2023 Awake Tamer PvE Guide

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hi everyone um figured I'd just make a guide for awakening Tamer just because there hasn't been one since like well reworks so uh here it is I'm gonna be going over uh early game mid game and end game um depending on where you're at in the game it could be a little different for you but I mean you can kind of just do something like if you're an early game you could potentially use like mid game combos for early game if your AP is low enough and the same thing goes with end game to Mid game so uh all these skills right here most of them most of them can be used except for Celestial slam it has a use for the accuracy buff but there's not really a point to use it because there's um one low damage on it and two it's also non-canceable and three full moon has that same accuracy buff so in general you don't use this um I guess you can use that in Elvia um we use this all the time for you know going from pack to pack same with Cloud stomping this also gives a really good accuracy buff it can be used in Crypt if you don't have enough accuracy uh we don't even use this there's not really much of a point I I think you can use it in early game but I'm not sure on the Z buff but are group skill completely Shadows over it and if you proc uh if you use this with this this gets canceled out or vice versa I think um beast Rampage is like one of our main skills for PVP right and it used to be really good in PVE until they you know turned at the [ __ ] with the reworks really so this is actually really bad now um I do not recommend using it uh and Tim is only used for cancels like from pre-awakening into Awakening the damage is not worth it uh if you if you do ex like cancel it early it does not proc the damage the uh the damage actually like kind of I guess it's it comes out slow so it doesn't actually do the full damage um I'm not sure if add-ons proc with it though uh like instantly um Beast dance is easily like your filler I mean it it's easily like one of the best skills in the kit it's weird but uh Turtle has some of the biggest AOE we have on the class weirdly enough but it also has some of the best damage um it's basically only used for filler uh white tiger has a smaller AOE and is about the same like DPS overall than uh with turtle Vermilion bird and Azure are not worth at all to use in PVE um Azure is only for like a beginning buff for B stance echo of which B stance Echo white Tiger's pretty good on it um one of the better variations the best DPS you can get out of this skill is a zero Dragon so if you're somewhere like gaifins for instance you can like you can proc um Azure Dragon the buff for this right after your pack on your way over to the next and you can use this as like almost a pre-buff or just you know damage early on before you get with your filler right here so that's really good and Azure is actually the highest DPS skill we have in in this kit it's weird but it it comes out very fast um turtle is very good too it has really good AOE except the fact that there's only two ways to well I guess three ways to cancel it Echo uh beast power and leaves so you have to use a movement skill or Echo if you really want to cancel that um Vermilion is completely useless so all around spinner it's it's damaged on par with positive stance but the thing is it does have smaller AOE it does have better sustain and it's on a it's on a cooldown for seven seconds and you can't spam it like this which has no damage drop off by the way um so it's recommended for you to just save this in case you need like some point in the combo if you need to do like a skill like this if you need more AOE for instance you might like come from Turtle into spinner then back to Turtle instead of turtle into tiger in into Turtle again so this can be used as like sort of protection or filler if you need to just be aware it's on a cooldown um soaring strike is one of the highest damage in our kit um it's also a T3 add-on so it's it's recommended you want this near the beginning of your combo it doesn't have to be like the first one because there's uh certain excels that come with it with Legendary Legendary piece power and I guess there's ways to like make it come out faster especially with like the accuracy buff from full moon or Celestial slam so personally what I do I'll use full moon uh with the accuracy buff then I'll throw a soaring strike after it so it doesn't necessarily have to be the first thing in the combo um skybound stab no it's Garuda all right um Garuda has fairly good damage it's not the best in the kit it's lower than this so if you don't need this as a debuff you throw this in um now this does have more AOE than uh let's say let's say a white tiger and most of the kit in general so this is actually really good to use too um good the spam somewhat but not too much uh just like LBD here it has a damage drop uh no damage drop off so it can be spammed as much as you want just be aware that it is not like the greatest damage in the kit um but I usually use it for the minus 20 DP magic debuff um Ascension it's it's all right damage kind of like Garuda of course it's on a three second cooldown so you can't necessarily spam that um personally I use Garuda into Turtle instead or Garuda into maybe tiger I guess um it does have decent AOE though so I mean it can be used if you really want it's just lower damage than this um Echo Pierce I would only recommend it for start cancels and if you're gonna like um like do evasion behind like a Target uh you can throw out Echo Pierce before you uh use leaves or something um main reason to use this is if you're using um lbde turtle so just the main cancel there that's about it for that it's relatively low damage slow acting skill Moonlight is one of our best DPS in our kit you want to absolutely use this if you're like in smaller amount of targets like I think it's not necessarily worth it with like bigger groups of mobs if you can't hit them all because the AOE is quite small but places like um like hacks if you're just killing like an elite or something Moonlight strike is really good for that and it's really good to proc add-ons on I mean it's it's the fastest skill we have I think I could be wrong um but definitely use this uh full moon can be used in a number places uh what I usually do nowadays is all use full moon um after a Moonlight strike that's usually what I'll do for basically every spot now um it doesn't have 100 crit right keep in mind it does have good damage so it does uh keep up with most of the kit like it has it has more damage than Garuda and stuff so it is definitely it you definitely want to use it okay and I mean there's ways to get this up to like I think 80 or 90 percent and I mean of course that's going to lose fair amount of damage but it's still worth it to use I use it near the beginning of my combo um so that's really good please use it it can be used off of LD LBD and you know like um for Cores I usually go for uh Garuda not too much there if you really want you can go for LBD but since you're spamming it it's just not often that it comes in handy also forward guard is really useful especially if you're only like debuffing Mobs with Garuda then you kind of have uh that after like what seven seconds yeah so the forward guard gets comes really in handy especially places like hex um let's see so Leaf weave I don't know why they changed this [ __ ] um these are really good thing is you can't do full combos um in end game at least while constantly evading without like not hitting back attacks so you kind of have to mix it with pre-awakening which we'll go over in a second but uh yeah those are very very uh useful uh howling is kind of meh it's one of the worst skills in the kit I think I mean it does like no damage it's way too slow and the pulling on it is mid I mean it's it's just not necessarily worth using my opinion it can be faster and easier to cancel than uh the other pull skills we have but it's just it's just harder to use in my opinion um so that brings us to pre-awakening so there's only a few skills we use in here um there is an old thing pre-rework that people would use Flash in the flows I've tested it it's not worth it at all not even for like the AP Buffs and whatever and the debuffs it's just not worth it it's way too slow and two of the skills have no crit rate and that sucks um void the main pull right here you can have like two variations of it there's one that goes off of evasion that you can do in the middle of it which that I believe has longer range but it's in like a cone almost a very wide cone at that but if you do this while standing you can uh you can go 360 Degrees around you and both of those are extremely useful um obviously High length skill then you gotta absorb you always want to keep this uh in use as soon as it comes uh comes off you use it it's a huge increase in trash um just don't forget it um the only reason you have highlighting out is for that that is it um because Highland does no damage right now past two years I'm roaring used to be one of our pull skills it is not worth the damage so keep that in mind you can use it though I have found in the past before they change the cooldown that I did like using it and it has like the pulling potential of void but with more damage um I think it's almost just as quick uh if not maybe a little slower so if you're really uh wanting to use it I think you can it's just it's on a nine second cooldown it is not spammable anymore um now this one of our highest damage in the kit because of course all the new skills are it seems for every class but extremely high damage you uh you have to kind of flow into it though or you get that lingering effect which the lingering effect is the full iframe which that's a PVP like thing so you kind of have to excel it a little bit which is a couple ways to do that um like coming from Awakening hitting bolt jolt which is uh lmb with shift you hit that right into Galler and uh it just instantly comes out and uh even then with bolt combined it is one of the highest damage skills we have it is also probably the biggest AOE um just it's on a 12 second cooldown so you have to use it sparingly it's not very useful like when you're pulling packs in mid game just because like you can only use it one every one like three packs or so so uh it's recommended like somewhere like Elvia like Orcs you can actually One-Shot Pax with this I believe um if not it gets extremely close depending on your gear but uh yeah I think that's all the uh things we need to go over here um there's one more thing people use fearful trembling for the T3 add-on uh I personally don't think it's worth it just because it's very slow compared to uh succession it's it's very slow coming out and I mean there's not much else you can do I mean it's not really cancelable like it it's just bad honestly I would recommend only using this T3 and completely taking this out of your combo because it's not even 100 crit rate only three hits so but that's about it there every other skill that I didn't mention is not worth using so yeah beginning game uh it's pretty simple all you got to do is kind of really combo your movement skills um that basically gets you pretty far in this there's some skills that I would recommend you use just to make it a little bit quicker that's uh lbde uh where is it tiger uh dragon uh dragon comes out very quick and you can use in Tim on a hot bar and have it instantly cast pretty much even when in a pre-awakening so that makes it really handy for going pack to pack because I could use like let's say tree climb I could get to the pack then just do that then go to the next then I can do the few other skills of which uh anything with movement is good uh even the ray bombs it's not bad but there is better uh you can use the flight skill it even does damage really nice um you can use probably the Z Box quicker if you really worry about that but uh I recommend anyone who's first starting gamer to come to an early spot like this just because it'll get you the hang of some of the movement because movement's a big thing especially like mid game of if you don't have the movement down you're going to be making a lot less in a oh I mean a good like example of that is Maybe I don't know like Nova where the only reason of why Nova's so good in PVE like mid game at least is because of her movement being so quick so the quicker you can get from pack to pack the more trash you're gonna get um just make sure you don't rest and right it's manageable in this class if you're somewhere like Polly's though it gets a little hectic if you're going really fast I'll just keep that in mind but in general just do what I'm doing pack here this isn't the greatest example but I am managing my stamina pretty well there there's times when I will get very low on Santa just uh use prioritize most of your movement skills minus evasion because evasion takes off like a lot of uh a lot of stamina compared to some of the other ones so if you can keep away from evasion which you won't be able to 100 keep away from it uh you should be able to get a lot faster with clearing of course if you're starting on season you're gonna have to uh do things a little differently just because you're lower AP and stuff as I said at the beginning of the video I I recommend you use like mid game combos which I mean we'll we'll talk about next in a minute but uh yeah that's that's it for beginning game it's it's pretty simple there's no uh nothing really too complicated involved just get down the movement and you'll be ready for Mid game so before we go into mid game and end game um you guys need to know about like pulling with this class because I don't know about much other classes but polling is much more important on this versus like any other class I think just because like since we have like some of the smallest AOE in the game we need to rely more on our polling in order to uh like grind more efficiently so for instance you want to make sure that of course you're pulling 10 mobs at a time but you also want to make sure that no other mobs are going to interrupt you or get accurate on you during your combo because if that happens you're gonna have a straggler that's going to last a few packs and here here's maybe a good example so I'm here in sakraya right and I'm gonna pull as much clouds as possible okay that's roughly 10 I guess um so we got one mob left over here right and if he wasn't just still standing there he would have yep there you go he's kind of just gonna linger a little longer than most and that's something we do absolutely not one we want something like that minus that aggro so at least in sakraya I mean this this is a fairly extreme example just because Sakurai is like really really good for pulling mobs they aggrove extremely easily um you want to be as far away as possible and try to get the edge of your Void AOE or whatever pull AOE you're using and kind of use the edge to aggro as many mobs as possible and I think the um the number one like I guess way to do it is like like choose a point in the grind spot that you want to be at every time you want to pull so let's say I want to go here and maybe pull as many mobs as possible so as long as you have like these certain points on the grind spot so like for every every 10 mobs you'll want like one point um that's when your pulling gets extremely good and that's kind of what I do for uh like my sakraya videos and stuff I'll try to uh you know remember where my pulling is for every single pack in the rotation and once you get that down your your efficiency you're just your numbers go up extremely high compared to just messily going through the mobs like any other class this this this class definitely is different from other classes in that aspect because like magu has the AOE to you know she'll do her ranged uh ranged aggro and then she'll just start nuking skills and it doesn't necessarily matter that she didn't pull all the mobs some of the AOE is actually going to touch them and if she has any stragglers whatsoever she's just gonna passively kill them um so it doesn't matter as much to bigger AOE classes but for this one you definitely want to uh want to strategize your pulling because if you get the pulling down that's literally half half the battle um it's not only because the combos it's you gotta you gotta rely on point um anyways we can get to Mid game and end game now uh both of them use pulling a lot mid game more than anything submit game you'll want to cycle two skills a full moon and LBD Echo so what you're probably going to want to do for most spots is to keep it on turtle um you're gonna You're Gonna Wanna prioritize Turtle for almost every mid Game Spot just because like you rely more on AOE there than uh than small AOE with high damage and stuff so you're gonna want to use only turtle and full moon LBD Echo and you want to cycle them per pack so it'll look something like this so let's do full moon first right and you always want to end on Garuda I think or you want to at least put Garuda in there somewhere not only do you get the add-on from it but it lets you uh go from turtle so you want to go Turtle through the turtle so you'll keep the AOE that you need and you won't have to like sacrifice AOE for any damage uh the next pack could be something like uh I don't know like get to the next pack say you use soaring then you start off with the LBD go to Echo and you can cancel Echo so you have to cancel it as quick as possible then go Garuda or turtle so you you always have to like you always have to animation cancel uh Echo somehow and what I find myself doing as well if I use a leaves way too much I will go from Echo to Echo Pierce then to Garuda and then I can follow up with like turtle or whatever I need um it's just up to you but what I personally do for Mid game is I will uh for full moon and Beast Echo I will keep attack attack speed on it because attack speed is very important for this class compared to others because we have a lot more skills so if we can do a lot more skills faster I think it's better than just having one skill that just nukes something if that makes sense so you'll want to cycle these right use this usually Moonlight you want to use this as often as possible to get to pack to pack you're not necessarily using it for damage you want to save spinner for your black Spirit rage because you're going to get it very often and you don't want to keep that down that's also where I would recommend getting a tongue grad accessory you I go for uh I go for a ring just so it's not in the way I get more AP from the distos blah blah but it'll let you store more energy and in turn I actually see that increasing my trash because let's say you get done with a pack and you're at a hundred percent well you can do another pack at a hundred percent uh if you forget about it so you're it's not going to be perfect but as long as you're not capping you're not wasting uh Black Spirit Rage that's the general idea of it um Galler is definitely something you may want to use at the beginning of a combo not necessarily as a debuff but just for some extra damage let's say uh I don't know those are the mobs I'll pull them and then I'll maybe just pop Galler while they walk to me if they're outside of my AOE just so you get that extra damage of course it's on a long cooldown so you can't do it much a cancel I use during uh during mid game is I will use uh soaring into uh from and temp so I'll do intimidation hit legendary beast power and then hit soaring and it speeds up the animation quite a bit and it's kind of good to use if you're pulling and then like that so I just popped three skills in that just one animation almost like it's that quick that will speed yourself up a lot and you want to keep soaring up as much as possible because there's going to be a three second Gap of where you don't have that T3 add-on so the less the more you use that the more uptime you're going to have on it so it's it's definitely something to keep in mind uh personally I will use attack speed on it because usually if I have that all uh active I'm still hitting mobs but if I get to a next pack by then it will probably be out and I'll use like full moon or beast Echo to proc the uh the other attack speed add-on until this is cooled down so in general you want to keep your attack speed up just I mean that's a general PVE thing but it's it's a little complicated on ours because well the long ass cooldown um let's see is there anything else uh you can use cloud stopping to finish off packs it doesn't do crazy amount of damage but it's definitely uh definitely nice let's say you're at Orcs on a weapon for instance you can take out a whole pack with that um or if you got them low you can just kind of start moving on to the next pack with Cloud stomping it's just it just takes time to uh realize of how much damage it does and whether you're going to clean the pack or not right because I mean it would waste time if you get it wrong too um skyreach does damage for it as well but it's not very much used past beginning game just because it doesn't do much damage unless you're on an lvo weapon um yeah I mean that's about it for end game there's there's not much to it just keep your absorb buff on up and uh the BSR up and that's literally it and uh if you can help it use all-around spinner with BSR because it's uh I mean it it's one of the highest damages in our kit you would be losing out pretty much and it's also one of the biggest aoes so I mean definitely prioritize that but that's about it for Mid game if you need some examples and stuff just look at some of my videos those are those are fairly good examples um same with endgame I guess but yeah so end game um we're at the point of where you rely a little bit less on movement and more on your combo so it's a lot more uh fleshed out than you know mid game and beginning game um and honestly it gets a little more simple I think just because you don't have to rely on it and the general idea of it is to cycle a few different skills so moonlight full moon lbde probably turtle or tiger um then you got Galler and soaring strike so you want to cycle those as much as possible but your filler will be LBD so in general you'll find yourself doing tiger and turtle on LPD a lot and it's weird because there's this interaction with it of where you can only you only have to put in one input and then it just goes Turtle tiger Turtle tiger which honestly in certain spots makes it extremely brain dead at times as long as you have like that stuff put up and then I'm just holding one key right here I just did like seven skills so makes that extremely simple in some cases but in general here's a hex combo I use for instance um so I'll usually pre uh yeah pre-buff with Garuda and it serves as a debuff as well because the magic DP um I guess it varies on where you're at but I'll do that into Moonlight full moon that with the soaring which you can replace soaring with LBD right so uh once I put on the cooldown so here's the combo or something like that I forgot the uh pre-buff there with Garuda but you kind of get the point um at that third part of the combo you can go with Garuda but you could also go with just only turtle and tiger because you're kind of just waiting on cooldowns um there's a couple skills that you can throw in pretty much anywhere at the beginning of these little combos between the evasion and that is uh Galler so let's say I'm on the second part of where I go Garuda that that I can just throw out Gala right there before using evasion and getting behind them um another thing to notice you want to use evasion sometimes because if you're going way too fast you'll run out cooldown on leaves right so you're going to be kind of dead in the water so what I usually do is I'll go through the whole combo right and uh once I'm through the whole combo I'll usually evade evasion over the pack and then I'll follow up with moonlight because they're already debuffed by Garuda um if you do that then you'll have no problems with uh with leaves at all now this can vary at different spots you know depending on how much they aggro but in general that's what I use for hex so it should be good if you're lower geared in mid game content like Orcs let's say you should be set um if they're extra tanky to you but uh yeah I mean that's that's the basic of of endgame there's some cases when you don't have to evasion you can kind of just mix up your combo a little bit because every combo is different at different spots for this class so you can kind of just use that kind of formula I just said in the skill tree here to uh to kind of just make your own combo I guess same thing applies to Mid game I mean you can just kind of do that but it's mainly for end game a couple more things I need to add is that uh for one evasion you're pre-awakening if you're at like a really really in-game spot let's say a hex again um it's very useful to use a skill all right it's evasion is very useful it says it's super armor and iframe but in reality it's a full PVE iframe so what you can do is if hex is about to kill you you can just keep on running evasion straight out of the pack and you can you know as long as you have it hotkeyed you can come from Awakening at any state pretty much and just instantly evade it comes in a lot of Handy in these harder spots especially if you're just starting out it's it's basically a panic button it'll get you out of how they're free unless you get like one shot or something back tacked I don't know but uh that is a good thing to note you have Beast Rampage and Spinner so as I said at the beginning of the video um spinner is fairly good for damage but what I would recommend doing is you know besides BSR um I would use this if you're in danger and you need sustain because it has really really good sustain yeah so 40 HP per hit and you get 11 hits so it gets pretty good um and like a big pack of mobs and stuff plus forward guard is pretty nice because most of our damage is unprotected in PVE um you got Beast Rampage as well I also use this at places like hex if there's like if there's a situation where I don't have anything else on cooldown I'm going to use it it is like the worst damage in Awakening but it's just really good for sustain and you know it it does do a little bit of damage so I don't have to like Q block or something if I want to gain more health so sustain it's pretty good not for damage but that that is literally the only use for VR right now um spinner as I said use that wherever just be aware that it does have good sustain so you might want to keep that for panic button overall Tamer or Awakening isn't that bad of a class in PVE it just needs a little bit more like AOE and stuff but I mean at least I hope my videos show that I mean it's not that bad of a class that people may think it's just it does need more AOE I think maybe a little more damage I have I don't know much but what I do know is that if you want to like contest with other classes in terms of trash numbers you're going to have to run Elixir rotations even then a lot of the meta classes they will they will pull more trash than you all right there's no way around it it's just how The Meta is right now it's just sucks I guess but I think I think this class is really fun and uh if you got any questions just leave them down in the comments I'm happy to answer them I don't mind I don't mind helping so anyways this class isn't as bad as people think and well I hope you learned something from this video see you
Channel: Chaytona
Views: 33,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 80RSstHPzng
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Length: 38min 49sec (2329 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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