2022 Chamber Business of the Year: Joby Aviation

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foreign wants to know what's going on at Joby there's magic there there's like incredible excitement about what is Joby doing next I Joby we're transforming an entire industry Aviation which hasn't had major transformation since the 60s with jet propulsion we're now doing electric propulsion which is going to fundamentally transform Aviation and we're doing it right here in Santa Cruz when we're trying to figure out as the leader of all the states on climate change how to transition to electricity and off of fossil fuels transportation is the biggest sector where the transition has to happen and Joby is just taking the lead they're taking the lead on technology on taking the risk they're disrupting the marketplace there's so many new opportunities and new ways to engage that's just really an exciting thing for students for the rest of us too our students find Joe B to be a really exciting place to work for a couple of reasons our values are sustainability social justice making an impact on the community those are all things that Joby does we're building the future of Aviation which didn't exist before so the curriculum in the university has to alter so we're partnering with them on how do we create new courses how do we modify electrical engineering the university needs to prepare students for jobs that haven't even been created yet our partnership with Joby really makes that connection and as a result of this partnership we're actually hiring lots of graduates from the University it is our number one University that we hire from I'm thrilled to be here at Joby because I'm personally passionate about creating opportunities for people who haven't had opportunities before giving people a path to a better life and I'm really grateful for the incredible Partnerships we have with local high schools local school districts like the Pajaro Valley Unified School District starting in the summer of 2022 we created our Taking Flight summer program which gives local high school students exposure to careers in aviation so they can see the career opportunities that might be available to them at Joby and more broadly in the industry we're already receiving feedback from parents and teachers that a lot of these students grades are improving because they're more motivated an area I am personally passionate about as a pilot is to inspire the next generation of female pilots and female Engineers inspiring the girls the girls in fifth grade the girls in high school so they can say I can do that our Advanced manufacturing apprenticeship offers a variety of different tracks we have Composites manufacturing tracks we have a robot operator opportunities non-destructive inspection equipment maintenance technicians equipment attendance and in a couple of years we'll have tremendous opportunities for aircraft maintenance technicians the mechanics who maintain the aircraft Pilots the ground crew that work at the sky ports and the list just continues job postings continuously we can't keep up with the number of jobs that joby's listing both locally as well as globally now there's always a hundred to 200 jobs open and it's very exciting I want to offer my sincere congratulations to everybody at Joby one of the comments that I often get from Adobe employee is that they're working more hours than they've ever worked at any other career any other job and it's always followed by and I'm loving it congratulations to Joby because if there was anyone that deserved the award this year for business of the year it is them congratulations to everybody at Joby Aviation for winning the business of the Year award we love working with you a huge thanks to the Santa Cruz County Chamber of Commerce not only for this award but for making Santa Cruz a great place for Joby to call home this award means a lot to us because our founder Joe Ben bevert grew up here in the Santa Cruz County went to high school here came up with this vision for the company here and is growing the company here we started with 15 people and now we're over a thousand and in the end for us the way we make an impact in the world is to our people through our community and through the environment that is what makes Joby so special
Channel: Santa Cruz County Chamber
Views: 4,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qzmb_waRiFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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