20/20 Diane Saywer My Reality: A Hidden America
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Channel: 20/20 - Official Channel
Views: 1,685,222
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Keywords: 20 20, 2020 full episodes, 2020 full episodes 2016, 2020 episodes, 20/20 full episodes, 20/20, 20/20 full episodes 2016, 20/20 full episodes 2015, 20 20 full episodes, Diane Saywer My Reality, 2020 diane sawyer, My Reality: A Hidden America, Hidden America, american dream, 20/20 Diane Saywer, 20/20 full episodes 2017
Id: Hhh0Qcl_yMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2017
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when I was 24 I asked myself what I wanted out of life. I had two choices, family or early retirement. I chose early retirement, got an easy job with California and have been chill ever since. I refuse to play their game. fuck the hamster wheel
Towards the end, I'm amazed that the guy who commutes four hours each way (on a bicycle) isn't bothered by the privilege that others have. I'm not saying that he has to personally dislike the people who have it better. Rather, I would be furious at the conditions that allow such a disparity to exist. Positive thinking means fuck all when the deck is stacked against you.
And before I get the standard issue, "Well, are you saying he should just be defeatist and give up," no, that's not at all what I'm saying. You can think constructively about your situation while still harboring pessimistic views about the economy and society writ large. I've managed to do okay for myself in IT, but I don't owe a dime of that success to positive thinking and the entire bullshit industry that brainwashes Americans.
No solutions mentioned. Title says it all. Saved you 20 minutes.