21 Days- The Rockies Run To The Pennant

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I was 5, and I didn't even know that Denver had a baseball team since I'm a Calgarian

Yet I still see these 2007 clips and celebrate like I've been there the whole time

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Skraxx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was 25 and it was still magical. I went to every home playoff game that year, the play-in game against the Padres when we scored 3 in the last inning to win and Holliday slid head first into home plate is still easily the best live sporting event I ever witnessed. The stands looked like they were filled with wild monkeys everyone was going crazy!

I’ll never root for Boston after they swept us in the WS. Padroia, Pappelbon, etc, can die horribly

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ProfessorPurrrrfect πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bro I was 22 and it was just as magical.. me and my friends went out on Evans and university, with brooms.. sweeping everything in our path... traffic, cops, random people.. it was fucking awesome!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FMJ1985 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was living in Japan and had no idea the Rockies were actually competitive. Wish I could have been in town for the excitement.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RubyRawd πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was in 7th grade in NH when the Rox made that run, it was so hard being the only kid in school cheering for the Rockies in the WS.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ThatColoradoPrep πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was a freshman in high school. It was all I thought about every day when it was going on. My family (who doesn't care much about sports) sat around the tv every night to see if we kept up the streak. Couldn't get World Series tickets but my friend and I promised each other if they ever make it back we'd do anything we could to get there.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EdDantes21 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was in 8th grade. Feelings were very similar

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FettyWapsEyebrows πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I living in upstate NY in a little place called Saratoga Springs at the time. Was really awesome getting to see the Rox being awesome when I wasn't at work, which was a lot at the time. Any joy was later erased by the flood of douchy Red Sox fans later. Was still pretty awesome though.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DrMaxwellSheppard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was newly 21. We partied so unbelievably hard for a month straight. It was nuts.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tycr0 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] Roger Angell wrote in the summer game that baseball's time is seamless and invisible a bubble within which players move at exactly the same pace and rhythms as their predecessors this is the way the game was played in our you and in our fathers you and even back then back in the country days there must have been the same feeling that time could be stopped since baseball time is measured only in outs all you have to do is succeed under me keep hitting keep your ally alive and you have defeated time you remain forever young in just 21 days the 2007 Colorado Rockies turn from the boys of summer into men on a mission as they completed the most historic penetrant in baseball history this story started with just two weeks left in the regular season and the Rocky is considered by most to be out of the playoff race [Music] it's cause fit well right-center field really well and it has got Grand Slam for Miguel Cabrera and that changes everything I remember we were pretty upset just because we thought we were the better team and and those are some important games for especially at home I can remember having a conversation with John Fogg the next day we thought we had to win 15 of 15 to win the division but when we had the conversation it was almost like well that's what's going to happen it wasn't a we're down to our last out we can't lose now it was we're going to win the next 15 games to win the division it's one game at a time it's one pitch to time but also you know the numbers and you paint yourself in a corner which there comes a point time you can't get out of it and we got we got seriously close to that but what I would just revert back to is slow down don't be able to don't get overwhelmed with this find a way to help your team win tonight [Music] and the Rockies would go on to win their next two games outscoring their opponents 16 to one but it was in Game two of the doubleheader versus the Dodgers their longtime nemesis that something special was about to happen the Rockies over 14 you know some have a hit against them I eat oh stop he's a good pitcher he's tough to they get out of the bullpen you know any time a guys you know being in 14 times the mentality of a baseball player of a baseball team is that today is a day we're going to get a win I thought Maddie's at-bat was a great effect because he actually took a ball that was up and inside out of it first kid against site so this year they're now 1 for 17 then tried overpower Rockies are down 1 run he's got some more power than anybody else on that ballclub yet he takes the ball the right field to keep an inning in life and we're like ok here we go and then you know when Todd came to play I really wanted him to industry there I didn't want this to be a four or five at-bat thing to go through and work and dry ok I would I wanted to closure quickly so I think the comment and it was make a mistake give him something pound well I want there off it drive on that swing yeah you got one there quickly Todd falls behind in the count he steps out and you could you could feel this emotion of the of the people around where I was standing in the stands of well it's not over but boy doesn't look good you couldn't get more perfect than that situation bottom of two outs to strike a game they absolutely had to have wanted to holiday at first I was kind of thinking he may try to bust me and look basketball right there and he threw a breaking ball and I kind of locked me up for a quick second somebody left it I'm kind of down in them and [Music] my feet get up [Applause] to split the Dodgers Anu was God right away and I got up and I yelled he did it and you know you don't remember much after that y'all run towards her plate when he hit it's like I knew it it's not like oh my gosh I can't believe he did it like Pam I've tied you to the fish before you know how intense is coming out Homer we went good actually my focus we're all watching from the base I've never seen him let loose with emotion like that and then he dove into the mosh pit that look at his face and his hair straight up in his eyes he looks like a wild man I love when he comes to the plate patron account he probably hurt somebody with it you got Iannetta box of people out waiting at home plate and just seen him he comes flying out of the screen in the home plate slipping off to a diving mouth open that's one of the greatest photographs I've never seen hair flying back I still have that picture above my locker but the awesome moment the reason you play the game right there is be and be put in that situation and not only to be in that situation but to be successful it's you know something you dream about as a kid you know I respect the game and I respect my opponent but like I said is a long day and if the big one and I was like at that point I was pretty excited and I was not exclude I'm going to enjoy it we mostly came out of that man was proportionately different than what we had seen the previous almost 10 10 seasons I go back to college I collect all the low league so it just got me the first curtain call this place all year I think the night or two nights before for his 300th um which was more of a ceremonial cleaner was a Lifetime Achievement kind of curtain call and that Maddie got a curtain call from that homerun and I don't think it had ever happened little thing that you always want to do but just never happened for whatever reason and pretty cool yeah I definitely definitely enjoyed I've had to do an interview out to the game so everyone was waiting for him out of respect for Todd they did nothing until he got up to the clubhouse he did his interviews and everything and everybody's happy but they waited for him to get in there he came into the locker room everybody stood up and gave him a standing ovation everyone just started clapping and everyone was given them a high-five I think that kind of exemplifies the way we felt about him I think that's how happy we were for him it was pretty unusual in my four years I've never seen you know team applauding a performance like that it was emotional time there's no doubt about that but it's all those things where you kind of feel embarrassed about it and I'm just kind of like yeah whatever let's just go on about a business or with it but it was great I've ever gone home that night and I was watching every news station just try to live it again you walk off over up so happy very much where they need as much as that work did to make so much fun to see him like that to know that that a leader like that for us was was that excited I'm gets going the Dodgers the next two days where we want to look at it we have this and we went out and put the dagger to him but we go in Friday night against San Diego we're facing Jake Peavy who we've never beat in San Diego and we got Franklin miles on the mountain we have sweep that series to get back into a picture of having any chance at all the climb back in this night and that Friday night game was you know as a dramatic a game is the walk-off home run against the Dodgers too many degree it was late in the fog and rolled in and it said ballpark place totally different my legs were feeling good feeling fresh for some reason late in the year I'm feeling fresh I got up there you know getting tougher and Thatcher I think from the left side internationally and took his looking looking for that pitch away that good cutter slider he's got away and I wouldn't think a homerun but I was thinking that type swing I was thinking man I'm going to try to drive get through something and he hit that ball a couple guys jumped up and I'm like he could hit as hard as you wanted it's not going it just ball doesn't travel out there at this time of night you know the conditions ever in and we all just kept hanging out in there high fly ball to deep center field did hop get enough of it he did Brad ha laughs this is a hero I know that I've begun if that's not God that I'm never getting a home run here in San Diego the other way I mean that's all I only went out it went out I mean it wasn't it was way up he's kind of just sitting there looking at you that you happen okay that's what I was up there to do I wasn't up there to battle and I had the tough ABS up there to try to win again Brad Hawpe huic struggled against left-handed pitching in big situations almost the entire he really the last year and a half comes up and it's a home office I tried even before today after Franklin Morales matches Peavy pitch for pitch through the first day strike three on Milton Bradley so now you've won six in a row you ended their seven-game winning streak and now you're thinking well I mean who knows crazier things have happened and the dent Holliday can play now the news of the day is that Matt Holliday has an oblique strain it's been bothering him the last couple of days you wouldn't know it by his performance but he's going to have to sit this one out he if he for tomorrow it changes the dynamics of a lineup when you taking Matt Holliday out now all of a sudden maybe they can pitch around Helton a little bit and you know certain guys aren't getting you know fast balls because Matt Holliday is not standing on second base it just changed the dynamics basically we told him if we could calm this down in a couple days let us do some treatment he was on some anti-inflammatory medicine allow the medicine to work you know we could have him for the run he had told cliff you know some of the dangers of continuing to try to push it and play through it and obviously I would have taken cortisone shots or whatever just to be out there because you know getting where we were in games in September and you know was important for me to be out there it's really played left field night and I played center it really all it was all we thought was we need to win the games you know it's unfortunate that we don't have Matt with us but who's going to step up and get the big hit he didn't miss very much time I think had the scenario been a little bit different had it been earlier in the year or had had the team and out of it he might have missed a couple more days but you know he would have ripped one of our heads off we told me couldn't play sometimes you have to put your ego aside and what you want personally and do what's best for for the team and and you know sometimes as as hard it is on your ego and say that you know maybe better definitely else out there you got to do that we know if Matt you know I can't play we know he's really hurt so we knew we had to step up and we did and if anything that helped us a little bit the next place we went to coming off a day off you know I said this is you know after just winning four games against them in Colorado I said this is going to really determine you know what's going on what drove by Cory Sullivan and what a job by Tori out but to put a stone wall up at the plate I think we were down two runs at the time and it was a fly ball hit he tagged up and you know I made a good throw kind of came off the mound a little funny but you already did an unbelievable job blocking the plate and getting the ball you know we didn't realize till after because we came back to win but how big of a play that was they could have swung them the other direction the way we showed up and play in LA because those games were back and forth games too and the plate a to bowl made in LA you know that's when I was convinced that if he didn't win the global of his shortstop he had a pretty good chance when available over third players because that was one of the best plays I have ever seen he found a lot of 25 Tulowitzki is good you will ever see not too many things put me in our baseball field especially defensively and that was something I was like man no OCD over that was a big-time play right there I play against the Dodgers I think it was just one of many where we sat up in the booth and just kind of either looked at each other or scratched our heads figuratively and said how did he do that when we won those games in Los Angeles that night - this is serious we are the team is never going to what if they refuse to lose we're getting on the plane going back home and the guys who like can't wait to get home play Arizona we had a shot that weekend to either totally be out of it when your division win the wild card some people would come out of there whatever their business was it's restaurant or a store or some kind of say hey good luck Jeff and regard that was pretty cool you know that ever happens all the time you could tell people were Kennedy it was Rocky's fever a little bit it was cool man you go out there you're selling there signs everywhere people are screaming to cheer and we had any we're just stretching 13 this four games the purple storm or whatever we had going and there's more of a buzz around us and within the clubhouse and the clubhouse is still normal with the Rockies riding a 12 game win streak 48 thousand fans at Coors Field on September 28th more than twice the amount that attended Colorado's previous home game a weaker but when the Rockies fell short against Arizona eights Brandon Webb Colorado's playoff dreams were once again very much intact while the left field really and it's going to get on out of here I Jack didn't get it again again Jeff branches I felt like it was over it was a little extra disappointing Earth Day for me because I had the chance as well in Philadelphia to pitch the last game of that forged series and you had a chance to take three out of four we were the wild-card race with them and you know I had terribly awful game I think it was a little extra disappointing for me because I had another chance to kind of bring it back in the race what you're watching number tell you that back to get you going through the borrowed ballgame they punched a playoff spot and less him celebrate on the field watching that a team celebrate on your fields never never a lot of fun they didn't winnings and hats in our minds is then won anything so it was awkward his offered for us to see them celebrates because you know that we didn't know what they want call Jeff Barnes on the way the game congratulating them and you know he let me know you guys also had great Steve's and I remember the sting of that it was like yeah you know I like to be on the other end of this call here you know I didn't feel good and I felt I wasn't depressed about it I felt like we let something slip away the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Rockies 11 game winning streak clearly damaged Colorado's postseason aspirations they should have been out they were two out with two to play what's that it's just a no-brainer saying hey go ahead to lose twice to Milwaukee no didn't matter if San Diego didn't lose twice to Milwaukee didn't matter what the Rockies did you want to be in command or charge of your own destiny after the Friday night loss we weren't we just felt like we had taken the opportunity out of our own game we we felt like we had given it to the Padres our fate within their hands at that point and realistically it was they had to lose down the stretch for us to get in I think I even made the comment you know it's been a crazy season there might be a little more craziness [Music] my favorite memories of the entire year was sitting in that Clubhouse - that game started before our game I can remember walking down a couple times throughout the game come on hey but then it got late yeah we lock you lock down you hunker down we watch the pitch unfold at that point I'm thinking the worst I just went down the cage everybody sitting around watching and porters run lunch and I go to the kid and I just hit now we have kind of immediate buzz and they're all kind of hanging out around where we sit and mingle and they're waiting they're waiting to see the end of our season and we're just kind of sitting there watching the antenna looking around it was just as rough it was weird really this is weird this is not hard and you got to get Milwaukee credit it's so easy for them to just say hey you know I'm going on vacation in three days just get this crap over with the first we had just been eliminated that taste was still in our mouth and I think you know we knew that we had a chance to turn around to do the same thing to them you know if we can go out and win these next two games they're watching the game and you know you see Hoffman come in and obviously one of the best closers of all time so you're you're starting to think that oh this is this is probably it it ran Lance Nix up the pitch if you don't send a pretty slinger that's given candy to the kids you know Trevor's going to eat him alive which he did he didn't abstract them out and then I bring in Tony Tony jr. and when Tony Gwynn jr. came up we were saying come on this is the time to do it you know I know you idolized Trevor Hoffman as a kid growing up with your dad but now you need to get the big hit and Schmidty made a profound statement when Hoffman came in he said really the only guy that they should pinch-hit here it's got chance against this guy as Quintin he was the one guy left on the bench it was a contact hitter that was my first full season in the big leagues and I'm facing the Hall of Famer so there's no way it's not the matchup favored me based on skill so you know it had to be the fact that I grew up with Trevor that they had to be the only thing you know we were down to there no down the last out I believe we're last strike even and things didn't look this you know if you get mixing out right there it's our sue them you know our our postseason hopes are over one strike away from going to the playoffs for a franchise record third consecutive year it was just a matter of me trying to stay back long enough to hit the change-up and I was fortunate to keep my hands back my body went forward but I was fortunate enough to keep my hands back this morning Tony Gwynn jr. of all people it's the triple down the right-field line against Hoffman who used Trevor Hoffman who used to be his babysitter when Tony was playing with Trevor Hoffman how about that the babysitter gets beat by the baby Tony Gwynn gets that hit huge hit and you know we just ran the media out of their home to get out of our Clubhouse that our season wasn't over yet we said we were going to send Tony Gwynn jr. some cigars but apparently that's against the rules with plaintively base box we can't show him anything that he's in our I thought the next game was the signal that they were for real that they had grown up because web beat you now it's easier to roll over and say you know we had a great year you know we had a good year we men are expected you know to just come right back in and really beat them up and slap them in the face you know it looks like we can do this [Music] when it rolls into Sunday and of course Sunday was even more dramatic scoreboard watch it it will be a popular activity today at Coors Field they are now in the second inning at Miller Park in Milwaukee the Padre still up three nothing on the Brewers a game of high interest for everybody independence today including the bed in the Colorado Rockies dugout that was the most nerve-wracking game I've ever played in just talk you're playing against two opponent you have to go out and win your game and scoreboard watching and it was hard not to everybody cheering and I could actually almost watch the game because they had it up on the TV up in the press box and and I can basically watch the game from there if this was the field our TV for for me and George or Jeff if he's working he's right behind us and there's a monitor right next to it so I can see our game and what everybody's seeing at home half the game we're turned around like this we're watching a few outside one and two yeah that's the kind of stuff he doing what was really neat for me about that whole game is that the fans were like I didn't even have to watch the game to know how many guys had radios on and portable TVs I mean they were into the game to the point I was getting goosebumps listening to their reaction when the ball was just standing on the mound and all of a sudden they start breaking down chairs you kind of know it what's what's going on before you hear the crowd erupted on Sundays like all the promises not to score it reminded me of the past when they would announce avalanche scores here during the Stanley Cup so you hear these weird cheers at moments in the game that didn't wear cheers didn't belong I figured dinger was spinning his head and they were going too crazy or some I didn't know it was going on apparently there were so many people if they're listening to the games on headphones the other game on headphones whether watching our games and all that stuff 50,000 people 15 or 20 on would erupt and then there would be a second reaction when the scoreboard guy you could just feel the emotion the evam flow to the fans and the players you're feeling the exact same thing I normally look at the scoreboard I looked at the scoreboard three thousand four hundred eighty two times today whenever the ball wasn't in play the converse was sick it's sick I've locked in you know I don't like to get off get back in the mound and no matter what it was so yeah it got my attention more than any other game outside of the arena I was in I've never got here's the final out in Milwaukee pop fly to right field and the Brewers they knock off the Padres 11:6 and then when Milwaukee one do you remember the eruption that took place in the stands and our players knew right away that was really named old and it's got to be a lift you know it's getting pick you up to feel like you have that situation that you realize what Milwaukee's doing for you and so it's up to you to go ahead and face themself one one cue shot tough play [Applause] I remember coming motus is when meny corpus went to pick up the ball and throw it to me and and I'm at that point I am like so nervous I'm like E but Chuck this thing that I filled and like just the look on his face when he came up with her that ball there was no concern on that his face of it you know he just picked it up and that's a tough play you know it very easily could have been just boom and threw it like it was no problem out I'm like I can't believe he just did that I mean basically a rookie you know rookie ray crazy you mean when I could have done post again do much of home you kill him yes element a person when Agia solamente para la pelota theta4 theta4 my soul another local Yoda reveal those Ella perfecto directamente los elementos again I have told people at that ploy to make that point 99 more times I bet you did pretty good chance he throws that ball down the right-field line in 99 times because he was off-balance it was awkward he did not have his grip on the ball and that was a unbelievable play under those kind of [Applause] hello gentle health values alpha Tamara in mime I remember riding that day that he looked like he was running from a swarm of bees because it was like he didn't know how to celebrate he knew they were like they were in but in what am I it accomplished something but if the playoffs or was it a tiebreaker what there wasn't there was like this I want to celebrate but I'm not sure and he was running in his arms and I think we were all wondering kind of what kind of celebration it was gonna be you know if you didn't want to be jumping up and down because we knew we still had to win we were never anything we didn't win anything and uh I think we all just kind of ran out there and tried to see what everybody was happy about a lot of people really happy to be kind of work job better to Pat each other in the head and I remember to Loretta at around things we got really know the games that you try to calm everybody down you know help him but he caught that ball he was jumping around everywhere like it's funny that help would be the guy jumping around too low would be the guy try to calm everyone down [Music] after the game I was just giving him a layup and just telling the schedule and what we're gonna do boys we're giving the ball to fog tomorrow and it just blew up I think I said what it's like to whisky yells now we got no chance why you letting Fogg pitch we definitely have no chance Holliday yells yeah we can't want anybody better out than that you got to be kidding me wake up season's over yeah where we goin vacation you start drinking again I think off with the they were all over the place and that was there that was that was their way of saying yeah he's our guy at the end of the year was kind of a joke that you know every time I went out there we had no chance to win that was what the guys would say but everybody realized that you know I was gonna go out there and give my best just for this great teammate and I'll play behind him any day I've never played 163rd game never played a tiebreaker game earlier in on September we had to do a coin flip to see who gets the home game for that and I was just walking down the hall and daΓ±o dad called me into his office there Paul did you consider yourself a lucky guy so yeah I feel pretty lucky he said why don't you call the coin flip for this and I called it that day and that's what we wanted and got the home game so I really worked out well for us you know the adrenaline he felt some of the park was real everything was a little brighter everything's a little crisper the clocks not moving place fast as you want it to before the game I mean I wasn't pitching as far as I'm concerned my seasons almost felt pretty much over if we lose you know so I'm pretty loose and and I'm talking with some of the guys and I'm predicting a walk-off victory for us if everybody said no I couldn't handle that it you know it's Tudor Bracken's and I said how are we gonna we're going to go to the full of walk-off tonight this game is what it is there's only one chance you only get one chance to win it you know it was it was nerve-racking and I think for everybody stands for both sides you know for both players coaches staff everybody I think everybody was on pins and needles okay that was probably the most nervous I've ever been in a baseball game but at the same time it was the most fun I've ever had in baseball game just being in that atmosphere it was the loudest I mean that stuff it was crazy what I mean just just the vibration you came here you know game think and it was that's what baseball is right there you dream about playing in a game where you know it's either it's either win or go home and and here it was in front of us I guess that you know the best pitcher in the National League Tory elbows point strive together [Applause] you can tell right to the get-go didn't have his best but he was really overthrowing look like he's tired there's been a long season I was good to jump out in front but everything changed in one swing of the bat he swipes one to deep left centerfield Holliday on the move still going still going looking up and that ball is gone and here in the 13th it's 8 to 6 San Diego the only people you could hear in the single-most there's King celebrate and he can hear it you know I'm sure people up in the rock pile could hear the Padres cheering for pirates I'm not an optimist at that point you can't be it was kind of deflating at that point because we had battled so hard the last four four or five innings to you know keep the game tied and then to be down to all the sudden and 13th wasn't wasn't what we wanted to be I mean he's got two runs you think great run great great run they're giving they're going to call for a little short it was just like we're like wow I can't believe this is over we we weren't saying that but you could tell it between all of us it was chaos we had we had everything out to celebrate severe the champagne and as soon as Hairston hit that homerun we kind of looked at each other we started putting everything back in the conference from behind club's office I was going to walk over congratulate buddy black ran a very very long relationship with Kevin powers and everything else I actually had thought through all those thoughts because we were about to face the best closure of all time nobody really said anything that we were out of it nobody said that we had lost but that was really the tone of the conversation that was going to be tough to come back from that type of depth so often coming cockle came down to me said we taking a picture you know look doesn't know that he's too tough he doesn't walk in he but he strikes out enough and he's hard to hit so you want hit with two strikes you want to give them three and the biggest inning of our offensive careers here Trevor Hoffman on top of the order Kaz Matsui a switch hitter in from the left side the only thing that came to my mind at that time was it I knew Trevor Hoffman's hated Coors Field because the game you never knew which inning might be the last inning I made the comment you know Trevor's been up five times tonight we'll have to see what impact that has when he comes out the pitch we came in and knowing we had work to do we've been battling all year long and in line access just be another situation for us I felt really optimistic about where we were on obviously we needed calves to get on and do something and then too low was I think he had already had two or three hits at that game and so you're feeling good about him and then obviously I have a lot of confidence myself to do well here's the 2 2 pitch to calves swung on punched in the alley to right-center field it's a stock area soon as master we got the first hit everybody was like we're gonna win then - Oh hit the alright here it goes drilled into left centerfield that's not patience he implied the second just say Harvest Fest and you could tell something was happening civic holiday coming up next there god I thought that ball was I was over the rail I was on the field I thought it was God that had quickly jump jump back then Giles back up against the wall he can't make the catch the ball bounces back to the infield - he scores oh I got it good you know I've got it really good but you know I was hopeful it was out but I wasn't sure I thought the game was over I thought he hit it out still when Giles went up for it there's that moment where you going dude he bit it and then actually the see it bounced out now a whole lot better position I want to confer with the next thing we know we type we men on 3rd and they go what a minute I mean how do copy I mean nobody out so there's to walk the help now let's see what they're going to do with Jamie Carroll and how appropriate you know we made the move in the game with Jamie Carroll is going to come up and Jimmy go get it done let's go get it done 1st and 3rd winning run at third 8 8 bottom of the 13th Carroll against Hoffman I was on deck I'm like I'm not gonna eat it wasn't it changed over you know I thought there's nobody out it brought out behind me that there's nothing to lose so just go up there and try to execute and let's get things back rubbers first pitch swung on Rhino right Giles makes the catch he hits that ball to right field and Giles catches it and you can tell right away javis catching kind of back and Holliday I mean all day stuff he's fast he's strong I was like trap him and go for it you know my is jowls he's got he's pretty accurate not a great arm but pretty accurate you know I sit there and I turn and I see him running towards home so he's probably the longest few seconds of my whole life that was my initial thought wearing down faces as I'm leaning forward was I'm gonna have to run him over and knock this ball loose if it's closed and then he wasn't in front of the plate which kind of threw me off because he was a little bit up the line and there was I could see the plate and so I got into the point where I'm not gonna go out of my way to try to blow him up if the base was available and so I end up sliding headfirst which we all know was a no-no you know he does a great job of throwing a shin guard out there and you know whatever you whatever people think you know we're already got the plate or not the dirt goes over you can't tell he slides in I'm standing there I'm kind of frozen I see the umpire my little hood is good when we cast here I was like almost like jump into sin thanks darling what's going on and you're looking at the Empire which was felt like another 100 years before he made a call to play the Rockies upon the game the Rockies are going on a playoff which is data I can't believe it and all these other people come running by meeting and to congratulate Holliday you know obviously I'd hit my chin pretty hard so I don't you know I'm you know I'm just trying to trying to see you know I can't you know it's kind of blurry and I'd hit my head so hard that I was this Lana if he called me how I call me how I'm going to be able to try you back her face I mean he certainly didn't get much of the plate if he got it but the fact that his hand was spiked told me that it had to be in the vicinity I still think he touched home plate sorry all the angles I think well they called him saying I'm not going to argue with the old cars they get paid to make those decisions the controversy exists only because of modern technology because if we're playing 50 years ago nobody could question that you know but whether or not he got the plate you know he made the call that's uh that's the way it goes to me you know the Broncos have the drive you know the Taraki this is the slide this is their moment it's going to forever be remembered and frankly it doesn't matter if he touch the plate to me because it was scored as if he did and I still think they win even if he's called out it's funny because you can feed our tape where everybody rushes to Matt right and every obviously everybody's happy they want a dogpile but you can see the bat these kind of days these kind of hurt he scratched his chin and stuff so everybody's around that and you can see that he's not celebrating with everybody so you can see everybody leave him and run to Jamie just I just leave Matt laying on the ground we look at him like okay and there's Carol there's so many people I mean you can go jump into the stands and start hugging people I ever they was so excited just still mad at Matt because this is my first champagne celebration you know and in the major league and again I'm sending my little pedestal and I knew Matty went hard down in the ground but I couldn't tell exactly what had happened everybody rushes the field well I rushed the field too but I knew Matty wasn't getting off he had hit his chin real hard tore it up he's bleeding he wasn't quite sure where he's bleeding from we had no idea who was dead we just thought he was he was laying there you know because he was so excited that we just won we didn't have a nice piece of the face was ripped off he can see his fingertips touching home so he still shows blitz the Seaford [Applause] one of my favorite parts is after we've warmed you're interviewing Todd and he has nothing to say you need he's speechless that he pities tell him whatever is interviewing like I have no idea how we were back in that's what he said it's one of my favorite everything he's ever seen it was like a dream but kind of epitomized a whole season good bad good and then oh you know we're terrible and here we go you know it'll last 20 days was that last inning when we scored those wrong there were times during the game I look at the coach stuff you like can you believe this we have to play the hundred sixty third game then it's going to be of this texture of this context dripping with drama the fans every pitch the you know all of it you could make stripped man cannot screw up what sport can create it is a little you know it is a little bit weird to think that you know you were part of that game and scored the run that sort of sent the team and any obviously Jamie had to have a great hit and two oh and the casbah to be you know in the middle of such a great game it is sort of a sort of weird it was such a big game for us because not only did we win the game but even during the game and we you know went down by a couple runs and I'm sitting there looking around and the fans are trying to bring us back that I really felt like the fans had fallen in love with our team if that game was played in New York City it'd be the greatest game of all time I mean really would I mean be right up there with him no I realized to be a part of that as something special there's no doubt that just walking around town now you realize how special it was and what it meant to the people here and pretty cool [Music] the marathon went over the Padres completed one of the greatest regular-season finishes in baseball history the Rockies remarkable September run had given new life to baseball fans across the Rocky Mountain regions but little did they know this story was just beginning [Applause] Wow [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] at 1017 p.m. mountain time on Monday October 1st 4 hours and 40 minutes after the first pitch the Colorado Rockies had completed their first mission advancing to the postseason for the first time in 12 years but the Rockies had little time to celebrate we ran around crazy for a little bit of Clubhouse realizing we had a bucket the bus was at 12:30 maybe midnight we're going on a bus to go to build up here right away I didn't want to sleep I wanted to just kind of soak it all in and enjoy it it happened so fast at the end of the game and at 1 o'clock we find out we're flying to Philly that night I slept a tiny bit maybe an hour or so if we landed around 8:00 8:30 I think I was a little nervous I kinda had to pitch the first game or just tonight let's get the right kind of sleep we got into Philly at 6:00 in the morning or 6:30 and right when we landed there's already a Philadelphia news helicopter flying over fine over so we're just looking up and we're wondering if they're calling out in new stations telling them to slow down that the highway so we can't get in at any time for me it would be the closest thing that I could envision like a mega Hollywood elopement I mean we didn't know what we had bags packed maybe could be want to go and then you go and after that kind of game to go in the middle of the night you know we take off it's dark we land and everybody's going to work and people worried it was hunter when we got to the hotel there were cameras and reporters saying are you guys scared of the Phillies and are you guys tired and you know obviously we just ignored it we don't get a lot of treatment like they I'm sure near the Red Sox you ain't going to get that a lot or during the Raiders season but you know for us that was uncharted water on the East Coast and in particular in New York and Philadelphia there is a cadre of old-time baseball media people and they know everything and everything happens in New York or Boston or Philadelphia that's just the way it is USA Today came out with pictures leading into the playoffs it had David Wright as the Mets were going into the playoffs it didn't even have a rocky in the picture I'd say the feeling outs the height of Denver was like who are these guys everybody kind of just assumed that oh yeah they okay they made the playoffs now the Phillies will crush them in in three games four games and then be done with it and then they can move on we can start promoting like we've already done I think they forgot the fact that the game still has to be played it was a relief I mean we could actually breathe and say you know now we can just play some baseball and we did we jumped right out beating on him from Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia it's the Rockies and the Phillies in Game one of the National League Division Series Francis had struggled in Philadelphia and earlier in September a game that looked like might come back to bite him so one thing about Jeff is he has an amazing ability to adapt whether it's from game to game inning to inning or pitch to pitch when I saw Jeff as relaxed as he was I said more fine these guys have no idea what they're in for I remember trying to get myself ready for a different set of nerves which ended up being the case but I know what I battle against a lot is just trying to get to past when I get really excited you know I have such a long body that if I get quick the Mesenbourg so I remember really trying to slow myself down and you know the Philly crowd ever helps especially that visitors bullpen up there there's this far from your face when you're warming up is not giving you a break you know you start to wonder are the nerves going to get to the young kid you know just two years ago here in Tulsa Oklahoma pick you for the drillers is this guy going to be able to go out and perform you know you're always thinking about the next pitch but there's always that thing at your mind saying I've never been here before I don't know what I'm doing it slow extry know when it comes down to it I pitched against the Phillies before and I followed 300 before fortunately I threw a strike three oh I think he fell off a ball three one fair enough you know I've thrown five straight fastball 3 2 count he's going to be swinging so Torrealba puts down changeup and recycled through two changeups before ever I'm not scared to do that it becomes part where you got to say I'm I'm a professional Sean on and man he came back from 3 you know to get Jimmy Rollins then he proceeded to strike out the side you know i yeah it's good good all right there it is that's the guy we know in love I remember walking off the field just kind of being satisfied that I got out of the first inning and now I could just play the game Jeff was unbelievable but again he was throwing some stuff out there that they you know they were swinging for five feet away from so you know he set to set the tone for the whole series at end the playoff that matter the way he fished the boys he pitched with instead of you know their fans against some of the best hitters in baseball and he just you know pitched how he was going to pitch and set him down and you know we got the momentum going here's no let me against lefty now supposed to bat against Philadelphia his first postseason at-bat and Todd works the count as well as anybody in the game in fact he traditionally sees as many pitches as any player in the game first pitch swinging Todd Helton drives it the deep left-center field and caroms off the wall up by the 409 sign helmet second on his way to third Todd is not the fastest guy in the world anymore ends up with a triplet so that to me I mean I had chills watching that I'm like man he just set the tone for the whole deal never faced a pitcher before and I figured he's gonna throw me a fastball first pitch and the white was going bad in a hurry so I said what the heck did strike I'm gonna let it go and go good triple there's another thing when you take off our take off add a timer you know to wait that long to get an opportunity to hit the postseason first pitch just square it up and bang it beat the spiral ballpark good for him triple to I mean I'll get some muscle oh I think I was sore for the rest of the series of the problem to wrote that part that's all gone and ain't coming back they were really loose before that game but then to go out and when it rewarded their kind of behavior of let's hey let's just go out and let it fly you can plan a lot of big games you know whether it be Little League high school but nothing prepares you for Major League Baseball playoffs it's just a different level different atmosphere just one of those hands-on thing where you got to go and experience this that first game is huge for us to win - hey a lot of the guys on the team was the first time they were ever in the playoffs for us to get one under our belt and give us some comments like hey we could do this from this Bank Park it's Game two of the National League Division Series Rockies trying to go - up before heading home for Game three at Coors Field on Saturday night you know I was on second when when Seth got the Squarehead Hendrix - one one dribbled up the third base line could be trouble help can't pick it up and the mates are loaded man suey luckily beat the ball to third and obviously was safe at first and I think they they brought in another pitcher they brought in brought in lows and then I was talking with gags ever just say well we don't know if this is the best move I mean the guy's a starting pitcher to bring him in with the bases loaded is something that he's probably never done before it was the first signal of a guy knowing that you didn't want to go to Colorado down to oh he knew he had to have Game two and that you know again I'm thinking wow starter coming here okay and this guy haven't fished well so yeah it's not desperation it was more about what's their chance of going to Colorado and beating the Rockies three straight I'm just looking for a bullet in the gap no throw one to get once a month or chop one off a plate something want to run wild pitch fastball ball I think has got down a couple strikes and kind of bad a little bit and then they throw him a ball kind of kind of low and he just engulfed it out of there here's ready the 1 to 100 high and deep to right field that was going it ain't coming back a French classic at that Suey Marmol acharya shukla L'Amour most of the stuff anomalous connect Omaha male hormone armadillo Monocacy pass or mano en e performin que por Sonora instead okay de Bourgogne the was secretive and improve our energy for Sonoma Subic a day so with all my pick it up I remember seeing in no way you know no way Cassius hit a grand slam in the situation you don't get and then whole lot of hormones in the season if you watch it they're all waving a little white flag as it's always like super straight down this incredible just crossing home plate and turn around and waiting for him to come down the baseline and touch home plate himself and and no one's you just taking the lead that's when before I figure out we're going to be tough he didn't pay when you know he comes up and at that point it was tough to see and and he hit the ball there like like our one world right now you expect him to get the base hit and steal second base that hits a grand slam but no Charlie Manuel has to live with that forever because of other people's like you know you brought a starting pitcher in waiting for Killa gay face the hitter the Philadelphia pesco is just outraged - Charlie Manuel just outraged how could you allow this to happen must have been your mister why do pull this picture why do you think it could not possibly have been that the rockies who had a better team batting average a better earn mine which are better fielding percentage you know let's see batting fielding pitching what else he got you know they were better than the Phillies and all these that nobody could believe back there and people actually got up in the press conference and said to Clint Hurdle could you explain to us all something about your team we don't know anything about we you know we haven't seen your team play how'd you get here shame on you for not suing our club morning and we play good defense we compete and we believe we're going to win at again the Valda Jimenez the 23 year old gets the ball is the Rockies look to get into the National League Championship Series I remember watering to wear it in Game three because it just makes me nervous try to fake about half of the pitch again against them you know like if I were to pitch again I want to be in the next series fans were so good it was so electric there was a buzz it was you know it was revisiting the the honeymoon period on the Bombers and we actually had a better team now game three add a little bit everything I mean you think about this first playoff since 1995 packed house a blackout that's right a blackout like two and a half acres field everybody scrambling to get those things back on and we have just lost the lights here at the ballpark the atmosphere in the stadium was so electric that I didn't want to leave it I mean even with the lights out people were still tearing or we're still loud I don't think was all bad for us and Aldo was struggling bet he was a little skittish it was from an and you know you think oh this might you know I thought it was good I put the slow things down here give everybody break messes temple of oneness of Allah loose Musa Bronco Morales in a way no hace mucho Frio ck Punta antlerless on on pokey over on epic caliente one thing we've done very well throughout the season anything that came what wasn't expected we just deal with lecture out you're hoping to bring weight from the come back off when entry my so via Monte culo al lo ΓΊnico depends on you enough when folk on me Giacomo vesicle mΓ‘s adelante DeMint a delegate irreparably tell Super K yeah tava and when the ball comes out retired 11 straight a young kid are you kidding me 22 years old I kind of just showed again what this club was made of and it really bounce back and adversity is not a big deal I just have lights went out the middle game that's not anything because he turned the lights out on fill it out the lights went on for him Lee when I swung on in Miss he got him with the slider we talked about the dugouts the baixa got thanks the guy we just had the feeling I was kind of sitting that you know his batting gloves on ready to roll and cricket at me he just said you know you're on deck and then you know I was like alright here we go for him to get up there hidden got a lot of bats you had some injuries you've got hit in head you know not long before I mean he's battled some some tough things that's reversing if he gets up there and he had that hand that calm approach walking in the batter's box he's up there he's in his calm approaching like oh this looks pretty good Baker swing hit the face hit it oh right now in the score that is eight any Rockies leading two to one being able to celebrate you know that game especially for me it was you know really very special you know the champagne going I can make a two-year-old running around the closeout you know those are reasons why those game to win three playoff games to win a division series you know again taking steps forward steps an uncharted character places this organization had not been before the the heartbeat of the organization is pounding as loud as I've ever heard it's just it's good [Applause] the Rockies making a lineup change tonight that as many scratching their heads Willie Taveras back in the lineup missed the last 21 regular season games with that quad injury some consternation guys in Denver about the decision to activate Tavares all that great work that Colorado did winning 17 of 18 to get into postseason play did not involve Willie Taveras I asked in every way that I could what the hell are you do I didn't go the magic 8-ball I just felt what's the best what's the best thing I can do for this ballclub as we move forward today to win this game today and for me it was to activate will and put him back in the line I was more than happy to be in the line and then recited and guide them in the clubhouse boy we're thinking that a you know skip was a little crazy for messing with a lineup yeah it's a gutsy call I'm not going to say I agreed with it at the time I warned him I want him going on be like told him first with a lot it's just sort of helmet on when you go out there yeah they actually going to come up on that you're gonna make that up now I told him he was allowed to swing he had the ball every time you're not playing swing keep playing the bump face they gotta be joking away you know but it isn't money joking - no seriously I would say so because this is our job over fade and because what I do when he's in the lineup he adds an element that that Corey and I can't add you know there's a he's a great leadoff hitter he can find and can change the complexion of the game with the stolen base I think everybody's behind it you know he made the catch in Arizona or this probably save the game Taveras on the run dives and makes the catch Wow nobody else makes that play I mean just I was just be yeah I'm substitute student and shirt off ever I saw the ball and I just take off and you know to try to try to do what I came and you know when I die for the ball I don't that I have a chance to to get to the board even when I was the replay when I go to watch this is a long way as a long running and a lot of people say you know how much doing to get to the ball here in a long ways for that and I just wanted him to get up I was afraid he might have tweaked it just quad again and when he came in he goes yeah jarred V I've got a little you know whiplash but I feel fine welly Silvera with the defensive play of the night he won a game they needed to win he made a catch against Tony Clark that no one else on their roster can make that's Roy he was real happy say I don't clap much but you know I was really happy about it in that well that's what we here for I know I love my teammate and I would do anything that came to help the peaches so it was great just you know one of the best catches I've seen a center fielder making it extremely challenging situation game saving that's how big it was for me was game saving why give plant manager Clint Hurdle credit he never got caught up in the superstition of being afraid to make a move being a slave to the streak he just kept making the moves he felt were right and yet he was second-guessed for bringing Taveras back because they hadn't lost why would you change anything but as he argued if Taveras is healthy their best team is when he's on the field why would I not do just because of you know the streak there was now a certain history of unconventional managerial moves that were were that had worked every single one of them along the way so I mean at 17 and 1 you had to give the manager a certain amount of slack and say hey you know so why are you doing pretty good but while the Rockies manager was enjoying incredible success on the field a family emergency off the field threatened to pull him away from the game a for Game two in Arizona Carla tells him she has to go home because the babysitter sick okay no darn that's Carlin's that's what she's going to do I'm trying another sitter and then I call after the game and they Lily you know answered the phone home this isn't quite real so normally she'd pick up and I call her cell and yeah you do it somewhere I used the Children's Hospital really and that's when he finds out the babysitter wasn't sick Maddie had been rushed to the hospital with pneumonia not every lungs had filled up with fluid well sure this is this is serious ah yes I'm staying the night I'm gonna be here I'm gonna be here till 2 liter you get here she gets out you know Tibble we're all right no this is the place for us to be and Maddie's got her Posse working on her to win some games so you know he comes home and he manages games 3 & 4 Carl is at the hospital pretty much non-stop he's able to be there sometimes but not very often they celebrate all of the the whole team celebrates out in front of the dugout they win the pennant and Carla's not there she's about the only wife or girlfriend significant others not there and it's noticeable and he he told me that he wanted to look at a television camera and say hello to her say something to let help have her sort of share in the celebration but he didn't want to distract from the joy that everybody else was feeling by bringing bringing him down so he did anyway the next morning he's able to go to the hospital and be there Maddie gets out of the hospital after five days in intensive care and you know it's sort of par for the course it's sort of what they've been dealing with for five years prader-willi is something that she's going to have to deal with and Clint and Karl are going to have to deal with their whole life but it's something that I think they feel they can get through a few years ago I just had to go to a place of Matty I gave her back to God so there's times where she's gonna have to go through some things you know we're gonna help her go through that's just who she is I've never seen a little girl say hey we're going to the hospital and she high-fives it's like going to the zoo I mean that's how comfortable she is that's part of her process and she's okay with it which helps mom and dad be a lot better with it while Clint Hurdle was able to manage his family's crisis in private the media's focus centered on former rocky Eric burns outspoken outfielder created controversy with his team down two games in the NLCS and headed to Colorado I think we're a good team I also don't think the Rockies about played us they haven't got him close they've had a little luck go their way because you know definitely the ball has bounced in their direction our team when he said it this would be wow you know he's tried that's the last straw that's the last straw he's got to play the last card he has to play as a leader of this club that's all they got one yeah they're punch the shadows now so we got might we want burns burns he and I don't think he many things bad by yeah he's our team's he played her teammate good guy and he's a character and enjoy the way play so you know I didn't same thing in walking about man you love burns he cuz he struts and he just has that kind of bouncing walk that he things on your team you love him if he's on the other team you can't wait to get him and I know why he did it he was trying to fire up his team but I think it it obviously didn't have the effect he wanted pretty well here first going back on the track up against the wall I don't think anybody in our locker room use that as any sort of motivate motivation at all I think it was just it was just funny for me just when the when the fans would blow up every time he'd come in to play I don't think there was a lot of sizzle necessarily in that series when he said that though it certainly gave the fans something to latch on to because that stadium was loud those last two games the one old line right back the clock could be a triple play throw to Matsui back to first and just back to the bag there is Drew he scored a ball up right back at me and I don't remember seeing it just ended up in my glove for me it changed no men in the game you know I was in a little bit trouble if that ball goes through it's probably won nothing with second and third and you know instead now I'm looking at two outs and the guy first and I got a chance to pitch out of a jam you know I think if you asked him again he probably wouldn't say anything just because I don't I don't think he had too many hits after he made those comments help strike three bottom of the sixth inning here at the corner of 20th this Lake the Rockies and the Diamondbacks tied at one three balls two strikes two on two-out your Victoria album trying to deliver here for the Rockies that day even though Jordy was you know he got that he got a great herb at his father's house this week I was working I was a bit and he come up with a bigger hate especially against on me Vaughn first of all we're really good for anything when I'm when we're both playing San Francisco he really take care of me at para la he held me at much he came basically on I mean we're still praying off the field obviously he had success against Hernandez in the past this wasn't like an anomaly that we've never hit the sky before it early in the game he double off the top of the wall so and wasn't it bad 11 pitch it back what's a 3-2 cow and then remember he told me a slow curveball a I kind of came in front little beer I was able you know to put it off and them was kind of like pressure you know and then he caught a mile the catcher gonna start to ring I call time mile because he'd take it so long and then we don't really know I mean what's going on your we just wouldn't give up man hit do you know it's 60 mile an hour curve ball and hit throw a fastball away and we're like managed you just won't get out he threw me a fastball inside supposed to be inside he kind of leaving almost right in the meadow on the hit in homeroom the 3-2 line towards left field burns gone back it's over it just your old time for your vase glory alpha he found a way to get the barrel to it you know the biggest swing of the better he's ever had that was great T Tauri round the bases we'll never forget you know the motion you have his hand running around you know Tori's one of the you know those guys that leads by the motions very very fiery and you know the huge a back story someone's there was big-time close you don't go as far as they did in the playoffs unless you got a lot of different guys contributing and a lot of guys seizing the moment and what your V did against Levon he seized the moment just one win removed from their first trip to the World Series the Rockies open Game four of the NLCS with an emotional tribute to a young fan who had built this special bond with the Rockies manager well Kyle Blakeman was was my buddy and we met two years prior tap on the shoulder supermarket kids in the hospital to cheer him up took the name the number started calling Kyle and we just started talking they talked about who who does gum and who does sunflower seeds you know I remember them having that conversation that was funny it's going out for the baseball team his illness was intermission he made the team I can never call him last spring six o'clock in the morning I'm thinking all night it's way too early but I was just headed into the parking so I can't believe you called like what happened he says he said I just got the news from my coach I made the varsity team we were just like so pumped over the phone that's kinda how my spine started and throughout the course the season he showed a lot of good signs and then in late summer falter dramatically we knew he didn't have much time and we let him know you know Kyle's not going to be with us and he wanted to come to you into an hour of visiting and Clinton she's turned around a Kyle and said hey they have a lucky number for me I need some luck here I thought he'd give him 21 because that's his this is baseball number for a really long time was 21 and he came out with 64 which is a football jersey number so Clint said I'm going to write that on my lineup card and I'm going to save it and I'm going to give it to you after the game that night we watched the game five to nothing bottom of the ninth inning they came back and won six to five it was the most exciting come back and they've ever seen in my life and we're boat we're all just looking at each other go and he wrote 64 on that card and look what happened and he said I'm going to keep doing it and we thought okay great you know that's super and I didn't really think much about it after that I you know Kyle was so sick and he I think he passed away a few days after that through all that for game for deformation to come out and probably the best I've ever seen my Jersey luck she wore my jersey out there throughout the first pair with a little pink CR hat and she just wear it back and let it fly my knees are shaking at that point I was like oh my god I was so scared the Colorado Rockies are pleased to have Macy Blakeman throw out tonight's first pitch in honor of her brothers brave fight against cancer yeah it is this it I had a happy feeling feeling being on that field then all of a sudden yeah we were watching the game we were into the game and I hadn't even realized it but my husband looked at me and he said you do know what the score is right now don't you ready for the one one it's on the way I Drive I noticed that the score was six to four and the Rockies were up by two runs and then I lived at the scoreboard again and I noticed that the Rockies had scored all six of their runs in the bottom of the fourth and somebody pointed out to me the next day that I took Franklin Morales odd you know his pitch count was Franklin Ralphs comes out of so after 64 pitches goosebumps shivers whatever you want I mean it was there and that's when you you think about it to a an entirely different level than then that was possible and of course it ends up being six to four for the final score was even more amazing that night was their 21st win out of the 22 games which was Kyle's baseball number I don't think it's coincidence for me it's not that's just another part of a very special story again you know men can't write these stories that's the beauty of sport that's the beauty of life and when you combine the two it could be very very special there's the booth for bird he's the tying run at the plate in the ninth inning I think it was sort of fitting the way the series ended you know you don't relish in other people's lack of success or what you know bad stuff that happens but you know just was sort of cool wet in in the series with all the the stuff that even our course was ready first pitch check swing roller Tulowitzki has it close to first table when he you know caught the ball Tulowitzki and the Rockies were going the World Series he raises his arms and just me or the head goes up and everything happens the whole release of it all yeah you just can't put something like that into words like with the feelings that you have when you know it's just like this just happened I mean Todd Helton deserve this one he earned this moment he had opportunities to ask to be traded to leave to stay I don't want Todd in the toddler's I don't want the youth movement I want out and when he stuck up for them I tell you that resonated with those guys forever they will always remember him just sticking up for them and saying these guys are going to be good give him a chance that was an organizational win but nobody could have felt better for anybody that than the way we all felt inside out for his career you know the challenges the successes the individual awards and highlights that he's never been happier on a baseball field than he was at that moment and I've seen that picture all around town it's a program it's picture-perfect and to watch him go out and have as much fun as he had you know playing for into all the right reasons playing for your teammates and playing just to play I was really really special we've been holding all that stuff then for all the years and then want to get there and pray in and working your whole life to get to that moment and you know to do it at Coors Field in front of all those people that means basically doing the impossible and over nobody thought you could we believed in clubhouse a good bunch of guy to have that sort of camaraderie where you know when you step out on the field that that guy next to you is going to do what he says he's going to do and it has your back you just don't find it and that's what I take away most from this is the commitment they have to each other the way it didn't matter who was the star that night and the idea that I'm going to go up and if I don't do it the next guy will you know whether it's a step Smith who didn't even think he was going to be there to the Todd helpings in the Matt Holliday's we've had a kind of a kaga guys that have come up together we've kind of grown into manhood together growing as ball players growing as big league ball players together it's been awesome we have great friendships away from the field and we have really good chemistry on the field I think we're lucky to have that sort of relationship or blessed to have that relationship where you have guys that you care about you guys are people that you know their families you know you enjoy them enjoy their family and those are things that I don't think come along very often and aren't built in a day we didn't want to try to tell you what lives in the magic bottle we just wanted to go and play but now that it's over and saw what what and why it happened we realized that it was you know that we were playing he trusted each other nobody was trying to be somebody's up there not I think that's the main reason you're able what we what we did is you know 20 games left in the season and your whatever six seven games out you know some teams you know they were ready to pack it in and we were we're still plugging away and I think that made a big difference in this game has been played for the hard years now and it's the greatest run ever in the month of September for club to get in postseason we also feel so special to be part of something that probably will never ever be duplicate over the next three years nobody's ever gonna pretty I mean that's that run from you know September through the World Series is what you'll ask people 50 years from now about the Rockies and that's what they'll talk about miracles have expiration dates but it was like you were living the perfect ending that we just kept turning the page there makes you just shake your head further away you get from it the more exciting you realize and how incredible it really was you know to be teammates with these guys and be able to share their excitement and their joy something [Applause] you're proud to be a part of there are too many moments are just perfect for it to be random yet it was it was just baseball nobody wrote it in a band but it was it came out like poetry the best thing about it is to see the interest back among the kids they want to be like Matt Holliday now they want to be like Troy Tulowitzki they want to be a part of baseball again and I think to me that is the most special thing about what the Rockies kid to experience the offseason living here to just see the joy to see the excitement still to bring a generation of young baseball fans of World Series and then Rakhal urado it's just good stuff all the work that they had put in all the work that our Scouts and player development people had all that all that went into putting those guys out on the field and watching them word and then watching celebrate that was the biggest fear queremos sensation on think relay que por mi mente que yo tenΓ­a Cinco no a da siempre tenia Mia Nieto Tahu garena grande Liga como bueno lo puede ser me siento muy orgulloso lo play yo in tambien matter a million su Argan epics help we work so hard for this these these kind of opportunities and and I think what what we'll all enjoy about it is the memory of finally breaking through and the fact that we all got to celebrate it together that run was something that five you know I'll probably never be part of anything like that again who knows if anybody I'll ever be a part of anything like that again you know to win 21 at 22 is just you know it's kind of unheard of I may go to a World Series I may win the World Series but I don't think it'll ever be special that worked and a half the one picture the snapshot I have still was I turn for a moment and I saw I don't know how many hands to all the different hand up put my hand on the national championship trophy and for me that's just above that's probably the cherry on top of my outfit cry so for my sport [Music] in the end the Rockies run for the pennant will be remembered as a Band of Brothers believing when no one else believed reaching a level that no one thought they could reach but meeting all challenges for the confidence and tendency and spirit of a champion [Applause] a man can be as great as he wanted to be here's the throw coming up play the tank I've already talked about if you believe in yourself so there's the defensive play of the night have the courage and had the courage faith in it oh I fail the determination sighs then we must be on wrong on admit the dedication and dedication this was all Rocky's win up the competitive drive [Applause] and if you're willing to sacrifice the little things in life that sorry and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile yeah it can be done it can be done it can be done it can be done it can be done it can be done it can be done [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh where the baseball in all better tale daddy had him swing inside [Applause] the king at play he can't design ball and every time we stand on bed [Applause] [Music] damn ran that ball or problem man mmm by the last one [Applause] not for man [Applause] now again the big leaves in here Debu Sam damn samba they're real fan based on the big screen here that's our car and every time is of this bag the follies the yard but it is hard thing minutes of this game Wow [Applause] the [Music] don't play [Applause] Hey [Applause] you [Applause]
Channel: rockiesfan4ever
Views: 38,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Colorado Rockies
Id: plM4fYZBJxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 3sec (4923 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2017
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