2024 Hacker Every Day Carry feat. Flipper Zero!

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what is going on you guys it is the talking Sasquatch and it's great to have you back people ask me all the time I see you showing off all these gadgets but what do you actually carry with you honestly my Kit's got a lot of stuff in it now keep in mind I'm not actually a professional penetration tester but I do really like to have gadgets also if you know anything about me or you've watched through all the videos on my channel you'll know I've got an awful lot of hobbies so today I'm going to run through what I'm calling an everyday carry but it's kind of going to be like what I would pack into a go bag now this won't be everything I'd pack into a go bag but it's going to be all the tech stuff that I have that I'd carry with me so buckle up and let's get ready I got some cool stuff let's [Music] go first and foremost obviously I'm bringing my flipper zero here's my flipper zero obviously it's got pretty much the latest and greatest everything cuz you know that's kind of what I do but check it out here we are I'm actually running the latest Dev version version of xfw with my own custom animations we've got a uh custom case for my Wi-Fi Dev board that's running the latest version of marauder which also has evil portal it's got everything I need it's also got custom fonts which I actually just did a video on very cool and of course I couldn't only bring one I'd bring two I'd bring the transparent one with the uh the ABS case um the you know the resin cases that we got printed those are a little softer so this one's a little bit more Rough and Tumble so I bring with that one too plus this one's got the Flipboard on it and I have Simon so I've got a game to play check it [Music] out fatality that game's actually a ton of fun to play I mean Simon's a really simple game it was actually uh coded by Jerick Jameson AKA code all night um he's got an entire series teaching you exactly how to code that game for your flipper also Al quick thanks to make it hackin for sending me that Flipboard thing's awesome we're actually going to have a giveaway for another one of those real soon so stay tuned now the next piece of Kit I'd carry with me would be the esp32 marauder by I just called me Coco this one's got obviously my own custom case cuz that's kind of one of the things I like doing now of course in classic fashion my battery's dead but this thing's super cool it has all of the Wi-Fi capabilities that it's always had but now it's got GPS so it's actually a war driving monster this thing is super cool now if I'm trying to be really covert I can actually do the exact same stuff on this little tiny guy right here this is the esp32 marauder mini it's got pretty much all the same features and if you're resourceful enough you can actually hook it up the GPS what's cool about this one is it's no longer a touch screen but it's got a little four-way rocker switch on it which is really cool it's actually the same type of four-way switch as is on awok Dual ESP mini this thing I'd carry more or less just as my emotional support piece of Hardware CU it's so pretty I absolutely love how this thing came out so along the same lines of Wi-Fi penetration what we can do is grab our pagi which I would obviously carry this guy can de authenticate networks and then capture handshakes which can then be used to crack Wi-Fi passwords which is really cool now obviously only test on Hardware networks things like that that you control otherwise it's completely legal don't be a scared along the same lines as a project I'm actually planning on showing you guys a little bit later on but for now here's at least a sneak peek although I forgot that I broke the software but this is what's going to be called the fancy gachi it's basically a ponyi with a little bit more style so again spoiler for what's ahead but hey you know what's not a spoiler is this segue to today's sponsor delete me the internet can be a crazy place but you know what it's full of your data data Brokers are everywhere and they're looking for every single piece of information they can find on you then once they have all your data collected they go ahead and sell it that's not cool but what is cool is delete me now these data Brokers are required ired by law to remove you if you ask them but they're not required to make that easy well that's where delete me comes in they go through and check all of the data Brokers to figure out who has your information and they do all the work of removing you from those lists for you when you sign up they'll actually create a report for you to show exactly how many places your data actually is now I've just started using delete me but you can see already how many data Brokers they've already removed my information from so head on over to join Del me.com and sign up for your own account today you can follow the link Down Below in the description or use code Sasquatch that's s a s qu a c for 20% off I love getting you guys discounts on this stuff that's join delet me.com code Sasquatch for 20% off thank you so much guys over at theet me your services are amazing you guys are awesome let's get back at it and then just to round out our wi-fi hacking capabilities I would of course have my evil M5 stack this was done by the other one we had done a video just a few weeks ago I think on this software it's pretty similar to Pachi but it's got some other really great features in it it it's got a Karma attack too like so much cool stuff definitely check this video out if you want to learn more about this guy all right now here's something I'm super excited I literally just got this and you can tell cuz I haven't even fully made a custom case for it yet and of course that is the hack RF now I am brand new with this thing and I barely know how to use it I have a whole whole bunch of learning to do with it but what's great is there's an entire another Community just like the flipper zero Community just for this device and I happen to know a few guys like my buddy snorin who happens to know a whole lot about this thing yeah this is what I've started to do so far on it as far as making a custom case semi-transparent we're going to try to get it clearer but yeah in the back I use the uh you know custom infill that I like to always use and then actually on there that knob is a knob from my 1996 Gibson Les Paul um that's yeah actually an old knob um it's pretty cool I don't know I like it I am so psyched to have one of those I am looking forward to learning absolutely everything I possibly can on it I know there's a ton of great resources out there and as soon as I learn stuff about it I'm going to teach you guys every step of the way now if there was one extra piece of electronics to bring with me it probably would be Raspberry Pi these things are so capable the new Raspberry Pi 5 which this is not unfortunately this is a four but still super usable but the pi five is supposed to be twice the speed of this thing and that's a ton of processing power now I've used raspberry pies before for tons of stuff The Simpsons TV pag GOI those are running on Raspberry Pi Nanos but the full onai has a ton more power and we can do a ton more stuff with it I'm actually looking at a hid keyboard exploit that came out a little while ago that I'm going to be installing on my Raspberry Pi soon when I do I'll let you check it out it's a monster moving right along something I carry with me literally every day and these are my actual keys so I'm not going to show you anything on there but I've got two little micro USBS on there now on these relatively innocuous looking USBS one's a 128 gig that's just a storage you know USB it's got bit Locker so shouldn't be particularly easy to get into now the other one is special it's only 64 gigs because it doesn't have to be that big what that one has is medicat now what medicat is is actually a live operating system you plug it in boot the computer you can boot directly into medicat as its own OS which is super cool now once you're inside that operating system there is a full sweet tools so I'll just rattle off some of them basically it's Got U internet browser on there already um there's Diagnostic and forensic tools dis management tools driver tools it's really good for fixing broken stuff um it has the ability to remove windows passwords change Windows passwords it also gives you access to the actual files on the computer so if you say got locked out or maybe you got ran somewhere you have the tools to fix it with medicat now medicat makes it so much easier to deal with things like like ransomware viruses malware spyware anything like that because you're attacking it from the outside in instead of from the inside it's such a cool tool I literally love carrying that with me I've used it so many times now what I'm also going to carry is going to be my full kit from OMG now this kit includes a OMG elite cable there's a bunch of different versions this one happens to be the C to C I've also got a USB a to see as well now if I want to be a little bit more covert I've got the OMG plug which has the exact capabilities of the OMG cables but just in this little teeny tiny form factor now if you guys don't already know what the OMG cables do is basically it acts kind of as an overpowered USB rubber ducky when somebody plugs that into their computer it can either run a payload or it can start a Wi-Fi network that you can hop onto with your phone and control exactly what the cable does remotely I have an entire video on the OMG elite cable so if that sounds interesting to you definitely check that out cuz that thing is cool now obviously if you're going to have the OMG elite cable or the plug you're going to need the programmer this little guy is what you use to connect it to your computer and program it and make it all work now another cool thing to have especially if You' got these wires kicking around your house it's the OMG malicious cable detector almost forgot what it was called now the OMG malicious cable detector you can plug your cable into it and will tell you if it's a malicious cable because you know you never know nowadays and especially if you get your cables mixed up you might forget which one's your OMG cable now in a slightly different direction one of the things I also like to carry and I know I'm going to get a ton of slack for this one but is my lock pick set now inside this little case right here is actually a bunch of practice locks cuz I am very not good at lock picking so practice locks more practice locks we've got more practice locks and then we've got well actually these are cylinder locks which I don't even have the picks for yet all right now here's the part we catch Flack for which is my actual set of lock picks these are not very good now it's definitely a beginner set I've practiced a ton with them but I just haven't gotten around to getting a really good set of lock picks so if any of you guys are particularly triggered by how bad my lockpicks are feel free to get a hold of me and we'll figure out a way to get some better ones all right now we get down to the nitty-gritty this actually is pretty much my everyday carry from here on down now I don't like to carry around big heavy tools I have a ton of multi tools but honestly the one I carry is the Gerber dime it's got a nice set of pliers on it which I find super useful I work on a lot of small stuff it's not really much that I use for bikes but I use this a ton more than I thought I would it's also got what I really like a really small pair of tweezers cuz I get splinters constantly so they're good to have and then I'm never going to get that back in here we go um it just got it's got everything you need it really does have everything you need it's not expensive it's a great little multitool yeah if I wanted to carry something a little bit bigger I do have this SOG multitool which is actually interestingly enough whoops Shimano branded I got it at a uh a bike conference which is pretty cool but it's even got let's see if it's unlocked it's got assisted whoops locked how doeses this work there we go assisted blades really cool now speaking of blades it's really hard for me to settle on a knife that I like and I got a ton I went through so many knives to figure out really what I wanted to have in my pocket what I settled on was actually the civi elementum this is mine I've been carrying it and what's interesting about this is it's actually a button lock so there's no spring whatsoever in here it's actually my favorite way my favorite lock for any knife at this point now no this is not for everybody because it's really easy to cut yourself with it because you kind of got to snap it up and close like it took a little while to get the muscle memory for opening and closing it but once you get it down this thing works great and you know you can easily open and close it one hand no problem now this next item is probably another divisive item but it's actually just a really small Flashlight by Coast now this guy was cheap at around $20 and honestly it's not my favorite but it's what I have and it works good enough for now I would love love recommendations on good small uh flashlights in the like $20 range I don't I can't justify spending like 50 60 $70 on a pocket flashlight but man when you need it it's so nice to have it's actually funny I use this constantly when I'm 3D printing and stuff so I'll be like in there looking at my prints trying to see the really small details so you know a small flashlight what a great thing to have I always recommend it if you can fit it in your carry small flashlight also quick note don't just buy the brightest flash flashlight you can possibly find I made the mistake of doing this and I had little teeny tiny flashlight it had a ton of lumens and I shined it something and it would just get washed out you couldn't see anything with them so just remember when it comes to flashlights at least for small ones that you're going to carry with you like that brighter is not always better unless you're doing something like dog walking but I don't have a dog all right last but not least there a seemingly possibly boring seeming item but it's incredibly important and that is a great pen now this is a zebra F7 701 it's not the most expensive pen in the world but honestly it's great it's all metal it writes really well and again it's not very expensive I know you can spend an absolute ton on pens and honestly I don't think you really have to honestly it's got a great feel it's all metal I mean it works for everything I want to honestly it's all metal it's got a great feel it does literally everything I want to I mean it's got the right weight it fidgets I love this pan I'm glad I got that one down I felt like it was going to be the card flip all over again but yeah I mean I know you can store stuff in your phone but it's always good to be able to write stuff down and a good pen invaluable so yeah that's basically the kit that I would take with me anywhere I was going especially if I knew that you know I might want to get some hacking done in the process now I know there are some things I forgot for my kit so if you guys have any recommendations leave them down below in the comments as always thank you so much for watching you guys are legends please make sure to like comment subscribe turn on notifications and we'll catch you next [Music] time
Channel: Talking Sasquach
Views: 15,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flipper zero, flipper, flipperzero, talkingsasquach, talking sasquach, talkingsasquatch, talking sasquatch, cyber security, ethical hacking, everyday carry, cool gadgets, new gadgets, EDC, Hackers bag, Every day carry hacker, Hacker gear, Pi, M5stack, HackRF, Hack rf, Hacking gear, Hacker equipment, Hacking equipment, Raspberry pi hacks, Hacking review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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