Consider These Things Before Buying a Toyota Supra

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hey what is going on guys it is awesome gone at 60 I'm in my 2022 Toyota Supra if you guys are thinking about buying a Supra do it however however there's a few things that you guys should just be aware about that are happening with Supras or things that you should consider when you're looking to buy one of these cars [Music] so one of the things that you guys should be aware of if you're buying a Toyota Supra now some of the the first generation models with the lower horsepower didn't really struggle from this but around 20 20 21 models and even some into the 2022s obviously with the Toyota Supra you're not going to be able to pull over to the gas station and measure your oil on the car it is all measured electronically and there's several owners and several threads where the Supra has known to consume way more oil than it should even after just a couple thousand miles to add oil some argue hey that's just typical of a BMW some say that's not normal some don't have the issues there are some instances where people have had scoring on their cylinder walls so it really just varies obviously you guys can see where I am at mile wise 1800 and so far my engine oil level is okay it's fine however a lot of people after a few thousand miles after the first oil change they are getting the warning that they need to put more oil into their car which it shouldn't be burning through that much oil now obviously you know BMWs their cars are known to burn oil especially turbocharged cars they're known just in general to burn oil but some people are having an issue with that in some instances Toyota has actually had to replace some of the engines um in on the Supra they've had to replace some of the b-58s so it's not a plague across the board however if you look it up oil consumption problems Supra do some research on it you guys are going to find it [Music] so another thing weird thing to kind of consider or just something to consider in general in buying a Supra I haven't had this issue because I'm at such low miles but this car from my understanding people chew through tires pretty quickly I think that's normal for a performance car I think that's very normal for any rear-wheel drive car that has a lot of power in it however it does seem to me that tires popping tires replacing tires has become quite common in this car now it could also very depend on where you live it could depend on your driving style there's a lot of factors that determine where on a tire however uh I can't remember if it was Motor Trend or who did it but it was a major publication where they did you know they they had the super for twenty thirty thousand miles and it did awesome it did really well it lasted really well however they they kept having Tire issues either a tire being blown out or you know tread wearing too fast on the the car that is something that is I've seen quite common getting into this car I haven't had any problems with but you guys might you almost kind of have to just like sit and fall into it but there's been people with track helmets on that have hit their head on top of the roof so here's me just getting in the car you really just kind of have to duck and fall into it and you're in but a lot of people have had that issue getting into the Supra I haven't but you guys it's it's not like getting in a Honda Accord it's a sports car so you guys should expect that however you kind of have to sit low and fall back in if you guys have a helmet it's going to be really easy really easy to hit your head on this and as you guys look I'll show you guys you see how wide kind of the door sill area is so really you're you're you're having to come way further into the car and some people might have an issue with that I haven't because I've been used to my Camaro before this but that might be something that might might be weird for you guys [Music] now another thing and you guys should all know this if this interior looks familiar to you it's because it should be it is a BMW's interior it's it's BMW's infotainment now that shouldn't alarm you it shouldn't there's a lot of great things about it but from the Chimes when you get into the car to just gauges everything especially kind of this section here um it is all is all made by BMW it's all BMW and it's a great partnership that those two companies had however if for whatever reason you don't like BMW it might be something that that takes you back but I think it helps for the refinement I think a lot of this is for the most part pretty nice but if you guys aren't familiar with this brand and you just get in it and you're like why does that sound why does those Chimes sound familiar why does all this look so great well it's because it is it's a BMW foreign if you're like me I'm about six feet uh but I like to kind of you know sit back sit low I like to be comfortable uh and I said it I sit as low as I possibly can in this car but one thing I don't like um or that you should be aware of is if you're probably taller than six feet depending on where you want your seat you're either going to be a lot closer to the front and sitting up high or you're going to be like me and your seat rub on this back bar as you kind of bounce around and kind of go around the road so just kind of get used to it but uh not a deal breaker but you do hear kind of that Creak and rattle a little bit holy another thing to consider is you know I think it's gotten a lot better than two three years ago two three years ago people were very confused and dealerships were very confused in terms of servicing these cars do I take it to BMW do I take it to Toyota who do I take it to at the end of the day take it to Toyota however early on when these cars first came out there were problems in terms of who had the parts or you know certain products that BMW needed to supply certain products Toyota needed Supply so just know it's not going to be probably over seamless when it comes to maintenance if you have to take it to a dealer working on it I think where we're several years into the Supra now you're not going to have that problem but just something to be aware about that if you guys are taking it to a dealer you are getting a part fixed you are getting a part replaced that you know depending on the circumstances it might increase your wait time or it might cause a little bit of confusion in the process [Music] foreign so this hasn't been a problem for me but maybe it is for some of you I kind of laugh at this one but if you guys are expecting the air vents on this car to be functional you're going to be sorely disappointed now I think unless you track a car unless you're taking your car to the track you're not going to notice the difference that functional or non-functional vents make this car is awesome just in terms of its styling but I would say ninety percent of the vents on this car from the hood to the door they're not functional they're purely for looks doesn't cool off the brakes doesn't provide really anything other than just looks Toyota BMW whoever decided to snap that piece of plastic on then make them functional now if you guys are super worried about that uh I get it um every major Reviewer seems to knock that on the Supra but uh at the end of the day guys um show me a graph of how much difference that makes for your average person unless you're taking it to the track but something for you to be aware about not that big of a deal [Music] if you're not used to the size of the Supra you know this is really kind of your your visual that you guys get coming around the car uh it is a sports car sports cars are small they're Nimble they're not meant to have a lot of space if you guys are coming from a fishbowl it might be really difficult to see in here according to you I don't think it is if you adjust your mirrors properly you can see that I have plenty of great visibility but that beat might be something that bothers you initially the last two things um I love audio stereo systems I'm pretty picky but at the end of the day this has the worst base stock stereo system I've ever experienced in a car those speakers I've I've eaten glazed donuts bigger than that speaker on the bottom uh you know you obviously have some speakers back here but this car is very very much a letdown in terms of audio normally the speakers are good enough in these cars for me just to throw a powered subwoofer in it and call it a day but it's extremely weak in terms of just the power um it's it's really it's it's it's pretty sad and that's even if I lower my standard some like for me to even enjoy listening to the music it has to be almost three quarters of the way up just for me to even somewhat enjoy it but it's very lackluster it's very disappointing these speakers back here rattle even at that and I have the bass just set it I think plus one so it's not like superly aggressive and the last thing digital gauges if you guys are somebody who wants analog this is not the car for you when I mean analog I mean physical gauges that move this car is All Digital from when your light comes on to say you need gas like it is all digital um it's just everything in here is digital as I flip through some different settings um it is pretty cool you know the gauge cluster it's kind of like a you know it's kind of like half half and half out pause uh but at the end of the day it's extremely digital I wish they did some stuff on here that uh maybe made it feel a little bit more analog but uh it's kind of interesting when you get down to empty you get this like little icon that pops up that says fuel Reserve so it is a little bit goofy if you guys are someone who doesn't like kind of an all digital car I would say this really isn't for you one last thing that you guys should be aware about if you're ordering one of these cars it's probably you know it depends on the side of the fence that you sit on this car doesn't leave a lot of room for optimization you have a package that you pay for that gives you everything gives you leather seats it gives you an Apple and Android carplay gives you blind spot monitoring you're not going to be able to kind of pick and choose here and there the options that you want on the car sure you can maybe get you know a different color of leather you might be able to you know adjust some stuff but when it comes to the cars I've owned previously this is probably the most um restricted car in terms of the ordering process in terms of just speccing a car out you're basically going to check maybe one box maybe two box unless you just want to add a floor mat or something like that just very basic but there isn't a whole lot in terms of just packaging on this car um it's you could take it for what it is maybe some like that maybe some don't maybe some like the fact that it's just super easy it's super clean it just remove moves it all out you know I came from the Chevy World where with a Camaro gosh you had so many different flavors and so many things you can option out but might be something uh you might want to look into most of these cars not all but most Toyota is going to stall paint protection film for you and it's not very good it's very cheap I want to say the dealer installs it I've kind of heard mixed things on it but I'm not going to get into that because I don't know exactly who at the end of the day is installing it but it's really cheap it's not very good and if you guys know anything about detailing cars you don't want you don't want you don't want the manufacturer you don't want the dealership touching your brand new car your paint because if they don't clean the paint properly before putting that on there it can ruin the paint underneath it can scratch it can make it worse if it's a really light film and you guys think oh hey that's great it's going to be awesome and then a rock chip goes right through it I have uh expel paint protection film on the front half of the car I highly recommend it for this car you are based on where you're sitting going to catch a lot of stuff I already kind of caught not kind of caught I caught a rock chip I don't know how well you guys can see it I got it fixed but this car sits really low it's a rock magnet but just know with Toyota there's a couple options that they almost put on every single car it's the carbon fiber mirror caps and his paint protection film luckily on this car they didn't have that installed they did have the carbon fiber mirror count so I actually think look nice but if it were me based on what I know in detailing cars the paint protection film don't pay for it guys do not pay for it if you guys watch every day driver they ordered the paint protection film on their Toyota gr-86 they really regret doing it if you want to get your car protected take it to a professional shop that can do a really good job for you guys on these cars because you're paying all that money you don't want to you don't want it installed incorrectly without prepping the paint first and number two you want it to its job which is protecting the paint all right guys so there you have it those are just some things that if you're buying one of these cars kind of weird maybe a little bit different or maybe you should just be aware about if I miss something guys let me know I'm sure I have I'm sure I've missed several things but those are just some things that I think probably for buying one of these cars you should consider I think it's something to note down I think it's something to consider but at the end of the day your buying a performance car and this is exactly what it is you guys will love it thanks for watching catch you on the next one [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: Gonin60
Views: 25,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toyota Supra, Buying a Toyota Supra, Delivery of a Toyota Supra
Id: hN40tGcX0kI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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