Full Christian Movie 2021 "Growth" | A Christian's Testimony of Growing Through Hardship and Trials

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[Music] [Music] time for breakfast okay okay dad when are you ever gonna get some time off there's a holiday next month so things are busy at the railway afraid won't be till the end of that month you hardly ever get time off and you haven't been reading god's words i'm pretty busy right now but i'll get to it when i have more free time that's what you always say hello the jenks are in trouble we've got to get stuff out of their house right away okay i'll go right now there's an urgent church matter i have to go be careful i will [Music] this is liang linlin where are the books of god's words uh i don't know find them no mrs liang what happened your parents have been arrested while sharing the gospel we have to move all those books the cops are coming find them i'll look for them right now uh [Music] come on stretch everything captain i didn't find anything nothing nothing here damn it there have been many brothers and sisters from nearby churches arrested these last few days it seems to be a coordinated operation if that's the case we should send out a notice right away we need to get leaders and workers hidden and gathering stop for a bit most important are the newcomers without a strong footing if arrested they'll be discouraged and leave the faith let's do some watering right away i can make some extra time for that that's right first let's move these books of god's word okay sister hi it's him in quick careful with these books all right it's not safe here come with me right now hurry get your things so dad you're off work yeah chachi why isn't your mom back yet uh something must have come up at church hmm hi mom hi you're back why are you backstory just got a little held up at church i'll take your back give me that thanks how are things at school they're okay school's good okay hey listen to me they've arrested my colleague chang and his wife they were preaching the gospel i know the communist party right now is attacking believers for now you do your believing at home stop going to gatherings you can't be serious does it even count as faith without going to gatherings these arrests are nothing new we can't learn the truth without gatherings cowards can't get into the kingdom of heaven you know that but they're doing everything they can to get people to report on believers when you gather people watching could be anyone it's very scary if you're arrested it would destroy all of us my faith is worth the risks i take our savior has come almighty god expressing truths to save men this chance won't come again i follow god and pursue truth and life support me on this i don't want to be in your way the communist party is pure evil they murder the believers it's true keep it down do you know what they did to the chunks huh mrs chung can't even walk right now if the bureau hadn't bailed her out she probably would have died in that place if you're arrested they'll beat you in there you won't get out why won't you listen to me i've thought all about this for a while as long as they're in power they'll arrest believers and some will even be killed almighty god is at work and time's running out if you're not willing to risk your life for him you'll miss your chance knowing this is the true way i'm not afraid of death that's it i won't budge so you're not afraid but can't you think of me it would be humiliating if you were to be arrested think about the people i work with our friends what would they think it would be a complete disgrace for me you listen up starting right now no more gatherings you can go play mahjong watch movies hang out with friends whatever you want but nothing religious you know this is not right now i see who you are your faith it's just a lie you're a non-believer i'm dead serious no more gospel stuff this is my path it's my right to believe in god you're out of line you watch your mouth can't stop my faith no matter what is that what you think what was that keep your hands off of mom so [Music] with him standing in my way like this how am i going to go to gatherings and do my duty god please open up a path for me i'm ready to submit to whatever you arrange if many things out of line with your notions occur yet you can put them aside and know god's deeds from them if in the midst of refinements you show love for god then this is standing witness if your home is peaceful you enjoy comforts of the flesh no one is persecuting you and your brothers and sisters in the church obey you can you display your heart of love for god can this situation refine you only through refinement can your love for god be shown and only through things out of line with your notions can you be perfected hey no more gatherings dad you're gonna miss the train if you don't get going did you hear me it's getting late okay okay hey yeah okay i'm heading out bye dad bye [Music] mom i have to tell you something what is it well dad told me to watch you and to call him if i find out you're going to gatherings but that'd make me a judas wouldn't it i'm not gonna tell him anything good now read god's words after your homework don't mess around all right i've got a lot on my plate make some food if i'm back late what does this word faith refer to faith is the genuine belief and the sincere heart that humans should possess when they cannot see or touch something when god's work does not align with human notions when it is beyond human reach this is the faith that i speak of people are in need of faith during times of hardship and refinement and faith is something that is followed by refinement refinement and faith cannot be separated no matter how god works and no matter your environment you are able to pursue life and seek the truth and seek knowledge of god's work and have an understanding of his actions and you are able to act according to the truth doing so is what it is to have true faith and doing so shows that you have not lost faith in god true faith is persisting in pursuit of truth through refinement truly loving god never doubting him practicing truth to satisfy him no matter what he does seeking deeply for his will to be considerate of it amen amen amen thank god god's words are so good sorry the number you have dialed is temporarily sorry the number you have dialed is temporarily unavailable you're at a gathering you still went after i said not to huh why are you so stubborn what the hell's wrong with not going you're not allowed to go again you hear me [Music] there's food in the pot okay is jacqui at school you're going to a gathering what are you doing get out of the way you're gonna stay here you're not allowed to leave just try it okay [Music] oh [Music] hey oli hi why are you following me going to a gathering right go ahead i'll go with you you're impossible so how's business been lately it's been okay just this one that's all all right i'll get this back for you see you take care see you next time all right [Music] hello ah okay sure yeah i'm stepping out for a bit no more gatherings so changing oh my sister chow you weren't at the gathering i wanted to see how you're doing here come in you always been keeping me from going ever since the jones got arrested we argued when he'd come home from work he actually hit me oh he follows me when i leave it's impossible to attend gatherings i see it's it's really hard you're suffering from not going to the gatherings and is hitting you it can't be easy now here's your chance to seek the truth you'll find a path once you understand god's will how about we read the word of god all right in every step of work that god does within people externally it appears to be interactions between people as if born of human arrangements or from human interference behind the scenes everything is a wager between satan and god requiring people to stand testimony for god when job was tried satan made a bet with god behind the scenes what happened to job was the deeds and interference of men behind every step of work that god does in you is satan's wager with god behind it all is a battle everything people do requires them to pay a certain price in their efforts without actual hardship they cannot satisfy god they cannot even come close to this but just about empty slogans can these empty slogans satisfy god when god and satan do battle in the spiritual realm how should you satisfy god and stand testimony for him you should know that everything that happens to you is a great trial and the time when god needs you to bear testimony though they may seem unimportant from the outside when these things happen they show whether or not you love god if so you can stand firm in your witness for him if you don't practice love for him you are not one who puts truth into practice that you are without the truth and without life that you are chaff god's words are the truth they're enlightening i have to stand witness in the face of my husband that's the will of god you're right god expresses the truth working to save mankind and satan is trying everything to undermine that there's certainly going to be hardship that comes with your faith the road to the kingdom of heaven will be hard without the guidance of god's words without true faith there really is no way we could stay on this path yes i understand so i was already a christian when i accepted almighty god's work of the last days i went through some pain my old church tried to stop me and my family was threatening to cut off ties with me i was afraid i would break down from it all i just didn't get it wasn't it a good thing that i received the lord so why was the religious community ostracizing me and my family oppressing me it was god's words that enlightened me opened my eyes satan was using my family and the old church to get me to stop following god and not accept christ of the last days they wanted to keep me trapped in religion to burn in hell with them all satan is truly evil realizing this i was given so much more strength i wasn't going to let satan win this since i'd found the true way even though satan tried to hold me back i was ready to risk everything i was determined to stand witness for god amen i told my family forcing me won't do much good i'm set on this path now i'm giving everything i've got over to god thanks be to god after all that they stopped standing in my way seeing satan knocked down beaten that bad i felt so grateful grateful to god thank god god's guidance got me through all that [Music] i wasn't aware you had been through so much yourself your fellowship is so helpful to me so following christ of the last days isn't easy now i have the resolve i need my husband oppresses me but i should stand witness for god you have really helped me here thank god thank god see god is always good he will protect you hey kid where are you from what are you doing here i i work here i i just wanted to get some money i haven't seen you here before okay now hey how's it going i'm having some problems with my bike i can take a look here wheel it inside have you been lately not that great you guys go ahead i'll keep an eye out thank you the streets are crawling with red armbands they're keeping closer watch now the great red dragon is arresting believers everywhere getting people to report on each other with neighborhood watches it's getting harder for us to meet all the time i was in a gathering just a couple days ago that was reported if we hadn't put several of us on lookout they would have arrested us facing the possibility of arrest is really depressing we're all scared and feeling constrained in gatherings in our duty we still don't have enough faith yes i see true let's read a couple passages of god's words okay page 625 because it is embarked upon in a land that opposes god all of god's work faces tremendous obstacles and accomplishing many of his words takes time thus people are refined as a result of god's words which is also part of suffering it is no easy task for god to do his work in the great red dragon's land but through this difficulty god does one stage of his work showing his wisdom his wondrous deeds and using this chance to complete this group of people amen amen amen and page 547 i'll read it okay the utmost faith and love are required from us in this stage of work we may stumble from the slightest carelessness for this stage of work is different from all the previous ones what god is perfecting is mankind's faith which is both invisible and intangible what god does is convert words to faith to love and to life people must be refined hundreds of times until their faith is greater than jobs they must endure incredible suffering and all manner of torture without ever leaving god when they are obedient unto death and have great faith in god then this stage of god's work is complete amen amen amen god's words are amazing i feel better after reading them now i understand that things like arrest and persecution are to perfect our faith yeah that reminds me of a hymn of god's words only those with genuine faith gain god's approval amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] mom where's leong singh james she had to run an errand does she go out a lot no yoli you're back yeah they're looking for xinjing hey we went to school together didn't we wangjun what a coincidence yes it is what are you doing here well this is my wife's store you guys are i can take it from here okay someone reported your wife of believing in almighty god so we're coming by to check things out they got nothing better to do over there that's nonsense when you have a store that's this busy there's no time to believe in god i'm good it's best if she doesn't believers in almighty god are all wanted in china and they're dealt with harshly when they're caught it's true the central government has issued orders that we can't go easy on believers that we find if she is religious that's a serious problem i'm sure but don't worry i never let her believe in god all right well we've got to get going yeah sure yeah i'll walk you out hey yoli you've got to keep an eye on her if she is religious your whole family will be implicated yeah i got it don't you worry all right then i'm gonna get going see ya oh you're back were you at a gathering hmm yeah the police came to ask about you today if i hadn't intervened you would have been arrested can't you just stop going to gatherings then would i even be a believer huh enough of that crap i knew the officer from school and he said believers in almighty god are political criminals when they're caught their whole family is implicated your faith has already impacted mai and chachi's future don't you realize that how has my faith impacted your future why is it that the second you hear the party condemning the faith you just shrink back afraid to believe ready to quit you don't have to believe but don't try to stop me i'm not stopping you not stopping you from seeking wealth so don't stand in the way of me following god i'm not opposed to your faith but you have to be practical the communist party is so evil everyone can see how it's cracking down on and arresting believers if one person believes the whole family suffers and their children are punished too that is just a fact if you're arrested not only will i never get promoted but i'll probably lose my job she won't get into college that's pretty clearly impacting our futures if you ruin my promotion don't blame me if i don't show any mercy you hear me there's no way i'll let you keep on practicing your faith yo lee i've told you over and over the savior almighty god has appeared and is working and only those who accept almighty god can be saved and get into the kingdom and only they will have a good future and destination but you refuse to listen you're trying to stop me from believing because you're afraid of the ccp's oppression don't you realize what you're doing aren't you afraid of doing evil and going against enough i'll start with the ugly part if you go out to gatherings we're evangelizing again i'll break your legs i'd rather take care of you as a than have you believe in god i will never give up my faith is that what you think we'll say about that we'll see you about that you're stupid let me go why are you hitting me you still believe i swear if you keep your faith that's it we're getting a divorce [Applause] [Music] ugh he really is a demon now that the party's cracking down he's showing his true colors beating me trying to keep me from my faith he's a devil a beast [Music] we really should get a divorce [Music] [Music] [Music] mom mom yeah mom yes my school uniform's torn oh i'll fix it for you mom what's wrong i'm fine sweetie dad hit you again didn't he it's fine before dad was supportive of our faith why is he acting like this now mom we just believe in god we haven't done anything wrong why can't dad understand that he doesn't want me to believe anymore because of the communist party hey don't worry i'm okay no one can keep us from our faith okay mom sleep in my room tonight i'm afraid dad's going to hit you again there is not one person among you who is protected by the law you are instead sanctioned by the law [Music] even more problematic is that people do not understand you be it your relatives your parents your friends or your colleagues none of them understand you when you are abandoned by god it is impossible for you to continue living on earth but even so people cannot bear to be away from god which is the significance of god's conquest of people and is the glory of god what you have now inherited surpasses that of all past apostles and prophets and is greater even than that of moses and peter blessings cannot be gained in a day or two but through great sacrifice you must possess a refined love and great faith and the many truths god requires you to attain you must also turn unswervingly toward justice and your love for god must be unabating you must have resolve changes must occur in your life disposition your corruption must be healed you must accept all god orchestrates without complaint and submit even unto death this is what you ought to attain this is the final aim of god's work [Music] and it is what god asks of this group of people since he gives to you so he will surely ask of you in return and will surely make fitting demands of you therefore there is reason to all the work god does which shows why time and again god's work sets high standards has strict demands it is because of this that you should be filled with faith in god in short all the work of god is done for your sake so you may become worthy of his inheritance [Music] this is less for god's own glory than for your salvation and for perfecting these people so deeply afflicted in the unclean land you should understand the will of god so i've been thinking about why my husband beat me so brutally in why he's determined to keep me from believing i read this in god's words why does a husband love his wife why does a wife love her husband why are children dutiful to their parents why do parents dote on their children what sorts of intentions do people actually harbor is their intent not to satisfy their own plans and selfish desires god's words are absolutely true there's no genuine love between people it's all about personal benefit that's all it is yeah he used to treat me well because it served his own interests he was using me to give him a child wash his clothes make his food make money now that i have faith and i'm doing the duty of a created being and taking the right path he's afraid it'll impact his future his own interests are compromised so he's bearing his fangs doing everything to stop me oppressing me beating me he's showing his demonic face now i've realized that we're two different kinds of people he's making the choice to pursue his career to follow the party and going against god my choice is to have faith and pursue the truth we are on different paths without experiencing god's work and reading his words i never would have understood this i would have kept thinking he loved me and cared for me i would have been ruled by emotion and then how could i keep following god yeah yeah facing this oppression from my family i've seen the demonic face of the unbelievers and i know that only god's love is real this is god saving me from the shackles of my own family i'm so grateful for his love thank god thank god the more we experience god's practical work the more truth we learn the more insight we have this is god's love amen thanks be to god the bureau gave me this guarantee to confirm that we're not religious i've already signed take a look if you keep your faith i will lose my job and then jiaochi's college plans will be over you need to commit right now that you'll give up your faith then we'll be just fine i can't commit to giving up my faith you know these years i've believed in god my health has improved and i've been happy i've learned truths and how to be a good person this is the right path in life can you leave me alone don't stand in my way okay what part of this is confusing if you keep this up i will lose my position that's my livelihood what will we live on you listen up i forbid you to keep believing in god as far as faith goes i won't give an inch oh yeah yeah good [Music] you won't walk out of here today you still believe i'll show you this will be the end of you you want faith don't believe huh [Music] uh i'll ask you one last time do you want god or do you want this family make a choice i still choose my faith then we're getting a divorce you've beaten me over a dozen times the last couple years just because i believe in god and now you want a divorce you have no conscience you're totally unreasonable you're not even human there's no way for me to stay with you we're not on the same path why is it that i've been you so many times and i still can't keep you in line where do you really stand will it actually be your faith or will it be our home if you choose god we're getting divorced and i won't interfere anymore since you suggest divorce let's do that we're on two different paths and we can't live together let's get it over with there you go hey you don't need to move out i'm hardly ever home you should stay and take care of chachi at first i didn't want a divorce i just put up with it for our daughter's sake but he just kept pushing me on it insisting that i choose between family or faith of course i chose god and agreed to a divorce [Music] and now i'm finally free can't be held back by him or the family i can put everything into working for god this is god's grace and blessing yes thank god with the two of you on two different paths and him controlling you it couldn't be a happy marriage since that's what he wanted it's for the best it's better to get it over with just get out now you're free yes of course why not it sounds like a great idea hi director ma good you're all here we received instructions from the municipal prevention committee's meeting to do checks for believers we're checking every house in the community okay each of you take an area and do a thorough job right good hey hey isn't that liang jin i was asking about her she proselytized to mrs zhao in building three really she's got to be a believer yeah i've noticed she's always coming and going yeah she is from the first moment you come crying into this world you begin to fulfill your own duty for god's plan and for his ordination you begin to perform your role and you start off your life's journey whatever might be your background and whatever might be the journey ahead of you no one can escape the orchestrations and arrangements of the heaven and no one is in control of their own destiny for only the one who rules over all things is capable of such work amen amen since hello i got a message you absolutely have to leave home before 10 30 pm tonight it's not safe whatever you do don't come back take care of yourself and keep reading god's words and pray to god when you're struggling i have to stay out of sight a little while sister han i need help they're after me yeah yeah i know go stay at sister lou's house first and i'll let the brothers and sisters know they need i should be going okay come on hurry up hurry let's go hurry up keep going hey kid if your mom comes back report to us right away if you don't report something you know we'll arrest you too we're done here uh i have no idea how chachi is doing god please stay by chachi's side and give her strength i will always comfort those who sense my will and not let them suffer or come to harm what is crucial now is to take action according to my will those who do are sure to receive my blessings and protection who can unreservedly expand themselves and offer up their all for me you are all half-hearted your thoughts go around and around thinking of home of the outside world of food and clothing despite the fact that you are here before me doing things for me deep down you are still thinking of your wife children and parents at home are all these things your property why do you not entrust them into my hands is your faith in me lacking or are you afraid my arrangements will not suit you why do you always fret over your fleshly family pine for your loved ones god i'm ready to put my affections aside and leave my child in your hands to submit to your orchestrations and arrangements and do my duty sister leo some guys came by today to check the gas and they seemed like they were looking for something they even wanted to know if i was a christian you know what i think they were communist party spies it's not safe here the party's washing us we have to move okay what'd you win nice what just came out got it you go that way where is she i lost her damn over there are you from the area yes we live here have any of you seen yang ching ching lately no we'll definitely report to you if we see her she's in this unit on the fourth floor i know keep a close watch okay report to us right away if she comes back sure we'll work closely with you [Music] so i need to work overtime this weekend so i won't be back home okay who is it it's me this is bob open the door are you here alone has your mom come by no my mom's faith is not a crime how come you're following her stupid the government does not allow it so her faith is a crime stupid brah tell us immediately if your mom comes back if you don't tell us you'll be breaking the law and you'll go to prison did you hear me let's go you see her you better tell us they can gather regularly now thank god one more thing the lionchang church leaders have been arrested and several gathering sites have been searched by police the church can't be left without anyone to provide support and sustenance yeah who should we send how about you send me all right not many know that sister she's a believer you'll be safe here great here i'll take care of this let me know what else you need hmm okay the great red dragon is out of control with arrests our brothers and sisters able to keep gathering most are feeling weak and some are too scared to attend gatherings it's great that you're here in the future great trials may befall you but today if you love god with a true heart and if you can stand firm in testimony and can satisfy god no matter how great are the trials ahead or what happens to you then your heart will be comforted and you will not fear no matter how great your future trials amen open up there's trouble the police are here hurry hurry check it in over here come on what are you doing get down on the ground don't move why are you storming into a private home squat down someone reported an illegal gathering do a thorough search captain there's a backyard [Music] let's go you two come with me [Music] [Music] [Music] ah damn it [Music] let's pull back wow that was close we almost got arrested let's rest a bit yeah my heart's beating so fast sister yeah why aren't you that scared who says i'm not scared you know my heart's racing just like yours is you gonna be okay when everything was going fine i felt like i had faith why am i such a coward as soon as something happens i guess i'm still lacking faith everyone is scared at first but after going through it more and seeing god's guidance and protection you can gain faith if god doesn't allow it the great red dragon can't get you yeah if god does allow it to happen put your life on the line and put everything in god's hands whether you live or die that's right whatever god allows we have to submit and rely on him we cannot complain that's right hey i know a brother has been arrested seven times and been sentenced twice he still believes in god and does his duty now that really is true faith yeah yeah that really is we have gained a lot yes yes through this wave of the great red dragon's arrests and persecution i've seen god's wondrous protection and my faith has grown thank you thanks be to god god is using it as a service doer perfecting our faith and love through the hardship it brings this is god's blessing for us amen god's love for us is so great we should do more to perform our duty and satisfy god to repay his love yeah amen let's sing a hymn yeah okay with refinement comes faith [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign here mrs liang thank you i finished sewing your jacket it's so pretty i was so upset when it got a tear but now it's beautiful thank you it's nothing grandma grandma look at mrs liam's patch isn't it nice it's lovely i wonder how chachi is doing now open the door guess no one's home let's just go [Music] why are you after me you think you can hide we will find you wherever you are you can't run from us you little brats where's your mouth i really don't know you don't know you don't know tell us where she is will you tell us or not no i don't know like that [Music] [Music] so so when will you be back from the co-workers meeting uh three or four days ah i'm also gonna visit chachi oh good it's been a couple of years hasn't it well be careful out there yeah yeah i will uh chachi [Music] oh mom i'm here oh baby [Music] you've lost weight how school is it stressing you out no school's okay what about sleep are you sleeping i sleep a lot is your dad at home much are you cooking any meals are you learning to make stuff yeah all the time it's easy don't get sloppy when you're cooking you need to cook nutritiously okay eat more than just ramen mom i can take care of myself so without me there do you get frightened at night all alone i'm used to it well now have you been are you praying to god and reading god's words just like you hey what happened to your neck it's not a big deal hey tell me what's going on honey cha-chi what is it i have lymphoma i'm having surgery on the fourth next month [Music] tell me how did this happen to you [Music] the doctor told me it was linked to chronic stress and depression when you left the cops in the red armbands kept coming by and intimidating me demanding to know where you were and my teachers and classmates all made fun of me i was so scared at my school and at home there were a lot of times i wanted to jump off the balcony but i was afraid that if i did jump i'd never see you again oh i'm scared hey chachi hey don't be scared we have god by our sides he's our support no matter what unless we face we just have to lean on god he'll take care of it we can't be scared we believe in the true god almighty god god's words say almighty god is an all-powerful physician to dwell in sickness is to be sick to dwell in spirit is to be well whether we live or die is in his hands if we pray you'll help [Music] god's words are good for us they help us grow right [Music] i'm being hounded by the great red dragon and can't go back home and now my daughter is ill what should i do wow [Music] [Music] god i'm really struggling if she really does die what what i do [Music] what are your plans for later have you made a decision no i'm not sure yet you know you can come with me that's perfectly fine please oh i've seen it already [Music] i've realized that god sets up all of these situations to perfect and save us thanks beautiful thanks be to god hey sister liang what's wrong nothing i'm fine i'm fine let's wrap up the gathering for now okay see you later i left my family behind to expand for god he should be protecting us how could my daughter have cancer is god testing my faith [Music] sister leong you still have your daughter on your mind i just can't stop worrying about her i don't know what god's will is how could she have gotten cancer knowing she's ill but you can't go take care of her must be painful hey i just thought of a passage of god's words while undergoing trials it is quite normal for people to be weak or to have negativity within them or to lack clarity on god's will or their path for practice but in any case you must have faith in god's work and not deny god just like job although job was weak and cursed the day of his own birth he did not deny that all things in human life were bestowed by jehovah and that jehovah is also the one to take them all away no matter how he was tested he maintained this belief in your experience whatever your refinement through god's words might be what god requires in brief is man's faith and love for him what he perfects by working in this way is people's faith love and aspirations god does the work of perfection that people cannot see or feel under such circumstances your faith is required amen amen i felt weakness as soon as i heard she had cancer my stature is still too small and my faith is inadequate when we truly give our all for god he'll guide us through all difficulties okay [Music] when you face suffering you must be able to not consider flesh [Music] not complain against god when god hides himself you must have the faith to follow maintaining your love don't let it fade or die no matter what god does you must accept his design curse your flesh be for you complain against him please god when in trials even if you eat or lose what you love this is true love and faith [Music] so many believe in me only that i might heal them so many believe in me only that i might use my powers to drive unclean spirits out from their bodies and so many believe in me simply that they might receive peace and joy from me [Music] so many believe in me only to demand from me greater material wealth so many believe in me just to spend this life in peace and to be safe and sound in the world to come [Music] so many believe in me to avoid the suffering of hell and to receive the blessings of heaven so many believe in me only for temporary comfort yet do not seek to gain anything in the world to come [Music] when i brought down my fury upon man and seized all the joy and peace he once possessed man became doubtful when i gave unto man the suffering of hell and reclaimed the blessings of heaven man's shame turned into anger when man asked me to heal him i paid him no heed and felt abhorrence toward him men left me to seek the aid of evil medicine and sorcery when i took away all that man had asked of me everyone disappeared without a trace thus i say that man has faith in me because i give too much grace and there is far too much to gain [Music] i was just paralyzed when i found out chachi had cancer i could hardly do my duty and i had some complaints within my heart i didn't say anything about it out loud that i'd been working for him so god should protect my family i was plagued with doubts why did my daughter have to get sick i realized that those complaints meant i was blaming god and rebelling against him so i saw all my work and sacrifice was just tainted i was still motivated by being blessed if it hadn't been for my daughter's cancer i'd still feel like i was doing well this trial hasn't fully exposed me where is my love and my faith my submission for god i'm so unreasonable unconscionable i'm not worthy of anything you learned a lesson from your daughter getting sick this is a good thing this is god's grace and blessing it is i just remembered a passage of god's words in their belief in god people seek to obtain future blessings this is their goal in their faith all people have this intent and hope but the corruption in their nature must be resolved through trials whatever aspects in man are impure these are exactly the aspects that must be refined this is god's arrangement god creates an environment forcing you to be refined there so that you can know your own corruption finally you reach a point where you'd rather die and give up your plans and desires and submit to god's rule and plan therefore if people do not have years of refinement or suffer to some degree they will not be freed from the bondage of corruption of the flesh in their thoughts and hearts in whichever aspects you are still bound by satan and in whichever aspects you still retain your desires and demands these are the aspects in which you should suffer only through suffering can lessens be learned which means being able to gain truth and understand god's will in fact many truths are understood by experiencing painful trials none can grasp god's will know his almightiness and wisdom or appreciate his righteous disposition when in a comfortable environment or favorable circumstances that would be impossible amen amen god's words are made clear to me and his work to save mankind so practical yes it is it is i thought that i was sacrificing for my faith in god i was convinced that i was devoted to god i was earning his approval but when i had to go on the run pursued by the great red dragon i complained about it all i realized that i was lacking in devotion and submission to god i was only following god for blessings you know i was afraid to suffer i was corrupt and greedy and i needed judgment and chastisement to be cleansed yeah that's right if i hadn't gone through that i never would have known my true measure i would have focused only on the blessings of the kingdom that's absolutely unreasonable that experience revealed how beneficial hardships can be for our growth in life it's true what you say when my daughter became ill it was god testing me exposing me it's for my salvation it's god's love i'm grateful for it and him amen i've been reading some passages of god's words that are inspiring let me read would you let me read yes job did not talk of trades with god and he did not make any requests nor any demands of god he praised god's name because of his power and authority in ruling all things his praise was not dependent on his own blessings or woes he believed that whether a man receives blessings or woes from god god's power and authority will not change and thus regardless of a person's circumstances god's name should be praised that man is blessed by god is because of god's sovereignty and it is also by god's sovereignty that man is scourged god's power and authority rule and arrange man's everything the vagaries of fate are manifestations of god's power and authority and regardless of one's viewpoint god's name should be praised amen this is what job experienced and learned throughout his life all of job's thoughts and actions reached the ears of god and arrived before god and were seen as important by god god cherished this knowledge of job and treasured job for having such a heart this heart waited for god's command at any time and place and was ready to receive whatever comes to him job made no demands of god what he demanded of himself was to wait for accept face and obey all of the arrangements that came from god joe believed this to be his duty and it was precisely what was wanted by god for job's heart was pure and not hidden from god his humanity was honest and kind and he loved justice and positive things only a man like this with such a heart and humanity could follow the way of god and be capable of fearing god and shunning evil such a man could see god's sovereignty could see his authority and power and achieve obedience to his rule and arrangements only a man such as this could truly praise god's name that is because he knew all rested in god's hands and did not think of blessings or disasters he knew man's worries are signs of foolishness ignorance lack of reason of doubt toward the fact of god's sovereignty and control over all things and also of not fearing god job's knowledge was precisely what god wanted amen amen amen job's faith was tremendous he fully understood that what he'd gotten from his hard work was in fact all given to him by god that's why he could say that god gives and god takes away and then bless the name of the lord i really don't measure up to job isn't cancer something that god is allowing why didn't i have the slightest idea what god's will in this is i really don't have enough faith now through prayer and reading god's words i understand his will and i know that her fate is in god's hands no matter how the surgery goes i'll submit to god's arrangements do my duty well and repay god's love thanks be to god thank god [Music] what a great reading today god's words are true let's take a break i've got some water here okay thank you [Applause] you got a letter from home i thought it might be urgent so i brought it over all right mom i have good news my surgery was really successful i was really scared the day of the operation so i prayed to god and asked him to bless me with a successful surgery that nothing would go wrong [Music] i didn't feel as scared after i prayed and i gradually fell asleep when i woke up the operation was finished the doctor said it went really well and i was so happy i started crying i know it was god protecting me i'm so grateful to him don't worry mom i've been recovering really well so don't lose any sleep just focus on doing your duty and repaying god's love [Music] you
Channel: The Church of Almighty God
Views: 5,597
Rating: 4.9088607 out of 5
Keywords: a true christian story, christian testimony video, 2021 Christian Movie, Full Christian Movie 2021, Growth Movie, hristian testimony Movie, Testimony of Growing, Through Hardship ​and Trials, hest christian movies, Christian Movies, Christian Movies 2021, Christian movie, 2hristian movies, Christian Movie Based on True Story, Based on True Story Christian Movies 2021, full movie 2021
Id: JkVPuzRyOTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 3sec (6123 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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