2024 Goals | Weight training, finance, shop goals

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hi friends thank you for joining me in another video today I will be doing my 2024 goals in my hobonichi weeks I am very excited for this video because I have been taking my time the past few weeks going over my goals and just reflecting on what it is that I want for the new coming year I am going to be doing all of my goal planning in this planner right here and I will be doing that in the back of the planner which I do actually have a mood Bo setup as well I used a variety of Pinterest photos to create this mood board I have quite a few photos here that represent the goals that I have for 2024 these are not all of the goals but just some of the few so the first one here on the leftand corner is going to be hiking I want to continue hiking for 2024 as that was something I did this year and just want to continue doing that another thing that I really want to incorporate is running so I've just been getting this urge to start running I did order some new running shoes that I'm excited for so I think one to two times a week of running would be something that would be good for me aside from that I want to focus on strength training I have been doing that on and off but I want to be more consistent this year with a gym routine of four times a week weight training focusing on things that I'm not very used to doing such as assisted chinups push-ups things that I feel a little bit more nervous to do but it's something that I am excited for and I just want to see what I can do with my body I will also be incorporating journaling I did purchased a 5 minute Journal after I filmed my lineup video so this is going to be another planner I will be adding to the lineup I have actually already started this one because I needed something to start writing my gratitudes down with as my hobonichi cousin doesn't start until January so I was getting a little bit anxious and wanted to write some stuff down so I did purchase this one I think I'm going to continue using this along with my hobonichi cousin and my cousin will most likely have more notes from podcasts and stuff that I listen to aside from that one I do have a camera here this is the Sony zv1 which is the one I am currently filming with I want to get better at content planning for next year being more present on social media as far as YouTube goes having a set schedule for next year also going on Tik Tok Instagram a little bit more than I did this previous year so that's going to be another goal of mine I then have a photo of meal preps because I tried this many years ago and it worked out for me I also feel I'm at the time in my place where I'm very busy and I think that meal prepping would really help alleviate some of the excuses that I come with come up with as far as to why it is that I'm not eating healthy so going to try that out again I'm going to be meal prepping every Sunday night and Wednesday night I also want to incorporate weekly date nights with my husband they don't have to be anything fancy just giving ourselves that dedicated time to talk to each other reflect on our goals and maybe have a a coffee date or something like that this photo here is going to be representing time that I have with my daughter to teach her things just incorporating more oneon-one time with her I then have finances at the bottom I do want to focus on trying to pay off at at least half of our debt next year and that will be through budgeting every single day and just tracking my expenses seeing where our money is going and last but not least I have devotions so that would be something that I want to do daily as well on the notes page I did put down a sticker that says word of the year and my word of the year is going to be execute because as much as I love planning I like writing down my goals and creating vision boards at the end of the day it takes for me to execute those goals in order for them to come to life so I need to do the things that I say I want to do and that's going to be the main goal of 2024 is to execute I'm going to be breaking down my goals a little bit further just so that uh you can get an idea of what it is I have plann for next year and this is really going to help me to reference every single month even on a day-to-day basis if I start to feel a little bit hazy foggy on what it is that I have planned for next year I can always reference this so so let me go ahead and set this up here I like to use the Micron 01 this is a25 fine tip and it is archival ink which means that on planners like this with tooy River paper it usually does not smear so I haven't had any issues with this pen whatsoever the only issue I would say I have is it can get a little bit uncomfortable to write after sometime so I do like to add this little jelly just to avoid those calluses that you get on your fingers so I'm going to be using this one here and I'll just go ahead and begin writing 2024 goals the first goal that I'm going to be writing is going to be health related so I'll just put pardon my writing I'm not used to filming and writing at the same time so it might look a little bit messy couple goals that I have for health are going to [Music] be I would really like to have a gym routine of going four times a week as I mentioned before and this would be for weight [Music] training I would like to run at least once a week I want to incorporate at least one day a week of stretching I'm actually going to put stretching and ab workouts this seems doable as I am only weight training four times a week that leaves me three extra days to do one day running and then one or two days of stretching I then want to meal plan on Sundays and I'm being specific with Sundays and Wednesdays that way I hold myself accountable going to make it a goal to walk 6 to 10K steps a day and this will be on on top of the rest of that it seems like a lot but in reality if I park far away from the stores or if I take a 15minute walk or I stand on my standing desk it usually does help me get those steps up a little bit more I will be tracking my workouts and my mover Rings taking daily vitamins is also very important for me I will put daily vitamins and supplements as far as health I think that's it for now I am going to leave some space just in case I want to add things in the future so up next I have family goals some family goals I have will be as mentioned before to do one-on-one learning and play time with Hannah which is my daughter and would like to incorporate more outdoor activities this could be a walk this could be um swimming in the summer playing baseball soccer I think one station would be something I would like to do I think keeping it local would be a little bit more budget friendly as we're trying to tackle some debt this year I'm going to put a star next to the ones that I really want to focus on and this one is going to be buy less and be more intentional with what I buy I'm usually pretty good at this but I still think I could be better here I feel like all these would be stars but if I had to choose a couple that were very important to me it would be weight training that doesn't look like a star it would be honestly running because I really really want to do that this year stretching and ab workouts are extremely important for me meal prepping as you can tell I really want to focus on my health walking 6 to 10K steps uh it is important but I'm not going to star that track workouts daily vitamins I think those are the ones I will star there and then these are the ones I'm going to Star here as far as learning this this part I do want to Star but I'll just leave that as it is for now I want to do weekly dates with my husband I am going to Star this one because I think it's very important especially with how much I work and so much that's going on it's very important that we do set that time aside going to put down [Music] devotions this one also is going to have a star and then church on Sundays okay I think those are good for now moving on to finances I really want to focus on my sinking funds if I want to be a little bit more specific I definitely want to have an emergency [Music] fun I want to have a Christmas fun and I want to have a planner conference fun if I can do more I will definitely do more like holidays my daughter's birthday and a couple more as well but these are kind of some of the priority ones I really want to do next year I would also like to pay off at least half of our debt and that's being pretty ambitious but I think we could do it and in order for any of this to happen I need to budget and track expenses I do have some planner goals and that is going to be to stick with my planner lineup I want to focus on positive journaling have a low spend year and for now that's it for planners up next I have work and I'm going to be putting this on a whole new page because I have a lot of goals for papery planning this year one of those goals would be to offer digital stickers that way you can print and cut stickers from home and save some money I also offer a course in case you don't know how to do that there is a course on my website that teaches you how to print and cut stickers at home I would like to bring back some Finance items to the shop going to Star this one because it's very important that I am engaged more in social media I did put alt platforms because I would like to post on Tik Tok YouTube and Instagram networking is something I also want to focus on starting a patreon is something that I've been thinking about this one is being a little bit ambitious but getting an office would be nice I have an office here but it's just not the same working from home I really need to stay on top of taxes so that's going to be a star also going to start getting a guess you could say CPA accountant or a bookkeeper I have some sales goals that I would like to reach and I want to find more ways of being able to provide more value and just offer more to you guys I know that this list is going to grow throughout the year and then I did leave a little bit space on the other ones in case I want to add a couple more things but I think that's it for the bullet points now I did want to write down just in depth why it is that I want to reach certain goals such as my health and fitness why I want to lose weight so badly why it is that I want to focus on my health because this part can get foggy when I'm going through tough times as far as not being consistent or feeling a little bit miserable with uh the discipline part of it therefore I do want to elaborate a little bit more on why it is very important for me so a couple reasons why it is that I want to focus on my health and fitness journey is so that I can have more energy when I play with my daughter specifically when I'm at the park with her or out in public I would really love to feel more confident and more comfortable in my own body and my clothes and not in this little shell that I put myself into especially when it comes to family events social events and while I know that nobody really cares and it's just something that I deal with I just want to feel good about myself and be more confident I know that when I eat healthy my family eats healthy so the decisions that I make do affect those around me and that's very important to me as well I would love to inspire other people who also feel helpless hopeless because I have felt that way for the longest time and I finally am starting to feel some hope and if I can offer any inspiration to anybody that would be that would just be the cherry on top I am very curious to see what my body is capable of so going to the gym and weight training and just putting myself out there really gives me that Curiosity of what I can do I want to develop skills like discipline fortitude grit and so much more kind of going back to what I said about being confident and more comfortable in my own body I want to love myself so that I can love others as well I'm going to do the exact same thing for finances after that I'm just going to break down all of my goals on a monthly a weekly and a daily basis and then we'll be done with the goal planning so why is it important for me to reach my financial goals and have Financial Freedom I think it's okay to say that I do not want to be broke the rest of my life just as I would like to see what my body is capable of I also want to see what I'm capable of accomplishing someday I would like to give graciously I would like to teach my daughter the financial skills that I learn I want to provide a better life for my kids and their kids helping others is always a great motivator for me what I want to do next is I Want to Break these bullet points into monthly weekly and daily goals that way I can actually EX execute at the end of each month and at the end of the year and the way for me to do that is to break this down a little bit more and set myself monthly goals weekly goals and daily goals so for my health I think on a monthly basis I can make a goal of losing 4 lb I could also take monthly progress photos tracking my workouts my rings and my steps is motivating for me I could on a monthly basis be a little bit more specific and say that I want to save $400 a month I could do four YouTube videos I could do a monthly goal recap I think that would be something fun to do here on YouTube as well one work project and I would like to do monthly releases every first of the month all these are going to be aligning with these goals that you see here now on a weekly basis on a weekly basis I could run once a week stretch at least once a week church on Sundays I could save 100 a week do one YouTube video and I could lose one pound per week last but not least I have daily on a daily basis I will be walking 6 to 10K steps one social media post or at least a brainstorm I will be budgeting on a daily basis and tracking my expenses updating all of my trackers eating as healthy as I possibly can I could learn or play with Hannah or both take my daily vitamins and supplements plan for the next day Journal so far I think that's it I have my weekly dates I don't think I put that weekly no I didn't so weekly dates I have movements stretching I've got walking I've got my trackers vitamins learn and play outdoor activities can be walking can be any of that stuff um I could a budget for the station by Les being more intentional so I need to figure out a way that I could keep track of how much I'm spending so I think maybe like a no spend tracker weekly dates with hubby I put there I put devotional and I put church on Sundays I did put budgeting I put stick with planner lineup focus on pause I did put journaling so yeah I think I'm going to need like a no spin tracker I could probably do that on a monthly basis let's do no spend tracker again I'm just ensuring that my goals are being allocated onto a daily basis pretty [Music] much let's see what else I could probably do like a Tracker for my planner lineup and if I've been sticking with it so usually trackers are a good way for me to be able to see if I'm sticking with something or not as far as work offering digitals bringing back Finance items all that stuff are going to be projects so if I work on a project every single month and maybe I can do weekly project checkins just to see how I am going about each project so one month I can focus on one thing so offering digitals could be one project bringing back a finance item could be another project uh let's see starting a patreon could be another project so if I do one project one every month and then on a weekly basis I'm checking in so I could do a project [Music] checkin get an office I would need to budget for that staying on top of taxes also budgeting hiring an accountant or a bookkeeper I think that's it I think I've included just about everything and that way at the end of the month I can follow up and see how I'm doing here at the end of each week I could follow up here and on a daily basis I could follow up here and that pretty much sums up my 2024 goal planning I I feel like I'm ready for 2024 I'm also organized in the sense that I can understand this and and I can reflect on this on a monthly basis on a weekly and a daily basis and I just really do see this working for me could be wrong but you know so I would rather fail and fall in my face than to fail because I didn't try so that's pretty much all I have for you today if you'd like to continue following me on this journey of my goal planning and maybe see monthly check-ins don't forget to hit that subscribe button and I will see you in the next video bye guys
Channel: Paperieplanning
Views: 451
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Id: XQWA08ECseg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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