HOUSE TOUR | A Traditional Family Home in Nashville

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on today's episode of home withy we're visiting the Nashville home of interior designer Katherine Brader Katherine lives in an English tutor Cottage that's over a century old and is located in a historic part of the city filled with treasures from her travels traditional touches as well as pops of color Catherine and her family have truly made this home their own enjoy you're watching homeworthy where we believe every home has a story before today's epe episode click the join button below to support all of the storytelling we do on this channel our growing community of members help to directly fund more videos so we can capture these extraordinary homes from around the world so join today to receive early and exclusive access to new homeworthy videos hey homeworthy I'm Catherine welcome to my home here in Nashville I'd love to show you around [Music] hi I'm Katherine brandstadter I'm an interior designer here in Nashville Tennessee so our home is in the belme linkx neighborhood it's a really sweet little section of kind of the belme area in Nashville it's in a historic overlay so all of the homes here uh follow certain regulations to maintain the Integrity of the neighborhood so we bought this house in 2019 it's an English tutor Cottage is how I describe it it was built in the 20s so has lots of great character and old house porks but you know I love old houses and I love it had great bones when we saw it and actually we bought it with out seeing it we came up for the inspection but we were living in Atlanta at the time and I had told my husband had been kind of eyeing some properties and they were going really quick I think naille was just really starting to get crazy real estate wise and I was like okay the next house that comes up and I say I think we should jump on it we should jump on it and I was getting my nails done and I was sitting there scrolling and after about 10 minutes I texted him was like okay I think this is the one we we need to to act on this and so we made an offer side on scene and we it was accepted and we came up for the inspection and it definitely needed some work a little love but it I knew it had great potential and we've really made it ours Welcome to our living room this is the first room you walk into when you enter our house it's one of my favorite rooms we painted everything White Dove when we moved in I think it's a good kind of portrayal of my style not too traditional but also not modern it's just just kind of collected and it's always hard to put your design style into words but I feel like mine is collected and really just things that I love so the bird prints are the rudebeck Swedish bird prints that was something that I had my eyes on when we used to live in Atlanta there was a dealer at Scott's Antique Market that would sell them and um that was one of the first things I bought when we bought this house was I had this vision of having birds in this room and clearly I love birds because I always find things like bird houses and little birds I'll show you you'll probably notice throughout the house this bird house came from one of my favorite antique shops in Charleston um antiques of South windamir got it on the way back from a trip to kiaa and we were driving stuffed car and I literally had the bird house in my lap for the rest of the ride home the pine chest also came from that shop these zebra chairs were something that i' also had my eyes on they're from Lee Industries but I think they're really fun so this cute little green table is from a local shop Reed Smite and I think it's the perfect little addition to this room with the uh Jasper pillows and um just a little pop of color that it that it needed so our coffee table is Serena and Lily you've probably seen it but I just always love incorporating natural elements into my design so grasscloth retan I mean clearly I have a lot of it maybe too much but I think you know if you love something you just kind of go with it I just put some of my favorite coffee table books on it so these sweet little Pottery houses came from signature Gallery in Atlanta they were a wedding gift from my old bosses Carter K and Nancy huff and they are just really special to me I worked there for almost six years and learned honestly so much from the both of them so I love having a little piece of them in our room this mirror is just a cool piece it's kind of Smokey and I think it just adds another layer gives some Dimension to the room and it's kind of cool to see when when you walk in and now we're going to go to my sun room so follow me Welcome to our sun room I love this room the windows were definitely one of the selling points for me on the house they're original We lined it with Philip Jeff's grass cloth has just slight blue kind of background color it gets great sun it's happy I love you know coming in here and I would say read a book but it's more like um drink a glass of wine let the kids play um normally there's some toys scattered throughout but um but yeah it's it's a great great room and um it's a home to kind of my blue and white which I don't do a ton of but I have a collection of ginger jars and things like that so this is where they made their home and they're on this really beautiful antique Tavern table that came from my grandparents my parents were very sweet and let us have it cuz they said we had the perfect spot for it it's a special piece and the Seltzer bottle lamp is also really cool this was another uh family heirloom and I just think it's it's really pretty in here here's yet another bird that seems to find their way around the house so over here just a sweet little corner got some of our wedding photos some pottery we picked up in the algar of Portugal the paintings by a local artist Casey Hughes and then over here I have a couple of the little faces that Sally King Benedict does and I love her work so just a sweet little spot for those a tile that we picked up in Spain just kind of home to some of my little treasures and um yeah we just love spending time in here so here we are in our dining room this is right off the living room the front of the house and it's kind of our Moody dark blue green room it's Fon ball in CA I love this room it's a nice kind of break from the white dove that's adjacent I love obviously my bamboo retan Obsession I think eventually we'll get more of a formal kind of dining table and chairs we've kind of outgrown this one but it's served its purpose and picked it up at Scott's in Atlanta well actually we had sold it to a client when I worked for Carter um we'd sold it to Sally King Benedict and then I she decided to go with something else and I was like well wait can I buy it back from you cuz I wanted it for myself but um so it found its way back to me and um put some fun Clarence House animal print on the seat cushions and added drapery in this really pretty Pi Fray fabric that I love I have a thing for ochre and we love hosting dinners here we've host Ed our families here for Thanksgiving and Christmas I love the the details in here this little arched opening when you walk in there's a sweet little detail that is original to the house and then I put this big Lantern in from Visual Comfort that I feel like it fits my style it's not too formal in here um and I I like the white against the the teal walls and um this piece my parents gifted us for for Christmas a couple years ago the artist steuart McDonald I think she just creates some really fun abstract pieces and I love the colors and patterns that she uses and this piece came from a antiques place in Atlanta when we used to live there and you can see in this room I painted the walls and the trim the same color which I like to do in certain spaces I think it makes sense and just makes it feel really warm and cozy and kind of Moody and um it it just felt right for this space on the way to the bathroom I thought I would show you our hallway it's the central part of the house um we line the walls in this Santa Barbara icat wallpaper from shoe marer and I just I love how it turned out I used it as the backdrop for a lot of my framed artwork in Black frames and I think it just makes them really Pop I love the wallpaper in here I think it breaks up just some of the white throughout the house and love incorporating some pattern and I love Stripes this is a fun kind of gallery wall that you can see when you walk in the front door actually so it's fun to just kind of peer through and and see um some of these pieces um I picked up the little Starburst um at the Antiques Market in Paris uh for an anniversary trip that was sort of my one thing I could fit in my um luggage home um and then I've gotten a couple of these little Museum bees that I think are really fun the runner is an antique piece and it came from a dealer in Atlanta I used to pick up um us Shacks from and yeah I like the little pop of color in here and also love this little antique cobblers bench so welcome to our haul bath this is actually a full bath it has a tub but it functions as our powder room um and lately we've been bathing both of the kids down here cuz it's a little bit bigger tub and we they like bathing together so we're spending more and more time in here we painted the walls fair and ball color I think it's green blue tried to kind of do this on a budget kept the pedestal sink because eventually we may end up putting the laundry room here because it is a big space um and moving the powder room but for now it's great just did a little basket weave Tow on the floor antique brass sink faucet that I love unlocker brass the little shades are from fermoy with some Pooky sconces and I picked up the wooden bamboo mirror from a local shop here canterberry Cottage um these frames I picked up at Gas Lamp antiques here in Nashville for like $25 each and then had one of my favorite artists Renee buan commissioned some Botanical for me that I think are really fun with popping against the blue tying in the colors from the rug oh and then there's these funny L little bottoms that are framed and I think they're just kind of quirky and fun so and this is a sweet little hand towel that my uh one of my best friends from college Cleveland crook created she just launched her um own custom textiles and embroidery company called all the fields f i LS but she literally just took one of my paintings and hand designed this little print and she's so talented and just Whi that up in a couple days so I love it and um I think it's perfect in our little haul bathroom Okay so next I'm going to take you to our kitchen and our den Welcome to our kitchen um I'll preface it and say this is I call our Band-Aid kitchen because I get to work on really uh beautiful kitchens for clients and I think you know this isn't our forever but it is a lot better than what it was when we moved in there were lenium countertops and these really really old cabinets that had these like grip poles at the top but also hard Weare that looked kind of like little spiraly things anyway we were like how can we do this very inexpensively um so we tore off the upper cabinets that did not go to the ceiling put in open shelves um did a new backsplash Ikea butcher blog counters and some lovely Lowe's cabinets so just a way to you know get us by and I think it looks pretty good for what we spent on it um and a fun thing we did for uh my husband's birthday this year was um got a bar cabinet this really cool antique pine piece that um is doubling as his bar and he loves to make drinks and um it's um kind of a hobby of his so I it was kind of a joke that it was a gift for him but a gift for me too because it's a lot prettier than what was here and um as you can tell he likes to whip up some cocktails um but it's great it came from this really cool place called Parson's nose and he gets everything from England and I clearly love Pine but um I just love that little detail at the top and um I think it it's really a nice piece and I love mixing antiques in when when you can and they they you don't have to have everything be built out it's you can use antique pieces so um yeah I love how how it turned out in here okay so now let's head into the den so welcome to our den this is uh the room we probably spend the most time in um it was also part of the renovation we did last year we finished last summer um and really made this room a a lot happier there used to be this really dated corner fireplace over here um that I hated and then there were no windows on this wall which was kind of odd and there were no built-ins which was really important to us to get some storage and a place for our books and some family photos and things we've collected we love just spreading out in here an upholstered cocktail ottoman is very practical for families with young kids don't have to worry about sharp Corners I used this fun Jasper print on it cuz it really hides anything Brown performance fabric that is just also hides everything like I mean formula wine all of the above get spilled on it and it just doesn't show a thing so it is really nice to um have a room where you're not worried about people just you know spilling when friends come over I like to um you know we we like to have our guests feel comfortable and not worried like they're going to stain something and I think that that room this room feels that way um nothing's too precious um but also it's you know comfortable and bright and happy and just relaxed feeling um and I love how the built-ins turned out it just was a big game changer in here um we pain them this Booth Bay gray color um that is just like the pretty a pretty kind of blue gray um and yeah and then we also added this wall of sliding doors um it was just a smaller pair of um French doors before and this also just lets in a lot more light which is great this cute little spindle chair came from a local antique shop here uh patina and I love little child's chairs but uh Charlie loves sitting in it and um I just think it's super cute and now I'll take you out to our new screen porch Welcome to our screen porch we um like I said we finished this last summer and we have just loved having it it was definitely one of those things that we both always wanted in our house so we did these blue blue stone pavers and painted everything white Swiss coffee the color I used outside another thing I guess I one of my sort of once was a a porch swing and it's kind of everyone's favorite spot to sit but um it's just been including Winnie it's um it's really fun just to sit out here and love having friends over and just eating dinner and it's nice cuz we did these fans in the corners but we also added this um ceiling heater on the ceiling and it is so we can use it year round which has been wonderful I feel like the bugs get pretty bad here in Nashville so having screens is is huge um and yeah the swing came from Low Country originals and I had the cushion made and all of the the Wicker is mainly baskets and yeah I used some Jasper indoor outdoor Fabrics on everything and it's just very durable so this is a another mainly baskets piece it's a pedestal and N that I use to put my ferns in I love woven everything so um I I just think wicker on a screen porch is very Southern we used this antique pine table that was my parents that my mom was very sweet and gave to me and it was actually our old breakfast table but we cut down the legs and made it into a coffee table and it's been great it serves its purpose out here I clearly have a thing for Pine um and yeah I love how it works out here and um we will pull up all the miscellaneous little child's chairs that I buy um and Charlie and his buddies will eat dinner here and um Lily will soon enough and then I think one thing that was nice when we renovated and built this wood burning fireplace was we made a a little spot for wood so that we don't have to run to the back to get more firewood so I think it's nice to have the bench seat and then the firewood storage underneath okay and next I'll take you upstairs to see the kids rooms welcome to Lily's Nursery um we Lily was born last July so she's about to turn one um and this is obviously my very girly little Haven um it was not a secret that I had always hoped I might have a little girl it was kind of a joke amongst my friends but I clearly was excited to design a pink nursery so I went more Peach but it's a lot of pink and Peach the wallpaper is from La Indians it's one of my favorites um I just think it's a nice kind of subtle um pattern but it's it's really pretty and girly and then we did um a contrast trim to match I think it's called sponge sugar we love playing in here and now she's crawling and um so she's got lots of room to crawl around and I may or may not have given her the room with the bigger closets um so that uh that I'll Charlie probably wouldn't appreciate but um but it's really sweet and uh we yeah picked up this Old Pine dresser from patina it's a local shop here and um the glider was from Charlie's room and when we updated him to his big boy bed um that moved in here the quilt was actually um quilted by my great-grandmother um which is fun so I've got a few of them that we pull out um and we added on the window seat which I love um This Used to Be our guest room when we made it the nursery we built this window seat which is just really sweet I always kind of envisioned having one um to read books on and just hang out and when you gets another little perch in the house um but this little Dormer um is I think just like the perfect spot for a window seat um and these cute little framed um framed little florals dried flowers are her initials and they came from this um company called Matilda goat I think they're really really sweet um and yeah I mean lots of pink but um I think it's it's really sweet in here and then um the canopy is really fun I like the little touch of cornflower blue in here and the framed bonnets were also a family piece that used to hang in Charlie's room but um those were also um made by my my mom's grandmother so I love just incorporating little family um special heirlooms and I think they're really sweet in here and um obviously have a nod to Winnie she she also gets a special spot but I love these little pillows that Chelsea textiles does they have all different kinds of dogs and I think this one's called spaniels with butterflies they're super cute and then we I mean I picked up this little bamboo table from a local antique shop I think it was like $150 or something and I think it's always nice to have a little spot for special little Little Treasures and trinkets that you get gifted and um and then the Arts and another piece by Renee buan that I love um I think I call them lies I think they they're LLY so obviously I went with the floral theme for for Lily but um but yeah I think it all turned out really sweet um I love her clearly I'm going with a theme here um but lily of the valley and uh yeah I I mean I think it's it's a pretty special room I hope that she will love it for years to come when you're designing a nursery I always kind of start with like one thing that I love and build the room around that so for me in this room it was this wallpaper I had seen a photo of it long time ago and always kind of hoped that I might be able to use it um but and so yeah I think just like finding one whether it's a fabric or a piece of art that's maybe special has some family meaning or something as your starting point to really kind of build off of and I do think it's really sweet to incorporate things from either your childhood or your your partners and just um you know having it yeah just be special and um I mean I found out I was having I found out the gender when I was pregnant some people wait which I I don't have enough um self-control for I guess but I I think you can design nurseries and they don't have to be pink or blue um in this case I did go crazy with the pink but um I think you know you can do greens or blues for a girl and um so it's you don't have to know what you're having in in advance but um but yeah I think just incorporating things that are are special and um it'll it'll be great one other little thing I love in here was this in here okay and next I'll take you to my son Charlie's room this is Charlie's room we recently moved him to his big boy bed he was in his crib before but he has taken very well to the bed and I selfishly like it cuz we can read books and snuggle before bedtime which has been a really sweet little thing we do his room is another one of my favorites I love the wallpaper I don't know how he'll feel about birds and flowers when he's a couple years but for now he likes it but um tried to make it a little more boyish added these retan kind of animal heads to the wall and shockingly they don't like scare him I kind of thought they might but he likes them um and yeah the wallpapers pure Fray uh Bengali it's it's a classic we did a f ball kind of hay color on the trim and I think just turned out really sweet this is actually a dry sink cabinet that came from Fritz Porter in Charleston I used to be a sink back in the day but we made it a changing table which has been great um he's almost out of diapers so that is good because he's getting a little big for this but um but yeah it was it was cool we I was actually shopping with my mom the day we found it and I was like oh man that would um make such a cute um changing table and I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant yet but then like a couple days later I found out I was and so I called the shop and um bought it because I before I didn't want to jinx it I was like I really want to buy that but I should probably wait till I'm pregnant um but anyway it's been a really cool piece and um this love this little bamboo wall shelf um came from uh Courtney Barton in I think she's in Texas um she gets really cool things that I love looking at her website um and just a perfect little spot for all of Charlie's treasures and things that he's been gifted and some of my um husband Austin's baby silver and um I mean just little um this was a little cup that my mom gave me that was she had forever and ever and um um that was like a little bunny print of my mom's and um yeah just some of Charlie's little um bunnies that and birthday hats and um a little book we picked up on our baby moon oh and my dad's little teddy bear that he loved he I don't think he actually wanted to part with it but it's got a a special spot here this cute little chair came from this British Artist her name's Tess nle and she makes the cutest kids chairs I just ordered one for Lily's birthday custom hand painted and you can send her pictures and she did like a little portrait of Winnie on here which is amazing and little stars and moons because Charlie loves space I've had this for a while but um it really worked perfectly in here and um I picked up these little bird cages another bird thing um at the Nashville Antiques and Garden Show last year um thought they were cute but um but yeah I mean he's got a pretty sweet room um have another little Pine bedside table um the um I love using his little Jep cups for flowers and um little spot for his books that he picks out before bed and if it's after eight we only we don't do any more books that's a new rule um but I think yeah his room turned out really sweet and he's got a great view out the back um big full wall of Windows that recently he's been talking about come he wants me to come look at the sunset with him so he's yeah very big into the sun and stars and all of that good stuff but um but yeah I love his room okay so now we'll head back downstairs and go out back to the carage house welcome to my office this is upstairs in the Carriage House That Built from scratch last year finished it up last summer basically right before uh Lily was born and obviously I love it it's definitely my little Oasis back here and it's really how I envisioned it cuz it was years of pinning home studio and then it was yeah a labor of love coming up with the design and and working with the architect and our Builder and just kind of bringing it all to life but we fit a lot back here um it's a two-car garage and we were able to achieve a studio space with plenty of storage for fabrics and wallpaper samples and all the things and also we're able to get a separate guest bedroom and bathroom so I feel like we really uh P like crammed a lot in a in a small space it's been great to have this space to bring clients to and just to have a little separation from my house it used to be upstairs um which is now a playroom but when we knew we were going to have a second we really was a little extra um kind of fire under us to to get going with this so we could have a true guest room and an office space for me um and I've always the designers I've worked for in the past I worked out at both of their houses and I love that about this business I think it's obviously what better place to um work on interior design than out of your own home um so I you know something I really cared a lot about was getting lots of natural light um which in this business is important to really see the colors of the fabrics and paints everything you're working on so we did a lot of Windows in front and the back I'd always kind of Envision this white planking white floor just very calm and a neutral backdrop for all of the projects I'm working on I love Gil Schaefer's work this is one of his books that I think this image was like kind of my starting point um it's on the cover but I just I loved the white painted floors and the planked walls and these Indian Chic uh rollup Shades um so really everything about this kind of um just was what I was hoping to get out of this space and I I think I put my kind of spin on it but I love how it all turned out um and loved the railing that we designed and this little Lantern that's hanging um have lots of maximized storage for all the Fabrics which I could have so much more but have to have my little Design Center here in Nashville I used to be spoiled living in Atlanta where adok was where all the showrooms are um so here I order my samples and they send them to me and I try to keep them organized sometimes with help um but but I have them sorted by well kind of a couple ways that probably mostly make sense to me and no one else um but by vendor so I know if I'm thinking of a certain fabric I always think of that vendor and that kind of style but then I have a couple baskets that are all stripes and all checks and plaids there's so many fabrics and and beautiful things out there that this is just a fraction of it um what I can really hold here but um so I try to be somewhat selective about what I keep and in order um but I tried to maximize storage with you know really thinking through how to hold all this so hanging samples for one of the lines I order from you know Maj sure to measure them and the hanger before we had the cabinet built um which is great and little pull out drawers for things like trims and um I mean it there's just so many things that it's nice to have on hand like as I squeeze through here tile and um you know when you're doing a presentation it's it's really helpful to have and I always envisioned a big work table in the center which it's funny I did all these desks and I literally sit there every time I don't know why I just picked it but um I love sitting here and spreading out and until last night late there were Fabrics all over the place in here so this was a good excuse to get it cleaned up um little piles that make sense to me um but yeah it's it's wonderful to use the space to create and have meetings with clients I love these stools are super comfortable um I did a Samsung frame TV that is great to pull up my presentations and AutoCAD drawings and I can zoom in and pull up links off Pinterest and just really helps um present my ideas and then it's great because it looks like art and you're not just walking up to a black TV screen and over here is always I'm doing a lot of mood boards and presentation boards um this is a project I'm working on right now that um she is a big fan of Pinks and greens and very excited about what we're coming up with but yeah client baskets and I love this easel for putting my boards on when I present and um this fun Painting came from another artist in the UK Rosie har bottle that I saw and I loved it and treated myself to it when I had a good good month of work this Mass massive hanging shade also came from Europe from Itali vime and it was kind of in a probably expensive basket but and by probably it was um because it had to be created and sent from overseas but it's really fun and I think it's it just warms it up in here and um I mean I I love it it didn't even come uh wired actually so I just basically got this big sh shade um so I got that cord from Home Depot and um our Builder was not thrilled with me but it um I think it turned out really cool I got into design well I you could say I got into it young because my mom was an interior designer she worked for um a firm in Georgetown I grew up outside DC in Arlington and I mean she would handra for hours in the basement and she had a little drafting table and then I had this little miniature one next to hers and I would pretend to do room layouts and floor plans and um design our house um while she was working and so I always like had this love for it and for whatever reason I went when I went to Georgia I thought I wanted to be a um news anchor and went to school for Broadcast News and realized very quickly that I was not cut out for it um and so I thought about switching Majors decided to just graduate out of state four years not do that to my dad um but then when I moved to Atlanta I was very fortunate to meet Carter Kay who um is a very talented designer and um she sort of took me under her wing and really mentored me and I lived a couple blocks from adak and was just immersed in the design world and learned so much from her um I took some classes at scad while I worked for her and then when I moved to Nashville I worked for Rachel hon who's incredibly talented and I worked there for a couple years and then after I had Charlie I decided it was time to go off on my own and I launched Katherine brand stutter interiors and been in business for about 3 years now I was really fortunate to to work under some great designers and um you know it's just it's been really fun um you know working for myself now and and really being the one coming up with the with with the schemes and and also seeing my vision come to life has just been really cool thanks for watching go to homeworthy dcom for exclusive content and shopping guides
Channel: Homeworthy
Views: 59,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: house, house tour, home, home tour, homeworthy, architectural digest, veranda, quintessence, house beautiful, HGTV, Listed, interior design, interior designer, traditional home decor, home decor, vintage, antique, nashville, Tennessee
Id: zciASw-b37A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 32sec (2432 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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