2022 Lancaster Archery Classic | Open Pro Finals

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welcome back to the 2022 lancaster archery classic coming at you from spooky nook sports complex here in manheim pennsylvania as we set the stage for our final match of 2022 and this tournament and welcome to the broadcast booth i'm greg white sitting alongside steve anderson who's won a host of stuff in his archery career and steve it's down to this it's open pro the best of the best coming to shoot the last and there's eight shooters that are all going for that number one spot yeah we've got some really good seasoned veterans some fresh faces i'm looking to see some talent out there knocking each other's heads all right if you don't know what this tournament's all about we'll take a look at this this is how they they came to be here the top eight qualified we had a 660 round and the top eight after elimination rounds got into this deal they're ranked ties by 11 bottom-up formats so eight's gonna shoot against seven the winner advances to shoot against six and then the fifth and so on and so forth so there is the possibility if you're eighth coming in here that you can win this thing new for 2022 max points 136 because there's a 12 ring in play 1.5 centimeter white dot target now the thing is it's available each of the four ends that we shoot but you must call it for it to count and there's only one per end so if you add up the 11's in the middle part that's what we got alright so now it's the fun part pj riley's here to tell us who is going to be shooting against each other right now all right here we go this is the big one open pro finals top prize here is 20 000 we've got eight finalists we're gonna be here for a while we're going to see some great archery our 8th place qualifier from palmyra new york louie price louie's been shooting seven years and he is a past outdoor national champion our seventh place qualifier from prescott valley arizona gaius carter gaius has shot a 900 at vegas came in fourth at reading [Applause] gaius is the higher seed so he gets to choose where and when he shoots all right so your eighth place qualifier louis price and steve this is where things get like super interesting if you look at the total qualification scores available right 660 points plus the amount of elimination rounds they had to shoot because it was the top 64 that went into elimination rounds so the total points available 1056. our bottom qualifier shot 1045 points so he only dropped 11 points total on the weekend and he shot a total of 88 88 11's yeah and he dropped i think eight of those points in the first 30 arrows oh wow so his last uh 75 arrows he's missed three yeah and he just missed that one it looks like he caught a 10 line on that one for louis price good start for gaius there definitely a good start for gays low 11 though yeah we've been watching matches today it seems everyone's coming in just a few clicks low it is definitely a pattern so for gaius carter you know he uh he's originally from north carolina and they took a job with ae and i think looking at the talent field that we have he's the only shooter in the top eight that actually has an industry job at this point so not only does he have to shoot just like you he's also going to work the booth the whole time he was here yeah maybe he's in because he didn't have a booth maybe no booth here you got to go and just focus on the shooting yeah now gas has really been working to improve uh this last couple years he's he's dedicated himself to getting better you know i remember those days for me and he certainly made the most of it and really has taken a big step forward our archers louis price how's it going man how are you just fine thanks uh how many times have you shot the classic um probably six or seven times i would say maybe have you made the big stage before no first time how's it feel feels good everything you hoped it would be right oh yeah all right gaius carter i believe this is your second classic ever correct second or third for sure yep and first time here uh is this the first time you've shot open pro at the classic probably yeah how does it feel i feel like i'm stretching way up i feel like nine feet tall um it's been good good having a lot of fun having a lot of fun that's what we like to hear all right after our first end we are tied at 32. and for gaius carter you know he he has shot a 900 at vegas before he's been fourth at reading a you know a shoot that you've that you've won and i know that uh you know in years past i shot with gaius when i first moved to north carolina as an archer and he likes to uh to shoot field and he does spend a lot of time indoor but he's definitely announced an outdoor kind of guy for louis price of course from new york i mean for louie he's only been shooting seven years but uh quite an accomplished shooter seems like more than that but that's what he put down us outdoor national champion guess with the 10 there so [Music] louie's got a one point advantage i like the arrow wraps that he's got on those eastons i haven't seen that before that's kind of cool i mean i don't use it myself you know i just i just go glue just straight up blue on the on the aluminium it's got the target face look there and uh gas obviously working at aae got the vane color that you and i can't buy yeah there you go that's one of the perks you know you may have that industry job you may be working at the events but you might you might be able to get a little something unique louis didn't like that shot and he smoked it yeah he definitely smoked a half shaft maybe he was saying oh yeah when he let go who knows now you can see that gas uses a four finger release but chooses not to use that last unless that's a really big release is that is that maybe it's a big hand yeah big hand it's probably an extra an extra large release run through it for me i'm shooting the uh psc rtx ae freak show the hot rods from ae excel site short scope feather vision lenses arrows and release easton 27s and the what is this it's old the abyss i gotcha all right that you probably have 15 different ones you just didn't know which one you were shooting today if you're a real archer you have about 87 releases yeah or you just had the release so long you haven't even bothered thinking about right you know that's it somebody's asking me like what release you shoot i don't know it's four years old yeah it's got a button on it and i just pull the trigger beware the guy with one old release it's the you know i like i don't mind trying different stuff but my i shoot a true ball hbc flex it's got the same head as the trueball ht that i started with when i first started shooting target archery you know i haven't and i've gotten a few different versions of it over the years to have a little different angle this that but the head geometry is all the same very accustomed to it at this point i'm unwilling to switch to anything else yeah that makes sense yeah i mean i've been shooting that long right six years seven years and i've only had shot two two releases right and it was an act to get me off of the original release i shot yeah you think about uh someone like chance bobeff you know he shot that same release a green scott release for like 15 years or something like that sergio yes sir sergio his release is funky as they get and sergio was so into his releases steve that when they stop making the release that he shoots and i'm sorry i can't remember the name of it but when they stopped making that release he he got every single release they had left in stock sent him the remainder so he could have it for the rest of his career you can see that he he left one hanging on the outside and at this level shooting one or two tens could spell disaster yeah i mean there it is keeps it tight yeah yeah you've got maybe one to work with out in the regular matches on the stage maybe two yeah tell me about your bow set up here i have the invicta i'm running bars i have scope mini mag the excel chief xp i'm shooting the trueball fulcrum flex and then uh spot hog rest oh my arrows are the 27s next all right what kind of shoes do you have uh i think i forget the name limbs are they nice and flat to hit that red button they are that's what we want to know i want to thank everybody out there for listening including our friend chuck cooley he said that that release we're talking about is called the cascade from spot hog oh yeah is that sergio george oh george okay yeah so there you go thanks so much for that information fellas we really appreciate it yeah george is telling me it was a copy of the cascade by spot hog oh really an italian company so some debate from the folk in archery i only know that story just from talking to sergio over the years yeah and you know looking at watching him shoot and looking at that release going what are you doing he's doing the unpunch the unpunch yeah here we go final end tie game louis gas carter didn't love it and that is close they're calling it 11. i think it'll get another look 100 that will not need another look that is down the pipe yeah that only needs another look if it's 100 inside out but it looks really good yep okay so louie's gonna be shooting at the 12. he's got to hope to get some help from gaius giving up a few points here yep well that didn't help but he louie for the 12. yep that's right we're doing math yeah we're matching it up hard this time okay did the right thing he let the applause die down even though his clock was ticking and he took his time he asked his coaches good shot by this great shot i love the strategy that was just heads up by gaius to let the crowd let the cheers dissipate he took a moment talk talk to his coach richard bowen richard bowen in the mix an absolute stud in his own right and uh so great advice he took his time with a 30-second shot clock at the 2022 lancaster archery classic here in spooky nook so scores will just be confirmed to double check but it looks like your seventh place qualifier guess carter will advance to the next round it is official as we just so heard price will take eighth place the place that he came in his first time on stage so and a great learning experience for a very experienced archer but steve i think that you would agree with me that coming here center stage on a platform and shooting 18 meters it's a little different and the crowd has has grown here's chester minnesota we have nick cappers he started archery because he was grounded from shooting a bb gun i know that story [Applause] and now look what they created finalist at the classic uh yeah i have that same story i was grounded from a bb gun steve yeah ah they bought me the cheapest my parents probably the cheapest bb gun they could find it was like a one like one type thing and it was so weak it bounced off of the cardboard and it broke a window because i like had it to the cardboard next to the window and they were like you just broke a window you're out but i didn't i didn't shoot our tree yeah i never got the bb gun ban but uh you know found my way to archery one way or another you certainly did all right so we're getting things going gas leading off probably smart um you know he's got a little bit of momentum keep it going as a yeah good way to start as a competitor it's tough when you haven't been on the stage and you have to get up and your guy starts an 11 right off the bat you're like okay i have to you know because you got to keep pace yeah always thinking about that good job by nick he's a couple clicks low no surprise everyone has been but needs to be quick to make that adjustment after the shot you saw gaius carter kind of reach to his bow and then blow on a piece on his bow what happens is sometimes with these with these targets you get a little bit of like like dust if you will like a fuzz on there and when you shoot it can land on your lens of your scope so what gaius was doing was clearing that off nick a little bit low still i haven't seen him reach up and grab a click or two but longer hold by gas see if you can get this one clean no no i didn't like it at all yeah it was like it was like the release just wouldn't go for him yeah it happens it happens it's tough man people uh you know these guys if they're sitting in their basement shooting archery they're rarely gonna miss that x-ray yep they're not gonna make a shot like that one but get out here in the pressure first time first time on the stage first time at the classic uh both both all right this is the way to come in uh how are you feeling up there have you been in a setting like this before yeah i've been in shootoffs before this one's a little bit more nerve-wracking good that's the way we like it congrats on a good weekend so far we'll get back to talk to you about your equipment after the first end nick is clean at 33 gaius 31 little drink of water it's amazing uh how much it's not warm at all it's really nice temperature and those lights aren't give it's just the pressure gets to you and you just got to drink that water don't you see sitting there under the lights and you you honestly when you're in this scenario you feel like everyone is staring at you and really intent on your every move um you know like you know gas just had a shot that he wished he could have back and in your head you're like oh my gosh i'm so embarrassed but actually to say that to say that that's a great response from him because come back and pipe one it's an easy it's an easy downward spiral spiral to get into especially on center stage and you know what every good archer has had it happen to him uh you know they've had uh just total meltdown on the on the stage and you you really feel like it's never gonna happen man i just wanna get these arrows off and get out of here yeah um but you know every good archers also come out and and done this enough that's a little bit of it you gotta have some exposure and repeatedly make finals repeatedly get into metal matches repeatedly get into shoot-offs and that's how you get good at it right uh and i tell people who are just starting target archery the same thing the best thing you can do he did call it he did call it so we were looking at the targets and we didn't even realize that they realized he had stepped up to yeah it's a bold move i like it they've got the scoreboard marked wrong they'll get that corrected 100 nick went 11. okay so we're looking at uh it should be a one-point lead for nick exactly a one-point lead for nick the situation is if he gets it so he has got it but see this is the things we've been talking about all day who's gonna start calling these 12s early if you're down by touch did it right it makes sense in the open pro let's get the pj leaves out 38 shooting excel the chief xp site um the av-30 or no av-25 got the torque sex spider cbe um bars shooting the uh uh that tk or the um vtac 27s victory yup victory true ball uh fulcrum release all right very good well done so far nick uh you are clean with a 66 gaius shooting that 34 on the last end there's now one point difference nick 66 gay is 65. yeah huge by gas to to go start going for that early if you have to chip away at a lead you need to do that in the early stages you can't wait till the final because it might be too far gone well especially in this category right like you don't leave your fate in someone else's hand go out and grab your own faith because he's just thinking okay fine these guys just gonna just start at 11 11 11 i'm gonna go do something else and that's one thing you know we saw in the men's open drew hortman shooting at it in the shoot off to try to get the early win and it's the same thing you could go through hit every x in this match and still lose because the final arrow comes down to closest to center so if you want to do it your way you know you go after that 12 ring to try to you call it a win or lose right yeah yeah he struggled a little bit to get his arrow up there and i think maybe letting down and re resetting your process might have been i mean it's something he does all the time you do it just the flick on there but it didn't work the first time and you saw him shake his head yeah you got a lot of time here too so you can let down and start over but again it's a learning experience for gays right yeah and like we were saying earlier you know you go out and you do this as much as you can because you cannot practice this you want to make these finals and just get comfortable with it it's hard to ever truly get comfortable the more you do it the easier it is the thing i was a little bit surprised about is i thought that gaius having dropped the 10 again would actually call the 12 and go for it again yeah probably missed one there yep because now arrows are running out so we got three left right trailing by two and nick is clean and nick looks comfortable clean right you know to finish on what i was saying earlier when people ask me how hey you know how do you get rid of tournament nerfs it's like just go do it a lot that's it uh the more you shoot tournaments the more you shoot in competitive scenarios the easier it becomes and exposing yourself to those scenarios is as frequently as possible is far more valuable than going down a local club and shooting arrows in your comfort zone all the time and let me add to that steve too because you know when i first started shooting archery i would shoot local tournaments and i would have the nerves then i went shot at the national level and i would get the same nerves but when i went back to the regional level the nerves weren't as bad because i'd already i'd already have that experience and it didn't mean as much because it was a national you know here we go he hit it he's called for 12 so he's going early i nailed it yeah this is that's a smart move because he's going to put pressure on early you're either handing the guy the match saying congrats or you're saying i'm coming for you yep 11. nick still hasn't faltered though so we got a one he hasn't he hasn't even been close to the 10 line and again with the rules gas can only shoot at that 12 one time per end so he's got to put a pair of 11s on the board here and hope for a point back from nick got what he needed and that's where missing the opportunity to take the 12 on the last arrow of the last end is gonna hurt yeah maybe maybe you know it kind of worked out in the the way he got that first one nick needs one more for not only the win but a perfect match that's that's tough ask it is it's a lot of pressure okay it's got to get this one gotta have it look good dang it so nick with a 10 takes the win here see if we can close this match clean look good yeah first 132 first 132 for nick cappers and the that was the closest to the ten ring we saw him shoot too so he's gonna sit gaius carter who's in seven so so far it's been professional processional we have louis price in eighth he gets set first case carter in seventh he gets that second the capper is now in sixth place qualifier is going to advance to shoot against our fifth place qualifier who's coming up next so scores are confirmed tip of the cap though to gaius carter you know for going for that 12 ring twice i absolutely love the strategy and again as more shooters learn how to use this 12 ring advantage the more we're going to see for the judges uh for the score yeah huge huge response from nick cappers uh didn't falter one bit shot perfect score yep but he really got the pressure put on him when gaia shot that 12 to start the first arrow of the fourth in now which was the right move by gaius and and uh you know you got to try to apply pressure to the guy somehow uh make him uncomfortable say hey this isn't a you know this isn't a two-point game you don't have anything to play with and nick no big deal for him yeah no big deal but i guarantee you're going to hear more from gaius carter as shooting continues especially next week in vegas he's coming off with a ton of swagger and jacob marlowe oh here we go he's been shooting for 24 years and we are told his dog is watching from home uh well if his dog knows how to work the remote control and the internet you know i don't know if his dog got his dog a phone maybe jacob yeah he's the best dude florida man oh yeah jacob is florida man jacob marlow runs his own program man he lives life the way he wants to live it gets practice he's he's you know graduated from college not too long ago and full-time archer and you know we get to talk quite a bit big fan of this guy good old lonnie jacob marlowe yeah nice guy i i like jacob i like his whole family they're all good people just got to know him over the years and jacob's funny guy too oh he's a funny guy oh you we ask him you know what motivates you to keep shooting and he's like i'm bad at everything else that's his response you know it's it's yeah he definitely pulls out some funny stuff so equipment being worked on of course today's been a long day if you're just joining us now at the 2022 lancaster archery classic we've been at this since 8 o'clock in the morning east coast so it's now 2 30 and uh batteries got changed in the timing and scoring or the uh clock system so we're ready to rock and roll jacob low 10. so man everyone has faltered to that early start where you need about i think you need about four clicks or so it depends on your setup but nick nice low x almost inside out see if jacob got the adjustment made i'll tell you what for nick capper's only being in archery for two years is he is absolutely straight for jacob marlow you know his resume is is distinguished as well he's been a champion here at lancaster he's been indoor national champ multiple asa wins over his career he's definitely a versatile shooter yeah he's been at it his whole life and when he when he gets streaky it is it's scary we've seen a transformation in jacob marlow too over the last couple years in his physical stature you know for years he was a super skinny guy and then he hit the gym and started bulking up just kind of settled into that look but nick cappers are you kidding me maybe pj can ask him what his bench press max is how about you bench welcome back to the stage definitely would have been cool with that first error you let's see now in this year's classic however you can make that up and totally erase it right there on that red button yeah i sure can i don't want to hit it yet you can call it once per end yeah bad boy's intimidating though jacob you are the 2019 champ so coming back up here how does that feel to get back out uh it still feels just as bad as last time you had a famous quote i believe last time rob asked you how do you like indoor and you said yeah i don't all right jacob marlow uh we have a after our first end nick has a 33-32 lead one point you're right steve he's a funny guy always entertaining he doesn't like indoor but he sure is good at it yeah he's a good archer i've seen him have success in every venue he definitely has his own style though in everything but his uh even the way he stands is kind of different there's that low ten again same spot we'll see how 11 for nick still has not missed so jacob going for the normal shot he's got to get on that button soon yeah he might you might see him do it here at the end of this end he really needs to i think they're calling that a 10 but i think he's got the 11. i agree i i think nick has just made it um what are we looking at is that a 17th arrow and that one should be there as well i i also i'd almost say nick's arrow was closer than jacob's final one [Applause] tell me what you got uh we have an elite results got cv uh you know release site conquest stabilizers black eagle errors aae rest veins uh yeah yeah i think that's about raptor arrows uh ps27s black eagle gotcha and uh someone asked in uh one of the comments they asked what are those jeans that you're wearing uh i mean i had some duluth ballroom jeans i had put on instagram but i forgot to wear them today that was going to be my go-to but i didn't all right i'm sure those will work out just fine for you jacob after two ends nick kappers holds a two-point lead 66-64. two ends left yeah so nick's arrow did get scored as an 11 like we were talking he's still clean on the day and i think jacob's gonna have to go for a 12 here this end down two points started with 11 that's key hadn't done that yet so yep can't give up any more points you know through a normal shot and then i think you i think you got to go for that 12. i could do because at this point nick just is hitting him yeah nick just shot his 19th arrow in a row into the 11 ring wow yeah there it is these guys got man these guys are you know there's their timing is good they've got good stroke they're not you don't see any long holds or any bobbles they're shooting good shots yeah there we go so jacob just called for the 12. yep and he got one back from nick so this would be he he could potentially yeah tie or take the lead with this arrow depending on nick so nick needs the 11 to tie huge how that swings the match yeah i was just kind of assuming that nick was going to clover that thing but we'll see what happens with this 10 as well so judges will take a look at capper's 10 and if it if it's called an 11 no question about that 12. it's also a good uh jacob likes to shoot with a pin with a fiber pin that's illuminated gives them a much better sight picture of that small 1.5 centimeter dot so we're all tied up as we just wait for the official scoring to come back no it looks like cappers was called an 11 steve so he's clean so far so it's 99.98 i did not announce her curse no at this point you can't announce his cursing i've talked about it too much yeah yeah he's got it under control 100 i thought for sure that was 10. uh you know shot into a little bit of a beat up spot which can be deceiving to everybody either the judge calling it or us from back here you know i'll give the benefit of the doubt to the guy who's got a magnifying glass two inches from it i'm looking at a tv that might be in 4k but good one there for jacob low 11 still he's still a few clicks low alright so now marlo tomorrow's going to take a look at captain's arrows all right so cappers is pushing the issue right now yep and 11 on the next two arrows for both of these archers and marlo is going to have to go for the 12 again looks like he's shooting a hinge release jacob i i didn't see exactly which one it was but it looked like a brass hinge right now so jacob going for the 12. yup got on the button gotta have this 1.5 centimeters is not a big dot even at 20 yards it's like a dime size right i think it's just underneath where he's been headed to i don't know what's happening i like i mean maybe he feels because he's fine either way if he goes low yeah so you know what yeah you know what he did the strategy there for nick is let me practice it because i know jacobs is low which means if i hit low as well i still have a one point lead so that was literally a practice arrow that was really smart on cappers because now he he's got a better shot at it next time he shoots he understands it look at jacob why'd you do that we're seeing off camera these two guys having to go at he's like so you know i don't know if that was something that nick capper's decided to do on his own or maybe darren christenbury who's in his coach's box decided hey why don't we just go for it they just showed jacobs was in so he went for the win there well there you go but either way if it was if it was in or out it wouldn't have made a difference yeah well yeah you get what i'm saying if it was out then capper still would have had a one point if he dropped it low if he dropped it high he would have had a two-point win and jacobs was in so that was the smart move anyway i think darren christenbury there behind nick spotted it and said yeah he's in and then nick went okay i'm going for the win yep you know we we were all sitting here without a a great call assuming it was out our fourth place finalist robert householder from millbrook alabama two-time asa shooter of the year 2021 rushmore rumble champ [Applause] this is definitely a shooter we're familiar with being on the asa scene for a couple years steve robert householder who is stormed onto the scene just a couple of years ago and is quite an accomplished shooter already he's been shooting for six years he says that you know what motivates him to to keep shooting the sport is that drive for perfection yeah asa shooter of the year a couple years back and came on the scene had a lot of success and has done really well and he's been a good indoor shooter been good 3d shooter i know he said he works mostly on his indoor game and there's a low 10 to start man someone needs to drop back to the practice range tell these guys to sign in for a high x well that's the thing that's kind of interesting is there there is a tv we're told there's a tv in there so people are seeing this people aren't watching that first arrow yeah you know something when we're at an archery world cup um teammates and i always watch the matches before ours so we always watch them to see where everyone's first arrow goes and of course for 2022 you're back on the world cup team for the united states are you looking forward to that season uh yeah it's gonna be a busy year so see how that goes but i think it's my last go around with uh with world cup stuff i don't think i'm gonna do it anymore after this well it's great that you were able to shoot your way back onto the team congratulations on that yep some adjustment there by householder still a little bit low a little bit left and he's making those moves on his site right now as rio wilde told me early on in my career he's like why wouldn't you make the adjustment clicks are free yeah so it looks like you've got a tie game at 98 here sorry yes sir 32. is it is uh have you been up here in the finals before the last time we were here yes sir oh that's right okay uh feel the same different you're pretty calm cool collected guy how you feeling on the inside oh i'm a wreck well good that's what we like to hear hey listen you got those nice cowboy boots flat bottom don't be afraid to hit that red button pj's selling red buttons i think uh they'll be on sale after the match right so for nick cappers was that the first that was yeah i mean we got you know confused by some calls back there that was the first one he the first point he has dropped right yeah he called for the 12 got the 12. and that was an interesting scenario because you know you and i sitting here even the i think the call from pj we all thought it was just low but you know nick and i think darren christenbury figured out the scenario and he went for the win yep it's hard to want to shoot for a tie because it's really tough to make that you got to shoot an x-ring you know and that's when you know you got to shoot an x-ring just a tie that's a tough shot you might as well make that tough shot into the 12 if you're gonna make it it's about the same yeah the risk reward factor on that one is just because if he had missed it that's game over yeah and we sat here thinking based off what we could see we thought oh if he misses it's all good he's still in the same position plus one on jacob but no he would have had a you know would have lost by a so nick is i think nick might be starting to get a little tired you know it's an energy dump it's on he's only shot like 30 arrows or whatever but yeah man it's a lot of energy going for a little side adjustment taking a little time if you if you knew that your energy was sapped just a little bit steven you could see your shot drifting low would you try to compensate for it physically or actually grab a side adjustment ah that's tough to call there's that tough one there you don't want to plan for a bad shot right you want to plan for every shot breaking right in the middle just like you wanted equipment tell us about your vote equipment check with robert achieve xp shrewd rev-x's easton superdrive 27s with attack veins all right hamski epsilon you must know somebody there those things are like gold they are all right robert uh great opening here you are holding a two-point lead 65-63 so with nick happens that was the first really big bobble that we've seen from him and that opens up the door for robert householder so cappers who came in here our sixth place qualifier who knocked off jacob marlowe now trying to get a run going through a householder it looks like there's got to be a bit of a scoring change so it's going to be 65 to 62 so with three point advantage for robert householder yeah and now nick's in the position of he needs a shooter to 12 right away i think darren christenbury is giving him that instruction saying hey you need to get a 12 here it looks like householder's gonna go first interesting too because i saw cappers look down i wonder if he's gonna go for it early i don't think he will i would i would it's your freshest shot you know your strongest with your first arrow i would shoot at it first just trying to keep it in the 11 ring here don't give any points yeah got it yep robert's found his rhythm a little bit here good timing really good shot strong shots bow arm is solid as a rock [Applause] [Music] yeah nick's i think nick's just running out of gas he's adding a click or two could be and he's got to go for the 12 here i noticed in nick's shot process steve when you watch him draw back from our angle he just went for 12. he's going for the 12. he starts off pretty far above the target and it's a long drop to get it down there watch the angle of that bow get down it's a lot of time full draw and he just added those clicks and on a small dot i won't be surprised if he goes over the top of this one left low left a lot of times for guys when they're aiming at a really small dot they end up covering it up better than they do the center yellow and they end up missing high you see it a lot in the animal round and field oh yeah yeah i know what you're saying man these look so far out and then we see them on the screen and we're like that is that is that is tight i that's definitely uh an instagram post in or out people again the judge i think it's going to be hours the judge is going to be able to see if there's a sliver of red there and pj just took a dig at some of the calls we saw last year in the 3d 3d yeah you can't pull a line indoor if you're a 3d archer watching this that's not how it works you either touch the line cut the line or get on the inside but you know what all he's got to do is touch it i didn't so they're calling two arrows of his there i didn't see if he gestured towards the call on the first one here he's gonna he's gonna give direction he said the one is the plank and the other one he's still looking at i don't know i don't know maybe never looked at it what we're looking for there is if you see any red there's red there's red yeah yeah let's see if we can get a an official announcement it's a 12 and a 12. whoa okay so it was touching the line i guess it pulled the line he's looking at it closer than me so i'll give him the benefit of the doubt on that um on the screen here it looked like he looked like he was just off but again he's got a magnifying glass in the light 100 inches away you're looking at a tv from 18 yards away from that target plus we're looking also at a at a lens that zoomed all the way in and yeah you know any little movement two moves it around so well that makes it interesting for us keeps it a one point game so nick got both those calls on that one you got that 10. and do the 11. oh he just turned it off i thought he turned it back on yeah he had that one that was either a 10 or 11 he got that hold 34 points on that end and it's a one-point game so householder went from thinking possibly that he had some breathing room wrapped up to now the scarf's getting pretty tight yeah this is interesting you know you don't see swings like this at lancaster classic too often you know normally you're trying to get a point back occasionally a guy shoots a nine it's a two-point thing but yeah you know here we got one end that's dictating a lot of swing in in the result safe to say you were a fan of the 12 ring um i think i had i would do it a little different we saw it the rule taking advantage of a little bit in barebow last night where they were calling 12 but then shooting at the 11 i think if you call 12 your next highest value should be eight oh yeah yeah so you should be twelve eight seven six um shouldn't be allowed to score anything in the yellow at that point and i'm sure that this is the first year of the 12th ring i'm sure that the committee at lancaster lancaster archery classic will take a look at it yesterday in the booth linda linda ochoa anderson who you're familiar with i'm sure um she she suggested possibly a 13. yeah it makes it a little bit bigger but nice shooting robert yeah robert scott okay so nick's going for the 12 which he's got to get robert's got all yeah this is it this is it this is high to tie and give himself a chance or he's going home no problem first shoot-off yep [Music] yeah nick just responding no question there i mean just about as easy for us to call as anyone else yeah as we're like oh for five so far today we've been wrong on a lot of that yeah we're struggling i'm going to start carrying a you know a wireless mic and i'm going to walk right down there i'm going to break my microscope out and see what's up you're going to have it here hear me tell the judge excuse me can i get a look at this all right so here in the shootout finals looks like the scores are confirmed it's going to be 130 to 130 so that means we're gonna go into a tiebreaker and what judge is explaining right now to these shooters is how this tiebreaker is going to work now here is that shot for the 12. just looked like every other shot it's so good so smooth yeah so this is the way that the tie will work relatively simple it's going to be arrow for arrow each archer gets to shoot an arrow one at a time and the first arrow is for score so the highest score will automatically win and this will be over if they tie they're gonna go to a second arrow that'll be done on score as well so after that score is tallied if they tie again we go to a third arrow and that is closest to the center if we need it so robert's going for a 12. this is a bold move so now nick needs to shoot uh just anything in the gold really yeah shoot eight or better so man that's i like the aggressive style of robert robert householder yeah i wouldn't want to do it first yeah that's true so i was told nick may have been moving his sight [Applause] clicks yeah and then aiming at the center yellow which is a smart way to do it if you can manage so that that if you were going to do that though steve that's just a sight mark and so obviously i would imagine cappers had ordered some targets finalists from maine dave cousins the real dave cousins 27 years as a pro he is the only archer to win gold in all disciplines of world archery indoor outdoor field 3d world games 35 world records is your choice dave cousins absolute legend has been doing this a long time has pretty much won everything there is in archery and he's back at it and dave cousins is going for the 12 right out of the box right out of the box this is exactly what we wanted to see he's been practicing the 12 back in the practice range he goes high nine it's a bold strategy didn't pay out for him but hey it's a nine could have been in eight or six if you lose it's fourth place if you win you're guaranteed at least a third yeah a podium guarantee for a win here that's that's the ben you know when you come in second that's the benefit yeah you start second you're going hey the worst i got as a podium finish 100 it's kind of you're playing with house money at that point these guys this is the match that really matters trying to get on the podium always a big difference and you know take home pay for a third place finish rather than a fourth yeah there we go dave found center there yep but you know a little costly to come out start that with a nine wouldn't have been the end if you hadn't followed it up with the ten you know in terms of giving one point away but let's talk to dave you have been here before i've never missed a classic never missed a classic have you made and you've been up on the finals a handful of times yeah yeah uh how does it feel you're pretty cool you've done all this stuff you probably feel all right if you're not up here with a chance to throw up on yourself you're not having a good time all right i've never heard it explained that way before but there you go that's why we do it right that is why you do it not me ah because that is that is really funny sounds like a good bumper sticker too got up here with a chance to throw up on yourself all right so two-point lead for cappers and i would imagine that cousins is just going to go for the 12 again no matter i mean why not yeah yeah there it is see dave dave's crafty shooter he knows the best chance to do it is on the first arrow that's when you're making your strongest shot yeah smoked it oh yeah should be a bonus if you inside out that one don't you think i don't know if you can yeah seriously it's uh it's tight i mean yeah you certainly could but so now a one point disadvantage for dave cousins yeah that's huge though a little bit of shake there looked like a good shot coming out but had good timing you can tell someone's shot by either their reaction immediately you know follow through something like that or just the timing and see if dave can get this one on track here currently down two yeah he found that same spot again on that target number three low x inside out [Applause] it's a lot of intensity on a stage like this dave run through your setup for us tell us what you got i've got a pse 2022 super rtx here conquest bars the smackdowns running a shibuya site new oculus scope from shibuya hamski drop away rest shooting victory arrows gas pro my signature veins shooting carter releases harder releases strings first strings all right dave congrats on a good weekend so far we know you're not afraid to hit that 12. we like that something tells me that if the 12 is in play every every end that they would be going for quite a few of them yeah he might pull it four times but um you know i think he's gonna go for it here too looks like nick is gonna go first see if that changes any strategy i don't expect it will here in the third end you know you kind of you might you might let that dictate what you do in the fourth end or the final end but okay maybe dave's first larry's talking to him now here we go for the 12 ring again yeah dave is first three for three on 12 calls he's one and one got it again this thing it's at your spot almost i don't know if they put up they put up your target for them i didn't look that close i think so i know that they were down there doing something yeah nick good response there just keep hammering the 11 like you've been doing all day he's been up there like an hour he's got to be i don't know either he's numb to it or he's just running out of steam who knows good shot there by dave yeah gonna gonna grab that 11 line low and again all you got to do is touch it it's an interesting thing to note that 12 ring is 1.5 centimeters the the x-ring the 11 ring is 2 centimeters so it is just slightly larger oh man he knew it too yeah since he got it loose dave's going to be at 96 and nick is looking to put it at 98. [Applause] 10 low so that's going to be a 97 one point lead for nick going into the final end it almost feels like dave's got the momentum in a way doesn't it uh yeah in a way two at two twelves in a row for dave nick just drops one out at the bottom i mean i know that dave you know i don't know we'll see what happens he's gonna go for the 12. let's see what this final score is in terms of after the judges get back to us and then look at the strategy yeah i'm wondering if dave is going to shoot at it first or wait that's what i was thinking too i think i might wait it out on this one you know make it you got to make that a last arrow call i think that's the way to do it all right if you're just joining us here at the lancaster archery classic from spooky next sports complex we're in our final end of a shoot-up so they did call one of nick's did okay so he moved him to 98. mm-hmm so dave cousins is our third place qualifier nick cappers was our sixth place he's already garlic at 12 first and householder and yeah there we go and i think that's the move down two if you're down two you gotta go for it first and again get the pressure on the guy just like we saw in previous matches i you know it doesn't look like it but neither have the last three that were in that low left area so maybe yeah again that little bit of bobble there's an 11 by nick one thing's for certain for certain if if nick shoots 311s here it doesn't matter and yeah dave's got to get the rest of those too so yeah good point it's easy to assume that these guys are going to find middle cause they've been done mostly the entire weekend you know some ridiculous scores have been put up here seeing guys have only dropped three x's the whole time five x's the whole time like we had a 14 year old clean the qualification around at 660 only the third archer to do it in the history of this tournament so they are calling dave's first arrow at 12. so nick needs a 10 to tie 11 to win you got it got it yep that's gonna do it no matter what they end up you know any pending call on dave's 12. it's negated by 3 11's from nick who just is staying alive man staying alive so nick capper is our sixth place qualifier has now worked his way on to a guaranteed podium i think we'll just keep trotting out people yeah that one's off definitely off yeah yeah so that'll shift dave's score uh five points yeah but it won't obviously it won't have any impact on the final i think he's lobbying for that 12. yeah he's lying but you can see capper's 32-33 33-33 i mean he's only dropped a couple of points here and in four matches now yeah because i mean he let's see he went up against gaius carter right jacob marlow a robert householder and now cousins yeah i think he's only missed like three i don't know it's been he's had one if you're just joining us nick capras has had one round where he he cleaned it he shot at 132. he had some close calls that were called his way by the judge and yep so dave cousins who had a great tournament who came in here third only missed five points total in 1056 points place qualifier 14 years old shot the third ever perfect 660 in qualification from eatonville washington bodie turner [Applause] and steve you might ask yourself if you're 14 years old why why would you come shoot professional because although here at the lancaster archery classic bodie turner's only the third shooter to shoot 660. he's done it before at his local club yeah if you go to his instagram and look at it he is just absolutely shredding right now he's done it twice this year um the kid just crushes on the daily i don't know what else to say there's something wrong with him um that's so right yeah he's he's a super cool kid too really nice guy uh his family's nice and you know he's just an extremely extremely talented shooter and i hope i hope he has a really long and successful career and lets me win a few times before i quit there you go one of those archers too we look at you know we were talking about stabilizer weight he's only got a couple ounces hanging out of that bear he's got a very specific shot system implemented by his dad and you know i think the way they do it they just don't put a ton of weight on the front of the ball which can work inside it's not so conducive to outdoor shooting but we're not shooting outdoor today we're shooting here at spooky nook and we share our mpa that's right bodhi again uh low like everyone before him on the first few arrows you know nick's got an advantage that's like a one point advantage right now almost a guarantee everyone comes out and shoots a load it's i don't know if people just trust their shot on the practice range and i mean george ryles is in his coaching box and george has seen this happen many times during the day including george shot himself in the shoot up uh earlier at eight o'clock this morning yeah bodhi just added some more clicks too so he's feeling good about his shots and he's going why is this a little bit less low 33 for nick [Music] and the romp continues now we get to hear from bodhi how are you doing pretty good how many phone calls and texts have you got in the last two days quite a few texts couple phone calls yeah all right how's it feel you seem pretty comfortable up there this is your first classic i believe how does it feel to make it to the big stage uh it feels really good i've been shooting a lot and got to put up a pretty good score and should do do pretty good in eliminations so yeah i believe i was told you shot some practice lancaster rounds where you shot uh three of those and two of those you shot 660. yeah that was correct so you're pretty familiar that's just another day for you i wouldn't say that all right bodhi congratulations so far this weekend uh after one end we have a 33 32 uh advantage to nick one point lead first so with bodhi turner obviously he cleaned the qualification round which was 660 points out of 660 points and then during the elimination rounds that got us to a cumulative total of 1056 he only dropped four points and this weekend he shot 91 11's only one shooter that's ahead of bodhi in terms of outright score and it's part of what makes this tournament so great steve is that your qualification score counts yeah if you get into that final shoot-up group whether it's four or whether it's eight they add all the points you scored and that's how they rank you yeah everything matters here i like that if it's going to be you know this format a shoot i'd like that everything matters so bodhi uh you know another low 10 on that first arrow but meanwhile yeah nick just meanwhile rochester minnesota's there's an 11. nick cappers continues to just nick's finding the top of the x so you know earlier he was adding some clicks adding some clips and he might have some juice back in you know giving a little bit extra squeeze to to keep on keeping on here and now he's in the top of the x-ring so let's see if he makes an adjustment for that or if it just you know he might just leave it the legend darren christenbury behind him i'm sure that darren if he thinks it's appropriate we'll tell him exactly what his point of view is [Applause] [Music] run through your setup here [Music] chief xp shrewd mini mag a rods freak show rest white invicta and what arrows and release you shoot superdrive 27s and then the bg pro all right very good we move on to the third end nick has a three-point lead 66-63 now steve since you know a little bit about easton arrows i'm curious of your opinion as to you know what we see a lot is aluminum arrow still being used in competition today but bode choosing a carbon option what do you find is the difference on why people choose aluminum over carbon or carbon over aluminum uh i don't think anyone really knows that you know why or or what and you'll hear a million reasons as to why um honestly in this game the best thing to do is is try both and that's pipe yep yeah people [Applause] that's kind of archery in general it's it's always hard to quantify a lot of things and you can get both arrows tuned perfectly out of the bow by every measure that you can find and then one just seems to shoot better than the other so honestly what i'm usually looking at when i make a mistake which one is less bad you know yeah so you're looking for to eliminate the most critical component and whichever one shoots the biggest miss usually has to go but i'm always thinking in terms of vegas as well oh yeah so yep nick with a pair of tens there he's letting bodie creep back in i thought bodhi was for sure gonna have to shoot at a 12 ring i'm not sure he's gonna have to do it this end i guess it wouldn't matter and uh kick the button but okay so now nick needs an 11 here to keep the lead and he's got it and keep in mind whoever wins this is going against our number one qualifier and is only one step away from being open pro champion yeah i mean and what's on the line eight grand or twenty thousand twenty thousand dollars from manufacture contingency we got a one point game here so that'd be pretty good for a uh 14 year old yeah i don't even know how they make that work you know certain states if it happened after nine o'clock it would be illegal i don't know i stay out of the uh accounting and finance for other people so we'll let bodie and his parents sort that out he's making money no matter what he's on a podium here 100 yeah yeah good point and you know boat is shooting obviously because his dad shot and as a young kid he was always around it just want to pick up the bow yeah you know i saw bodhi on some uh some commercials this year as well did you yeah him and his dad are in some commercials for an outdoor sporting goods store that they've done some stuff with and there's another low 10 man he's he's worn that spot out he's got three of the four arrows right there in a group he won the 2021 rushmore rumble did the 14 year old cappers with another solid one yeah he's won reading in his age group 11. [Applause] okay so now this scenario here bodhi's got to go for the 12. he's got it and then if he hits it he needs nick to hit a 10. i think he's got that and the left side of that has been a common impact point for a lot of people a lot of people are hitting just low left of that so nick now 11 to win 10 to tie [Applause] [Music] well bodhi gave it a good run but nick cappers who was what that was that was five now five matches for him yeah incredible as you can see great shot by bodhi yep put a few pressure on still a podium finish for bodhi turner but it's nick cappers who shot his way so steve what that's that's five right yeah so he's at uh that's arrow 60 up here right so he sat gaius jacob householder dave cousins and now bodie turner and all these and i guess he had one shootoff arrow too right yep so he's got 61 arrows on the stage [Applause] but how about 14 year old bodie turner outstanding shooting for him to be nick's winning shot there on the screen yeah a little fist pump he knows he's going for a win now he says he's getting tired yeah all right let's bring out our first place finalist from liberty utah two-time vegas champ two-time u.s indoor national champ kyle douglas [Applause] well what can you say about kyle douglas steve anderson in all the arrow shots so far this weekend kyle douglas has dropped three points that's it so he's missed the 11 ring only three times so 95 arrow shot 93. or 96 arrow shot 93 11. uh let's see if he starts out with a low 10 here kyle's a puncher too you're going to see that thumb grab over that barrel yeah what do you know [Applause] and left everyone's a click or two left and about four clicks low i don't know man there's no one paying attention that's a costly point right there because now he has uh increased his total 10 count by 33 you know yeah and one arrow yeah yeah really that's his that's his 4th 10 of the weekend yeah everyone knew sight in at one o'clock gaps out in the practice range and not a single person did but kyle back on track with an 11 and another one there so nick got a free point out of him kyle spotted him one and uh he's probably gonna need that one i'm gonna guess i think that one's gonna be in i think so too but don't forget kyle's got uh he's got the 12. so let's go to pj welcome to the flanks archery classic stage how's it feel up there feels pretty good i guess not a good way to start but we'll get better i believe you shot a 659 in qualification but then shot your way up to the number one seed what how tell me about the competition you saw this weekend it's been pretty tough i mean this this class is no easy ride for sure never you know so it's just got to keep your head down and keep you know keep your focus and just do the best you can so all right well congrats on a great weekend so far kyle we have after our first in 33 32 one point advantage for nick cappers so for kyle douglas obviously he knows it's a costly one but the question is when will he go or will he need to go for that 12. i guess with one point between the two of them you could wait most of the round to see if cappers is going to falter and throw 10 down range yeah i don't think i'd go for it just yet i think i'd continue to try to wear out that 11 and see if he'll you know creep back to you nick he's got so much time up on this stage he's i don't know if he can get nervous now he's probably probably thinking about dinner more than anything else he's uh about to put a mailbox up behind there and set it up his permanent address kyle's on kyle mode now yeah he's just clicking him off yeah he's just going to continue to pound this 12 until something gets really serious and then that's about the only thing that'll keep him yeah you know make it a little harder for him so watch that thumb come around he's he's not even touching the button there he laid on it he's gonna punch it off and the reason he does that and talking with him this weekend is he brings the dot down into the target face and he never wants the thing to stop settling in the middle necessarily because it dings his confidence it's not a drive-by steve but it's like it's getting right to the middle yeah so cappers cappers opened up so kyle did not need to go after that that dwell not yet yeah yeah cappers gave it back to him so kyle yeah pse citation 36 with the sc cam on there uh hamsky rest in peep true ball sight shrewd scope um bee stinger bars gold tip arrows q2i veins what release you shoot shooting the true ball goat true balco all right good end there for kyle and seems like we're back on track now we are tied at 65. two ends to go in the final match of the 2022 lancaster archery classic here at spooky nook sports complex i'm greg white sitting next to the big cat steve anderson bringing you the action and it's all tied up as kyle douglas is trying to go from the number one seed to victory meanwhile nick cappers who's come from the sixth seed has clawed his way up the leaderboard to put himself minimum into second place you can almost see nick losing tension on some of those shots and i think he's shooting a hinge it looks like it's just dumping yeah and it dips low whenever you lose tension on the hinge and uh and let it slip through your fingers like that it's going to dip low the intensity of an indoor round is incredible you know the it's not just the physical strength yeah it's the mental bit of it too that really wears on you so kyle is gonna pound this one in there and yeah there's 10. nick's got a capability here to tie it up with an 11. you could see the bobble too on the thumb i was watching kyle's thumb and it was like he wanted to send it and was just fighting with himself [Applause] okay low on all three of those all right three arrows to go at the 2022 classic and we've got to die wow can you imagine nobody i don't think anybody thought that kyle douglas would shoot two tens considering that in whatever it is the 96 arrows that he shot he only dropped three i thought he would shoot one yeah the first one which he did because no one's coming out if they go back and listen to it i mean i think next year you're gonna have all eyes on the tv screen of people waiting for the shoot-ups i mean it's been like a hundred percent yeah i mean it's near that i have to look and see but um yeah you expect as good as kyle is in this kind of a final there's a lot there's a lot of nerves i expect everybody to miss one or two um you know and that was probably kyle's one the other one we're gonna call uh yeah just like the awareness error yeah there you go and i i don't expect two to come but you don't know that now you know coming down to the last three arrows tied this is when it's actually you're gonna have a ton of juice flowing and it's easy to push one high or dip one low um so let's see what we get here see if kyle can put the pressure yep kyle going first on nick cappers i'd almost rather that's gonna be middle yeah i'd almost rather go second and have an opportunity to end it with a 12. and if i'm nick i am not going to a shoot-off with kyle i'm looking to end it with a 12. yeah 100 yeah that's five inside out initially it wasn't getting there kyle has such a quick rhythm he's a quick shooter he's one of the first off the line normally in a qualification round so when he holds for a long time it's a whole deep breath moment nice toe to go kyle called 12. i do not get this i guess he's not gonna let he's not gonna let a guy beat him nick's moving inside he's gonna shoot at the 12 too [Applause] okay so nick is going to move his sight back yeah sure he's going to win with an 8 or better wow oh that's an anticlimactic way to have that come to a conclusion are you kidding me from sixth place to open pro champ can you get it done bingo and there it is are you kidding me nick capper's a couple years shooting archery [Applause] takes his elite to top of the box and open pro just incredible somebody get that guy a bed and a massage he's got to be exhausted wow holy smokes you wow made darren a poor man how's that feel pretty good nick tell me how you kept it going there i mean the guys were talking about ah nick's got to be getting tired but you kept getting better um i mean all the practice we do at home it's it's all for this it uh really took me into the into the shoot off here and and uh made it possible for me to carry it all the way and uh take first so feels good congratulations nick capper's 2022 lancaster archery classic open pro champ [Music] phenomenal shooting kyle douglas's face says it all yeah on the release kyle knew he made a mistake there i would have shot for a solid 11. make the guy beat you you know if you're going first but nick credit to him man all day long he's up here and just powered through it you know he he wavered a couple times but it was never enough for anyone to match him just incredible and now our opportunity to talk to our new champion nick kappers congratulations i mean i don't even know how many arrows you shot 70 something to get you here and it was definitely up and down for you but you're i think you're the only one that actually shot a perfect a perfect 132 at the end of the day uh well deserved how was it uh good uh felt felt uh amazing um practice come you know putting in all the work to get here it uh feels really good so obviously you're rejuvenated with adrenaline rush from winning and stuff but were you starting to feel it just a little bit towards those last couple of arrows or uh yeah i was i was getting kind of tired coming into the end there i was getting a little bit more nervous when kyle stepped up to the podium as uh getting uh starting to dip a little bit low and having to kind of throw him up into the 12 ring or the 11 ring well nick you did a good job throwing them up now my question is you spent so much time out there on that podium are you do you have a hotel room for the night or you're just gonna bring a sleeping bag and pillow in there and post up right there um i'm pregnant drive home uh part ways and grab a hotel okay that's a good that is definitely a good idea i think with the the purse that you won here you could probably treat yourself to a nice hotel room probably get a suite with a jacuzzi i'm sure your back's gonna need it yeah yep well nick cappers congratulations our 2022 lancaster archery classic open pro champion can't wait to see you again will we see you in vegas all right sounds good all right well my thanks to steve anderson for joining me in the booth and thanks to you everyone out there for watching and our competition archery media team and all the people that put this great event on that'll do it for us for the 2022 lancaster archery classic from the spooky sports complex here in manheim pennsylvania we hope you enjoyed the show we'll see you next year [Music] you
Channel: Lancaster Archery Supply
Views: 278,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: archery, compound bow, bows and arrows, lancaster archery classic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 48sec (5028 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2022
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