2024 | Unlock The World Of RPA With UiPath: A Beginners' Guide To Start Your Journey

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hi everyone welcome back to the channel this video is a recording of a webinar which I conducted for a college students a group of college students who wanted to know more about RPA these are the students who are absolute beginner have no idea about RPA and wanted to get started in case you are someone who is looking to start their career in RPA UI path this video is perfect for you in this video we are talking about what exactly is this RPA technology what are the benefits and most importantly if as a student I have to get started where do I get started where do I get the software where is the learning plan whom I can reach in case I need some help and what are the next step all of that is covered in a step by step manner all the video links whichever we have discussed in this video are available in the video description at the end of the session if you have any more questions or you need any information feel free to reach out via the comments or you can also drop me an email as well having said that let's get [Music] started guys I'm just sharing my screen and let me know once you guys are able to see my screen I'll share the screen here able to see my screen yeah sir great okay so thank you so much guys for joining uh just uh bit introduction about myself my name is Mukesh kala I am a three times shath most valuable professional and uh professionally I'm working as an RPA manager with a company called boundless group I do have my YouTube channel called tutorials by Mukesh kala and uh more about myself you can check on my website mesa.com uh feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn I would be happy to assist you guide you on uh LinkedIn you have my email ID right so after this session if you have any questions which are not addressed in the session feel free to reach out to me on the other social media platform as well always happy to help you guys okay so now let's get started and uh by having a quick introduction about RPA right so what exactly is this thing and why exactly we are doing this and what are the next step as a students you should follow okay so to get started with so most of you might not heard of this term right or some of you might already heard of it so today my idea would be that at the end of the session I am going to tell that what exactly is this technology right and why as a fresher or a student you should worry about it right so whenever I talk about RPA right RPA stand for robotic process automation R robotic P process and O A automation right so RPA is a technology it is a software program that mimics the Human Action so whatever as a human you are able to do with the help of a keyboard and a mouse all the same task the robot is also able to do right so when I say that all the task whatever you do with the help of keyboard and mouse the robot is also able to do this means that you are going to create a assistant for yourself you are creating a robot for yourself now when we talk about robots many people think that we are creating something uh super duper robot which would be walking on my desktop something like an Iron Man kind of thing right no when I talk about RPA it is a technology where we are creating software robots same like we have a program which is running inside the computer RPA is a technology that creates a robot when I say robot I do not mean the walking and the talking robots I mean the software robots right so at a very high level RPA is a technology that mimics the Human Action and to do some of the task right now a question arises what exactly it can do right so as I have already told it can mimic the Human Action whatever as a human you do with the help of keyboard and mouse the same action the RPA robot can also do it can operate on any application it is not uh restricted only to let's say Excel notepad PowerPoint or let's say calculator right it can operate on any application it can operate on browser it can operate on database Enterprise application such as Outlook it can operate on Gmail it can operate on sap it can have access to the apis right all the things all have a integration with RPA technology it can read the data and action on it which means that if I have a set of data it's not only restricted to reading and writing the data I also can manipulate the data with the help of RPA as well when I am working as a human right I always have a tendency to do mistake right I cannot work 24 cross 7 but these are the software robots which can work 24 cross 7 without resting the best part about RPA is that it is quick to implement and Powerful to scale when we go to the Practical implementation right then you will realize that how easy is this technology to go and Implement yourself right so this is at a very high level what exactly is RPA now what exactly it is not these are not the walking or the talking robots or the humanoid these are not the warehouse robots and important thing these is not a human replacement whenever I talk about RPA in the session right and first I told that it is everything whatever you do as a human the robots can also do the next immediate question comes to everybody mind that if everything the robot will do what I will do as a human is it not taking taking my job is it not taking my work right so the answer to that question is no it is not a human replacement now it is only taking the mundane and the repetitive task from yourself right so let's say I see uh somebody called Smitha right so let's say I give Smitha a task where she has to daily go to a portal download some data put it into an Excel and send an email right she would do it for one day 2 day 3 Day 4 day after one week one month she would be like hey I'm not learning anything new it's very boring I'm not getting interested right it's very monotonous work all those Works can be done by a robot so what exactly the human will do the humans are there to do the Creative task the humans are there to take decisions robot do not have brains they cannot take decision for you you teach the robot click here it will click here but what the humans what the robots cannot do they cannot take decisions they cannot be creative they cannot put brain into something right that's where the humans are required so what is this technology doing all the mundane repetitive task which the human is doing in an Enterprise the robot take carees all of that okay what robots can do log into any application just a very high level trust me it's a lot it can log any application be it a web application desktop application with the username password it can log in move files and folder from one folder to another folder read and write to databases scrape data from the website make the calculation it can operate on emails where it goes to email download the attachment process it send an email all of that can be done it can work with documents PDF email forms you name it and RPA technology can work on it right it can connect to system apis meaning application programming interfaces right where the system can interact directly with the back end of some sources right that capability also the robot has right these are the very high level since all of you are students so there are some of the use cases which you all can relate right so think of a college right so when you are coming to a college right so when you have came for the first year your college has a database system where the student data is managed right so first year let's say there are 100 students coming so there is somebody on the system who is just sitting and putting all the data into the system first uh first student second students let's say first student RNA second student STI then I have amula then lxmi right like that all these records are getting inserted into a computer by one person right so if somebody would notice that work they would notice that hey this is exactly the same work he is doing on a repetitive basis right enrollment process now let's say after second year the number of student increased to 200 what the college has to do one person is not enough they will go and they will hire one more guy then next year let's say the volume increases to 1,000 they have to hire new people train them and do all this processing right what ideally can be done is all this process is mundane repetitive can be given to a robot where the robot reads the data put it into an system and generate the student identity cards right same like students when you go to a company the company also has a lot of onboarding right a company very big company which is having three lakhs four lakhs employee every time an employee joins the HR has to onboard them to systems they have to create their ID in the human resource portal in the payroll portal in this portal in that portal right a lot of mundane and repetitive task exactly same but with different different data right that's where RPA robots come in picture right take another example so I can have a robot which takes attendance right we all are in this Zoom session now if I want to take attendance I can definitely write a small robot who can just execute Whenever there are people who are joining in this meeting just take the name and put it in an Excel sheet it can take the attendance for me right I can have a robot let's say for the payroll right I have to generate salary slips so once the month end is there now I have to generate a salary slips and I have to send everybody that hey this is your salary right now instead of one person creating those salary slips I can write a robot which can do the salary slips input the data processing and job done take an example that I am the dean of your college and I have to invite all of your parents for a parent teacher meeting I do not want to send a group email rather I would like to send one email to each everybody right so I have your parent email ID and I have your name right I can write an robot which will take your parent email ID your name and say that hey Mr this this is for your meeting you are invited at this time right so I can invite people I can get feedbacks right a lot of processing can be done if you talk about just these are the small processes which you can relate right just now think from a company point of view a bank there are a lot of data which is mundane repetitive task right which is happening people doing calculation putting the data from Excel database doing this copy paste right all that work is taken care by the robot one good example which I can say is that let's say you have a company right and that company has close to 3,000 4,000 employees who are working and now there is a new software which has to be installed on on the computer now software installation is a very easy thing you just open it click next next next next click on install and that get installed now if I have to install it 10,000 times I need somebody to go to those individual machine and install it rather I would just simply write a robot and that robot will execute all of that in all those machines right very easy task right accounting reconciliation right in a bank a lot of transactions happen on a day right debit credit credit debit stocks debit credit credit debit right at the end of the day if I want to do a Reconciliation I want to see which are the amount debited which is credited right I can do all these calculations with the help of robot right so this is what robots can do and trust me these are the only examples which you as a students can relate okay there are more interesting use cases which RP can do okay so having said that I will now go to uh okay let me just take a posit if you guys have any question you can put it on the chat right meanwhile let me quickly open uh thing that how you can get started right so let me quickly show you that how easy it is to create automations on RPA right I told that it's a low code but you don't have to trust me right let's say uh you have an automation okay let's let's define a task okay so I'll just open a website I'll go to my Edge okay and this is the automation I'm writing in front of you so you would be able to see right so sha right so let's say this website sha1 online okay so this is a website which generates an sh code whenever you put some data into it right so let's say if I put Mukesh and I click on hash what happens it generates a hash code right so I have a employee data and for all the employees I have to generate this sha task right so let's say this is my employee name right so I have all these employees in an Excel as of now for example I have only put 10 employees right and I have to get all these hash code from this website this can be 10 100 and 1,000 how do you do it you just go to this website and click on hash and it generates the hash code right now you might be thinking that guys if you're not speaking can you please go on mute thank you okay so you might be thinking that it's a very difficult task right to read the Excel and all all those right but trust me it's absolutely easy right so I'll go here and I'll say new sequence right some of you might be looking this for the first time so I'll tell you step by step how do you get started but see that how easy it is right you might guys be aware of net C Java right if you have a programming background this is a piece of cake for you right so what is the first thing so let's define our use case right so our use case was that we have to read the Excel right and then get the Sha code right get the Sha code now how do you get the sh code to get the Sha code you have to open the browser and you have to type something and then you get the data right that's what you have to do so to read the Excel if I go to the activities and if I just type here Excel you would see that uipath has given me all these options and these are pretty easy to understand right delete the column delete the rows filter the range read Del the range right delete the sheet as the name suggest you might have understand that what it is going to do right so for example I have to read an Excel right so I have to read an Excel so I'll go here and I'll say read range right I have a little more experience than you so I know that which activity to use but you might be understanding that what these guys mean right you just have to drag and drop it's a low code platform what it is asking tell me the workbook path okay so I'll click on this button and I'll just point it out where is my Excel my Excel is located in D it's located in the data folder and this is the employee data that's it right now it is asking me what is the sheet name what is the name of my sheet the name of my sheet is data so I'll go here and I'll simply write data that's it what is the range you want to read it says range right this is the range if you want to read all the data just put double quotes here that's it right and your Excel is is ready in the uip studio to read now think of it like that if you have to do it with net or you have to do it with any other technology right you can do it absolutely but it won't be that easy right you have read the Excel Excel is available with you right so I'll go here and I'll store this data into some variable right so I hope you guys understand a little bit programming because I want to pass the data from one uh block to another block so I'm storing it into some variables right string integer uh de uh decimal Boolean right exactly the same concept all of that are available here as well okay so once you have read the data what we have to do is we have to go to this website and we have to do something right now if I have to do something on that website right I have to first I have to open the browser right this is a browser right so what would you do as a human you would open the browser so I'll go to the activities and I'll search here open browser I want to do that right so I got an activity called open browser drag and drop it here now it's saying insert the URL right so what is the URL this is the URL I'll copy this and paste the URL here what would happen this will open the browser for me next it does not have brain right so it is asking me Mukesh you have have Google Chrome you have Edge you have Firefox right which browser you want to open I say I want to open Edge that's it once the open browser is open right so to open the browser I used open browser to read the activity I have used read right now what is the next thing I have to type something here can anybody tell me what would be the activity to type something right you can use the chat let's see I'm not expecting a correct answer but what do you guys think there would be an activity in uipath to type something right what should I search Okay somebody says type okay okay somebody says type okay let's go to the activities and search here type I want to type that's it right type into that's it I'll just drag the type into here now it's asking me indicate where do you want to type no brain so I indicate and I'll point it to where you want to type I want to type on this button right now it's asking me what do you want to type so let's say I want to type hardcoded first I'll put mesh right that's what I wanted to type after you type here what do you want to do next I want to click on this button which is Hash right so what do you think what should I do to click one right what do you think should I what would be the activity to click click right you have click you have double click right you have click image right you just name the activity and it's available right drop the click here now it's asking me indicate on the browser so I'll go here and I simply click it on this button which is the hash and that's it now what do you want to do after that I want to read this data right I want to read this data so I want to get the data [Music] so get text right see you have get text you have set text right all all these activities are available for you so I'll use the get the text and then it is asking me indicate what do you want to get so I want to get this guy I'll point it and it got me right and then what do you want to do let's say for now I say that I just show me it in a popup right in a message box so I'll drag and drop a message box here and I'll say that just show that value in a message box to me so the output of this activity I'll just put go here I'll put it in a variable called output right I'll got the output and then I simply put the output here that's it right this completes my automation I'll save this right I'll close this edge browser also right see and this Excel part we'll connect both of them right but let's see this browser part right I'll just save this and I'll just disable this for a while okay now I go here and I say run the file right what did I do I just instructed what as a human I wanted to do using the low code activities now what is happening uip part studio is executing my instructions so as you can see this grid indicates the robot is working it has opened the website right then what it will do we have instructed it to type on uh this one see it typed Mukesh it clicked on the hash code whatever the hash code was there it will read the hash code and then we instructed it to put it in a message box so here is your message box see exactly the same thing that's it a simple question now do you think it is easy just write in the chat yes or no what do you feel right did I write a very complex logic or do you feel that yes it's very difficult difficult right what do you guys feel it's easy or it's difficult right just let me know in the chat what do you guys feel okay I see some of you are typing let's see what people have to say Okay interesting interesting Okay cool so what's next right so once you are done with this thing right so now you might be thinking that uh this thing is okay right but why even I have to drag and drop those activities right can uipath automatically do it for myself the answer is yes right let me show you one more interesting feature right so and then similarly that Excel right I have read the Excel we will pass the data into the Excel and that will do the stuff right I hope that you understood that yes all of that can be done right so let me show you one more interesting stuff right so let's say I have to today write an X automation where I have to go to this notepad I have to type hello in the notepad and then I have to click on this uh let's say the format button or this this and I have to do something on the notepad right one way of doing the automation is drag and drop the activities uip PA though have an option which is called this one which is called recorder where you can record the stuff same like you have a camera in your mobile right you click you start the recording and you just record the things and you replay it again and again right same thing you can do with the automations as well you just come here click on this button which is app SL web recorder at the top I click on that button and you can see that it has started the recording right uh my cursor is changed now whatever I do with the keyboard and the mouse all those actions would be get recorded right let's see that so first of all see this in my automation I'll just close this right maybe I'll just delete this right I I have a blank canvas of automation right I don't have any automation I'll go to this one which is uh app / web recorder right and then I'll point it to uh this one now whatever I do all the actions are getting recorded right I click here okay and then I type here hello students right then I say confirm right then I click on this button which is the format okay then I click on this button which is the help right as you can see all the steps are getting recorded then I click on this button format then I click on something let's say here like and then once I'm turn I'll just simply click on this button which says save you just do all the steps and see the output right activities to type it has used the type activity to click it has used The Click Activity The Click activity now all I have to do is just go here and rerun the automation right so in case I am not sure about what activity to use I have always an option to record the Automation and rerun the automation again and again right so just now we do the recording now the automation has started clicked on the format click on the help whatever you instructed the robot is doing the same stuff not only this right let's say after writing this automation you felt that okay I wanted to add one additional step or instead of hello students I wanted to type uh hello faculties right you always has an option to edit the recordings right you can introduce new activities in between you can delete the activities I don't want this delete it right as simple as that right let me show you more powerful stuff right so let's say you have a website which is uh uh having a lot of data which you want to extract an Amazon website a flipcart website right which is having data in a table of format okay so today I tell you that uh you have to go to this items let's say work items okay and you have to extract all these data from this website right you have to extract it from page number one page number two page number three four 5 six you have to extract all of this and put it into an Excel file as a human it will take you a lot of time but if I go to uat studio and see here I am just going to use an activities I'm not going to write any code and all those data would be extracted by the rubot for me right how easy it is I have something which is called table extraction I'll click on that okay and what does it says it's instructing me right click on add new column okay I'll click on add new column and then I'll point it to any one of these okay that's it would you like to extract all the columns I say yes it's collecting all the information and it's showing me that Mukesh I have collected the actions action URL wi ID and this 10 indicates that there are 10 rows column right now here this is also showing me what is the data it has extracted I just keep my mouse and I can see that what all data it is extracted now extract data from multiple Pages it is no if I want to extract data from multiple pages I just come here and I say yes I want to extract the multiple Pages that's it now it is asking me tell me where is the next button right how do I go to the next page I say that here is the next page right this is your next page okay and it is extracting and save and close that's it right my complete extraction is done you guys don't believe me right I just did two clicks right now if I go here you can customize this right how many data you want you want 100 records 10 records what is the limit right number of items how many items you want to limit right all of that you can change here you want only 10 items you can do it right I have a requirement I want all the data after this data is extracted I want to put it into an Excel right let's say I want to put it to an Excel to read the Excel I use read range to write the Excel I will use write range in the activities right so I have WR rich now Excel is asking me where should I write so I'm telling me create an file called data. xlsx inside here what should be the sheet name so the sheet name uh maybe students right and what is the data whatever data you get from here extract data put those extract data here that's it now if I go here and I simply run this automation you see what happens right I just use two activities two clicks right and it will now extract all these information from the web page and put it into an Excel for me if I have to do it as a human I have to copy paste copy paste I might do errors it might take a lot of time now you can see my hands the robot is automatically extracting the information from the pages right so as you are seeing it's on the page number two then it will go to the page number three page number four page number five so as you can see on the top URL right it is extracting this information creating that data and once the extraction is completed it will simply go and write that data into an Excel sheet are I am not doing anything all of this task is now done by the robot right now you can customize this robot to work for 10 items 100 items 50 items right all it has to do is just go here and just click on that next button extracted click on next button extract next extract right so as you can see at the top it is creating to page number four and you see here nowhere I have mentioned that you just extract from six columns seven page eight pages right I just mentioned that extract all of that it's extracting right page number 7 8 9 10 you can use to extract this data from let's say flip cart let's say Amazon right I want to get all the laptops all the prices I can use to extract data from that website as well right page number eight page number nine and the robot automatically understand that once all the data is extracted I have to stop and then it will simply go and put that data into the file right so all of that is automatically done and you just have to instruct the robot right I'll take a pause guys if you guys have any questions which comes to your mind right please feel free to ask I would be more than happy to answer that questions right do you have any questions great now I think you found this technology interesting right now what are the next steps right let's say what do you get once you learn this technology right so for that I am going to go to my browser okay how do we get started with this technology I'll go to my browser and let me just open any one of that okay and to get started you just have to go to this one which is called uipath domcom right so uipath decom is an official website for uipa the tool I was using was uipa there are a lot of RPA tools which are available in Market why do I I am focusing more on uipath because this is the leading tool in the market right and it has a lot of AI capabilities which are introduced in this tool right so it has you guys might be you are more smarter than me right you know what is chat GPT what is open AI right all of that is now integrated with uipath and all of that is available for you right but let's say if you're absolute beginner you want to get started how do I get started right so first of all you would require this software which is this one how do you get this software so you have to go to this website and you click on this button which says try uipath for free you click on this button and that will navigate you to a new website which is cloud. uipath Doc right you have to just provide your information what is your name your uh college name uh not a college name your name email ID last name some of the information click on the sign in and you will be getting something like this right and here you have a button which says download Studio that gives you this software absolutely free to use and you are ready to get started with the software right now the second question arises I have the software how do I start the learning right I cannot directly start like this right where do I start for that you just have to go to the next website I'll share this links you have to go to this website which is called acad my.ip.com which is the official Academy for uipath okay the good part about this website is that it has a lot of courses which are freely available and once you complete these courses you also get a certificate as well which you can put it in your profile which you can put in your resume and you can say that yes I have the knowledge of RPA right so when you go for any interview clients or company right you can say that hey I am already having a knowledge of RPA UI path so definitely add value to your profile right so now when you come to this website this is how it look like right so here you can see that there is a button which says that new to automation right click on this okay absolutely new to automation it will land you to this one which is the automation starter right autom starter means for the beginners who are just starting the automation once you come here you just click on this button which says enroll okay and then you have something which is called uh start learning now and this will teach you introduction to automation what is the AI po Automation and it will guide you to create your first Automation and once you complete all of that you will also get something which is called the diploma for completion right which you can put it on your profile you will get a certificate with your proper name right so you can start from here right once you are let's say done with this one and now you want to explore more so you see here there are a lot of different different plans which are available right so what you can do is you can click on this one which says career path right so since you all are students right so you might be thinking right that what are the different things am I always going to be a developer or what exactly is this all about right so when you talk about a company right in a company when you talk about this RPA software right somebody is very good at development right I can write code I very good at developer right but let's say there is someone personally I don't like to write code but I'm very good at understanding the business I always can join the industry as an RPA business analyst now what is that I would be the person between the RPA developer and the actual business I will I have a good communication skill I can talk to people very very well so I'll go to the offices I'll understand the automation requirement and I will convert that requirement so that my developer can understand there is a role which is called automation business analyst and this is where it has this one then you can be an automation developer which I was doing right you can be uh writing code to develop the automation right then you have something which is testing right if everybody is writing automation who is going to test those automation there is a role which is called the RPA testing it is different from your manual testing right it is called automated testing so people who write automation they are RPA code now to test that RPA code you require a different set of skill you might be very good at finding defects finding bugs right reporting the issues you can be an RPA tester right you can also be someone who is supporting the RPA so let's say there is a company who has developed 100 automation now after 100 automation the developers are all moved to new new projects if there is some changes some issues which are coming in the robot who is going to fix that right so I as a company always require people who can support the existing automation which is called L1 L2 L3 support you can be a support engineer you can be a infrastructure engineer right who design who deploy this robot who move these robots from development to production right all the deployment infrastructure related stuff you can do here right and then there are some senior role like solution architect who are a bit senior role project manager you can start with something which is the AI capabilities right so RPA is not only like that okay I'll start this and I will become an RPA developer right it has a lot of road maps right so as a student you can think that there are a lot of possibilities and this website all of this data is available on the internet right it's all free just sign up and get started right the last thing which I wanted to to tell you guys is that there are something which is called certifications right so now once you complete these learning plans you get something which is a diploma right which everybody can get but then uipath has something which is called paid certificate these are the certifications right these are the paid certification this would be I would say the next level for you these are the paid certifications for uipath right it has for business analyst specialized AI solution architect right as a student as a beginner if you want to pursue you can always start with this one which is the uipath certified professional automation developer associate right for the people who are getting started this is a certification you will get you can get it and this has a lot of value for the beginners right but that is the next step once you complete your learning plans and everything right so certification is also there from uipath at any point of time you are in need of any resources you just go to this button which is called resources right and here you have the road maps how do you become professional you can see all the courses then let's say I am doing some code and I got stuck right I want to I want to take some help whom should I ask Mukesh is busy right you can just go to this one which ISS forum and that will open a new website which is forum. ot.com where there are team which is available from uipath there are a lot of people experience developer you just come here and you can click on this button new topic and people will answer your questions right so as you can see there is somebody who is facing some issue I am trying to send uipath logs I'm not able to do that I'm not able to do that right and if you click on those you would notice that people are actually helping them right see you can just come here and post your query and most of the time what would happen is that you have a query it would be already answered here right uipath forum is another resource for you to explore right now when you are practicing right you might face that okay I have practiced a lot of thing but I these are all dummy data right I want some industry level use cases right uipath Forum has something which is called a use case repository here see use case repository and the job board as the name suggest here the people post job for the fresher experience all of that jobs are available here use case repository is a place where you have all all the automation use cases for you to understand see accidental detecting system in case you want to understand right how does the industry work on that right all these use cases are available for you click on that read about the use case practice it and you can get started right lot of resources everything available for free only thing is you have to just get started right lastly uh I think uh I also have one resource which I wanted to share that is my personal YouTube channel right so I can just go to YouTube right I always teach a lot of students uh this RPA uip path right so that's where I have created my own YouTube channel where you can just go to YouTube and you can search here yeah it's coming sorry my bad yeah mesh kala uipath right so that's my personal YouTube channel here here I have also created playlist for the beginning right so uipath beginners can start here if you like the way which I am teaching so these are all the sessions which I have created step by step exactly following the academy and these are all the steps right I have also created some of the use cases which you guys can practice along with me and that will gain you expertise right if you are somebody who is more comfortable in Hindi on my channel you will also find the complete RPA developer foundation in Hindi as well and that will help you to gain more expertise right I'm also taking interviews for lot of candidates so that they don't fumble up when it comes to real interview right so you can also check out my YouTube channel and I'll put those links everything in the description right so with that I will leave you here right I hope this session was insightful and I would like to see all of you at least completing the RPA starter and once you complete the RPA starter right just post it about on the LinkedIn so in my professional ATO what I have learned is that if your LinkedIn if your Professional Network is strong right it's very easy for you to go ahead in your career right so create a lot of connections be familiar with the people in your industry right if it is RPA connect with RPA developers if it is any other field connect with those people right your connection definitely is going to help you to move ahead in your career right so for whatever you learn just post about it on LinkedIn tag the communities tag the people tag the company right you never know right which post might give you a good opportunity right so with that feel free to connect with me on the LinkedIn I will share my details to you on the chat right or you can just search me by my name you should be possibly able to find me right Mukesh kala okay okay so that is all for this video I would like to wrap this video here I hope this was insightful if you have any more questions any more doubts feel free to write me in the comments or you can also drop me an email as well I would appreciate your feedback on the video and tell me in the comments what would be the next topic or next video you want to see so with that I would WAP this video here thank you for watching if you like this video please do subscribe to the channel and happy [Music] automation
Channel: Tutorials by Mukesh Kala
Views: 2,568
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Keywords: UiPath, UiPathCommunity, Start Learning UiPath, beginners, Start UiPath, Learn UiPath, learn uipath from scratch, learn uipath step by step, learn uipath pdf, learn uipath orchestrator, uipath learn academy, how to learn uipath easily, how to learn uipath quickly, who can learn uipath, learn uipath automation, learn rpa uipath, how to learn rpa uipath, learn uipath online, learn uipath free, learn uipath rpa, prerequisites to learn uipath, learn vb net for uipath
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 54sec (2634 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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