2024 | How to setup a FiveM Server using TXADMIN

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hey guys gamer here and welcome to another video in this video I'm going to be showing you how to set up build install your very own 5m server so the first thing you're going to want to do is go to the first link in description go to this website right here docs. fm.net you're going to want to go to the Windows Server build listing highlighted in pink just here and my mouse is circling it go ahead click that then it will bring you to this page right here I recommend downloading the latest release you could get the latest recommended if you want to but the latest latest is 7388 but as you can see when they update once they update quite regularly so I'm going to go ahead and download that go ahead and download that to your favorite location this is is going to go to my desktop as that will be where I'm doing my install the second thing you're going to want to do is go to the second link in the description and go to F FSX Key Master sign in and this will be blurred you're going to want to go to new server and create a new server so display name could be whatever you want the initial server IP will be the IP of the server you are hosting it off of if you're doing that at home you are going to want to use something like chicken IP uh just copy the IP there and Chuck that under initial IP pick a server type whatever you want if you're home hosting it just put in your server uh put in like me or something if you want to use a VPS dedicated server or prein game server just put in my server provider your using uh the IP is the same for whatever server type just make sure you change it to you get the IP from the device you are setting the FM server up on rather than your home IP so if you were connected via Windows remote thingy you would do that do get the chicken IP site up on that computer rather than your home computer that makes sense in my head hope that translated all right to you so now that our server. 7zip has installed we are going to minimize out to that and we are going to now we're on our desktop we are going to create a new folder we are going to call this whatever you want your server to be so I'm just going to call this tutorial server once you make the make this uh once you make this folder you you cannot rename it without having to go for 100 different hurdles so I would just call it whatever and leave it don't touch it um then you're going to open up your server. 7zip and your tutorial server folder or your 5m folder that it's going to go into once you're in here just go ahead and create another folder you can call this um I'm going to call it TT RP or t FPS or whatever you want uh this is the short name of your server go ahead and open that up and we're going to go into our server. szip click on any one of these hold control press a drag and drop and that is going to put it all in here now here you see a FX server.exe this is in the folder and not in the szip you can close out of that 7zip because you don't need it now go to this FX server.exe and double click it and open it and it shall run it may ask you to allow public and private access you can go ahead and click allow on that just double check this code is the same as the one on here so 4146 4146 go ahead and Link uh authorize your TX admin account or your cfx account now here it shows your ID and your uh what's that called hex code in here you can go ahead and put your Discord ID so I'm going to go over to Discord and copy my user ID and you're going to want to put in a password so let me just put a password in and then go ahead and click this box there you can read these if you want you don't really need to I'm going to be honest then go ahead and register now we're in the server but there's a few setup things you're going to want to do first of all click next you could change this to whatever you want so for the sake of it looking good I'm going to change it to cc go next deployment type now uh you're going to want to do a popular recipe there's a few here you can choose if you're setting up redm cuz you can set up a redm server this way uh you select either one of them I'm not showing you that um if you're setting up a cfx server which is completely default go ahead and click that I'm going to be running that uh let put back if you are installing ESX Legacy and QB core you will most likely need xpp which is a piece of software that allows you to have databases I'm going to select sfx cfx default sorry not sfx and then I'm going to go ahead and click save on data location and go to the recipe developer now here you could just click next this is where you're going to put your license key so go back to your server manager and once you've created your key you once you've created your server you will have a key now I'm going to go ahead and copy my key here it will be regenerated off this video so you don't need to try and copy it and this IP is irrelevant now go ahead and place that under license key go ahead and run [Music] recipe then in here you can go ahead and change the enforce game build uh whatever you want in here just do not change these two the endpoint add TCP and endpoint add UDP uh you can add your own tag so default developer you can change the license key again if you needed to the host name I'm just going to going to change to my tutorial server or just my server then here the project name going also go as that or the host name can just be your name uh the description it will be just server for video use and then the location will be your any2 code thing so mine is e here is where you would ensure or you can also do start your resources uh when you add them which I will be showing you in later videos now you can go ahead and click and save and run server and it will take you into the live console on the left here you can do like what you used to be able to do the TX admin dashboard has actually updated since the last tutorial I did and I'm going to be honest this is actually my first time looking at it and I think it looks amazing so the dashboard here you can see performance stuff uh players on the right the number of players on the left again so go left right you can see live console resources so these will be all the resources installed so if you had some installed it would look like that these are all the defaults I've just turned on uh server log this is the same as it used to be you can see all the logs from in the server DFG editor this is just another way to change the server CFG which is there you can schedule restarts here you can add a Discord bo uh at the top you could do players so if a player join the server you could see it here so this is their last action sorry yeah players are here the action so you could ban players uh you can warn them when they're in as well and you can see your total stats there uh wh list you can add Whit list you can check Whit list requests admins this is how you would add another account settings this is all the server backend settings these don't really need to be fiddled with but if you want to change your server name it will be there if you want to toggle one sync and don't want to do it in your cfd you would do it there additional arguments this is different stuff for the passes through these FX instance to change different things the CFG and server data path this is what you would have to change when you changed your file name quiet mode we'll start it without the prompt under restarter you could schedule restart so uh the resource T time tarting limit and the scheduled restarts player manager you can enable a disable wh list or wh list stuff Discord stuff and and band checking uh this Discord Whit list roles will require the Discord bot to be enabled under system you can go to master actions you can revoke white lists from all players you can clean the database for players older than certain time you can back up the database or completely reset your server you can go to Diagnostics this will all be blood this is system info and all other info about the actual server and system logs this will log everything so this is just almost a copy of command prob there's also action log so you see everything uh if you want your server is now online so if you are connected to your if you want to connect to your server and it's on the same computer as your 5m you'll be able to join it right away no problem if you want to be able to join from a different computer or you want your friends to join you would have to go through the port for in process now I'm not going to show you that today that will be in my next video which will be next week hopefully Thursday 3:00 if everything goes well or you could check out my previous video from last year when I did do that as you can see here I can connect to my computer with a stupid name and I can just connect straight to my server as you can see I am now in the 5m server so uh it's just normal we haven't got any menus or anything but if I do sltx VOA I get something so I can spawn a vehicle so I could spawn a helicopter uh I could heal myself I can send announcements so it would send to everyone I could reset World data for a certain distance uh toggle player IDs above their head which I think is pretty cool toggle no clip uh uh god mode super jump god mode didn't work that's weird uh Super Jump Then I could teleport to the map I can see the players so I can um see the distance from the players at ID with the admin or not I can do things so I DM them I could warn them which this is really annoying you have to hold space for 10 seconds that it's really good if you want to people off which I done many many many times you can do other things like freeze them spectate them heal them go to them bring them you control them so really piss them off um you can see their info so their play time they join when they joined you can add them to wh list IDs history and you can revoke stuff from in here as well then next tab over you've got TX admin which is literally TX admin just in the server and also on the tab here you have the ban you can ban yourself so yeah that is TX admin and 5m and how to set up 5m server thank you guys so much for watching this video if you liked it like subscribe turn the notifications on and I will catch you in the next one hopefully next week that would be good if it was next week he you guys
Channel: Gamertron8009
Views: 36
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Keywords: #Gamertron8009
Id: 0FphdvqENQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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