21 YouTuber Secrets You NEVER Knew... ft Unspeakable

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this is secret or swim nathan how much did you pay for the island house but if you don't answer it we're letting you go 2.7 million i ain't got nothing this is where we find all of the youtuber secrets with unspeakable if you don't answer the question you have to do the dare so nathan who has the worst youtuber merchandise preston farmer no your merch is your merchant's defense i'm probably gonna have to go with the car to share carter what is this this is terrible leave a like if you love the tea being spilled i ain't scared i'll get in the ring on average how much do you spend per video listen also if we don't answer the question or if it's a weak answer the judges here get to punish us okay on average 6 000 per video oh that's slower than i thought oh it's not including the payroll of 500 000 a month that's how much you pay your employees oh my gosh that's a lot of money i let another youtuber secret slip approximately what preston doesn't know about this video is he has all the terrible questions to ask me i got the juicy ones yeah okay nathan who do you think has the best youtube channel i can't pick myself you cannot pick yourself and you can't thank me probably mark rover his videos are just like so good but i agree mark is a great like top five top five give me yours you want my question i want you guys how bad is it listen who do you like more steven or chase wait is chase crying i'm sorry i shot him in the neck he's gonna choose you actually yes i'm sorry there's a mark on his neck for me oh there is hold on if he didn't shoot you in the neck who would have been yeah i might have to go with chase throw the yes in the pool right now commit it a bit would you ever sell your youtube channel and if so how much would i ever sell my youtube channel yes what what's gonna happen to those guys i give them a cut of the sale oh what cap you can't sell memories bro well if the price was right oh and that was the second question how much 75 million not even a billion person buy it who do you think is an overrated youtuber oh no all right i will answer the question phase rug no i love brian okay but he's doing just daily vlogs honestly i gotta agree with him that's some double drama oh yo turn that ceiling fan off it's about to break if you weren't a youtuber what would your job be oh that's a good question i would actually be a um an airline pilot this is lame punishment know what happened to me last time you shot one of those why are you telling me this right now i got a black eye have you ever filmed the video for my channel that you didn't enjoy and if so which one all of the them one that i filmed that i can remember was the other secrets video that we filmed oh you didn't enjoy that one no it's terrible what do you mean yeah what about this one this one's not bad so far like answering the question if my mom was hot what do you think yeah yeah she's what yeah say it say my mom's hot say it your mom is hot what do you think is the worst video on your channel that's not privated already oh wait you have videos that are private when you don't have videos that are private you never had a video tank and not do like a video just absolutely eat poo poo no because people are still watching as long as it doesn't have zero views i still love my fans oh okay don't even try to twist this i don't care about the views preston so you're telling me if a video does bad you just if a video absolutely eats the poo poo yes i privated it it's a poor reflection of who we are as content creators i disagree what is the worst video i thought this video was going to be an absolute banger it was running stuff over with a uh what's it called the steamroller it's using a steamer yes but it did not do well it's like me buddy our video did like five million views i'm disappointed you're on his team and you're disappointed oh wait there's an feels like somebody dug into my neck with a shovel bro these questions suck i didn't write these what do you think is the best video you have ever uploaded that one's a hard one actually you're feeling chill chill the best video i think i've ever uploaded the reveal video when we bought this property because we spent days and days making the content not the video that i did with you that got 50 million views oh that was such an easy video to film are you kidding me it's not about the views preston you're right it's about the watch time it's you're at the moment so the question is is if you had to fire someone right now who would it be and you have to call the person that you choose it can't be one of us through here yes i'm not answering this you want to take the dare yes i'll do the dare so the darius preston is you have to wear these goggles but i'm gonna put worms inside of them that are whatever dude i don't care i hope one doesn't crawl into your eyes why is that worm bigger than my future how is this legal this has got to be illegal in canada all right no no no can you pick it up over my head thank you it's coming out okay one of them fell that's perfect all right the next question is which one of your channels makes the most amount of money why are you doing this to me trying to think which one it's the preston channel the one you're watching right now it's mainly only because of the brand deals to be honest can i take these glasses off now there's a second part to the question oh my gosh how much money did it make like when like i don't know last month oh wait what was last month july there you go proof 268 thousand dollars why'd you just make more is that the question yes more he's flexing on me preston still has no idea that i swapped his questions my questions are terrible if i could go back and say what i would fire right now you always fire maddie i know do you actually like your fans again terrible questions of course what kind of question is that every fan i've met i've taken a picture with well if they ask if they ask for a picture okay you've never taken a photo with me i can pull up so many pictures on my instagram of pictures of you this is some naked privilege they outnumber me i can't i can't help you out of all the people that you have filmed with who has the worst channel juicy i honestly love filming with steven sharer but in terms of the production quality it was definitely one of the worst he came and visited and we filmed for like 20 minutes and the video was done you're saying right now that stephen sharer has the worst channel production quality the worst channel production quality say it all right fine lizzie capric so he changed his answer i still film with her like every other month not anymore shut up chase i'm sorry i'm gonna come beat you back there a small portion of you guys aren't subscribed so please if you would like to be the bigger portion like them green to subscribers are they subscribed well no but there's more of them than us hey seriously subscribe though we love spilling tea and we'll spill more terrible questions what is the next video you are posting we have a amazing video on september 11. tell us we played hide and seek in one of the biggest stadiums in the world and he invited me and i said no i was busy i was busy busy do you think you are different off camera no oh that's cap that's cow why'd that cap well we'll ask you guys he's different but not that different but i will say he's a little bit different the punishment is you have to eat something from under the couch cushion and you made him do it you made him do it i'm so sorry i'm so sorry yes this is not even a part of the video has this video degraded our relationship no i love you more oh me too ah get off of me and eat something from one of the couches dirty oh my dude what is that it's literally brown before you get there oh my god what is that is that a glittering oh my gosh when we were throwing them in here bro that was like three months ago this is literally growing that's real that's not cgi this is a death glitzy yo if you finish that i'll let you get out of this video bro if i finish this i'm getting your channel you want to touch it oh now it's on the floor now you still have to eat it [Music] oh god oh god bro it's so wet oh he swallowed it are you about to cry oh that was a big bite to swallow i can feel it slowly trickling down my esophagus i've got one finally one that's only half good are you thinking about getting married soon soon oh i was soon as soon i would say within a year no oh two years all right well i'm gonna text her hey he said yeah look how happy he is oh my gosh you guys could be like bros because you're like married you're like the only two married ones then on youtube are you is james getting stupider every time no no no no no no no no i'll find it i'll find it i'll find it listen mike lizzie's bigger than yours have you ever lied to get out of plans oh every day i was busy i was busy there are smaller youtubers who hit me up all the time and they just say to film and then you ask them what do they want to do and they're like i don't know i thought you had an idea and then i'm just like i'm busy is that a sensational answer what dude i don't even know if that's a real word i mean just this morning nathan was like be at the warehouse at 9am for a video and we said we'll be there at nine and then we did not be there at nine and it didn't start till ten yeah because you weren't there nathan was later than me nathan beat me there and i was there before tonight bro we were literally there and dressed for 30 minutes before we started you just got decapped bro chill james cannot shut his mouth who's your favorite employer right now i already know that answer no no not between james your employee all of them because you are so beautiful we are doing 20 off the entire website if you want to get the 20 off use this code tag us on social stay beautiful and we'll see you all next time probably jordan i bought him a tesla gosh that's my least favorite person hey but jordan if you ever get tired you're welcome to come to the big so nathan doesn't know this but there was a specific small youtuber who told me at one point in time that nathan did not like my content nor did he think i made good videos is this true or false no that's completely false yeah why don't you go ahead and go you want to go first yes all right they can't even hear us this one's not bad okay where do they sing they can only hear like a couple words they're in a soundproof box right now what has been the proudest moment in your career so far how is that a secret ozzie the team i feel that you don't know we have like 80 employees between all of our companies 35 just for the youtube channels it's pretty crazy coming from a guy making gaming videos from his mama's bedroom i can hear the words now have you ever filmed the video but didn't post it because you didn't like it i have actually the video i filmed a couple weeks ago gambia gaming videos that's a cop out we're not on the gaming channel right now i don't think so no has nathan ever filmed the video and deleted it since i've been working no well let me rephrase the question has nathan ever filmed a video and not enjoyed it and posted it i would say yeah what is the worst part about being a youtuber working with people like you that make me do videos like this i'm kidding realistically worst part being you there's not a lot of bad things trying to think what is the worst thing about being a youtuber bro i can't think of it legit this is yeah and this thing's been in the boat with the worms the whole thing put the eggs the whole thing eat the whole thing frog boy well while you're doing that james had a response you wanted me to do when you get followed into the bathroom by a fan they didn't even want to talk to me they were like where's nathan have you ever thought one of my videos were cringy yes [Laughter] all right you can't say it's not the same to me let me pull it up yeah i agree with that one i mean listen we've all done it boys they all don't sit on the wrong item why hey no but the real question why didn't you do it with me probably wouldn't have got 20 million views why not what's wrong with this because no one wants to see your butt let's be honest really no jordan you like my butt again i don't know what to say to you that's worse than not answering just go you tater you want to ask you another question have you ever met a celebrity that you were star struck by i definitely have had those moments but i wanted to be like a cool one i do i love collins key bro when i met him i was pumped how handsome is he he's pretty handsome look at these blue eyes and blonde hair that dude's like six feet tall in jack we only both jump off if neither one of us answers the secret okay bet what's your bank password what bro for all we know it could be i love susie one two three okay yo gosh now i gotta change mine not answering yeah all right i got one for you which one should i give them should i give them the the one that's impossible to answer or the one that you might need what's your social security number oh i mean i lost it in canada five years ago you're canadian just take your just take your shirt off let's do it you're not answering the bank account i'm not answering that one let us know down below in the comments what secrets video you want to see next three two one
Channel: Preston
Views: 11,778,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, challenge, family, comedy, preston, brianna
Id: GyFpr5ZJBTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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