KNOCKOUT Archery Challenge

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first of its kind first time on the Channel I want to do a little knockout Elimination [Music] [Music] Challenge here's how it'll work we got a good group of us here today we're going to shoot down so every Target we're going to eliminate one person furthest from the center this isn't a game of like who's the best until the end it's a game of who's not the worst knockout archery challenge we'll hop right into it how do you think we should decide the order Josh f a coin what do you think would be fair go by height shoe size I don't care man condom size I can I no ways we're not going to check I here's what we'll do first 3D Target we'll go closest to Center okay and then we'll develop the order off of that oh okay so is who is closest there closest gets to shoot last all right we're going to get names on arrows so we know whose Arrow we're pulling or initials whatever qualifier shot how far we got Josh 86.3 is what my range he said shoot distance nervous right now are you nervous you're you're undefeated what are you nervous about that's about to change those who can't don't care that you hold I think so he couldn't get his finger I thought you could like you hit the back wall boom not what your wife said let's go check it out it was very anticlimactic I know mine wasn't very over there man if you haven't seen yet Lucas came to Nevada with me slightly insane and it was an absolute [ __ ] show of a hunt and he hung tight and he has a YouTube channel now which I'll have linked down below with a whole bunch of archery nerdery yeah if you're a bow nerd uh you know go go ahead and check that out if you want otherwise uh you're going to have a whole lot of stuff you don't want to learn you owe him a sympathy subscription for hanging with me in Nevada it was ugly but we we held strong Dr Dr is farthest woo that's getting soft we got to put that plug back in there it say big d That's is that is that long hold Drew see big d so you got to slam that [ __ ] when it gets back there that's all right Lucas that's a good shot though Lucas what that are pretty damn close but I would say that one's farther out than that one I agree all right and that's t- sizzle the so which one's left I'm I'm second so you're second you're third you're fourth you're you third I think Tim how many self-employed does it take to figure out okay so here from the last second to last third to last fourth last fifth to last sixth to last so yeah all right our friend Joel's got to lead the way from ready with this fancy little consequence what's our yardage 5 6.5 56 did you range that should I check it again yeah you might want to check that again trophy R what we shooting the far one right rinder using the far one them cheap CH China ones you get off Tik Tok oh 50.9 dude good call you're welcome sir Joel actually needs a caddy I watched him at the r she that would have been that would have been a good way to got right over that Target I would have missed it by eight yards that set up yeah you'd probably missed the whole Target all right here we go here we go it's a good shot so every time we're going to eliminate the person furthest from the center 8:00 10 line and if there's a controversy we'll do a shoot off Drew Drew is almost undefeated on the channel almost he's only got one blemish on his record not a bad shot was it probably about 12:00 11 somebody's closer yep that's a lot better than your first Arrow there whatever whatever finds his way PS out want it right in the middle yeah exactly can shake it any way which way you want you know what I'm saying good shot :00 I think you got a little little third little third AIS a little I was still shaking pretty good I'm actually a little nervous because this this ending isn't scripted you know what I mean mean so a like WWE ain't the WWE PA fight it's got to make a good shot you know what I mean I've seen him miss this one [Music] what pretty safe though think I'm safe you're safe all right remember the Santa game of the best best this is a game of who's not the worst you know valid valid you just got to hang around yeah is that why you decided to pick this you figured you're just not the worst [Laughter] no dragon it's the original Dude Conquest bars how you like your clicker I really like it yeah how long you been shooting the clicker 2 months yeah it's good it's been a pretty popular choice around here yeah that's kind of the thing about shooting last is you just don't want to think about what you can do you know you's got something to aim at love shooting you do yeah especially when it kicks up wind really hard when it's your turn you're aiming are awesome when you shoot last from the guy who won't compete today dude know I mean valid right you can't win if you don't play he's not a fan that sound like grass I think that's a did I that's a whip oh [ __ ] we foral air actually it's the uh used the wrong PIN yeah it is it's the wrong indicator needle that doesn't count everybody gets one of those cut that that out like that felt great you watch like you do it on the first yeah I am going to get a clip of you looking for that Arrow very good mold again you got a metal detector Josh my timer going off tell me I got to get yeah what' you shoot it for that good I'm never going to confirm or deny that Lucas is our first out very graceful exit we love Lucas he has a YouTube channel should go check him out yes that's my Okay so Tim was the farthest one out that's still here but I'm here then here yeah yeah so I'm first second then me so I'm third third then Joel got his sight reset you're welcome Joel thank you sir here we go sight resetting your site is almost as nice as a mulligan yeah I find it funny that uh I'll go first I don't give a [ __ ] he missed and so I get the privilege of shooting first it's an honor what you guys need to know about Drew is he just scouted the target all right first Arrow there's a I heard a very interesting little thing about that that's not getting eliminated what's your range finder show 541 541 little subtle side Hill here is that sauce that look pretty good felt really good maybe a smidge high no it's low left oh is that like Edge the Lish what I'm saying yeah low side call out the amateur side hey Josh you got to lean into the hill a little bit bro this one gets you every time it's just subtle but it's there right it is use the right one this time all right Josh Jones in the house 54 yards little low little L left yep the lateer side yep that's not a great shot I guess it's me next huh yeah Joel rocking the dart and 7 and 1 12 in bracet how could you miss with a bow that forgiving you can't you can't see Josh the thing about this shot is it's on the side Hill is that smoked smoked smoked Redemption is it me was it you were closest to Center I got someday man yeah it's a hard it's a hard position to be in Drew because you can't possibly do better than that but you can still lose yeah it's Lonely at the Top you know what I mean it's Lonely at the Top get a little windy your nipples might get a little perky you know what I'm saying mine are already perky today they covered today that was a cheap shot dude when I when I saw that story I was like that mother nice you saw that Sol little zenino double Zen all right tell us what we got Josh wanted to take a quick little break from this video to give credit where credit is due the first group of people I saw make this style of video good good golf knockout challenges elimination challenges works for archery thought it's a great idea curious what you think about it I want to ask for you to subscribe to the channel that stuff helps a lot every little bit helps and I'm on the road to 100,000 and I'm trying my best to get there and finally stuff like this isn't possible without an archery shop an archery course that lets us do this kind of thing so shout out to Josh Jones He is POD I have a discount code with him it's Tim see it helps support what we do if you dig this and we'll get right back to the video closest to is uh Drew here just slapping him right in the middle Joel got the edge Timmy me and our new buddy here still got an eight though still caught it he's in the audience tough crowd to sh with really tough tough tough he's not used to the heckling that's that's that's the problem we're pretty rough around here yeah John I will go first TC followed by Tim oh my God Joel Joel and Drew God and drewy and then there was four Jos learned from the best he learns from Joel I am the best he is the best if I could ever get to the point that I work as little as that guy I'd be so happy I don't know why I keep looking at it it's pretty good shot pretty good shot yeah that's a good shot a little too much bubble a little heavy on the bubble just outside the 11 at 9:00 lots of room in there just outside all right guys Joel in the house Darton 48 yards 11 saof about dead center little r somebody gets to go just a bit outside buddy not great think uh I think you're gone jtim I think I am too we'll see we'll see it's close J's out why you so happy about that you talk so much [ __ ] okay I'm going to gracefully exit I'll be the commentator but I'm out Big D will shoot first JJ will shoot second and Joel man absolute darted C bat and clean up and then there were three where are the vital on my friend Drew just hangs around Michael you good find your way okay back move these guys if you need to clear I used to do that so many times 10 line inside 9:00 little left not bad good elevation to the left to the left everything you want in a box to the left well you are in a hill here so you're going to want to B lean the top of your bow or your Upper Limb into the hill a little bit cuz as you pull through the shot and try to fire it it's going to come back this way everything about how you're standing is going to make you want to do this everything about how you're looking is going to make you want to do this cuz your body wants things to look flat and it doesn't so you're going to have to lean in a little bit and as you pull and it goes off it'll come back into it which is why on all these shots you see like that why we always end up shooting left unless you're doing it a lot cuz as you come out you go left like Drew shot the Am side right there like well he still made a good shot he's still 10 I hit right where I was aiming man I I aimed in the wrong and if you're taller and you have a mohawk you're a little gravity affects you more so Josh has to bubble in more you don't have a low C like some of this is true the air is thinner up here too yeah I have to take in more oxygen than the next fella that's why I'm breathing so hard sometimes all right [ __ ] you got it got a little door's wide open Joel that waggled weird too that Arrow did something weird wob weird little oh yeah little Funk the funk just talk about he didn't hit low no no he's not low not 48 48 not 58 which is why we did better when we shot as a team on the back 58 right before 60 a little clicker a little custom clicker let's get it Joel guys are D tied I got him you're outside the tent no he's not he isn't we'll check it out we'll get we'll get the official I think I still we'll get the official so this is what happens when you give a lecture about what to do when shooting on a hill and then you don't pay any attention to it when you fire it it goes exactly where it should have if you weren't looking at your bubble so I'm out call that t oh no you didn't I thought you got that Joel lead off man and then there were two and then there were two Andrew bear graceful exit for Josh Jones better luck next time I'll tell you what if I lose on this next one I'm throwing blows I hope not dude we got the grand finale here 105 Joel's just tearing it up with a mid-priced bow and Drew's dominating with really heavy arrows it's a sad day for me only really heavy arrows a very light no it's the lightest he's ever done but it's still on the heavy side but it's all good he's getting better every year he takes off a little bit more learns a little bit more gets a little better here we go that final shot final final my guy Joel ice in his veins 105 moose it's a good shot now lot of room Jolan got 105 on his tape so he did a little guesstimation there how far you guesstimate show how far you slid it was only 96 and a half yards oh it was yeah what did I shoot a 105 you [Laughter] I thought that was like something like behind the curtain deal that I was supposed to talk about you know that yeah you'll be this way I like Drew but he's won a lot and he's hard to root for right now so I'm definitely not rooting what he what was his highest did he shoot a 300 Vegas yeah he did shot a 325 x his first round that he got into the 300s maybe we should just punch our triggers maybe we should bust his kneecap or something um anyway final shot here's D Oh I thought that was perfect it dropped on me and pretty sure Joel's got pretty sure you got it no I'm pretty sure you got it yeah it's close if it's so close we'll do a shoot off I hope it's a shot unless figure it out for sure it's got to be for sure tracking perfect and then it just all right here's the verdict we got the center right here and Big D got it you tell it's big D by the name on is Fletching the um the street continues what's the person got to do to come out here and take you down look plain and simple I'm the best there ever was I don't know that one kind of broke my way I wasn't super happy with that shot but I edged him out ain't nobody can hang with my stuff hey first last don't this is a game of good enough and today Drew was good enough just barely that's good just barely wi by an inch or a mile winning V diesel you I had you you you GNA quote Vin Diesel on my channel got yeah very true that's the first ever knockout Challenge on the channel let me know what you thought of it I had fun anytime we're out here flinging Arrows with the guys it's a good time if you want to see this video RAM back leave a comment leave a thumbs up let me know what you thought of it and um we will catch you back for the next one
Channel: Tim Connor
Views: 30,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tim connor, tim connor archery, 3d archery, archery shoot off, bowtech core ss, best budget bow, darton consequence, bear alaskan xt, flagship vs budget bows, 3 bow shoot off
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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