2024 READING JOURNAL | Set up my reading journal with me!

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[Music] Hello friends this is haa welcome back to my channel in this video I'm going to show you my new reading journal and my 2024 reading Journal set up I am so pleased with this one and having this reading journal for 2024 makes me pretty certain that it's going to be a good reading year as a notebook collector it is very difficult to choose just one so I had a few candidates that I want to show you before we get into the setup for 2023 I've been using this A5 notebook from notebook therapy it has 160 GSM do grid white paper so part of me kind of wanted to change it up a little bit for 2024 I have this really pretty mon Sarah notebook from tucke with black do grid paper I think this could be a really fun Journal it is pretty slim though I'm not sure if I would be able to fit an entire year in it and also having a whole year with black paper is a little bit daunting not going to lie I also have this really pretty orange notebook from notebook therapy in an A5 size and this one actually has craft do grid paper I love the color of this notebook like the tuy notebook this is an A5 size so the same size that I've been using for 2023 but also compared to the TU this one has more pages and it also has thicker paper I have always been very happy with spreads I have made on craft paper before so I think that this one would be a good choice but then I also have this really pretty notebook from notebook therapy that pretty much screams reading Journal there we go I got this one in this year's tuie lucky bag from notebook therapy so this is a limited edition this one has white dot grid paper and it is slightly smaller than an A5 both in terms of paper size and amount of paper a quick comparison between the two ooh this color combo is actually pretty nice I like that but in the end I actually decided to go with a notebook from a brand that I have never tried before just because that's fun and because I was curious so here it is this is The Notebook that I chose this one is from Leela journals I have followed her social media for a long time and I've bought stickers and stuff from her shop before but this fall she released notebooks and I just knew that I had to get one while I actually got two but this is one of them it's an A5 size it's a very light pink it has white paper with a beige dot grid so a little bit different from The Notebook therapy grid because this is more gray while this is more beige I quite like that it feels a little bit warmer the paper is also 120 GSM so quite a bit thinner than my 2023 Journal but since I do a lot of collaging and writing in my reading journal and not really any drawing I don't really need the 160 GSM paper and this paper feels really smooth so I think that I will really enjoy writing on it this is a little bit distracting I'm sorry but this is a little charm that comes with the notebook I think it's really cute one thing that might become a challenge is that this notebook has 200 Pages like it doesn't seem very thick but that is because of the paper weight being lower but yeah this note not book has 200 Pages that's a lot of pages in comparison my 2023 notebook originally had 176 pages but I did actually remove the middle page of each signature just so that I could maybe limit the chunkiness a little bit the notebooks get really chunky with all of the collaging that I add into here because most of the pages look like this and so all of this adds a good amount of Chunk but even with removing pages I am still not really using the entire notebook I will still have empty pages at the end here not that many but there are a few so I'm wondering in this new notebook if I will have leftover Pages at the end of the year I probably will and you know if that's the case that's fine I might might keep using it in 2025 or I might not anyway that's enough talking about that I really really love this notebook you should all check out Leela journals she seems like such an amazing person too so yeah I love this notebook I am excited to set it up with you so let's get started what I really like about setting up a new Journal like this is that you can take everything from the previous year and see how that worked for you and then you can further develop those spreads you can scrap spreads or you can introduce new spreads and kind of put that all together into a new and improved version of your journal for this first page I wanted to just create a little cover page if you've been watching any of my other yearly Journal setup videos you know that I like making a little cover page on this first kind of half spread I knew I wanted to use one of these stickers from marona Suli because I use a lot of her stickers in my reading journals and and a lot of them have book themes so I thought that they would be perfect for this little cover page in the end I went with this sticker that has a window and a wolf or dog ironically the one sticker that doesn't have books in it but I thought that the colors were really nice and it's pretty big so it does cover most of the page and then it's easier to just kind of layer a little bit of ephemera kind of behind it to frame it a little bit but still letting the sticker be the main focal point I'm going to be talking about how I use the different spreads in this journal what is the point of them like why I make them how I use them how I feel about them but for now this cover page is just for fun this is just a little title page just something to introduce me to the new Journal kind of set the tone for the journal it's also really fun to to look back at these cover pages I think for me this sticker actually has a lot of different colors the background of the sticker is not white it's actually a very light pink and I really like that I thought that that was really fun it's not a vinyl sticker it is a paper sticker so that's also quite nice so it's not glossy or anything to frame it I used a few different things I used some watercolor effect stickers I used some scrap paper and just kind of tried to frame it a little bit not overpower the sticker but just having some things just poking out behind it kind of I used some of these Washi dot stickers to decorate it a little bit I decorated a little bit with some sparkles and for the title I just wrote reading Journal 2024 in this kind of bubbly font thematically this bubbly font is maybe not the most appropriate for a reading Journal but for me it is very easy and it feels very me so it is kind of a no-brainer whenever I set up something new I kind of go with this bubbly font you will have seen this in my 2024 bullet Journal setup video as well because I did the same titles in that setup I colored in the bubbly letters with this kind of green brush pen if I were to do this again I would have probably chosen a pink or a blue one to kind compliment the pants and the flowers of the girl or the pink background of the sticker but you know Green is fine too it's all good the next spreads that I'm setting up after the cover page will be the index spread in my 2023 Journal I had one spread for the index and it turned out it was not enough space so this time I am doing three pages so like one and a half spreads so this here will be the first first one and then I will have half of the next spread also be the index here I wanted a lot of room to write so I am just decorating the top and the bottom a little bit the washi tape you just saw me put down is actually my own because I have Washi tapes now in my shop and that's really exciting this is one of the beautiful story Washi tapes I have three different ones one light horizontal which is this one and then I have the same one but in a dark brown and then I also have a vertical one for those vertical designs so those are all available in my shop and you can find a link to it in the description box below I actually wrote the story on the Washi tapes myself I did consider using parts of my Master's thesis just because I got to use it for something right but in the end I wrote a little story and it became a washi tape I'm going for four very neutral colors in the spread wanted to use some girl stickers and just some like beige brown tones because when I think about my reading Journal that is kind of the themes that I think about the neutral collages it just feels so right for a reading Journal I also really like all of these girl stickers most of the ones that you see here are from Japan I bought a lot of girl stickers the last time I was in Japan I will probably never run out of girl stickers especially because I keep drawing them myself for my shop as well so girl stickers forever I suppose the little frame that you see in the bottom right corner of the spread is from notebook therapy that is part of their hinoi into the new year stationary set they have these memo pads with perforated edges so you can kind of rip off the inner or the outer parts of the frames and as as always you can get 10% off your order from notebook therapy by using my code muchi Bujo 10 that also earns me a small commission so win-win situation for the title here I tried to go for a similar title to the bubbly font but making it a little less bubbly and although I liked it I actually ended up not using this font for any of the other spreads just because I don't know it just took longer to make as as you can see I did write several of the letters a couple of times before I got them right I used a thicker fine liner for the main letters and then I used the thinner fine liner for the drop shadow I do this all the time I used a glue stick to glue the letters down and I started with a D I placed the D first because it's right in the middle of the word and then I placed the other letters around it because that way I knew that it would be centered if I I am gluing down stuff on top of washi tape I will usually use my tumbo glue tape because the glue tape tends to stick better to washi tape surfaces while a glue stick is fine for paper surfaces but Washi tapes tend to be maybe a little bit shiny and so I find that glue tape doesn't really stick to it I used the Tombo dual brush pen in 942 I think the color is this beautiful beige color my favorite Tombo of all times and I use that to kind of highlight every other line so that it will make it easier to read the index and if you're wondering what I'm going to write here this will be my table of contents so to speak so I will just write down for example January cover page on page blah and then each book that I read on page blah so this will pretty much be a list of every single spread that is in this journal it might be a little late to bring this up now after 12 minutes but if you're wondering what a reading Journal is and what it's used for this is what I use mine for like I love reading books novels exclusively fantasy mostly I read for enjoyment and entertainment I found that this fall I haven't watched a single TV show because I've just been reading I prefer reading on my Kindle or listening to audiobooks and I like to record what I read in my read reading Journal so in my reading Journal I keep track of all of the books that I've read I also have a list of books I would like to read and I write about all of the books that I read I post monthly videos where I go through the books that I read that month and I talk a little bit about them what I thought about them what I liked what I didn't like I'm not a literature connoisseur I just really enjoy reading books and reading stories and this reading Journal is for fun this is my hobby and so I think that everyone will have a different reason to keep a reading Journal I am not trying to read as many books as I can I'm just trying to read for enjoyment so I think that if you watch other creators who are into reading and make reading journals they might have you know different views on what a reading Journal should be or what a reading hobby should look like and that's okay and this is mine I do see a lot of people who like read an insane amount of books every month and I don't do that I take my time I still read more books now than I did before like while I was a student I hardly read any books because I was reading so much for University so I just didn't feel like I had any extra energy for reading other books like reading novels but it's been a while since I was a student I am now 30 years years old and I love reading books and yeah like I said I just really love stories and although it is a hobby I do have this reading journal and that makes it also feel like a bit of a productivity thing to me and I like setting a yearly Challenge and I like setting some reading goals so that is what this spread is all about on the left side I'm going to have the rest of the index like I mentioned before but on this right side I have a little goals page I didn't feel like I needed a whole spread for goals cuz it's not like I'm going to have a huge amount of goals for my reading because it is mostly for enjoyment and the goals are just for fun so I'm not going to be upset if I don't meet the goals it's just a little guideline so far I've only set one goal for 2024 and it is the same goal that I had in 2023 and also that I had in 2022 even though I didn't put it in my journal back then and and that is just to read 40 books so not 52 not one book per week just 40 books that is a good number for me that means that I can read between two and four books a month and I can be content with that some books I will read more books than others some books are really long some books are shorter and I find that this is a good number of books for me this spread is going to have a bit of a different theme than the previous index spread I don't really believe in having the same theme on every spread I like doing different things on each spread and if you have watched any other of my reading Journal videos you'll know that I usually go for a different thing on each spread and my book spreads will be different themes not necessarily relating to the books just using stationer that I really like trying out new color combinations like color palettes I just really enjoy that part of my reading journal A lot it is both a device where I can record the books that I read and write down my thoughts and also a creative Outlet where I can collage and hand letter and just use all of my really pretty stationary that I collect for the title here I used this junk journal from notebook therapy and I just wrote 2024 goals in the same bubbly font again since this title will mostly be on a white background I decided to make the title on this colored paper it's not really craft paper it does have some texture but I'm not really sure what to call it it's really pretty though I cut out every single letter to be honest this is what made this setup take a while was just me cutting out out every single letter for my titles and then gluing them in but um seeing the end result I think it was all worth it I also used a Tombo fos brush pen in Black to write reading in between the 2024 and then goals so then the whole title becomes 2024 reading goals because it is a reading journal for the rest of the spread I used a lot of marona Suli stickers and Washi tapes you can see that I used one of the stickers that I considered for the cover page here it is maybe a little bit of a strange layout to have the gos kind of on the side like this kind of squeezed into the corner a little bit and I was really wondering what to put kind of above the witch sticker I ended up just filling it with some Falling Leaves stickers these are all from marona sui sticker sheets they're from a few different sheets but mostly from those that she released this fall I absolutely love her stickers I'll put links in the description box because they are really great and I think that you guys will like them too I also have this book hangover sticker which is from paper monog and this is like a Washi sticker so it's pretty much transparent and I'll probably fill in this spread with a few more goals just loose simple goals that I set for myself in 2024 if you have any goals that you are setting for yourself in your reading journey in the coming year please let me know in the comments maybe I'll get some good ideas for my own goals I believe that there are no spreads that are necessary in a reading Journal it's all about what you think that you will need which is what is so amazing about just filling an empty notebook with whatever you want because you can customize it 100% present to your own needs so if you make a reading Journal you might not want to have a goals page at all you might not want an index page speaking of the index here I am just setting up the third page of my index I chose to go with a similar style as the goals page rather than following the colors and the style of the previous index spread just because these two pages are going to be next to each other and it will look a lot more cohesive it will look a lot nicer if they are similar so I use the same stickers and Washi tapes and the same paper for the title and this is very much fall themed which I really like because I love fall and I love the colors and I do have a lot of fall stationery and I don't get to use it enough because fall just seems to be too short every year but yeah I'm just decorating this so under the title I wrote continued since this is a continuation of the previous index spread and then I am just decorating it a little bit along the top and the bottom I did put a larger F witch sticker at the top just to kind of complement the witch in the bottom right corner as well and then I used the same beige Tombo dual brush pen to highlight every other line just like in the previous index spread and that is it for this spread and we can move on to the next one this is a spread that I had in my 2023 journal and I quite like it I didn't fill it up entirely but I might this year who knows this is going to be a spread where I can collect releases that I'm looking forward to in 2024 for this I used these blue kind of floral frames that I got from Journal say I'm pretty sure sure you can find them on AliExpress as well and maybe other drop ship stores they are perforated so you kind of just rip them apart I chose to do six because this made the most sense on the page considering the size of the frames cuz they are pretty large to decorate this spread I wanted to use this floral pet tape this one I also got from Journal say this summer I think and it's a blue I'm not sure what kind of flowers these are but they are blue and white kind of and it's a really pretty color I wanted to kind of layer them along the top and the bottom of the spread and also behind the tile here so what I did is I used my xacto knife to cut out each flower and then I just peeled them off of the plastic backing and placed them on the spread this did take a while I did a lot of cutting and I used us a cutting mat underneath so that I wouldn't cut into my desk or onto my notebook because that would be very sad my current blade for my X-Acto Knife is really dull and I should be switching it out but for some reason I didn't while I was doing this so I guess I struggled a little bit more than I needed to I just wanted to kind of cover the bottom and the top with flowers and then of course some of them are kind of going over the edge so I used my scissors to just cut off the excess then I just sorted the frames like which ones I wanted where there are three different kinds so I had two of each and for the title I decided that since I would be gluing on top of this pet tape doing every single letter would be very difficult because like I mentioned before like sticking things on top of the plastic that is pet tape is very trick tricky and it can easily come off so instead I wrote notable releases on this piece of grid paper this is from Muji and then I glued that entire Chunk on top of the florals so instead of doing the flowers just along the top and the bottom I decided to kind of do them around the title since the title is pretty large I think that it turned out really cute these pet tapes like the flowers are so big so this is such an easy way to fill your page with really pretty florals and yeah I think the colors turned out really nice here I'm really pleased with the spread I've room for six books who knows if I will fill it up I might or I might not I don't really pay that much attention to books that haven't come out yet I'm just not that deep into the like book talk Community but there are a few few authors that I pay attention to so I already have some books that are going to go into the spread next up is a spread that I know you guys enjoy watching me make and hear me talk about and this will be my yearly challenge so I consider this separate from my yearly goal I mean I guess in a way that is a challenge too to read 40 books in one year but for this challenge this is more about what kind of books I read so I have 12 of these green floral frames that I have distributed across this whole spread one for each month of the year of 2024 and then I used this green leafy paper from paper monogatari and I made two long columns that could go along the edges cuz when you have so many little frames on one spread it's kind of difficult to figure out how to decorate the rest of it without it becoming very intense September 2022 in my reading journal or April 2022 in my bullet Journal are some notable examples of that happening so yeah I'm just decorating this Loosely using just a few different components I have some ripped paper from old books and I have a white doily that I cut in half and used both halves in different parts of the spread and and I also used some pit tape from notebook therapy this was into the t- room set that I used it's a really pretty one and it has different flowers and girls reading and drinking tea and stuff and I really like them I did test out a few other things first though to see if it would work what would look nice the whole idea behind collaging is to you know just figure out the balance what works where and I really like just experimenting and checking to see if something would look good here or there or but let's talk about the challenge because I wanted to do something different this year I wanted to do something that maybe I have a hard chance of accomplishing cuz I haven't like completed my challenges in my reading Journal before my 2022 challenge I didn't complete 2023 did not complete I got pretty close but didn't make it all the way so this time I thought I would do a challenge that has more to do with the entertainment factor of these books so I decided to do a genre challenge so each of these circles are going to have one genre each I just picked 12 genres and my challenge is to read one book from each of these genres throughout the year of 2023 I gave myself one free one because one of the genres is fantasy and I will probably have that goal met within the first week of January but for the rest of them I chose some themes that I read quite often and then other genres that I don't read often and I thought that this would be a fun and different Challenge and if everything goes according to plan I will read one of these every month and that will also mean that maybe there will be a little bit more variety within my monthly reading Journal videos because there are months where I only talk about fantasy books for example so maybe this way it might be a little bit more approachable to you guys now I will say that that was not a reason for me choosing this challenge I chose this challenge because I thought this was something that I could do um and my reading Journal is before anything else for me not for YouTube even though I show it on YouTube I hope that makes sense so for my title I decided to make my life difficult and cut out every single letter and number and here I did have to glue some of them on top of washi tape this is a washi tape from notebook therapy along the top here it is from their enchanted garden set and it's it's really pretty and the bottom Washi tapes that I used are from the Modi set also very pretty one of my favorite sets from them so here I had to use my glue tape from tumbo to glue down all of the letters it did take a while it was a a little bit of fangling and a little bit annoying there was like glue on my fingers but uh you know we made it you might have also noticed that my sweater changed and that's because I filmed this video over 2 days because there just isn't enough daylight in Oslo right now to film an entire video in one day especially not one that takes as much time to film as this one I had a lot of footage I think like 6 hours or something and although I love journaling and I love collaging and making these spreads I do have a limit every day of how many spreads that I can make before I feel like my creativity is drained and my brain isn't working anymore so that's why I have a different sweater it's a long long winded way of saying that I'm going to be completely honest this is actually the first challenge spread I've made that I'm really happy with I have made challenge spreads before and they've been fine but this one I'm really happy with I think that this one looks really pretty and I think that's also going to make me excited to fill it in so here I have my list of genres that I picked out and I'm just writing them in capital letters with my black Muji gel pen just keep keeping it simple oh and I should tell you which ones I chose in case you can't read that I chose mystery thriller romance self-help history biography autobiography or Memoir horror science fiction manga or graphic novel social science or philosophy historical fiction and fantasy this next spread is also one that you guys seem to enjoy especially when I post pictures of this type of spread on Instagram it usually gets a lot of attention this is a spread that I've been making in my reading journal for a really long time and it just works really well for me it's kind of a visual list of all of the books that I read that year this spread has evolved quite a bit for me because when I started to use it I would glue in book covers of books that I would like to read so I was kind of treating it as a TBR list a tobr r list but as I was using my reading journals I realized that it made a lot more sense for me to glue in only the books that I actually read so books that I started reading I would glue in the book cover here that also meant that I didn't have to print as many book covers I like to print these little book covers and then I just glue them in here next to one another I usually just Google the book and then I save the image and then I open pages or word or whatever you know writing program you use on your computer and I Chang the size to 2 cm wide in this notebook each dot is 5 mm apart so that means that one book cover will be the width of like four squares and this works really well on the spread so that's why I do it this way I'm making two of these spreads in this notebook because in 2023 I didn't quite fill up two spreads but almost so I figured I would only need two for this year as well I'm only showing you one here though I did start making the second one and then I thought is there really any point in making this spread right now when I could just make it later when I actually need it so I decided to just not work on that right now and move on to the next spread instead to decorate this spread I used some of my own sck stickers I use some of my patreon stickers from October which were dark Academia themed and I used some other stickers for my sticker shop my patrons can buy older patreon exclusive stickers in my shop uh in a like a secret shop that only patrons have access to so if you ever see any of my patreon exclusive stickers but you are a month late or half a year late or a year late even I do keep the leftovers in in the secret shop so until they are sold out it's possible to buy them at a later time I also used this book shelf washi tape from paper monogatari I used some junk Journal washi tape from notebook therapy and I used some of the reading like our stories washi tape set also from notebook therapy these just go really well together and I think the spread turned out really cute it's very AR Academia very like old bookstore old library themed which is perfect because I want it to feel like a library on that spread I'm really excited to be filling up the spread because it just looks so nice when it's all filled up I usually print my book covers on label paper or sticker paper I just have an old office jet printer it's not great but it's it's okay it can print and color so the Booker covers aren't the most high defin book covers you've ever seen but it works fine I think if I wanted a a better print I would go to the library because the libraryies here in also have really great printers with very vibrant colors the only downside is that I can't print on label paper so then on the next spread I just started by doing the lines like doing the frame just like I did on the previous spread but then I decided to not decorate it yet because who knows I might get some really fun pretty stickers that I want to use later on in 2024 and then I'll be able to set up a spread like this then so yeah that was my thinking behind that if there is one spread that I think most reading Journal has it's probably a TBR and a TBR is a list of books that you would like to read the TBR stands for to be read it is a little bit shorter than books I want to read so I decided to take two spreads for my TBR but just like with the previous spread I only decorated one I made one frame on each side here and then I let every section have two lines because some books have very long Titles since I'm only putting one book in each section this felt like it made the most sense I did not count these though so the bottom and the top has like three lines instead of two but oh well it happens it's not perfect and it's okay I kind of followed the same theme as on the previous spreads that I made with the kind of vintagey Academia Vibes these Washi tapes are all from notebook therapy I really like them I will link them down below I will try to put links to everything that I use in this setup in the description box so if there is anything you're curious about or that you might want to get yourself or look into you can check the description box and then if what you're looking for is not there please ask in a comment and I'll try to respond as soon as I can since most of the spread is for the list I just wanted simple decorations along the side but of course I did have to add some stamps and some stickers so a part of the list is being covered up but I think that's okay I used actually some of my own washi tape in this spread as well some of that vertical a beautiful story washi tape that I was mentioning earlier and I also use some of my light Academia stickers cuz I feel like they fit here if you have any book recommendations for me please leave them in the comments I don't know if this is common or not but you know I'm a very emotional reader I finish a book and then I'm like hm which book should I read next what do I feel like and then I just pick a book and some times it's not on my well most of the time it's not on my list really I just randomly hear about a book or see a book and I like the title or like the cover like if I walk into a bookstore and I really like a cover I'm inclined to buy that book just because of the cover and so a lot of the time I go into books blind but it is nice to have uh TBR lists regardless just because there are books that I see or I hear about that I don't really have the time or capacity to read right when I see it and then it's it's good to have the TBR so that I can pick it up at a later time so if you had any favorites in 2023 or a book that you're looking forward to reading in 2024 maybe let me know in the comments and I might add it to my own TBR list as for my recommendations I have a lot of videos from 2023 about the books that I read and my thoughts on them so definitely check out my other reading Journal videos I have made playlists for for the entire year so now instead of having just one playlist for all of my reading Journal videos I have separated them into years so that you won't suddenly have one playlist with like 40 videos but instead it's like 13 I used these pet tape stickers I guess they are stickers for some final details these are from the junk Journal pet tape set from notebook therapy I really like them cuz they have these like earthy tones and dried flowers and and that's pretty much it for that TBR spread and then there's room for the next one which I will probably set up sometime in 2024 and now we can move on to the very last spread that I setting up in this video and this is a spread that I have not made before at least not in this format I think I tried something similar to this in my 2020 reading Journal maybe if I remember correctly but it was a little bit different and so I'm excited to try this you might might have noticed that I haven't made a Tracker in this setup I had a Reading Tracker in my 2023 setup it didn't really work that well for me because I didn't check in regularly to fill it and so when I went in to fill it there was just so much to fill in like all of the hours I had listened to audiobooks all of the pages I had read There was just so much to go back and check because I didn't fill it in after reading every book and you might say why just why not just change your habits so that you actually do go and fill in the tracker but no that's not how it works the truth is that that tracker didn't work for me because I I didn't care enough to go in after every book and fill it in it wasn't that important to me and I am not really a statistics gal I I hated statistics in University I almost failed the statistics class I had to do for my Master's I did better on my bachelor's but I don't know there's just something about math and me just don't go along very well but I can be inclined to enjoy this kind of statistic of like how many pages I've read and whatever it might be fun especially because I'm reading just for fun and this is not something that I have to track like I don't have to have a certain performance for it to be acceptable or whatever so this is going to be my monthly review spread and here I'm going to go after every month to write down how many books I read how many pages I read if I read an ebook or a physical book and how many hours I listened if I listened to audio books that month which let's be real I will be I will be listening to audiobooks every month I have an audible membership I get two credits every month so of course I need to use them oh and in case that wasn't clear I think the reason this didn't work for me last year was because my tracker spread didn't have monthly sections it was all like one big bulk so I felt like I had to count all of the books again every month because I didn't know where I had left off the last time I counted so it was just a little bit confusing and too much counting and it just made me not want to do it so that's why this time it is split into monthly sections because then I can actually go in every month and kind of start fresh for the monthly headers like I didn't have that much room so I used these monthly stamps from notebook therapy this is from their lunar faces stamp set and they're really pretty and they were the perfect size for this I also used some of these cherry blossom stickers well they are actually a pet tape that I cut out with my X-Acto Knife and peeled off the backing the same way I did on the notable releases spread you will have seen me use these a lot in my 2024 bullet Journal setup as well I just think that they are so pretty I also used some stickers from paper minty Studio that I thought fit the theme cuz they have very soft muted colors as well so I thought that they would look nice together with these cherry blossoms setting up a spread like this with all of these stickers looks very messy at first but then when it all comes together and you're cutting off the excess then it looks really pretty and it looks like it was almost printed on because the pet tape is transparent along the edges so no white edges and I don't know if you do a similar spread to this but if you do let me know if you like your reading statistics I know some people love their reading statistics there is also a lot of like recording books that you read on Goodreads which I do I do have a Goodreads I'll put a link in in the description box I just don't really post any reviews because I consider these reading Journal videos my reviews really and I don't really feel the need to write down or review as well I mostly just collect books in my shelves there and keep track of the books that I have read and I also use the Goodreads goal thingy where you can choose a set number of books that you want to read that year and then good reads will kind of track it for you and tell you how many books ahead of schedule you are or if you're behind schedule and you know I find that quite helpful so I check into good reads maybe once a month or every other week depending to update which books I'm reading or have read and yeah just to see how far along I've come in this year I probably made my life a little bit hard by having to write Books hours listened and Pages read in every single section here but you know I think that it looks nicer this way and it makes the spread look a little bit different from the TBR list because if if I had just made a big table like I did on the TBR it would look very similar so I wanted to make sure that this had a different feel from my TBR and there you have it that's my whole setup for my reading journal for 2024 and I can't wait to fill this every month I'm really excited about the reading year of 2024 let's do a little flip through so that we can see all the spreads together one more time and if you watch this video all the way to the end be sure to put a tulip Emoji in your comment to let me know I chose a tulip because there are tulips on the front of my Notebook thank you so so much for watching this video I know that this was a long one but it was inevitable there was just so many spreads to go through if you have any book recommendations please leave them in the comments for both both for me and for each other I think that it's so great that we can share books that we love with each other in case you don't know I have a patreon and all of my patrons and myself we are in this Discord server that is accessible only to patrons and there is actually a book club in there and you can vote for the book that we'll read that month and then there are book club discussions there is a call every month to talk about it you don't have to participate in the call if you don't want to of course it's optional but I think that my patreon Discord server is a really great place and there are so many fun people there and everyone is really encouraging and really nice and everyone's really welcoming as well so definitely check that out if you're interested there is a lot of information on my patreon page on the different things that I offer so if you want to be part of the community and support me as a Creator and an artist then that is greatly appreciated and on that note big thank you to my patrons for supporting me this year 2023 has been a wild year and I am so thankful to my patrons for supporting me through the year a big thank you to all of you guys who watch my YouTube videos as well it is sometimes scary to make these videos because I know that my previous reading Journal videos have done really well and they are some of my most watched videos so I want to make sure that what I make is something that I'm really proud of and I can honestly say that I am really proud of this video and this setup and I hope that you guys enjoyed it as well if you're interested in any of the stickers that I have drawn myself I do have a sticker shop called ipaper.com there will be a link in the description box and in case you are wondering yes there will be a November reading Journal update and a December reading Journal update those videos are coming I've just been very behind and I wanted to prioritize my 2024 setup videos before I went and edited those so they are coming before the end of the year and I hope that you will watch and enjoy those videos as well and with that I think that is all for today thank you so much for watching this video be sure to subscribe if you haven't already and click the like button because that makes YouTube show this video to more people I hope that you're all having a lovely day and I'll see you next time bye [Music] e [Music]
Channel: mochibujo
Views: 73,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bujo, bullet journal, bullet journaling, planner, planners, study, student, mochibujo, plan with me, tn, traveler's notebook, rustico, journaling, studytube, bujotube, Amandarachlee, inprint, archer & olive, a&o, notebook therapy, notebooktherapy, with me, study with me, studio vlog, draw with me, scrapbook, scrapbooking, Patreon
Id: xxx_0cACfuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 42sec (2982 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.