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Can ordinary people with zero foundation still make money from self-media in 2023 ? Of course, even with 1,000 fans on Xiaohongshu, you can receive promotions and even earn 10,000 US dollars a month. I once used my fans to exceed 10,000 in one month . It is no exaggeration to say that Xiaohongshu It is now the platform where ordinary people join the self-media industry with the least investment and the highest return. In today’s video, I will reveal to you the secrets of Xiaohongshu, an excellent money-making tool, its platform feature monetization model , and how we ordinary people can start a Xiaohongshu from 0 to 1. If you are interested in this book , make a hit account and achieve monetization. If you are interested , be sure to read the end. Hello everyone, I am Muzi. I used to be responsible for the marketing of multiple AI short video editing tools and create a personal hit short video account to achieve monetization . This channel hopes to use AI. Help everyone create individual IP. Help everyone create individual IP and earn passive income together. Let’s answer the first question first. Why do so many self-media platforms choose Xiaohongshu? Looking back at several major video platforms, YouTube has a long start-up period. Douyin and TikTok are already saturated b Website production requires high threshold , and Xiaohongshu is the most friendly platform for ordinary people. In addition, Xiaohongshu has these three characteristics. Xiaohongshu ’s slogan is the life experience of 200 million people. In fact, many people now regard it as It is used as a search engine. For example, if you want to buy something, you will first read the reviews on it. Therefore, many people use the platform with the intention to consume. It can achieve a closed loop of e-commerce for dry goods cultivation and is more likely to achieve purchasing behavior. It is very friendly to novices and often has The first video of a new account explodes directly or the cover looks very sloppy but the interaction data is very high. This is what the platform hopes to achieve. They do not want to kill themselves and become a monopoly of top influencers. The platform must encourage more Bloggers come in and distribute traffic to small bloggers so as to form a virtuous cycle. The three user ages are mainly those born in the 1990s and 2000s. 18-35 years old. 70% are female users. However, note that male users are also in the growth stage, which is a good outlet for them. Most of them are a group of young people who have a taste in life and are very petty bourgeoisie. They have a strong willingness to consume and a high consumption power. Therefore, brand owners are willing to invest , and the possibility of monetization is greater for bloggers. Based on these three characteristics of Xiaohongshu, I I will teach you step by step how to build your own account from 0 to 1 and start it quickly. I will divide the whole process into three steps. The first step is to build the account base. Find your 6 major positioning, identity and positioning. Who am I? What am I good at? What do I like? Value positioning . What do I want to show users and why do they click in to read my notes? Do I provide emotional value or monetize positioning? Do I do traffic promotion or do I do paid knowledge positioning? Do I do oral broadcasting with pictures, vlogs or plots? Let me share my real experience. I once I have done sharing with only pictures and texts without showing my face, and the likes and collection data are very high, but it is difficult to convert fans because everyone's intimacy is not that strong. Overall, I think the difficulty of converting fans in several forms is like this, so in fact, pictures and texts are not It will definitely be worse than videos , but the conversion rate of followers will be relatively higher if you show your face. Personality positioning. You are inspirational, cold, warm, humorous, literary and artistic. Memory positioning. Incubate it into your slogan. Action music. Share a little tip. Enter the game now. Everyone must find two tags for yourself and combine them . What do you mean? In the past, the model of only doing outfits has been relatively saturated. In order to stand out, you can add a label such as pear-shaped outfits or contrast. The small town girl counterattacked with a good hand, but the game was rubbish. I have compiled it here for everyone. You can like and collect the 12 common track positionings for novice Xiaohongshu bloggers. Second, find benchmark accounts. Find 30 benchmark accounts based on the order of 150,000, 100,000, and 200,000 to organize their account decoration content. Format and section comment area, monetization model of topics that users care about, etc. How to find the benchmark account? I share 4 methods. First , search the keywords of the industry . For example, if you are doing food theme, then you can do it . If you are searching for food, then search for food and look at related accounts. Second, check the information flow in the industry tab and make recommendations based on big data. Third , look for third-party data platforms to query . However, many of these platforms have membership restrictions. You must remember that in the early days, the wealthy players The list of outstanding bloggers released by the Fourth Official Department of Trial Wool or some accounts that analyze high fans. After finding the benchmark account, we have to determine the topic selection. I will also share three methods of topic selection here. The first one is The method of selecting topics based on benchmarking accounts is to collect their topic selections to make a topic selection library , and then find the ones you like more to imitate their formats to determine your own direction. For example, find 10 benchmarking accounts, and each account has 5 popular choices. Then you have 50 topics to choose from. Let me teach you a little tip. Focus on finding posts whose number of likes is much greater than the number of fans. This further shows that this topic has a trend of becoming popular. The method of choosing the topic for the second question is from the comment area or Use your own experience to dig out topics that users care about , and then search for keywords across the entire network to see if the related topics are popular or if anyone is competitive. The third hot topic selection method platform provides a way to search, discover notes, inspiration, official events, and other recommendations. If you use these hotspots and are officially selected, you will have traffic support. Then we will do the fourth thing. Account decoration. The first is the avatar. It is recommended that if you show your face, use a real person avatar and use one that fits your positioning. For example , if you are working in the workplace, you can put a picture of yourself in formal attire and a nickname. It is recommended to add a nickname plus content positioning or your identity tag. For example, my own name, Muzi AI Research Institute , Muzi is my nickname. Everyone can call me this name. AI is my content positioning research institute. I mainly study tools such as AI. This is my identity label. Next, I will give you a brief introduction. Identity plus label plus experience plus achievement plus you can Finally, we need to sort out the popular covers and titles, collect them in a document, analyze the same factors, and use them as our future seals. After completing our first step of setting up a basic account, we will enter the second step. step Content production is the first step. Many people always think that I have to start writing specific copywriting. You must pay attention to your seal because it is the most important hook to attract others to click in. No matter how good your content is. If others don’t click in, it’s all useless . The second step is to create copywriting. What about copywriting ? First of all, you must have a wonderful beginning , a valuable middle text, and an ending. If it is a spoken video, it must be spoken in a concise and spoken language in the first 30 seconds. Come up with your hook. The entire video should be about 3-5 minutes long and should not exceed 10 minutes because Xiaohongshu does not focus on long videos. In addition, we can also use Chat GBT to help us write copy. If you want to see it , let us know in the comment area . The last thing I will share with you in the future is that if you are a video blogger, you have to shoot and edit your videos in the early stages . I suggest that you shoot directly with your mobile phone and it must be low-cost. If you are a newbie in editing, I recommend using CapCut . It is free and The threshold for use is very low. Next is the third step of some operations after the release. First of all, what we must do is data analysis and review and share with everyone the platform recommendation mechanism of Xiaohongshu. Likes add 1 point to favorites and 1 point adds 4 to comments. Follow and add 8 points. In addition, be sure to copy popular ones. Remember this sentence. The essence of self-media is to repeat, repeat, repeat. Once you have a hit, it can be used as a series to continue iteration. Then , we must actively respond to every post. Fans form good interactions , and we can even build a fan group to form our own private domain traffic. We also need to update regularly. Daily and weekly updates can be adjusted according to your own situation. But in the early stage, low-cost and high-frequency output must be done. Next, let’s talk about it . The current main monetization model of Xiaohongshu is promotion , which is also a relatively mainstream monetization method. Simply put, when your account reaches a certain number of fans, advertisers will actively seek cooperation . If you want to join the official Dandelion platform of Xiaohongshu, you need fans. If your number reaches 1,000, if you accept ads privately, you can leave your contact information on the homepage. The advertising quotation is usually 10% of the number of fans. The second product replacement is that the merchant will give you the product without paying you and let you post grass planting notes. You can get it. Free products but not a lot of income. Three live broadcasts or note-taking. This is also the main model promoted by Xiaohongshu this year. However, the threshold is relatively high and requires strong fan stickiness and high trust . However, the single live broadcast income is high , especially now that the platform has 10 billion. Traffic tilt is a good opportunity to enter the game. Four knowledge paid courses require a certain reputation in their own field. For example, if you know how to knit sweaters , you can start a knitting education course. Students can earn a certain amount of course fees after purchasing. 5 Consultation This is It is a very important source of income for many bloggers. For example, if you are a workplace blogger, you can provide career planning consulting for newbies in the workplace . 6 Training camps. Nowadays, many growth bloggers will open a training camp such as the self-discipline camp, Xiaohongshu account starting camp, etc. The operating cycle is about one month and the unit price is 300 US dollars. It is absolutely possible for one person to earn 10,000 US dollars per month, and the marginal cost is very low . Finally, let me talk to you about the pitfalls I have encountered in Xiaohongshu in the past few years or some common misunderstandings . The content is too cluttered and the cover is inconsistent. I once met a fan who asked me why he had posted dozens of pieces of content and still had less than 100 followers. As a result, I entered his homepage, Hanfu, skateboarding, makeup, handcrafts, and all kinds of content. There were too many fields that he wanted to do. You will not be able to attract your own precise users. Misunderstanding 2: Spending a lot of money to buy equipment. Do I have to buy a good camera, reflector, lighting, microphone, etc.? In the end, it is very likely that the videos you make after spending a long time will only be a dozen or so. Like everyone, please remember that sentence: a low-cost mobile phone is enough in the early stage . Misunderstanding 3: Go to various platforms to follow each other and like each other. Don’t do this. It will disrupt your fan base. Don’t buy fans. These are not your accuracy. Traffic Misunderstanding 4 It is difficult for ordinary people with no special skills to start to make mistakes. There are more ordinary people in this world. Sometimes the more ordinary you are , the more likely you are to resonate. For example, if you dress a girl with a good figure, you will think that she must be able to wear everything. Good-looking , but if a girl with an average figure makes outfits, you are more likely to be picked on by her. The last and most important point is that you must act, act, act , keep trial and error , keep trying. Only by doing it can you know the result , otherwise it will never happen. It’s Sora. If you’ve thought about it, go ahead and do it. Bye.
Channel: 木子AI研究所
Views: 165,829
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Keywords: 自媒體, 小紅書, 社交媒體, 網路賺錢, 副業, 小紅書賺錢, 財富自由, 被動收入, 自由職業, 不上班, 小紅書視頻, 社交媒體運營, 網賺, 創業, 在家賺錢, 網上賺錢, 網絡賺錢, 內容創業, 賺錢項目, ai, 小红书, 小红书赚钱, 小红书涨粉, 财务自由, 在家赚钱, 社交媒体, 自媒体, 个人品牌获利 自媒体经营的五大关键变现思维, 2023 网络赚钱, youtuber 賺錢, make money online, passive income, affiliate marketing, youtube make money, make money online as a teenager, common mistakes new youtubers, 赚钱2023, 网赚2023, 网赚项目2023, youtube 2023, 賺錢, 如何赚钱, 知识分享, 分享知识, 分享的秘密, 如何网上赚钱, 小红书运营攻略, youtube賺錢, youtube 賺錢, youtube攻略, 素人youtube賺錢, passive income 2023, passive income with ai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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