2024 Reading Goals

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hello everyone welcome to new's bookshelf we are going to go over some goals for 2024 uh last year I sent tentative goals which I forgot shortly after and didn't keep um at least I don't think I kept them I honestly am not going to go back because I'm positive I did not get any of them right so what can you do um I'm going to just ignore this past year and I'm going to treat it like it was a break here I needed like uh it's kind of like a sabatical year and I know I still read like 250 books so I'm not saying I didn't read a lot but what happened in the past year was really just me reading what I wanted to read and recovering in a lot of ways from emotional stress or work stress um things that were going on healthwise whatever else it was just me taking care of me and enjoying reading as a factor of that not being my sole purpose so I'm excited to go over over some goals for the upcoming year I think this upcoming year I want to be kind of more intentional but I'm not sure what that means because I have found that due to a lot of stressors um reading becomes more of a stress than a reward thing or something that I want to do and I guess the first sorry about the cough uh I work in child care um but one of the first things that I want to do for the upcoming year is really prioritize the fun in Reading I feel like so often in with reading I just I feel very goal oriented and that's a wonderful thing but when it becomes only the goals that's a problem because that means I am so driven to read but that means I'm not enjoying it anymore and it's not something that's fun for me so I wanted to set a couple goals that will help me progress in certain areas but also some goals that will help it be fun now one of the things I do want to do is um get down my physical TBR and I know a lot people say this I am going to try to do something I don't know how it's going to look but last year or this current year that I'm in 2023 I did this buying restriction essentially where I had to uh read two physical books so if I read book one and book two from my shelves or whether that was a library copy of a physical book I owned if I read two of them I could buy one book to replace that spot so basically two out one in um for new books that I wanted to read and so a lot of those books I kept because I wanted to read them again or got rid of because I didn't want to and that was really successful but I noticed that um I not but but because of that I noticed that I really prioritized what books I was buying and it really impacted the books I purchas because I was like do I really want to own that is it worth me using up that giveaway that amount of books I've read because of this there were only a couple times in 2023 where I binge bought books um one was the library book sale almost was my birthday mon birthday sale at Indigo so I definitely took advantage of those two times but I really didn't binge by at all and I think that's because of this situation where I had is I'm going to continue it um I feel like it really helps me motivate uh not motivate but it helps me prioritize books I want to own and a part of those rules that really worked for me was if I read a book from the library or got an arc of it and I read that in advance and then I wanted to purchase it that was allowed it's not part of that because it's already a read book it's only books I have not yet read that I will be doing this um for so yeah I'm going to be doing that that's part of my goal is to keep that and to keep that in my mind as I read books that I own but also buy books that I am aware of what I'm buying and if it's really worth putting on my shelves another thing I want to do is get my owned TBR down to 25% of my books I own now that is a very high goal it's a very intense goal that I don't know if I can do it but basically when I did my bookshelf tour I think that was September I think I did it um I'll link it for you if you want to check out all of my bookshelves at that point but when I did that I counted and I had about 50% of the books I owned I had not read which is a pretty good percentage actually it was just about like 49% that I hadn't read and that's a good percentage because I own over a thousand books so a lot of the books I own I have read but I want to change that I want to make it more books I have read than books I have not read so maybe I'll just drop it by like 20% so if I can get down to 30% books I haven't read I'll be pretty happy um I plan I don't know if I have the time to film it because my parents are back in Canada now so they are living with me again which does put a damper on filming times and I am not upset about that at all it just does make a difference um but I'm planning on filming a complete unread shelf tour so all the books I own that are not read I would love to get your recommendations which books I should prioritize all that kind of stuff um and through that I should hope Y show you how many I have left and then we'll get from there to 30% in the upcoming year whether that is by reading those books by unhauling those books I don't care I just want to get down to 30% and I have been going through a book like just declutter essentially or book um unhaul where I'm just looking at my shelves and being like I want to get rid of that and get rid of that and get rid of that and I have been so I'm probably already down a bit but we're going to go down to 30% of books I own that I have not read that's my goal and I hope I can do it um another goal that I would like to do for the upcoming year is to reread at least one book a month I I think this is going to be an easy goal in some regards but in other regards it's going to be harder see I don't want to reread EG the Christies as that one book because I will be doing that um but I don't want that to be the only reread I want to reread the books I've owned cuz like I said I own over 500 books that I have read before and a lot of those books are because I want to reread them so if I don't reread them what's the point in me owning them um so I'm going to be prioritizing rereads in the upcoming year at least one of these extra books will hopefully be on my TBR I will plan on reading it again and just enjoying uh old favorite that would be wonderful and even revisiting some of these books that I have read long ago and really loved but I haven't read in like 5 years it'd be awesome to go back and reread sorry it'd be awesome to go back and reread and see what it's like um now and what what my new or 2024 self thinks of that so I'm interested in rereading for that reason another thing with that is I don't want to reread Agatha Christie as that one thing because I will be doing the read chrisy 2023 challenge I will be do or 2024 challenge I should say I will also be doing the um Golden Girls reading challenge the buzz word Aon I'll be doing all of those again and if the book covered book club comes up with another list of prompts I'll be doing that one as well I'm enjoying those prompts and I'm enjoying the flexibility I have in them I don't know if I will do any other ones I I'm hopeful but I honestly know myself I know I'm going to overwhelm myself um so I don't want to do that so uh those things are important to me and I will hopefully continue to do them like I have been doing so far another goal that's going to be difficult for 2024 I already know is I want to read all my book club books um I used to be so good at reading my book club books I used to be really on top of them I I would read them whether I loved them hated them whatever like our book club has a scale of best to worst books and the worst book that everyone will say in our book club was the worst book I have read everyone else did not read it I did not finish it I finished it no one else did but yet the last year I think I have read like three of the 12 books um or 11 books however many and I've really not prioritized finishing Book Club books and so this year I'm going to do that I really want to prioritize that even though uh it might be really difficult um I would like to try at the very least I'm going to give myself like at least 100 Pages normally I'm like uh I am a quick dnfr I will dnf after 10 pages five pages if I'm really not liking it but I want to give each book for at least book club 100 pages and that's a goal because I do really need that accountability so yeah that's that uh another thing that I would like to do is recreate an author jar I want to make another one of those that will take a bit more time a bit more effort and like I said filming Wise It's not super easy right now um but I would like to do an author jar situation again I felt like it really pushed me and challenged me to read outside my comfort zone and to test what authors that I might not have tried otherwise so I'm going to have to make one of those soon and then I'm going to do TBR clue as per usual um and then in the upcoming year I'm hoping to I don't know challenge myself um in regards to community I I feel like often um I struggle to be mentally in the heads space to leave comments and I want to get better about that uh because I do watch book tube but watching and commenting can be really hard mentally for me I don't know something about it it just makes my brain want to turn off and or when I'm watching YouTube at least I want to turn off my brain and just enjoy the content I'm watching so I'm going to try to get better about commenting um and even if that's just an emoji or something just so I can encourage and support someone else in the book Community that's my goal I'm going to see if I can do it um another low-key goal I'm going to say um and this is kind of lowkey but it's also kind of not is audiobooks I have not been listening to many books lately and I don't know why I have stopped loving audiobooks um I want to get back into it especially since I have taken on Crafting I have taught myself how to crochet in the last few months and or last couple months actually let's give it let's call it what it is okay the last five weeks four weeks I've taught myself to crochet and I have been crocheting and that's something I really want to do while listening to audiobooks and um just enjoying my time with that so I'm going to try we'll see another another goal that I've been toying with and I'm kind of scared to commit to but I'm going to say it out loud I'm just going to do it I want to do Timeless Toms again the scary part of that is I would have to commit to finishing a big book and a lot of the books I have been reading lately have been smaller uh they're not big they're not over 500 pages and I think that might have to be what it is um it might not be timeless TOS but it might be timeless books like Classics I'm not sure but I am wanting to spend time reading and reviewing especially these books that are well known for whatever reason and just reviewing them for the sake of sharing my thoughts and sharing my opinions because sometimes my opinions are controversial sometimes they're not but it's interesting to have those thoughts and have that discussion in a video a spoilery open video about a classic and its works and how I agree or disagree with it so I want to bring back that kind of idea maybe not the toms aspect uh but I will be doing something along those lines I'm going to I'm going to commit to doing it I will do it because I think it's something that I have been lacking in my life um and it's even just the commitment to finish a book because I think I finished one book that I want to D enough in the whole of 2023 which uh was Bleak House because I was doing it for readalong so yeah we are doing the readalong again for the upcoming year and we're doing the tale of jeni I believe is how you pron pronounce that um so we'll be doing that one in the upcoming summer and that will be fun I'm hoping it will be a really great time but we'll see another really hard goal is this this is going to be a a challenge and a half um is to have 50% of my R books throughout the year be non-fiction I'm already planning on failing this I'm not planning on failing uh I'm already seeing myself fail this but I really want to have a high goal so I can accomplish it um I Love non-fiction fic non-fiction is something that brings me joy it breathes life into me and honestly when I get downhe hardened or I get feel tired and weary of you know historical fiction or Classics sometimes like I do love Classics but when they're you know they're the same old like anti-woman stuff or whatever I'm just throwing out things here um but non-fiction breathes life into me I love reading nonfiction and changing things up and reading something that I don't know about and learning something new that is fabulous for me it is an incredibly motivating part of my reading life and I don't do it enough so I will be trying to read 50% non-fiction in the course of actually let's lower that no let's aim for 50 instead of lowering it and try my hardest because I do think I will really enjoy it if I put the effort in and I'm not going to just read one type of non-fiction I want to read multiple kinds I want to be enjoying what I'm reading and learning about and seeing it is I think my non-fiction shelves are very heavy of to be read books and I'd like to get that number down because that means that they need to be read so I can enjoy them uh another thing that I do want to be prioritizing in my reading for the upcoming year are my arcs I have requested several arcs and I have read several arcs but I have not posted my reviews of them which is a problem so I need to be prioritizing reviewing my arcs as well as reading them in time of her publication so that does mean I will have to make sure that those are on my TBR as well as a reread as well as um non-fiction all of this variety is important to my reading success I believe in 2024 the last thing is that um I would really like to reread some childhood favorites some things that I have really enjoyed like I reread Chronicles of Narnia and I loved that I have a book called mad about meline which is about the 12 little girls in Paris I want toere that whole book cuz I grew up on that it was phenomenal so I'm really want to prioritize the books I read as a child um enjoying those ones again and seeing what they're like as an adult and through an adult's lens so that will be interesting to see so yeah there's are some goals I don't know if I have any more honestly I kind of have just been stewing on my goals and what I want to accomplish and I really just want to enjoy what I'm reading learn through my reading and enjoy the time that I'm spending in other areas as well so if I'm crocheting I don't need to be reading all the time if I am reading I don't need to worry about the crocheting um I do have a big project that I'm working on and I can't say anything more because someone who might watch my channel might be getting a gift from me so I'm not going to say anymore um but I I do have goals in that regard or deadlines so I am hopeful that I can make the reading fun again and interesting and I can just do it for the sake of it as opposed to feeling forced into it please let me know in the comments some of your goals what are you planning on doing for your reading is there anything you're planning on implementing I'd love to know in the comments thank you so much for watching if you would also like to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and subscribe if you are new here that would be incredible I will see you next time bye for [Music] now
Channel: Naomi’s Bookshelf
Views: 317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1x5_uyUEDPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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