2022 Haval H6, H6 GT & H6 Hybrid - (Comparison and Cost of ownership)

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foreign [Music] [Music] for whatever reason you decided to continue watching so if at any point along this video you end up feeling some type of way you will only have yourself to blame welcome to another video foreign [Music] reviews on YouTube and I'm pretty sure you've already seen a couple of videos and chances are you already know everything about the different H6 models but you being you we are watching Another X6 review hoping to hear something different well you've come to the right place in this video we have the H6 GT normal H6 superlux and H6 hybrid if you are not smart car manufacturers will play mind games with you so in this video I'm not gonna waste your time talking about USB ports and cup holders because you already know about all those things here we're just gonna focus on which H6 offers the best value for your money well in my opinion and it is very important to note that my opinion is not the word of God so it's up to you whether you take it or leave it I like to have H6 but now the Chinese are showing us how to legally move a daylight robot you simply create a problem and sell the solution while everyone is still teased you give them a sporty version of the card that everyone is complaining about to exacerbate the problem no matter how much I may love a brand once they change a few things niana on an existing model then charge more they lose my respect that's why the lemon brand lost my respect when they gave us the 2022 Polo R line that car is useless and it's crazy that it now starts from 445 000 Rands before extras no offense if you bought it don't feel bad fellow most South Africans don't use common sense when buying a car we buy based on emotions you can't justify spending close to half a million rents only one liter three cylinder hatchback like how do you feel when West Bank takes 8 500 every month from your salary then you pay 1 500 for insurance that's ten thousand rents down the drain before you even factor in the cost of UN I said enter at your own risk and you continued watching if you have any regrets it's not too late to reconsider your decision and excuse us because there's no point in addressing people who are not prepared to hear the truth we ought to have uncomfortable conversations because that thing of massaging people's emotions doesn't work and don't get it twisted I'm not beat how jealous that you guys are driving Airlines and I'm driving a Swift I'm merely just trying to help in front the A6 GT looks really mean compared to the normal one GT not GT normal not normal you don't even have to be a half elephant to appreciate the stunning design of this Kanda but for me the red design is not that great some people will love it but for me it's a no if you love it we're not gonna blame you though because people love different things some just want a pretty face someone bumps and Men I want both in Prints but that's the collapse with the GT you get 19 inch lost black walls with some line break calipers some people say they are yellow but for the purpose of this video we're just gonna say they are lime to avoid complicating things with the 9gt H6 superlux there's some Chrome on the wheels and if you don't like that you can get a black spray paint can for as little as 40 rounds so the side profile is nice front-end design is super nice but the back is borderline weird firstly they removed the eye catching light bar and replaced it with the fake carbon fiber insert secondly the back is just bulky and flat and it kind of makes the car look chopped I can't really explain it but after the second spoiler there's a weirdly flat surface area and from this angle the car looks like something you'd see in a video game the red design is not a deal breaker at least for me due to the slanting coupe roof design the GT lost a bit of boot space the 9 GT H6 superlux has a boot space of about 600 liters and with the GT you only get 392 liters that's what you get if you go for looks over practicality but at least there's a spare wheel which you don't get in the H6 hybrid inside all the A6 models are more or less the same the only difference is the sweat and lime streams you get in the GT but you already know that because you are not seeing an H6 GT today for the first time so I'll skip the story of leg room and cup holders and get to the uncomfortable conversation do I think the A6 GT is a great car yes it is absolutely an amazing car but I wouldn't buy it because for me it has no key selling points besides looks and the underwhelming exhaust sound with the H6 hybrid you pay more for the hybrid technology and the key selling point is improve well efficient when you compare it to the normal H6 here you see where your extra money is going with the GT there's no compelling feature that can make me opt for it over the normal H6 super Lux even when it comes to Performance they merely just added an extra five kilowatts and five newton meters of torque so that we can shut up because they knew there's people like me who are gonna say yeah even the performance is the same but five kilowatts really just by normal H6 super lens you won't be missing out on anything with the 40 000 range change you buy petrol buying the S6 GT for race mode just like drinking a non-alcoholic beer it's pointless I get all the H6 GT social media hype but for me this car is just nice to Admire from a distance almost like having a crush on an Instagram slay queen that crash should just remain a crash because if you act on it your pocket will surf the same applies to the Suzuki Swift sport it is just a great car to Admire from a distance because there's no way I'm spending 400 000 Rands on a Swift with that money you can get two brand new Suzuki Swift GS and go home with 20 000 Rands change now imagine dropping all that money on one Swift oh man the H6 hybrid is a great package but now the price difference between the H6 superlux and the hybrid model is 80 000 runs that's a bit too much compared to how Toyota is pricing their Hybrid models let's use the Corolla cross 1.8 XR as an example the price difference between the normal cross XR and the hybrid model is just 23 500. even with the RAV4 the price difference between the normal RAV4 gxr and the hybrid model is just 39 400 but with a value you have to pay 80 000 Rands to move from the normal H6 to hybrid yes JaVale is offering great feature packed and relatively affordable products compared to the established Brands but the way things are going it seems like they are prematurely trying to pull a Huawei on us and it's a very risky move because in South Africa the ceiling is quite low for underdogs the H6 launched in 2021 around June and the four-wheel drive superlux costed only just 515 000 runs now you pay 590 000 rents for the super Lux that's a 75 000 runs increase in just one year in a few months I can tell you now the way things are going it's only a matter of time before haval hits the ceiling because South Africans are brand Loyalists and they set a mark for underdogs once you close that Mark they will take you no matter how good your cars can be that's why they hand the i30n is not getting the support it deserves because my fellow South Africans are saying they won't spend 750 000 rents on a handy Kia gave us the Sorrento which is a great car but South Africans are saying they won't spend eight hundred thousand runs on a Kia the same thing is going to be said about haval real soon if they rush into maximizing profits before building a solid fan base you can't justify 75 000 rents price increase in just one year while our salaries remain the same then you blame people when they say they can't spend 600 000 rents on a Havana forgetting that when you increase prices your target market shifts and the people who can comfortably afford to spend six hundred thousand rents on a car won't be interested in a Harvard look the thing with me is that I analyzed cars from an average consumer point of view not a petrol head perspective because more often than not petrol Health don't use common sense anything that moves from 0 to 100 in less than five seconds is great to them even if the car is ugly and comes with a ridiculous price tag oh this one is the best team chance episto Windsor the one big issue about Chinese cars in general is the concern about fuel consumption but I don't really believe the H6 is that bad people are just buying big cars for the wrong reasons and end up complaining about fuel yes Chinese cats tend to have a steep consumption compared to the arrivals but if you buy a big four wheel drive female SUV for a family of two and drive it as your daily card to work what do you expect 5.2 liters per hundred kilometers you play too much from what I've heard from the guys who currently own the haval H6 is that they average between 8 and 12 liters per hundred kilometers that's what I expect from a big petrol car like this one the full consumption uproar is borderline propaganda ask two liter Tiguan interop drivers what's their average full consumption and you will realize that people are just being kind of harsh on the Chinese regarding the issue of reliability so far the guys who own her valves are not complaining about anything and that's a good and a bad thing at the same time the good part of it is that the cars are proven to be reliable the downside is that if people are not experiencing issues we will never know whether the cars are fixable or not because you may find that the car is only good if it's not giving you problems and once it breaks no one can fix it reliability is not just limited to a car not giving you problems it also entails the availability of parts and skilled technicians and mechanics around your area when it comes to the cost of ownership according to me there's no need to be spending more than six hundred thousand runs on in H6 because you can get one for less than that The Sweet Spot is the normal H6 like sorry four wheel drive and it costs 550 000 rents if you finance a 550 000 rents car for five years with no deposit and no value payment at an interest rate of 9.75 percent your installment will be around 11 600. at let's say maybe two thousand for insurance and your monthly cost goes to 13 600. phone wise you can budget between three thousand and four thousand and that will take your total monthly cost of ownership to between sixteen thousand six hundred and seventeen thousand six hundred this is just for the H6 lecture not even super Luxor now let's say you don't listen when people try to advise you and you buy the H6 GT the car will cost you six hundred and thirty thousand rents and if you finance it for five years with no deposit and no balloon payment at an interest rate of 9.75 percent your installment will be around 13 300. then you add 2000 for insurance and easily cross the 15 000 landsmark again for a petrol you must budget between three thousand and four thousand and that will take your total monthly cost of ownership to between 18 319 200 for what looks and race mode I'm fine thanks let's now save for some weird reason you think you can beat the system by driving a hybrid the system is going to beat you because for an X6 hybrid you pay six hundred and seventy thousand rents then you sign your life away to West Bank for five years with no deposit and no balloon payment at an interest rate of 7.5 percent and they will take around 14 150 from your salary every month after paying Insurance your monthly course goes to 16 150. since now we are driving a hybrid you'll spend 3 000 or less on fuel so your total monthly cost would be plus minus 19 000 rents with 19 000 Reds per month you can get three picantos one for yourself one for your meal and one for your side chick and probably be still left with some change but I'm not here to tell you what to do with your money if you are thinking with a budget of 19 000 runs per month you'd get yourself a BMW I'm with you but if you're thinking of GTI we are on your own then there's those who are thinking about property they were out of order because you can't drive an apartment but you can sleep in a car thank you for watching don't forget to like share and subscribe to the channel for more car content in Amazon's context [Music] please [Music] foreign
Channel: Muzi Sambo
Views: 136,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: E1Oi1KlDpcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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