2021 Intech Flyer Discover Technician Tour

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hi guys drew back again with princess craft rv and today we are going to be walking through the appliances and operations of the 2021 discover by intec so starting right up front here with the loading and unloading procedure uh we have your coupler right up front here at the tongue now this is a little different coupler than probably most of you are used to seeing now this does not stay in the unlocked position so the idea being is that you would you would have to essentially keep this in that lifted position while you back underneath the coupler here once you're centered underneath that coupler you're going to go ahead and run the jack down once you are fully seated on that ball just go ahead and let that loose now you are going to pay special attention that you do have this secondary latch actually engaged there onto that coupler that's going to keep that from potentially rattling loose also not a bad idea to go one step further and add a secondary pin here through these holes again that's just going to be a little bit more security again to keep this from rattling loose going down the road state law in texas is that these tow chains do need to be crossed underneath the coupler as well as it is illegal for them to make contact with the pavement at any time so make sure you're skating that line of having enough room to make your turns left or right but not so much room that they may make contact with the ground riding right next to those toe chains on a third or separate connection point on the receiver is going to be your emergency breakaway cable here very important this is essentially your last line of defense if any of these other tow components were to become compromised as the two vehicles separate this is going to act like a rip cord to the electric brake system so again very important can't stress enough we do want to have a third connection point on the receiver whether that's a quick link carabiner uh whatever your god as long as this is riding separate of the tow chains also right up front here we have your seven way plug this is going to plug into the bumper on your vehicle this is going to give you full function to the tow vehicles charging system braking system marker lights tail lights all that fun stuff hopping right up here of course we have your front storage compartment here nothing too crazy with that does have a latch there it is able to uh lock and keep all your gear secured in there uh also up front of course we have your full-size spare tire here uh again kind of just pointing out the obvious here uh 20-pound propane cylinder here this is the most common propane cylinder you're going to find out there in the wild same variant you're going to find on any gas grill standard open and close valve on the top now when it does come to refilling this tank we want to make sure that we do turn uh that valve in the closed position make sure that's nice and snug we would then disconnect our pigtail harness here or pigtail there and then you have a tension band so you have a number three phillips head on this side and a 7 16 nut there of course you're just going to loosen that up that's going to allow this tank to easily be removed and take for service of course make sure we're tightening that back down before going down the road you don't want this potentially bounce out of that bracket moving on here we have a couple connections here uh our first up is going to be our 30 amp 110 volt power supply now if we take a look at this plug it is only going to plug into the camper one way you have two diagonal slots and then one l shape as long as we line everything up properly it's going to plug straight in from there we're going to give it an eighth inch turn to the right here that locks it in then we do have a secondary collar here to screw down and make sure that connection is nice secure it's not going to get pulled out or you know disengaged right beside that we have a cable satellite inlet so that's just a standard rg6 cable fitting that's going to pass through to the inside of the unit if you want to feed either a park cable service or an aftermarket satellite package into the unit you can easily do so with this port here and then right beside that we have a standard portable solar port this is essentially just a direct connection to the battery what this would allow you to do is is supplement the unit with a portable solar panel make your connection here essentially plug and play most of those portable panels do have the charge controller built directly into the panel that's going to kind of be the brains behind the operation essentially all you have to do is make your connection here of course directionalize your panel to the sun and it will take over from there dropping down below here we have your water ports of course this one here on the left is going to be your potable water that's what you're going to be using if you're doing any off-grid or boondocking we are going to stick our hose directly in there we're going to fill that up until we are satisfied and to pressurize this system we do need to use that onboard water pump of course to draw that up from the tank into the fixtures now if we're staying in the capacity of an rv park or we have access to full-time running water we're going to use this city water connection now water pressure becomes very important when we do talk about that city water connection most of the units that you're going to find are rated anywhere between 50 and 75 psi so it is very important that we do not exceed that pressure rating so to help with that we include a water pressure regulator with your purchase this is going to regulate that pressure to 50 psi now what this does is hooks directly onto the water source we want to go ahead and protect our hose as well as the internal plumbing of the unit so we hook this onto the spigot first we then hook our hose onto that and lastly we make our connection to the camper by rotating this hose bib on the actual camper and then riding right beside that we have a battery vent uh nothing for you to really take note of other than that is of course the the battery is on the inside uh in the cabinetry and this is how it vents out to atmosphere for you not much you're going to have to be doing here now when we talk about that battery later it's important to note that it is a lead acid flooded battery what that means for you is two or three times a year we're going to want to go ahead and pull those vent panels up and inspect the water level within and we are going to refill with distilled water if we do see that that water level dropping so good time to talk about the tire pressure and lug nuts for this unit these tires are going to be ran at the max tire pressure rating that goes for any camper tire out there you can find that stamped on the sidewall of the tire in the more traditional location also we can take a look here at the sticker on the frame which is going to give us that number and that's 51 psi so that's exactly where we want to run it that's going to give us the highest flexibility in terms of weight rating whether we are completely full or completely empty that 51 psi is going to be a good number now if we walk back here to the tires it's also a good time to talk about lug nut torque now these have been torqued down in our shop to a hundred foot pounds uh every manufacturer recommends going through a retorque procedure so the first 15 25 50 and 100 miles of initial travel it's very important that we do check the torque on these lug nuts and make sure they are maintaining that hundred foot pounds manufacturer further recommends that at the start of each trip there on after we again check and make sure they are maintaining that hundred foot pounds of torque walking around here to the rear a couple things we have a vent here now this is open from the inside it's very important that if you're using this in the capacity of like a toy hauler you have any outdoor equipment there on the inside that we do go ahead and make sure we open up these vents to to dispel any gases or any buildup of anything like that there on the inside also you'll notice that on this unit there's stabilizer jacks on all four corners of the unit now those are for stabilization they're not for leveling once you are satisfied with your level front to back left or right we're then going to run these down now what you have here is an included crank handle spline drive setup so that just goes there on the end you're going to come down and make contact with the pavement and just a quarter turn more just to sure everything up and again you're not going to want to over stress these jacks they're not really meant to be load bearing or anything like that they are just to help stabilize the stabilize the floor keep you from feeling like you're walking around on a couple tires so again once we make contact fully just a half a turn more again just to show everything up now making our way back to the rear of course we have this back door up before i go ahead and lower that down i want to make sure that we point out your secondary receiver here that's excellent if you want to add like a cargo rack or a bike rack here on the rear of the unit but just make sure that we are uh taking note of the sticker here and we are not exceeding that hundred pounds max capacity so just keep that in mind other than that here on the rear of course you have tail lights marker lights porch light there up on the top but you have this folding door what you're going to do is as long as you're unlocked here you can just go ahead and lift up on that latch make sure you swing that out of the way and we're going to do the very same thing here on the rear now this is heavy but it's not too terrible they do have some struts in there to kind of help along with the springs there to kind of help you so it doesn't come down on you so it should be fairly easy for you there i just want to point out a couple all-weather 110 15 amp outlets here on the exterior of the unit so very easy basic kind of entry step with this unit all you're going to do is pull from the center lift up slightly that's going to make that come out same on the way in so just lift up slightly kind of feed it in there and it's going to be secure it's not going to bounce out going down the road or anything like that also you have a magnetic door hold open here which is a pretty cool feature that's going to keep that door from swinging in the wind and it uses those magnets to do so so all you have to do is kind of open that up that not only keeps the door open but keeps it from swinging back here into the camper one last thing to note here on the exterior of the unit is there is no gray water holding tank with the discover that sink is essentially just plumbed through the floor uh transitions through the floor we have a bucket here to catch any water you use a cap to cover when you're going down the road now this is a standard uh garden hose fitting so if you want to if you don't want to route your water or if you don't want to catch your water in a bucket here you can surely hook up any old hose and route that away from your campsite or down a drain or whichever you prefer just about covers it here on the exterior of the discover we're going to hop on the inside and take a look at those features so here on the interior we're going to start with the irv technologies stereo now this has am fm radio bluetooth it has auxiliary ends whether that be an hdmi or a usb your your modes are going to be listed here of course you have a c confined volume button here zone one and zone two now this unit only carries one zone so it's not something you have to worry about with that now this is a very kind of basic head unit style stereo i find most people are pretty familiar with with how these operate and again it is an on off button there and then you select your mode pretty straightforward so here up top we have your fire extinguisher now this is a very important piece of your safety equipment and it's equally as important that we test our safety equipment every single time we take the unit out now on top of this extinguisher there's going to be a little tab if we go ahead and press that tab down and it springs back that means there's pressure within the unit if it stays depressed that means we need to go ahead and replace the unit pull it out recycle it and get a new one moving on we also have another very important piece of safety equipment here it's going to be your carbon monoxide smoke alarm now this runs on a 9-volt battery it'll let you know when it needs to be changed it does have a test button and we do want to make sure that we are testing that every single time we take the unit out dropping down low here we have uh your some 12 volt plugs there a couple usb chargers as well as a 12 volt cigarette lighter style receptacle that will allow you to of course power any 12 volt equipment charge phones any usb driven devices as well below that we have your the corresponding rg6 cable jack that we saw there on the outside now this is going to of course be the outlet of those services what we saw on the exterior would be the inlet and then below or beside that i should say we have a battery disconnect switch that battery disconnect switch is going to isolate that battery from the unit what that's going to allow you to do is put the unit in storage and not have to worry about any nominal or phantom draws wearing on the system so very easy to just go ahead and switch that in the off position for storage so anytime you're storing the unit go ahead and disconnect that battery beside that we have your fuse panel breaker box what we have here on the right is going to be your automotive blade style fuses now those are replaceable not a bad idea to go ahead and pick up a variety pack a fuses keep them with the unit if one of them goes bad when you're on the road you can easily replace it and then to the left of that we have your resettable breakers same kind of variant you're going to find in your breaker box at home and in terms of function those are all labeled both the ac and the dc circuits on the lid here beside that we have your water pump switch that's going to be that lighted switch and then we have your overhead lights here in the kitchenette area and lastly we have your blue back lighting here of the overhead cabinet and below that we have your gfi protected outlet now all the receptacles in this unit are on the same circuit if one of them were to get overloaded they would all kind of follow suit now this would be the reset point of that you should see a test and a reset button on that receptacle and that's how you're going to easily restore function uh to those receptacles so down here on the floor we have your carbon monoxide lp leak detector now this is wired into the 12 volt side of the camper so you don't have to worry about any batteries to change or anything like that now again it is equally important that we do go ahead and test this every single time we take the unit out functions very much like a smoke alarm with that test button you'll go ahead and push it it'll beep at you a couple times and you'll know it's working correctly so if we open up this cabinet here we're going to find a couple components all the way there to the left is going to be your battery box as you can see see that's a sealed battery box the only times you should generally have to open that up is of course to do our battery maintenance as well as you do have a couple fuses in there one is going to be a 15 amp fuse for the solar hookups that we saw on the outside and the other is going to be a 30 amp fuse that is essentially the main 12 volt power line so if you lose all functionality to your 12 volt appliances that's going to be more than likely the case in that the four screws along the outside would need to be removed open up the battery top inspect those fuses make sure they're good now we have your freshwater holding tank as well in this compartment we can see a series of valves now if we go ahead and take a look here this valve here if we were to open that up that's going to drain what's that start with this valve here so this valve here if we go ahead and open that up that is going to drain this fresh water holding tank of course it's very important when we're using the tank that that be in the closed position now we also need this valve to be in this position here with the flow of the water line that's going to allow that water to cycle through the pump now you have another hose here and you can see that kind of tucked behind the water line there what that's used for is if we're doing any winterization with the unit what that process generally entails is going to purge all the water from the system we are then going to introduce antifreeze into the system using this guy here so what you would do is you're going to remove this white cap you're going to stick that directly into a bottle of rv grade antifreeze we would then switch that valve further up into the line to oh we would open that valve so we're going to move it with the flow of the water line uh from there we're going to use our water pump to draw water throughout the system so what you do is you open up the both sides of the sink there both hot and cold and we're going to let that run until we see of course pink at the fixture that's how we're going to know that we are winterized when we actually see that antifreeze at the fixture other than that not really much you have to worry about under here you do have access to your water pump we can see that there in the background again not really too terribly much you're going to be doing back here we have your refrigerator right beside that now this does have a lock there on the door so we lower that down if we go ahead and open it up looks like a pretty standard dorm style refrigerator now this runs on 12 volt as well as 110 volt electricity we are going to control our temperature with this knob here so 1 through 5 in terms of temperature of course 5 being the coldest and 0 being off other than that we of course have some storage here on the underside of the sink we can see that drain making its way down through the floor and of course transitioning to the outside and then hopping up nothing too crazy with the rest of the sink it's just a standard stainless steel single bay sink hot and cold water here of course this unit does not have a hot water heater so you're not going to have really access to hot water although you do have both positions on the valve cooktop here does have an electric igniter which is a cool feature what you would do is you would hold this into the lighting side of things go ahead and hold that down until you actually see the flame at the burner and then you can adjust that further on the knob when you're shutting the lid of course make sure this is cooled down completely you are going to lift up on the lid and then allow that to come down flush so here right inside the entry door uh first up is going to be your max air air excel remote of course we have a fan on and off button here in the top left hand corner uh we have up or down that's going to increase or decrease the fan speed we have a plus or minus here that's going to increase or decrease the thermostatic temperature here we can open and close the the lid with the remote and then we can of course either bring air from the inside or exhaust it by reversing the fan direction here we can also close that lid and have that that fan circulate air if we want to kind of run it like a ceiling fan really cool uh really cool feature to the unit and is going to work well now this is a 12-volt appliance so you will have access to this off-grid if you choose to do so below that we have your awning in and out switch of course this is the location of the switch we're going to talk more about that awning on the exterior when we go ahead and demo the bed for you and then below that we have a couple light switches one is of course going to be the main ceiling lights here on the unit the other is going to be the outside porch light so here we have your air conditioning controls uh up top here now this is not only your air conditioner it also can produce heat as well for aiming for that we're going to turn to this little heat dot there that's going to kick on the fan to start circulating the air and then we're going to take our thermostat control and move that onto the hot side of things of course if we give it a few seconds it'll start producing heat now if we move that one more click there we're going to be in low air conditioner one more that's going to be medium air conditioner and lastly that's going to be high air conditioner now if we keep going that's going to take us out of the actual air conditioner mode and into the fan only mode and again you're going to have three fan speeds with that as well and then of course we're back to off uh of course before you know when you're on air conditioner you're running cold of course turn this to the snowflake for one to produce heat make sure we're on the heat dot and we're in the red here uh different kind of louvers here to to push that air down you also can directionalize that air uh with the louvers on the sides the for the front and the rear now this also does have a filter that's going to need to be cleaned every so often uh what you're going to do is if you start noticing some dust accumulating here on the grill we're going to want to make sure that we clean that filter so what you're going to do is stick a flat bladed screwdriver in here and kind of lightly pry this out once you've done so you're going to see a netted filter go ahead and remove that as well rinse it off in the sink give it time to dry of course replace it you'll be good to go here on the rear of the unit we have a couple light switches uh one is again going to be the main ceiling lights there and then the other is going to be this uh porch light we have on the top rear that third brake light is of course not only a brake light but it pulls double duty and is also a porch light as well so when uh folding the tip out and first things first you are going to remove this the center support what you would easily do is push in this detent that's going to allow that whole wall to pull forward now this just clips onto that bar with a little plastic clip there you're going to fully remove that bar very easy to remove and i like to go ahead and tuck that into the front of that uh you know bag there and you'll want to go ahead and zip this up completely before actually bringing that room in if not you'll come inside and your mattress will be laying on the ground here so once we zip that up completely we're going to head on to the outside so with that center bar removed and everything zipped up on the interior we're going to come out here to the exterior now this process is definitely easier with two people although it is very doable with just one you're going to start by lifting the side the skirting up make sure that's not going to get in our way at all what i then do is i pick a side and i tilt this up and i start by tucking that side in making sure we're not going to pinch anything and then i still keep this kind of held up into that cocked position and then i just do the very same thing over here making sure nothing's going to get pinched and check on this side one more time and once we've done so we can come over with our latches here now you're going to put a little bit of pressure there to compress those seals and then we're going to do the very same thing here on this side and you're going to of course do that on both sides and the tip outs will be stowed away so here we have the awning extended now it's very important that we do not operate it in this extended position without the support from the leg so to fold those legs out very easy you have a thumb pivot here so you're just going to unlock that there that arm comes down we open that up a little bit that's going to allow us to come down we're going to make sure our foot is touching the ground there and then we can lift this up to our desired pitch and lock it back with that plastic tab there we're going to do the very same thing here on this side so we pivot it out come down make sure our foot's going to make contact with the pavement and once we are satisfied with our pitch we go ahead and lock it up now very similar to go ahead and stow that away one thing to mention though is when we are locking it back we want this foot to be flat against the metal there that's going to allow that to come back here into this plastic piece and that's going to keep things nice and secure just about covers it here on the intech discover we hope you enjoyed this walkthrough if you do have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to give us a call thank you so much for your time have a great day you
Channel: RV Tech Tours at Princess Craft
Views: 14,638
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Id: SQTAJunfa9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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