how to set goals for 2024 & how to achieve your new years goals + my goals for 2024, notion page

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today we are goal setting for 2024 and if you don't know me I'm Elsa I live in Ottawa Canada I share Vlogs lifestyle reading and self-improvement content and if you like the sound of that you should definitely subscribe and if you're not new here thank you so much for coming back it's good to see you so I'm going to be talking all about what you need to do to set the best goals possible for 2024 goals that actually apply to you that are meaningful to you and that you're actually going to achieve and then when I'm going to talk a little bit at the end about how you can actually achieve those goals in the new year and then I'm also going to share the goals that I'm setting that I haven't set them yet but I'm going to do all the steps in this video and then I'll come back at the end and I'll tell you my goals for the new year so we're like goal setting together it's going to be really fun so starting off you need to start with reflection I talk about this in my how to end the year strong video and my prepping for 20124 video so if you are interested in this you should definitely check out both of those videos I'll link them up here and down below and if you want a list of prompts for reflection on the year both of those videos do have list of prompts that are really really good for that but because this video is goal setting specific I'm going to talk about some prompts and an exercise you can do to reflect on your goals from 2023 and also before we start I highly recommend having a piece of paper or a journal page open separate to where you're going to be answering these prompts and think of it as kind of like a brainstorming brain dump thing because as you're writing about this you going to come up with so many ideas so many things are going to pop into your brain about the new year and it's good to have that journal page brain dump Page open so you can write down these thoughts cuz I'm sure they're really great also can we just take a minute to appreciate my background I have the snowy Forest which is my backyard outside I'm OB and I have the gorgeous Christmas tree I have two cats here which you might be getting a glimpse of and if you see a big blanket over there that's why so what you're going to do is sort your goals into four categories completed still in progress no longer relevant to me and I didn't get to it so for category one go through those goals and write down how completing each goal made you feel how has it affected you how has it impacted your life for category 2 still in progress for each goal you want to ask yourself why do you still want to achieve this and how you can improve or change this goal to make it more manageable or achievable and then also ask yourself how can you continue to work on this goal next year the Category 3 which is no longer relevant you want to ask yourself what were you trying to achieve what were you thinking about when you set this goal why did you originally set this goal and then ask yourself how did your priorities change in 2023 how does this goal compare with what you value now and then for category four which is I didn't get to it ask yourself why didn't you get to this and why isn't in a category that's no longer relevant you must still care about it but why didn't you get to it if you still care about it so how can you change this goal to make it more manageable or achievable for you next year okay the next thing you want to do is look at your values and your why it is so important to be intentional and look inwards when we're goal setting by doing some of the journaling we've already done you're clearly already doing this so you're already one big step towards this but you need to figure out your values that is why you want to do things before you set your goals for the new year to make sure they are the best goals for you I feel like so often we just set goals that we feel like are right but maybe they're not actually what we want and they don't actually apply to us in the way that we think they do and so figuring out your values figuring out your why is going to help you make sure they're the best goals for you I have a whole poast episode on my podcast which is people in progress you can listen to it on this YouTube channel or on Spotify so have a whole podcast episode super in depth about how to figure out your values everything like that so again I'll link the YouTube episode up here and the Spotify episode down below and if you're really interested in this you might like I have a self-discovery workbook on my Etsy it is all about discovering who you are and who you want to become it is the UL guide figuring out who you are and what you want out of life so if you're interested it's on my Etsy and I will link it down below but I'll mention a few things to think about here those other things are really in depth but we might not have the time this December to do all of that right now so here are some things you can think about now first have a look at a list of values I'm going to pop one up here on screen but I will also leave a link to one down below in the description where you can read a bit more in depth and you know you don't have to pause the video take note of the values that really stick out to you and keep that list to a side and then do some journaling about why you do things have a think about certain things you do in your life routines things you've signed up for things you do every day and ask yourself why do you do that why do you want to do that and why are you motivated to do that look at the intention behind your actions another thing you can do is write down things you really care about things you're passionate about and then think about why you are passionate and care about them okay the next thing you have to do is a brain dump and remember that piece of paper I talked about earlier the brain dump you have on the side pick that up and come back to that so with all these things you've been talking about you hopefully should have your ideas running and so empty all of the thoughts you have in your head about 2024 onto this piece of paper if you want some guidance you can write dot points or divide the piece of paper into different areas of your life so I have some examples here but again these aren't all the different areas it might be a bit more personal to you but love friendship career Finance home Wellness spirituality and if you can it is really really great if you can give this time to breathe and by that I mean putting this aside for a bit and coming back to it in a couple days or a couple weeks keep this page page on hand while you're putting it aside and if anything pops into your brain write it down and then when you put it aside for a little bit you can come back to it and see if these things are still feeling relevant to you this means your goals aren't just of the time you wrote them they're relevant to you in the long run and we can try and make sure this by putting it asde for a short amount of time or at least however much you can before the new year or whenever you want your goals to be set okay we are finally into the fun bit we are going to set our goals for 2024 I like to set my goals on notion and I'll pop up my notion template I actually am going to share this on my Etsy if you want to check it out it will be a template so you can just download it and use the exact one I'm using that will be in the description as well so make sure to check it out this template really helps you be very very clear about your goals and then also very clear about how you're going to achieve them by breaking them down but again you don't need a template I love it and I hope you guys love it but you can also do these things and just actions in however you prefer to set goals okay so start off by looking at your brain dump and trying to form them into ideas into goals you might want to achieve and then as you're forming these goals think that each goal should have why behind it so in my notion page I have a little bit again I'll pop it up where you can write the sort of why behind each goal why you want to achieve it and to me it just makes me feel more intentional and I sort of understand why I'm doing each goal and then if I don't understand it why am I doing that goal maybe it shouldn't be on my list maybe it shouldn't be my top priority writing about the why behind your goal your values that match up with your goal make sure that all your goals are really important to you each goal should also have actions this is also built into my notion page I do it in a come on board but the New Year can be a time of dreaming really big which is so great and I love it but when it comes down to it write a book or some other lofty goal can just feel too big and too far off when it comes down to doing the actions in every single day so what you want to do is break down your goal into smaller actions these can either be tasks that make up the goal or tasks that are adjacent to achieving the goal with writing a book writing every day is a task that makes up the goal but say cleaning your office so you feel more productive is a task that's adjacent to the goal they are both equally important but it's worth thinking about both types of tasks and like I said said I'll show you how I've set this up in the notion page which again you guys can use if you want to okay so that is how I set and organize my goals but how do you keep your goals front of mine throughout the year you will not achieve your goals if you don't remember them and keeping them front of mine is super important so how I do this is through check-ins have weekly check-ins with yourself about your priorities about your values and about your schedule these things might change over time so whether it's a weekly check-in a monthly check-in quarterly mid year I like to do mainly monthly check-ins and then I do a big midar check in which I have a video All About That on my channel this keeps your goals really relevant to you make sure they're top of mind make sure they're still in line with your life and also you don't know how things might be in 6 months you can't plan ahead for everything so things might change and it means you can change your goals as you go they don't have to be static the other thing you have to do is to track your goals this is linked very closely to the actions you just created so for these actions for your goal are things you can do every day every week every month that help you achieve that goal so make a way to track them so you can see everything you've done and you can also see how far you come I talk all about this in my podcast episode it's my episode on gameri goals and it is the guide to how I achieve my goals and how I think you can actually achieve all of your goals I will link that down below and up here if you're interested and then this is a separate thing I think you need to do if you're setting your goals for 2024 and I've already done it as well but I also think it helps keeping your goals top of mine and that is to visualize your goals it also helps your goals feel closer to you and makes them feel more achievable it can be super motivating so if you want to see me setting up my 2024 vision board which is in line with my goals which I'm about to share with you that is in my reset and preparing for 2024 video which I have spoken about and I will link okay so like I said I'm going to go away and do all the things we spoke about in this video and then I'm going to pop back in and tell you my goals of 2024 hi guys so I'm just jumping in to tell you all about my 2024 goals I'm just opening up my goals page the notion page I telling you about is actually like an updated version from my 2023 one I've like updated it used all the information I've gathered from using it for a year I'm just loving it it is such a good goal setting page I just love how it aligns the way I like to set my goals I'm not going to tell you all of my goals because I have a lot and to be fair they're not like complete like some of them I need to add some more details to and some of them are a bit personal but I'm going to tell you A lot of my goals I'm just going to go in and sort them by type so I can tell you a couple from each area so personally like I mentioned earlier people are going to have different areas where they can goal set but for me I have career hobby travel personal and writing and who knows these might change I even looked back last year I have my like first half of the Year goals and then my updated spread and it's crazy how much things change I do think it's really good like I've said to be intuitive of your goals and keep checking in and change them to suit you but yeah I feel really good about these so first some career ones I want to learn how to color grade there's something to do with video editing and it's not something that I know a lot about I also think the program that I currently use to edit isn't the best for it but I do want to learn how to do some proper color grading and I don't know maybe make some videos a bit more aesthetic another thing I really want to do is hit 100,000 subscribers on YouTube I cannot believe I am saying that that seems crazy and when I started my YouTube Channel I didn't even know that was a possibility we are at 90 something, subscribers right now which again is just unbelievable I cannot believe that number of people you guys are watching my videos and that I'm able to do this and so I just want to say thank you so much yeah I would love to reach 100,000 subscribers in 2024 statistically this should happen like not too far off in the future but I don't want to set any bigger number goals cuz I don't love setting number goals cuz you can do everything right and you still don't know what will happen number goals for like YouTube and like Social Media stuff that is but this is something just absolutely unbelievable to me so I wanted to put that in there even though statistically it should happen and that's not a reach goal okay I want to read 52 books I have read over 52 books in fact I think I've read over 60 books this year but I did the same goal last year 52 books and this year 2023 is the most books I've ever read before I don't know how many books I'll read next year but for me reading is definitely a personal enjoyment thing and I just like to aim for 52 books hopefully we'll go over that but if I don't I think that's a really good goal to aim for every year for me personally obviously everyone reads differently I also want to read some books in some new genres maybe genres I've read from before like historical or mystery or Thrillers but I want to read more of them and figure out what I like in each genre because I used to think I don't like historical books and then I've read some other books and I think I do it's just like you need to read more of a genre to figure out what you like so I want to work on diversifying my reading particularly in terms of genre so if you have any book recommendations leave them down below I want to read four non-fiction books this year my goal was three and I think I'm going to hit that goal but I'm still in the middle of my last well towards the end of my last non-fiction book so it has been like a quote unquote harder goal to reach cuz I'm still not done yet and it's nearly the end of December but I think if I stay on top of this throughout the year I can really Reach This goal that's just one a quarter and I don't really like to rush through non-fiction books I like to read them slowly and absorb but I think if I make a habit of doing it every day I'll easily be able to complete this goal even though it's more than what I did this year I want to plan a trip to Australia if you don't know I'm Australian most of my family is back there so I want to work on planning another trip back to Australia next year and I would love to go visit some other countries like down in Southeast Asia while I'm in Australia so I really want to plan that trip next year I also really want to go to Quebec City which is something I've been seeing so much about this Christmas time and I really want to go maybe next Christmas to Quebec City but I have that on there as a travel goal this year when my goal I did not get to was learn how to drive so I specified that goal and next year I want to get a G2 license that is the first in the graduated system in Ontario that was a really big priority this year but then something else came up that's a higher priority that I'm going to tell you about in a second and so I've been really more focusing on the other thing and the driving license thing kind of fell to the back burner but that is because we've been working on getting PR so next year I want to get PR for Canada PR is permanent residence we've been taking exams and submitting things and getting everything organized to submitt in the new year and then yes so in the new year I want to actually get permanent residence but at the end of this year I've kind of been working towards that if that makes sense some other things I want to do are writing related just to do a different projects I want to get to certain spots of them I wrote a sort of zero draft and then got halfway through a first draft for one of my projects I did that 50,000 words in Dan rimo which was so great I think I want to do a couple more drafts in this one project and then I also want to move into the next books in that like little series that is a fantasy series I also want to work on a contemporary romance series I'm thinking about and then another thing I really want to do for writing and I've been talking about this with Jake there are so many beautiful forests and mountains and nature and like cabins around here next year I would love to do a bit of a writing Retreat where we just go to a cabin for like 2 days and I just do writing like no phones anything a real digital detox just play like board games cook spend time in nature and write so that is one of my goals is to plan and do a writing Retreat next year I've told you a couple of the goals I think I have 27 goals total but a lot of them need to be clarified it's really important to write this list and then feel free to go over it and over it and over it you don't have to write them and then never change it it is okay for the list to be fluid but that is some of my goals for 2024 I'm so excited for 2024 and I hope you guys are as well please do comment down below one of the goals you're working on and yeah back to me in the past thank you so much for watching I am so excited for 2024 and I would love to hear a goal that you guys are working on next year comment it down below I genuinely would love to hear it and don't forget if you are interested I do have my notion goal setting template on my so you can check that out below and if you did like this video please do like and please do subscribe cuz I'd love to see you guys next [Music] time
Channel: elser moira
Views: 3,594
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Keywords: how to set goals, 2024 goals, how to set goals for 2024, how to set goal for 2024, goal setting 2024, goal setting for 2024, how to goal set for 2024, my 2024 goals, how to goal set for the new year, how to set goal for the new year, how to set goals for the new year, how to achieve your new years goals, how to set your goals for 2024, how to set goals and achieve them, 2024 goals planning, goal set with me for 2024, set goals with me for the new year, 2024 goal setting notion
Id: vS0aRU4ESK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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