2022 Pokémon Vancouver Regional Championships VGC Swiss R5 - Aditya Subramanian vs Logan Hirsch

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if you're running something so offensive like logan yeah i think a key to that too is you know even if you allow the trick room just trying to force the opponent to kind of put it up at a time where it's difficult for them to like quickly turn and take advantage of it where you can kind of burn the first two three turns adjusting uh it makes a little bit easier to get through it all right so here we are in game one round five between aditya submarine and logan hirsch adi with the palkia gothitel lead on the bottom of your screen on top having groudon venusaur so you will have chlorophyll activated on this turn and the uh the two pokemon there for logan are not able to switch out yeah so i mean it's a pretty strong duo on both sides uh potentially two trick room users on audi's side you know assuming at some point that that will be the goal uh venusaur uh threatening to stop and then perhaps with sleep powder but um you know there's a lot of guessing in this play right like which of the pokemon if any will actually use trick room you know where does the sleep powder go assuming it comes off like could also always just uh you know gigantomax the venus store and start getting damage out so lots of options for both players here we do see the sleep better yeah it avoids pockets so we know he was targeting down the oh the salts in the wound you miss sleep powder but he hits hypnosis to groudon very unfortunate turn for logan there as groudon is forced to uh to stay asleep at it and now palkia sets up a very effective turn one trick room for adi yeah that is a devastating turn yeah we saw the sleep powder but i guess uh polka didn't because i'm able to get out of the way of that one and yeah this is tough yo uh you have a great dynomax option on the feel of polka now so yeah that scenario where uh maybe you try and install it out to you can't turn too quickly uh probably not gonna happen here okay quick could easily take advantage of his trigger immediately i have a sleeping pokemon that can't switch out right now because of shadow tag uh you know just yeah there's not a whole lot of good about this current board state if you're logan and i think like we actually saw through many times with the to tell match up you're just fine clicking hypnosis you don't like talking with those trainers you don't even care if it hits or not because sometimes if it you know that's just the best thing you can do the other thing you can do is helping hand with the pocket because you know it is going to be pretty strong this turn with a spatial rend helping him boost his spatial rend into the venusaur will bring it down to one thanks to its focus ash that means venusaur is going to hang around lifeform was actually revealed on that attack and the sleep powder does connect this time it's palkia meaning next turn aries palkia is forced to be asleep all right so this is a very different situation now right where it's kind of reversed where you know now with polka sleeping it's a little bit easier to burn those turns of trick room uh polka probably gonna want to switch up but i guess we'll see uh venusaur at least he confirms the item on it where now i know but it's focus ash can deal with that for the rest of the series but uh yeah sort of a waste of you get the helping hand boosted attack and just hit the sash anyway paul kia switching out before that first turn of sleep so that means later on when punching switches in is going to have to remain asleep adi deciding that the incineroar's intimidating is more valuable than wasting that first in the sleep on the palkia here groudon actually stays asleep yet again so that's max sleep for it and hypnosis is two for two as venusaur is put to sleep that's what i was saying sometimes you just hit hypnosis because you don't care it's a one hp venusaur and the ground is asleep anyway there's nothing else that this gotham tail can do it's just providing shadow tag and hypnosis hey it works yo he checked for the gather till there hits one tip twice uh and now it again and we went back to a situation where i is a very good board state now we've got the intimidating groudon they're both asleep uh groudon likely to wake up but even if it does you know uh incineroar potentially either faking out or just exiting the battle again with parting shot and you know there's only two more turns left in trick room but uh logan hasn't really made any progress for giving a situation where he can actually stop the trick room right like if he keeps being controlled like this are you just gonna set it up again with uh one of the pokemon who can do so yeah it is like there are only two turns left but as you're saying it really is there's nothing preventing either gothitel or palkia or potentially if coward x ice rider is addy's last pokemon in the back which we have not confirmed it there's nothing stopping them at this point from clinging fake out goes into groudon though he does wake up just to be flinched uh and then hypnosis puts it right back to sleep that is a disastrous turn of events for logan here as now groudon again is forced to be asleep next turn and venusaur stays asleep too what is this yeah i mean cinderella might be the fire type pokemon on the field but got the tell's on fire that's three in a row uh gonna be a little frustrated maybe for logan but this is the strength of this team right where i just so tough to break through the control yeah i don't even know at this point you almost kind of have to account for hypnosis landing every time right you can't be like all right well if i can make sure it misses i can move this attack but it's like well it's just gonna hit every time and shadow tag means i can't switch out anyway yeah it's so frustrating right it's like well got two sleeping pokemon uh can't switch out so uh yeah i guess i'll just roll some dice right you know we're in the sure cold anecdote from between games right no more no more control on the hands of the player all right so uh the incinerator is going to party shot into the groudon when he wakes up if he ever does he will find himself at minus one attack and special attack actually too because of the intimidate from the incinerator uh earlier i'm you know two turns ago here so you want venusaur's likely to wake up at this point you know uh i believe at you could try to match with your sleep powders or try to get some damage off on the field so palkia is the choice for adi to switch into that incineroar slot and groudon is still asleep and hypnosis uh well you can't put being a sword asleep because it was already asleep leaf storm does connect on to the goth to tell does over half at this point you don't even care about the stat drops because you're at one hp anyway you're going down eventually yeah we got the the slumber parties going on here we've added yet another sleeping pokemon in the field uh the leaf storm's nice there i mean with the special attack drop it's not really threatening a knockout immediately on gothitel but now the trick comes over it is quicker uh could get a second sleep from that side of the field and we see polka exiting the battle all right palkia switching back out yet again before activating that first turn or getting through that first turn of sweep that it has to so that still has to be something adi has to wager in the back later on in this matchup and cinderella goes into that slot that's another intimidate sleepowner misses again and groudon is asleep again and now we don't even need pocky to set up trigger because got the tail's got it covered hey got the dell's doing everything this games put all the pokemon to sleep set up trick room yeah i mean you know probably giving a motivational speech to the other pokemon the team you know what can't this gothitel do uh i do feel like maybe he's played with his food long enough but this low health venusaur is pretty intimidating where at some point you probably just knock that out remove the threat of the sleep and another party shout out to groudon so this this poor sleeping groudon is going to wake up to a just a very unfortunate world we're seeing that it is had its attack lowered four times now and cannot switch out because of gotham tell shadow tag it's such a it's such a it's an ability that's so frustrating to face against because there really seems like a lot of times if you lead the wrong lead there's nothing you can do against it there's the hypnosis again venusaur finally avoiding that sleep better disconnect all right so at least the four next turn the gothic tale is not able to put anything else to sleep yeah logan proving that no one puts his pokemon to sleep five times in a row uh able to fire back with that one but uh the rex does get on the field safely it's sitting there full hell of the groudon continues to be trapped at a comically low amount of attack and yeah i would expect to see caloric start going the offensive year you do want to take advantage of groudon being trapped while gothitel is still uh on the field and the glacial alliance is super effective into both of logan's pokemon there so a very a very smart switch to bring him in on the previous turn groudon actually hangs on obviously venusaur only need the one hp so that is down but groudon at 24 hp if he can ever wake up can try to go for an attack in retaliation it does wake up and precipice blades will connect onto both of oddie's pokemon not enough damage though because he's essentially like uh you know like like a route one pokemon you find that's how low his attack is right now yeah i once watched a one hp eruption in this building and that was not all that much stronger gaston is the switch because finally logan is able to switch something into the field so that could be helpful later on if paulky ever comes back out yeah i mean it's something and it could have mentioned you in the pre-gaming that's that's all he's got for uh you know slower bulkier pokemons these two uh groudon doing its best but just uh was just no match for gothitel's weird antics this game well gothel will stay asleep this turn as well so glitch lynch does connect onto both and will knock out the groudon it is a neutral attack into gastronom but it actually does over half because of the chilean boost from the previous turn already had an attack boost so that turns it into a guaranteed to hit ko gets another attack boost here for adi but the yawn from gastron saying if you want to keep attacking you're going to pay for it not only will i sleep out of you but i'll also put you to sleep with yarn yeah it's good i mean this uh this kelly rex was so chilled yeah i mean i think it was going to freeze the whole battlefield because this went on for much longer so that is potentially a big yawn because acid gets out here um you know one more turn left in trick room so there is some chance to turn this one around but uh man this calirax has really dished out the hurt in just a couple of turns yeah and uh actually um i'm pretty sure yeah uh logan hasn't even dynomax yet and all you have because dashing can is a 35 40 health gaston maybe that is the best way but once you click that dynamax like at any point gothel can wake up and click hypnosis yeah it's scary too because i mean it kind of couldn't do it any faster because gone was so important there so kind of a really weird way to pin him out of being able to use dynamaxx incinerator will switch into that calrix slot so that the cowrx is able to reset that yawn not any threat of being put to sleep and you are also facing down hazard right that is definitely a terrifying position but here is the dynamics gastron hey we gotta go for it right where uh at least they'll get a max move off here likely but uh boy it would sure be a shame if he's like yet another hypnosis i'm going to say likely is a dangerous word because although you will double your hp uh you've just become a larger target for the hypnosis to lay down not literally it's still it's still 60 but you know it's kind of funny to think that way zashian will protect though so it's up to the gastrodon gastronomy moving faster on this turn this max quake if it goes into the goth to tell that is enough to knock it out so no more hypnosis you know funny business on this game yeah i feel like you know win or lose it has to be one of the more satisfying knockouts logan has ever made in a pokemon game where that got the telescore terrorizing him yeah you will have the leftovers from gaston so you have incineroar uh twisted dimensions do return to normal so in this spot for audi do you bring in the palkia and finally waste that first third scene that you still haven't had or do you bring in the calorics against the zavision you know while there's no trick room that's really scary as well yeah it's kind of uh somehow we wind up a position where uh yeah logan spots on all that bad we just see the caloric swimming i think that makes sense i don't think you can afford to just kind of like let incineroar get deleted while polka sits there being a pinata all right i guess that is the spot because now you know that gastron doesn't have any chance of being put to sleep since gothentel is out so max geyser it's not like they're sun up or anything so that will be a pretty strong super effective attack into the incinerator if he wants yeah also potential for one more trick room here uh you know incineroar just into the battle says asian has to protect and uh right yeah because you know what you don't want to get fake out in right so the fake house does go into protect that is correct although what did adi do did he decide to trick him on this turn or target into the zashi we're gonna find out as the max quake does bring incentive down to pretty much exactly 50 health a little bit under 50 percent of a day p remaining meaning uh another attack would be able to probably bring it down if a sacred sword from the exhaustion or an earth power from the gastronom eject button though from incineroar so that means he is going to switch in to the the pocket at this point which you got it safely in it on the field if calaric's ice rider went for the trick room then you'll be super fast under trickerman that's exactly what happens so he gets trick room set up incredibly safely there uh great play uh however it'd be interesting to see what he does because yeah i mean uh he's fun yet another way to get polka into the battle without using a turn of sleep so i can't wake up this turn still um yeah it's probably tempting to bring in sudara back in and get another intimidate onto this asian but you know at some point uh unless you think you'd finish the game without polka you've got to let it take at least the one day you have to let it just break through and he audi still won't he's still saving that moment for you know for later on that's three separate times that it has had a chance to get rid of that first turn of sleep and it chose not to incineroar will switch to lower the attack of azashin yet again and since logan is down to his foul to pokemon there's no way to reset that attack stat now it's finally time for audi's dynamics this game has been going on forever and we've had two of the latest dynamax's i feel like we've seen in in series 12 at this point but it is definitely the best option remaining for audi because he's very healthy you have trick room up and you can go for mag tail storm either you know or into the gastrodon who was under half of his hp and that does not do enough gastronomy hangs on with just it looks like nine hp it just hung on so he's gonna get another attack and it is the max it's those mac twigs that uh you know you have same type of attack bonus on them actually so it does a little bit more damage to the cal rx there uh and actually a good amount because of a crate yeah that was uh that was expecting for a critical hit but you know every little bit of damage adds up yeah and then the behemoth blade it's sashing you made yourself a bigger target behemoth blade does double damage when you are dynamaxx and it's already you know pretty strong into it but it's not enough as the calorix hangs on in the red as well and gastronomic feeds to the hail so again so calorics doesn't get the attack boost but he still gets the knockout yeah the knock that's all that matters let's think about kellex is like two and a half knockouts to scale i'll give partial credit for that one yeah so you uh adi does have a three to one pokemon advantage right now the zashian is still relatively healthy though but incineroar if it has fair flare foots can just click it whenever it wants yeah i think that's what this is another fakeout turn right so at very least you get free damage through uh the protect if he tries to make it i just i just don't know how this works out there's three turns left in trick room yeah zashian will protect here so uh being scared of the fake actors if you take the fake out and then a full dynamics attack instead you only take a quarter of the damage from this max quake thanks to protect it still does some solid damage and every little bit helps even if you find a way to get rid of calorics somehow you still have the incentives you hit with flare blitz and you still have i believe the pumpkin is full health i don't think it's been hit at this point i can be wrong but we might not even you know find out if coward just handles the job here yeah i mean one of the more entertaining things i think i can remember the gamer is in the pucky is out never took its news you know you're sleeping the whole time but it's never actually let it tick yeah yeah i i to adi's you know credit he didn't need to right you you didn't really need to i felt like you know if i was in this matchup i would have wanted to get rid of that first of sweet sleep as fast as i could so i know that there's a chance i could wake up credits adi he understood he didn't need he didn't really need palki in his win condition yeah i think if anything it's probably a pretty good lesson for anyone watching at home right where with how low both incineroar and caloric's hp wound up being if he had spent a turn trying to wake polky up and something else took damage because of it it's easy to imagine a world where if palkia had a longer sleep that would have caused him to lose the game right because it's not like oh you just sleep one turn and then you're gonna wake up you only have a chance of waking up after that it could still be several more turns um like again one of the stranger like not even really end game scenarios but like really entire game scenarios where yeah i put to sleep like turn four or something and just hanging out so we saw hypnosis we saw a sleep powder we saw yawn that's three different ways to set up sleep obviously adi doesn't want to bring top infinity because that would stop his hypnosis strategy but what is the what is logan's response to a gothel lead that's just gonna shadow tag you in yeah i mean i feel like just just dodge it is uh not like great advice but uh like maybe right where because i mean kind of happened the first time he did not hit his sleep move audi did and then you know he was kind of just hoes the odds are actually in favor of the reverse happening rather than what did uh i think it's tough after losing game one just to gamble on the sleep move versus the sleep move thing um where i think if both sides play similar at the series it's a huge advantage to be up in the set right because there's a lot of probability that can occur when there are that many inaccurate moves getting thrown back and forth you got to assume you know gothitel's not going to hit three hypnosis in a row consistently yeah and then you know unfortunately there's no amugus in this set because we had is like another way of standing on the sleep though um but you know looking at logan's team here with the gothitel incinerator or gothitel palkio which i believe is the lead of turn of gamewell it's got to palkia set up the trick room um the the zashian if it has play rough you can have you can hit the the pocket super effectively but it doesn't look like there's anything that can like cleanly one hit the the gothel and if it's holding focus anyway then you're gonna need to dedicate two attacks into that slot yeah it's kind of awkward too right because i think one thing you could do uh to adjust from that game is uh the dynamics really wanted being okay despite dynamizing such a low hp pokemon but it wasn't like amazing value so there'd be some temptation to like try to bust the game open by dynamaxing with maybe a more offensive pokemon i think the threat of doing that is if trichome gets put up anyway you know the poker that can dish out a lot of damage and dynamics are also very vulnerable to just being knocked out while they're dynamaxed uh so i'm not sure that path would work i think the yeah it's just tough where then getting ground and caught with gothitel again is probably a losing scenario let's see what logan's adjustment in game two is it is thunderous so it actually is a much more aggressive lead i was gonna suggest if you bring thunderous here it's a great dynamax option especially if any leads incineroar so because you're defiant that instead of getting your attack dropped they'll still be dropped for azashin but for thunderous you have defiant it's going to boost your attack instead you can be really strong now adi has to be a little worried about what this thundurus can do on turn one yeah i mean this uh this could be a lot more power right you know last game we saw three max quakes from gastron it did its best i mean a very different level of power coming from thunderous yeah into the pacquiao which would if you went for a max lightning uh one that would be a neutral attack into the ball gear right you ignore a fake out from the incineroar if you're dynamics and you get electric terrain which you know would help everything except us because he's flying type would help your grounded pokemon not be put to sleep as well that seems like a win-win-win yeah i hadn't really thought about that but that may be the best part of the having thunderous in the game right just remove that whole line of play entirely uh gaston will switch into the zashian slot there just in case you know if uh if a hydra pump goes there or if the incinerator tries to fake out that's on said you don't want zashian to take any unnecessary damage so here it is for logan with his defiant boost going to be super strong on this dynamax thunders you can go for airstream because you know that would that would be helpful or you can click the max lightning as well the fake out from incineroar does go into the gastron switching so that was the correct decision for logan to make and max lightning will connect onto palkia that's a one hit ko that's the power of defiance yeah i mean that we have a radically different game now that's a huge knockout it's one of those potential uh trick room pokemon down uh poor polka once again doesn't actually get to use any attacks but uh that's a huge swing i mean now um you know when cinderella is out there it's already used it's fake out uh you know it's not really providing a whole lot of pressure on the field uh it's the one pokemon on logan side here we can do you can't even parting shot your way out because he's just gonna make him even stronger at that point so uh this has been a great adjustment for logan and game and i wonder what adi's decision was to not lead gotha tell since it was so strong in game one instead making yourself vulnerable to the thunder suggestion by leading incineroar yeah i'm assuming he was just kind of expecting a different uh adjustment from logan and get caught there because yeah i mean there's other combination pokemon maybe that would have made sense we do see the gothic tale coming in but it's gonna have to take a heck of a lot more damage than it did last game to try to get that trick room up but um i mean it seems super necessary right you assume kylie rex's last pokemon at least you have that your super effective damage being threatened thunderous but you gotta get the trick room up first yeah logan cannot switch but i'm not sure he wants to anyway because there is the dark attack into gotham deal that's what logan was looking for in game one a way to super effectively hit the gothel brings it down to its focus so any other attacks going in that direction will be able to knock it out you get a special defense drop onto the incineroar as well hypnosis avoids the thundurus which is huge for logan and the parting shot has to go in to cast around here because you just will never live that live it down if you party shot into a defiant thunders yeah i mean that seemed like it would have been a great way to get uh kelly rex one shot once it comes in but still i mean hypnosis big misses a big deal we kind of saw the reverse last time we're hit every time and now without the hitting i mean uh thunderous is putting out an awful lot of pressure here uh the one posit or wait a second but there's electric terrain there is so the uh you can't put anything you know you can still hit yeah thunder thunder is because it's flying but you can't hit gastronomy on anything so even and gothel is that one hp at this point so it really is not going to be too if it's it's not long for the rest of this match at least it's like the gather those presents if nothing else i even encourages you to attack it with thundurus just because if you don't um you know i don't know i guess it doesn't matter i mean i think you can almost pressure it down right because like you wind up with sleeping thundurus like oh well like right thunder's already did his job because it knocked out pakia it did 99 to the gothel so if it is put to sleep then you know it kind of happens but protect from calorics that means if he targeted that slot it would be doing a lot less damage uh but instead smartly for logan he decides to take out the gothic towel just you don't want to mess with hypnosis because electric train's not going to be on the field forever yeah i also just still avoids gothatel being an option for setting up trick room uh you know calirex now if it tries to set it up itself it's going to have to take a beating he did also reveal the white herb or show the waiter up there from the max darkness dropping his uh his stats there whether i've reset that so that's nice for you know williams to know that that's what the uh that's what the hell item is the incineroar is the switching though for audi so he's down to his final two pokemon and logan's to uh or logan's three turn the dynomax are over yeah and it's crucial here too because yeah thunderous in theory looks like it's going to be really powerful here but now that it's vulnerable to fake out just take the fake out take the trick room and uh thunders give a really difficult time actually using those attack boosts yeah that's right if you fake out trick room here then you twist the dimensions calarax will be faster than everything and glacial ants it's a spread attack we saw just how strong it was in the previous game obviously it would knock out thunderous but it is the two-hit ko onto gastrodon so gastron has to you know kind of be worried there that he would be knocked out from two glacial lances here is the fake out into the thunderous obviously predicted and earth power from gastronom targeting the incineroar does some some okay damage there but here's trick room from calorics yeah here's the chance right yeah he had to give up a lot more resources in order to get that trick room established this time now no pokemon sleeping this game on logan's side of the field but uh you know he does get calorics out relatively safely with a full duration of trick room so you know if there's any way to get back in the game it's this uh he's probably going to want that insider to stay around a while though i mean it seems like kind of a weird earth power on to instead or maybe at first because you know that's the most threatening pokemon that side but uh you know you still need that extra damage you're getting down to one pokemon at this point uh i think it could be really rough uh is asian still looming yes and logan's still having all four of his pokemon in this matchup they actually haven't even revealed the fourth pokemon yet for logan we knows options there but we don't know the fourth here's the dynomax out of audi and it's dynamaxx in center or something we've seen a little bit more often here in vancouver than in previous events and you know it definitely makes sense in this matchup because you don't want to lose the spread damage that glacial blades provides as that's what adigo opts for on this turn that will knock out the thundurus and do strong you know strong neutral damage to gastron is not enough for a knockout or a two-way tail on its own but because of the chilling they boost that cowardice is about to get that means next turn it will be a knockout onto the gastronomy oh yawn though actually but he's protected so i think alex train was uh is about to expire soon so i think the play might have been to yawn anticipating for when they're actually put to sleep electric train would not be around but unfortunately for logan that's not how the interaction works at this point is while you attempt to on if terrain is up you can't yawn yeah is that too bad there i mean yeah it just went away yeah yep it's the second weird yawn interaction we've seen today you know it's uh they're really technical games new we think with how long this set has been too the players are probably really uh taxed but we see charizard as the final pokemon uh by a little adjustment from game one uh probably a good one in the sense that you can imagine groudon would be hugely excited about this situation right and the charizard is you know it's somewhat of a fodder but also can hang on from a glitchy lens and hit the uh hit the coward's ice rider back super effectively so that could definitely be in options like all right if you take this turn to knock out my gastronomy well then my charizard can you know be cause a lot of damage too so the gastron will protect on on this turn actually though for logan so the only damage would be coming from charizard but actually instead charizard is going to protect as well so really the rest of this turn doesn't doesn't matter too much yeah just trying to stall up those turns of trick room uh logan realizes he's on the back foot the nice thing for him about incineroar is that you know certainly not the most damaging dynamics pokemon in the game but uh you know there's still several more turns to get through right there's a ways to go before he's safe i do love the incineroar dynamax this game though uh it just it needs to continue to stay on the field to close out this game more safely for audi and you know it's like he didn't know that charizard was the final pokemon when he clicked that button i think if it is instead uh you know groudon you're all concerned about any way that he might have in order to survive a single glacial lance then you know just keeping cinderella safe yep so that uh don't protect on that last turn from logan just trying to stall out the time here your gastron is actually slowly recovering a bit by bit i don't believe it would be enough for the glacial alliance to knock ko we're gonna find out here because gastron is at pretty much exactly half of a day's feedback because of the chilling name boost gastron goes down so does charizard in the neutral neutral hit of glacial lance there as well uh so it is now just zashian on logan's end against dc pokemon yeah it's going to be a tough ask of zachine but i mean hey you know that is installing out some turns soon we'll see a protect right here uh he will get out of trick room it's just a matter of whether he can make up all that damage right because you can you know once the trick room expires you can then hit calorics back but can you stop the incineroar from just clicking flare blitz in your face yeah i think that was one wise thing about the uh interneurodynamics is that he wasn't blitzing all those turns in trick room so any hp he would have wasted by you know doing damage that didn't really matter is uh you know avoided and the sun is currently up too right so for the next two turns the sun is up so even if you protect this turn that means there still is the one turn that you're going to be able to have a sun boosted flare blitz into that slot so here is the protect so i guess i guess logan's play here is who like you you target down calorics you get knocked out from flare blitz you target down the incineroar you don't even know if sacred sword is going to ko from that high of health and then you get hit by a plus three calorics too yeah i kind of wonder if you don't have to double protect here try to get rid of the sun and just hope you survive flare blitz while you knock out uh cali racks because yeah i mean i think you need help from the flair blitz required right right because in the floor but it's recall would put sacred sword in in range of knocking on so that's so that's a that could be logan's chance with all the hypnosis and sleep powders and everything you might have to rely on a thirty percent chance double protect but he doesn't have four it's a secret sort of thing he doesn't need it just gets the ko there so that's uh you know great job by logan knowing his calculations understanding that sacred sword was enough damage yeah i like that move too because he would have gotten burned if he tried it you know they're moving quickly enough to get a chance to say it but yeah the flaw of the double protect plan is if the he hits trick room you just lose right yeah and there's really there's really no reason for him not to just click trick him right because he's going to if he gets to the trick him off he's going to be faster this turn anyway so you get one action for one action no matter what so you have high horsepower that is super effective and it is plus three so calorics clears the board in this set and aditya submarine will win round five swiss here in vancouver yeah that was a very technical set but a really well played you know
Channel: DaringNite
Views: 9,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, world, championships, pokemon championship, championship, pokemon world championships, worlds, finals, masters, nationals, regionals, top 4, vgc, tcg, grand finals, ポケカ, pokemon go, vgc 2022 finals, pokemon world championships 2022, worlds 2022, 2022 finals, tcg 2022, 2022 pokemon world championship, vgc 2022 worlds, pokemon vgc 2022, pokemon 2022 vgc, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, vgc 2022, 2022 regional championships, 2022 vancouver
Id: xA7OLDcIfic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2022
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