2021 Hay Season Starts - Cutting Hay and More Baler Work along with some Tractor TROUBLE

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all right guys we're back at it hopefully you can hear me heading back over to adjust the plunger on the baler got some company caden mommy down here working on the job site pickles over here climbing on the hay that's left in here so we're gonna start this morning we're gonna install these new bearings uh this one the other one's a lot worse shape and i got it at home so i don't have it but this has got a little bit of movement to it it's not really terrible a little bit of wear but we're going to replace both of them to do this you just loosen up this set screw here in this collar and this the shank on this bearing has a little groove in it you just tighten that down on it but uh i got her going so this hair should come out not give it a tap with the there she goes all right so here's our new bearings this is the old one uh not a whole lot of wear on this one but a little bit pretty simple just slide that in and we'll tighten this down same thing down here all right guys so now i'm going to take this nut off and our bushing out of here clean that all up um we're going to pack that bearing with some grease the bearing's in good shape still so we're just gonna go back with it and the other bearing is still in the head of the feeder bar and once i get that cleaned up and get some grease in there we'll be ready to go back together with it all right so when i i got this wiped off for the most part and what i'll do is i'll pump grease on this here cover it really good and then i'll slip this inside here got the bearing packed with grease shaft cleaned up packed the head with grease hold there all right in the trap and get our pin lined up all right i used a inch and a half socket and got it on there i also smashed my hand not really smashed i pinched you see that instant blood blood so i did that about 30 seconds ago that'll feel really good going into work tonight gloves i guess guys gloves so all right anyways that is in there all the way we're ready to tighten this down this is a castle nut we'll tighten that down put the cotter pin in [Music] all right guys feeder bars back together i did move this i don't remember where it was when i took it off i put it about four inches from the head that's kind of the starting point and then we start bailing if we're getting some uniform bales or whatever we can adjust that as needed so the feeder bar you can see there is play side to side which is normal it's not excessive there's also that much play up and down which is normal that's good you don't want it super tight or it's not gonna you're gonna wear things out and tears the stuff up but you don't want it you know if it's really bad it'll be flopping in here and it'll actually get bad enough that you could jump out of this track here and give you a problem what what we had problems with the last time when this thing crashed and i tore some stuff up and had to straighten out the head and everything is one of these studs on these rollers actually broke off and that caused it to crash and bad things happen so since then i've removed this bar that was in here the purpose of that bar is basically so you don't get any hay drug back whenever you come in and it comes up that bar is supposed to rake that hay off these teeth you generally don't have issues with that there might be some instances that some certain really really stemmy hay or something you might have some issues but i've took it out and we've bailed i don't know several thousand bales with it and uh never had any issues with it so i would recommend actually taking that bar out before you crash because that that bar can cause you major issues structural issues uh if it gets messed up so the only thing i left to do is i got to tension the chain on this as far as the feeder goes and uh right now we're going to jump over to the plunger and for starters i'm going to go ahead and put the knife blade in here and i'll put the knife blade on the plunger and then we want to adjust this bar over here on this side to make sure that they are parallel with each other that's step one all right plunger knives new plunger knife old plunger knife do the exact same piece um the reason i'm changing is i think we ran a couple right teeth through this thing you see these big old chunks taken out of here to get that sharpened down will take forever now what i might do in my spare time because i have tons of it i may take the grinder and knock these burrs here off and take the welder and just build that up a little bit and then grind it down and and because the rest of it's really not bad hit it with a grinder for a little bit and it'd sharpen right up but these big notches you can't really grind you can grind them out but it's a lot of grinding this big bar right over here that one right there we'll move that up and down however we need to to make the this face of the plunger match this wall over here basically that knife and once we get them parallel then we'll move this horizontal bearing with the cam and we'll shim it we'll push it over this way as far as we can to take up our slack between the gap between our knife our knives need 10 to 30 thousands gap and you may not be able to get it all with this one so you'll move it over there and then you may have to shim your knives uh but time will tell on that so then we'll run it through the paces and we'll do the other adjustments having to pack them up and everything but that's fine they need to be expected justin the bailer will be would be done but i gotta go in there we go in the set of pain all right guys we got the feeder bar put back together got the stationary knife on the plunger knife uh it's on i couldn't find one bolt and i dropped the nut off one of the other bolts so it's only got one bolt in it so i'm gonna go buy some new bolts some new nuts all that good stuff i had trouble getting that one on so it i just need to replace it anyways and uh that's as far as i got probably gonna be cutting tomorrow so no nothing like a little bit of uh urgency to to to get it done that's just the way we like it i work better under pressure anyways actually so hop in the truck head home and i'll catch up with you guys tomorrow morning morning guys it is the next day um we're gonna check out the disc bind here right quick i'm gonna go for a walk through the field just a little bit to see how wet the ground is i'm really hoping it's not super wet uh because i'm gonna put some hay down today first things first 1000 pto show [Music] do i'm gonna lift these up check my blades just gonna look at the back here make sure there's no big hydraulic leaks or anything like that and we'll look in here got my helper on it good job you saw me put that plug back in there he's make sure it's tight all right i just topped off the gearbox a little bit from time to time they'll puke out a little bit uh when you're really running hard and it heats up puke some out the breather not a huge deal but i just like to keep them topped off so i don't have any gearbox issues we got one last gearbox to check and the way we check it is you have to pivot it to the side and it actually has a sight glass here and i can see the oil right there and this one here if you run it too high it will definitely spit it out the breather so that's good right there as long as i see it in the sight glass that means we're ready to roll what do you think cade all right guys i don't even know if you can hear this or not but i broke my external mic so what we're going to have to do is i'm going to be videoing on the other camera the other side of this so i won't be able to see what i'm seeing i'm looking at if i'm trying to talk to the camera but uh we'll be all right [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right guys we're in the alfalfa field next to the house the ground is moist it's not too too bad low spots worse um i'll show you the crop here there are a few weeds in it uh we're in i don't know maybe 10 to 20 bloom it's a lot wetter over by the row where i planted all that grass it's really thick uh but it's cutting okay we are drawing it as usual so the ground can dry out more and then we'll tet it and scatter it out i started across the road on that little spot there and it went pretty good so i'm going ahead and cutting this first so i'll try to square bail this and then we're going to go back and cut the wheat on the neighbor cut the field to the east okay there's kate and mommy waving you want out you need help say hi to the camera k say hi hi wanted to get out and kate's been crying and going crazy wanting back in he's been running out here in the field so he really wants to ride back there he likes watching the hay spit out the back of the mower but uh that's probably not the safest place for a kid to ride for anybody he's over here riding really good i can't wait to actually build a funny scene for this tractor what do you think cade i'm going to find a place to mount the camera outside here kate thinks for some reason i'm kicking him out of the tractor so he flopped down here not too happy we're not done we're not done nothing beats the smell of alfalfa hey being cut any hay but alfalfa has got a particular smell sit down in your spot sit down there always okay watch your fingers oh he's got him a spot all right just got this little piece right here left jump across the road that's it for this field heading to the neighbors all right cage ready get out of the weeder stephanie's hard on wheaties aren't you just got the kids mister set up it's nice to have weather where you could use a mystery this field's done number two about five acres a little over nine acres for the day i got another six over here we're gonna do that i'll put us at 15 and then we'll go to dads and hopefully i'll get about eight eight acres there done and maybe the baylor fish i don't know it's already new so just running around these little fields and and then having to go to daz do that running around really eats up a lot of time you don't realize it but all right field number three one of the new plantings it's got some orchard grass in it i planted orange grass and red clover you can see some red clover and it's got a good amount of orchard grass but it's also got some that wild millet or cheat or whatever so that's why we're round bale in this field as well uh hopefully second cut will come in a lot cleaner all right we're just going up the ditch instead of crossing it so we don't cut a bunch of ruts and stuff [Music] so all right guys another six acres done this is actually a lot better than i thought it was there's definitely mostly orchard grass in here but there is this uh i don't know i think they call it wild millet i'm not sure i may decide to actually pick a few spots out in the field that's a little bit better and do some square bales that's a wrap for here guys we're ready to go to mom and dad's and get that more hooked up hopefully get about eight acres cut there and then start working on the baylor it is a beautiful day though it's nice and warm i'm gonna stop by the store on the way over there and get some stuff for the baylor get some freon for this tractor it definitely has a leak are you bailing hey cade uh oh jackknifed it hi that's why you don't get to run the real equipment yeah there's the rig feels pretty good for a broke guy across the road there and cut down the road here a little ways this field here turned out to be a lot better than i thought it was going to be all right guys finally going here at dads uh we got a little problem this tractor's three-point hitch is jacked up can't lift lift and lower it from the cab it's some kind of electrical problem luckily this board here you don't really lift the three-point hitch use the cylinder we'll let it down a little bit here and here we go seems pretty smooth here we go we'll see how high it's cutting and the tractor just died see how far i got here the answer is not very good looking hey i can smell it too that's how far i got i started right over there by that post and i got to here probably 100 feet maybe cutting good though good height this is nice thick hay orchard grass rye grass and some clover uh too bad we're just not able to get going holy cow it's got some kind of a fuel problem i don't know if it's the lift pump or what well i definitely made it more than another 100 feet i think i may have made it 200 feet this time whoa finally up and going guys talking about your frustration i actually ended up taking the cap off the fuel tank and it hasn't stopped since so i'm thinking that may have something to do with it i also tightened some belts that have been squeaking forever i had to take a pry bar to get it tight enough but we got it tight and we're laying it down baby this boar is slightly different than mine more in case you couldn't tell so let's take some getting used to i'm gonna have to probably adjust a little bit more on it i'm trying to get the happy medium between not scalping and not leaving too much so we'll have to mess around here figure something out anyways we're finally up and going so we got plenty of sunlight as long as nothing breaks down we'll get this painting cut here pretty quick all right guys uh it's cutting pretty good but if you look here it is way too short i think i mean it's not terrible terrible it's not scalping it uh but it's i mean it's not up to the top of my boot the only way we can adjust the cut height with this thing is the center length arm here what that's doing is that that tells that cutter bar back and forth and so right now you know i started out like this and it wasn't cutting very clean so i tilted it down you don't want to cut it too raggedy because whenever you rake we'll pull a lot of that green stuff in and that won't be worth a hoot either so we gotta find that happy medium [Music] and right about the top of the boot right there and i think that's good that's about three to four inches i think we go any more we're gonna be leaving too much stuff behind so we're gonna go with that excuse me we're gonna go with that and we'll try we'll check it here i don't know son of a buck here in a bit wish me luck nice sunset you can't see because of the dirty glass and my crappy camera this is some pretty thick hay i know that's the thickest i've ever cut but it's definitely thick speaking of thick this is the field we're gonna do the yield contest on so i'll try to get some footage here uh and i'll take a do a walk through let you guys see it after it's been cut and everything and we'll see if we can get some some people guessing and i'll let you know later on that i'm actually going to try to give something away this time since i've got i don't know a few more subscribers and and i'm kind of more of a channel now if you want to call it that i don't know what you're going to call it but i'd like to give something away i haven't decided exactly what yet i have some ideas uh so yeah i'm gonna accept guesses through i'm not gonna give you a date i'll accept guesses in the comments on this video as well as probably the next one where i tet it and rank it once i start failing i won't accept any more guesses i will say that there really aren't any thin spots in this field so just give you an idea this field is approximately eight acres the whole thing is about 10 acres but uh taking out the two two acres in the bottom so this this field is eight acres and we make there's a ditch there boys it's all right didn't tear it up too man we make 50 pound bales so we'll accept gases uh oh it's doing it again it's been going good now all of a sudden i don't like it anyways something guesses in bales per acre so we make about 50 pound bales all right i'll tell you what i don't know what the problem is it's got a restriction somewhere dad put a new fuel filter and that didn't make any difference but i wonder if we need to just try that again before we get too too in-depth it's just a restriction i can tell by the way it's active it's just restriction because basically what happens is i'll run it and it'll just get to where it just loses rpm it'll it sometimes if you stop in time it won't completely die but you just don't stop in time it's gonna die okay you let it sit sometimes you don't have to hardly let it sit you can just crank on it and it'll sputter and get going again what that's telling me is whenever you're running the tractor under some given amount of load it's requiring more fuel than it's getting i don't know where that restriction is when i took some fuel lines loose it seems like fuel is coming out good but the problem is whenever i'm checking it i can't do that under load i don't know if where the restriction is it's probably not enough of a restriction i'm going to find it just taking the line boost i need to be able to put some pressure gauges so i don't know what i'm going to do i like to take that line going to the fuel tank loose and throw some air in it we'll see all right guys i cut over to right there and it took me longer to cut the last four swaths and it did cut everything i've cut so far um i'm gonna change the fuel filter in it i called uh the only two places that are open this late it's eight o'clock is autozone and o'reilly's uh the town closest to me neither one of them have this filter for some reason this is a filter that no one stocks even though it's an eight dollar filter it's crazy so but there's another town an auto zone that has it i don't typically uh i'm not a fan of autozone it's just kind of a generic but you know what there's not much special about a fuel filter and i've got we got a number so surely we can't screw it up right so frustrated right now one tractor won't start one tractor won't run three point hitch doesn't work on it so i came all the way to the next town over only to find out that they don't have the freaking filter either they don't even look it up it's not a good part number they can't even sell it so i don't know what the first person like that there is a perfect example of why i do not go to autozone i should have not even screwed with it no one has that filter it's an eight dollar filter the first person i talked to it at autozone said they did a system search and there was one in marion he said that's an eight dollar filter they have one in marion i said okay came down there nope don't have it can't get it not even a good part number to even order one so i called the last guy i talked to well i didn't get to get the same person he said well i don't know maybe he misunderstood what you were telling me it's like it's pretty simple i'm not the happiest person right now so this is the end of this video guys i really appreciate you watching god bless you god bless america franklin county forage out
Channel: Franklin County Forage
Views: 1,173
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: Hay, 2021, Cutting, Gehl, 2412, White, 2-135, Tractor, Diesel, Discbine, Orchard grass, Alfalfa, Timothy, Ryegrass, Clover, Wheat, Bale, Square, Baler, New Holland, 276, 326, Plunger, Knife, Feeder, Bearings, Kubota, M125X, Ford, 7600, Krone, Easy cut, 280, Disc mower, Illinois, Franklin County Forage, 2021 Hay Season Starts - Cutting Hay and More Baler Work along with some Tractor TROUBLE
Id: bnh64vIY4dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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