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foreign Khan from Milky Way art design so first I wanted  to show you something really cool which is this   nice little um mat for this cake spinner um cool  thing about this is see I have put it on top of   that and I'm kind of beautiful trying to pull  it it's not coming off it's kind of sticky so it   stays on top of that and on the surface on the  top also it's very sticky so it's not sticky I   should use the word tacky it stays um it will also  hold the canvas on the top so this is a six inch   by six inch wooden panel and I have taped  this side I want to do a long and let's   see how it will look like and from there  we'll decide what to do on the other side um foreign let's start with our base coat I think this is good enough I'm starting with gold tiny bit of gold sequins it gives such a beautiful shimmery  shine which is I really enjoying lately Golden's green gold some groovy mixed with ganache foreign and the end myself activator as you can see my paint is going  to One Direction so let's start foreign selectivator so I'm just picking it up foreign foreign so here it is I will let it dry then  I'll show you what I do on the next step pretty easy to wipe up foreign that I have picked for the next one is  pretty random if you compare it with the previous   one my idea is like all the pieces are going to be  a Unique Piece but when I put them together they   will also look really pretty the first color  that I picked was Golden's nickel aho gold   now comes sequence from TLP I lately I'm  really fond of this color and it seems   like I cannot do any Bloom without sequence  green gold from Golden sea glass from TLP   foreign look at the color oh it's so pretty   foreign   you better make sure that your sides are covered the part on the top of the green tape is so  beautiful and I'm so sad that I have to lose   that part but that's how it is when you do  Bloom it's extremely important that you make   sure that you don't have too much paint  on your surface otherwise you are going   to get cracks so so even though you are  losing your most favorite part you must   spin as much as you can or you can also  teals but this time I'm using the spinner I'm going to keep it that side I have the tape so it  doesn't matter what I have on that side   I just want this site to be  pretty and nice which I do have it   and that makes me happy and I don't  need to worry about anything else look at the lacing   really really pretty this is the third one  and I'm going to show you this one after that   I will show you the next steps so I'm going to go  through this quickly without much talking so enjoy foreign foreign foreign looks really interesting you know what I'm gonna give you another try because I don't like that green thing foreign yeah foreign so the following morning it dried and I can  see that there's this straight crease I can   see between the Green tape and the bare  wood so I'm going to take my ruler and   I will use my exacto knife and lightly I'll just  go on here just to make sure that when I peel   that tape it doesn't take off the paint from  the other side here I'm doing the same thing lower gently I'm going to take the table foreign that this line comes out really nice that's why I   scored over there and you can see nice and  straight line and that's what I'm looking for foreign a little deeper so foreign there we go nice and straight I already have some done next step I am going to frog tape again  but this time I'm going to cover this side I just want to make sure that it's covering  nice so this is what I have another one making sure I cover my pore paint nicely so let me do all of them then I'll come back at this point I'm thinking what color should I  put on it and it's going to be solid color so   what color should I put on which will highlight  the other side so I'll give you a second think   it through what you are thinking and yeah  what I am thinking let's see if it matches   so for this one I'm going to use  Golden spalman and violet dark honestly I plant that color for this one  but as I'm looking here I gravitated it   towards that one so I just put some  over there I'm going to use a brush   so make sure that it's spread  nice and solid everywhere if it needs to be just apply second coat to  make sure that everything is nicely covered   I probably did not need so much paint because  these are highly pigmented but oh well it's here just mixing a little bit of white what color are you thinking for this one I'm going to go crucial blue for this one foreign foreign I am thinking of Claret from  prison for so that's what I'll do let's see this one has a shimmery  color so how does this turn out   if it happens it's going to be beautiful that is if it works out yep it's going to work out just think I  need those were tube paints and this is   prison first so I need just one more coat  but oh my gosh the Shimmer is to die for this one light only green I think  this one some of you could predict foreign should be careful this paint is not also highly pigmented  so I need another coat that is for sure I will let it dry for this one I'm  going to use knockout from art mines   they are discontinued but I had some old stash that these were my favorite band I don't  know why I did that got rid of them but   telling your female gold back in the days you know what ichime so I realized I need to  put a background paint on top of that I will   use the Shimmer and that's exactly what  happened with the uh prison for as well let's try the Porsche coral reef much better I like it and this is also shimmery so you work just fine foreign lighter color so definitely needs another coat foreign let it dry I'm thinking about this too foreign I chose liquitex prism violet this is a transparent color  so it will need two coating   so as you can see some of them need more  than one coating and I'll have to wait   for those to drive for the first  coating so I can apply second coating foreign foreign as this one is drying I'm going to put  on next layer second layer on the Porsche Casino now I'm taking a tiny bit of black at  the tip of my brush and would try to foreign need to work on shading  because I'm not good at all now I am going to put a second layer on the  reason I am trying to add some shading is I   think this gives uh the piece a lot more  same color definition that it had before just putting on another layer I need some more probably so what I'm  going to do is I'm going to drop a tiny bit tape from there like in some bottle and brush foreign begin a tiny dot of black foreign let's try Veridian for this one foreign what I'm doing is actually I'm not  waiting for the whole thing to dry   right there I'm just taking off the tape how it looks like how cute it is see so this is one of them let me show you some more this is  one of them you just saw me paint this is the other one and the others are drying so satisfying of course I want to make sure I take care of that nice right foreign ly I find it so relaxing to watch this process so now I am going to use these pens one I bought from Amazon and the  other one I bought from Michaels and I got this so now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to resin  them once I raise in them then I'm going to   show you the end result and this is this is the  end result the finished product you can see I   have drawn some thin gold lines surrounding  the um wooden panels but in the reason I   did not want to make my video too long I did  not talk about them in this particular video   I apologize for this very long video but  thank you so much until next time bye
Channel: Milkyway Art Design By Sharmin Khan
Views: 68,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fluid art, paint pouring, bloom recipe, bloom technique, arts, paintings, flower painting, acrylic painting, asmr, art video, artist, abstract painting, artsy, art life, Painting, shelleart, modern art, urban art, fun art, make art every day, mandala art, watercolor painting, resin art, paint ideas, canvas painting, acrylic painting for beginners, Painting tutorial, art painting, easy painting for beginners, painting videos, canvas painting for beginners, How to paint
Id: OLXFE1vwSec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 11sec (2471 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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