2021 Game Room Tour - Arcades,1300+ Games, Kiosks, and More

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i am very excited to be walking down the stairs of my game room so first thing you're gonna see is my kind of cinema set up right here all dvds tv shows and stuff like that that i don't have digitally archived yet um cool cinema sign that we've seen at um one of the stores or whatever tmnt poster my little minnie scott pilgrim collection right there with a poster goofy movie poster popcorn machine and again not going to go super in depth because this will take forever but ton of movies blu-rays if you want to see it comment below and i will do a little collection over here i have some ghostbusters uh figures and stuff like that i will show that off later in the video that has a whole bunch of my kiosk and stuff like that in there but here is my main gaming area show that off a little bit more in a second i have some more games there a lot of my funko pops are over here um my tmnt collection right there air hockey table kind of just blasting in the middle over here is my bar area-ish this will probably be the one thing that changes first relatively soon i'll explain that later and over here's a bunch of my anime funko pops and my arcade one ups so i'm gonna start with the games why probably most of you guys are gonna be here i will go more in depth with my switch collection soon drives me crazy my daughter went through my switch collection then um yeah made me a little frustrated that it's a little messy but didn't feel like cleaning it right now i got those from gamestop when i used to dive back in the day my complete inbox wheeze blue one i got from canada from toronto [Music] that was a kijiji deal in the box i found later on or before that the black one was a local craigslist deal my almost 200 switch games will be more probably by the end of this month hopefully down here the wii mini which i also think i got in canada i want to say don't remember for sure red one red wii um the classics down there and a chunk of my wii collection i'll show you where the rest is be curious over here that's uh a um what do they call it perler beads of me of my comic book character um a amped up version of me um when i used to write comic books uh box den1064 has complete box in there um we've um why is that called it's not uh i forget ring fit ring fin still haven't even played that correct out the box uh the tachinoku versus capcom is complete in the box and that thing's amazing some levels would get to at some point and then the wireless base that went with the sound bar that went with the tv uh one of my awesome deals for this uh 4k tv which is amazing quality um when the soundbar and it has bass um it was 400 bucks um older couple didn't want uh the tv anymore they were retiring i had to drive about 40 minutes out the way to get it but it was an amazing deal and well worth it over here is my uh playstation 4 pro which is the monster hunter edition have the vr kind of set up um the stuff is down there for it really do kind of need to play it got a whole bunch of uh my switch collector's editions and big boxes the zelda ones awesome xenoblade definitive editions you know blade two my wii u um still under a console um i should probably crack out some light gun games on there it'll be pretty fun to do got the sound bar there got some uh some other things in here picked that up in canada as well one two years ago i believe now uh fire emblem which i do need to redeem that code soon even though i think i have um endless time to do that down here the playstation moves for the vr my my kind of juice jukebox slash uh tablet where i kind of use it to control music on the soundbar is kind of cool have a whole bunch of music on there and some movies so if we just wanna you know hang out at the bar area and just listen to music usually use that at some point gonna mount that up and all that's fun stuff oregon trail if you caught that and that was a father's day gift from my daughter if you want to check what's in this which this used to be in my living room um if you watch previous videos um does light up and all that stuff that i don't need to right now it's uh spring relatively warm here in minnesota down there it's got some of my more collected or more watched movies um some comedies down there for the guys um over there got a couple anime uh instant star big show i used to watch back when i was in uh high school uh boy meets world again my favorite show of all time um doug awesome series right there and the 19-2 from the creator of letter kenny good really good show um definitely a really good show i've really enjoyed that um over here um you can see my eye in the sky there one of a few down here uh kind of glaring on the funko pops over here of master chief it's a random pez funko morrowind which that was only 20-ish buck so i couldn't complain about that master chief helmet my small xbox one collection right here uh nothing crazy shoulda probably put that up though um another thing i got from uh canada that i believe that was three years ago now was this uh crystal clear um xbox 360 xbox original um i believe that did not get made in states i believe that you had to get that from canada obviously a lot probably transferred over here to the states uh my og xbox collection i know for a while i was doing big collecting for the ogx box it's starting to get a little bit more expensive since people realize how sweet of a console of this i'm still stuck at about 300 games for that um down there but i do have basically all the expensive ones i just need to get some of the shovelware if i want to complete that at this point i'm not sure that i want to my 360 collection probably one i got 90 percent from diving and ten percent from uh from either pawn shop couple dollar deals or from gamestop when they're clearancing out some stuff like uh near found that at gamestop um last they're at like in the dumpster from there in the dumpster it was awesome uh last obviously i got for cheap last room that i got for cheap basically all the biojacks and halos were free from half price books or something back in the day operation darkness i got that locally from a gamestop for dirt cheap before the prices went crazy on that for a little bit anyways on to my playstation 4 area this is strictly ps4 besides the uh the batman um figure um i believe it's five star i don't wanna do it quickly i got that from diving um that's what got my daughter into wanting me to go dive mores we're starting to find funkles and stuff uh probably about four or five months ago were like six months ago when we were uh looking for boxes for when we were moving into this house um my daughter got super excited so i took her out once or twice and didn't want to go again i just don't have time to do it like i used to uh my professional career has gone up a little bit crazy but anyways on to the games over here that was from gamestop though that one day i found funkos and stuff that was pretty cool um over here you got some collectors editions for the playstation 4 the limited edition console you know kuni playstation 3 details of symphonia up there and then this is my little playstation section um got a lot of playstation 2 games it does go to back in certain areas um i don't know why that water's there my wife must have uh been down here and i really need to talk to her about just leaving her stuff around here but anyways uh i got a bunch of the games from my playstation 2 playstation 1 collection there really enjoy that one of my buddies is looking forward to the point that i might sell this stuff off um over here this is a working uh rk1 of cocktail cabinet mostly used as a side table we will crack it out every once in a while to play over here is just an extra tv that was a free tv from uh a facebook deal just mounted on the wall and got a snes classic in it i was actually going to throw that away and i was like uh i can't i can i can add that to a wall but uh a lot of funkos um not gonna get too crazy into this but um i did go crazy and collecting it for a little bit and then i dialed it back to basically the stuff that like 90s 80s stuff that i grew up collecting so i love power rangers so uh power rangers big influence hello digimon loose ones huge ghostbusters shrine uh that artwork is pretty sweet right there um a lot of those loose funkos i got on the deal on craigslist for 20 bucks um some random pictures down there over here are some more ghostbusters figures some transformers master of the universe she-ra glow-in-the-dark and then over there i believe is uh marty um also there is the party wagon up here is my tmnt funko collection as of right now uh i got some really nice ones really enjoy this uh collecting for tmnt which leads to my tmnt collection uh just been collecting a lot of this um i actually had recently talked to my brother about some of this stuff [Music] honestly we did not grow up uh well off so we didn't really have the toys but we were always big fans of tmnt and he was a huge fan of uh thundercats so getting older and have disposable income by and stuff that i like so over here got some real ghostbusters up there me and my wife and then turtles and time collection which leads to uh the two shredders over here um got this uh sewer sports all-stars hockey that kind of go into the bar area but uh this super shredder right here is beast um love it love it at some point i would like to have that one signed by kevin nash since he played super shredder in the movie um the cartoon series complete in box awesome party wagon complete in box um mighty metal head and uh the wrath of crane over there got a really good deal all those loose figures were 20 bucks um just amazing deals i got on this the token razar my buddy had two of them so he gave me a good deal on that and after watching the second movie again i needed to have that over into the bar area do have a functioning dart board that probably gets the most play in the household um the ski ball is pretty fun um with uh my my three foot ninja turtle right there chilling to show you basically right there is where you're supposed to throw the darts um okay i do have actually uh another neon sign i need to hang up at some point but this area is probably going to get redone uh blitz and marvel superheroes over here um the maple leaf sign will get hanged up hung up again but a tv will be mounted up there at some point i just haven't gotten to it um thinking about 42 inch smart tv so we can watch sports over here and have this be the bar area think about taking this out and just moving the arcades down a little bit to have a little bit more space um vince carter invincible iron man a couple tmnt sets my wrestling figures right there if i glance over this sorry blitz 2000 gold i'm thinking about adding showtime to this as well so it's a little bit all around fun and at some point a pandora's box will go in there that is the original cabin this is original as well um so at some point thinking about adding a pandora's box which is right there to it and selling off that board um we'll see when that happens some wrestling funkos um my record player which i need to get to at some point to actually hook it up beer fridge will probably move over here a little bit um my wrestling figures um not big wrestling figure collector those are just ones that we bought years ago just didn't know what to do with it now that i have a little bit of space i can uh hang it up and then my wwe belt that my wife bought for me very thankful for that my uh raptors little banner that my wife also bought for me she knows that uh even though um born raised minnesota american we are we do have a lot of friends and i do have family in uh the gta area so it is a place that is near to and dear to my heart and honestly we might move there at some point but as right now we are here for the foreseeable future um over here a little sneak peek um these are books that i wrote besides the cowboys calendar obviously but these are things that i created um see up there last ninja writer bobby smith just some things i wrote in my early writing career thinking about getting switching up my writing to novels though um over here i got some my wii u collection and my wii big box because we have a new dog you don't want him to rip up cardboard which is why the wiis are in the middle section i didn't want him to get up there and start ripping stuff up some gamecube games as well i'm not going to get into the collections too much but uh basically the same as the last video not much is added to the collection uh something that my daughter my ex-wife made for me back in the day that closet has a bunch of shipping stuff and collectibles that i'm holding to sell later on in just a moment i will get to this area okay we are back and let's start off this wall we'll step back to show off all of it there's a lot going on in this wall but let's start off with this 360 kiosk this is the first kiosk i found diving um really the one of the oldest pieces in my collection um also that uh halo reach uh 360. back in the day i've worked overtime to actually get that um and really excited about that but oddly enough it's probably be the first thing to go in my collection um even though there are some sentiments behind it um over here a bunch of my hero academia stuff i got some posters and stuff there and way too many funkos of my hero academia on here before i bought the blitz cab i actually made this to be what's themed and then i bought the full-size arcade which made that kind of pointless so at some point i might switch up the artwork on here but this does have a pi 4 in it um really excited about that obviously back lights or led lights um got a the game boy i got from cjr when i was in canada the last i believe maybe two times ago um asked him to if he had one an extra one bought it from them um on the side there i got a playstation 3 that is hooked up to this tv i also have a sega classic hooked up to the tv as well which is playing the classic but if i don't whip out some uh light gun games i do have the uh i right there to play uh like house of dead and stuff on there you can notice there's some leds going on over here turtles rk1 up one of my uh favorite uh beat em up games of all time um i would say this is probably third or fourth uh simpson's number one it's got pilgrims up there it's awesome um but i love turtles um and turtles in time so really glad to get this for retail price um got a neo geo mini uh that is actually complete and blocked uh playstation classic in there i just don't have room to put it out right now that is a uh sony playstation tv 3d tv another thing i actually did get in my last trip to canada you can look at the pickup list below i'll link it on the bottom uh second classic box some sega stuff up there over here some more my hero academia and dragon ball funko pops um got a couple figures from when i used to collect the anime figures a lot more back in the day over here is my scott pilgrim cab um i will make a specific video on this showing off my scott pilgrim collection huge scott pilgrim fan um you can't really see the sight arc from there but again i will be making a video about this it does have a playstation 3 in it um uh so it is actually playing and i can play the game with two players on here three players technically with the controller um so it's pretty nice um this is a pie three in this one uh vertical um vertical image that has all virtual games over here is the gpi case um let's play pi w in there um here some of my steelbook pc games i didn't know where to put my tardis my uh kindle that i have my comic books on digital comic books on and my dreamcast kiosk this was the last kiosk i bought and probably will be the last kiosk i will buy unless i find a switch one um i did go ahead and put a uh gdmu in there so it's got uh yeah i put about 120 gigs worth of uh dreamcast games on there so about 110 or so games on there really excited about this though um at some point i will have to get somebody to make a 3d print of the outside but as right now i am fine with this this uh kind of looks like a um garlic from uh doctor who but uh yeah really excited about having a pretty decent sized basement for a game room and onto this room okay smitty i'm back and this is the second room in my game room tour um this is probably the one that needs the most work as of right now um i still need to peel off some wallpaper there uh just i tried the heat gun didn't work so i'm gonna have to do something different but uh really excited um about this room let's get into it got my xbox original xbox kiosk um actually i think that was the most recent kiosk that i got this was one of the ones i really wanted since i love the original xbox and the fact that you can play shooters on there um it's amazing love that kiosk got my sony trench ron playing uh the link to the past i do have a couple other floating shelves i got put up there with uh some more uh nintendo stuff but um got my sega cd um and the sega genesis hooked up the master super master system is not hooked up right now um the sega saturn might be hooked up soon thinking about getting the gc loader for the gamecube my wii is modded to pack with a hard drive down there you can kind of see um over here this is my kind of handheld section over here i do have a modded 3ds right there with a bunch of games um so it's easier not to just pull these games out i do have about 95 of the games that are on there so it's not like i'm trying to cheat it's just honestly pulling games out can be a pain in the butt so having them accessible quicker is kind of preferred a whole bunch of ds games down there um i probably will get more in depth with my handheld collection 64 and uh s snes my vita collection my sega cds between cd uh sega cd saturn and dreamcast are down there my clamshell master system in genesis are down there psp more zelda stuff got a nice collection of the zelda handhelds there have my original kiwi game boy color right there over here for my pokemon peeps this is a pokemon shrine that me and my daughter made is definitely she's taken more ownership of this than me especially more in recent times but it's pretty cool to have got some extremely valuable cards in there um worth way more than probably should here is my wii u kiosk does have the original demo unit in there um really love having this thing um this was the og and then they did upgrade the kiosk with the black i believe black wii u one um all that fun stuff got my zelda figure that my wife bought for me years ago my little countertop standee my eight bits luigi because he's the best the more nintendo stuff around up there you can't see is uh some uh minifigures of halo whole bunch of random boxes i didn't have room for in other places and right here is my xbox one kiosk it does have a working xbox one in there but it also has a the demo uh pc video thing which that's playing right now [Music] um really excited to show this off i don't get to see this that much because i'm not in this room nearly enough but uh this one was a beast to get i think i got three xbox one kiosks total um through my diving time so two kept this one because this one was the most complete of them down there i got some controllers and stuff some more boxes my modded vita in there right here is my playstation 4 kiosk that i drove 15 hours with in my car from kitchener ontario because uh charlie cj ever gave me a hell of a good deal honestly it was uh it was a hell of a deal and um all i needed to do was mount the tv and my own uh console in there which that does have my uh my days of play slim in there so just so you guys know um yeah but yeah i drove a long way with that my wife was a trooper because we had to uh scrunch up a little bit because this was a beast to drive with luggage and stuff in the car uh some more posters and stuff i got through my diving time my uh knockoff uh super checks performance games above hockey it's a little funky right now it does need some repair but uh still happy to have that but if i can't get that repaired easily that might be one of those first things to go because i kind of need a desk in here because i kind of need to work find like a place to actually work from home because of you know the virus will not be named and my job moving up in my career i might be needing to work from home a little bit more um but yeah let me know what you guys think um this has been an awesome time finally showing off everything that i've gotten recently that was actually one of my more recent pickups five dollars for that rug that was actually gonna be a small rug that i could put there end up being a lot bigger than i thought it was gonna be but i still enjoy it um hopefully you guys enjoy this video if you do hit that uh like button subscribe for more content because now that i'm more settled into my place there will be more videos hopefully uh um the uh the virus goes away soon and i can actually go hunting but until next time make sure you guys continue to get your games on your toys on and whatever things that you are into right now but most importantly make sure you get your geek on peace
Channel: BSmittyGames
Views: 6,746
Rating: 4.9235668 out of 5
Keywords: game room, 2021 game room, game room tour, gameroom tour, arcade room, tmnt, toys, tmnt collection, video game kiosks, kiosks, game room kiosk, game collection
Id: Hi5lHtwdYOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 8sec (1868 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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