21 Things in the US That Puzzle Most Foreigners REACTION!! | OFFICE BLOKES REACT!!

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[Music] hi guys welcome to office blokes reacts i'm office blog dave i'm office bloke mike i'm office plot dance bluebird officers folks coming at you live from monday i was gonna say monday morning then last night no i can't do it monday morning yeah and uh unfortunately me and daz are the only ones that are safe from uh being microchipped at the moment mike's been shipped what's bill gates been doing with you i've noticed you my phone makes weird noises whenever you come near me yeah it's not crazy no anyway uh yeah we're at the office blokes and we've got a uh patron champion yep uh go to patreon.com nothing on there yet but there will be this week well maybe next week all the week after yeah we're starting to record very soon don't worry i'm still waiting for the one two three four deliveries but we're trying something new as well which is uh something we'll do yeah once we find the location well 21 things in the u.s that puzzle most foreigners how long it takes to post a one chip challenge to the uk that's that's number one about three weeks ago yeah anyway so yeah we'll get into it 21 things in the us that puzzle most foreigners do you think any of this are going to puzzle us no for you because you've lived there in a couple of states um i'd be surprised if there's anything in there that is going to really uh let's see i feel like we know the culture quite well because we watch american movies american tv shows you know it's like yeah you got a lot of american programming over here don't you so it's not it's not like well upon what it's like it's north korea is it well you may have lived in the united states your whole life without realizing that something totally normal for you seems bizarre is that the oversimplified guy the voice over uh it could be sounds familiar don't they yeah it does a bit the people from other parts of the world who knew that munching on fried pickles in a highly air-conditioned room was so outlandish well here are some other highly entertaining americanisms i've gathered let's count it down from number 21 sales tax is a guessing game when you go shopping in the u.s and see a price tag that says fourteen dollars and eighty-eight cents don't expect to pay 14.88 at the register sales tax is not included in the price of an item and since this tax can vary from state to state figuring out your total can turn into the ultimate mental math challenge in many european countries the sales tax is already included in the price it's known as a value added tax or vat number 20 we're total workaholics a lot of americans don't feel the need to take long vacations so they often let vacation and sick hours pile up without ever using them plus most employers only give you two weeks out of the year but in a lot of other countries like brazil or finland workers are encouraged to take an average of 30 days of vacay wow maybe i should take some time off or perhaps i'll just keep waiting 19. it's not a party without red solo cops in the states this red plastic cup is synonymous with party on dude but other countries apparently don't recognize this cup to mean the same thing great amount of christmas pie i was going to say we prefer not to uh choke dolphins to death on plastic cups but then you said we had them at our christmas party you don't see them a lot over here though do you we drink out of a pint glass that's why we drink beer and a pine glass i don't but you know i don't actually i seem quite bring it i don't know what i can't i don't see them i can't think where i don't see them i don't know you seem quite regular i think yeah not for me no no people in the uk for example don't use red solo cops at get-togethers they have to go to a special website to purchase the cups for american themed parties who knew number 18 deep fried everything whether it's fried pickles or even fried oreos america fred mars bar i was gonna say i think the scottish have got something to say about this the best is the sonic kebab which is a chippy sausage wrapped in dynamite deep fried that's a big thing in scotland i've had one and it was amazing it's unbelievable it's so nice what do you cholesterol much good i [Laughter] fried fish recipes first appeared in spanish and portuguese cookbooks as far back as the 1200s and the greeks were frying food in olive oil way back in the 5th century bce but as america does with many things they've adopted a tradition from far-off lands and took it up a notch or 5. 17. get everything you need right at the pharmacy if you're not from the us it may be puzzling to walk into a pharmacy and see aisles and aisles of over-the-counter meds toys makeup clothes and even groceries unlike in other countries where pharmacies sell medicine and medical supplies exclusively the ones in the u.s are like small convenience stores where you can grab magazines tylenol and a frozen pizza in one fell swoop 16. fill her up in america if a restaurant doesn't offer free refills on fountain drinks it's kind of strange but in other countries once you buy one beverage that's it france banned refills on sugary sodas back in 2017 in order to combat the current obesity epidemic but in the us the idea of free refills is still alive and well 15. you get free refills here yeah they've started they've not always done it whether spoons nando's yeah yeah i think depends where it's not more of a recent thing yeah it's not across the board i don't think is it no certain ones uh i think weather spoons is that just like a team coffee that they do that yeah oh yeah yeah you're right yeah i think yeah i think it's beer and everything is it i think yeah imagine i mean they're always busy anyway free refills on beer it's not the best business model in the world is it really not if you don't like it return it whether it's an ugly sweater from grandma or a heinous pair of earrings from an axe if you don't like it you can just return it in america making returns at stores is pretty normal and super easy i mean the us even has a national returns day in january conveniently held for you to return holiday gifts you weren't too thrilled about 14. tips for everyone cab drivers servers hairdressers you gotta tip them tips are acceptable for almost any service in the us and sometimes consist of 25 percent of the bill we haven't started tipping surgeons yet but there are places in other parts of the world such as japan that consider tipping incredibly rude like in restaurants when you travel to different countries it's important to learn their tipping etiquette so that you don't offend anyone 13. i'll take my coffee to go with a starbucks on every corner it's very normal to see people toting around a coffee as they shop commute to work and whatever else at all times of the day but in many parts of the world coffee is meant to be sipped on while seated and enjoying the paper or chatting with friends tugging your coffee along with you throughout the day might be due to the fact that the cups are huge and take longer to drink who's got that kind of time to be sitting in a cafe for hours it's kind of assuming that places like europe are in the dark ages like sitting on your little espresso with the paper rather than i think that's more like an italian we're getting at the point of being italian yeah yeah yeah a little bit of the street cafes and things that are i think coffee on the go in this country is a big thing yeah i think definitely yeah you get a lot of mobile coffee places outside okay starbucks everywhere as well aren't we in summit i went to where i picked something up from her hairdresser's over the weekend and i thought i'd just walk through the village so i'd walk through the village and i saw it mates i had a bus stop with a cup of coffee so i don't know what are you doing and he went what else i'm going to do [Laughter] he's right shivering sounds like fun to me number 12 the land of ice-cold drinks now speaking of drinks if it's not a hot coffee or cocoa then it's probably got ice in it tea coffee lemonade soda water americans like it on the rocks if you go elsewhere in the world odds are you'll be sipping your soda at room temperature or maybe slightly refrigerated if you don't do you like on your rocks on my rock specifically ask for ice number 11 keeping the ac on at all times americans must have an aversion to being hot in many parts of europe people simply don't use air conditioning as much as they do in the states here it's expected to always have the ac blaring and a lot of visitors find it pretty strange and quite chilly but come on it makes sense if you're cold you can layer up if you're hot all you can do is suffer and complain about it just take your clothes off we're very liberated there's a bit yeah that's why i was looking at you because you're you're always hot and we're always sort of normal temperature i'm not a big fan of air conditioning though i love it i feel like it dries the air out you get kind of a dry throat under air conditioning makes it drafty as well rather than a room temperature it's good when it's hot though it's good when it's roasting yeah but there's a general rule of thumb yeah if i've ever been in a hotel and the aircon is on and i can't switch it off i have a crap nicely yeah first thing i ever do when i go on a hotel just in the air conditioning the lowest lowest level yeah i turn it off as cold as it goes number 10 looking at dollars is a snooze fest i remember going to europe for the first time and thinking their banknotes look like monopoly money and i guess a lot of countries have bills of different colors and sizes depending on the value like swedish krona and russian rupals but not in the us it's all greenbacks baby sure tins look a little yellowy 50s are kind of pinkish and benjamin seemed bluer than the others but still us dollars definitely aren't as fun and rainbowy as other currencies number nine giving a thumbs up in america even little kids know a thumbs up means good job way to go or anything positive like that but if you travel to greece or the middle east and give this common american gesture you probably won't make too many friends hey how about giving this video a thumbs up for the useful tip i'm not sure that's the case in the middle east i always do thumbs up yeah i'm not sure thumbs up is the general i mean ancient rome in the colosseum yeah him or did they survive thumbs up thumbs down that's what i thought that's where it came from yeah that's just everyone does that i do it all the times people [Laughter] number eight the date writing conundrum so many visitors to the us get really confused by the month day year thing because most parts of the world write the day then the month then finally the year there's no clear historical reason why the us insists on writing the day differently but we just do number seven pre-baby baby showers many cultures celebrate a new baby coming into the world but america is one of the few places that does this before the baby actually gets here in east asian countries for instance celebrations for a new baby are held once the baby is born as doing otherwise is seen as bad luck number six where how are you means hello sure people ask each other how they're doing in other countries but americans often use this phrase as a replacement for hey or hello it doesn't even require a real response people just answer with fine thanks even if they're in a horrible mood or had a terrible day number five bathroom stalls that aren't so private hmm don't like doing your business in front of complete strangers americans don't either of course but the fact that bathroom stall doors often reveal as much as your entire lower leg seems to say otherwise there's no clear reason as to why there's this big gap in public bathroom stalls here but many guess it's for safety reasons some of the pubs are going don't have any doors on at all stop the drug dealing drug use i've been in quite a open state yeah quite a lot of pubs where they smear vaseline on the top of the toilet and everything every flat surface there's vaseline on it yeah yeah i've also got caught short years of covering the pub where there was a door but there was no lock on it and it was really grotty metal pop in manchester and basically had to be sat there with my feet upon the door people trying to get in [Laughter] or ventilation just saying number four no one uses their inside voice a lot of my friends who are visiting or moved to the us tell me that locals speak so loud compared to other countries whether it's talking on your cell phone or chatting with a friend over lunch americans seem to really like projecting their voice i don't know maybe we just want to make sure we're heard number three it's all about choices walk into any grocery store aisle and you'll notice at least 10 different options for cookies crackers or cereal people in the uk don't have these many options for food and you'll almost never find anything in great flavor there what you're talking about what are you talking about really for two pound a week i know yeah you can sponsor a british person so they can have some coco pops what are you talking about i'm gonna get i'll be horse and car and we're gonna go over there oh my god and grape flavor wine we have aisles and aisles of it just so you know if you go and buy cereal in a supermarket in the uk you've probably got 20 30 options for cereal at least the one yeah the shop i go to has two two separate aisles for cereal as you you you you have your stove brand name ones and then you have like all kinds of like yeah you have like yeah it's just all sorts and you just have all these like the oats and yeah they've got loads of different ones yeah different makes it but you've got all of the legit ones and then you've got all of the own brand rip-off ones as well so that bubbles everything up instantly which everyone's convinced he's still made by the brands while just putting a different box a bit cheaper that was that that couldn't have been better and more wrong [Laughter] apparently they're going to have the car in this country soon as well i think i've heard it's going to come over no chance yeah yeah funny two hopping into the back seat of a cab when getting into a cab it's customary in the states to scoot on into the back seat but in countries like new zealand and australia riding anywhere but shotgun can be a little rude i always get in the book number one that classic american smile in the u.s people aren't afraid to be nice and show their pearly whites all the time you could walk down 5th avenue in new york so tell me the same thing no way i think that's a little passive aggressive at that point as well because he's like in the u.s we're not afraid to show up early right it's a miserable rest of the world smile once again according to a 2015 study at brown university because america has always been a very diverse country it forced people to smile at each other more since they couldn't always communicate with language that's just one more historical theory as to why america i thought i said salami not salam why are you saying tend to smile more than people in other places do or maybe we're just you know friendlier whether you're from the us or not can you add any more strange americanisms to the list let me know down in the comments if you learned something new today then give this video a like share with a friend and here are some more cool videos to check out from the bright side of life i enjoyed those funny very good there's nothing groundbreaking in there no the only thing that's groundbreaking i found is if you don't have cereal over it i know not cereal taste of anything taste of grapes or anything miserable bastards that don't smile either no other country in the world is diverse so people have to smile because they don't understand yeah it's yeah i don't know i don't know i just enjoy people's takes on what other cultures and countries are like yeah that was very much an american perspective on what the rest of the world is like but it's being marketed as a view of america if you know what i mean yes this is what we do and yeah it's talking about americanisms by americans comparing them to not necessarily knowing about the rest of the world yeah assuming that the rest of the world doesn't get that yeah yeah because i know a lot of people who are getting the front seat of a taxi here i do if it's well you know at the moment because i covered you know yeah yeah i just i always jump yeah and to be fair all the america most of the americans i've met have been very friendly people i will say that outwardly friendly people yeah it's colder here so we're in in general like where we are i know you've got places like new york and boston that gets cold doesn't it but i do think we are a bit more pan-faced and stern than the americans i think so in general yeah i think i think americans come across as a bit in general a bit more friendly and outgoing as a lot of other countries that's what i'd say but i don't know yeah i'd agree not that we're not but just in general this seems to be a bit i got called sir by an american and i was looking at him like you know are you calling sir what are you talking about but that's just normal in there talking to you know um things like that yeah so alien to me yeah used to being called knob head nuts it's true true story anyway i hope you guys like that too don't forget like and subscribe hit the bell all that good stuff and we'll catch you on the next one cheers [Music]
Channel: Office Blokes React
Views: 114,738
Rating: 4.907423 out of 5
Keywords: react, reaction, reaction channel, british, british reaction, office, blokes, english reaction, english, banter, atlantic podcast studios, funny reaction, funny, laugh, brits react to, dads react to, office bloke dave, office bloke daz, office bloke mike, british reaction channel, english reaction channel, office blokes try, usa vs uk, america reaction, usa reaction, american culture reaction, brits react to american culture, american traditions, us traditions
Id: tl6AsaHDdgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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