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there were a lot of years a lot of hard work the driving renewal is better than anything else [Music] ladies and gentlemen it is an exciting day today right now i'm hanging out with my buddy josh schneider here at newell coach we're getting ready to test drive this 2022 newell coach that's got some brand new stuff going on on it what's going on josh well you know that uh from our last test drive video we did which thanks to you who watched it um we've gained a lot of things since then we're always working on our drive and ride ability and uh we're happy to introduce a couple new features here we won't show it off today for instance right here if you can look right here andrew yes sir everybody wants to know what ride height they're usually riding in are you high low or normal we're in a pretty tight area right here this is our old factory now obviously coaches have gotten taller we used to build coaches here in the 70s 80s 90s so our ceiling's kind of low so to get out of here i have to hit low ride i just simply touch low ride i have it in travel mode you can see it says not at ride height but look at this right here i don't even have to look at that i already know where i'm at with the one two three one's low two's normal three is high this way if you might be listening to your radio we're looking at a backup camera you don't have time to go to that stage you know what's always going on with your ride height so right now it's one bar i'm low ride i'm gonna hit my 360 camera i'm gonna put that right up there you can kind of see how that transferred over oh yeah right up to there and then that's going to allow me to put my backup camera right there so i have all angles and everything around me knowing this is kind of my far view this is kind of my close-up view so this right here helps us really with blind spots and things like that any poles might be in a garage or if your kid may leave something out like a toy or something you're not going to run over it you don't have to go to the toy store and buy a new one now hold on one second i'm gonna take my shoes off out of respect for the future owner of this coach [Music] what a good looking paint job josh ryan laux has definitely been taking you guys to the next level ryan has i gotta give tim and his boys they take what ryan does and they put it to the medal and they get it right i mean they really made this coach look good so not only a child to ryan but our painting shop too they did a great job now andrew when we backed it out of there we had to go to low ride yes sir right okay i'm still in load ride right now so how do i know that i got the one bar right there yep you see that and i switched over to right there and it says i'm at low ride height okay still have my camera up so i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna go to normal yep and it's gonna switch up to normal and when it made it it will tell me when i'm at height and it up to two right there so that way i have two bars i normally ride hot normal ride height and it'll tell me when it's achieved it did say not at height now it's at height and that's how you know what i really wanted to show off today is our smart ride feature yeah and i think that's what we really got to do in order to do that we got to get above 50 miles an hour let's do it let's do it all right and and we're going to give you guys a full tour of the interior of this coach this actually has the biggest bathroom i've ever seen in any rv amazing it's it's really a cool layout it's just a great coach with some awesome features so we kind of had to drive it and do an interior shop for this coach is so special absolutely i'm excited about this one so let's put there you go right on in there now remember we do have easy steer here and i can easily step my easy steer if i just go over to this right here i like mine for instance at three quarters yeah so i just simply press to save right here or i can do it with the touch of my fingers right there if i want to our steering assist control is going to be right right there right front facing you know easy what it is and then you can also switch to make sure your tire pressures are up and another cool thing i like that we do offer now that might not have been there beforehand we do have to worry it might be open you might have forgotten about that bay door you can look down and you can see that you have a bay door open yeah then if you want to show them how you can toggle the screen that's just a great feature with dual codes just because you know the steering wheel everyone's going to be sitting at a different ride height but then your steering wheel is going to be at a different position to make you comfortable and then josh will show you you can just toggle that up and down depending on where you want that visibility through that steering wheel and some people we find seen colors more than better than other and the needle part of the odometer is probably the smallest part and so most of them are or orange some people can't see whiter orange so we have the ability to go all red blue all blue green different things all this is made for is just to make you feel the most comfortable while driving the coach and give you the best opportunity yes sir let's go back to this right here um and what we're going to do is we're going to simply just take it for a little spin through the great town of commerce and the quapa um towns of oklahoma so uh let's get going i'm gonna start out here with a normal ride i'm in norman ride height let me get to my miles per hour here obviously before i hit drive hit the od on the allison transmission i need to buckle up so pretty easy all right i'm gonna buckle up myself here too i appreciate all of the viewers that are concerned uh you know with making sure we take all safety precautions here uh this such a comfortable passenger seat here i gotta set the camera down another neat thing we did we started running garmin uh gps systems um we did run rand mcnally one reason why we ran ram mcnally they had a hdmi port on it and so we could transfer your gps screen over to this right here see how good a man right here yeah there you go you are you have this corvette coming right here yeah i like white four events looks like a c6 [Music] it is all clear no no no you got you got someone coming hold on okay sorry after after this honda or this kia now you're clear there's a big semi way back there okay put this 605 horsepower to the test here yes sir you used to be able if you watched some of our past videos we could take our gps and put it over here but a lot of people really love the garmin system the garmin system did not allow us to do that but we want to offer our customers what they want so what we did was we had to fill that space right there so something we did pretty cool was we did an info gauge stage it shows all 15 of our gauges at one time anywhere from exhaust temperature to house voltage even down the vehicle speed in the bottom corner we can rearrange it to what you want to know but this way right here we felt that something may be going on with your code or you just want to know some more information about it you don't have to toggle through your screen to look right here you can have it all right there we make that possible because we simply have the backup camera all going at all times right there so it makes for our uh infotainment we can do a number of different things while going down the road and give us the information we need to make us our ride feel comfortable so the whole purpose of this test drive is to test out smart ride so i probably need to explain to you what that smart ride is yeah yeah talk more about it i've been talking about it on the phone for a lot lately but it's time to prove it we can do it what it is is we wanted to make it to how can we enhance our ride everybody said it bradley twain said in his videos the rumor used to be you would need to drive in another coach and stay in a newell well now there were a lot of years a lot of hard work the driving renewal is better than anything else and this is just another example of that what we've done is if you looked um past earlier everybody knows about our steerable tag axle after stable tag axle our easy steer all that good stuff our controlled dampening shock system and go sport to comfort but we wanted to take it to another level so we came up with smart ride smart ride we worked with df invalid um with the air and what it does is it's going to allow us to enhance the drive and the ride of the coach at high speeds the coach always stayed whether it was going 40 or 30 at the same thing well you remember back in the day sports cars would lower an inch or two yeah when they got the high speed wide to enhance the drivability and the ride to give you a smoother ride but also with handling of different things so we want to test it out here right now i'm doing a normal test drive that i normally do if anyone would ever come see me here at newell coach this is the route we take i really like this test drive because oklahoma we have a lot of crosswinds this right here gives us some crosswind if you watch our test drive video earlier we went another route with another area with a lot of crosswind as well yes sir so um here i'm out at 45 so i'm going to take it to smart ride right here when i go into smart ride mode it turn normal to gold smart ride into blue when it's in the blue it means it's um that's what's active now the reason why we keep it gold so you know that you're in normal ride mode you can also check with that with our two bars right here right now we're in still normal road we're in this smart ride and i'm gonna let you drive it too so you can feel that awesome so um we go up here we'll turn around but uh it works very very well this is a very bumpy road as we talked before oh yeah of uh some of the best roads around here but it really puts us to the test so if we can uh make our rides with them these roads were confident we can make it ride smooth anywhere in america true story so yeah i've got to give everyone a close-up i mean this in a lot of vehicles you'd be just getting hammered around this really is you know a lot of people say kind of like the rolls-royce of rvs i think would be a good comparison and it's funny because um i've said well the newell versus other coaches out there it's kind of like a bentley versus a rolls-royce and i've actually met a couple people that said well i own a rolls-royce and a bentley and the rolls-royce drives better than a medley so we're going to call this the rolls-royce i mean it really as far as the smoothness and and the power and the steering just the overall comfort it's extremely smooth going down the road and i've driven as you guys know i've driven pretty much about everything out there it's activated i'm above 60 miles an hour now it lowered down a little bit more it gave a little bit more lower to give you more energy in the air bags so it goes from 50 to 60 you have almost like a different stage that little made that little adjustment so no one you're going to feel a little bit different of a ride don't think there's nothing wrong with your coach there's not it's just adjusting to the conditions that you're driving it okay which all we do is our engineering 13 eight are we we're good okay i have no problem i'm going 60 miles an hour right now it's all about trust bud you just got to go through it right yeah all right you guys saw it 13-8 the newell coach is all good so i was definitely nervous there i mean as uh you know we always talk about our interior height and we have to keep it within thirteen six so there's no better test in the uh over bridge let me tell you something really cool is i wanna go to um hold up uh sport mode i'm going to simply step up the shocks because i'm going to go around a pretty sharp curve up here andrew well this dump truck is in our way a little bit but this is a pretty big curve this is a pretty good size rv i'm going 60 miles an hour right now and feel how this smooth this is on this curve that right there is done because a lot of that shock um system that we run really works well along with our outer airbag system this is all made our engineers really work hard to make your drive easy so this drives more like a royal voice that's a great um way to put it and thank you for that that's what we try to achieve here and all these extra features are just made to make your drive a lot more enjoyable so you can actually look forward to going somewhere i'm back below 50 miles an hour's running to a little town here in oklahoma here yeah we can spin it around too we don't need to go too far of a drive here this is a uh it's got to find a good way to spend it yeah what's the what's the price on this what is about 2.3 million this right here is 2.3 million dollars this has a uh the custom ryan lounch paint job on it uh which he does all of our coaches but you have a couple different options to choose from this uh this uh right here was initially a show coach we just kind of let ryan go crazy with it yeah with all the stenciling oh he does such an amazing job and so that right there pushed us probably a little north of 2.3 but uh i think that people will feel the paint jobs well worth it yes sir you guys are definitely uh stepping up your game what i'm gonna do around here is we're gonna find a good place to turn around right up here bud and i'm going to turn the controls over to you all right i'm excited i'll let you all break the coach when i'll operate your camera how's that that's a that's a game plan would you guys let me drive a 2.3 million dollar rv probably not so huge thanks to josh schneider and the team here at newell coach for this opportunity i'm i'm really excited about this so what we're going to do up here is we got to find a good place to turn around probably right up here yeah sounds good pretty smooth all right we're pulling into the uh baxter center parking lot here and is this commerce oklahoma or baxter springs camps baxter springs kansas over in kansas in kansas we made the kansas bud wow so we're we're driving newell coaches over state lines here to get you guys the best content here on youtube you ready yes sir oh have you ever driven in kansas never first time for everything yeah yeah we're gonna drive a newell in kansas today let's get all the state of kansas come on all right i'll trade you man i can't wait to show the folks that that uh coach he's buckling up here you can see here i have that up there if you want to use a rear view and my 360 camera but if you want to go to a straight rear view you can you just do it you're pretty comfortable i'm actually i'm six two but i'm still gonna move the seat up a little more maybe a little taller just uh i'm really comfortable but okay set your mirrors up see right here let me get a good look at all the gauges and stuff too so you can kind of see yeah i'm just checking everything out here this is a little i mean i drove a 21 but this is a 22. i've never driven a 22 before where are my mirror adjustments here the mirror doesn't even be right up here right down there in this touch oh perfect so like this mirror i want to just change a little oh that is so awesome and then it just comes out and then like this mirror i'm going to just kind of bring that in a little oh whoops so it highlights it around blue on the mirror that you're using and then over here i think i'm going to bring this one up a little i think that's perfectly good mirrors and these cameras i'm feeling good now i want to get some some cameras on there you go we have a lot of things that you're saying i like just having that rear camera to kind of know that i'm going to sit down and buckle up here guess we're going to take our right here and i'm going to put these step covers let me grab this from you and just let me just show you guys what it looks like up front here just when you're sitting in the seat and that led that the camera shutter speed makes it flicker a little bit but that's not normal there's that [Music] got all these different screens so you got my backup yeah the whole purpose of this right here is you have your backup camera but this right here is our uh intrepid system our intrepid 2.0 system so the driver can control everything inside the coach generator we've got anything yeah we do have air conditioners going on back there it is the summer time here in oklahoma so if you do hear a little bit of noise that's what that is if you look at that right there it's 110 degrees outside oh my goodness and we have 70 degrees inside we have a lot of heat coming in i'm a bigger guy i sweat so i'm not sweating right now how cool it is in here um that's the neat thing about here you can control everything up front as a driver for instance you have a lot of lights on back there driving it starts getting night everybody has the lights on behind you he can just hit oh look at that boom boom nice but you also know a big thing is is my toilet's not flushing well the main water pump's on you know i'd say turn the main water pump on you can just do it yourself okay so that way you control everything going on in your coach while your passengers are staying relaxed and they start screaming yelling about something you usually can fix your problem and get up yes sir yeah we'll turn that water pump off just because we don't need it on and i need to turn auto fill off as well too we don't need we're not we're not hooked up to water no i don't feel perfect anyway i'm gonna take the camera back all right let the man start driving it it's game time game time this opportunity this is incredible we got a couple first here first time driving to coach in kansas the first time driving to 2022 yes sir a lot to be thankful for oh okay no no no no no just keep going i was making sure the smart ride was on you hit the camera button back right there and hit over rear all right awesome and now you want to see how good that thing can turn and give it oh yeah i'll turn it right around yeah yeah it's so incredible how smooth this is and i can't thank you enough for this opportunity josh and the team at newell this is just this is incredible a lot to be thankful for here oh my goodness this is so probably a little bit you know you drove a couple other coaches recently because i know you just finished the long trip in the leisure van which yeah i know man is awesome yeah no i've been driving a lot of different coaches but i love as soon as i hit my left blinker here this camera comes up showing the left side here and there's a little traffic so i'll show everybody real quick before we go out onto the road that camera right there all right okay this guy's turning left but i'm not i don't wanna i'm not gonna pull in front of him on a left turn i think he wants you to yeah i just the the insurance liability i don't so i i just know that i'm liable if he just hit the side of this coach because i'm making a left-hand turn i would be at fault so even if someone tells me to make a wrong play i'd rather just sit still and do nothing then love it and then do you know break the traffic law i'm just kind of spinning the camera around so everybody can get it go look at kansas here driving in kansas and a 2.3 million dollar rv wow that power that's that 605 a you guys have the x15 right the x15 uh 605 it's got a 15.1 liter with 1950 pounds of torque he's got the muscle to get up and go cool and you can tap that screen if it's not on so i do apologize my camera work getting as good as andrews that's all good so if you want to lose this and tightness your steering up you can just adjust it with your right hand square down there on your right there you see where your windshield wiper oh right here yeah look at the one on the bottom you can lift it up oh there we go so i've got the steering assist all the way up we do have some good crosswind in our big 110 degree day today i like so i personally and i was talking with our buddy ashley who uh just bought a 15 news who just bought a 15 newell uh he uh he likes having it turned up all the way and i'm the same way i like having it turned up all the way now i left it in sport mode so you're gonna feel a little bit more you're gonna feel a little bit better man i like the spark and with that with the smart rod you really can get on it now your smart rod's been activated there you go and you kind of feel a little bit more of a difference you feel like you're not really driving a 45-foot motorhome right now but it's it's almost scary how smooth this is driving a 60 000 pound machine down the road here a lot of people thought we had in sport mode that uh we were um a little bit rougher override because it does stiffen the shock system up what we've learned with this smart rod is you can keep it in sport mode and you still have that good floaty ride almost as you're in comfort oh let's take it out of sport mode i just want what you want to do is take out a sport mode okay you know where you adjusted the uh easy steer at yes sir there's another toggle switch right above it you need to uh toggle that down oh i see what you're saying oh okay now you're in contact now i understand a little bit of a learning curve there but now i it's just a matter of just now that i understand those toggle switches i totally get it so now we're in comfort mode comfort mode it's gonna give you more of a floating feel kind of see right through here as we go can you tell a little bit of a difference it takes about 30 seconds for that to adjust yeah but it's pretty quick it's 3m out here huh yeah well and you just now got into oklahoma too okay so we're backing up our state in kansas did not last that long but you kind of see as we're driving right through here how smooth and everything is it's a nice relaxing drive are you liking can you feel the difference i like the comfort i mean it's um it's real similar to like you know high-end luxury cars the difference between sport mode i'm gonna go back over to sport mode yeah there we go just toggle it now that i know and then it just stiffens up just a little bit going down this curve up here so yeah i mean if you want to ever feel like mario andretti or daler and heart you kind of do it and you know a little bit but be safe about it yeah it's pretty hot here this has the uh the jake breaker yeah we have a a two-stage engine break um high and low low works like four cylinders high works off of all six so um a lot of people use the low mode in interstate and high mode in uh city traffic because the high will help you back down a little bit quicker yeah we're in that high mode right now and i just took my foot off the gas it's we're going into town here it's just unbelievable that this is a motor home you know it's like it is way too small if you even look back through there you can kind of see you don't hear any rattles or anything we have a very very nice quiet ride give them a you want to give them a walk back through here you can easily walk through yeah this is the slide outs in and obviously we're able to maneuver around when while in motion you don't hear really any rattles but you notice that everything is very easy to get to whether the slides are in or out so if you're parked overnight you don't have to put all the slides in or all the slides out to enjoy your null you might put one out you don't have to put any out um some people like to kick the bedroom slide out so they can walk into the rear bath but if not we do have enough space right through there where you can shimmy around and this is why we offer that closet right here so really everything's really to use and operate while the coach is uh in motion and the slides are in obviously with our half bath right here let's go back up here and check on andrew yeah see how he's doing as we're cruising through the uh great town of quapon oklahoma as we're coming into commerce home of mickey mantle yeah so as we're going around this curve here you can see andrea's going through cars i really was able to hold the camera very steady because it's just a smooth riding vehicle a true scoring so it didn't affect us going through the um curves there so how do you feel about it you enjoying it i see that smile on my face here it's uh we already noticed that what's pretty cool is you like driving it in sport mode i like to drive it in comfort mode so we have that option right now you like turning your uh easy steer all the way up i like mine at three quarters one great thing i think that we offer at noaa we give you that option because not everybody likes the same driving vehicle yeah true so that's why when some people tell you something's driving better than others a lot of times it's just a personal preference so we give you an option to pick that's the whole reason why we do it this 13-8 driving a 2.3 million dollar rv under a 13-8 bridge oh my god i'm so nervous i'm slowing down but josh just oh my gosh oh man that just might hurt i don't know how i i don't know how i talked you guys into letting me drive this coach but i greatly appreciate it you don't know what you're getting until you get in there and driving so yes sir the test drives probably the most important parts of whenever you come here and look at everything the test drive is uh really important because you got to enjoy the trip there 100 and get there safely and our coaches are very very safe we have one of the safer coaches in the industry the newer coach owners that i've talked to are extremely educated and um one of the things that a newell coach owner i was in colorado last week and a new coach owner was just talking about how you build this coach around the slide outs and that aluminum structure and then even there's some steel like there's steel posts and steel beams right up here we did talk about that in the build process video with james nettery uh from the engineering department there he really explained that and we showed the build process i'll make sure to leave a link to that video in the description below but uh i'm i'm just so impressed with the newel coach product every time i come here to oklahoma you guys just always coming up with new stuff and uh can't say enough good about the team at newell coach and their and their product just the the finished product it's not only the team is great but the finished product is is leading the industry well thank you very much i mean we as i say 185 people work to tell off to bring that to you and we have a great workforce here in miami oklahoma we really do you're down to 31 you can see some heavy winds maybe some tornadoes came through yeah yeah we do have a we're a little bit in tornado alley i guess you can say so um we always have some winds blowing here you know it's just oklahoma yeah the great state of oklahoma i guess you can say a lot of good people here a lot of great people i really enjoy living here and i really enjoyed the state of oklahoma and so is my family as i'm pulling in here converse commerce oklahoma as we go around the curve and commerce is not a big town but it is home to the great nicu yes sir and um little cafe barbecue don't forget about them yes sir you got to give those guys a shout out they do a great job feeding a lot of our customers and feeding a lot of our employees where where are we going for lunch josh we're getting close to lunchtime it is much time i don't know maybe we have to uh rv park no we're not going to take the rv though do you want to take the rv to oh no no no i want to get this safely back to newell you're not going to be responsible for a 2.3 million dollar rv that'll be one expensive hamburger with yes sir yes sir i i appreciate my relationship with newell and want it to last as long as possible and i think part of that is getting this coach safely back to the headquarters there so we appreciate it we appreciate it and also too since this coach is sold for the new honor as well yes yes and a huge thank you to the to the new owner for i know part of the deal i think is this being a show coach that you guys had an agreement that you're able to still yes [Music] we are a little bit backlogged right now business has been good across the whole industry this business has been great and um so we have a little experience a bit of a backlog where our show coaches we have to build show coaches to show them off and do stuff like this well the uh person did not want to wait for the backlogs they bought a show coach under that condition we have 60 days to show the coach off before you take delivery so um they let us complete and completely design this but they did help with the exterior paint scheme very cool well they they did a great job amazing choosing that exterior painting my name as well i think this is ryan's ninth coach he's done uh in the uh newell coast paint design and all nine of them have been completely different uh and it shows the range of his talents and not only him but the guys executing it as well yeah it's it's really cool to see the changes and i'm you know i'm a detail guy i love the exterior so to see all of the the ghosting and the stencil work and the drop shadows and the fades um you know i think newell is really just always striving to up their game any way they can and what a great relationship with ryan loucks to uh to you know work with you guys i'm i'm excited for you guys is that that's a nice looking coach come up here to our great factory at newell coach here it is right there so you might be able to see some of them what is this coach that's outside here is that oh this is uh you're getting to see a little sneak peek of uh a two full bathroom right here right in here next yeah yes sir wow that's a great looking coach look how effortless i mean this i would be afraid in a normal motor home but with this terrible tag i just look at that whip this thing in i mean i don't know i'm not going to pull it inside because my response my responsibility is over here let's get this air freight forward spin that back spin that wheel back again automatically automatically so you turn it and then it automatically zeros out what an amazing look at that right there you pulled that right in that was pretty good you're about dead centered and that's the first time you've ever pulled in here good job buddy i've driven a couple motor homes in my day so well let's get this coach inside here and then let's give the folks a full tour of this coach can we give them a full tour with the slide outs out now that they saw the slide out awesome let's go take a look here this is a great perfect example right here of a 2021 that just happened to be sitting right beside us as we pulled in and the 2022. i want to show you a couple cool things that we did really with our bay doors on the 2021 right here you see this right here is a fuel door area right here we always put our camera right there we always had a latch release system you just lift that and the door pops up yep so now we are thinking these paint jobs and all this exterior paints getting so great some people might not like those lashes even though we can paint through the latches so today we offer something different simply push this button and everything rises up and boom so it has a nice slick good look yeah so these new uh buttons are new for 2022. it was actually if you look on um this is another one of customers ideas if you look at the 1721 coats um we did a triple bunk murphy bed coach on 1721 okay uh that customer uh wanted us to come up with a way to come up to do this system and this is what we came up with customers very satisfied and we were able to pass it along to our other customers as well before we go take a look at the inside i want to get the folks a closer look at this exterior paint job we're just talking about on the test drive check out how these pins right here you've got like four or five pin stripes right there and then they all kind of fade into one pinstripe then you've got all the stencil work follow this pin stripe right here andrew this is what i love about ryan and then tim and his guys execute see how it goes back down to one then they swoop it back around oh yeah so it went from five to four right through there but then the detail of ryan's work and tim's work is you see that drop shadow yeah right through there now it's even a drop shadow right there the detail and the thought they come up with is really amazing i'm really proud um well then these pins right here too this is cool how it starts right here and then as you slowly follow the lines of the coach those pins are the same they seem to be the same width but they they're further and further apart and then you've got all that stencil work even and they even go above the windows and then the stencil work above the windows as well i'm excited about this one josh this is it right here this is uh this is a great coach this number uh and this is ryan locks number eight eight i might have said nine you did eight or nine but i think it's number yes hey uh that's actually if you see it there now we're talking about preview preview this is ryan's uh fifth um coach right here this is a uh uh we wanna walk through a little bit later let's go 17-29 but look at that yeah bunk model coach we're going to give you guys a full tour of that later but i want to show you one thing yes sir something new on 2022 is a lot of people were talking about our glass front end we changed that went to a different front end sorry i'm sorry to interrupt you i want to see that glass front end but we had another is this another ryan loucks here that's the linda jordan coach right there still beautiful jordan did an amazing job for us he's not with us anymore we love linda steele linda did an amazing job so any of our pre-owned buyers you have a linda jordan paint scheme you have a great painting oh absolutely yeah we started doing ghosting and drop shots yeah and so linda took us to that point and we got to give linda a lot of credit yeah yeah definitely huge sun sums up to this linda jordan design but let's see that front end uh end right here oh sorry i'm just i'm admiring this paint job josh i'm i'm having a tough time keeping up my adv is just out of control today there's so much cool stuff going on we can uh hear how the newer lights man i love this front end here and all those same pin stripes that we were talking about those white pins i mean just oh and then you turn on that light on the lights it really is that glow but we're finally able to start painting some more designs on the front end of our coaches and ryan's really taking advantage of that so we're able to do this right down through here this goes over to kind of have our we have our radar detector right there yep along with our adaptive cruise things that we may need so all that stuff's hidden and it would not affect the pain of the coach we've got a nice flow to it so kind of see the difference a little bit this is one that uh the older style right here yep really cool paint through it um it still looks great great looking cook this right here just gives us a little bit more to kind of show you what the size is going to look like this coach over here is catching my attention i love seeing them in the kind of raw form what's the story on this coach this coach right here is coach 1737. it has just got done with production and it had to paint so what they did was they're running some tests on it right now before it goes into paint so suspension testing and stuff like that and alignment testing then it'll be off to paint to complete let's show the folks real quick you know i love to point this out is this is all aluminum right here there's no other motor home that i know of in the industry that doesn't use fiberglass everybody else uses fiberglass newell's the only one that i know of do you know anyone else that i do not know we've used a little bit of fiberglass on our fiberglass front and rear caps and our fenders everything back through here is aluminum and if you see some of our walk-through videos or maybe we should show how our installation is you'll see how we keep this aluminum nice and flush and it really helps with noise sound and moisture and as well as um weather with the coach and it's able to last the coach a really long time we've been doing this process since 1967 like this wow yeah and i'll leave that factory tour uh build process video in the description that we talked about while we're on the test drive as well let's go take a look inside of this coach and give the folks a full tour what's going on with this coach sir man i know we just got finished with the outside but we got to show off some great things we did on the interior here um really proud of this coach this is coach 1732 and this was supposed to be our fall show coach um if those in hearthside grove uh might see brian pitts up there sometimes i go to heritage anyway we always have a fall show coach well this coach sold the one real thing why is the interior we did some new interior features here that's pretty cool and i think you'll really like it andrew yeah so what's going on sir well we're gonna start out here with uh the countertops yes pretty cool this is a quartzite material if you look throughout the consistency of the coach you're going to notice a three-quarter inch round over right through here and what we did made it really nice slick so don't have any straight edges on it and then we took it all the way down to a waterfall which is the new style mount if you kind of see look at our slide facing cut i mean our slide um bearing covers right here we kept it consistent throughout so um that's something new to kind of knock the edges off and kind of give it a new style and look got to give amber and our teammate here a shout out for that a couple other cool things we did in this coach remember coach 1706 we have some amazing stories we did if you want to go back and look at that video that right there really really got a lot of people talking so we kind of translated that over here to this coach for instance this right here your wow drawer is already done but it's really wide so you can have some really long cooking utensils for those who might like to cook interior x-rays it's a great storage area but it's not sliding around obviously when you're driving this right here is something new we added this is going to be the little pegboard that you can put pegs in to store plates and stuff without but we realize not everyone's going to stack it to the full so why don't we put an extra drawer in right there oh very creative so that's pretty creative and a great use of space um just our team really got creative with the this floor plan design and then we did this nice pull out really heavy duty really sturdy yes sir look at that and it's adjustable shelves yeah so you can easily adjust the shelves towards so if you have some really tall cereal boxes or things like that that's the most complaint you hear you can actually fit it in there or if you want to fit some good um cooking accessories here crock pots and things like that yeah well it's so deep i've got to point out that's probably close to two feet deep for how deep is that at least 18 minutes right at 20 inches in depth 20 inches 20 inches in depth right through there but it goes up really nice tall but really easy to get to if you look right back here i don't know if you can get your camera back in there yes sir it's got that nice solid wood look to keep it consistent throughout so nothing falls out on that side this right here is an obviously your dishwasher you still have your trash doors right there but instead of carrying it all the way out to right here our show coach we love our newer glasses we love that pop it brings we decided to put it right here um in the corner so when you walk in it gives you that really nice glow look along with the countertop and the waterfall i really thought amber and her team did a great job with that so i really wanted to point that out a couple other neat things we did we did a new uh wallpaper insert right here on this um door wow really really cool if you kind of look and your camera can get the detail of this leather right up here it matches really good with that but it might be hard to get that detail in there but that's what kind of inspired to get to that wallpaper was a little bit of that stuff right through there wow i thought that was pretty creative in using the coloring and all that you kind of keep the flow of the coke going really well this right here is um we have some good rugs in this we have custom water some rugs we start out with this one right here this is i kind of got the shag linear look i guess yes sir so uh pretty cool and we have some nice throw um blankets in here as well and then we do have the automatic footrest that comes up nice what's even crazier is we have even more storage right through here oh yeah this store this this right here is this only shelves adjustable this one's stationary okay so that's why it's pretty cool we have three adjustable shelves right there usually we only have one so that's what makes that one kind of special and we still have it consistently up through here with four versus three actually yeah four yeah and are those adjustable as well these right here are adjustable right through here except the bottom one is not yes sir so and as we walk right through here um i kind of see as we go into the bedroom oh let's see that half bathroom before we go into the bedroom i forgot about it sorry i know you guys remind me yes sir thanks for reminding me wow you look at that towel in there is that not pretty that is it's just amazing how newell coach just comes up with so many different designs and i've got to give everyone stuart woods and his boy in the tile department a lot of credit they hand laid those in piece by piece that was really tough to do yeah you know the tile work the the craftsman in all departments here at newell coach really are second to none in the industry i see a lot of coaches and it's just incredible um not only the the craftsmanship but the different designs and how they're able to execute these designs i've got to get everybody a close-up of this blue wallpaper with that texture in it and the way it it just flows with the tile and then that that wood that they used on those cabinets and the countertops and it's amazing we've got that three quarter inch round override oh yeah sure look at that um that's a special custom-made uh rug just for this bathroom right here it's a sheep style rug and you did it to go around the toilet and everything so we got to give amber her team once again credit customizing that's what they do yeah they make it happen yes sir as we're going to the bedroom here we have uh the most popular thing we have going in the entertainment area of audio and video equipment right now is the uh projection screen yes sir as you can see back i think it was on the tampa show coach video you uh showed the different outside projects what it can do yes sir now we have it here in the bedroom once again people love protection in the bedroom why you got four deep drawers right here good dresser storage an open window people love our big windows we have big slides big windows at six foot three inch tall slide you can make big windows yeah and you're you're over six foot or half right at six feet so you've got you're standing in the slide out right now and i want to show everyone just how much room is in josh is a big guy but he's got a lot there's still plenty of room back here so exactly and so and it's deep too we have uh in this particular slider here we're 24 inches in depth that slide over there we're 30. um so normally we have tall slots we have deep slides uh that makes a big difference as we kind of come over through here we have great hanging closet storage as we're known for and we also have this right here is a good little coat closet right here one cool thing about a newell is our coaches are quad slide but you'll need all four slides out to appreciate everything with the coach you know let's say you're stopping overnight you just want to put one slide out out you can two slide outs everything's still easy to get to one reason why we do that is this bed does retract and come out yeah well i think we talked about that before it's just more things that we do to make it easier to maneuver around the coach when slides are in or the slides are out so i was just actually talking to someone on the phone before we shot this video and he wanted to talk about that a little bit more so that's why i brought it up on this coach um so that's one reason why we put the storage's areas right in here so you can get to everything without maybe having to crawl over to bed or anything like that honestly andrew i'm pretty excited about what i'm getting here to show you here we kept the wallpaper consistent right through there this is a new rear bath layout you're going to start seeing it more and more now we've been asking a lot of demand for customers on changing things up in our rear bath and i think we hit those demands with this right here yes sir um we're going to start out here is this right here is a lot just come on in here and kind of show it yeah wow this is a totally different bathroom than i've seen in any other newel coach wow that's cool guess what you can get to the toilet without hitting a step up oh yeah so a lot of people we've been hearing when i get up in the middle of the night and i want to go use the bathroom i always have to step up in your floors i might trip and fall now you don't have to worry about the step up i like if you trip and fall on this and you just went too far well and then the toilet this is something i've never seen you've got like a dresser back here with that waterfall style tile work waterfall style tower really nice all the way to the floor this is 42 inches tall right here so it's a little taller than your normal dresser it's on the step up but we had to make a little taller i'm going to explain that in a little bit as you can see right here this is nice deep drawer storage one cool thing about newell is we do not set our shower faucets until the customer gets here people might be different heights people might want things different some people might be right-handed some people might be left-handed so we wait for the customer to come here before we set this that's why that's sitting right here let's continue to talk about this new dresser this right here all come out you have three really good size drawers yes sir so some people might use it for towels or things for shower accessories and things like that i don't know whatever you may need to store back here we have this blocked off because this is part of our radiator so we're really able to use this space very well you know we'll keep it open we've always wondered in the past what we want to do with this part right here this 42 inch tall dresser made it perfect we also made great storage right through here so you can have stuff to get ready yeah and for the ladies might really like this mirrored front right here so they can actually see themselves when they're getting ready get ready obviously our standard heater tile bar life goals right there yes sir if you have a heated towel bar you're doing something great yes sir that's a true story you got great tile storage up here as well now this is really cool and we need to before we go into that shower it is cool so excited we're we're skipping i've got to point out how much countertop space there is here this is this is probably the biggest rv bathroom i've ever seen i've said that before but this this really is is this the biggest bathroom probably so the biggest one we offer without the walk-in closet okay yes sir um and we're able to do that once again because we custom make our chassis and we can push our slides forward or back so we're able to take advantage of that situation what that advantage is good-sized bathrooms this coach right here is really good for the rvers that use the coach for long seasons maybe might stay a whole winner or something like that that's why for instance we have a little bit bigger of a laundry hamper right here we still have right across from there you have the great stacker washer dryer we can do a lot of questions i have because a lot of people watch your videos is do we do front loading dryers and washers yes but most people in our show coaches really like the top loader because i have to bend over and pull things out yes sir so that's mainly why we do it a lot in our show coaches but if you want a front end washer and front end dryer we do that as well awesome so let me put this right here all right i know i've got i've gotta point out just a couple of the textures get a little close up on this this stonework but then this tile work on the backsplash is beautiful you've got that same laminate that we've seen through the coat look at this right here it matches with us in the shower throughout the whole night yeah now this shower i know you want it you're excited about showing us what i'm excited for is one our tall guys once again stuart woods and his team do an amazing job they were able to bookmatch this and what that is is we're able to match everything up in a nice linear setting and get that corner right there really to flow really well to give it a nice clean look through that really does i mean that the craftsmanship that it takes to get that done is is people don't realize how much work goes into that and then i don't in there and see how good they had the flow going yeah and all that well in the dreams that was a new hidden dream we have uh everybody always says we have not the prettiest drain systems i guess in our older coaches now we i guess have the hidden drain right there so um people are really excited about that and this is one of the first coaches we ever showed that off with you want to jump in there and just show us precise how big that is i'm obviously not the smallest guy in the world so um you can kind of see i have plenty of room you can even sit down over there yeah ladies want to shave their legs i don't shave my legs but later so therefore you have a nice area but you really have good elbow room in here you can really move around and just don't feel like you're in a recreation in height as well another neat thing we did was look at the little rope hook right through there through glass it didn't mess with the glass or anything it's a nice clean finish really impressed with this another thing i didn't point out is look at this the green sink right here is really deep yeah look how deep that is when the texture too the camera is not doing i know the camera's not doing justice of how high end of a finish that is but wow really really good it's like um i mean i always give our people a lot of credit because they they deserve it they earn it but uh our show coaches amber kind of just starts with a blank sheet of paper and we just let her go and this is what she created and she did one heck of a job yeah she does amazing work and real while you're standing back there i'm just noticing can you do me a favor and just reach well actually yeah look look how much headroom you have there now that is before the other step up there but i mean you're six foot tall and you've got to reach all the way up to reach the ceiling and then one other detail that i just it keeps drawing my eye in and i know the camera's not getting it but there's a really cool texture here in this light and this just the human eye captures these high-end textures so much better than these cameras but just incredible job by amber tails yeah and i mean they just do deep and amber works with a number of different local vendors so most of the vendors we work with are usa proud of that we're also local and why we do that is anything may happen they're johnny on the spot we support them they support us very well so that came from a local um local vendor as well as well as our countertops and everything else and because amber's got such great relationships i think that puts us advanced over everyone else because our vendors always show us the latest and greatest and we're able to incorporate to our coaches josh i can't thank you enough for the opportunity to show us the full tour of this coach the test drive really an incredible experience really an honor to be able to share with the folks out on youtube this amazing piece of artwork that the team at newell coach here created if someone is a serious buyer now this coach has already sold and spoken for um but if someone wants to order a coach like this who should they get a hold of just give me a call here at newell coach 918-542-3 ask for josh schneider or any one of our great sales staff we'd more than happy to help you or visit us at our website at www.newellcoach.com awesome josh can't thank you enough thank you i also greatly appreciate all of you out there on youtube subscribing to the channel and liking these videos i hope you're all having a great day thanks again hey thank you everybody hope you enjoyed the video see you soon
Channel: RVing with Andrew Steele
Views: 364,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 22sec (3202 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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