2022 Mercedes Maybach | I Don't Lose, I Win

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[Music] your friends are [ __ ] it's unmade 25 grand last month they're not [ __ ] believe you see how it feels when you're making their [ __ ] lexus pants i don't lose i win i win i'm a lawyer that's my job that's what i do [Music] the mercedes-benz s-580 maybach this is a car for the man or woman who views driving themselves as an inconvenience something to be handled by people who have less bullying than them yes this is not just any s-class this is a maybach which in mercedes words is a car that was exclusively designed to be a chauffeur-driven experience so why maybach you may ask well it's because i get seven extra inches over a regular s-class and those inches are for me as god intended the chauffeur-driven rear passenger so i can sit back here sip out of my silver plated champagne flute and discuss with my friends how many factories i own but before we talk about the interior any further i think it's important we briefly discuss the exterior because at least in this car's case if you're going to spend two hundred and twelve thousand dollars it's important you are able to demonstrate to the people around you the people that make less money than you that you are driving a special vehicle you may ask how does mercedes accomplish that well they do that with some unique maybach tidbits like a more impressive front grille that has maybach ridden across it you have some illuminated rear badges on the c pillars that oh so say maybach and some unique exterior paint options like in this car's case this two-tone paint is 14 500 and cannot be got on any other s-class you also have some unique wheel options like this car's giant 20-inch staggered wheels however if you are a man or woman of pure taste you can option some 21 inch wheels that are champagne flute inspired much of what you get in this maybach is optional in a regular s-class this car as standard comes with the burmister 4d audio system it is still excellent and it still offers noise canceling which helps eliminate some of the undesirable frequencies that make its way into this cabin because this car according to mercedes is one of the quietest cars on the road you can enjoy the burmester audio system for all its glory really the big thing about this cabin is the rear seats they can bend and fold in a variety of manners you have up to 43 degrees and change of tilt and recline your legs can be extended and if you choose the front passenger seat can be pushed all the way forward so you can lay back here like it's a lazy boy you have some optional tidbits like again these optional rear chiller or cooler that can cool things down to about 33 fahrenheit and you have these headphones that are currently located in the door the rear environment of this vehicle can be controlled by these rear tablets and what i mean by that is you can control the variety of mood modes found in this cabin what fragrances are dispensed and what kind of massage you are getting this cabin to be honest is one of the most comfortable things i've ever been in it is very very impressive i will say this however if you are not someone who enjoys a ton of mood lighting and does not enjoy a lot of displays and is easily distracted by said displays this space is probably not for you because there are four or sorry there are five individual tablets in this car that dispense distracting light and there are over 200 leds in this cabin so if that stuff bothers you and you find it gimmicky you are not going to like this car but with that said i think it's time for us to head into the shop and talk through some of the technical differences between this and a regular s-class s-580 maybach jack yes my bach hurts quite a bit from all my gold bullion i've been carrying around mark when you uh well i was driving this thing around and i pulled up to a couple small businesses and i got out parked in front of them and i just started looking at the land and those people looked at me like i was driving the death star i was gonna wipe them out with my my sixth walmart that i was gonna build and i i wanna just put this out here clearly you you look at this car this is not something a normal person would ever buy even somebody that is ultra wealthy would not likely buy something like this this is a showcase of technology so if you think this car is excessive and it is and it is gowdy and just in your face and obnoxious take one thing away from this video is that all of the technology that is in this car much like the s-class is something you're going to see trickle down to almost every mainstream car on the road within 10 years from screens everywhere all the crazy lighting to accent pieces to electromechanical systems so just forget about what this is on paper a chauffeur's car for vips and the ultra wealthy and and look at it from like what did they do here and that's what you're going to start to tell us so this is on the w223 platform this is the most recent version of the s-class all the maybach is is a more excessive version of that vehicle with more standard options and it starts at a hundred and eighty four thousand dollars so if you priced out an s580 with all the same options that come standard on this maybach you're still looking at about a forty thousand dollar delta what you get with the maybach as i mentioned in the interior space is seven extra inches and a more luxurious rear cabin plus all of the bits that tell the people around you that you are rich like all the light up badges and all other fun stuff the s-class as mark talked about is the showcase for future mercedes technology the electromechanical systems are what i'm going to talk about primarily it's double wishbone front multi-link rear it's actually a multi-length run it's an excessive multi-layer it is a hybrid multi-link double wishbone front and this is something you show this to mazda we just got done doing the cx-50 where like we got rid of the multi-link and our first multi-link we took links off because it took a lot too much engineering budget to make it work right mercedes didn't have that problem they just put more links in here like let me tell you lewis hamilton did the the test driving for this vehicle he went yeah that's enough to haul my money around well i think they could add a few more links in here too so hybrid multi-link front end with air suspension front and rear and the air shocks are built into the damper itself it's not a separate air bladder like you see in a lot of suvs and this car does not have the optional road sensing radar guided suspension this is just regular regular regular air ride with advanced maybach tuning i asked mercedes what that meant and they told me maybach so yeah so like most companies they'll add different drive modes on for calibration like volvo as pole star bmw has m performance modes and what it's doing is it's creating that differentiation between the s-class for engine transmission tuning and then shock tuning it's just fine-tuned electronics basically you feel nothing like in the regular s-class you can have rear steering and just like in the s-glass it has different degrees of rear steering based upon whether or not you have staggered wheels so if you have staggered wheels you're left with like i think four or three degrees of rear steer but if you have square wheels front and rear you get up to 10 degrees of rear steering which should effectively shorten the wheelbase of this vehicle i quickly want to talk about the buyers though mark well hold on before you get to two things technically if you've never been in a larger car with rear steer and this is i've had two cars now with rear steering and at first i'm like i don't want it i don't need it it's harder to align more complicated but once you get into a longer car like this or a bigger suv you're gonna see this with evs they're they're gonna get bigger so the ability to have rear steer shrinks down this car so much that it drives like a a mid-size platform it really does when you're trying to do a parking lot it does it shrinks it down so you know you laugh at it like why do you need that but you're gonna see more cars with that because the the gearbox in the back it's become cheaper and the packaging is really small so it's actually something you would really want and it makes a much better driving experience the other thing you talked about with air ride and refinement you only want to hear your money this is probably the quietest air ride system i've ever heard you can never hear the compressor when it raises and lowers itself you can you can raise it up if you need to get it raised up there is zero compressor noise when i put this on the ground and i had to turn off the proximity there's a warning system so if this car gets towed it sets off an alarm there's an interior proximity so you could buy the business of a man telling you yeah you just buy them out so you had to turn that off so even raising it up no compressor noise and anything it is it's like just quiet it is it is hyper impressive the other thing with rear steer is it effectively can lengthen the wheelbase when you're on the highway so if you are in the home market germany and you're doing 150 miles an hour your chauffeur can take turns and add more high speed stability as the as the wheels either turn in the direction you're turning or the opposite direction very quickly the last thing i want to talk about is buying demographics of this vehicle because they are quite interesting this is a ludite's absolute nightmare if you want to go if you're a luda and you go to hell tomorrow you're going to dream of this car 100 so tell me what the marketing should be so when you think maybach you and i both think like mr potter from it's a wonderful life this old fat white guy who has lots of money no it's a young man he's 38 years old mark so i have time left but you're apparently my failure i aged out dude i can't this i i maxed out i thought i would have this by the time i was 38. they're 38 they are early adopters and like this tech it is a showcase piece so they will be early adopting all of its problems and their noids their technoids mark they only drive themselves on weekends because remember may box are supposed to be primarily chauffeur driven yes and they want something that is ultra exclusive so mark let's go on an ultra exclusive drive please [Music] anybody tells your money's the root of all evil doesn't have it [Music] welcome sir are you ready to see the experience of the maybach s580 i'm not ready because i am in the wrong seat mark yeah you're right [Music] i sing hall's ass for a building wow man you know like when i drove this obviously you don't drive this around and drive like a dick but it's incredible the length and the girth and just the the engorgement that this thing feels like when the air ride is in full stroke that this thing gets around as fast as it does yeah the the the balance they have struck between this not being a total lincoln town car like floaty uncontrollable mess to having probably the best ride quality of pretty much anything i've ever been in is very very impressive yeah and it's it's strange because they make all these wild claims that it's the quietest most refined car and then when you really sit in here and you just pay attention to that it i've grown very fond of this experience and i think one of the things i thought about today and we do this we're not we're not making an ass load of money doing this but i find that working the amount of time that we work to do this the amount of stress that i feel that i'm under in my daily life getting in a car like this i can see why people have this huge affinity towards luxury cars like this because you get in it and all of a sudden i know that i need to travel 45 minutes and i'm no longer dreading my commute because although i'm still stuck behind the same dickwad npcs that are going 10 under the speed limit driving all over the road on their cell phones i'm like you know what i just don't care i'm floating along i'm getting a massage a hot stone massage yeah i'm i'm fully immersed in vibrating seats to my music i can make a phone call and it sounds like i'm in the office you know there's so many good things about this experience that you just have to you have to go through this to really appreciate it i don't fault anyone if they have the money really deep down i don't fault anyone for buying a car like this if you are maxed out you work 90 hours a week and you are far more important than you or i are mark and you need it well you don't need anything like this but you want something like this i get it because any journey you feel probably better getting out of this than when you did when you got into it do you need the opulence that this brings no nobody does nobody in the right mind needs it however just driving it around i can see why if you have that money or you run a livery business where you're transporting vips in this car where you literally they have this expectation to be picked up and pampered in something like this this is exactly the car that you want to be in it it says [ __ ] you i'm important but at the same time when you when all that goes away and you are important and you no longer think that way you i want to sit in the back seat on my laptop or i want to sit in the back seat and do zilch and think about nothing other than the pure comfort i'm in the attention to detail on this i didn't talk about in the interior space but the fact that there are microphones in the front seats so your driver doesn't have to turn their head and yell at you right to have a conversation is impressive the fact that when you have the even further executive rear seating package where you have a table and you have all the other [ __ ] you want back there it does genuinely feel like you're in a first class lounge in a on an international flight even better than that honestly and this v8 it's the same twin turbo v8 that you get in the s-class we did a video on earlier it produces a little bit over 500 horsepower just to touch the 60 under five seconds and when you drive this normally you have so much low down torque the gearbox is so smooth yeah that you don't feel it and the maybach mode definitely enhances the comfort mode that we it really to be honest it's hard to tell the difference here between the regular s-class in the back seat there's a little bit more rebound on the highway but nothing great it could be material choice you know you have a leather headliner here so there's certain frequencies i've noticed that it get amplified we aren't so tires we are on snow tires as well so really at the end of the day you're getting a world-class drive train or world-class drive train refinement silence comfort great air ride even without the the predictive stuff i mean obviously you want it but you don't need it this is definitely a special experience if you can ever just get in here and look at it from a technical perspective in terms of what they were able to do in the driving experience it's amazing and i hope every car that is wannabe luxury car gets to this level someday because that's what we all deserve today mark you know what i deserve i deserve to get another maybach loan and have it be the handcrafted v12 and the s680 okay yeah i need that too because this this v8 is not cutting it for me anymore but the last thing i'm going to say before we get into the final thoughts mark and this is we said it in the first video the the the struggle i have with this car is that there's such a focus on all of the [ __ ] like screens and technology that some of it doesn't work that well i wish there was a version of this s-class where it didn't have my mercedes it didn't have the giant tablets and the five screens where it just was quiet comfortable yeah package yes you want the package that's traditional luxury not all the gimmicky [ __ ] so you know i agree with you i think this really this really makes it worse while it looks cool it is 100 percent worse than just what some of the real high-end luxury brands are doing where you have precision instruments gauge clocks you look at a rolls yes or you look at a bentley and you look at the their focus is the leather the wood lacquers all that other [ __ ] precision design yeah precision mechanical design this just replaces all that with throwing screens everywhere any in five years every single company from like the shittiest brand all the way to the highest and brand is gonna slap screens everywhere and there's no prestige value to this uh or there won't be let's just put it yeah and that's my problem with this car but with that mark i think it's time for us to get in the final thoughts all right final thoughts on the mercedes-maybach s580 a lot of our detail is in the original s-class video we did and almost 95 of that carries over to this so if you want to learn more watch that the link is somewhere on the screen or in the description let's talk about what this is and what it isn't i'm hyper aware i'm fully aware that in many ways this is an irrelevant car to almost everybody on the planet it's designed for a small group of people that are driving vips and executives around and it's for those that mercedes claims are ultra wealthy and they want the latest and greatest in technology and all the gimmicks and everything so if you're somebody like that you're gonna love this 100 like putting your champagne flutes in the back having electronic like doors that open in the back to put your stuff in all the ambient lighting that changes color i mean it's just it's ridiculous and that's what this is about it's opulence at you know roughly a 200 000 price tag which you could argue is probably too cheap for those that want that million dollar car it does everything in terms of ride quality drivability drive train tuning all the fine-tuning engineering underneath is what this is a showcase for and it does a great job 100 you're gonna love riding in it as a passenger and you're gonna really enjoy driving it if that's what you do for a living if you're anybody else again like i said in the shop look at this as a whole now imagine this getting trickled down to everyday vehicles from evs to executive cars and even everyday cars in the future because that's what you have to look forward to thanks for watching i'll see you next video [Music] you
Channel: savagegeese
Views: 136,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cars, trucks, 2021, 2022, reviews, best sports cars, Mercedes S580, Audi A8, Maybach, Panamera, EV, Porsche 911 Turbo S, 992, GT3, GT3 Touring, GT3RS, GT4RS, fastest car, tesla s model plaid, Wagon, Audi RS6, Mercedes S Class, lotus evora, elise, exige, bring a trailer, LFA, cargurus, carvanna, GT500, ford mustang, chevy corvette c8, bmw, m4, m3, ferrari, Lambo, problems, reliability, technical, engineering, funny, pixel6, android auto, iphone 13, games, exotic cars, mercedes gt, aston martin, maybach
Id: ZT_3--ScHT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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