2020 Bassmaster LIVE at Lake Eufaula Day 1, Part 1

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big and giant stay hooked up stay on there I'll stay on there welcome back baby quarantine is over and we're catching Giants out here on Lake Eufaula Bassmaster Live espn2 I see you I see you it's the DeWalt fast master elite that Lake Eufaula being brought to you live by minn kota [Music] decided that is for sure we're all excited this is a red-letter day this is the day we resume the 2020 Bassmaster Elite Series we run legendary Lake Eufaula we have been fishing for about an hour and a half right now and we are on the water and we are bringing it all to you they're catching them that's the good part of the news right there we got Bassmaster live for you all day four days of competition here as we resumed our schedule and we're just so happy to be out there we're gonna let it roll we're gonna get you out on the water so you can experience it all can't offer you a better deal than that and so that you can understand it Oh a better deal than mark zona I cannot imagine great to have you know what it was amazing listening to the anglers this morning very emotional ready to get out on the water and really of all the lakes that we fish probably as much history on Lake Eufaula as any Lake we go to but it is a different playing field this time around we're gonna get into all of that the next four days absolutely can't wait for it can't wait to get started with the crew we have in place which always includes Ronnie Moore and Mike sooc soup gun guys I know you've you've been you got a lot of pent up demand for bass fishing over there at that table that's for sure I'm super excited not only has it been three months since the Bassmaster Classic but it's been four months since the first Elite Series event I know the fans the anglers the staff everyone's ready to get going and we're excited that day one of you fall is already here appropriate to come back if you file it had for the first 17 Vass events ever big fish and it helped us establish it as the big bass capital of the world they're trying to get that moniker back well the Bassmaster Elite Series has never been to Lake Eufaula so let's waste no more time let's get out on Lake Eufaula and show you this incredible place here the rules of the game we have four days of fishing we have 86 anglers full feel would be 88 we have two that are not able to go today they're gonna fish approximately eight hours a day after day two we'll cut it down to 40 anglers and then on the other day day four it's gonna be ten anglers on championship Saturday a five fish limit each day in the heaviest four day weight total wins the trophy and Marten zona look Lake Eufaula you talk to most people they'll say it's been on fire the past four or five years absolutely right and really if you if you look at the Lake it has two different faces okay we're gonna take a look at our hummingbird lay of the lake right on the border of Alabama and Georgia and this Lake is a monster eighty-five miles long and really if you look at the bottom end of Lake Eufaula that's where you're gonna see a lot of the action as you start to go north to really the town of Eufaula Alabama that's a lot of where your your deeper water is gonna transpire during this event it's where a lot of the field is at this morning and as you kind of wind up the Chattahoochee River that's when you're gonna get into the shallow water game and here's what's odd ninety-nine percent of the tournaments this time of year they're one offshore in the deeper water of Lake Eufaula but this time around we have a lot more higher water a lot of grass in the water if you talk to the locals shallow water throughout this event could play a factor which usually this time of year literally plays none and the weather another typical thing it's not been typical in the month leading up to here either during the month it's very typical for the last four months break bad dog absolutely there's your leaderboard as we stand right now Chris Haldane whom you just saw start in the show there with 17 pounds in two ounces that's in an hour and 40 minutes worth of fishin that is phenomenal Floridian drew cook Gary Poquette a Michigan boy in third place does that surprise you mark though well if you really look at the the top five anglers right really the top 10 anglers there's some of your better offshore fishermen and a lot of the word that we got last night talking to our anglers before they got out on the water today they said the first three hours it is a beat-down on Lake Eufaula certainly has been the case for this man Chris Sal Dean in his ninth year the basket or Elite Series this was all earlier this morning first thing in fact this morning come on stay on a baby - we are back no not that big looked weird the white bass I think a little large now just just a keeper I stay hooked up stay on there I'll stay on there welcome back baby quarantine is over and we're catching Giants out here on Lake Eufaula Bassmaster Live espn2 I see you I see you how could you not see seventeen pounds - header be in the morning that's the breakdown of it right there we have a 14-inch limit I think we mentioned that and five fish you can use your smallest fish when you bring in one bigger than your smallest fish you can release that one it's what we call Cohen and really one of the things that Zell Dade said just number one Chris Dale Dame for the last 12 months one of the best fishermen in the country but did not put a win away in 2019 and really what he said yesterday was I have a spot in early morning spot if they're there I will wipe them out within one hour exactly what happened this morning three second-place finishes out of nothing tournaments last year you can't get more frustrating than that but but more consistent than that and Chris wants to go beyond consistency this time around and he's made a great start had around the corner right now with Brandon pollinate live well we've we've got five in the live well but not for much weight maybe 11 pounds so we're about halfway to where we actually need to be we got some serious upgrading to do it's like all the the places back here that had good ones I've just been catching little ones so I'm thinking they're they're moving right we talked about that this morning they're transitioning get us started and I think come I think that's what these fish are doing you bigger ones are probably pushing their way out but there's enough deep water back here I thought that they might just stay plenty of water back here they could just live back here but there just might not be enough flow once the the rain stops and it's hot Brandon palling hard to believe he joined the Elite Series ten years ago it's been a decade since this young man from Idaho has been out there and he says what if would a lot of the anglers said in practice you'll you'll find some big ones and you're not you're subject to not finding them again the next day the same place and just to kind of break down the shape that Lake you follows on right now talking to a lot of the locals really the last eight years this lake has been loaded with vegetation hydrilla growing out very very deep after the Hurricanes came through it kind of ripped a lot of that that grass out of the lake but what that grass did was make you follow very very healthy I mean there are tens of thousands of three-pound bass in this lake but if you really kind of look at you know one of the things coming into this tournament is what would it take a day to win this event and it was all spread out but really it seems like watching this morning already looking what a lot of our anglers that are on camera have you're gonna have to be in that 4 pound bass and bigger to make a mark this week brandon Palahniuk has three wins on the past master Elite Series started out as the bass nation champion that's how he gained access to this highest level of fishing a classic in 2011 he started his Bassmaster top-level career those three wins came to bull shoals lake after having to go to the hospital with a hook in his hand he made quite the turnaround and if you look at politics career in fact really coming into this tournament a lot of people picked him to do well for his style of fishing the majority of his wins on the Bassmaster Elite Series they're fishing offshore deeper water very subtle areas looking at 2013 next one of the biggest stringers we've ever seen smallmouth fishing up on the st. Lawrence River making a huge run out to Lake Ontario he had been disqualified the week before in Wisconsin and said well I just got to go win the next tournament he was a totally went against the grain would hold up a to play Conn Theriot and absolutely got the job done [Music] here's 2017 lake sam rayburn and what's funny is looking looking at this event back in 2017 on another enormous weight event a lot of folks thinking that this tournament granted not as big a bass I mean he had some eight to ten count fish in that but a lot of people live here in this event thinking this one sets up very very similar to that win in Texas we will keep an eye on Brandon pond will be with him all day as a matter of fact another angler whom we will be with all day long another winner from last season on the Bassmaster Elite Series Australia's Karl chocolates my sort of fifth fifth run I've had it to myself there's no one out here but this is all timing and I missed a couple of opportunities in the last one first couple casts and then they they really go quiet but I was honestly expecting to catch a good fish off every single one of these straight up this morning so there's definitely something a little bit different happening right now I just have to either adjust or start running some new ones maybe move up a little bit shallower but there's gonna be a time today where these are going to fire and I'm going to catch some good ones you know it's pretty exciting because there's there's no one out here so I'm confident it's just this is fishing you just got to keep your head down stay patient and try and just figure out exactly what they're doing Carl Jenkinson from Queensland Australia has fished 2015-2016 2018 and 2019 he's been up and down a tough road for Carl that's Carl with his first win last year and it was the end of the season and and getting the talk to Carl said has it changed your life he said yeah for the better he's my life and and watching what he's doing in this event right here so far you noticed he's looking down at his graphs when he's looking at his depth finders he's looking at very isolated cover all right it looks like he's in the middle of the lake but it is a complete timber field of structure in front of him and he said what's been funny about this tournament is throughout practice he said there is so much timber out there is finding that magic brush pile finding that magic clean spot and he really thought the first hour like Chris eldane that he was going to be able to wipe him out still looking for that to really fire big time well Jonathan of course we mentioned he started in 2015 got his start got our attention his ended here in the state of Alabama on Lake Guntersville did very very well in that tournament and do a lot of international attention to this board of bass fishing without a doubt and really if you looked at Karl's career as you said very very up and down you know before he won the event last year on Lake Tenkiller a lot of us were concerned that we've ever seen Carl again in the professional bass fishing ring hard to explain all the hoops you have to jump through to compete absolutely to change your residency or get the permission to stay in the United States just that alone much less fashion some sort of success with the Bassmaster Elite Series but Carl right now he certainly seems to be in good shape and on his way I'll curl trying to get something some of these anglers want to get something started deep that seems to be the dream of most of the guys here this week at Lake Eufaula we have so much more to show you today Bassmaster life coming to you for the next two hours and 45 minutes we'll take a break at noon we'll come back with our afternoon session at noon Eastern Time until three o'clock is gonna be a great day going to enjoy it all as we restart the season the Bassmaster Elite Series 2020 gonna pick ourselves a quick break but stay with us now and we will be right back on Bassmaster Live the DeWalt fast master elite that Lake Eufaula is being brought to you live by MinnKota [Music] nothing do you want to play it's cold when I'm on the road from work or for fun I always like to have a reliable generator around this open frame inverter fool champion is ideal because it's lighter than a standard open frame generator and more affordable than a traditional inverter the remote start helps me start up the generator or shut it off without having to leave my camper it provides essential powers and things like charging my boat batteries also makes life a lot more comfortable for myself and my family I can vividly remember back when I was a kid and you know searching for information and it was so much work and it was such a struggle to get that knowledge to get that information we talked about the equipment we talked about the bait we talked about how to pick it apart it's highly detailed specific information from A to Z to help you learn get to the water and become a better angler quickly that's what the Bosch university is all about if you love bass fishing then show your support by joining ba SS today with your membership you'll receive every issue of Bassmaster magazine plus $50 in free gear including a membership tackle bag ba SS cap plus more click now on this video to join today that the Wald's Bassmaster ally that Lake Eufaula is brought to you by power pole [Music] Skeeter boats [Music] Yamaha and by Toyota [Music] Lake Eufaula on the Chattahoochee River performs right at this point the border between Alabama and Georgia haven't been here for all the 15 years of the Bassmaster Elite Series and is so so great to get back to reset our season and get it going Chris Salle bein a man on top of our selves in Fort Worth Texas originally from the West Coast drew cook Georgia but North Florida I should say just on the Georgia Florida border moving up into second place Michigan spirit yeah Gary Klaus the veteran from Nashville Tennessee how have we not been here for the vast Master Elite Series that's the way no one seems to be able to provide an answer for it especially in recent years it has been truly enduring a resurgence and then they say they're just having a great habitat all over like it's a used to its top to bottom it's a great place taking a look at your unofficial leader right there Chris al vain with a big morning and that's what a lot of these guys were doing throughout practice we're ok guys just checking in with you guys we've got a nice 5 fish limit in the boat right now we're just kind of idling around and using our electronics here I've got my my hummingbird so let's is set up to where it's shooting 84 feet to the left and to the right and I'm talking about the you know the transducer and basically it's it's pinging its underwater sonar and it's pinging every little detail down here so I've got a map here I'm looking at and you know I'm able to do this of course during the tournament because I'm sitting on a real you know a decent bag so I'm just looking around and looking for individual fish and some of these brush piles here so I did a lot of this in practice and this is what we're looking for so I look for my on my lake master map here those are brush piles angler place brush piles so literally people you know chop trees down or do you know and you know or fine brush on the bank come out to these high spots out here in place brush here and I'm able to locate them and once I find a brush pile like this I'll go just just go ahead and hit mark on it it sets up a waypoint and then when I go up there I know exactly the cast to make and that's how we found that first spot and I'm just going to go around and idle over some brush piles you know the larger-than-normal bass bite so I'm not looking for numbers right now I'm just looking for big ones I got to fish I'd like to get rid of that are under three pounds and then I've got three nice ones so it's a big lake we've got a lot of time and hopefully I can come in with over 20 pounds of fish so brush piles shell beds and ledges and we may go up on the bank and throw swim bait a little bit kriselle daily and out the game plan for us right there again we're still in the first few hours of fishing and this is what we've seen so far from Chris Oneg but if you're an offshore fisherman if you fish deeper water you know this time of year the first two to three hours absolutely critical for fishing offshore and a lot of our guys that are fishing deeper water said if I don't make hay in the first three hours I'm gonna be in serious serious trouble on day one a competition Chris al bein literally landing on the mother lode early this morning and now what he said he has the benefit of kind of looking around looking and learning more for later in this event was that no greater blessing that seventeen pounds in the first hour and a quarter of fishing and that is exactly what Chris Sale vein is receipt and panic right now I'm in 12th place currently with a limit in his boat got one good one the rest of them fairly small 14 inches 15 inches but what you saw is eldane doing right there idling staring at his electronics talking to Palahniuk yesterday we said you never go did he he came off gosh how was your practice he said I don't know I'm an idling one thing as much that was weird oh that's a mess he like just quit he quit fighting that was so weird he like a little just stopped and it was like there is nothing there he's gonna help her not and only I have my little coal keeper tag right here again 14 inches we'll get to or eligible to be part of your 5 fish limit you can have 5 fish in the boat at any time if you catch one that is larger than your smallest fish you want to identify that smallest one and let him go release that fish right there taking a look at Seth fighter from Minnesota another one of the anglers here in the Bassmaster Elite Series with a lot of momentum coming out of 2019 and the Bassmaster Classic that we had three months ago update hour and a half in got to fish so far I thought I was actually gonna have a limit quicker than this but one good one one decent one I'm just gonna slow and steady grind down them on here on there and you know open have 20-plus by the end of the day but we got started with the threes the next one so one at a time slow and steady just gonna run all my stuff and see what we got boy he has a magical look this morning I agree he's on board with you he 20 pounds if you want to play today yeah you're gonna have to have 20 no doubt obviously looking at the unofficial leaderboard right now but what I was getting at so these guys have three days to practice and they had all day and the dates right now are about 12 to 15 hours long the majority of them spent their time idling looking at their electronics and and really not fishing that much throughout practice in fact talking to a few anglers probably only fished three to four hours in three days compared to all the time Lily why don't appreciate you turning right over I don't think he's gonna help now that one hooked twice it's kind of nice actually being able to set the hook and catch them instead of all practice you just spend idling around and you just hope that their bass but it's nice to actually come back and confirm it let's take you away from Brandon Palahniuk right there over part of the lake and go over a first look at young Patrick well I promise we wouldn't call him young Patrick Walters anymores Patrick Walters from South Carolina has had two good seasons and caught one pretty pretty quick first off you know we had a lot of overcast conditions so I wanted to kind of utilize that shallow bite this morning we are now we have made it down the lake and we are fishing brush piles offshore we're fishing points flats a little bit of everything I came to my furthest spot first which it's probably about five miles from the dam and what I'm gonna do is I'm now gonna work my way back up the lake my better stuff is in the mid lake but the bite hadn't really been getting good till say 11 or 12 o'clock about about midday when the fish really gets set up in the brush this one gets better and they've been pulling starting to pull probably like around 1:00 or so so kind of saving that better stuff for the mid-afternoon and just hitting a lot of brush piles we're gonna kind of do some running and gunning today and see what we can pick up that's the thing with fishing off school you gotta cover a bunch of spots trying to just find that with those fish or isolated that Patrick had a great rookie season last year 16th and the angler of the year points and he's on track right now it's actually standing in 10th place angler the year 2020 of course we're very early in our season now this is only our second regular season event you see a lot of guys right now throwing crank baits deep diving crankbaits like Palahniuk we saw Chris Alden early this morning with swim baits matching shad in this Lake big giant spoons and I asked one of the best local fishermen on this Lake I said you know all the brush piles we saw Patrick break off right there and a brush pile I said the entire Lake is brush piles ok we basically take a tree top and drag it out into the lake from five all the way out to 30 feet of water so what makes a good brush pile besides where you put it what makes a good one every one of the locals that that I've spoke to on this lake said the absolute freshest ones you can bring out generally the best brush piles will last six months to ten months as soon as they lose their greenery yet you'll catch one or two as the years go on but generally the best brush piles on this lake are the ones that were just put in like ones that were put in February March in April those are the ones that you'll see produce the most and have leaves vegetation in attract aquatic absolutely life basically just brings bait brings bass Patrick Walters very personable young guy very knowledgeable and very accomplished in the world of fishing at a young age in fact made his debut last year 2019 the same Johns River in Florida and really really impressed put on a show himself a fourth place finish in a slugfest down there was for quite a while last season that we were looking at him for Rookie of the Year angler of the year on the Bassmaster Elite Series he led through five events last year went up north and kind of faltered a little bit Walters is from the college series our our series for across the country he picked at the University of South Carolina he's won a Bassmaster Open at the Red River the semi pro series to qualify for the Elite Series so he had he did have a great year won of course we were not able to fish his home water Santee Cooper because of the delay and the intermission you might say but we will pick that up in the fall so he is looking forward to it well that'll be it to a place with honest and swimming for South Carolina love all over it dip rip deal I'm saying he likes tough evented and finishing in the south and the fall he really relishes that opportunity we look at drew cook sort of eaten up the mileage between himself and Chris's al Bain who Seldane a great start but not enough where he can run away and hide from the rest of the field Garret Bock yet Gary Klaus up there the veteran Shane Lee Hyun orth Carolina rounding out the top five we have got so much more action on the way today here on Bassmaster Live the DeWalt Bassmaster Elite that Lake Eufaula is being brought to you live by MinnKota [Music] your time on the water is precious you return season after season to make unforgettable memories fight a few fish reconnect with friends and recenter yourself if you count on having this time you need an outboard you can count on to power it that's why boaters stay with Yamaha for the long run for life they know reliability starts here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the native son gets it done [Applause] you're watching that the wilds Bassmaster Elite at Lake Eufaula being brought to you live by MinnKota [Music] this Bassmaster dEWALT's elite at Lake Eufaula round one day one of the four days of competition will continue this afternoon at 12 p.m. for the afternoon session all the way to 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time meanwhile we've got two and a half hours of our morning session and we are we're having a good time today great to get some live sports going and at this level and catching fish like they are oh you couldn't ask for much more it's definitely playing big-time today we we knew coming in this tournament Lake Eufaula ton up big fish in this lake showing out the first two hours of competition that a couple just guys make move Brandon Lester with a five pounder climbed into second and drew Benton in here that's just called a three pounder to pull back in the second place they're all moving left and left and right up and down here those six figures they're represent six anglers and we are covering full time today we'll be visiting plenty other anglers this is this one right here a fighter that's always gonna get enough of this kid [Music] oh yeah thank you keep not the one we want don't bang definitely gotta get rid of him for today is over but we'll take them for now [Music] well one he's wanting to not take to the weigh-in today would rather that his five fish limit included five that were significantly larger than that one right there you know we talked about pretty much everybody that we've been on so far this morning is fishing offshore fishing from let's call it six foot of water out all the way to 25 30 feet of water one of the hardest things to do in a tournament like this is know the water is higher whenever you have that higher water you're gonna have a population of big ones that are shallow the other side of it is that one of the hardest things to do is both to where I'm going to fish offshore that I'm gonna go shallow them to come back offshore you end up kind of not getting traction on either that's why a lot of these anglers that we've been on so far have committed to staying deep living deep and that's where they spent the majority of their practice well throughout practice set fighter fished deep aula practice the last hour yesterday he went shallow and caught a seven pounder a high pounder and said my mind is all screwed up right now give me give me your opinion what percentage is the chance that it will even one by somebody doing a bit of both I'm gonna go with zero okay I think our top I think our top five two top eight comes championship Saturday I think they're all gonna be offshore from call it six foot of water out to 25 big mover today is drew cook unless he's on the bank with that proviso we will look at crew cook from Midway Florida five fish five good ones in the live well one pound behind the leader Chris all day his roommate drew bent with a five pounder hey drew can you give us a little update for sixes jump right behind him in fifth tomorrow must was pretty good you know I started on school started out with the I've noticed and practiced that if you didn't throw the biggest thing you could out there you'd catch a lot of little fish so I started off the morning with a 7-inch suicide shot from Big Bite and whenever we pulled up it was game on you know I am I probably caught maybe ten or so fish and cold you know all the way up I got somewhere around sixteen seventeen pounds and now you're kinda at the point you know do you do you try to catch a big one off of here or do you do you wait you know save it for the next day I mean I know what I have right now is not gonna have me in the top ten today but it'll probably keep me in the hunt for the four day so marathon and yeah it's probably a smart play to go ahead and leave this I've got probably about 90 other spots that I want to hit today and pull up you know make two or three cash try to catch a big one and move on just kind of trying to manage fish I didn't figure that this school would would make it past day two so if I can save it and you know pull up and catch fifteen pounds in the morning then my day has already started to start making good decisions you can run around fish some piles station mother offshore stuff and just just kind of try to get one of the big bikes let me go up shallow so I've probably got about ten or twelve fifteen minutes left here and then I'm gonna check out and go fish a couple really good brush piles that I have a couple more offshore schools and then maybe graph around or go up shower track got some big ones afternoon we have learned to listen to drew cook what a smashing rookie campaign he had in 2019 he was in fact the Bassmaster Rookie of the Year a very accomplished fisherman at a young age and you're starting to hear guys like drew cook Chris eldane starting to already manage their day after the first hour that they had with a five fish that Cook has in the live well Kristen's L Dame has in the live well they're starting to manage they're spots and not sit there impressive and catch as many as they can leave a lot of those fish for tomorrow going into Friday and Saturday you talked about the deeper bites getting more difficult after the first three hours or so is that because of the disruption that the fisherman caused their survivor focus on that fighter no better barely I'm skin-like pressuring a boat flip that I want say that again real quick see that bike it's more difficult more challenging as the day goes on is that because these fish need to be left alone for a while is that why they're managing the way you're talking about well you're always gonna have that lull after the first couple hours but then they're gonna start pulling water people are gonna run their air conditioners and that's when they start generating water and the fish will set back up especially when you have high skies when you have Sun they the the fish compressed together the schools get tighter I think one of the biggest factors that we're gonna see in this tournament is really gonna be if you can join us on espn2 on Saturday there is an enormous local tournament here on Saturday Oh which if you listen to a lot of the guys in this tournament will play a factor like it usually doesn't every turn every yeah not like it never happened before here's Matt heron our first look at the Alabama angler who would had some success you're on Eufaula through the years when I say there's a huge local tournament I mean like one of the biggest ones of the year I was like oh so far guys this more than 40 pretty pitiful I've had to quality bytes lost both of them and had four or five others I don't know what's going on they're acting they're acting really really weird shower this morning it uh something's changed I just kind of kill in the morning a little bit everybody's been talking about the deep bye it's been really good right off I never got on that my deeper stuff has been happening middle of the day so I'm literally just trying to do what I can to get the right time of the day okay Matt aaron has a project ahead of him for the rest of this season make it to the classic qualify for the classic be in the top half of this field because well a few years ago Matt heron went to a place called Lake ray Roberts Toyota Texas bass classic a big tournament with big-time talent and managed himself a win there that is where the classic is gonna be as we start 2020 next season so Matt heron thinking man I got to make it to that place exactly right man here in one of the best shallow-water fishermen on the Bassmaster Elite Series not surprising that's what we're seeing him do here today on Lake Eufaula said he's off to a little bit of a slow start so far but one of these anglers that got on a certain bite of a certain way he's catching on hopefully we're gonna see later today that we did not hear from any other angler that we have a camera with today we can see what that is I'm intrigued indefinite one of the favorites that people say if it turns out to be a shallow water tournament man herons gonna be one of the favorites here drew cook though the man is on top he is now best in freestyle day for the boy has been all over the board this morning absolutely been a ping-pong table I can't even tell look it's all new to me man well you're all new to be back in Seattle Jeff Lester been rounding out the top five we're gonna take a break and be back with more vas master live the DeWalt Bassmaster Elite at Lake Eufaula is being brought to you live by minn kota [Music] prolong or Andy Montgomery I've been making my living with striking products for a long time so when they showed me the new tour grave line I was all in I knew I could trust what I didn't know was how easy it was to you with the spilling tool and the prepaid envelope to recycle your old line included in every single box not only is it the best line on the market it gives you the easiest fishing experience possible find out more at striking comm Skeeter is it still setting the standard let's see well first you must go to pre past well first people head is up largest over great fishing with program first sponsor polka past because the first reduction cost best mode yeah way too much for 30 seconds and 18 consecutive CSI Awards now we have introduced the FX 8 X series a fully featured boat with so many standard options leaving nothing left to desire so yes yes we are still setting the standard Skeeter [Music] this reel allows you to cover more water make more casts giving you more opportunities to catch more fish the new Revo rocket Abu Garcia for life [Music] [Music] you're watching the dEWALT's Bassmaster Elite at Lake Eufaula being brought to you live by minn kota there's Lake Eufaula right there all eighty-five miles of it they'd mentioned before we went to break about the upcoming 2021 Bassmaster Classic the World Championship the fishing coming to Lake Ray Roberts and the host city of Fort Worth Texas for the first time ever March 19th through the 21st Lake Erie Roberts always pretty much they're in the top ten the Bassmaster magazine lists a regional in that region of Great Lakes to go bass fishing it should be a smashing event Fort Worth Texas great city big town with a real small-town feel and a ton of attractions just to all the reasons in the world a planet trip to the classic again March 19th through 21st Lake ray Roberts and Fort Worth Texas looking forward to that one a lot of big ones will be caught in that tournament got to listen to that commentary about Matt heron trying to get back there if you talk to a lot of the locals from that area will tell you a time of year to catch true Giants in that Lake Buchi River forms this incredible Lake Eufaula which we say has been on fire the past few years for a lot of reasons I'm just there's our new Lander tap hey here's a catch just a moment to go from Michigander Garrett pet Gary Poquette with looks like he's again we're starting to see a common theme now where a lot of these guys are set up offshore it looks like they're literally in the middle of the lake but once you get a good one right there for Garrett Paquette had a he was our honor fishel leader for about the first 30 minutes this morning to start another that's his third fourth four pounder today but it looks like a lot of these guys are just out in the middle of the lake flailing around really what they're all doing is throwing at isolated structure when you get off the main river channel the deep river channel that gets 40 50 60 feet the predominant amount of water on the lower end of this lake really let's call it from Barbour Creek down to the dam is only 8 to 20 feet of water and it is littered with structure whether it's standing timber brush piles shale bars a lot of those clean areas is where these fish group up every single cast these guys are thinking is on a specific target well with that fish right there again that was moments ago Garrett Paquette with that one yes what he takes over the lead now with 18 and a half pounds unofficially according to bass track Chris al Dane upper right Patrick Walters below him water structure and all the next person you know yeah you you asked yourself okay where do they spawn and there's a big giant Creek out here to my left and when they're done spawn and they move out here to the main channel so you look for those spots in between and it helps you locate those areas you know faster helps you locate those those structure spots a lot quicker you can't just go out in the middle of the lake and just start graphing around you got to do it with purpose one more cast here and we'll go Chris Alden you just heard him there one more cast the cast he's executing right now and he's gonna make a move most of our guys thinking about their game plan for the second two hours of fishing here on Lake Eufaula so it's a good time to take a quick break here bring it back into the Bassmaster studios here and of course for that we want knowledge the screen of knowledge is ruled by this man right here Ronnie Moore what have you got for us well guys that we obviously are excited that reality is back to a little bit of normalcy here with Bassmaster Elite Series competition but that also means the fantasy aspect is back as well Rapala Bassmaster fantasy fishing fired up a lot of prizes in store this year if you play fantasy fishing I know a lot of other sports have it we have it as well and we're gonna touch on that where we talked about the six anglers that we're live with all day we've seen three or four other anglers with cameras and their boats also but Carl Jacobson Brandon Paulin except fighter Chris Dale Dane Patrick Walters and Matt heron those are our six guys we'll be with all day and they were very popular picks in fantasy fishing but the most popular picks there's five different buckets that kind of divide our 88 angler field and Stetson Blaylock a very popular picking bucket a he's got to fish right now in his boat brandon lester bucket be the most popular pick there he's a tennessee river guy exceptional and he's doing well he just caught a couple good ones Gerald swindle Alabama angler he should know you follow pretty well very popular pick him bucket see set fighter we're gonna see him live he's starting to starting to put it together in the main river we're seeing catching some fish and then a guy that was the most picked in fantasy fishing Chris Allen 47% of fantasy fishing players picked him in buckety he had a tough st. John's that's why he was in the lowest bucket and he's paying big dividends for the for the fans there that picked him you are the Matthew berry of fantasy fishing how are you doing is what we were that's perfect that you say that zona because I've got a couple good anglers I kind of divided my team up three guys who would probably fish offshore two that would fish shallow Luke Palmer Brock Mosley or my shallow guys while Clint Davis buddy gross offshore guys and the pic that I'm excited about right now Garrett puckett Louis buck hit their buckety 1% of the fans picked up I picked him and he is in the top five right now so right now I almost got your hands on that loan shot money right feeling very good okay it's gonna be great a lot of prizes to be in story if you've never played you're not missing out you can still jump in at any point during the season and win prizes individual events and then the overall prizes as well fantastic job Thank You Ronny more runny more at the screen of knowledge let's get back out on the lake suits mention a catch meaningful catch not too long ago from Brandon Lester let's see if we can get a peek at Brandon Lester not one of the guys in our rotation but we will add him for sure I think this was this was just moments ago we mentioned now I just mentioned it to the screen of knowledge would the most popular picking bucket be 30% of the people picked him and rightfully so we saw what he did at Guntersville in the classic and the elite last year and that's this type of fishing and I'll tell you what's been really cool to watch so far in this event is is looking at our offshore anglers guys like Brandon Lester Garret pocket that we watch so many times last season your usual players that live out deep that you you know you see them fish shallow when they have to go shallow and there's no other options Wow Brandon Lester right there with a big one early this morning on day one again as Ronnie mentioned Brandon was a player each and every day at Lake Guntersville in the Tennessee River in their World Championship earlier this year the Bassmaster Classic well sort of waiting for him to put one away yeah yeah comes so close even versatile to it as closest he ever came was on the st. Lawrence River New York just across from Canada cook Raymond Lester Patrick Walters we visit with him he spent some time shallow and deep today seen a lot of our anglers on the lower end really from the dam up to Barbour Creek which a lot of the folks that live around this lake thought this tournament will be dominated in that region of the lake baby out there I'm using a four autodidact Bora hook actually like a smaller hook I don't want a great big monster looking there sometimes it's I just feel like you get a better hook in them when they get it and you don't lose them as much I'm about to put a zoom old monster something about summertime in June it's um actually red bug it's a little bit bigger profile this fish you're just reading a good-sized back ten and a half inches I can't say no to old monster that's what we're looking for though is an old monster just expose in that worm slide it through there and if you kind of want to judge the bait a little bit where the hooks gonna come out and then just slide it from the bottom Patrick Walters over there NAFTA code tastes the bait they're the big worms saw a lot of that last season especially in the height of summer or early summer places like Lake Fork and really so far in this event it's been deep water fishing 101 deep diving crankbaits giant flutter spoons swim bait fishing and ten inch worms typical baits for this time of year and I guess surprisingly a lot of people thought shallow water somewhere was gonna play a factor this morning not the case so far Patrick rear IG's there with a new worm and immediately reaches for another fix that that's the nature of fishing and again we've got 86 anglers full field out there today on an 85 mile long lake with about 650 miles of shoreline most most of the observer says plenty big for the size I feel and you know for for being an older reservoir that you know giant river system that comes into a brush pile right there you can see my white point and there it is and I got the Rings are at 22 and a half feet so you can kind of tell it's a little past 44 feet now it's about 45 feet away ooh right when you get that pond there's actually fish you can see their little shadows but that's the brush pile right there and I got to set a 90 feet that way it's on a good cast when that brush pile appears in this ring and this is the boat right here this is where the boats sitting this is underneath the boat and everything out there that's what we're looking at out in front of us well if you haven't checked in with bass fishing for several years that's something you may have missed we'll we'll talk about that a lot more during the course of today I've got some bass trivia for you a wrap not area that's gonna take you way back for the knowledgeable bass fishin fans one day record and a 15 fish limit that's what it was back in the day at the 1969 Eufaula national tournament wait how much was it 94 pounds 14 ounces 96 1598 8 or 98 15 that is your bass trivia question chew on that this morning and we will be right back the DeWalt Bassmaster Elite that Lake Eufaula is being brought to you live by MinnKota [Music] the season is starting at it's time for you to bring it hit your knowledge against friends and fans everywhere in Rapala pants master fantasy fishing it's free and it starts by signing up then pick your 5 angular team for each event grand prize winner gets a Bass Pro Shop shopping spree cash and Rapala prize pack plus new opportunities including $4,000 worth of prizes for each individual event winner plus another 500 bucks if you're a bass member total value for the season is 90 thousand dollars sign up today and start ringing that fast Master fantasy comm when I'm on the road from work or for fun I always like to have a reliable generator around this open frame inverter from champion is ideal because it's lighter than a standard open frame generator and more affordable than a traditional inverter the remote start helps me start up the generator or shut it off without having to leave my camper it provides a sense of power for things like charging my boat batteries also makes life a lot more comfortable for myself and my family [Music] groundbreaking designs unsurpassed quality and unshakable confidence welcome to the rain jersey 501 hundred series leading the industry for over 50 years these rigs are custom crafted and loaded with more features and advantages to deliver the ultimate ownership experience the legendary Rangers e-series unleashed next level performance mercury go boldly Bassmaster sweepstakes prizes are crazy good and you'd be crazy not to win ya get there now to win a fishing trip with 50th Bassmaster Classic champion hey cheering trip includes airfare rental car hotel at $500 cash plus a bass cat saber FTD with mercury 150 pro excess Garmin electronics and an amazing prize pack total value more than $50,000 there's a 100% chance you won't win if you don't enter go to Bassmaster calm and up the odds in your favor it's fast and easy and who knows you could win you're watching that the waltz Bassmaster Elite at Lake Eufaula being brought to you live by minn kota so great to be with you today we got five more hours of bass master wide coming your way today same deal tomorrow the DeWalt elite Bassmaster live from Lake Eufaula starts at 8:00 a.m. for 3 hours take a one-hour break and then come back at noon Eastern Time for three more hours of action on Bassmaster Live resuming the season 2020 season for the Bassmaster Elite Series we have this one and six others to go to complete the season we left you the SOOC brought you some bass trivia here's the question again rip nunneries one-day record evenly 15 fish limit er away back win 1969 you fall a national debt limit weighed how much one day record one day of fishin it doesn't matter he really caught him by looking yeah really good I mean that's the amazing thing is all four figures so what do you say I give me some 9 B 8 8 Ronnie 96 15v I'm with you on that all right 98 all such as you said this was his only event a Foley event ripp nunnery entered he and Jo Blanchard were in the same boat they caught a hundred and eighty pounds from one spot fish and worms what did you say he caught like 18 pounds the rest of the event yeah he finished he did did not win the record was set by Blake Honeycutt 138 pounds six ounces won that event 51 years ago now if you if you make a hundred pounds in four days of fishing not one that four days of fishing not one day it's a solid wonderful thing oh yeah it's a solid a solid great let's check in with Carl Johnson to cost with bass and then we're just gonna hit that bridge real quick call it a couple of three three and a half pan there's also that in practice see if I can't get my limit and then we can get back out on the program look at bill wap Wadler getting up in a sixth place there Kyle Monti into eighth place you know one of the things that you're gonna hear throughout the next four days is rotation and timing and so many of the anglers that are fishing offshore said gosh if I could just make sure my rotation is good and my timings right is a lot of these offshore spots that these guys are fishing number one you can get in a bad rotation be fishing behind other anglers that found the same exact offshore spots but the other side of timing is a lot of these groups efficient these aren't typical Tennessee River schools of fish that are 100-200 fish schools these are three six ten fish schools and if you can hit that timing where that group sets up on the structure you're fishing whether it's brush piles or standing timber or a clean spot that's what you're gonna hear the rest of the week is having the correct timing with those smaller schools of bass all right B&W trailer hitches on the line a feature we Lada let's just get out to some anglers how about a former champion on the basketball elite series yeah drew Benton yes from the state of Florida originally and drew is out there and drew it's great thanks for spending a moment and while you're trying to do your job right here but we're so excited to get it started and they talked to us about how you approach this Lake Eufaula how much experience you have here and how your expectations are measuring up today well Eufaula is the next Lake up from what I would consider my home lake Lake Seminole and I've had some tournament experience here back in 2010 3 maybe 2012 but as of recently you know I moved to Blakely Georgia which is about an hour down the road so I'm right in between but lakes I spend a lot of time as of late I don't know it really hasn't been a great morning for me so far I've run some of my best stuff I just haven't haven't been bit I don't know if it's this cloud cover or what but I had to run up Showell and fish a brand best catch a limit I come back out here and I just caught a five and a four so hopefully these bigger ones are getting started hey drew thanks a lot man we appreciate your time good luck it looks like things are looking up for Drew bitten at this moment maybe starting to get things fired up on his spot no again he's a Seminole guide in his he mentioned Seminole it's the next Lake down on me beef the old hooch as they call it here in the Chattahoochee River before we got postponed in the free practice cutoff period he was catching almost 30 pounds a day on you follow and in the month month ago practices and that's really one of the things we didn't talk about a lot this tournament was scheduled for April April 5th yeah it would have been if you don't follow professional bass fishing if you're our friend Mike Golic who's probably at home watching this right now he does okay all right he does and here's one of the things is if this tournament would have went on in April 90% of this field would probably have been 10 foot of water and less just because of a time of year thing explain why the bass would be larger as well Zee well it would have been spawn pre spawn and they would have been at their heaviest weight of the year with eggs keep watching drew for a little bit here he's starting to get some results out there and drew is one of the best shallow-water anglers on this tour and to see him fishing offshore you really granted were only a couple hours in you're starting to see how this tournament is shaping off of what we're gonna go into phase 2 through 4 when we joined you about an hour ago man on the right Chris Sal Dane was our tournament leader he's in third place right now before it if he put on a show first thing right out of the box this morning [Music] welcome back baby quarantine it's over and we're testing Giants out here on Lake Eufaula Bassmaster Live espn2 I see you I see you we see Chris eldane certainly saw a lot of him last year five top ten finishes that is almost unthinkable in a nine tournaments season five top ten finishes second place at Lake Lanier right here on the chattahoochee way up there the other side of Atlanta would he trade in those top ten finishes as many as he had last year for one win gosh I wonder yeah right yeah I don't know no no no okay I'll disagree with you on that one we can find out he's in the pump you'd want to know why maybe that's what that's what's impressive about this five top tens three seconds and a third in that whole span and didn't win angler the year that's how strong Scott Canterbury Stetson well Corey Johnson all world that is incredible Cayuga was the third place there and against Breck you say Ronnie the rookie second place finishes just incredible and maybe we can find out which one Chris would like I mean he was on camera every day of the season last year in our top ten yeah 2019 was a heck of a season you know from you know Lake Lanier Lake Guntersville Lake Tenkiller those are three second-place finishes I had and you know that in every event the winner just beat me every time I mean like a lot of times it was on the final day you know the winner would would catch them good just just good enough you know to beat me out and you know growing up in California you know one of the biggest things California fishing has taught me is just how to be versatile fishing as a co-angler for a few years and just learning as much as I can and changing and adapting on the fly that right there I mean that that's how you win tournaments is changing on the fly it's so hard to stay on top of schools of fish or patterns for four days in a row yeah it's easy to win that Saturday tournament or that Saturday Sunday tournament but man on that third day that fourth day things really start to to not fall apart but you know the patterns start to diminish and it's all about adapting so you know I praise and thank bass for you know giving us a full schedule after you know the quarantine and the kovat stuff going around they delivered us a full schedule that I'm thankful for it gives us the opportunity to turn those second-place finishes in the first-place finishes to make money provide for our families so you know this season it's it's it's we're going to try to convert like I said those second-place finishes in the first place finishes well put Chris al Dane right there that expressing a feeling I'm sure shared by all of us feel that's out there on the water today all 86 of them they're all looking forward to this schedule which has been the certainly changed we're gonna go three back to back to back in the state of New York here in about a month as we continue to schedule that should be interesting and really number one if you look at that schedule and the lakes that we're going you're going to have to catch them and catch them throughout the rest of the season but I think the most unique thing about this which if you talk to a lot of the anglers that were Ron Ron Moore brought it up earlier today having events in October and know that we this is new ground for us it's not can you ground for the Bassmasters back in you know 30 years ago we had a lot of tournaments in the fall and those will be very very unique events from from tournaments that you and I've covered the last 20 years done absolutely we'll pick up st. Claire after that back to back and then we have three down south here like you say and stop only we haven't seen in our careers for sure should be interesting sandy Cooper Chickamauga [Music] the pocket from Michigan to man on top right now drew cook we talked to Drew he's not in fishing today here Chris Sal Dane hanging in there the fast fast start everybody's probably do it a little refiguring resetting right now is they will do throughout the day Brandon Lester big move through Benton we talked to him as well starting to get some results so everything's changing everything's moving it's so great we are live and we'll be back the DeWalt Bassmaster Elite that Lake Eufaula is being brought to you live by MinnKota [Music] where the trail gets rough and the mud gets deep you'll find a Toyota Tacoma it's the best-selling compact pickup in America in 12 years and it's not because we baby them if you want to play you need to Tacoma [Music] your time on the water is precious you returned season after season to make unforgettable memories fight a few fish reconnect with friends and recenter yourself if you count on having this time you need an outboard you can count on to power it that's why boaters stay with Yamaha for the long run for life they know reliability starts here [Music] if you want to play you need its coma you're watching that the world's Bassmaster Elite that Lake Eufaula being brought to you live by minn kota Bassmaster Elite Series has never been to Lake Eufaula but before it was the Elite Series it was the Bassmaster Tour and one of the big wins by one of the biggest of all time the Hall of Famer denny brauer 2004 in fact just a few months before we started the Bassmaster Elite Series we had a chance to visit with Denny during the during the break during the pause and he have some great fond memories of this place Denny Brauer so powerful hall it's so long on the Bassmasters so many wins double vision over binky just sorry he shirts exactly right I'm not scared to go way back and that was a shallow-water deal yes that was midsummer light of summer is he also won there in 2002 in 2003 he was 78 he's kind of hit and miss and what some of these angles were saying is uh fishing this week Nate Erman denny brauer the kind of guy that would actually tune you up light you up for noticing his bad finish while we're honoring his victory rightfully so easy it would be well within his rights to do you have a BAS s entry on Lake we can talk about that later to set the fighters sixth year on the past Master Elite Series angler from Minnesota 27th place got his limit but just not that no excuse me one shy of a living size has not shown up yet for him today little bit slower than I think Seth thought it was gonna be this morning what's going on oh my god dude ate it on the fall you see that oh we you tried to get in that brush pile it's a begging dude I never had one do that yeah stay on hey get it done without that anyone even in that oh I think I threw up that far brush piles what happened dang it Oh needed that one dude good eater a fair ball just mangled my spinnerbait dude Seth fighter on really up a bait you do not lose many oh you've only got 8 hours to fish today and you hate for hate for that to happen but you got it got a push forward yeah that's not a bay that's a single big hook you don't lose so many set fighter and we mentioned is six year on the bass two wins for the Bassmaster Elite Series four set fighter strangely enough both an angler of the Year championships not winning the aoi-chan but winning the tournament to decided and he's made the comment I want to win a real event I said those are fairly real the bacons but both of those tournaments were they were three-day events not typical for day events but weighing in two of the biggest stringers that we've ever seen on the Bassmasters in each event yeah based on smallmouth bats he's gonna be really excited to go back to Lake st. Clair for a four-day event he was on pace for the century mark something I've never been done with smallmouth he had three days 77 pounds we're going there and having that shot for a four day event and I know the anglers are hoping to maybe break the century mark with smallmouth at some point this year that was a tour de force effort at let's take later last year was a spider this is for earlier today like we said and they're really set his fishing a lot of that mid depth range kind of ladder drying let's call it from pull out to 12 feet of water and really looking at his day so far he said he's got about forty to fifty different spots that he's gonna rotate throughout the day he really thought a lot of his work would have been done by now he felt that he was gonna have tried pretty solid ones in the live well and the one that he just lost is one of the biggest fish that we've seen hook him throughout competition early this morning that he thought he cooked it as it was headed for a far brush pile and lost it at a near one it's a bit of bad luck there percent fighter to say you can't load the boat at any one of these multiple spots as March done late that isn't good that wasn't there and said he's gonna fish high percentage baits high percentage baits that you land them on a lot of times you throw treble hook crank bait stuff like that you're gonna lose a lot of fish you said I'm gonna live with a spinner bait in a worm so I know I could put them in the boat that one did not happen that's improbable but we did we do see it happen the colony showing loader just locked up oh great Retin had a good start their catch catching a good medium fish pretty steady for a little bit it went away pretty quickly there we go I got no trolling motor and I got a bass on not gonna cut it 14-inch limit all of Brandon's fish just kind of colognes through two and a half huh two and a quarter pounds in just five fish limit that's not good you know somebody we haven't talked to all day I can think of a lot of people but touching that I want to a champion of Lake you fall absolutely talk about you jump-started its career yeah there he is Wow the legend the hall-of-famer Davy Hite started that fantastic career of his right here on Lake Eufaula right today in all the days you've spent on you falling and and you're with drew cook we we were told as well yeah I mean it's great to be out here a lot of history here not just for myself but for the history of Vass here at Lake Eufaula I love this place for obvious reasons but it's it's super exciting and you normally I'll come out and be on the lake and before the guys come out and don't just run wide-open throttle but this morning I decided to go with Keith cones right at takeoff when we ran like 25 miles wild up in throttle so very exciting for me and Ashley this morning but this is a great Lake no doubt about it what's interesting to me this morning not seeing the shallow bite play as much as maybe we thought the waters high and got a lot of color in the water there will be some guys to catch good stringer shallow but I haven't been around any of those guys yet this morning the guys that I have been around they've been catching fish the drew benton drew cook they're fishing offshore but back in creeks not seeing as many people people out on the main river channel itself but some of the guys that really made hay this morning are fishing offshore but back in these main creek channels like potala and white oak those kind of places they'd be real quick for somebody that's at home that maybe doesn't bass fish a lot or or understand cover and structure a lot of these guys like we're looking at Seth fighter right now it looks like they're in the middle of the lake describe the stuff that they're actually targeting and throwing at well it's there's so much cover and structure out on this lake and what we had a few years ago at you follow was a lot of hydrilla and it really got a population of fish you'll really really higher then it had been in quite a few years but the hydrilla is gone now for all the all the heavy rains and the tropical storms that sort of thing the hot dirty water is basically eliminated 99% of the hydrilla I have seen just a little bit of hydrilla here so they're targeting brush piles on these offshore spots and ands just some main river ledge also so those fish want to relate to the deeper water and then they move up during the day to feed on these spots and timing is so so important here this week because those fish are not just staying up there because of the high water and they're not running water until about midday or so so the fish will back off and then they'll move back up on those brush piles to feed or on those ledges so it's real important timing you hear a lot of guys saying the best bite was early in the morning but then some guys say man I don't catch him very well early in the morning midday so it's gonna be interesting to see that unfold throughout this tournament several other guys that I expect to do really well did not get a good start this morning but they said they were catching those fish up in the day on the brush piles Davi you were one of the the anglers that you your career was founded on throwing big baits but it was high-risk high-reward it was always catching quality way bigger bass than catching quantity kind of tell the viewer at home right now that that's a mindset not going after you know those those smaller bites that could be up on the bank or just using smaller baits well you're exactly right so you know I was a high risk type fisherman but I was all about you know being competitive and trying to when and and when you try to win sometimes you're going to lose you're going to lose a lot more times and you're going to win against his competition but it's so important on a good fishery like this not to get distracted so to speak with a lot of smaller fish they're spotted bass here that you can you can pull up on some places and literally probably catch 5060 fish but they'll be spotted bass and may only be a pound pound and a half average those fish are going to do you no good here we talked to Drew Cook earlier this morning he says I've got 17 maybe 18 pounds I don't think I'll be in the top 15 with that that weight so you've got to try to swing for the fence so to speak I know we use that a little too much but on a lake like Lake you follow you've got to do that I'm so excited to see it unfold here this week because we're gonna see different guys move up and down the leaderboard as each day progresses David super interesting stuff great to have you on the water with us out out there today and we look forward to visiting with a great davey Hyde who started in 1994 has been a big win that he said I absolutely had to have if I was gonna fish for a living he likes to be called the you fall a kid even though he's from South Carolina I suspected that I didn't know that was true but that's that's interesting you're a PUC yet still a hunt top drew cook yup another one of those guys who loaded the boat early Chris Salle Dane the top three right now Brandon Lester Shane lake Hugh drew bent and making a good move and Bill wiser as well I owe Monty and Clint Davis and Alabama they're gonna move as well one of my picks if I recall correctly all right we'll be back the DeWalt Bassmaster Elite at Lake Eufaula is being brought to you live by MinnKota [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the naked son gets it done [Applause] Skeeter is it still setting the standard let's see force before she was conferred a free pass no first people head is up largest oyster crayfish in win program first possible to pass because the first reduction Quasimodo yeah way too much for 30 seconds and 18 consecutive CSI Awards now we have introduced the FX a peg series a fully featured boat with so many standard options leaving nothing left to desire so yes yes we are still setting the standard Skeeter the season is starting at it's time for you to bring it fit your knowledge against frenzied fans everywhere in Rapala pants master fantasy fishing it's free and it starts by signing up then pick your 5 angular team for each event grand prize winner gets a Bass Pro Shop shopping spree cash and Rapala prize pack plus new opportunities including $4,000 worth of prizes for each individual event winner plus another 500 bucks if you're a bass member total value for the season is $90,000 sign up today and start bringing that fast master calm you the dEWALT's Bassmaster Elite at Lake Eufaula is brought to you by hummingbird mercury [Music] men Koda and bye Talan [Music] on tomorrow on espn2 that starts at 5:00 Eastern to Pacific only five rounds this year due to the cove it 19 pandemic karl ryebeck posts from the bristol studios alongside and will be insider draft expert Kylie McDaniel and contributions from the likes of Chris Berg Jess Mendoza Eduardo Perez Kyle Peterson and Jeff Passan all rounds available on the ESPN half the first round also available on ESPN Deportes be looking forward to that as well did you get to watch the NFL Draft this year I no I did not I did not buy a cago bears are here ever there 11 tight end covers 11 tight ends you can see never happened it is a point of focus that tell me when you can have a nap I don't know do all Bassmaster Elite Lake Eufaula this is the restart of the 2020 season first of so we start for us - I feel like know a little bit of traction finally I didn't know what to do with my hands the first hour is kind of floating move it to start but a set fighter has provided us with a moment that's not the best for him but very exciting lost a giant out there between a couple of brush piles Jarrett Paul can't you see still in the lead drew cook of Florida second place Chris Salle Dane the early leader big fast start for him Brandon Lester one of the big players in the Bassmaster Classic this year here in Alabama sitting in fourth place of course I catch that one Oh until slinky is looks like a pike dude it's five jump off big and catch that thing yeah no limit to we come in three we gotta get ready talk to fighter during the hiatus of tournament fishing and he was one that emphasized knocking the rust off for the northern anglers that go back up north for these three months and just fish around their home although we doctor so he went down and now he's getting the rust knocked off that you followed just a head back he got to do a lot of taping with set throughout the last few years down there girl Johnson see if we can keep doing it like that was moments ago you gotta be always willing to a giass you know I didn't want to throw anything but the jig and now I've had to throw this scrander it's got a key thinking they're just not biting it you can't push something that they're not bite and they'll come back on the jig later but that felt good to get two bites in a row like that that one was a little bit better we need some of them and some big ones little breaking news there with the Jacobsen catch quick flurry said two bites that'll put them up to believe four fish you're making that adjustment to a scrounger very next cast feels number four it can happen quick here we always coined Carl Jacobson as a guy with a big swimbait in his hand a glide bait as we'll talk about but loves throwing a jig one on one is elite last year on the jig penis super slow morning for me I've had to jump around or bunch of spots and I've dragged that jig through the most the juice where I thought I'd get big bites on everyone and literally have hardly had to buy it so I'm jumping around and I've had to win this like bait fish ground apart and through them and I just called back-to-back fish so we've got four in the well see if we can make out fifth a good one and then I can just slow down and just either fish this or later when their Sun comes out if those fish getting those brush balls I'll be able to fish the jig and I think it's gonna happen but it's all timing right now and I've got to just stay on top of them and stay adjusting pretty much using lake master mapping the whole time and I've got a couple hundred waypoints and then my 360 is showing me exactly where those fish are exactly where those brush piles are it helps you break down this lake I almost set the hook but these fish just don't like getting caught you catch a couple and it seems to get tough and you got to move or you've got a change adjustment so we're gonna make it up and some near perfect timing was what it took for Carl Jung custom to collect his first win with the Bassmaster Elite Series that happened in middle of summer at Lake Tenkiller in Oklahoma and an old man ensign of life yes we whatever you needed for his career what you said there Ron to kind of emphasize every time that we've seen Carl rise to the top it's it's been throwing a jig which he's talked about that he thought was gonna play big this morning a Guntersville when we first got the debut with him his fishing the bridges of Guntersville way back in 2015 for the jig and here he is pretty pretty incredible to see his onslaught there at smallmouth and largemouth and I'm worried to win that event a lot of work a lot of disappointments on the weight of that big win for 12 Johnson and Carl one of our international competitors on the Bassmaster Elite Series another one of our international better do ski Miyazaki not in the field he was in Japan but for this interruption they're all the trouble and getting back here he may take you set a hardship possibly this year yes yeah we have that for folks who either you know have a big-time injury that can't compete the rest of the year all that yes in a situation yes you can input you can update us on that one the injury we heard about mark Menendez back injury yesterday and believed out for I know he's out for today and I believe the rest of the tournament some bulging a couple discs you said right which is not it and not the best in a boat I finally got a limit at about 8:30 we've got one good one one beast and one three little guys we definitely gotta get Rhetta and lost the big ones so the plans work in I just got to get a few more get bites and capitalize on them I don't know what time he's fish are gonna quit biting that but hopefully I can get through all my stuff before before that happens I don't know this area I'm in right now it's taking longer and I thought it would so we'll see do you know who sings way down yonder on the chattahoochee Tommy thank you yes I do I did want Alan Jackson Alan Jackson frightening resemblance we've got the hair goes article I believe right didn't you say that I can't no I don't think that's right sorry doppelganger like that yeah Matt heron here's to be one of the only anglers we've seen fishing boat docks here on Lake Eufaula and actually very quiet about it yesterday said he got some very strong bites from real day on on day to a practice and yesterday please believe he's up to four fish 10 pounds thirty fifth place says right there in the bottom right eight pounds and change behind the leaders so for as bad as his morning was he's still sitting right there the top forty will make it after two days of competition top forty will advance to day three of of action on Friday one big Fisher can make a difference Jesse taka Ronnie was outside the cut he caught a five pound or he jumped into the teens plenty of time left to get yourself into that top 40 before this day is done course jobs not done until the end is as runny mission end of tomorrow third hour of fishing here some folks who are tuned in and that don't know they're going from 8 a.m. Eastern Time is when our live but they take off a little bit earlier than that 6:30 a.m. Eastern Time they fish all the way till 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time I hear five fish 14 inches they have to be minimum really a lot of those bigger ones were caught before we went live yep today right when we were doing our Facebook live about 45 minutes before real live run down those lives those rules force on the Bassmaster alive here's four days of fishing as we mentioned 86 anglers the full field on days 1 & 2 is Ronnie mention will cut to the top 40 today to completes the way in their 8 hours of fishing a day 5 fish the limits of course your 5 biggest fish that you bring to the weigh-in ten anglers on the final day championship day and that will beat this Saturday in Heavy's four-day total will be your winner we'll be right back the DeWalt fast Master Elite that Lake Eufaula is being brought to you live by MinnKota I'm prolonging or Andy Montgomery I've been making my living with striking products for a long time so when they showed me the new tour grave line I was all-in I knew I could trust me what I didn't know was how easy it was to you with the spilling tool and the prepaid envelope to recycle your old line included in every single box not only is it the best line on the market it gives you the easiest fishing experience possible find out more at striking com I can vividly remember back when I was a kid and you know searching for information and it was so much work and it was such a struggle to get that knowledge to get that information we talked about the equipment we talked about the bait we talked about how to pick it apart it's highly detailed specific information from A to Z to help you learn get to the water and become a better angler quickly that's what the Bosch university is all about in the wire nature dictates that when it's time to eat animals will instinctively find and devour the meal that satisfies them most in the water Berkeley power baits scientifically proven formula triggers the natural predatory instinct in bass now available in a plethora of shapes sizes and colors Berkeley power Nate fish bite and [Music] [Music] [Music] you're watching that the walls Bassmaster Elite at Lake Eufaula being brought to you live by minn kota twenty20 season it's on again we are in day one of this Dewalt Bassmaster Elite at Lake Eufaula there's a leaderboard right now michigan's garrett Paquette second-year Elite Series competitor on top through cook Florida Chris South Dane an early leader today making big moves drew bet and Brandon Lester three courses as Shane lay you bill Wyler Gary Klaus Kyle Monti and there's Clint Davis now rounding out our top 10 86 anglers will fish today and tomorrow try to make that cut to 40 as we go into the second two days of competitions we've got about an hour and a quarter left in our morning session here plenty of time for a lot of knowledge what that's what we live on here that's we need knowledge and of course providing that from a screen of knowledge is Ronnie Moore and we're talking more fantasy more fantasy right now because that's important a little a little bit of fantasy for sure I don't know about knowledge that's all subjective but I appreciate you considering it knowledge but no I wanted to be completely transparent with the fans tuning in I went through the who the most popular picks were in fantasy fishing I went through my full team of fantasy fishing but here I went around the studio I went to the guys that are at the venue and got who they thought I was an angler to watch and we're gonna start out with one of the hottest anglers in the Bassmaster Elite Series Stetson Blaylock that was Mike su cons picker over at the desk I picked a buddy gross a great offshore fisherman thought that he was gonna do well those two were both in the 50s kind of getting their day started don't have a limit and they're kind of just feeling it out maybe they're in a bad rotation like you were saying Z Z and then you picked David Mullins tell me about that pick he's obviously a Tennessee guy III basically went with David Mullins one of the better deepwater fisherman on the Bassmaster Elite Series hoping he did a lot of homework here well and then and then we go over here Tommy and you talked about Clinton Davis Glen Davis is great success at Eufaula he's an Alabama guy did well at the classic are those two couple factors why you chose him well the great shallow water if it was gonna go shallow water that would be a guy in Alabama Nate like you say history here and played into it as well and just fun to watch he today he just rose up I think he's in the 10th place yes and then the last two pics from our guys Dave Mercer and Davie height at at the venue in Lake Eufaula Mercer picked Kyle Walter and I'm really excited about that pick a rookie we saw him catch a 10-pounder at the st. John's started his season off strong a great shallow watering or the one thing he said his game that was missing was a deep deal so if we see him catch him he's either really adjusted or he's doing his shallow pattern and then I'm gonna give Davey Hite a hard time he picked two guys he would not lock into one he never locks into one you guys know that he picked David Fritz and Gary Klaus both those guys have had great success of Eufaula and those were his two picks so we'll give him credit Klaus is doing what Klaus is doing well today good good stuff Ronnie thank you so much some red meat for the fantasy fans here you can't beat that well what's ironic is I picked this guy David Mullins and Garret pocket but that that's a lot going with David Mullen so much so much history fishing offshore whether it's been on Douglas or lakes like Connersville wheeler from there Keith combs one of the offshore specialists on the Bassmaster Elite we saw a few years back Keith don't do very well on a West Point Lake here on the channel who chew just just upstream from where we are right now he films one of them big time players year in and year out as near as you can get to a home favorite right there in Steve Kennedy Steve Kennedy literally growing up here got to see a bunch of great articles on Bassmaster calm about Steve Kennedy growing up on Lake Eufaula so much history and one of the most well-rounded English on the elite see are you amazed as only call one fish today yes amazed yes John Kruse what a great past two years for John crews have been fantastic this veteran who has been here every year for the Bassmaster Elite Series really coming into his own had a great classic and you didn't have a better classic than this guy fast master Classic champion Hank sherry still dealing with an arm injury right now I believe saw that one of the anglers looking did go off the river not as many angles we thought would have gone up the river couple them up there today hey cherry on earth is are ones to watch the entire field guys yeah see they will end at some point here but yeah yeah that's no that's about six of them right there they are one still aha so what do you gain from going up the rivers we head down to Chris Alden if you go up the river here you're in a lot more shallow water situation basically five foot of water and less fishing a bunch of well Bank vegetation lay down stuff like that really taking a look at Chris Alden this morning kind of scripted where we thought this tournament was going to go and Tommy is he a candidate isn't afraid he's a candidate power pole replay of the day is a montage of the first hour of competition with Chris Alvin rotating baits on one spot and literally a beat down for the first 60 minutes of competition for Sal Dane within a giant hear them first 45 minutes of competition earlier this morning give me a size on these to Z because they're putting this vibes and they could be a little bit heavier giants out here on Lake Eufaula Bassmaster Live espn2 I see you that see you two giants he's got a couple of twos and a three to go with that in this what brings him to this a good place to be bit reserved right there but we will build into it throughout the week Chris Dale vane you are the power pole replay of the day thus far I'm excited for the build oh yeah it was one of the most low-key there was an email sent before we went okay you can't argue with that the sun's popping out down here in southern Alabama beautiful Lake Eufaula it's a big lake that splits Georgia and Alabama I'm down here on the south end of the lake throwing a big swim bait and 10 to 12 feet of water looking for some big ole largemouth bass I've got a nice five fish in my live well I'm keeping the water you know aerated and oxygenated we've got a 220 way and today we had an awesome morning just looking for an upgrade I've got to fish under three pounds in there that I'd like to call out and my opinion the best way to do that is with a larger than normal lure like a big swim bait so I'm about to pull the plug on the deep water fishing we've been fishing targeting you know 12 to 22 feet or so about to pull the plug on that and go up to the bank and do some just real typical bass fishing real typical you know shallow grass shallow rocks shallow docks and just look for you know one or two big bites up shallow our weather's been just real cloudy the last three days of practice it's been real rainy and once that Sun pops out I'll get back offshore those bass really like it you know as that Sun shines I get out deeper and deeper but as long as the clouds are around that shallow bite could very well play when I say shallow I mean you know two or three feet of water right along the bank [Applause] it's a nice beautiful day on the water that's for sure it's warm it's definitely warm come out of quarantine and all of a sudden it's summertime Chris eldane mr. full-disclosure always one of the best in the business is telling us exactly what's going on exactly what his strategy is and what's beneath him what he's fishing right there first look today at Clint Davis Alabama native go see Clinic good bid at the Bassmaster Classic Clint if we can interrupt you for just a minute I know you've got experience here on Eufaula kind of give us a what there's what is the status of you fallin now is it is it really been good for the past couple of years as good as people say yeah it's been really good there's crazy that sounds the lights are actually down a little bit this year not that uh not that that's bad since this thing is 45 and 46 to win everything time like at the big one right now well Clint man thanks you will let you do that and we'll watch for a minute here and leave you alone here and congratulations on having a decent one reward to get wild are ya next couple days either style for show or once to watch it's not it's kind of a sad morning I was both fifty-three danger didn't get together the first five places I wanted to now I'm using my backup stuff just to just to get the lime oil filled up I guess you could say so I don't know hopefully we can work our way up to 20 today 22 and try to figure something out for more room all right planting of course you get a better start time tomorrow with things flip-flopped and maybe Clint and get out to his spot tomorrow and do what he had exactly what he had had in mind for the first couple of hours of fishing on the second day of solid fleurs back up yeah yeah per back up that's a good deal right there Thank You Clinton Tommy I'm gonna have to bust him out real quick because when I when I posted who I picked on my fantasy team he said you better take me on I'm not doing well this week and then you picked him as your lone one to watch and now he is sitting there proving us right doing and doing a solid start to the day I'm just gonna bust him out there and say that well he sees he's a little too self ewod did the same thing to us at the classic he said follow me I'm done I'm worn out here for something we did it on the fall that one's for you Aaron Martens nice drop shot fish but it's not gonna help it's fun I'll go ahead and release that one it's not gonna help my five fish limit certainly here guys gonna start adjusting their game plan for the rest of the day surprise you that Sal Dain says he's gonna leave the deepwater alone I think it's I get where he's basically letting his spot restroom all morning as well I think probably a good guess right there dear o'clock yet still the man on top got a lot of fishing left on this first day of four days of competition as we resume the 2020 season the Bassmaster Elite Series all our guys have looking forward to better results in the afternoon we'll take a break and be right back the DeWalt Bassmaster Elite that Lake Eufaula is being brought to you live by MinnKota [Music] while I travel a country on the best master Elite Series I simply can't let the weather be the reason I don't win $100,000 that's why I use fo clothing to keep me warm dry and protect it from whatever Mother Nature wants to throw of me my season depends on it my career depends on it any fish any water if you love fast fishing then show your support by joining Vass today with your membership you'll receive every issue of Bassmaster magazine plus $50 in free gear including a membership tackle bag ba SS cap plus more click now on this video to join today well I'm on the road from work or for fun I always like to have a reliable generator around this open frame inverter from champion is ideal because it's lighter than a standard open frame generator and more affordable than a traditional inverter the remote start helps me start up the generator or shut it off without having to leave my camper it provides essential powers and things like charging my boat batteries also makes life a lot more comfortable for myself and my family [Music] what do a taco and a taco truck have in common nothing if you want to play knits coma groundbreaking designs unsurpassed quality and unshakable confidence welcome to the Ranger c500 and c100 series leading the industry for over 50 years these rigs are custom crafted and loaded with more features and advantages to deliver the ultimate ownership experience the legendary Rangers e-series unleashed next level performance mercury go boldly [Music] Bassmaster Elite at Lake Eufaula being brought to you live by Venkata important to note something right here Thursday night top ranked featherweight contender Jesse Magdaleno taking on NFL news in teh who's 11 and 1 with 11 knockouts in his last 12 fights that's gonna be the main event about coverage of the preliminary bouts that starts at 7:00 Eastern 4:00 Pacific on ESPN the ESPN app and ESPN Deportes solid solid pageantry right there but let me be very clear about this Jesse Magdelena 66 in reach of southpaw thunder plus oh by the way note to self bing-bong Picabo Ron Moore he's like 90 and oh okay okay that's my guy tonight all right I'll take the underdog who's a lemon and one is pets it's past 12 fights gonna fill this in thing so there we've got a match coming up that's PS good my homework yeah I can tell that's right he'll who's done their homework here on Lake Eufaula first time ever for the Bassmaster Elite Series to be on this legendary Lake so much of the history of big bass fishin the history of competitive fishing was written right here on the border between Alabama and Georgia exactly right a lot of the history of the Bassmaster Angler sportsman society if you really look at our hummingbird lay of the lake oblique you follow one of the biggest playing fields lengthwise we will see this season about 85 miles long and one of the things you're seeing so far transpire which like we said a lot of the really strong local anglers will tell you that Midlake to the dam area just off the main river channel a major player in local tournaments and a big player so far today got a good look at generally how our field is spread out along those 85 miles at this moment right now get back down to Seth Fighter lost a good one in the last night that was that letter that vertical bite Texas is Brad Wiley with a big move he's up to fourth place with a little over 17 pounds and Gerald swindle just filled his limo with a four pounder moved in the top 25 Watley had a fast start last season looking to get things ginned up here him in 2020 he'd like to make it to the class theater a Robertson his home yes oh yes sir it's just a short light only half hours away Texarkana guy it'll be close [Music] number four Nina let him eat that big worm for some reason they're being finicky today and they're not eating like they weren't practice could be pressure it could be anything but it is a fairly plus sized worm sure we're gonna loop right there see always inspect your line like right here looks good but right there I've got a small loop in there and that's something you want to cut off retie real quick because I mean when you're fishing for a hundred grand three seconds to retie it could be worth them you never know when you're gonna get that that big bite and that's the deal this suffix advanced fluorocarbon I mean you could pull a truck with this thing if you get stuck in a ditch if you got your rod and reel in the boat you're gonna be okay but if you get a fray if you get in the loop wrap it weakens the strength of the lawn and it always never hurts to retie an extra second goes a long way [Music] Folgers her mold a tough ones that sound say the truth my old man he would be in heaven right now he is a worm dragging son of a gun spent some time fishing with those two haven't you I have and I have young Patrick Walter just married young Patrick Walters I believe yeah last Thanksgiving which was the last time they were allowing normal weddings in the United States they hit it for a good second little thicker clouds coming in sometime this afternoon storms there will be storms in the area litt maybe a pretty good chance of storms there for the last the last couple of hours of fishing should be affected right maybe backing off further maybe stay in West right now look like maybe three o'clock scattered scattered storms hidden well take that one of the real concerns coming in this tournament was that tropical depression mr. Connolly and came through Louisiana and Arkansas and the majority of it I drove through the tortilla bit yesterday the majority of it really missed our playing field it's just weird this one went straight to Milwaukee for some reason they always veer off to North Carolina but this one for some reason went straight three days of practice for the anglers this week was a mixture of heavy rain gear and mega sunburns on these guys from just the hundred degrees and then all of a sudden the next day it's pouring on rain all day because they're sitting there idling marking yeah look so they their thighs took it took it hard this week which will take it to the monitor at some point today with Z or the shallow but it don't really catch your weight and I mean it's just you can do both right now but you got to pick one and kind of grind it out and that's the thing right now I mean it's the water tie on you follow and that's what's keeping them up on the bank I mean it's June and normally in junior like okay 100% they're on the but they're offshore they're heading to the brush and that's usually that go with the high water it's keeping them shallow I got brimmed Ed's mayflies but it's there's not enough in either area to go shallow for 20 minutes go deep for 30 minutes you have to you have to devote your whole day to it you got to spend all day shallow or spend your day deep and just grind it out and you're gonna get five bites I mean it's it hasn't been easy people are gonna catch them today because people are starting to lean on their stuff you know we've been doing a bunch of graphing that kind of stuff but today's they were you go catch them big rock on that point I want to hit I could catch a seven pound off his dock though I know I don't want to be greedy gotta ask for nine but I've only had one event so far this year on the Bassmaster Elite Series on the st. Johns River in Florida and for everyone who did not finish in the well the upper half of the point standings there-there's a pinprick an added bit of concern because you only have seven more events to make it to the classic to qualify for the for the Bassmaster Classic and that's an all important thing for an angler at this level one of the big difference is we didn't get to talk about it a little bit earlier is a lot of the offshore reservoirs that we go to our water generation dependent upon the anglers catching them they end up pulling water to run electricity and it really puts these fish in schools grouped up together where you can make cast after cast after cast and catch them one of the things that goes on and on you follow talking to a lot of anglers that are on the water today is this time of day after they feed in the morning this time of day a lot of these fish break up and suspend to where they're not down on the bottom they're very very hard to pinpoint and really they're just not grouped up as well but a lot of our anglers also said as the day wears on when the sky gets a little bit higher that's when you can pinpoint them a lot better when you start to get a little bit of water movement from those three anglers we're gonna hit upstream just a little bit past Brandon tonic over the John Kruse under the original anglers here on the Bassmaster Elite Series and victory that took place ten years ago out on the Delta in California but boy did he have some great moments last season right out of the box first event of the year Saint Johns River take a look at that one right there about 11 pounds for the big fish of the tournament 11 2 biggest of the year shir as well I'd say he likes that place because he started the year in 2020 at the same Junction this is well if he did there yeah actually actually better Wesley the caches that we saw in the history of the Bassmasters during that tournament right there it was it was a true free-for-all it was really just a slugfest you equate that to a baseball guy hitting a home run with one hand no that would be equated to a home run derby right there John Kruse the Virginia angler and with all the Bassmaster Elite Series 15 years of it and has never fished here Lake Eufaula we're gonna get to get a live look at him right now currently is in 28th place not bad but knows he's gonna have to upgrade twelve and a half pounds they really see a lot of our anglers did a lot more finesse E as this day has wore on you know they came out power fishing big baits really big worm swim baits now you started to see him downscale as soon as that bite really tailed off and that usually tells us we might see some new faces in the top ten right now it's still lit by garrett Paquette drew cook and kris sal de non-top brad Watley the new face that's joined in the last 30 minutes Almonte bill Weidler very klaus lining it out plenty more fishing on the way in our morning session of Bassmaster live the DeWalt Bassmaster Elite that Lake Eufaula is being brought to you live by MinnKota [Music] [Music] what do a taco and a taco truck have in common nothing if you want to play your time on the water is precious you return season after season to make unforgettable memories fight a few fish reconnect with friends and recenter yourself if you count on having this time you need an outboard you can count on to power it that's why boaters stay with Yamaha for the long run for life they know reliability starts here [Music] pre-collision system standard on the 2022 : so you can go from one epic playground to the next if you want to play leave its coma [Music] you're watching the DeWalt Bassmaster Elite at Lake Eufaula being brought to you live by minn kota and towards midday fishing on Lake Eufaula look at that sign Fort Worth will have great town man if you've never been to Fort Worth you need to experience it it's really different from most other big cities big sports town for sure and it's going to be the home of the 2021 World Championship the Bassmaster Classic efficient taking place just north of talent Lake Ray Roberts March 19th 20th 21st three-day tournament to decide the single most important title in the sport especially tournament wise the bass man I saw one of the quarterbacks out of the state of Texas doc Prescott's connectors catching some bass this week oh really I did Jack to the future got to get him jogging where he said I want to go ahead and just go ahead and work on that pack on that problem a little bit maybe get that sorted out we've got a big tournament to sort out here on the first victory since we were Zoomer 2020 season the Bassmaster Elite Series from Michigan second-year man Gary Poquette they can have 18 and a half pounds according to bass track those are unofficial numbers won't be official unofficial but it was staggering how fast he caught him this morning it was like yeah it wasn't even on the radar then he was lighter Bank even though he's a Michigander and people would probably consider him a smallmouth guy we saw him do the same thing at Lake like work and got second had a century mark there we saw him do much better on largemouth last year than we did smallmouth Jerry pocket one of the show teams definitely got chops fishing offshore down south and a new angler jumping into our top ten bill Lowen glowing the full high nine o'clock and a three and a half pounder heats up to almost 17 pounds sixth place you would almost assume that bill is fishing shallow but you are bested find it hunt down show you some shots of bill loan as best we can watch a good footage from that man right there Chris zall's Dayne in fact a great morning to see it all coming baby really solid morning for Priscilla actually just got a know got a note from Mike Golic during Golic and Wingo they were watching the footage themselves early this morning weren't they supposed to be working oh I think you and I have hung around Golic enough okay all right take it a little bit of fishing here in there hey we want to mention Dave on this show you can talk about whatever you want exactly said Wow big worms offshore like it Giants out here on Lake Eufaula Bassmaster Live espn2 I see you I see you where you mentioned dak Prescott and I did a interesting story on Kyle Monti he guided Randy Moss out on yes like Oh Okeechobee had a great time yes sir daughter and a friend and his daughter what you can't tell through the lens is it's just real hot the waters hot the largemouth got done spawning you know a month ago you know you always want to fish the bank all through the springtime but as summer comes around you want to get off the bank a little bit the only exception is just you know when there's that bluegill spawn and that's occurring right now those bashed like the spawn or ambush those spawning bluegill one of the most southern anglers we have on the map at Lake Eufaula right now is Chris how they go looks a bit a bit of a worm dragger Walker's talking about his dad sure one of the joys of summer go it's not scared to get in the fold down seat in the back and just kind of drag a worm for a few hours I have seven right here seen it in action so like a swim jig like this or a buzzbait works real good oh this would be fun to see if he can get this bite notice those little shade lines a lot of the anglers that were covering today that said if they do go shallow those shade lines when the Sun came out very very key there's a lot of bluegill spawning up shallow and something else and I actually read this in Mike su Khan's piece that was on Bassmaster hot yep some of the best anglers on this Lake said one thing that will destroy an offshore bite is rising water rising water brings fish shallow and a mayfly hatch and there was one of the biggest and not only that combine that with a full moon last week so you have a full moon blue gills coming up spawning a mayfly hatch and high water somewhere in this tournament we're gonna see this play one former Classic champion Jay Ellis said that the rising water was his cue to that you better pay attention to that shallow water absolutely we're gonna be looking at it talking about former classic jams we got one we lean on pretty heavy YES on the past Pastor Elite Series name's Davey Hite and there he is right now Davey tell us where you are well I'm down on the lower in again but I just ran up on Garrett pocket and you know he's having a great morning I just wanted to show real quick for the people watching what he's looking for he's doing a lot of graphing now looking for another location but this is the type stuff we look here at the lake master map on the hummingbird and you see the mapping is so great now it's come such a such a long way through the years and this is the main river channel here and this is a creek it dumps out into the main river channel and you see the mapping where you see these thick black lines that's very sharp contour where those lines spread out is the flatter area so a sharp contour and you see this Creek and Garrett's just graphing alone I'm out in the river channel right now headed into that Creek but he's graphing around looking at on these corners and these points sometimes of the steeper slopes and sometimes the flatter areas where those fish will set up especially if there's no current they're not they haven't been pulling current until about 1:00 or 2:00 in the afternoon so right now those fish they'll get on those flatter areas they just kind of roam around and that's where you just have to scan around with your side image and look for those fish and make individual casts to those fish using the 360 mega and that sort of thing but this is what they're looking for it's a great great example right here Garrett was just here a few minutes ago and it's where this Creek comes out and dumps into the main river channel and that's where those fish set up when they've left the bank now I'm only about a hundred yards from the shoreline where that vegetation is and like you were talking about earlier Z a lot of those fish are back and forth so to speak so some of the guys I think will have success shallow but this morning has definitely been the ones that are targeting these Creek channels that dump into the main river they'd be real quick for for somebody at home that's watching this that's that's never fished in deeper water fished offshore every single one of their casts is in something it's in some sort of structure or object it's just not like they're flailing around yep absolutely Zee and it's it's a lot of different things we we see I've seen this morning I've seen like a drew cook fishing brush piles isolated brush piles a lot of those up on those flats but but they're just not out here making random cast they're throwing at a specific target it could be a rock it could just be a turn in the channel itself like you see here a lot of the guys are actually you know fishing those brush piles like I mentioned but but this it's just important to note that they're not just making random casts every every single cast about these elite anglers are to a target they could be a hundred yards offshore they could be a mile offshore but it's a very good point that they're casting to something because bats are going to relate to cover if they're in a feeding mode when they roam around on a flat they're typically not in a feeding type mode but when they get ready to eat especially when they start pulling water those fish are going to pull up to some type of cover or structure maybe there are tens of thousands of brush piles planted in this lake especially throughout the last three or four decades you're from South Carolina a lot of the brush piles around your house are actually made out of bamboo what if Tommy Sanders and myself if we're gonna go make a good brush pile in the garage later what makes a good brush pile and they are well you're right we use a lot of the cane the bamboo in the in the Carolinas out off those deeper points because the blue back here and make those fish tend to live a little deeper so a lot of those brush piles in the Carolinas and other lakes that have those blue back hair and we'll be out in 20 30 even 40 feet of water and those fishes suspend around those brush piles but to answer your question what makes a good brush pile is a good location and you can't always know where that good location is going to be but you typically want to be around something just like this that you see on my graph where a creek meets the river channel some kind of intersection makes a good brush pile now as far as the the type of wood or cane or bamboo I like a hardwood a sweet gums really really good Oaks something some type of hardwood and it's really good the first I guess the first year even better than that the first few weeks after you put that brush in it starts to decay rather quickly some some things like the sweet gum that sort of thing decays quicker than others but but those first few weeks after you put those brush piles in they're really really good all right good stuff a Davey Hite they're talking about the brush piles forcing what you said about the pressure they are yeah more effective they are so some good I was into the nature I made a giant one I didn't weight it quite enough and it blew right in the shore and broke apart what was the last one that I think that's how you want to make brush piles like it is make him like a pro with mark zona Boyd the pros are after it this morning for sure Chris Sal Dane huge morning big fish coming into the boats off and on and movement up and down the leaderboard that's what we are following as we get closer and closer to our midday break here it's always on oh we got plenty of fish in gladly for you talk about those brush piles I'm gonna talk about it every way that they're catching them out here there's our leaderboard as it stands now still Garrett Paquette on top drew cook Chris Sal Dane hanging in there Brad Watley making a big move up in the fourth place top five for the Texas angler very unofficial very unofficial weights we start another lutely you know guys come in a good service we'll see and what they have the very unofficial in fact I'm gonna put a few of our anglers a little bit higher than their Ana all right we will check all that out we're gonna take ourselves a quick break we will be right back on passing the DeWalt Bassmaster Elite that Lake Eufaula is being brought to you live by MinnKota groundbreaking designs unsurpassed quality and unshakable confidence welcome to the rain jersey 501 hundred series leading the industry for over 50 years these rigs are custom crafted and loaded with more features and advantages to deliver the ultimate ownership experience the legendary Rangers e-series unleash next level performance mercury go boldly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the naked Sun gets it done [Applause] Skeeter is it still setting the standard let's see force before she was conferred a free pass no first people head aside largest oyster great vision win program first sponsor called the pest because the first production cosmoGirl yeah way too much for 30 seconds and 18 consecutive CSI Awards now we have introduced the FX a peg series a fully creature boat with so many standard options leaving nothing left to desire so yes yes we are still setting the standard Skeeter [Music] [Music] you're watching that the waltz Bassmaster Elite that Lake Eufaula being brought to you live by minn kota we have got plenty more live bass fishing for you today right here at the DeWalt can leap on Lake Eufaula we got to the bottom and a quarter in our morning session would come back in the afternoon 12 noon eastern time for three more hours same deal tomorrow Thursday day number two round number two competitions 8 a.m. is the start for the morning session and noon Eastern to start for the afternoon session they have live bass fishing princes get all of us out on the lake following the best in the business they are ready for some competition that they have them no problem with rustiness like you said they they've been fish no it's fair to say the majority of that top 10 right there has probably lived on the water the last three months I thought it was really cool emotional and exciting to listen to a lot of our anglers before they took off this morning could tell it was a big day people ready to get going yeah absolutely good to have it going I'm going to complete this season it for the best of our abilities here at pocket the man who's on top of this second regular season stop of the year look at our six that we are with full time today including Chris Aldean and this young man Patrick Walters South Carolina will be heading into his neck of the woods in October believe it or not for one of her later season events on Santee Cooper I wanted to see if we can come catch a limit real quick before we start running some more brush it's just a good spot overall there's a lot of fish that live go up and down this Creek in this road bed this is I think in my opinion one of the better creeks on the whole lake it's one of my favorite that and actually probably cow wiki which is the take-off Creek it's just got the habitat it's got everything that lets the fish thrive and that's my biggest thing about when I fish offshore I want to fish offshore in front of the areas that have the biggest bone in areas there's a lot of areas in the lake that there's not much bone in habitat they're just kind of bare banks and there will be fish offshore in those areas but I don't feel like you'll have the population I feel like when you get a good Creek like this you just got a better percentage of finding a larger school fish [Music] Patrick Walters again in his second season and he sounds too round a lot and more than a lot of our other regular he had it's definitely probably not correct would you say is he a lot more than what he said he was going exactly told me he was gonna live offshore fishing Deeb all day long and he started throwing at a cypress tree in one foot of water so at 8:15 exactly yeah he's a part we talked about it look at the the top of the leaderboard and who were looking at right now with Patrick Walters the University of South Carolina Garrett Paquette from our College Syria as well he actually started a team at Schoolcraft College up there in Michigan drew cook from Florida State quite a few Shane Lee Hyun Jae kwhitaker those guys are all from the Carolinas and those schools and even Brandon Lester and Kyle Monti from Tennessee and Florida all college fishing products [Music] check back in with fighters a little because bag you just broke me out my neck little one might be hit a little bit tangled up in a no brush pile right now stop-in a good day or a bad day so far for set fighters but again he was one of the English very concerned said his bike window they were biting really good early very good early and that's one of the things we need to kind of tease for later today and he said then there's about a two-hour load that you're gonna hit generally from about 11 o'clock to 12:30 and then it'll fire back up later in the afternoon kind of coincides with the starting to run water and get a little bit difficult I'm here get that one out of the pile a lot of work not gonna be a keeper wrangle them out of there though it would have been a 6 pounder if it came off unreal that's sort of their growth curve that's the way it works it is a little I don't think we've mentioned brush piles ever as much as we have today like that is but now we're offshore and we're fishing brush piles actually we've got you and looking for number 5 but we've basically came down the lake this stay down here for the day we're fishing offshore rest of the day and offshore mean we're just really off the bank I mean as you can tell right now we're not far from the bank but we're not fishing visible cover we're fishing brush piles man-made structure artificial reefs stuff like that this is actually a road bed right here and it's got some brush around it and we'll be fishing some schools of fish later but I just feel like some of the bigger fish are still kind of hanging in that shallower water around the brush that they all haven't made their push to the offshore river ledge really we're just utilizing the 360 to really kind of find out where those brush piles are at and that way we're not wasting so much time fishing dead water just so you know of planting brush piles perfectly legal encouraged in fact you're providing habitat perfectly legal in some states yeah the state I live in it is not when I played a brush piles it was totally elsewhere I understand exactly and the other thing is some of the some of the brush piles that my buddies put in this way they send me pictures like you they'll be on a flatbed trailer of how big they are it's not they're like they're as big as this desk no no some are like the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center Yeah right in fact it's been I heard it said this week that they're they have a hard time getting a handle on the employment figures and Eufaula because so many people spend so much of their time planning the brush piles that's an actual I think I think the mayor laid that down for you didn't he sue yeah yeah he's twelve point eight percent of the populace Lister occupation is that yeah interesting that's one benefit of a place like Eufaula no matter what the weather kind of is is that it's not necessarily current dependent you can run around and hit as many brush piles as you want and where they'll position up you know suite cast instead of the Tennessee River where you're waiting for the water to turn on for them to set up they just live by those naturally and the other thing to say about that is we've talked about brush piles so much one of the things that makes them so good in this lake is a lot of the bluegills spawn around those brush piles you can see it on your side imaging and stuff like that but generally this time of year set fighter hooked up Bagan to do it yes sir I hate that big is he he's a coal though I'm tango three pounder probably so scared for you losing smallest is a 2 pounder let's do it on the world side you're just starting to bite a spinnerbait good keep it for set fighter in one last hour he lost him really good one much bigger than that got his limit just focused on upgrading the size you want the rest of the day it's these guys fishing checking around 3,000 boom boom like three beggins yeah solid morning solid morning couldn't ask for much better exactly what everybody wanted some live fishing and more than that some live caption and we have had that during the course of this day one action from the Lake Eufaula exactly right and the one thing that has kind of been absent is that right there we thought we were gonna see a little bit of shallow water fishing today that has not been the case it's been an offshore beat-down predominantly the entire morning to run Bassmaster life Kris al Dane with a huge couple of fish early on and a tonic with a good one right there look at an upgrade add some more poundage it is and slider starting to look up a little bit says maybe I maybe I could go bang bang bang that's three good ones it and the other thing is really besides that first hour seeing guys like Chris Seldane Derek hopheads they went in flurries fish at the fish after fish at the fish it seems like if you get on a good offshore spot right now it's one or two bites and time to move on take a look at our unofficial results this is best basa best master unofficial results of course up here at camp on top group cook still hanging in there second place Chris Sal vane and Brad Watley drew Benton bill Lowen probably fishing shallow you think we'll check in on bill a little bit later Brandon Lester in seventh place Shane Lake you Kyle Monta mentioned from down in Florida and Jake Whittaker adds his name into the top ten we'll be right back the DeWalt Bassmaster Elite that Lake Eufaula is being brought to you live by MinnKota [Music] this reel allows you to cover more water make more casts giving you more opportunities to catch more fish the new Revo rocket Abu Garcia for life I can vividly remember back when I was a kid and you know searching for information and it was so much work and it was such a struggle to get that knowledge to get that information we talked about the equipment we talked about the bait we talked about how to pick it apart it's highly detailed specific information from A to Z to help you learn get to the water and become a better angler quickly that's what the Bosch university is all about I'm Pro long or Andy Montgomery I've been making my living with striking products for a long time so when they showed me the new tour grave line I was all in I knew I could trust what I didn't know was how easy it was to you with the spilling tool and the prepaid envelope to recycle your old line included in every single box not only is it the best line on the market it gives you the easiest fishing experience possible find out more at striking com you you're watching the dEWALT's Bassmaster Elite that lady follow being brought to you live by minn kota it's a much awaited live bass fishing for you here today as we resume the 2020 Bassmaster Elite Series second year angler here at pump head of Michigan the man on top drew cook second year man last year's Rookie of the Year in second place Chris Sal bein been out here for a long time ten years for Chris al Dane Brad Wadley another second-year angler out there so the second year Vincent's doing well along with the veterans like drew Benton and Brandon Lester bill Lowen second year man Shane lay Huw Kyle Monti and Jake Whitaker former National College champion our heart bass master college championship winner Jake Whitaker from North Carolina from the Charlotte area busting into the top ten was almost 60 pounds of fish and speculation was among our little group here that would be around 20 pounds to be a real player when it's all said and done 20 pound average per day around 20 pounds but it's definitely interesting the look at drew Benton and drew cook Brown x2 Steve Kennedy you can call them our locals guaranteed they're staying in their own bed within an hour of the lake this week oh we're gonna get out maybe do a little left eavesdropping have a peek of what here at the camp is doing this doing pretty much the same thing the last as the last time we checked with all the damage days it's been on this big bite BT worm nothing fancy just dragging it around caught it up on a crankbait but that worm right there has has been good for me as Ronnie mentioned Garrett had a great event last year at Lake Fork fabulous Lake Fork a little bit surprised crankin deep crankbaits have not played that much today so far one thing I will say I look back at some of the galleries that are going up on Fast Master calm of the action this morning drew Benton did load the boat pretty quick with a limit of just you know twos and threes with a crankbait but nothing no big ones that's the biggest thing we can move that reel bit so that the bass track number eighteen and a half pound that's the way it shakes out right there is pretty good average way and somewhere the upward threes on average and all through plenty early two good ones right out right out of the box that's three good ones right out of the box to that effect Lyn's credence to the fact that you want to get to your best place if you can quickly quickly quickly head on yes this is crucial for him and his psyche probably because like we talked about earlier had a great start to 2019 his rookie year we thought it was going into his wheelhouse up north it tailed off he ended up losing a tiebreaker on his own home lake in the final day of the season and missed the classic and then he started out with a terrible event in 87 yeah next class in the st. John's he need he needed this not only four points for just can oh he's sooo cool laughs same story for this guy right here Chris Alden yes yeah gee and it he's a Fort Worth guy the classics in Fort Worth he's got to make it to the classic he's he's got a serious things and he's he's the man for the job that's for sure but yeah not fallen down here's is important and he is he's done his job so far today and this big 8-inch swimbait and skipping it underneath these docks and it's just a nice slow wine it almost scares you when they bite it I mean they hit it so hard it's one of the most addicting bites and fast fishing oh that would be fun to see how about billow and 3-pounder he's tied for second look at the leaderboard it would be hard to imagine if there's not three or four guys in that top ten that are shallow it can't surprise you but just going off of what their normal style is and what they said they were going to do this week but most the field definitely fishing deeper his accuracy skipping in eight-inch swimbait is amazing that is that is very hard to do that's like volleying with a six foot tennis racket lasalle dane and pass patrick walters no we may just stop in okay how long of a run do you think that is from from the take off because the take offs not the whole because the 85 yeah it's about halfway so you're looking for all the way the damn you know 4135 to 40 yeah it's interesting seeing that water was fairly clear where's eldane was at where they could track that swim bait they could see it this lake was so dirty up till a month ago like if you looked at photos of Lake Eufaula from all the spring rains I mean torrential rains for two to three months during a lot of the shutdowns I mean it was this Lake was chocolate milk for the better side of six months yeah we ran an aerial gallery on Bassmaster you could see you know back waters rice and cleared in the other ones chocolate brown urine and chocolates and still fun in it going slower than they want for sure you'd like to have five fish in the live well as you get closer and closer to the midpoint of your day and it's so weird to see Matt Aaron with his hair I totally agree south of the mason-dixon listen run his hand with a spinning rod right hanck cherish finally our classic champ is finally kind of knocking a little bit of rust off he just got his fourth fish he's getting near the cut line but what do you think that's been like for him having to be shut down after winning the classic usually it's kind of a celebration going to the next events and you with a lot of interviews and he did a lot of every year's anyway he left his boat in Alabama after the classic you can warm everything that we would be fishing in April and so he had to drive back that evening stir that brush up and knock him loose and then probable worm and there see if you bite it get a good look from your bottom end of the lake the dam of Lake Eufaula Chris Albanian fishing within a couple miles of the bottom of the lake so it's a nice drop-off and different from this morning compared to what he did this morning he was fishing for a school of bass though a style he is fishing now if you're sitting at home he is fishing individual fish just loner post spawn fish that are set up on this shoreline cover which is the strategy that plays into having his limit already know if you get a bite it's gonna be an absolute donkey that literally is like skipping a tennis shoe under a pulley look like look like a pool toy right clinic I used to have one of those when I was a was that little jaws that squeaky sharp jaws and he's probably a stone that's like an 8 foot rod so for him being a you know I'm not gonna say super short but you know five and a half feet tall you know I'm just gonna go ahead and say it you know he's not the tallest guy that's a long rod big combo hooked up again this one be kind of close on the measuring 14 inches is what he needs and he's kind of got the best limit of all right now so you think I'll make this team what does it know to be a three and a half more than three yeah that is also crucial he's weighing his fish so his his weight might be a little more accurate than others no way not a help has a good stringer has a good stringer he's in a great position right now it is only day one though of four days of competition to get one of those much sought-after much-vaunted blue trophies everybody good fisherman fish a whole career and not get one of those so you go you get yourself in the position to do it you got to leave nothing on the table all these guys came out firing the day all 78 anglers plenty more fishing on the way we're getting close to the end of our morning session but we'll be back with a bit more when we return the DeWalt Bassmaster Elite that Lake Eufaula is being brought to you live by MinnKota [Music] what do a taco and a taco truck have in common nothing if you want to play sign up to compete in the inaugural podcast is for Vass nation kayak series powered by tourney and presented by abu garcia in 2020 the trail features five regular-season events with a championship to be held in conjunction with the 2021 Academy sports and outdoors Bassmaster Classic presented by hook the first tournament will be at Logan Martin Lake in Del City Alabama on March 5th in conjunction with the 50th Bassmaster Classic to find out more details and to register this advance master comm / kayak if you love bass fishing then show your support by joining Vass today with your membership you'll receive every issue of Bassmaster magazine plus $50 in free gear including a membership tackle bag ba SS cap plus more click now on this video to join today Bassmaster sweepstakes prizes are crazy good and you'd be crazy not to win enter now to win a fishing trip with 50th Bassmaster Classic champion mate cheering trip includes airfare rental car hotel at $500 cash plus a bass cat saber MTD with mercury 150 Pro X s Garmin electronics and an amazing prize pack total value more than $50,000 there's a 100% chance you won't win if you don't enter go to Bassmaster calm and up the odds in your favor it's fast and easy and who knows you could win if you want to know how the best anglers always seem to find fish stay on fish and be in the right place at the right time don't ask them just look at the name on the side of their boat the one that's built 10 million motors shallow water anchors and more no anglers gonna tell you their secrets but they don't have to because you've already known Kota fish for more the DeWalt fast master elite that Lake Eufaula is brought to you by Abu Garcia [Music] Berkeley night rowboats and by Ranger Boats just a few minutes of fishing left in our morning session here but we will resume we always do it that's our that's our actual our habit to take a break let them fish on step away for about an hour we come back at noon Eastern Time and take you all the way till the end of official fishing time at 3:00 p.m. this afternoon that is certainly the plan for today a little bit of time left how many sanders marzo 'no hmm on more like sook ah baby hiked miss coverage - you made me get Dave Mercer in on the mix this afternoon that'd be fun as well he's the man who takes over as emcee one way and time comes around that often contributes in a big way to our broadcast Garrett Paquette still on top second-year man from Michigan second-year man from Florida drew cook right behind him and a veteran Billo in the big move of the last 30 minutes jumping right up there actually into a tie for second place Chris eldane and Garrett buck yet this was one of those rare events coming in - we always do our pre-tournament reports do our interviews with a lot of the anglers that we're gonna cover on day one this is one of those rare tournaments every angler we spoke to was very open that no I'm catching them I'm catching it a lot of it's an all-day process but I'm gonna catch them bye-bye weigh-in time at 2 o'clock usually it's nothing like that usually is the most poor mouth festival ever you know every festival of pain yeah that's right it's a grind the likes of which you wouldn't want any part of yes yes a deep structure in June if you think about you know the spawn cycle of of a bass or just the lifecycle of a bass from January to December it's like us I mean we go through our same you know our same two patterns and same feeding pattern spawning pattern but no it's June is it typically means the fish are moving off the bank and they're stopping on little spots just like this so they'd spawn in this back pocket here and spawning of course they it's just it's they're reproducing along sand flats and then they stop on little spots whether it be a point like this or a brush pile in 15 to 20 feet and then eventually in July August into December they'll be out in the middle of the lake relating to deeper structure 25 30 feet of water but especially in June you just have a lot of in between in between fishing so that 12 to 20 foot depth range is pretty good in June on most lakes in the country it's just up to you as an angler as a professional fisherman we're out here just looking for those little stopping spots and that's where the good electronics really come into play so a mapping card that's huge the topography of the lake shows up on our lake master mapping cards and it just it we're not blind it shows us where to start where to start pinging that sonar and really fine-tuning where those fish live where those bass live in the month of June so you know I have NAIP neighbors in my house and Fort Worth that you know have no clue what bass fishing is and when they walked up to my boat in the driveway the other day like oh what's all this stuff for you really need all that stuff for bass fishing if you do it for a living yes and you know we use every single piece of electronics on this boat to help us find and catch bass do you need all this stuff to go out and have a good time with your kids no but in order to compete at this level with these Elite Series guys I mean you got to have every bit of latest of equipment and this humming but you know the hummingbird stuff is is killer when it comes to finding structure in June all right let's move the next pot change our tone a little bit here seldane little essay on what it takes to compete nowadays of course we just look back fifty-one years ago they had none of that and they caught giant stringers of fish but it's a different game a lot of it more than eight hours to catch five of the biggest bass and again I got my pumps on here so I'm pumping freshwater through those fish's gills all day and they Skeeter live wells are so big keeps those fish happy even though the water temperature is 83 degrees [Music] you know a lot of that back in the day was lining up a telephone pole with the triangulation with an oak tree to a shed you file a town man this is a birthplace of the fishfinder did that file that's fallen right here here's hooked up man here and they all a good one slap that pass he's barely hooked he's barely hooked come here toad yes son we're gonna swap that it many high boots of hooks got it that's a kind of get you back in the game Matt heron happy to show those pearly whites right yeah that was good stuff he'll jump 25 plays for that like Ray handsome to fish get off Phil deep boy we just got to see that before the signals started breaking up course that's ha ha technology is a little bit allows us to do this gets better every year but still you're gonna find some flat spots usually works out just fine Chris Aldean wants to replace everything in his live well once it catch five Giants this afternoon that'll be his plan that's probably everyone's plan that's a huge catch this time of day that is a huge catch cranking up one like that and kind of turning your day around see that that was good morning like yeah fun morning and a lot of bass fishing we have some good news for Ronnie Oh Jake Whittaker up the second place but we found it well off you just 17 and a half on the day Ronnie's good friends and saw him a little bit a little bit of him in the corner of the screen during one of the breaks they had jakey's fishing to boat docks just like st. John's and he said that he was he's not sure what the size he knew he was gonna catch plenty but he didn't know if they'd be five threes or what but if thickness shallow something tells me we'll be seeing some of them and mr. Whittaker when we return after our one-hour break here we're gonna let him fish on on Lake Eufaula we'll be back for the last three hours of fishing of the day so great to have you with us here on Bassmaster live in one hour we'll be right back with more bass master why [Music]
Channel: Bassmaster
Views: 110,906
Rating: 4.5107036 out of 5
Keywords: BASS, B.A.S.S., Fishing, bass fishing, Bassmaster
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 10sec (10810 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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