2020 4x4 Renegade Veracruz Walkthrough

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Hi I'm Ben Ciccarelli with IWS Sales and  today I'm gonna be showing you our brand new   2020 Renegade Veracruz 4-wheel Drive 35 full wall  slide model I'm so excited to share it with you   today I know a lot of our fans have been waiting  for another video a lot of you are at home just   like we are today at home wanting to see some more  content you're ready to see some more videos and   we're gonna do that for you and what better way  to do that then on a great spring day in Mountain   Home Idaho and showing you our full wheel drive  Renegade model we hope you're all staying safe out   there we're doing our part for social distancing  our thoughts and prayers go out to anyone that's   been affected by this we're all gonna get through  it and what better way to start practicing social   distancing than in your renegade Veracruz this  is a brand new offering for renegade and this   is something new to IWS so a lot of you're gonna  be surprised that you're even seeing this we're   really excited to share it with ya I want to give  you a little backstory why the renegade veracruz   was developed the Veracruz was really renegades  way of getting you an entry-level coach to the   super C world you know a Super C is anything built  on f-550 chassis or you know you see some that are   built on a Dodge 5500 chassis Renegade sticks  with the Ford chassis and I'll get into that a   little bit more why they do that the Veracruz is  really built for those of you that are looking   for a nice and short coach and you're looking for  something a little bit more maneuverable something   that you don't have to necessarily tow a vehicle  with and something that is four-wheel drive I mean   that's just really cool a lot of you are like me  that I do some downhill mountain biking that are   adventurers that want to go to parks and things  that's what the Veracruz was really developed   for is for those of you that are adventuring so  not only that but some of you might be looking   for something that's a little bit lower price  point you know a lot of our coaches can range   anywhere from 250,000 all the way up to man you  can get to 600,000 on some of our coaches this   renegade Veracruz we have it priced at 170,000  before any of our rebates are kicking in and if   you go to our website you can check out some of  our great rebates we've got going on right now   for kick-starting the economy so this at 170,000  you're getting a four-wheel drive unit you're   getting something that's short you know this is 36  foot overall it's 12 foot high just nice and short   easy to move around in and I want to preface the  four-wheel drive is really designed to help you   get you out of a sticky situation I'm not going  to sit here and tell you that it's gonna be an   earth Romer right you're not going to be able  to clear any obstacle in your path or whatnot   but boy you can sure enjoy going to Moab and  going over some things that you might not be   able to do in a traditional Motorhome and the  biggest thing about that is this is a factory   installed four-wheel-drive system this is you know  it's about a five thousand dollar option that you   can order from us and it comes straight from Ford  you know that's something that's factory covered   you're not getting some sort of four-wheel-drive  shop that's installing it that you don't know if   you know the reliability this is coming straight  from Ford you know this chassis the f-550 chassis   this is this is the same type of chassis we use on  a lot of our light duty rollback carriers that we   use in the towing industry it's extremely popular  the Ford chassis that we have here is built with   the 6.7 liter power stroke engine with the six  speed torque shift transmission now this engine   is rated from Ford for the motorhome industry  so it's rated to 330 horsepower and it has 750   foot-pounds of torque and they do that because  they there's a lot of weight that you got going on   here with your motorhome so they they fine-tuned  that engine so that you're not going to overload   it or anything like that and when we talk about  the Veracruz you see a lot of our videos where   we talk about how easy a lot of our supercedes  are to drive that are in a pickup well this is   exactly the same thing because it is a pickup but  it's a f-550 very capable chassis a lot of our   towing customers are using it day in and day out  to haul their equipment around and hope you know   make their living off of so we really believe in  this chassis it's something that's you know very   dear to us I'm a Ford guy personally so don't tear  me up in the comments you Chevy and dodge guys out   there you know the Ford chassis why we really like  it why renegade likes it this is you know it's   coming with a lot of safety features it's gonna  come with all disc brakes like this is here it's   also got Advantech stability control and trailer  sway control and then it's also got side curtain   airbags and I find a lot of comfort in that and I  think a lot of you will too sending your family in   a motor home like this it's nice to know that you  have something that's gone through rigorous safety   crash test ratings right in the Class A market  where you got a big windshield in front of you   and they don't have the same requirements that a  like a Ford has to go through for for crash test   ratings so you can feel confident that Ford has  a lot of factory installed safety items for you   and your family in this rig the f-550 chassis also  comes with you know you got sink three from Ford   you got all the factory OEM safety equipment and  just a lot of Technology built into this thing so   with that being said let's go ahead and move on  and look at some of the outside features of the   Renegade Veracruz alright so here we are we're at  the sidewall here of the Renegade Veracruz here on   the passenger side the first thing I want to show  you is and talk about is the sidewall construction   because it's made out of the same construction  that a lot of our higher-end coaches are built   out of it's our vacuum laminated bonded sheets so  you take they take aluminum construction they take   aluminum cross members and then they take big  sheets of fiberglass and they vacuum seal them   together and that's what gives you this really  nice seamless look on the side and with that   they're able to paint these these aren't decals  here this is actual real paint which gives it   a nice look it's gonna hold up better over the  long term so you're making a nice investment in   your paint here the renegade Veracruz is nice and  short it's short in height and short in length and   you notice that there's no slides on this model  right here which adds a lot of or adds a lot less   complexity there's only one slide on the other  side nice and simple for you this is just a nice   seamless look the Veracruz comes standard with two  20,000 BTU furnaces and I want to talk about why   that's really neat so standard RVs really come  with only one propane furnace and they usually   are towards the back of the coach and that's great  but the problem with that is is a lot of you our   viewers or will notice is that it gets really  hot in your bedroom area because that's where   the furnace is and you're in a confined space so  you get really hot in the bedroom and then it just   blows into the rest of the coach and it can be  a little bit inconvenient at times so Renegades   went ahead and they put two furnaces in here  so now you have not only do you have two zones   of control but now you have this furnace up here  that allows you to help maintain the temperature   better up here in the living space so just a  little detail that not everyone's gonna tell   you about but that's something that comes with the  Renegade Veracruz the Veracruz also has a nice big   entry door here that you can see it also has an  outside entertainment center here and a lot of   you've been asking for that in a model something  like this comes with a nice 32 inch TV and it   comes with your entertainment center here to play  your Bluetooth your music and whatnot a lot of you   that are tailgating or just sitting around the  campfire the other thing that has it has a 10   gallon propane water heater which has been really  robust we use it a lot across the board and just   really reliable water heater system you'll also  notice that this has a Gerrard lateral stage   awning and we're not gonna pull it out right now  it's a little windy today as you might be hearing   on my mic here so we're gonna leave that in but  Girard is really what a lot of our customers have   been asking for as a brand for our awnings and  now we're school ahead and take a look at all the   storage compartment layouts of the Veracruz here  on the passenger side of the vehicle and renegade   I think it's done a great job of giving us tons  of storage compartment space not only on this   side where a lot of your you know you're gonna  put a lot of your valuables here so it's easy   to access but they also did a great job on the  other side as well that we'll show you here soon   so alright so now I'm going to show you the inside  of the storage departments here on the passenger   side so let's go ahead and start with this first  one here so as we open it up you're gonna see a   few things the first thing you're gonna notice is  our big 8 D battery this is the same battery used   in a lot of our larger coaches as well so it's  it's very expensive battery and a very capable   I'll say well I'm talking about battery systems  I'll also mention that this is prep for solar   panels so if you want to add some solar panels we  can sure do that this one is prepped for it right   now the next compartment over is doubled as it  has your 3,000 watt inverter up top and it also   has you know some storage space inside of it as  well so let me sneak over here so you can see it and you can see here that I have lots of usable  space here along with my inverter space I'll go   ahead and close these I'm gonna go ahead and move  on down and show you the next compartment here and   you'll see it's just a nice storage compartment  here it's also got a pass-through hole here so   if you need to put any hose in here or anything  like that you sure can all right so I'm gonna   walk up to this next compartment which is right by  behind our wheel well here just some extra storage   and below you'll see where your exhaust tips  are here's our money maker right here this is   a one of my favorite things about this Veracruz  is that renegade went ahead and optioned in the   Cummins Onan diesel generator this is our 8  kilowatt system this is the same thing that   you're gonna see in all of our bigger coaches  very capable generator it's diesel it's quiet   and it's going to feed off of your fuel tanks here  that are with your chassis so you got 66 gallons   of diesel fuel on board of this thing so you got  lots of fuel to be able to run this generator as   long as you like so so here we are we're at the  back of the renegade bear cruise and there's a   few things I want to point out to you right up at  the top of the coach you're gonna see the brake   lights and you're gonna see the backup camera that  backup camera feeds into the front monitor on your   Ford chassis you're gonna see it come through  the sync monitor system and we also have this   aerodynamic we were cap this fiberglass cap back  here it's not only great for looks but it's also   great to help the air flow right over the back  of this thing helps with fuel economy so moving   right on down we're gonna show you the trailer  hitch here the trailer hitch is rated for 12,000   pounds and it's got a 1200 pound tongue weight  rating so it's great for a small trailer or a   small vehicle and and also great for those of you  like me that love to bring your mountain bikes or   any of your adventure toys right here it's got a  great tongue rating so you can have a nice rack   system on the back here to bring your toys with  you it's also got a trailer brake controller on   here as well and you're all set up for towing here  so with that we're gonna flip this thing around   and show you the driver's side all right here we  are we're at the driver's side of the Veracruz   and of course the first thing you're gonna notice  is that great big wall slide and it's really cool   that Renegade offered this you know it just adds  a lot of simplicity to your life and your camping   experience so when you first pull up to your  campsite you just lower your jacks and then you   just pull this one wall slide out and you don't  have a bunch of slides to mess with it and it   also adds in a ton of interior space inside that  you're gonna see when we go through the interior   walkthrough you're also gonna see that there's  a vent to the microwave outside here that's just   a little feature that's nice to talk about some  some units don't even have that so your interior   now smells like a hot pocket in definitely the  next thing I want to mention is I want to talk   about our side bullet cameras that on the Veracruz  the Veracruz has the side bullet monitor cameras   here so when you turn on your blinker you're  able to see your blind spot here and it comes   on and you're the screen in your motor home here  also from Ford here we have our keyless entry and   I love this feature I have a f250  personally I have this feature it's great too   you can leave your keys in your rig and enter your  code here and not have to carry your keys around   just a really nice feature from Ford also this  is where you fill up your diesel exhaust fluid   there's seven gallons of diesel exhaust fluid here  and your diesel exhaust fluid and your diesel fuel   points are all on the same side so that's really  nice and convenient for you as well so now that we   showed you all that we're gonna now go through  all the compartments on this side and show you   what they have to offer all right so starting  from the front here we're gonna look at our first   compartment here on the driver's side we're gonna  go ahead and open it up you're gonna see this big   long compartment here and yes this is a combined  storage compartment great for having your gloves   or any sort of utility things that you need here  so moving right around here I'm gonna go ahead and   both open up both of these doors here because  they are combined so not only do you get more   storage space but you'll also have a surge guard  protector down here and a transfer switch and   on a coach of this caliber it's really nice to  have this because you don't have to get out of   your motorhome to switch power from generator to  shore power also having the surge guard allows you   to have a little bit more comfort when you're  plugging into a random campsite that you don't   know very well when you have a power cord hit  reel right here it's thirty six foot it's nice   and convenient for you to be able to pull that  thing out plug it in and when you're ready to go   you just unplug and hit that button and it guides  itself in you know just an option that we really   enjoy and a lot of our customers are enjoying that  way you don't have to deal with this big huge cord   and fumbling around it and it stays nice and tight  inside here you'll also notice that we have one of   our diesel fill points here and when we move back  to see the next one just a cool thing to point out   about here that this has an automatic transfer  flow so you don't have to go in pull different   valves or anything to switch your tanks it's gonna  do that automatically for you and you don't have   to worry about it let's go ahead and move on to  the back of the coach so the compartment behind   the wheel well here is our water and sewage dump  controls and what's great about this is that you   have all your controls in one compartment and you  also have an inline water filter and with all that   it's easy to read they they cut these out on the  plasma cutter really easy to see in that way you   don't have a bunch of labels falling off over  time this is also where your second fill point   is for your diesel fuel and now let's go ahead  and look at the next compartment all right now   you're probably wondering when's this guy actually  gonna talk about holding tank capacities and fresh   water well here we go this is your dump station  right here and it goes right out the bottom so   you're already set up pretty well for gravity  drop and this has 45 gallons of grey tank and   45 gallons of black tank and it's got 100 gallons  of fresh water underneath the bed set up so that   you can not have to worry about freezing up your  freshwater tanks or anything like that nice and   have all that capacity for dry camping and whatnot  so you can really enjoy your adventures okay now   we're gonna go ahead and pull this wall slide  out for you so you can actually see what it   looks like with it being pulled out and then  we're gonna show you the inside of the coach   where our camera crew can go inside and we can do  a voiceover for ya and you can see what's going on here we are we're inside the renegade Veracruz  now this is again the 35 FWS which stands for   the 35 foot full wall slide model and you got  this big wall slide here on the left-hand side   of the coach which as I mentioned before really  just makes your life simple when you're camping   pull one slide out opposed to two or three also  that big slide gives you a tremendous amount of   space inside of this coach even though it is nice  and short and maneuverable for you and your family   you're gonna notice some nice features here such  as opposing dinette and theater chairs for you and   your family you can opt in to have these cedar  seats or a sofa as well if you prefer that also   now is a good time to mention that the Veracruz  also does offer another model called the 35 MDS   which has two slides we also offer that floorplan  please feel free to check that out so here we are   we're at the entry door and I just want to point  out that it's a nice large entry door it's nice   and tall and it's got a nice window inside of  it and it also has the television on the top of   it so that's on a swing arm mount so you can swing  out the television for a little bit better viewing   angle and it's got a Bluetooth sound bar on the  bottom and the Bluetooth sound bar is great you   can hook your phone up too it also uses the sound  for the television and it's great for just hanging   out inside the coach and listening to music and  with the sound bar it's nice to have because if   you ever need to replace it you sure can it's not  as complex as you know a surround sound system now   we're gonna head over and look at the Firefly  multiplex system here and renegade has done a   great job of packing a lot of technology into  this Motorhome this is the Firefly system that   they offer and this is something cool that you can  operate all of your lights and your slides and all   of your audio generator start features from this  tablet here or you can run it off of a Bluetooth   app on your phone and you can control all of your  air conditioning your heating right here just a   central location for everything that you want to  control for the motorcoach open up your fans on   your bathrooms it's all right here and you'll see  throughout the coach that there's other control   panels that you can operate the coach so turn on  and turn off all the lights and and more features   like that so we're really happy with the Firefly  system and being able to get technology like this   and a coach at this entry-level point is really  really neat and it's also good to point out the   auto generator start feature coming on this coach  so Auto generators start or AGS as we like to call   it is a feature where your generator can come on  automatically on command if your batteries get too   low or if the coach gets too hot and so if you're  camping and you walk away from the motor home you   can have your generator come on on on and off as  you please if it gets too hot or if your batteries   got too low when you're out fishing or doing some  mountain biking or anything like that so with the   AGS feature and all this technology you got a lot  of great features put into this system at a really   nice price point here on the Veracruz here we're  going to show you the dinette set up here so this   doubles as a dinette and also as a sleeping area  for somebody now those of you that are wondering   how big this is it is built for smaller people  so I would say either a child or just a really   short person it's great for sleeping kids or  somebody small and but the great part about   it is how convenient it is you just push the  dinette down and throw in your cushion as you   see here got windows above the dinette for a nice  viewing angle you get lots of cabinets above for   extra storage you know I know when I go camping  you tend to bring too much but it's nice to be   able to have the comfort of having everything you  need so having the cabinets over the dinette is   a great feature next to the cabinets here on the  left in the middle of the motorhomes roof you'll   see the powered vent here and this is a bigger  bigger screen bigger skylight here great for   bringing them out a good amount of air in and  just give you nice natural light inside of the   motorcoach it's great for being above the bunk  to be able to look out outside of the coach give   you a nice cool breeze just a cool feature that  renegade offers on the veracruz now we're going   to show you the bunk that sits over the chassis  cap here on the veracruz and you're gonna see   the ladder that goes up to it this turns into  a full sized mattress bed and it has a privacy   curtain here for anyone that's sleeping up there  to have a little bit of privacy when they're up   there it stores nicely as you see here the the  ladder goes in a nice spot and then it tucks   away so it's out of your way so you don't hit  your head if you're crawling in and out of that   hole they're panning over we're going to show  you the electrical side of things when you look   inside here we're gonna show you that you have  access to your satellite receiver if you wanted   to do so or your blu ray dvd player combo set up  and now it's a good time to talk to you about the   satellite TV option we have on this coach we have  the Winegard trav'ler that sits on top of here and   that's a big satellite dish that's rated for gale  force winds and we like the traveler because the   traveler hooks on the moor satellite dishes that  allows you to watch HDTV or to record television   as well so while it's not an in motion satellite  that works while you're going down the road this   is a lot more powerful satellite that's going  to give you better TV quality picture and give   you recording capabilities now going to the  left side of the coach we're going to show   you this little cabinet area which is great  spot for putting in some random knickknacks   but also a good spot to put in your iPad that  we're gonna give you when you buy this coach   from us and the advantage package that we give  you I'm talking about technology renegade puts   in a lot of these 110 USB combos inside of that  coach for you because we know today's day and age   that you're gonna have to charge a lot of things  when you're on the go so and a lot of you that   are bringing kids or grandkids with you they're  gonna need to charge all their devices as well   next I want to talk to you guys about the theater  seats here and we opted to put theater seats in   this coach because with the theater seats you get  a great viewing angle of the TV and the theater   seats just extremely comfortable our customers  are responding really well to the theater seats   you're gonna IWS stock a lot more theater seats  in the upcoming inventory just because you know   I've sat in them personally and being able to  recline back and watch television and sit and   relax with your with your with your friend or your  significant other just is a really great feature   and what you really are camping for is to go  out and relax above your theater seats are gonna   see another row of cabinets with reading lights  above you and a window behind you that vents open   the cabinets are great for a little extra storage  that you didn't think you needed but renegade puts   them in there for you you're gonna see the nice  wall sconces that they offer on the Veracruz and   you're gonna see an example of what the multiplex  control system looks like here on the cabinet wall now looking at the kitchen area it's a cool  little kitchen area it's it's really built for   space-saving so you have your induction cooktop  and your your sink right next to each other but   with the induction cooktop you're able to set  things on top of it it doesn't come on until   you have induction cookware on top of it so  you don't have to worry about burning your   items or burning your hand on top of it now  it's a great time to show you the microwave   here this is a convection oven microwave works  just like your normal microwave but it also has   convection features as well for cooking you  know cooking pizzas or whatever you need to   go inside of it also has a nice cabinet next to  it for putting cereal boxes or any other kitchen   items that you need the sink here is a single  bowl sink which is great has gives you a big   enough space to put pots and pans in and has  a retractable spray head for you to get get to   those areas that you need to spray some more  water down below you're going to see lots of   lots of storage we have three pullout drawers  and we have a nice base underneath that'll fit   a trash can or any other pots and pans that  you might need to put underneath of the sink now I want to show you the bathroom here and  it's great for space savings the bathroom here   is gives you plenty of room to stand up and be  able to turn around and gives you a nice enough   legroom in the toilet area you also have a nice  max air fan that sits above you and integrating   a little cabinet here in the corner is great for  just extra storage of things that you might need   in that bathroom the shower is pretty cool it's  got a skylight over the top of it for those of   you that are really tall also gives a nice just a  nice open feeling to it some natural light as well   retractable spray head and it also has integrated  shampoo and soap shelves built into it having an   electric macerator toilets great because with the  macerator toilet you're gonna be emulsifying and   liquefying the waste as it goes down and pumping  it down into your holding tanks which is nice for   black tank management now we're going to show  you the 19 cubic foot residential refrigerator   that renegade puts inside the Veracruz we're  big fans of residential refrigerators they're   really robust and you know manufacturers now  are getting so competitive on energy efficiency   that they do a great job of not draining your  battery's completely dead when you're running   your inverter and dry camping nice storage inside  of it with bins as well that it's gonna be feel   very comparable to what many of you have at  your own homes moving back into the bedroom   you're gonna see a pocket door that'll shut  you off from the rest of the coach when you   need some privacy this is a king bed so it's a  72 by 75 mattress which in a short Coach like   this is pretty unheard of to have that big of a  mattress having cabinets in a small window above   yeah nice for storage with some reading lights  but also a window there for natural light you   have a nice mirror that spans across the back of  the room you have your smoke alarms there and your   AC ducting and you have a wardrobe closet here  with expandable drawers that pull out like so you have a nice closet here to hang your clothes  and here's your pop-up TV and this is a manual   pop-up television so you just push down on and it  comes right on up and then you just push it down   so really simple easy to use and easy to manage  and take care of you're gonna notice that on each   of your nightstands that you have a 110 USB combo  set up so you were able to charge your phones or   charge your devices and you also have storage in  those nightstands so you'll see that you'd be able   to put your wallet or your keys or for a lot of  us put your handgun in so you have easy access to   it now we're gonna pan over to the interior of the  chassis here and first thing I want to talk about   is this whole cutout that we're looking through  there's a lot of you're wondering hey can I walk   through that and get inside of the the truck  without getting outside of the Motorhome and the   short answer that is yes but we will say that this  hole here is cut out it's more designed for you to   just keep an eye on your family members and or if  you have any dogs or what now that are traveling with you gives you a nice easy access for you to  just look behind you make sure everything's going   good with the coach now I want to talk to you a  little bit more about the Ford chassis itself we   talked a little bit about it on the outside but  let's talk about some of the convenience features   of this Ford you know the Ford chassis is one of  our best selling light duty tow truck chassis and   not just because it's very capable mechanically  but interior gives you a lot of features that you   don't get on other chassis so with the Ford f-550  this is the XLT trim so you're gonna get power   seats you're going to get a lot of ham controls  built into the steering wheel a really nice dash   layout you're gonna have USB outlets in front  and honestly my favorite feature of this whole   entire chassis is the sink three system that Ford  developed with Microsoft you're gonna get that in   this coach and the sink 3 provides you not only  with Bluetooth capabilities but it also gives you   apple carplay and android play so you know I know  a lot of you are pretty familiar with that set up   in your own purse vehicles so having that in your  motorhome is a really big value the sound system   inside of the XLT is really nice and just the  drivability of this chassis compared to others   is going to feel very very natural as what I'll  say you know a lot of you probably are like us you   drive pickups to work everyday or you drive big  SUVs or even if you drive a car this is gonna not   feel too much different than what you drive every  day it has a really nice turning angle turning   radius and with all the convenience features  the safety features and the technology that Ford   offers it's just a real winner of the chassis  I personally drive a F250 to work every day and   it's got the sync 3 system it's got all these same  kind of features and I really love it and you're   also gonna get up fitter switches built into it as  well so if you ever want to add extra lights and   add marker lights like that we can do that for you  if you ever want to put a light bar we can sure to   do that for you here it's nice and easy to do so  all right now that we're wrapping up I just want   to tell everyone of you thank you for listening  to me and and being a fan of our YouTube channel   we really appreciate all the support out there  all the positive and negative comments are great   for feedback so please leave them in the comments  below I'm gonna be responding to you personally   here for the next 24 hours and a little bit longer  after that so please give us a comment I'll get   back to you as soon as I can please give this  video a thumbs up and subscribe to our YouTube   channel if you want to see the most up-to-date  content we're gonna have a lot more videos coming   out here soon so be on the lookout for all those  and please check out our website IWSsales.com and click on the motor coaches icon so you can  check out all of our up-to-date inventory also   if you're watching at the end of this I do want to  point out that this Veracruz in particular has a   $10,000 kick start the economy rebate that we're  offering on it so we're offering this coach for   one hundred and sixty thousand eight hundred and  sixty seven dollars and that price is good until   the end of April so if you want to take Vantage  of a really great rebate on this Veracruz please   give us a call and we'll be here for you so with  that thanks again everyone and we'll see you soon!
Channel: IWS Sales
Views: 96,052
Rating: 4.8290024 out of 5
Keywords: Motorcoach, luxury motorcoach, renegade rv, renegade classic, renegade Verona, renegade explorer, luxury motorhome, IWS, motorcoaches, Idaho wrecker sales, rvs for sale, rv-listings, iws motorcoaches, luxury rv, Idaho, motor coach, rv sales, custom motorcoach, customrv, renegade, freightliner motorhome, freightliner chassis, class c, class a, toterhome, horse trailer, racing trailer, dynamax, renegade sportsman, ATC Trailer, ShowHauler Motorcoach, Show, Hauler, RV
Id: SfKMP7mfcv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 39sec (2019 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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