2021 PORSCHE 911 992 TURBO S *340km/h* REVIEW on AUTOBAHN [NO SPEED LIMIT] by AutoTopNL
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: AutoTopNL
Views: 3,400,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: porsche 992 turbo review, porsche 911 turbo, 911 turbo, 911 turbo 2020, 911 turbo 2021, porsche 911 turbo review, 911 turbo review, 992 turbo review, porsche 992, porsche, 992, 911, 2020, 2021, autotopnl, autobahn, carwow, germany, top speed, speed limit, porsche 911 turbo s, 911 turbo s, porsche 911 turbo s 2020 review, porsche 911 turbo s review, review, test drive, pov, porsche 911 turbo s 992, porsche 992 turbo s review, 992 turbo, acceleration, launch control, 0-60, 0-100, drag race
Id: FlmE3yEoYGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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