2021 Fr Dan Cambra Mercy for Souls

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i'm kind of hoping that some of you brought umbrellas with you because i'm guessing that it's getting awfully warm out there in the sun and if you didn't bring umbrellas i hope you bought brought spf whatever it is 500 and don't just turn into fried bacon out there right so we begin with a sign of our faith in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit i'd like to begin with the saint gertrude prayer kind of a traditional prayer among the people who are members of the holy souls sodality eternal father i offer you the most precious blood of your divine son jesus in union with the masses said throughout the world today for all the holy souls in purgatory for sinners everywhere for sinners in the universal church and those in my own home and within my family amen and we'll pray in our father hail mary and a glory be our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven hail mary full of grace the lord is with thee blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit o mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee saint joseph patron saint of the dying pray for us saint faustina pray for us in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen every year that i do the holy soul sedality conference i have uh been wearing this crucifix and it's the only day that i really make a point of wearing this particular crucifix and several people asked me and for those of you who didn't ask me i'll tell you anyways this particular crucifix was initially owned by blessed michael sapotco as he was processing the cause for the beatification of faustina as a saint and upon his death back in 1972 it was that recent 1972. he had it willed to a monsignor who lives in the arch with that time lived in the archdiocese of hartford connecticut and upon his death his sister brought it to me at the national shrine of divine mercy because it was in his final instructions to her that he wanted me to have it so i very happily wear it and it helps me to remember that i stand on a long line of saintly men before me who have taken upon themselves to make it their life's journey to proclaim god's mercy for humanity and sometimes we might think to ourselves everybody talks about mercy right well in a certain sense we talk about it but that's not where it needs to stay mercy needs to become something that constantly flows out of us in the diary of saint faustina we've all heard the prayer o blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of jesus as a fount of mercy for us but jesus constantly reminds us that you and i are supposed to be one with him following in his footsteps as he did the father's will in his life so you and i are called to do the father's will in our lives so you and i are called to pour forth into the lives of friends family co-workers people all around us that we encounter on a frequent and an infrequent basis god's mercy there's a famous saying which i think was actually originally with saint anthony of padua but somehow people have come to associate it with saint francis of assisi anyway saints steal from each other all the time pithy sayings are not anybody's personal property but we'll say saint francis for the sake of argument and it was at all times proclaimed the gospel and sometimes if necessary use words we are called to proclaim the gospel at all times but that doesn't mean that we become a nagging a nuisance to people doesn't mean that we press them up a corner them in a place and start preaching the gospel at them it means that we become the living gospel and sometimes one of the ways in which we become the living gospel is that we allow ourselves to be transformed into christ if any of you are wondering why there's a priest on that platform over there i just realized i forgot to mention that at the beginning father allen is here to hear confessions throughout the talk and right up until the beginning of the two o'clock mass so uh there is an opportunity if you haven't gone to confession lately this might be just the time to go to confession maybe to sit today or at least sometime soon the other thing that's important to keep in mind is that while we're outdoors we don't necessarily have to wear a mask but when we start getting in closer contact with other people say it at lunch time you might want to consider wearing a mask at least for the sake of keeping others safe if not concerned for oneself in my opening prayers i mentioned praying to saint joseph the patron saint of the dying and it's important to realize that saint joseph in this year of saint joseph has always been considered the patron of a happy death that is a death that's well provided for a death where there is time for the last sacraments to be administered and the apostolic pardon is extended to the dying soul allowing them swift passage to heaven if you get the newsletter every month from the holy soul sadality you might remember a few months ago i talked about the apostolic pardon and we had it printed on the newsletter in such a corner that you could cut it out and give it to a priest or give it to anybody you think might have need to use it and by need to use it i mean sick people might need to have it on hand when a priest comes to visit them because sometimes priests don't even know about the apostolic pardon which every priest automatically has the faculties to give to you and basically what it is is a priest gives you the apostolic pardon along with making an act of contrition and it sort of kicks in at the moment of death you received the final absolution of all your sins so it's kind of a one of those important safety nets of the church taken from the treasury of the graces of the church acquired for the church by the communion of the saints and that includes you and i because even on our worst days we're still saints in the sense that we participate in the redemption of christ's blood for our lives we ought to ask saint joseph in this year dedicated him to obtain a happy death for everyone who passes especially as the global pandemic continues to grind along costing so many lives and costing much suffering it is a great concern for me and for my fellow marians that many people have succumbed to covid during this pandemic and they end up in hospitals and sometimes a priest isn't even allowed to visit to give the last rights to a person and we find that rather distressing obviously we don't want to violate the medical protocols in place but it takes a lot of convincing to get some people to allow us that ability to extend the mercy of god at that moment of death well what about those poor people who pass away suddenly abruptly without the time to summon a priest or the access to the sacraments what about people like the poor victims of the 9 11 attacks which happened 20 years ago they don't seem to have a happy death is there hope for their salvation i think about that when i hear about somebody that was that died in a motorcycle accident or died in something sudden and tragic like that condominium that collapsed down in florida or like that police officer who drowned near torrington connecticut in the middle of the early morning hours you know everyone in a certain sense lives in danger of death but there are some people for whom we know by reading the newspapers have succumbed to rather sudden and unexpected deaths that police officer didn't expect to be swept away in in a raging water he was driving down a road expecting to be able to pass those people asleep in their beds in that condominium weren't expecting anything tragic to happen at that moment but it happened 9 11 this still 20 years later strikes me every time i see a photograph or a video of it and i think to myself who would have thought that that could happen i know people who talk about footage of pearl harbor and they say you know how could that have happened and there are people who even talk about the carnage that took place during the american civil war how could that have happened who would have expected that somebody's life would have come to such an abrupt end in such a devastating action of humanity but the truth matter is death could come to any one of us at any moment and it's important that we understand that we need to be striving for holiness in our lives constantly and you and i as ministers of god's mercy need to constantly be asking ourselves what can i do to spread god's mercy and it doesn't require us to do some extraordinary act anybody can do it anybody with a presence of mind can pray for another soul as uh my marian brothers father chris aylar and brother jason lewis have said in their book after suicide there is hope for them and for you sometimes people see that and they say oh it's all about suicide and that doesn't really have anything to speak to me about because i don't know anyone that's committed suicide and i don't have suicidal tendencies myself but the book is much broader than the title implies and it's important that we realize that he they are addressing uh that exceptional painful form of loss and it's an important part of the book but it goes beyond just suicide the truths they explain in the course of the book apply to all forms of sudden tragic loss and grief one of the key insights they share with us is that god since he is eternal can receive our prayers right now and apply the graces from those prayers to the moment of death in any person's life past present or future we could pray now for anyone who is working at a dangerous job one that might involve the loss of their life on any moment one of my great aunts used to pray for her son because he was an army chaplain and i've heard from him about how he thought that that was funny that she was very concerned about his well-being at that time and he said and the funny thing is i was never really in danger as an army chaplain i was probably better protected than the general was because all the soldiers watched out for me because they figured i didn't really know what i was doing just a priest he knows holy things he doesn't know military things he says the funny thing was i was probably more in danger when i was working at an inner city parish than i ever was when i was a military chaplain and there's a reality to that that sometimes we think that we're in a dangerous situation because of the aura that surrounds it police officer firemen but the truth of the matter is that sometimes something goes very wrong in a grocery market or in a shopping mall or in a movie theater places where we don't expect danger and death to touch us god can receive our prayers right now and apply those graces to them at any moment of their death that means even now we can pray for president abraham lincoln who died over a hundred years ago right now he probably needs our prayers i mean i've said this before in some settings and people think don't you like president abraham lincoln and it's like no i do like him that's why i think we should pray for him he was at a theater he was going to an entertainment on a good friday oh granty he wasn't a roman catholic roman catholics would not be going to uh an entertainment on good friday but i kind of think that maybe even for anyone going to entertainments on good friday might not be in their best interests maybe he should have been doing something a little bit more prayerful a little bit more mindful of what good friday stands for we need to pray for our souls both past present and future and we can do that because god is outside of time it's only you and i that are aware of time and when we realize that we start to think to ourselves what more could i be doing or who else could i be praying for i've known people who say they pray through the newspaper every day and i don't really quite understand that because i don't really like newspapers but i certainly do see the news on tv from time to time and when i see tragedies taking place i certainly pray for them i remember when syria martyred i think it was 21 men who were identified for practicing christianity they were in fact mostly eastern right orthodox men but there were a few catholics in the group and they all refused to renounce christ as their lord and savior and for that they were executed beheaded and beheaded publicly on tv and i remember praying for them and praying for their families that they would not become discouraged in the practice of their faith one of the sad realities is when we see something like that happen it's not the people who are martyred at the moment that we should be concerned about what we need to be concerned about is the ones who survive who could very easily give into discouragement or worse still retributional anger 9 11 was a time that could have been a time for retributional anger do you remember what president bush said he said this is not a time for us to become angry at muslims there are many good kind loving caring muslims muslims who are just like you and i who wants what's best for their families their children and their grandchildren these were not just muslims these were terrorists and we have to keep in mind that terrorists are a completely different category of humanity they have chosen hate and i remember him saying that very clearly because what a powerful statement that was from the president he could have used that opportunity for political gain and he didn't he instead talked about the importance of recognizing that there are not the walls of division that sometimes we perceive i don't often quote things that come from medjugorje but one of the things i remember hearing someone say that the our lady told to the seers at medjugorje was it is man who has made the divisions of religion god calls us to love him and to love one another if that isn't raped from the heart of the gospel i can't think of another phrase that is and so she became referred to as the gospel the one who tells us the truth it's important for us to understand that that is the very heart of the gospel message jesus was asked what's the greatest commandment and he said love god with your whole heart mind soul and all your strength and your neighbor as yourself and the question became and who is my neighbor and the answer came back everybody you bump into is your neighbor granted that's kind of a new translation on my part but you know that's basically what jesus was saying there's no some there's nobody that you say i don't need to deal with because they're different from me all human beings suffer and all human beings desire to be one with god in eternity they might not realize it they may have given their lives over to the power of evil but really what they want because that's what they were created to want is to love god and to want god and sometimes they become blinded or confused about who or what god is about god is love and those who abide in love abide in god who wouldn't want to abide in god for all eternity in the diary of saint faustina at paragraph 1486 faustina glosses over what happens to a soul that dies and she says god speaks to us not once not twice but three times and upon the third time if the soul does not respond to god's love god allows them to choose an eternity in hell but it's god's desire because each of those three times a soul comes to god and god comes to the soul god says will you accept my mercy for you and sometimes because we've made so many bad choices we refuse to accept god's mercy for us that's one of those concepts i can't even wrap my brain around i can't even imagine how full of hate one has to be that one would say no i don't want your mercy because what because it ruins my pride because i have to acknowledge that i need mercy that i have sinned and come short of the glory of god i don't think that that should be what keeps us away from god and so god comes to us a second time and says will you accept my mercy for you and who knows who wherever they may be is praying for souls to receive the grace of god to say yes if they still refuse the second time he comes a third time and exerts even greater grace upon the soul to say yes yes i will accept your mercy for me father chris and brother jason in their book titled sue after suicide also makes the point that in the diary of saint faustina she writes happy that soul that takes advantage of the grace of god's omnipotent mercy that's the next paragraph in the diary of saint faustina at 1486 happy that soul who would accept all those prayers that are being offered for them happy that soul who would at that moment accept god's grace maybe their entire life they didn't accept god's grace but at that moment finally all those prayers i wish i had a dollar in my pocket for every person who has ever told me father pray for my daughter father pray for my son he's been away from the church for 28 years for 47 years for whatever number of years i pray for them every day and god still hasn't brought them back to the church what can i do what prayer do i need to say what do i need to say to them that will change their minds and it almost breaks my heart to sound like a broken record and say say the divine mercy chaplet for them every day oh father i pray the divine mercy chaplet five times a day in honor of the five wounds of christ well that's wonderful just keep trusting keep saying over and over again jesus i trust in you jesus i trust in you with every beat of your heart with every pulse jesus i trust in you you know sometimes we think to ourselves oh but there has to be something else something more i can do something more i can say something more that will suddenly cause the doors to fling open and for them to say silly me i should have done this long ago well if in fact there was some magical word to say do you honestly think that you would not have already heard it a hundred times i take that back there is a magical word to say and you have heard it a hundred times pray the divine mercy chaplet pray the blood and water prayer pray jesus i trust in you and most of all don't allow yourself to become discouraged keep your eyes fixed on christ as you would keep your eyes fixed on a burning lamp in the darkness we've all heard that haven't we we all know that in the depths of our hearts but somehow we think no there must be something more faustina in the diary of paragraph 1032 writes during holy mass i saw the lord jesus nailed upon the cross amidst great torments a soft moan issued from his heart after some time he said i thirst i thirst for the salvation of souls help me my daughter to save souls join your suffering to my passion and offer them to the heavenly father for sinners no matter what we will face some sort of suffering in our lives we will either make that suffering spiritually fruitful or we can waste it allowing the spiritual treasure of it to slip away through our fingers but why what is so special about suffering in its of itself suffering is an evil thing but because of the incarnation suffering has been transformed what once was merely a symptom of a fallen human nature in a damaged world has now become a means of grace when jesus accepted human nature he elevated it and made it possible for human beings to share in the divine nature nature similarly when he accepted suffering the passion and death yes and all the ordinary sufferings of human existence he sanctified them he opened them up to being a means of grace of saving souls and transmitting divine grace to the world because of jesus our sufferings can be similarly elevated from mere burdens into gifts of grace for ourselves and for poor sinners and for the whole world that is why we celebrate the feast of the exaltation of the cross on september 14th later this week jesus took one of the worst methods of torture known to humankind and transformed it into a channel of grace an ignominious means of killing criminals became the tree of life whose fruit is the bread from heaven in the old testament the jews believed that there were many horrible deaths that one could possibly die you know stoning is certainly a terrible way to die but if you're going to be stoned to death maybe somebody will beam you off the top of your head perfectly and knock you senseless and you won't have to endure the long torture of being stoned to death back in the 17th century we used to crush people who were accused of witchcraft under a door and slowly pile stones upon it until they suffocated so there's all forms of torture that have been known to humanity but from old testament times dying on a tree was considered the worst possible death imaginable because it was so slow long and tedious there are records of people living even two or three days as they slowly die hanging from a cross very few were ever nailed to a cross very few were scourged and then nailed to a cross and to the best of human history's awareness no one was both scourged and crowned with thorns and nailed to a cross except one man i mentioned that because every now and then somebody will say to me do you think that the shroud of turin is actually the burial cloth of jesus and i say you know modern science has told us many things about the shroud of turin one of the things that was recently discovered is that there are some wine stains from cups and it's believed now that the shroud of turin might have been the tablecloth for the last supper because the material of the shroud of turin is the kind of material that was used for dining it was very nice stuff nicer than what you would normally wrap a dead body in but possibly it was the only thing that was on hand for the burial of jesus i mentioned that because very often people will say things about what i refer to as the peripheral theology of catholicism you know those little tidbits that sometimes non-catholics will point to and think that that's the core of our religion no that's not the core of our religion the core of our religion is the gospel and the homilies of the early church fathers that interpreted those gospels for us the core however has some very interesting things at the very outer edges of the branches of those theological thoughts and some of those things that are on the very tips of those theological branches those leaves and flowers at the end are things like the shroud of turin that cause me a great deal of fascination because i think to myself that god left those little sign markers for us to show us that he is in fact listening to our prayers even when we think that he's not listening even when our patience is wearing thin his patience endures with us in spite of our sinfulness and our folly and our silliness sometimes i think that we need to get back to what is most central to our faith one of the things that i think is very critical to our faith is the beatitude and to hear the beatitudes and think about them is important i think we should do it often and we should do it as members of the holy soul sedality mindful of our relationship with those who have gone before us not just the people that are in the midst of our company i'd like to read to you from the sermon of the mount according to the gospel of saint matthew seeing the crowds jesus went up on the mountain and when he sat down his disciples came to him and he opened his mouth and taught them saying blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven every time i hear that line blessed are the poor in spirit theirs is the kingdom of heaven i immediately think of saint francis of assisi the man who saw himself as married to lady poverty nothing did he want more than to be absolutely poor at the end of his life he wanted actually the superior to remove his habit so that he could die naked as he had come into the world he would go out of the world with no possessions not even a tunic and so the superior ordered the brothers to remove even his tunic and then he said i allowed you to have your will but now i'm going to take from you even your last will and he had the brothers dress father francis in a brand new tunic blessed are the poor in spirit does not refer to those who have nothing it refers to those who do not hold on to their own personal will but desire with all their being to do god's will in their lives i am a weak frail human being just like everybody else that's here and every now and then i see something on the news about somebody who just won a million dollars and some scratch-off card or somebody who won multi-million dollars in some lottery and unfortunately i'm just too much of a scrooge to give the government another dollar i just won't crack open my wallet and buy a scratch-off ticket or throw another dollar into the kitty of their slush fund and so i'll probably never win one of those lotteries and i every time i do that every time i think about gee if i won a couple hundred million what would i do and that's nice for a little human fantasy moment but wouldn't it be wonderful if instead of thinking about ridiculous silly things we asked god just as urgently and with just as much desire that we would absolutely give him our entire will and ask him to give us the grace to do his will every moment of our lives blessed are the poor in spirit like saint francis who even had his last will taken away from him and it was a good and holy and pious thought to die without any possessions but the desire wasn't god's will and the authority of his superior was and he died happily because he knew he was doing god's will blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted all of us have people whom we mourn friends and family who have cared for us have nurtured us have guided us in holiness i think of mary and priests who are right out there on the front lawn even who have given me such precious pearls of wisdom that have guided me in becoming the person i am today and by the grace of god i hope to move on further in grace and growing even more deeply in holiness but blessed are they who mourn not because being sad is a grace in itself but because people who mourn remember those who have made sacrifices before them to make their life possible our ancestors who came to this country from foreign lands if by our own will or by their of somebody else's will some of us may be the descendants of people who were forced out of their homelands some people may be here because they had nothing left to lose in this life but all of us have a debt of gratitude and all of us need to do more than simply be sad in our mourning we need to be grateful for having known them who were absolute instruments of god in our lives i think of the nurses who cared for me back when i shattered my ankle when i was 45 years old i think of the doctors who have helped me during my life i think of all those people who have cared for me in one way or another and have been instruments of god's grace in my life giving me a sense of personal security and value and purpose and encouraged me to continue doing the right thing blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth this is one of those phrases that often gets misunderstood saint jerome gives us a very powerful message on this line he says the meek are those who patiently suffer unjust persecutions those who remain serene humble and steadfast in adversity and do not give way to resentment or discouragement the meek don't give way to discouragement every now and then when i think to myself uh i've been i feel discouraged about something i think no i will not be discouraged because i know that the meek will inherit the earth and saint jerome goes on to explain the earth that we will inherit is not this earth here now but the new heaven and the new earth that has been prepared for the saints who will live in glory with god a heaven that will not pass away but will be eternal as god is eternal and you and i want to be meek and humble and inherit that earth that heavenly glory that is promised to us it's more than just an interior peace it's an absolute confidence that we are doing god's will blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied oh that's easy enough to see there is not a saint that ever lived that didn't hunger and thirst for holiness and not all of the saints were deeply profoundly wise not all of the saints lived happy family lives one of my favorite saints is saint demphna the patron saint of people who live with people who have mental disorders her father became shall we say exasperated in his mourning for his wife and he so loved his wife that when she died as the saying might go the cheese slipped off his cracker and he became fixated on his daughter and he begged his daughter dymphna to marry him needless to say she said no and needless to say that she had to flee from his presence and he pursued her and he pursued her spiritual director who also advised her not to have anything to do with her father in his present condition ultimately her father killed her spiritual director and eventually brought about her death as well but saint demphna is a model of people who suffer at the hands of their own family members who have mental disorders my when i was in the seminary i had father benedict joseph groschel as my spiritual director and i found out that his favorite saint was saint benedict joseph la bray who was a man who was kicked out of a couple of religious communities because he was not well mentally balanced he had some physical ailments as well but it was his mental instability that didn't allow him to be considered a good member of a religious community and so he wandered he became a pilgrim and he went from shrine to shrine he lived in in rome during the 40-hour devotions and he would go to churches and pray for the entire 40 hours before the blessed sacrament and he would become transfixed and the priests who conducted the 40-hour services and the bishops sometimes even cardinals were amazed at how angelic his face looked when he was facing towards the blessed sacrament and the only other thing they ever saw him doing was begging for food and when he would beg for food he would see to it that he begged for as much food as he could possibly carry and then he would take it to the homeless in rome who were too sick or too aged to even go begging for food and he would give them the best of the food that he had been given and retained for himself just little scraps of food and eventually he came to the end of his life and someone who had shown him a great deal of charity asked her husband to go and retrieve him from the streets and bring him into the house where she bathed him or attempted to bathe him and as she was attempting to bathe him he said no no they'll drown he was referring to the lice and the crabs on his body he didn't want to harm anything that was living so gentle a human was saint benedict joseph labret needless to say he's not one of those saints you want to emulate too closely and if you are a member of my religious community i'm going to be one of those who urges you to frequently shower even daily and don't worry about those lice and the crabs and whatever else god will take care of them in heavenly glory too they go to a separate separate little section away from the rest of us blessed are those blessed are you when men revalue and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account rejoice and be glad for your reward is great in heaven for so men persecuted the prophets who were before you you are the salt of the earth you are the salt of the earth you are called to bring savory flavor to the lives of other people you are called to be an instrument of peace in your families i know that it's sometimes easier to be the one who orders everyone around but you are called to be an instrument of god's peace to be assigned to the world that god is love and those who abide in love abide in god it's not an easy task it's not one that we easily accept but on september 14th when the church celebrates the exaltation of the cross we will be celebrating the fact that jesus gave us an example that suffering can be redemptive and that nothing in this life is permanent but everything in this life will be transformed in the next life the new heaven the new earth that's promised to us if we simply ask god to give us the grace to do god's will in our lives now one of the things that i frequently talk about in the newsletter and certainly i'll make mention of it now is the important importance of gaining indulgences it's a rather formal kind of prayer that's meant to not force the hand of god to be merciful but to make us instruments of god's mercy and we can obtain indulgences on behalf of those who died in the state of grace but still had temporal punishment due to sin to work through before they can enter into heaven we can speed them on their path to the true home to the communion of life and love at the heart of reality where the father son and holy spirit are endlessly giving of themselves to each other and inviting the rest of us to join in patrons of the holy souls fidelity we are given stewardship of infinite treasures through the prayers devotions and indulgence of the church we are empowered by the sacraments to be members of the body of christ extending the mercy of the king of kings to all and freeing souls from purgatory and helping the dying pass it all together let us not neglect our task or become discouraged this pandemic has been a source of discouragement to many but not to us let us recognize the true gift that our crosses can be and unite them to the exalted cross of christ that one day we might exalt with him in eternity very often people will ask me what are the things necessary for a plenary indulgence a complete indulgence a plenary or complete indulgence requires that we do a pious act recommended by the church such as praying the rosary which we'll be doing before mass during the adoration hour from one to two maybe you'd like to spend a half hour in prayer and adoration before the blessed sacrament either reserved in a taggernaut tabernacle or on display in a monstrance another possible means might be making the stations of the cross and i highly recommend walking the stations of the cross outdoors on a beautiful day like this just strolling along quietly slowly praying meditating on the passion of christ christ told faustina that an hour spent in meditation on the passion was worth more than years of physical penances self-imposed sometimes people take on all kinds of odd penances and i always think to myself really if they would just take time to meditate on the passion either praying the sorrowful mysteries or praying before the blessed sacrament or praying the stations of the cross these are all excellent sources of a pious beginning to a plenary indulgence then there's the reception of holy communion which needs to be done within eight days before before or after the pious act holy um sacrament of reconciliation again can be done before or after up to 10 days of the pious act and prayers for the intentions of the holy father and i personally think that a majority of people will make it to communion will make it to confession will do the pious acts and then they forget to pray for the intentions of the holy father and the intentions of the holy father don't need to be something specific that we know about are his intentions we can simply say in our father a hail mary a glory be and a creed and offer it for our holy father's intentions i think that it's important that we get into the habit of praying for the intentions of our holy father on a regular basis so let's conclude this morning's talk with praying for the intentions of our holy father in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil amen hail mary full of grace the lord is with thee blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit i believe in god the father almighty creator of heaven and earth and in jesus christ his only son our lord who was conceived by the holy spirit born of the virgin mary suffered under pontius pilate was crucified died and was buried he descended to the dead on the third day he rose again he ascended the right hand of the father from there he shall come to judge the living and the dead i believe in the holy spirit the holy catholic church the communion of saints the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and life everlasting amen o mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee saint joseph patron of a happy death pray for us saint michael the archangel defend us in battle be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil may god rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou o prince of the heavenly hosts by the power of god cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits will prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls amen god bless you all [Music] you
Channel: Divine Mercy
Views: 5,290
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Keywords: Divine Mercy, Divine, Mercy, Divine Mercy Official, Shrine of Divine Mercy, National Shrine of Divine Mercy, Shrine, Mass, Holy Mass, Mass today, Holy Mass today, Rosary, Holy Rosary, Divine Mercy Rosary, Rosary today, Chaplet, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Chaplet today, Catholic, God, Jesus, Christ, Mary, Mother of God, St. Faustina, Faustina, Marian, Marians, Immaculate Conception, priest, catholic teaching, spiritual, eternity, live, life, grace, pray, prays, praying, spirituality
Id: HyXTe3DrKrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 45sec (3465 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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