2024 Fastenal NHL Fastest Skater šŸ”„ Full Contest

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here are their participants for the fast and all  fastest skater and you see the odds to your right   McDavid a huge favorite I think that McDavid  if he enters into this and he really puts his   heart into it he puts everything he has into it  I think he's going to win this event I think his   other players obviously they're very fast but he  can carry the momentum in the corners better than   anybody in the league and we've seen that over  and over and over again of course we have data   for top speed and average speed of an NHL game  William nander actually owns the lowest top speed   of this Bunch so he's a big Underdog and here he  goes participant number one for the evening and   participant number one in the fastest skater  competition here he comes down the [Applause] stretch so William nander finishes his lap the  clock for some reason didn't stop so we'll have   to figure out where it was when he crossed the  line so we we could have our first review of The   Nightmare we're have first you can see when he's  coming around here it's all about being able to   carry the speed through the corners as you can see  him going around there his legs giv out a little   bit of skates his Edge is given out that's costing  him time if you can carry the corners at full   speed and come out of with actually faster than  going into it you got a chance to win this event   you can see right somewhere right there maybe that  wasn't the right one but uh one of the corners he   kind of took a little bit of a stumble there so  we want to get an official time before Hughes goes so 14164 the time to beat for now  you can choose which direction you go   mess which direction did you go back  my left side going going to the left   was always my better Side Y okay I think for  most lefties it is cuz you carry your stick to   the inside so I think you'll see most of the  left-handers go uh go to the left captain of   the Canucks Quinn Hughes American maid played  college hockey at Michigan for the Wolverine I don't know what they did to the Hughes boys  there but all three of them are amazing skaters   see if he beats neander he does so he's currently  in first place I think we got to get to the high   12s low 13s to win this event in my opinion well  we step it up now with Ma barzel and McDavid   they're in a little bit different league but of  course last year we saw marar fall in Florida   well that's the thing you it's all in the corners  this event going to win or lose it in the in the   terms so McDavid who is going to go last will  now wait for a couple more skaters let's not   to underestimate how difficult it is for these  players here with not a real proper warmup as   well you think falling Downs on his mind right  now after last year no absolutely not a great   players don't think of those things are behind  them he'll be going left over right look at the   power in that stride right there all right he  makes sure he makes that first turn that is   a strong stride little coasting on the corner  as those was going to cost him oh so hes hangs on look how close that is K Mar is  now in second [Applause] [Music] place five points for first four for second three  for third 1,000th of a second Quinn Hughes hangs   on so that that matters as you're trying  to accumulate points with each competition   tonight and we'll keep a running scoreboard for  the folks at home and that's the most exciting   part about it is that everything matters every  little point that you can get scrape out there   could be the difference of winning and losing  in the end Matthew barzel 2020 champ he comes   to closest to McDavid in both top speed and  average speed categories during NHL games   this year and you can see him on that first turn  Flawless through the turn there a little hicup   there in that third corner there but the first  oh that was easy yeah there we go easy peasy yeah so that's the time McDavid  has to beat so Quinn Hughes does   slot down one but he's guaranteed at  worst third watch him take this first   corner here never stops his feet  moving there accelerates out of [Applause] it whoa little speed wobble there  so Conor McDavid knows the time to beat that's   going to be a tough that's going to be a tough  score to beat got to watch Connor on these on   the first uh first two turns here McDavid the  odds on favorite he has reached the top speed   of 23.5 eight mph this season his average speed  this is where he excels right look at that that   this just looks different look at his feet  never stop moving never looks different never   stop moving well there's a win winner winner  chicken parm dinner the ability for him to   hold the edges in the corners at top speed is  what separates him from most of the players of   the National Hockey League and that was on  full display right there he grew up in the   Toronto area he did Nick a couple pylons mess  but those things are light didn't affect him   at all didn't affect him fourth win in this  competition most all time you can uh like I   said if he puts his if he puts his heart into  it and he really goes for it I think there's a   faster scared in the National Hockey League  and this is why right here watching his feet   through the corners but being able to hold  the edge at top speed a lot of strength a   lot of skill a lot of practice but Nobody Does  it Better that's going to be a tough time to   beat so there's six primary events in round one  the player picks which four he wants to go in
Channel: NHL
Views: 100,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hockey, NHL, National Hockey League, hockey game, ice hockey, ice hockey highlights, nhl highlights, mcdavid, nhl fastest skater, fastest skater, Connor mcdavid, Connor mcdavid fastest skater, nylander, makar, barzal, Quinn hughes, Barzal fastest skater, all star skills, skills contest, 2024 all star game, 2024 nhl all star, 2024 nhl all star skills, mcdavid skating, fast skating, nhl skating, best of mcdavid, mcdavid highlights, mcdavid barzal
Id: pYmOtDU35DE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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