翻墙后能干什么?如何在10分钟内利用ChatGPT与Canva创作100条YouTube短视频?(不露脸 不拍视频)怎么赚钱?windy有风手把手教你实操!#chatgpt #canva

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hello boy welcome to one of the videos in this episode some people say that money doesn't fall from the sky but what i want to tell you is that there is still a lot of potential gold mines waiting for you to mine this youtube channel every month easily Earn tens of thousands of dollars and it’s super easy to make. It only took me 10 minutes to make 100 videos like this. In a video in this issue, I will share with you how to use GPT and combine it with car. The practical operation will show you a specific process. Remember to like it. The advantage of liking it is that it is convenient to save this video. It will be easier to find this video next time when you practice. It is very simple to open our own without showing your face or showing up. One of the YouTube channels started to make money, then please see that the final practical operation is in the back, get ready, take out your small book, take out your notebook, let’s start, first of all, let’s enter the first part is to give a case, let’s learn about GPT first OK Now we come to a page of that GPT. First, let’s say hello to him. Hello, who are you? Let’s take a look. I use GPT. If GPT is a language model developed by open i open i, OK, now I will enter a paragraph to let He enters the role first. OK, this passage is like this. Please use the following method I will teach you to write some quotations. The quotations are composed of two parts. The first part is to attract people’s curiosity and stimulate them to think And I continue to watch our second part, which is useless, delete it, and then I give him two examples below, such as the first example is the first example, the first part is that if you like someone, you must learn to let go OK and then In the second part, I also gave him an example, such as a true and true friendship is like a flower. The first part and the second part is that he grows with him and never fades. Let me ask him if he understands that I am with him. I gave these two examples, and then I asked him if you understand. If you understand, he said yes. Let’s try it and ask him. I used the model of GPT 3.5. OK, he said he understood, and he said he would use the method I provided. Write some quotes and let's take a look. For example, he wrote When you look for the light in the dark, this is the first part. The second part is that you will find that the brightest light comes from the courage in your heart. Take a look at the second one. According to a case I gave above, he will learn and analyze a case I gave above. Therefore, before we call g g p t to generate some text, we must first teach him to learn such words and it will generate Some of the content that comes out may be more in line with some of our requirements. OK, after GPT helps us generate content, we need to give him a feedback and tell him what you think of this generation. I think it is very good, very good, and then he will If you follow this style, please continue to write for us, and I will give him a feedback. I said it is very good. Giving GPT a feedback is very important when teaching GPT to generate content, because you can tell him clearly whether the generated content meets the requirements. Your request is OK, he said thank you very much, then ask him to continue OK if necessary Some instructions that indicate some clear themes. For example, I hope that these quotations are about love, about broken love, about friendship, and then my target group is in their 20s. In the past, OK, he will help me generate some content about love, longing, or friendship. Let’s see if this is what we want. When you love someone, this is the first part. The second part, don’t be afraid to give your heart to me He's because love is an adventure and adventures bring meaning to life I think it's ok let's see how the broken love part goes when your heart breaks into 1,000 pieces that's part 1 and part 2 is that Use time and courage to put it back together because you will cherish the person who truly belongs to you more only after you have experienced missing. Feedback I feel is very good this way it is easier for him to understand what we mean OK but I think I have a new request for him now such as this look I hope some of the quotes I mentioned are about a girl or A boy for example the first part when a boy really loves a girl the second part I want him to help me fill in this second part let's try ok he put us ok he help us fill out the second part mine The first part like when a boy is really in love with a girl and he fills in the second part he will try to be his supporter his partner his safe haven and fill us in one he will find in his dreams My own position has become his encourager and trustee’s reliance. I think it’s okay to take photos. Sometimes we can, for example, sometimes you come up with the first part. You can ask GPT to help you write the second part. It’s OK. Now pinch GPT. It is almost trained by us and can basically understand what we mean and help us generate some quotations about love. Let’s continue. What I need to do now is to let him generate these quotations for us into a form. OK, let’s try it For example, I’m here to tell him that I’m telling GPT now that I want you to use Excel to classify them as follows. The first one, for example, the first one on the left is the subject, which is yours, for example, the boy’s secret No. A part of the words is the first paragraph you want, and the second part is his second paragraph. Let’s try it. OK Here, in the first part, we clearly told him to place the first part of the quotation here. The second part is this place called him to place the quotation. Let’s send the second part and ask him to help us organize it. OK, let’s try it out. How is the effect? OK, I think it’s okay. For example, the first part is the theme, er, the first form above is the theme. The first part is the first sentence we want to say . The second part is what we want. The second chapter, I think the writing is okay. Let’s give him a feedback. The feedback is very good. You must remember to give CPT a feedback so that he can understand your meaning better. OK Now, let’s ask him to help us. Generate 100 items, but GPD can’t generate so many at one time. Let’s ask him to generate 20 items for us. If we generate 20 items for five times, there will be 100 items. OK, I’ll tell him to generate another 20 items or use a form. The form is OK, let’s call it to continue to help us generate it, let’s try it out, and continue to send it because the number of words it generates each time is limited. I can continue to write, but we can repeat this repetition. If 20 items are generated each time, we need to do five. This time, he continued to support us. I think the writing is okay. Can it be shorter? I asked him OK, and he gave me some shorter ones. I asked him how many articles he wrote in total, and asked him if he had 100. He said Some quotations that included repetitions before, now write 10 for us, remove the previous repetitions to reach 100 OK, so far we need to claim the quotations, I think it should be almost 100 OK, let’s move on to the second part Practical operation Now that fork GPD has helped us generate a content with almost 100 items. Let’s put it in a table and sort it out first. OK, because it’s a bit too much, let’s copy it and press Ctrl. c Make a copy and let me use Google Sheets to sort it out OK Let’s paste and paste it in Ctrl + v OK Now we have sorted out this form Let’s open this Cara website and enter that Kava’s website After that we click on this video There is one below. The first one has a mobile phone video. Let’s click on it and we will now enter an interface of Kava’s video production. Here you can search for some video templates you want. For example, if I want nature, I can. You can find a lot of templates for this kind of video if you search for nature. Here is the sun. There are so many of them below. You can see that if you bring this advanced version, which looks like a crown, you need to be a member. I think if you don’t need a membership, we can find a free version. If you search in English, it will come out with more templates. I’ll find one. Hey, the sea one. We can click OK and he will come in. He has a template OK. If you feel dissatisfied with this video, you can click on this material and continue to search for some videos of nature He came over and we clicked to replace the background OK, he will replace the previous background with the background you want. Here you can choose one of his fonts and make the second part, and then we will make the second part. You can choose one, choose one at will, click the text to add the text box OK, pause, and then bring in the second part of the word we just wanted. This word is a little bit. You can click here to adjust it. If the word is too large, you can make it smaller for you. About four Fifty, 40 is too small, let’s divide it into two rows, and then you can click on this, and you can pull it down. If it’s a little smaller, then enlarge it. OK, you can also add an effect to it, for example, you can add one The background is OK. I will type in the second part and copy it. Anyway, there is him in this place. You can also add an effect to him. You can see how it came out without him. These special effects are all there. Ctrl + c and then Ctrl + Paste the v part in Ctrl and add v to adjust the position. Here you can also make it centered. You have almost learned some basic functions just now. Now let’s do the first video template. If the video template is the first one, we may take 10 seconds 10 11 seconds or so, let’s drag the overall time to the left to get it to about 10 seconds, then if we need the display time of the first part of the text, for example, 8 seconds, we can right click and click below A display time OK After displaying the time, we drag it to about 9 seconds. OK, here is 9 seconds. After 9 seconds, we let this word pause for a while and then appear again, and then the second paragraph of text appears OK. If the second paragraph of text is here we Pull it back, we should just look at how many seconds the first word is, and the first word pauses at 99 seconds, then we pause in the middle, it should be 10 seconds and 10 seconds for the second paragraph of text It appears in this place for 10 seconds, OK, 10 seconds here, and then this text is like him for 1.5 seconds. OK, it’s almost the same, and then pull the following one to the left to see the overall video and text. My overall video and text are It’s the same, let’s put it together again OK Let’s take a look at the effect OK and the effect will come out The second second part and then he will come out. If the second part comes out, it will be 1.5 seconds and then the video will end. Probably, the template of our first video is like this. Well, it’s time to show a real practical operation. It’s a technology, we definitely can’t do it one by one like this, if it ’s like this, if you do it 100 times, you won’t be exhausted. OK For example, this is a template of a video I just built. Let’s take a look. OK, it’s 9 seconds and 9 seconds in front of it. Sometimes it will stop for 1 second, and then the second paragraph of text will appear. OK, we will use this template to batch generate a batch of videos. Let’s try it. You click on the batch creation below. After batch creation, you need one for this function. Kava’s premium membership version and other membership versions can have a 30-day free trial. You can try this function first, and then we can manually enter our data, such as clearing the previous ones, and then we choose For example, how many items we want to generate, for example, 123, let’s choose one, select 40, OK Ctrl, add c, copy it and paste it here, and then click Finish. After clicking Finish, we need to make the data of the form and the data of our template Carry out a link of a data and then click, for example, love, we click the right button to associate the data and associate our theme, this part is associated with this book, this part is the theme, and if we let him make the second part, we will associate the first part of our quotations OK, that’s our first part, that’s all. Then let him associate with our quotations, the second part, the second part. OK, then he’s almost connected. You can see that he is the one with 3 purple ticks in the front and back. The big tick indicates that our data has already been associated. We can click OK to continue. If he helped us, here is a page of a video that he helped us associate and prepare to make. We can click Generate OK and click Generate OK, he will jump to a new page that shows the first batch of OK. Now this is almost ready for us to produce. Let’s take a look and click on any one to see the effect. After the production is completed, the front is 9 seconds and 9 seconds later, then there will be a pause for 1 second. OK, there will be a pause here, and then the second paragraph of text OK will appear. The effect is probably like this. The rest of it is all if you can change a certain video separately. For example, if I want to change the template of this video, you can also click on the material material on the left and choose a video you want. Let’s choose a video here. For example, choose this one at will. We of the sun. Let’s try it out, click it and it will come over, then click the right button and click to replace the background. OK, the background of this video will be changed. Let’s take a look and see the effect. OK, then the background of his video will be replaced. If Say you say that if we change 100 videos manually like this, it won’t be exhausting for one person, so it’s not exhausting for us, but we don’t want all our videos to have the same template, and we don’t need our videos every If you change it manually, it will take too much time. So we are now, so I just said that there is a reason why I didn’t generate all 100 videos at one time during batch generation. OK, let’s make the second one now. This template is actually the same as the first one, and all of them are the same. First, click the right button to display the same time. Adjust the previous time slightly. OK, the same is ok, so if there is no problem, we can continue, and then we still click the following batch to create OK. Or enter it manually and clear it. Copy the second part you want and paste it in. Click OK to complete. Now the theme is also related. Compared with this, the first one is related to Heartbroken Friendship. You can see that everything behind it is fine. Heartbreak is all possible. The second time is equivalent to changing a background for me, and then we repeat it and repeat it several times, and then you can make your first 3 video templates, and your fourth video template. The only thing to do is to make a few more video templates and regenerate a different video with one effect. If I generate 20 each time, we generate almost 100 videos five times. We are releasing that short video. Sometimes we can intersperse. We can intersperse each video template to make it interspersed and released. For example, I released this template for the first video, and then I used this template to post the second video. In this way, the whole video will look like It will not be repeated, and after the video is generated, we click on a share above, and then click download here to download. If you download, you can choose the quality you want for this video. My 720, I think 720 is almost enough for social networking For the media, you can see that there are some high-definition live broadcasts under it, and you must tick this below to download the page as a separate file. OK, we can save this setting. Next time, it will directly look like this. Here, you can choose one of them. I choose MP4 as the type and click download to OK. It is downloading now. Then we can also download our second video and save the same list as a separate one. Click here to download OK. Just wait for the system to generate one. It may take a little time. This is a made video we just downloaded from Taobao. It is a compressed package. We can unzip it and then uncompress it to the current stand-alone Folder OK For example, this is the first one, then take a look at the effect of the second one. OK, let’s take a look at this template. The template is very good. It will help us generate all of them in a while, and each of his words, the text It’s different to watch friendship, heartbreak, heartbreak, each one is different, friends, now you already know fork g p t plus car network how to open your YouTube channel without showing your face or showing off The key to success is to keep trying and improving. You will be surprised to find that as long as you put in the effort, this YouTube video site can bring you an infinite number of possibilities. Come on, I’m Windy, and my channel mainly shares some Some ideas and methods of making money online and starting a business online are mainly some practical steps. If you have any questions or any ideas, please leave a message in the comment area below. I will reply you as soon as I see it.
Channel: Windy有风
Views: 167,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: YouTube短视频, 创作技巧, 赚钱方法, ChatGPT, Canva, 无需拍摄, 视频运营, 短视频创意, 内容规划, 效率提升, 实操教程, Windy有风, 新手指导, YouTube教程, 视频编辑, 快速创作, 社交媒体, 网络赚钱, 不露脸, 自媒体, 翻墙后可以做什么, 创业项目, 自动化YouTube, AI工具, 在线赚钱, 联盟营销, 金融, Canva教程, 人工智能, OpenAI
Id: rAQKI7q8lkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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