beat the forest so we didn't beat the forest because it keeps bugging every time and we've tried like on three separate occasions so yeah oh nice nice nice where has jabin i don't know what okay okay uh on this account what's your tagline i think it's hmm zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero if you add me are you hear me guys i'm not adding a single one of you hear me not a single one okay how do i reach this thing that i need to okay if i sit here the camera needs to be nope this way okay is that nope that way nope that way nope wait nope oh my [ __ ] god it's because genji's on my lap but oh perfect ah all right let's do it i haven't played violin since last night and last night was pretty rough not gonna lie all right all right let's try three games three dubs yeah see john is this going by you um no but will said it was slushy by him it's too dark for me to even look out are we talking about in washington yeah they're talking my parents have been texting like sending me videos of snow yeah it's knowing right now where i live [ __ ] wait paul do you live like northeast uh i live like a squad area [Music] is just a beautiful place i know it's a question i think it's like it was just like the best part of washington i agree saudi normal and then i came to like california and like i went to other states i was like oh is the cause not normal i miss the snow okay let me i want to see my collection or my career so i started playing a lot and act oh okay so i played a lot in act one act one is one and then act two is when among us came out and then act three is currently what we're in oh my god 21 days i see so act one was like when i was like grinding valent like every day for a really long time yes and then act 2 among us came out and then i didn't really play and then now we're in act three so i'm trying to get back to d1 where are you from watching today so i don't really tell people that because it's the internet streaming yeah i live in seattle so cool you guys are watching it you know what's crazy is me celine ray and sydney are all from washington and it just kind of actually a lot of streamers come from like washington and canada at least in our friend group i don't know and california of course but did you reach diamond and v yes sorry a little confused because didn't i just yeah whatever a lot of family members in washington oregon well it's just like they're beautiful places in general ryan and nevada well ryan was a youtuber okay where's genji he's on my lap okay ouch do you think that since you started you said you feel kind of burned out from among us you'll start grinding a lot more yeah like right now is when i want to really get back into valerian have like half of otv and friends are canadian and most of them and most are some sort of asian i think that's weird like i why i don't know i think it's just like such a weird coincidence that we're all like somewhat asian but at least a lot of us are asians i don't know man i don't know who knows who [ __ ] knows not me oh no oh god why does this have to be the first map of the day all right we can't avoid it forever [Laughter] i need that same confidence for everybody hold on i should think this map is doable if you have a sage because you just block the tunnel which i just think it's not fair but yeah i i i cannot not do this i can't do this without a scene i agree oh wait jody you don't play reyna anymore i do oh okay but i'm rusty whoa whoa whoa whoa what is honestly if i [ __ ] in on jet i'm i might go right next to you we'll see yo i've never seen you in tanjet so it's not gonna happen that's true no no no no no just love each other i get it well what okay hold on i have to turn this down [Music] all day like even when i end stream all day so like if you're on like i'm on um okay i'm gonna i'm gonna learn the sheriff where are you going okay i have a clover here no dude that's that's suicide okay never mind maybe we do lose this map you guys want to know the strat you guys want to know the strategy forever but it looks like we're playing oh shoot i do have a charity stream tomorrow well i'm gonna be up and then i'm gonna be at a responsible time hey i hate pulling people apart you guys have it a little bit oh look at that enemies i require assistance i shouldn't do this multiple come on i'm sorry oh spike planted one back killer thing kierness nest one in it how's that not his head what oh my god i hit sylva 104. i'm just cheaping somewhere like that one in s one cp oh they still one shot winnable silva's hit for 104. so no no i believe i believe my sheriff um i still believe i still believe you've got something so much one bullet just one bullet wait it's so winnable just one more what's another death this guy this guy i missed anyways i missed anyways yo paul okay i ain't trolling there you gotta come [ __ ] we're playing tv what the [ __ ] are you doing okay okay i'm coming i'm coming like it's not a troll at that point i think i don't think i've ever been here i was last run with the sheriff never using that gun again where do i go you got to be versatile you can't just play one side forever what are you going to do if you solo queue you're [ __ ] where do i go where do i go just walk up predictions i don't know how to use predictions on my channel i don't know how also we're just holding dude okay just i know you're nervous because jody's underneath me bro i think you're doing great okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you hear that fall they're knifing the wall um first holding b it's the second one close i bursted him through my man there's just knifing okay i'm kind of in the map i got him got the opening nice pushing ken i'm coming to heal you he could push he's still knifing my wall well he has four things to get through so he knifed it hold on here oh my god we win these actually ray should will be hit 50. they're planting i think yeah spike plants so two map i don't know see that's what i should be doing with the sheriff and i'm just i'm chaos i want to be good at the sheriff it was just not happening remaining last player i always panic in the beginning of me like getting back into my valor grinds it isn't it let's forget about the pistol round if you are you can play here here game duel right here even on this box over here if you're feeling it i want this to break i'll try i'll try i came low last night oh i feel kind of my arm hurts it can't be it's not a oh there's stout there was like literally three abilities and i didn't know what to do with it i knew omt peed and i still couldn't do it okay what is wrong here i think it's genji one behind yellow one typing above yellow on top of yellow he's back yellow attack what computer do you use um my custom belt one you pick up a gun yeah is this gameplay called dude no no definitely not that was good okay [Music] you should buy them yeah i can buy oh that's nonsense thank you okay let's see 44 okay soba omen rich rich you guys both altered once once lower close backside blinding where they're planting blinding i think spike planted honestly i should have killed there well today is a phantom day i heard i heard uh you were so did you change into your keybinds like walking and crouching altered no if you didn't realize in my head that yourself will also be blue so i kind of just sat in there who died that round everybody but so bad they're not going to be they're going to get a break i didn't know i forgot the arsenal will be blue shadows truck is trapped they're gonna think you're pushing they're through and be one's on the two one's in b one's in b she got through a couple mid there yeah they're playing around mid right now wait wait they're coming back they come back oh they came back wait they might go back nice wait i told you i broke the trip you're gonna expect the push i was holding i know exactly where you are [Music] you're gonna work okay i'm gonna play oh one one to the right oh god it's just it's just you know we're just getting back into it and it is it is happening why doesn't when you die then don't drop your pistol oh wait they probably never mind ignore that they probably would your pistol would drop if you had like a pistol that's not a classic oh sorry i'm behind oh god they're gonna forget that subs thank you so much it's not actually fine i'll give you 11 months goodbye marshmallow have a great night darth vader pissed over two months sean weasley's name yes yes yes sorry not he's all good i'm gonna oh hey doing some things to e okay [Music] i'm holding in a bubble yeah they're on the site i want my candy cane to break is the candy cane completely uh random i don't play overwatch sorry yeah no i don't i've never played overwatch and let's go i don't really want to ray still hasn't um i use a hyperx cloud i'm gonna fly right here okay one top two top one dead one more top push that down okay you guys are just holding one enemy okay okay you know i'm just almost there he just arrowed from outside i'm holding low oh he's watching me that guy's cracked oh yeah oh oh does it go any higher oh it doesn't that's okay nice nice nice ah did i shoot him yeah yeah yeah bomb this map reminds me of halo so much i just see halo in this map or in this area [Music] yeah i didn't know where to someone has to be really dumb to be like i'm bored and then just stick through it and maintain being bored and you're voluntarily here stupid hey oh my god cute think of the two months welcome back hope you are doing well okay wait raises bro wait they're broke they're broke okay they're broke oh that's a lot mid cover going out they're gonna go for my ak though okay could be going on wait he's in the smoke what oh there's two there's two there's two they might be heading in i think can't got it damn nope nope [Music] 30 seconds left they're probably going right hey right planting yeah i have i actually don't know how to retake ace well see me go first i have lower health i don't know why i was so confident he wasn't ct reloading well thank you okay jody we can do this we can do this we got this jody um official yoshikuma thank you for six months happy holidays taking six months um whatever i'm giving up mid i'm giving up one's pipes it's three pipes is where on this map she would blind if she is coming right i didn't hit a single shot how i'm cool get reyna mid yeah reyna's gonna flank you guys can be near stairs too okay yeah i was like i'm a little lost honestly what is pipes is spice out kitchen map spike planted pipes is oh that is pipes nice flick jesus i just saw him like do a 360 color guy okay pipes is on a it's like the one above i guess tube orange orange yellow another mother's glasses um mary they got two months surfer i think that two thousand bits thank you so much i aspire to be on their level i'm gonna sell my soul to the valor and gods see i see people that are like that i'm like i want that also though my confidence is just like zero a lot of the times when i do one fee once i'm just like oh [ __ ] i'm gonna die they're gonna kill me they're gonna kill me and like that mentality is so bad like you're not gonna win with that mentality but that is totally my mentality also i'm trying to fix my hair's actually really good if you can because my my arms are hurting casey [Laughter] he's joining up okay i'm gonna leave him i just constantly like not okay i was here for the team he fell oh how do you i mean yeah um somebody just sprayed near b okay okay that's i mean he altered the body i think he was in kitchen oh 30 seconds left no they're broke please right i should have told you right click raise it oh heck yeah break break break please actually these are going too much i try not to be an aggro player but these guys are so thick and they like them why do you want to break the canyon because it's fun all week we couldn't control this thing oh god i don't hear that [ __ ] did you break it oh snowman snowman snowmen snow let he was next to me last player standing oh my god i we all got timing yeah i got timing he's timing me i look into the tubing there's just a fat wall wait i was such crazy that damn that's a really good place to hold yeah omens like here or here well because you can't hear it i was standing um right here and i can't hear that yeah it's scary the map is so big that you can't hear anything you can't hear almond peeps here you can't hear omen teepee here yes we love it okay let's see how nice this chat is why do you say that i want this candy cane to break so bad [Music] i'll fix my camera after oh my god oh my god one enemy remaining all behind us behind us hit three times do you have a ghost nope this guy came off the rope and one bursted me i know i saw people feel bad oh my god we're gonna get any thoughts regarding the new ice block changes what did they do what did they change it's a [ __ ] show from what i've noticed oops what do they change i'm watching jody look at her smokey map yep yup yup yup i'm watching it well you drums i can get this one right oh my god i blinded you him that's good to know that's really good to know that sucks so that that one is wallbangable but the one above it isn't they made some of the angles on amv's less hot and it just still feels like [ __ ] really honestly this map still feels like [ __ ] so um i'm not sure what they changed it just all feels bad oh they don't have sage what's the sensitivity a point four nine six i'm gonna hold 800 dpi point yeah take flight i'm gonna stop it's quicker you're just quicker than me oh my god oh my god care for the bee bling i don't know what that arrow shows wait i'm gonna therefore the beef link guys okay it's cracked out of his mind he's on top like i have a freaking specter omen 130 yeah they're gonna be looking towards us because they saw me go here hate hp in his dream i think we gotta get bomb at 40 seconds probably just insane oh i jumped the [ __ ] time it's just hiding here we love to see it okay you know from the front okay whatever sorry i just know that my camera's all wacky reloading soviet one snowmaster oh i got him that's the first time i think i'm sorry i forgot about them nice trade [Music] [Applause] so it makes me want to win shakes i want to put myself in clutch situation so that i can hear that i'm done again with the drone i'm old super strong i think she's pushing oh sorry oh just kidding i'm aware careful nice there's one snowman okay i'll hold i can't really plant oh above nest one nest one and nest oh you got the nest no man sorry what is this actually oh god that phantom ring i like it it's a whack-a-mole oh [Music] he was so scared i feel kind of bad he like peeks though everyone calls like just the tubes like nests or like this is it this is nest [Music] because i heard it be called nest once this one's actually called ness on the map and i just call everything else tube there's like six tubes and i call them so they're gonna be there's smoke care smoke oh there's a campaign i'm going now i don't check his backside we would have gotten the plant off i'm just saying we wouldn't we would have that's true yeah we said three three i switched so quick is there any cool things i can buy oh i never opt if i optical that's actually a really cool skin gray this omen one it hunts do you ever play with fans not really actually we don't really do sub games usually how are you flat three you're so bad hmm um i think because the game thinks i'm platt three i know you don't know what plat3 looks like i can i understand like bronze you know you don't see platform players often but i just have been putting in a lot of hours i have like 200 hours in aim lab i try my best i'm buying this skin and for whatever reason the game thinks i'm black two three but yeah man i don't know get good hi claws there's 20 months welcome back oh my god 20 minutes of support thank you for 20 months in a row welcome back you're actually good you inspire me no i'm i'm like not bad and i i definitely know myself to know that i'm not bad like i'm not bad at this game i definitely have a lot to improve on and i also think that a lot of uh valor is mental so sometimes my mental just breaks and it goes boom and also confidence is like a lot in a game like if i am not confident going into a 1v1 if somebody like is constantly killing me in 1v1 and i see them i'm like instantly i kind of give up like oh [ __ ] which is bad it's a bad mental but yeah i don't think i'm bad at the game i don't think i'm like amazing at the game but the thing is every act i get placed and grind uh and i'm like act one i was d1 and flat three platoon for a lot of it um act two that was when i started playing among us but again i still got to d1 and we're still around the thing and now actually we're getting back into the game so the fact that the game still places me here after three acts you just have to you just gotta you just gotta get good man i don't know stop hating and focus on your own goddamn gameplay oh i'm quattro yes sir i'm out here stuck in flat one averaging 20 kills per game and you're doing that then why are you not ranking up they brought in a gun that just one shot go play your own game thank you for watching what are you gonna upload on jody oh um soon whenever my um kenji you're gonna fall you're falling hi honey whenever my editor finishes setting editing my room tour is when it will be uploaded and i already it just needs to be edited i just realized this account has every single character so i am locked hey thank you so much for the 10 kids it subs welcome everyone welcome welcome welcome to the gym again hello thank you so much get the thumbs there we go there we go there we go we're also polite we are like waiting for the other person to hover what they want do do i keep saying that but i'm hungry yo how about you show us the brimstone you were just you know talking so much about wait wait that's that'll be in someone said so i don't do um during the middle of my stream i'll do them at like either at the beginning or and usually beginning you're gonna play sage um so it'll probably be when you're done next year it's versatile yeah i'll just do it wait i actually place age a decent amount what just happened yeah you play right now cool that works no rain or grind um honestly i'm just not really confident my mobility my gameplay because i don't know if i can really get my all my kills because i'm i'm just like our associates you're just never paying her again or what what is your tv 800 dpi dude it's my second main dude she's super shocked um my mom i believe got this from chewie whenever i said i just want to cry i have no smoke oh church are true there's like a bazillion flashes attack first well you know i'm assuming they're going to put killjoy on beast like maybe we just rush [Music] i could just get like quadruple flashed that's true we could with an ounce i'll put a smile more confidence [Laughter] i missed [Laughter] funny god the whole goddamn squad was there yeah during the four months welcome back the lunatic thank you we actually could not see i found you through among us games but then i saw your valentine views and man i saved that [ __ ] i love it i suck i swear to be reach flushing thanks i'm gonna re-smoke this so they think we're rushing again i thought jody was looking at me but she was looking at her smoking nap there's another freaking center honestly we just never went pissed around and that's okay you know yeah i'm not used to winning those that's like an ongoing thing for wrestling yeah no we don't win piss around but that's okay cause we win everything else all right i need my star rank up honestly i am not really like the greatest at this game and i spent a lot of time playing it when i was like i would spend like at least out eight hours a day like playing this game she's still mid i'm so blind watching men don't have heal for a second care be main push you could have pushed out yes ma'am judy blinding backside one enemy remaining all right oh i just threw a random smoke somewhere okay probably spawn right now but he could go i hear him in heaven i think this happened no sorry heaven male 1 noise remember him he might be him yeah maybe [Music] when i saw him i was like there's no way it's my first time watching stream i found you through among his videos it's crazy that so many people have found me through among us even considering among us like my main content but really thank you for like checking me out outside among us and like i'm glad you guys enjoyed the stream my candy cane is a knife [ __ ] stop this again not the skin i don't like it phoenix reach is that the phoenix mid yeah oh shoot he said yeah and i freaking picked him i'm coming man last player standing oh what are you rich no you're not right 30 seconds left everyone can buy except for me next round should i say or no no no don't say oh [ __ ] whatever either way these deals have money for next rounds if you die or if you save this you can buy armor so yeah you just have 15 seconds it's okay i'm just kind of still scared yeah this is good 10 seconds left i'll keep you company by talking hopefully you don't jump you made him jump where was he playing john phoenix here we go [Music] dude i was kind of sad because it just doesn't feel like the holiday season for me can we just like because i'm not home we don't kill the silva the killjoy stuff then they're gonna just trip hey i have ult as well on earth do i get better this game okay i feel like so many people ask me this literally time just play the game obviously practice good habits but time you're like literally i used to spend like eight hours i'm just gonna go i hear a turret [Music] oh okay sorry about that that was a little hiccup that's what ray said too that's how you get good that's literally how you can get one enemy watch pro play practice me neither me neither um but i think we could do a pretty good obviously like it also just takes time like you can there's no like easy quick way to get good at a game stage okay but yes pro plays and overall like youtube videos smoke right here if possible on top of the box yeah on top of the box yes is there a bot there yeah just wall and then it should open up a so you guys could just okay i'm kind of trolling i felt that i was like oh i just lose that off yeah that's right you don't have to come you know okay i'm sorry yeah i'm trying to get spikes oh oopsie daisy he's like backside one enemy remains where's the bee dude it's all right you're with some in you with some more whoa how come only subscribers can re-watch past live streams man i really wish people would read panels for just once in my life but it will never happen i have a vlog channel also tweeted about it also put it on my instagram also just on youtube watching this ct tv once yeah the heaven cross i think he saves yeah i think he's not going to try this i'll push him push him 10 hp this would be heaven all right jody slow down [Music] chronos i really don't care for you to give me advice um i'm not really like down for like back senior advice honestly if i'm going to get advice i'm probably going to hire a coach and it's like just you could be really high ranked but you also just could not be and if you think that i don't know my mistakes by playing then you must think really low of me like do you think really low of me so we can probably and then you guys can why why do you think i'm dumb why do you think i don't reflect on my game it kind of hurts yeah actually yeah really i don't know it's so painful cover going down oh they flash mid yeah were they still on site last round hopefully to keep it down [Applause] rotate side i'm already mad that i see raises like not even care and satchel anywhere they go and they just break everything on their way unintentionally like unintended these break everything is this this game is not similar to apex the gun mechanics are completely different apex is a lot about like um tracking phrases this is just like an attack style shooter oh god oh my god like no no it's okay running and gunning instead of aiming for me remaining that's one shot one shot you're gonna die to the satchel oh my lord um amanda i have always forget that you can shoot things you know yeah i always forget you can destroy those like sky flashes i never remember and i just turn away from i don't just get blind for a second anyways all right well today i think it's just a bad valor day i feel i feel like if we could just play there's angels everywhere ramps um killjoy has a counteralt as well but i'm kind of can we get a smoking vent and then wall it off that's one more one more heaven one might have said i'm needed um like ever i think she saw me until the last second ever oh god did the soba peaked and he died to my turret yeah yeah i realized now it was both the killjoy it's just funny by the way call it if you're looking at a safe spot let me mark it wait they're on pistols is i was trying to wall bang and then he peeked welcome back think about the 11 months i guess i'm doing nothing oh god i'm rich can i buy anything same jody and i are really rich he kind of pulled the trigger there so just he's gonna be fine no remember what happened it just consumed your money and it like yeah it's a 50-50 yeah that i don't yeah it bugged last time and it like just absorbed your money and like made us buy another oh my god when is uh coming down devin what is sewer is that i've been having heaven heaven oh my god thank you jody you saved my life remaining it's a b player yeah you walled us off i will almost i want myself off why should you wall yourself what do i do i'm just sorry so they don't they don't think i'm through you know they don't even see your wallet i'm safe but they say friend he was broke she's here [Music] i love the confidence and effort in that that was so funny uh liz lee isn't me thank you for getting some strike strike welcome squids thank you for getting this stuff too bring me check hello welcome that i know i [ __ ] love the yolo i love those moments though so he has either a turret here or i can just smoke both there's one of the two unless he wanted to take flight if it's the one oh whoopsies i know that [ __ ] alarm bot oh my god i want to play killjoy after that like what are you gonna do there's like seven things coming at you what do what do little rocks i really like my new alert you want to we're screwed so we kind of if they're here we're kind of just dead oh what about my truck i think it was a 10 months random number guy number three just wanted to say that you should definitely aim at the heads and left click i only play roblox so i'm nine percent sure i'm better than them and all seriousness you deserve intention you're getting sick i read that now they're always great oh here is loaded oh my god where's my freaking butt dude i said you know well pistol hasn't like whatever i feel like pistol around something rounds you just absolutely yolo like if you want to piss around nothing changes right wait i feel like even if you win or lose this round you're just not like gonna make or break the game so i thought i'm like [ __ ] it let's go [Music] they're gonna not i don't think they'll have money they can't upgrade right wait 20 19. yes i'm gonna put it one way actually cover going now they are here all right oh it was funny because everyone was kind of this lull like this moment where we're like two of them hit forty one two completely welcome back who has a little trash so pretty much all of the people that i'm playing with are celine's irl friends from i think like okay has to be a bee this time right ice cream yeah they're pretty uh they're pretty desperate maybe something they're from washington do you want a wall and help so you can spill sure they can't buy i'm peeking this i'm gonna install them they're using a lot of utility one more b main maybe backing up now sad they're mid i heard [Music] [Applause] a confident jody i'm blind i'm not well i meant to say like i'm not so that she could be like don't worry i'm not blind and like i can watch well you have to hide and like don't worry about it wait do you think she took it the wrong way is so cool wait no that's what i meant to say wait i don't know kent okay the person that just told me about omen smokes aiming higher you must not know how long when smokes work i have no cancer can't i miss you carry on without me tell me we're coming where's the last one joke's over you're dead ramp oh don't do it to him don't do it don't do it don't do it you're crying all that she'd scream at you that's awesome welcome back ken you're muted by the way what do you mean you're saying yeah so like um aiming oh so tired doesn't it yeah okay i don't know what to tell you other than come on i have i think another p3 i i can get on my other smurf no yeah hey man [Music] aren't you the what when you guys were both preference also so oh oh is this kent changing okay it's also okay so preference and then where are you is changing usually play so for example like vandals better for long range because the damage doesn't fall off whereas phantom is like i can't remember but also i'm just a little more comfortable with the vandal just a little more but i tend to hold like far angle so i usually like hold a long on haven or i hold like vents in mid and those are kind of like longer areas like um and that's why i tend to play vandal more often than not space bandito they're gonna get these insanity worse since anywhere's welcome um and leslie you're gonna see me a lot too honestly you just call me liz well let's get the one on the beach i'm excited to get to know you more honestly god believed that vaccine came from the minecraft phase because chat was very downhill by the beginning no like oh like in general i don't know where the [ __ ] it came from i think vaccines just existed since the end of times right like i don't but just do something wait are we are you still five seconds yeah is getting on his other account among us no i just think people in general backseat but why i think it's so bad in minecraft and among us is because the children's game like i don't mean that in like a demeaning way it's just that they're games that are not only for like they're just e for everyone and so there's so many people that like you know people are gonna just want to put their input in which is like fine i think that the people just back to you just don't understand what it's like to be backseated i think in general like if you were to stream and sit here and like have people say this and this and this and this deal especially when it's like i don't know your qualifications that's like say like you have to be qualified but it's like wouldn't i rather listen to oh i don't know like john so john is like hit immortal wouldn't i like ask john for his advice and like take his advice rather than like randomly in chat i need to think like i'm not really trying to super improve on stream you don't realize also i spend a lot of my time off-screen uh learning valerie on stream i'm kind of trying to be like fun as well i can't be too grindy because it's just not fun for me on stream personally i don't feel like i'm being very entertaining so stream is like i want to have fun but also like do well but you have to realize my off-stream grind valor is where i put in a lot of effort to like correct my mistakes and like whatever you know there's a big difference between advice it's just being rude yeah but that you know some people don't know that you know some people just i need having to have them i don't know boom i'm clapping with 20 months just want to say stay awesome always happy to see you and your friends doing well happy holidays for 20 months welcome back kind of like tense he uses vandals to style on people when oh interesting i don't know you can look over your box to see what you did wrong yeah i mean you had to like if i really wanna i don't know it's like if i wanted to get really really good at valerian i'll hire a coach not some random person from chat it's annoying when people say you should have better to say unlucky oh yeah the should havers it's like you do you need to realize that everything is hindsight like what do you do in your own gameplay you can hire coach oh yeah you can you guys can hire coaches there are literal coaches for valor i mean like find someone that's like well okay to be fair i think my connections might be a little bit different like i can literally hire like an ex coach or coach or like somebody that you know there are coaches that you can hire though where did you learn your crosshair placement i didn't uh from time yes yo yes sir coach myth and john uh i probably like well jonathan are actually talking about getting coaching from this guy i don't know it's like how invested in valor and i mad i don't know i don't even know where my that's good enough ouch chat can we can we do predictions please i don't know how i would i just don't know how harry i think of the 110 bits if i don't get a chance beforehand to tell you have a great christmas you as well thank you so much backseating and battling streamer is good for content but not good for making you better at any game i don't even think it's good content you know literally it doesn't move oh i thought i moved the camera no i definitely moved the camera a little bit any advice for me a two follower twitch streamer um i think streaming now is saturated back i started three years ago and i think it was a little bit different i think for sure stream for the right reasons in the sense that like you will get so burnt out if i've literally had people tell me like i just want to be famous and i'm like oh they're so i feel so naive because i don't think you guys understand the mental just toll that streaming oh you can predict we said we discuss because it involves channel points and you offer something that costs money what costs money oh stop point wait sorry i'm confused three subs oh we're saying like what's the value change the free subs wait sorry i'm a little confused so you might want to up that if you do this oh because like um what what's the like this has a um set cost yeah it's gaming oh okay i'll probably i'll have to up it then because that's just not it's not fair to the people that spend so much time watching in my opinion so i'll have to up it so like john changed it back to 150. damn oh it's fun but that sucks okay we'll have to up the channel either i'll better don't do it okay [Music] but yeah i think that streaming is just you got to do it for the right reasons you have to literally love it you have to love gaming and you have to love talking to people and you have to just love streaming um advice in terms of like i mean everybody has a different like success story so i think my success story i guess kind of came from networking but i don't call it networking i just i happened to be like good friends with good people and through collaborations and uh was grinding a game enough to get into twitch rivals and i helped my name get out um i know like box box became really well known through a reddit clip like social media is super important right now so yeah wait what was the question sorry about this map again rachel reading the tear what's up welcome to the jade freaking hello thank you welcome if you like you can join the discord discord that gg such quarter jade oh no huh get off my character i was so lost without her honestly i think it was seven minutes all right wait so what was the no it was not what was the it was prediction like how do i see the results of this i felt so lost i'm trying to look through chat but i don't really know hello logan hello the brim [ __ ] you show my um uh yeah i just don't want you to smoke all the time i don't mind i'm not very confident smoking's bad for you lay right now true you know what let me let's can we um alt f4 yeah oh my god first second i thought you actually all to afford i think we'll win i think we went for sure that's a lot of flashes i think it will win like that one i feel like this is like good odds you know does that mean we win if you win that 82 percent will completely get [ __ ] so viper doesn't exist you win yeah viper you have to be a savant first they have so many flags oh my god one two then with her that's seven i actually don't know how many sky gets uh it's hard to set that up though okay well they're only flash are you an omen arena well i've always been an omen reyna main that's what i like [Music] oh he's so [Music] sorry all right one's made maybe maybe marked she's full he'll she has 50 armor i'm gonna just sit back i'll mark them they're both ramp they're probably gonna force because four of us died you smell like poopy you smell like poop you smell poopy you want jet majority back oh god those are the days that's fast time has passed for that sure careful the shotgun's not left you want to dash through this one john no no [Laughter] that's so ridiculous there we go it felt like you had time to get off oh see anything close [Music] i mean it could come me to step heaven where is he looking oh god you want a vandal blink and they'll catch up the way they'll stand she just chucked that at him all right i have rez no way she's not boosted okay jaden um i think right now i'm definitely playing with people above mine but you smoke kevin i've been playing since literally act one different people different teams random stacks been getting flat 3d one kind of hurry time but you know you know what stay bitter it's checking my dick [Music] i don't want the spikes so that's what i was thinking if you spam you killed them as they're like people salty because they're hard yeah i don't know man i don't know i don't know i don't know i mean i also think that valencia at the end of like the very last little second good days and bad days for the next round i always forget if you don't realize that then you just don't play enough valerian like i've seen john who literally hits a mortal like have bad days and i'm like you know are you yeah are you muted sorry hi what's up oh no no i was just curious way too long for me oh we [Music] another stuff oh pretty vandal i have days perfect round two i miss everything i think and most people don't remember i just yeah i just think they're like the shotgun again if you think that you don't have bad days or like that you don't think streamers have bad days especially like with yes did you say something to me oh wait can you not see gun buddies i think you can right oh maybe you can't judy can you see my gun buddy no mine's really cute mine's a little dino i wish you could see mine oh yeah what the heck i don't think with the dude holding going for the plan that's not me i don't have it i lied she's going for the plant though great plant good job once another heaven heaven he's going to flash out you know [Music] yeah you guys are weirdos i don't think it matters what we do running this way the candy cane's my knife doesn't matter where you play this bike um no but it can because it depends on where you're planting and like if you where you're holding is can't put on records sure health is learned she still gave it to you oh thanks [Laughter] what he broke it he broke it oh she went out the window my bad come on come on oopsie i thought so we're so rich wait yeah where was that shotgun it was shooting my wall with a judge i think i'm kind of glad i didn't make it to the site i think getting judged would have made me cry a little bit i think they're sitting like right here [Laughter] how do i i don't oh i didn't mean to type that to you i like the enthusiasm yes i like your enthusiasm about the round jody [Music] dude how many shots does it take to kill a bird is it two no no i just put the way that flashes i have blind blinding as reloading that was like so messy oopsie i really need to stop my back my worst habit is that i crouch while shooting bad bad habit but it's like kind of unbreakable oh you can do slash r oh what do one of you want so scare you oh yeah i'm not really seeing the realize like i'm just now getting back into valor okay so until i like really put in so many hours i'm probably not gonna be very confident i can fold on the back of me sure okay oh would you be kind of lining up for her why do people crash the name i think it's just a habit like um yeah usually it helps with recoil in general but it's kind of a bad partner oh sorry i don't know well now they're gonna have yeah they won okay so now i usually on the old one because let's do phantom well buttons crouch control so this game never was it didn't see he just thought i guess it was like i can't believe i'm sorry wait she still got it off [Music] hp on both i believe let's bring on the right spray on the right i believe i believe didn't think that smoke was gonna go bye-bye you know just insta goes on to the vault i actually really really enjoyed it all right kind of like popped a little bit before i thought it would same yeah gonna get caught with my dick out you know what i mean he's there one is vince one's pushing up mid right now she's here is that the first time i've heard a rage sound no that's false that's totally false john thank you for the raid hi what are you doing hey john you're coming over tonight [Music] when you hold the heaven cross because i'm watching ct nails are the welcome everyone welcome to the stream we are playing some valentine i'm kind of rusty we're trying to you know we're doing our best just hitting my wall doing my best but welcome i didn't see i didn't see it [Music] the outcome was you know what the same oh [ __ ] are we actually you know what f1 i like it i like it i like it one more round oh heaven okay [Music] [Music] jack [ __ ] good job team go eat i know i need to go eat how are you today i'm good i'm chilling i think this is the first and last prediction wait why did you think you weren't going to wait so okay people thought i was a winning people thought we weren't winning oh my god we were ten two on attack let's go okay jody i can bring this up they're very attached to so glad you love okay wall came down nothing [Music] they're shooting my wall my wall broke up here i have 150 hp i'm gonna take a challenge here okay i'll sing with you i missed it when should be market he's lit up i don't know what they're doing i'm sitting on the stage mid sky's like 90. she is oh dear god good classic for ghost uh cat classic they're running up they're running up ben benz and ben ben i'm hiding on site beyond this sign 30 seconds left gamble i gushed reina they're three heaven going out away what the [ __ ] they healed the full healed rainer yeah i'll be right back i gotta pee spike planted all right skye has heals oh no no no i'm concussed this guy is like 30 hp she can kill herself oh god oh god oh my gosh we need everyone pistol runs i know look at let's go cindy they go to touch us up welcome thank you so much welcome uncle home basically thank you for the support welcome thank you for the five gifted subs thank you so much can i be that dude and just judge do it do it going down lots market again what is my okay just kidding you guys got this i mean i don't know literally all of them he's a marshmallow all right i'm just gonna stick dude your trips right here is it possible on this side right no i could trip like here and hold somebody holds back cover going out i think we have to play one more that one was just i don't know it's like one long split game yeah yeah oh my god it did i can't believe you get the points for that i guess which i could switch i actually really like this phantom skin gg easy points okay no more gambling okay i have to fix them my 15k you thought we're gonna lose gasp what's your favorite kind of valor um it really depends on the day like it is a phantom day or a vandal day and it they're never the same one of the mods have to end the prediction i don't know how to do this do i slash and okay end slash end prediction nope and start a prediction end pull on the end pull the pole is not currently active you want me to yeah that would be great i don't know what i'm doing how do you do it this one's diamond too i don't understand who are you playing with right now i joined with i'm currently playing with celine's uh friends from home and kent and celine i mean you can all button oh i can i can switch accounts to diamond to account okay i need to like am i i don't i'm getting to the point where i'm really hungry all right why do i feel like we're about to just get clapped and then everyone's gonna be like oh no we have we can't end on a loss and then we're gonna play another one and it's gonna just exhaust us also i think i need like can we take about a ten minute break oh thank god i have to eat i'm starving oh i mean you can take longer than you can if you want yeah i'm gonna rush i'll be back then okay i'm gonna i'm gonna stream you guys because i have to eat chillin but dude i feel like these are genji's boogers i'm adult also i've been streaming for six hours and 50 minutes okay and i'll see you tomorrow and i have to be i see the reason why i want to end stream right now is because i have my charity stream tomorrow so okay okay what booger is in my hair now okay so tomorrow and three yeah tomorrow at 3 pm pst i'm doing my annual charity stream we're gonna be building gingerbread houses it's gonna be me jamie and sydney we're gonna have fun we're just gonna hang out we're gonna like really like try to spread the holiday cheer you know because it doesn't really feel like the holiday for me but i think the vibe gets it substituted literally insane thank you so much if i get subs welcome everyone um i'm gonna go find someone to host let's go janet she's playing wow right that i was maybe thinking gonna be whatever okay um but yeah so tomorrow 3pm pst it's gonna be me sydney jamie we're gonna be building a gingerbread house uh we're gonna brainstorm some incentives and ultimately we're just gonna have a charity stream a fun charity stream that i hope you guys show up to and uh yes i'll see you tomorrow not pretty valid though tomorrow we'll have time for valor but tomorrow will be fun it'll be like very festive and yeah sorry i have to get off the only reason that i'm literally getting off is because of the charity stream and because i i need to eat food i know that i push myself a lot when i stream because my head starts hurting and my stomach starts turning because i haven't eaten my body's like jody so i'm making a responsible decision and getting off but if you guys would like you can follow me on my socials everything is quarter jade if you want to keep up with me offline um my twitter's quarter jade i'm pretty active on twitter and i'm not very active on instagram because i kind of don't really hate i can't hate instagram but you know so you know i have an instagram my youtube though i have two youtube channels youtube.com says quarterjade and youtube.com justjody so my jody channel is my lifestyle youtube channel uh it's like where i do makeup routines and room tours and things like that um i'm going to do a room tour of this room soon as soon as my editor finishes editing that video it'll be up so in like the next like max two weeks but goodbye everyone have a great rest of your night
Channel: QuarterJade Vods
Views: 18,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T2HzaiYFDjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 413min 6sec (24786 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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