2024 solar eclipse darkens sky for millions across U.S. | Special Report

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this is a CBS News special report for a little under 3 minutes the forces of Darkness ruled in daylight night falling Across America good day from CBS news in New York we have cameras all along the path of the total eclipse of the sun we're hearing Applause as we're finding out that uh the world is not coming to an end it is as dark as night and in 1979 the United States will be involved in another total eclipse the great swath of Shadow cut across the continent from the coast of Oregon to Greenland it was really uh very incredible experience I scared to death it was the last total eclipse of the Sun for North America until the year 2017 oh you can see it you can see it there it is look at the corona see it this is just incredible to watch G it's gone it's gone we're in darkness take off the glasses oh my goodness the next total solar eclipse visible in the continental US is April 8th 2024 and now it is our turn Nora and it is happening now from Millennia human beings have looked Skyward and experienced a total solar eclipse and now that moment comes to us and we just noticed a few moments ago it's begun it has begun if you put your glasses on you can see the sun here in Indianapolis looks a bit like a Ginger Snap cookie with a little nibble out of the corner like a little bite just a little M Mouse bite everybody's here enjoying it we're at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway more than 50,000 of our closest friends have gathered to watch this total eclipse of the Heartland I'll be with you for the next hour and a half I'm Tony niople and I'm Nora odonnell and we are right in the path of totality where the moon's Shadow will completely block the Sun and then it will turn day into tonight I just kept Goosebumps saying I know I I look at it and a hush Falls over me deep within this alignment of the sun and the moon it's not just a rare Celestial event they've been waiting 800 years here in Indianapolis it's also a rare social event and for a few moments today Americans all over the country in every Walk of Life Will pause their normal routines close that email browser put their phones away and come together to look upwards skywards and have a shared experience a communal moment of Wonder and excitement yeah and so over the next 90 minutes we're going to share everything we know with you as the eclipse goes on in these different places we'll share with you as it happens and we will also bring you a sense of the experience because it's the science but it's also the experience yeah and people say it's not something you see but really experience now I'll give you some nuts and bolts the path of totality enters the US in Texas and stretches all the way to Main and Beyond it is more than 100 miles wide and that means it crosses part of of 15 different states and as you move away from that path of totality the amount of the sun that's blocked decreases but at least a partial eclipse will be visible everywhere in the Continental us if you can hear my voice go outside you will see it about 31 million people meanwhile are very lucky they live inside that path of totality and another 150 million people more live within a short drive 200 miles of that path that's right and you are looking now at live pictures of uh the eclipse from Mazatlan Mexico oh my gosh look at that wow this is the first place where it is visible in North America and they call that the corona that little light that's around the side and we're going to experiencing the total eclipse there in about 3 minutes and 45 seconds wow they must be going crazy right now in Mazon and we are waiting for it here in the US it won't be long as we mentioned we are in Indianapolis but we've got reporters all along that path cameras as well AR raay for every perspective on the path of totality you're going to see the eclipse at every stage all across the country as we mentioned did something that you don't really see you experience so let's talk about that experience we're joined Now by CBS News space consultant Bill Harwood and Dr Lucien walowit she's an astronomer an educator and an artist based in Chicago Bill I'm going to start with you you've both seen this before in 2017 we're newbies right webi yeah I I've been told that experiencing a total solar eclipse is the most profound and disorientating experience short of taking an illegal substance that's possible what is it Bill about it I would say maybe short of childbirth for a father um when I saw it for the first time I thought I knew what I would see you know just another partial eclipse like I've seen in the past it is nothing like that uh Tony it's it's otherworldly is my best way to describe it it made such an impression on me I made Trail reservations years in advance to come see this one I didn't want to miss it if you haven't ever seen totality find a way to do it cuz it is it is incredible oh wow and Doctor what about the science of today what are astronomers scientists looking at to hope to learn today well this eclipse is a really unique opportunity to learn about those outer layers of the Sun the Corona and that's the part of the Sun that affects us the most it creates something called space weather which you know affects our atmosphere creates beautiful phenomena like the northern lights and so there will actually be NASA Jets chasing the eclipse quite literally along the path to study the outer layer of the Sun and how it affects our planet I love that you guys are going to be hanging out with us for the duration here so we're going to have lots to talk about but for now I want to show off some of the cool graphics and equipment we have back in New York my colleague Nate burles on the morning show has a look at the science behind a total eclipse take a look all right to make up for my fomo since I am stuck here in Time Square and not in the path of totality we built a model solar system right here in the studio to explain what's going to happen as the Earth rotates around the Sun and the Moon rotates around the earth they fall into alignment at least twice a year now even though the Sun's diameter is about 400 times larger than the moon's a total solar eclipse where the moon completely covers the sun is possible because the sun is about 400 times farther away from Earth now when you look at the sky they they both look about the same size while the impact of the eclipse will be experienced across much of the country The Big Show is the Umbra when the moon completely blocks the sun that's the total eclipse as the shadow of the Moon travels across North America we get the path of totality it will go from Texas to Maine and will be be between 108 and 122 miles wide that's twice as wide as last time now we all know that the Sun rises in the East and sets in the west the eclipse goes from west to east because you're actually watching the moon's Shadow and orbit not the Earth's outside of the Umbra is the penumbra or partial Shadow and as I said it will cover most of the US the farther away from the path the moon will cover less of the sun if you are only 30 miles from the path you'll get what's called deep partiality you'll see just the sliver of the sun with the sky darkening a bit here in New York City we're at 90% And if you are in the 75% area down here only 75% of the sun will be covered people north of the path of totality will see the bottom of the sun covered people to the South will see the top of the sun covered and nobody in the US will see an eclipse that covers this much of the US again until 2045 all right Nate thank you so much that's a great explanation that Nate just gave us let's bring in now Bill and Lucan again because right now well actually I think in like 30 seconds from now totality in Mazatlan Mexico the total eclipse happening there you experienced it in 2017 what's it like to see the corona which you cannot see uh unless the sun is completely blocked out the corona is the outer atmosphere of the sun it's millions of degrees hot you see the details and we're looking at this picture of the eclipse from mazet Lon right now and you can see the corona around the edge it's in totality or extraordinarily close to it it's just a remarkable site Lucen I I was talking to somebody who's going to be joining us later an amateur astronomer who told me that part of what makes an eclipse so exciting is unlike a sporting event where we're on different teams we're all on team sun and moon right we all we all depend on them and it's one thing to see the models and the charts and everything and quite another to look up and witness both at the same time talk to me about the first time you experienced it and what you think people here behind me are going to be looking at oh yeah the first time I saw it was in Carbondale in 2017 and I was absolutely blown away you know I had seen partial eclipses before and so I also thought I knew what I was going to see and I was really Amazed by what a multisensory experience a total solar eclipse is you know you feel you not only see the beautiful sight of the eclipse Sun but you feel that drop in temperature you hear animals you know like make noise because they think it's dawn again um or Twilight and it really is just a an incredible fullbody experience to see this amazing event there are so many Americans that will have this experience today whether the 30 million in the total path another 150 near it but of course one of the X factors is the weather and crowds are gathered in locations all over the country to watch this Eclipse so to talk about the weather where you are and if cloud cover is an issue or whether ruin your experience let's bring in CBS Philadelphia chief meteorologist Bill Kelly all right Bill how's the weather looking well it's looking really good for a lot of places and you're exactly right clouds make all the difference in the world in fact we're showing you this live from Philadelphia this is looking out over Center City where we have some clouds and that's indicative of what we're seeing over Pennsylvania and New York what you're looking at now on our grand map here are these temperatures and right now currently it's quite comfortable 70s and 80s this dark line by the way is that line of totality notice it's a little cooler in Rochester temperatures are at 60 and that is because of the clouds so let's show you that what we've done is we put together this map that has the totality on it and that is this ring right here as I put this into motion if you see the shadowing behind it the dark that means you're going to see totality and look how it clears up by the time you get into Arkansas Missouri Illinois where you guys are in Indiana that is looking great we get into Ohio looking pretty good but then Eastern Ohio through Pennsylvania New York we do have these clouds that are around but then it clears out through sections of Massachusetts and Maine so 31.6 million people a vast majority have great viewing a couple of trouble spots here and there but all in guys I think it's a great day for viewing that eclipse and we're going to be covering uh not only the weather but what you've been seeing on the right hand side of your screen the corona the sun's performance when we come back but we're going to tuck into quick break now pay some bills as the eclipse approaches America stay with us and we are following the moon's progress that is tooran Mexico where the rendevu is nearly complete as the Moon Shadow rushes its way toward the US border speaking of that Americans here nearly four million of them are going to be traveling to places inside the path of totality hoping to get a perfect glimpse of what's above the small city of kville near San Antonio in Texas has been planning for this moment for years and many of its visitors thousands of them have come from a very long way but I don't know if the weather is cooperating let's check in with CBS Janet chaman uh she is in kville for us Janet what's the latest Tony you ready for the headline from Texas we've got some sun we have got some sun there's clouds but it's broken clouds and from time to time you hear the crowd erupt the triplets like the isacon from Los Angeles they're watching the eclipse we've got the Gerards from Arizona say hi guys this park is filled with people families from all over the world and they are getting little glimpses of what we all came here for it's very exciting we thought it was going to be completely cloudy but the clouds are breaking and we feel good about this guys Janet Janet you know that's my neck of the woods kville right by San Antonio where I I know it is I do I do and maybe this is your the your influence Nora but it's been really exciting to hear the the people cheering and then it gets cloudy again and then the cheers it's going to be amazing Janet Janet that is such good news cuz as kville you should go there I think Nora because this got the longest totality in the US right Janet it's something like 4 minutes and 20 seconds that's right you nailed it Tony yeah 4 minutes and 24 seconds so we'll have a lot of totality for you coming up got it then kville is about 15 minutes away from totality the one that we're seeing we're very close now that's torian Mexico so to talk about that we're joined by one of the country's best known science Educators Bill NY the science guy and he is along the path of totality in Fredericksburg Texas he's going to share his tips for having the best experience while watching the eclipse bill so good to talk to you how do you experience the eclipse what's the best way to do it well for me it's having a pair of eclipse glasses and as the clouds clear every now and then we look at it and it's like there we can see it again oh it's just fantastic it just doesn't happen every day everybody it's because our sun uh is 400 times farther from us than our Earth and when they come across each other uh they block it out completely and that's what makes this Eclipse so unusual that it comes right through North America where millions and millions of us can share the experience it's fantastic and what I'm very gratified to see is so many people watching it together here in Fredericksburg we have almost a thousand people with the planetary Society who've come here to share the experience and it really is something and I got to say objectively having the clouds come and go is just added to the drama but everybody has got the glasses Everybody is watching the sky you know this is siy siy where the three celestial objects are in a straight line the sun earth Moon and Earth it's beautiful it it really is it's it's a beautiful thing Bill you've been watching these for years oh yeah we got a lot of noise here it's it's a concert atmosphere it's like meets a billion dollar lottery day now we're having a blast but but speaking of celebrating you've you've got some great advice for people uh in that moment of totality what to pay attention to what to put away and how to really soak it in could you run through those tips well said Tony so every everybody's got an electric phone everybody's got a phone they want to take pictures worthy as that may be those crazy kids at Nasa many many Aston uh professional and amateur Astron astronomers will be taking pictures I just encourage everyone to be in the moment just take the time to be present to remember what it felt like to to Really experience this remarkable moment when the Sun goes completely away and we have nighttime in the middle of the day and the other extraordinary aspect of this I remind everybody is the Precision where astronomers are able to predict this event within less than a hundredth of a second and if you were yeah a tarot card reader or a psychic and you could do that you'd really be something but they can't astronomers can and this is a wonderful thing you know I took one class from this famous guy Carl San and now I'm the head of the planetary site and we have planetarians out here for the shared experience back to you it's a it's a beautiful thing bill I think there'll be a lot of more uh planetarians minted today because this is a Wonder in the sky and I don't want to miss an opportunity to point out that torian Mexico right now as we speak is experiencing totality I've got Bill Harwood and Dr Lucen walowit with me uh Lucen you were pointing out some of this uh fire on the edges of the eclipse talk to me about what you're seeing yeah I want to draw people's attention particularly to this little uh what's called a prominence that's sticking out at the lower right um that's actually a huge Arc of the sun's magnetic field that has glowing plasma trapped within it and if you want a sense of scale the footprint of that on the sun is about the size of our Earth so it gives you a real sense of the absolutely giant scales that we're dealing with here in astronomy because to remind people the sun is 400 times the size of Earth yes exactly and it's uh you know it's an amazing thing that we live in a time in which the moon can completely block the Sun from our point of view and we have the privilege of witnessing a total eclipse yeah I was just going to say looking at the Corona right here you just think about the Sun every second while we're talking the sun is converting about 600 million tons of hydrogen into helium every second and 4 million tons of that's being converted directly into energy is a byproduct of the fusion reaction that's why it's sunshine and why we feel good why we have life on Earth you can't look at that and not be amazed and why it's so mind-blowing when it goes away you know Lucen you're an educator in addition to being an astronomer and I'm curious I think a lot of parents are going to be buying telescopes for Christmas this year because of what we're seeing today what does a day like this mean for the next generation of astronomers you know I think the ability to witness something like this that's not only a shared Celestial event but a shared social event as you pointed out is really powerful you know human beings come together throughout history to appreciate the night sky together and this is a rare event where we could appreciate the daytime Sky together as well yeah we're about 40 minutes away from totality of the eclipse here in Indianapolis what kinds of things will we notice change I've heard about the wind May shift it may get a little bit cooler what are some of the signs that we'll start to pick up shortly one of the things I was struck by the first Eclipse I saw was the Moon Shadow you can see it racing toward you on the Horizon the sky gets darker in that area until it finally over overcome overtakes you and the temperature drops like like Lucen was saying you can hear animals and all of that but to me it was the Shadow getting here and in the process of it yeah yeah that shadow is rushing our way at more than 1500 mph we're going to keep tracking it but as we get excited and people in that path of totality get excited we have a little note here about safety it is a major concern in fact no joke here when you're viewing an an eclipse the only SA way to look at an uneclipsed or partially eclipsed just naked sun is by using glasses that are certified solar filter glasses or a handheld solar viewer those are the two ways you can do it you can safely take off that protective eyewear only And I stress only during that limited 3 or 4 minutes of totality so as soon as the sun begins to reappear that means you got to put the eyewear back on if you want to keep looking at that Ginger cookie in the sky sunglasses binoculars a camera telescopes none of that provides protection someone way smarter than me told me that these eclipse glasses are like a thousand pairs of sunglasses all locked together as one so when we return celebrating love to the moon and back more shots of the beauty above welcome back several cities within the path of totality are helping couples tie the knot during the eclipse can you imagine by holding Mass weddings hundreds of couples will start their married lives together as the heavens align in Russellville Arkansas and that's where CBS is Mark stman is there and Mark we can't imagine beginning our marriage in darkness but any cold feet over there that's that's very funny nor that's very funny we have an eclipse in the sky and love in the air here in Russellville I counted 50 couples 5 Z 50 couples in A procession walking to the stage you can see some of them behind me and in about less than 5 minutes they're going to take their their their vows say their OS and then they're going to have a reception to remember they'll have a total eclipse in about a half hour as I look at the sky right now putting on my fancy uh eclipse glasses I'd say we have about 50 % 50% uh obscuring of the uh of the sun right now but really I'm talking to the uh couples the the uh husbands and wives to be all morning very excited to be here they've come from at least uh a half dozen states or more and uh they really really want to have this wedding but more than anything I think they're really more excited about the reception Nora that's always one of the best parts yeah Mar mark stman thank thank you so much I was going to say the someone once explained to me actually why they like the path of totality for weddings and I think it's quite romantic you enter as two people totality happens and you emerge when the sun does as one oh that's it's kind of a gorgeous way to look at it and I think Mark's right about the reception if people aren't careful the path of totality might become the moment of conception soon after so let's be careful let's be careful just take the glasses off yeah just all right well still ahead we should know we are just minutes away from totality Over Texas that's next and the great North American solar eclipse is now on the US side of the Border deep in the Heart of Texas they are experiencing totality so let us go now down south to Janet Shaman who's in cville Texas Janet what's the cloud situation what's the mood we can see it we can see it take your glasses off oh my goodness the clouds parted the clouds parted at I'm with mayor Judy Iker from kville what do you think it's awesome just awesome we can see the corona really well it's cloudy but the clouds have broken around it enough that people got their C out dark it's like night and the birds yes the birds are flying around oh you can crazy look at that it's look at everybody here look at this this is the moment of totality here are people from all over the world here in kville Texas look at them enjoying the moment what do you think sir what do you think great great great yep yep we've got broken clouds guys but yeah you can definitely see that Corona around it and the temperature has dropped here I don't know I just changed into short sleeves and I feel I mean no sleeveless and I feel like I need to put a sweater on right now um this is so rewarding for myself and everyone here who has come from all over the world talk to people from Switzerland from France in the US from Salt Lake City uh from Los Angeles Seattle Seattle thank you Seattle California you can see them now they're just everybody's sort of enjoying the moment and we have here in Texas one of the longest times of totality right 4 minutes and 25 seconds I think only bit longer than that hey guys was 4 minutes and 28 seconds in Mexico excuse me what do you think it's wonderful yes yes right right this is such a treat because you seen almost better no I've never seen one and Nora because we were expecting total clouds it's almost you know it's it's like a triple treat right because we were we're not expecting to see anything and uh it's great right so uh it's it's a moment definitely Nora it's a moment and we're still in that that totality you want to walk around a little bit well now it's it's a very long uh totality I was I was thinking it's it's long enough for people elsewhere to put on the Bonnie Tyler song Total Eclipse of the Heart and play it from beginning to end I mean it's a real it's a real experience look at these folks oh wow absolutely these are triplets if wein triplets from yeah we would love to have you guys here it is just a very rewarding moment for for for Texas and I I hope my fellow Texans in other cities are seeing this as well [Music] oh baby's first Eclipse there this is not normal young man absolutely we got Houston represented there um lawn chairs and food and and darkness how dark how dark is it really Janet it's night time it's Jan talk to us about how dark it really is it's really it looks it it's it's it's like it is at uh 10 :00 at night here here in Texas we've been here week in kville and uh this is this is night time this is full darkness and look at everybody just the awe just enjoying this moment uh and it's a lot cooler as well but so happy for us here and it's just been great you know Janet we've got a clock here you've got 20 more seconds of totality until it ends just a short few seconds left to this once for many people it be a once in a-lifetime experience I'm going to I'm going to shut up for the last five and let them enjoy it it wasn't totally cloudless but it was mostly cloudless I'll take that as a win let's see if it bright we can already see it brightening look at that yeah yes yes it is just incredible to see get lighter look at look at the crowd listen to the crowd they're cheering it is remarkable how quickly it is getting light what's happening this is crazy I love it so gorgeous Janet stay there we want to keep the picture up so we can see you but I want to bring back in Lucen and Bill because what's this 360 degre Sunrise that people talk about is there a time when it's yeah what is that like or what's happening it's just that when you see that uh the conone of the Shadow hitting the Earth the 100 m wide thing moving around the periphery of that it's it's not totally dark so it's like a everywhere you look it kind of looks the same whereas in the morning it's bright here dark there with this it's like all the way around so it's really cool to see so cool Janet I'm so happy for you I'm so pleased that kville got a glimpse of the Sun and the Moon doing their thing when we come back watch out Dallas the Moon Shadow is coming for you next stay with us we are back the sun and the moon are still doing their thing and as we promised Dallas Texas next up on the punch list to get that Moon Shadow and Omar vranka is there he's experiencing what I am told is it full yet Omar what do you see oh we are 30 seconds away from totality Tony I'm looking at it right now and let me tell you time to take the glasses off it is almost like it's night out here these kids are getting the best science lesson they could ever get I mean when is when is the last time you saw kids this excited for science this is what it's all about so much so much to see here now we're starting to see a lot of Darkness it's almost like you're playing a night game here at the Cotton Bowl without the lights just take a look I mean we are 140 central time here amazing just listen to the kids this is what it's [Music] about and we just saw a lucky airplane fly over so I'm sure the folks on that plane have a fantastic View if they are on the proper side of the airplane I mean Tony everything that we built up that it was it would look like it looks like it is fantastic Omar is this your first one well no I saw one last year in San Antonio but it was not like this I mean we're getting a shot right now that I hope you can see I mean that is put that in a science book these kids got to see it fir hand the clouds Hardon let me tell you quit credit to all the meteorologist who warned us but man mother nature is playing along right now absolutely amazing the kids not a lot of cell phones out here they're just taking it all in and listen I got an 8-year-old this is what you hope every kid gets when they see this honestly there's enough noise behind you it sounds like the last day of [Music] school Omar did they close schoolall no but a lot of kids did make a special field trip day for this and let me tell you the ones who came out here unobstructed view they got the best field trip in the history of ever it is amazing to see it is it is everything that we build it nailed it this is absolutely amazing and these kids are going to see this and hopefully it becomes a nugget and they become a scientist you hope teachers were telling me just one kid Sparks something and let me tell you I'm a grown man and this is impressive there's an airplane flying over go getting to look up well they and we're also seeing a live picture of downtown Dallas which also isn't dark it looks like nighttime there and Omar one of the best things is just hear the kids screaming in the background yeah really pandemonium wow it's almost like they just learned math will be discontinued for the rest of the semester I hope they fall in love with astronomy and the cosmos and they realize that math will teach them all about it we're here with with Lucy and uh our astronomer and educator uh what do you what do you think seeing kids that young go this crazy I mean I think they just realize what math is for yeah exactly yeah you know I think something that's really amazing about this is that science you know people have this picture of like a mad scientist alone doing their craft but it's really a collaborative collaborative event and so that's something that everybody's enjoying together and they should learn that about science too and one of the best parts of science is Discovery oh absolutely and then seeing it for yourself yeah bill I see you taking a a long hard look at the totality on the right hand side of people's screen and the the performance again there of the uh of the flares and the explosions on the surface of the Sun it it's just you know I always joke in television we use words like incredible and amazing all the time when we shouldn't this really is incredible it really is amazing uh well maybe not incredible it is amazing it is wonderful as in full of wonder awesome as in truly full of it it brings awe to each of us and that I mean in the non- cliched sense of the word and that is rare I feel like you're starting to get a little emotional you know it really does affect me that way and part of it is what is what Lucan said it's seeing all those kids out there and all the people everybody enjoying this in exactly the same way everybody's being Amazed by the very same thing and that is kind of an emotional moment I think it's it's a moment that brings us all together in some sense yeah Tony and I have not seen one it's been described as mystical perhaps a spiritual moment we here are just about 20 minutes away from that moment but first still ahead couples who said I do for the eclipse they experience totality will have their story next it's starting to happen [Music] here welcome back to the total eclipse of the Heartland let's go now to Russellville Arkansas where hundreds of couples were just married in a mass wedding and now they are starting their married lives together under a full eclipse cbs's Mark stman is there and Mark can we put it on camera we can put it on camera you can put it on camera Nora you might say it's a marvelous day for a moon dance especially if you've just been married a first dance and one of those couples one of the 50 couples who just got married were Hagen and Elena Patterson what was it like to get married and and have the Stars celebrating I mean this is really really cool it's a Once in a Lifetime thing I think yeah it just lined up so perfectly I'm so glad that we could come do this let me ask you a favor why don't you put in your glasses and tell me what's what's going through your mind as uh as we're we're sort of nearing a total eclipse I mean it's it's really cool I can't wait to just experience the whole thing good yeah it's so it's so beautiful cuz like you can still see the Ring of light around the Moon Yeah was it what you was it what you expected um no no not at all I remember seeing a partial eclipse in um like 2017 2016 but this is completely different it's a whole another event yeah it really is sort of a almost a spiritual moment isn't it right it's very it's and then everybody here it feels like the strangers are our friends and it's really cool yeah it's just cool I I I remember watching an eclipse in in 2017 and one of the things I remember and I'm seeing this here now is that nobody's looking down at their phones everyone's looking up up at the sky it's really uniting yeah cuz no one wants to miss it I mean the next one coming to the United States is 2045 right so it's just like such a cool unique event to be able to witness in real life big honeymoon plans eventually I know right it'll be fun yeah um what was the what was the wedding itself like so I thought it was really well done the efficient did an amazing job he really was very poetic and I was very happy with it all yeah I really enjoyed it it was such a unique event to be able to like just walk in with everyone else and there's just love in the air yeah love in the air what was it like to get married with 49 other couples I mean it took the attention off of us a little bit so that was helpful but it was cool it was it was cool yeah cuz you told me I think initially you thought about a small wedding and this was anything but right right well I I mean I really wanted to do something that special and this is definitely a story we're going to be able to tell for years and years so and what do you think is was more memorable the the wedding or this kind of reception I would say they tied yeah definitely Nora Tony can you can tell this is a this is a special day for 50 couples and I'm talking to one of them right here yeah we love love I I I got two comments hearing them talk I think one they've got no excuse neither one of them for forgetting their anniversary and two I don't know what they're planning on ahead in their lives but 2045 they need to be at that next major solar eclipse together again celebrating the anniversary look how incredible the eclipse is there in Russellville lucana what do you see there those special those bursts along the edge around Corona yeah those are called prominences and they're these big Loops of plasma that are dangling off of the sun uh the outer layers of the sun its magnetic field kind of twisting up like yarn almost and holding that glowing star stuff in its grasp and it's really incredible to be able to see this it's completely rare when you're a human being here on Earth you feel puny you feel vulnerable you feel so small but now I feel like this is a performance in the Stars just for me you know I feel special almost can I just stop to say we are 12 minutes away from here in Indianapolis it's getting dark y it almost has a sepia tone is that the right way to describe it almost like it's like there's a haziness that's descending upon us it was so hot before so so so hot and now there is a a hard metallic quality it's getting chillier the wind is picking up and the light is really changing do not adjust your television the people behind us it's been rockus all day but now people are quieting down as the the significance of the moment the feeling of it the experience kind of rushes in I'm sort of starting to get that that feeling I mean there's 50,000 people here so many of them have gotten we're out at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway many of them have actually gone out onto the track to see them something is it it is just something it is just something Bill you've got more rotations around the Sun than any of us here and I see you're getting a little Misty eyed already this is a big deal what does it make you what does it put you in mind of as much as anything I'm I'm always reminded of 2001 A Space side ofy Stanley Kubrick's movie it's the sheer Majesty of the of the slow motion of these planetary bodies you know it it it kind of highlights the I don't say the insignificance of us yeah but it sort of does and it's just it really puts you in the solar system in a way that you don't normally feel and that's that's that's kind of magical Lucy and it makes me feel connected to every human being who's ever lived because it's the very same Sun very same Moon very same Earth doing this dance and now it's our turn to experience it absolutely and you know not only does it connect us through deep time but it also connects us here and now because of the fact that millions of years ago and millions of years in the future the moon will not be at the right distance to completely block the sun like this so this is really something that is a privilege for us to be able to observe this Cosmic coincidence that lets us have a total solar eclipse W scissor G what is that word I heard it earlier what is that word scissor sciss can you spell it oh [Laughter] boy is it s is YZ it means perfect alignment which is what we're witnessing yeah like yeah it really is just an incredible moment here and the crowd behind us there's a murmuring mhm but really the hush is is almost church-like there's a sense that we're under a vault that is you mentioned spiritual mystical for some people uh I mean there's descriptions of a solar eclipse that go back according into NASA to they believe 3,000 BC and then right through the Bible and then through the through everything to now and it's such a privilege it really is because of Science and Math we have this incredible clock right here that says we are 9 minutes away am I right from Maximum totality we have a totality tracker in front of us every city um where there is going to be hitting this totality and I I'm kind of in awe I don't want to go anywhere I almost don't want to I'm not going anywhere anywhere not going anywhere I mean the the little ginger cookie of the sun when we look up when we began there was just that little nibble of it uh and now it's a crescent moon really it's a shaped like a a great sickle that's all that's left we are getting very very close indeed uh you know one of the most interesting things I learned in preparing for this is if you were to pull a lawn chair out this chair right here and sit and wait for a total solar eclipse to come to you you'd have to wait about 375 years that's how long on average it takes before a solar eclipse will come your way well Marie savander and chief meteorologist Albert Ramone savan Russ excuse me from CBS Chicago our partners there they're in Carbondale Illinois where the eclipse was so nice in 2017 they're doing it twice 7even years later they're experiencing it again to take this in gosh this is cool I'm getting a little chills now the sensation of seeing the light change this quickly here at the end is pretty incredible and dramatic all right as we get set for totality here in caradale we're going to pause for a moment and bring in our CBS stations from across the country and Nationwide guys look to the West the shadow is coming at us they look toward the sky you can see the shadow coming at us look to the southwest and it's coming at us on on good afternoon to our viewers now joining us from across the country totality it's happening right now in Carbell Illinois the intersection of the 2017 and 2024 eclipse and you're looking live at we see the last bit of sunlight wrapping around the Moon totality just seconds away and as you look closely Marie we're going to see the Sparkles the Bailey beads and the crowd is going wild oh and we are Falling Into Darkness right now what an incredible sensation and you are hearing and seeing the crowd of 15,000 gathered here at Southern Illinois University o Albert there it is Bailey beads Bailey beads and we're about to see the diamond ring effect and about to have the total solar eclipse here in cundell Illinois on campus of Sou Illinois University we are at a point right now where we have our glasses off and we are looking up this is incredible you're seeing that beautiful Corona of the sunlight the moon in that Perfect Circle right in the middle what an incredible place to be Carbondale Illinois perfectly uh in line with the Sun the moon planet Earth here for the second time in 7 years we are experiencing this incredible Celestial phenomenon and locals for Carbondale and also folks that have traveled from across the country to this spot because it is the crossroads of America for our total solar eclipse are thankful they're excited and as you see them right now they have their cameras out they're yelling they were stopping their feet just a few minutes ago I got to tell you the vibe and the energy here is unlike anything I've ever experienced physically I have to say our hearts have been racing I know we're not the only ones that includes everyone in this stands leading up to this moment that Darkness happened so quickly we've had a pretty hot day the winds came in we had that cooling sensation and now while we're in a stadium with thousands of people we know that scientists are working to study the different animals and and other uh things happening in the natural world right now as we are in 4 minutes and 9 seconds of totality you know one thing also Maria that I've been thinking about is we are in a football stadium we are in a place where you know during the fall and into Parts the winner it's US versus them there's always we want to get them but today we are Americans we are humans we are taking in this experience that is unlike anything I've ever seen what you're looking at is the total solar eclipse the outer layer of the Sun the Corona and as we've been talking to experts all day it is a very active Sun so you see the flares you're you see the kind of little streamers coming off the sun it almost looks like it's it's not real I know it does it's it's an outof body experience for sure what else makes Carbondale so special specifically in this year is in 2017 it had the longest time of totality well into 2 minutes which made it really special that was the longest point for the entire path of totality this year it's not quite the longest but but it's still almost double that time that 4 minutes and 9 seconds so we're really getting to luxuriate in this experience of looking up uh at the total solar eclipse in this community for sure lucky thankful that they're able to get two in 7 years we will not have though another total solar eclipse in southern Illinois here in Carbondale for at least 300 years our friends watching Chicago they have to wait until the year 2099 of course as you've been hearing uh all day there's a couple coming as we head towards 20 44 20 45 but it's nothing like this because it's not just the intersection of it going from Texas all the way to Maine but it's also during a period where the sun is still active so we are seeing things as as humans as Spectators that no one's really ever seen before but also the scientists taking advantage uh to study Albert you're the meteorologist but I can't help but noticed we had some real Gusty winds as we led up to totality now we've got a slight breeze but it seems calmer it's calmer it's also cooler uh about an hour ago when it was full Sunshine we were in the low 80s we're now the low 70s so yeah it feels cool and everyone is uh is enjoying it you just see folks with their phones out they want to capture this moment something that they want to have in their pocket want to have on their computer for uh years and decades to come oh my gosh and I'm glad I'm sharing it with you this is an incredible experience likewise the folks here at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale it's a small community around 25,000 so welcoming and so excited for the restaurants and the diners that we went to uh just on fire excited about what we're seeing right now it's true and talk about that excitement I'm starting to see that light at the Horizon get a little bit brighter as we near the end of our totality here in Carbondale so our Eclipse coverage will continue but some of our CBS stations uh will be leaving us as totality moves Norths and welcome back to this front row seat to Majesty there are more than 50,000 people here and look you could hear a pin drop oh my gosh you're really good it's amazing we're with the mesur Schmid family and how many clipes have you seen this is my fourth his fifth his sixth and for the three of us I don't want to take off my glasses because what are we going to see it hasn't what am I going to see before the total of the diamond ring is the final piece of light that will shine through and it almost looks like an engagement ring on the side what is what is that doctor a diamond ring what is it it's the light coming through the craters in the Moon yes the moon has these amazing mountains that we see on the edge and you'll see uh either the diamond ring or Bailey's beads which are a series of bright Rings or bright dots along the edge guys wow wow 50,000 peopleare chance to see the mountains on zo this is so different from 2017 right because it's going to last longer the corona is going to be brighter right yes yeah the sun is more active now so we'll get a bigger show that we're getting close we're getting close this is you guys oh I've never been in a place where everyone's just looking up at the sky it's team sun and team Moon we're all together you were saying this is the moment that people need how so bring us all together being awe the beauty of the earth and the beauty of the world and the Majesty it is of the Universe I mean this is this is it you can do it Moon all right let's go let's go look at the light around yeah how long will we see the diamond ring part that day briefly but we'll we'll see a second one at the end when the shadow passes over it'll be on the bottom spooky it's coming oh it's dark outside wow yeah it's really dark now descend it into darkness it's real dark take a quick look outside I am getting a chill right now the wind is starting to blow there's Venus there's Venus over there here we go where's you been waiting for look at V for a second I love music you'll know it l when you see [Applause] it oh wow here we go here we go oh the crowd is so excited can you hear everyone chearing oh we're getting closer [Music] [Applause] wow [Applause] oh here it is there it is there it [Applause] is oh my God that's Venus oh my God my God Jupiter up there that's Jupiter it's perfect Corona is so bright it's so dark out but the corona absolutely perfect stunning stunning yeah and that you can see all the planets better because it's dimmer there's less light you want the B no I'm great thank you thank you so much so beautiful you can see about 1:00 there are called PR see little Bailey's be oh yes we saw some of the prominences of the other wow wow wow just look all the way around all the way around the Horizon too Lucan says those prominences are bigger than Earth yes yes regular ones oh my goodness see a little bit of color around the edge that you see there is called the chromosphere and it's a part of OU layers is actually pink look around oh now it's almost radiating more the light coming off the different kind of way the TV doesn't do it justice no it does not can we see the com is the com visible or not that's right what's that comet called would be what's that com you yes look at the prominence at 6:00 um so there's a comet that's up right now that's right around there somewhere but I just feel a little bit too bright to see at 6:00 so that's Venus that's Venus to the right that's Jupiter oh my gosh wa 6 really bright red bright yeah that's that's really that color oh my God you enjoy the binoc spectacular unbelievable spectacular how do you not get emotional with oh boy oh my God this is a once in a-lifetime experience in Spain yes just thing now you know why people become Eclipse Chasers yes yes we are with a family here that are Eclipse chasers for the M know so much what what number are we on now as a family number seven all told how many look at the prominences why is that prominence so red like that it almost it's like a red flashing light it's a a form of radiation from hydrogen that is in the red part of where your eyes are sensitive Hy this is the longest 3 minutes and 50 seconds will it ever come back it are we sure it feels almost 20° cooler up the sun is it's incredibly cool and the wind is almost you can see it getting light off the Western Horizon yeah do you see the uh the dawn all around us oh my goodness oh my God and I don't hear any birds or anything I think we're went to S Valley Speedway scared him what I like the music I can't believe this is real God what's incredible oh I'm well it's just so incredible that it's so dark and it's 3:00 in the afternoon it's like it feels like it's the middle of the night ruby red I wasn't expecting thatc what do you guys see what do you see brilliant and red that that one prominence is at 6 o00 it is just incredible oh second red one there's a second red prominence yeah right diamond ring diamond ring diamond ring oh oh here it comes here it comes here it comes oh my [Applause] gosh wow welcome back she came back what does that mean when it comes back it's back the end of totality that is the end that's the end it's gone goodbye total solar eclipse for North America for years I hope you loved it you did it that was the coolest thing I've ever seen wow these people in Indianapolis have been waiting 800 years for that you still be on the air though right yes yes I got oh boy and just think there are tens of millions of more Americans who get to experience this at all the way up to Maine I am so happy they got yes because we were worried about the weather I'm so happy this is how you feeling back there oh this is unbelievable I mean what an amazing site we got to witness and we're so grateful to be here with you guys and share this moment together how does it you've seen how many uh I just hit seven that was my seventh and how does it how does it compare each one is different I mean the prominences here are a little more symmetrical sometimes they're look like almost a spiky uh Punk rock kind of thing uh the prominences I thought were pretty spectacular there was that really you know Crimson Crimson one at 6 there was one at 4:00 that sort of kept expanding during the whole totality there was Venus we could see over there uh Jupiter was there we looked for the comet but we didn't see anything but that was a show that was now the wind coming you feel that yeah now the air is moving probably going to get warmer soon incredible what's the science behind that I think it's just the shift in temperatures you know like you take away the temperature cools down mov the air just a little slip see how bright is even with just a little this tiny little bit of the sun like a little crescent there yes it's just a power of how how powerful our son is Tony what did you think for you and me it's our first time gosh I don't know I think it's going to take me another uh 20 years till the next one to process all this it is really you see why people chase them around the world right the son is the father of all things all living things come from that from that heat from that source and to see it blotted out in daytime and your mind has no frame of reference I felt my heart beating faster I felt my adrenaline kicking in I felt the hairs in the back of my neck standing up I really had to get and then I had to kind of gather myself and say it's going to be okay truly a full sensory experience it really is how it different from what you thought it would be like oh it was much more spectacular yes much more spectacular you're not you're not easily amazed are you well I've seen a lot of things but I've seen a lot of things but I've not seen that you know it's one of the rare things it's like the ocean it doesn't fit in the lens of a camera you have to see it and every time you see it it's bigger and grander than it was the last time it's it's more awesome than you can even remember and I feel like for people who've seen it multiple times that's the sensation it's like I knew it was going to be great and it didn't disappoint yeah well thousands of people have converged on downtown Cleveland for the eclipse and they are about to experience what we just experienced here totality and CVS's d Dave malov is there hi there Dave Dave you're in for a treat hi no yeah I I can't imagine what you guys just went through we are with Captain Steve Bowen he has been to space four times three times on the shuttle one time on dragon and he is experiencing this here it comes here it comes Steve tell me what you're seeing right now it's shrinking it's shrinking and we are almost there it's getting smaller and smaller just there it is you start to see the little CLS and there we are this is the very edge of it we're seeing the Sparkles actually see over the edge there it is look at the ring look at the ring there you go oh wow incredible that's incredible is that amazing unbelievable I look at that when you sit there in the coupa and you look down at Earth and you realize how fragile the whole places that is a moment that that's it you have that no one else gets to experience we we get to experience that now that is amazing it is absolutely unbelievable there's nothing like it it is look at this look at the darkness is this what you get in absolutely this is just incredible look around it is unbelievable it's night time here it is look at that we're looking at the edge of the corona these prominences that are coming off you almost have to worry about the solar wind that is coming towards you because you're unprotected right so what you're seeing there is it's obviously going out from the sides of the Sun but there's you know Sun's a sphere so it can come toward you as well but it gives everybody a sense of what you're seeing and if you look you see that lower corner there there's obviously an ejection that's pretty bright brighter than everywhere else you know and that's just that's what space weather is is when the sun ejects mass and energy in from the from the from the Sun itself and that's what that little bright spot is not incredible and the one thing that can protect you is is a bubble of water sometimes around yeah bubble water will and the Earth magnetic fields is the biggest thing but when you're in space yeah we have the Earth magnetic field with space station is we're only 240 Mi high but when we go to the moon will be moving outside that area of protection and that's something really important that we have to take into account as we go further and explore deeper into space but that's that's incredible look at that it's it it is absolutely amazing these these prominences that are coming off of here they look like wispy edges but those are way bigger than the earth is oh my goodness yeah the sun is the sun is gigantic that's something keep in mind and there's a lot of good uh NASA websites that will explain uh the sun science I and it's they actually have space weather predictions so uh we can see this it doesn't get here it doesn't travel to speed light what we're seeing that happened 8 minutes eight minutes ago that's late minutes away right so that's with the sun obviously the Moon is not that far away yeah yeah but uh that's traveling at the speed of light the actual make energy is traveling a little bit slower so we can actually forecast what that impact is going to be on earth the Moon is not a pool queue it's it's not it's actually got bumps on it so when the sunlight goes around it we're going to actually see what well so we'll see little little tiny as it comes back out you'll see the little prominence is like sort of a bubble we got we got to head back but thank you so much for joining us Steve bone we're going back to you Dave I think it Dave thank you very much I love that detail about the time it takes the light from the Sun to reach our eyes and be processed into a vision and what a vision it is I want to go now to Christine Johnson from our CBS New York station she's covering the eclipse from another site of totality Niagara Falls that's what it's known for on most days but today it's going to be different Christine we do see some breaks in the cloud in the clouds rather and the Sun and the Moon have been teasing us sporadically throughout this past hour we have been able to see some of the some of the Moon um blocking the Sun at first Contact but right now unfortunately as we approach totality it is very cloudy and we do not see the Sun but you know what still you can still feel the air getting colder oh my goodness it just got really really dark here everyone is holding up their phones everyone is you can hear the crowd they're cheering so it's getting it's like night it's like Dawn right now what a strange feeling this is and we proud is reacting this is such a magical moment you you feel it in every sense in every cell of your body because it's like somebody turned the lights out let me bring in this family that we have here from Atlanta Georgia they traveled here all the way from Atlanta Georgia and this is um actually Audrey's second Eclipse Audrey um seal oh my gosh you just exper we're in totality right now tell me what it's like to experience this with your kids it's it's kind of overwhelming um we're with all the cloud cover we don't really get to see what I had seen in 2017 which was this Burning white ring in the sky but it's still like you can feel the awesomeness of nature we can feel it right we can't see it but we can feel this can feel it what does it feel like to you I just feel like the connection of the whole universe sort of look behind us Audrey I mean can see the lights you can see the breaks in the clouds and the the colors girls what do you think of these colors in the sky they're just so magical right I mean we're in the dark suddenly how did that happen I don't know is that the moon I don't know either but isn't it a great feeling yes so Dad tell us you guys traveled all the way up here you weren't able to experience the first Eclipse with your wife but here you are today with your with your girls correct this is bone chiling like the the the feeling have like out of out of nowhere they go goes completely dark like this it's amazing and now I can see a little bit of a sver of the of the sun right oh my goodness look at that oh my gosh can see the we can see the Rays we can look up don't need that this is amazing can we just turn off the lights guys because I think it's blocking some of our view but we can see the corona there was a little tiny little bit of Corona right got to see at least a second of it and that was so worth it wasn't it yes girls the birds are all flying back to their oh my goodness and the bird so confused the birds are flying every single Direction you can think of right now we can see them in the sky the clouds and the mist from the Niagara Falls are a little they're a little pinkish like a yellow pinkish right now we we were told that that was going to happen because normally you could see on a sunny day you could see a rainbow and another break here guys I'm going to let you listen to the crowd react here oh there it [Laughter] go isn't that amazing is I cannot believe we're seeing this right now it has been cloud cover all day how lucky are we Miracle it's it's incredible no way it's like this I cannot tell you the timing of this is absolutely amazing look at this do you see the corona see the sparkling lights it's so cool Isn't that cool the cloud cover almost makes it even more magical yeah cuz when it shows up like wow I'm like I have like Goosebumps I can't describe what I'm feeling right now but this is so intense and there it is we're we're coming out of the eclipse and we're going to get look at this wow oh my God oh my God the light's coming back this is just wow I'm I'm just speechless I'm absolutely speechless and suddenly it's like somebody turned the lights back on this is just amazing how do they feel all day we were just hoping that we were going to be able to see at least a sliver of this and I kid you not the timing of this in Niagara Falls could not have been more perfect we got to see totality on such a cloudy day this is absolutely absolutely amazing it's very very emotional and I don't know why it's so emotional thank you for joining us as we set for totality here we're going to be going to pause for a moment and we're going to bring you and take you to the other cities this is all happening I'm sorry I'm at a loss for words and completely emotional here but our CBS stations will be leaving us now as the path of totality moves on Chris Christine the joy that you have just experienced kind of made me emotional a second time around yeah that was perfect and I'm so so happy that you got that moment of totality there the clouds parted we've been so lucky all across the country to this point with the weather cooperating and getting just a really beautiful view I want to bring back in Bill and lucana and I I just got emotional a second time experiencing it again through Christine Johnson with everybody in Buffalo just that amazement and wonder of getting to see something that they didn't think they were going to be able to see yeah same for me as well it was the same for me in Carbondale we had parting clouds and we got to see some of it nothing like that this was just spectacular there's no other word for it it's just amazing that is exactly it you know for days I've been asking people what it's like now I've seen it and I ask myself I can't even describe it but I know someone who might have a shot at it and that is a very special guest our next guest that is actor William Shatner of course best known for his iconic role as Captain Kirk in Star Trek in 2021 Shatner went to space aboard a blue origin capsule he's watching the eclipse today in Bloomington Indiana and Mr Shatner uh what a delight it is to speak with you tell us what you saw and experienced today well there were a large group of Miracles that happened and you can only ascribe it to Miracles it rained I'm in Bloomington Indiana and it rained here this morning the forecast has rain tonight perfectly blue skies Crystal Clear not even the high Cirus clouds and wearing the dark glasses I watched the sun being obliterated by the moon until it was just a rim a a a uh engagement ring of the of the of the universe uh happened in front of my eyes it's it's overwhelming it brings to mind the whole world looking up into space and and and wishing over that ring of fire uh for goodness and and and uh and success to our world both uh individual people and the fact that we will care for our world even more uh uh assiduous ly than we have been in the past yeah you know there's at least one record Mr Shatner in recorded history of Waring armies laying down their arms when an eclipse appeared overhead and there is some hope that by all of us here by the tens and the millions watching that same sun and moon rendevu in this particular way we might be reminded that we are all one people on One Planet what was the experience around you as you took in this wonder and how does it compare to the the many other wonders you've had in your life like going into orbit on that blue origin rocket every everything's if you if you have the right bent of Mind everything's a Wonder Everything Is Awesome the just living is awesome to see that that uh ring and to hear the I'm at uh uh University I'm at Indiana University with a lot of screaming uh School uh people and and they're all excitable the hush uh when that sun was uh uh shadowed by the Moon that hush over this tens of thousands of students was enormous it's the kind of performance uh that you wish you could give and have that effect over uh over an audience of that size it was it was magical magical uh moment in time it's something I will never forget it becomes part of the mystery of the universe things are happening out there that we know very little about we see through the web telescope uh the the miracle of nature this was a miracle of nature nearby Mr Shatner thank you very much that does put it into the proper context uh to everybody who can hear my voice I hope you saw that eclipse today or or at least part of it because it was a beauty and we have a long time to wait until the next one in fact the next total eclipse to touch a small part of the us will not be until 2044 and 2045 for a widespread one it's going to be some time that does it for us for all of us at CBS news thank you for watching and our coverage will continue on CBS News streaming and your local news soak it in we'll bring you the CBS Evening News live from Indianapolis nor isn't that right that's right the CBS Evening News tonight to
Channel: CBS News
Views: 393,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: special, cbs news, total eclipse of the heartland, rare event, eclipse, solar eclipse
Id: xU-aejvyA_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 58sec (4378 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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