20190629 | Liberty & Justice for All | Pastor John Lomacang (tvsdac)

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this morning if you have your Bibles with you go with me to the scripture reading and Luke Luke 4:18 look for verse 18 the words of Jesus repeating the words of Isaiah the prophet now the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty those who are oppressed on your heads with me this morning as we go to the Lord in prayer loving father in this hour I do pray for your wisdom and guidance I want to be an instrument that you use for your glory I don't want to be a pawn in the middle of a nation that is battling over things that are dividing us as a people and so take my lips in my mind in my heart and use it in a way that will bring you glory in Jesus name I pray amen I did some homework to find out how long things have been the way they are and one of the startling discoveries that I came upon was that in Inyo County California there is a tree called the Great Basin Bristlecone pine and it is estimated that that tree is five thousand and seventy one years old that's just one of the ten trees that are listed among some of the oldest trees in the world in the redwoods where my wife and I used to go every year when we were living in the Northern California area there was a tree that is over 3,000 years old and what they did was next to the tree there was a timeline listed showing us how many events in human history that if that tree could speak it was around to be able to witness I was impressed when I saw King Arthur and the knights but then it went further and further and further back I could only imagine what that tree would tell me if it could speak of the last 5,000 years of human history it stood there as a quiet a constant growing witness to the events that transpired in our nation and around the world America is only 243 years old so that tree really wouldn't have much to say about the history of our nation and that is as it pertains to the Declaration of Independence until the present we know that our nation has a deeper history than when it was inhabited by pilgrims looking for relief from the tyranny of Europe it had its own rich history long before Europeans came to America but today we're going to walk through the journey of our country and what I in my intention is to recalibrate and help as best I can to remind you that in spite of what's taking place around the world and what's taking place in our nation that as a Christian who is a citizen of an eternal Kingdom we cannot allow the changing landscape both politically and religiously in our world to drag us down to its nominal way of thinking and to its agenda that causes us to look away from the higher and holier purpose which God has called us we are as Eric said and Eric is a military man and he says it with a lot of experience behind him having served in the military and normally we have on the wall all of the names of people that are among our church and relatives that have served in the military in our country and have given their lives their time their liberty their well-being to secure for us the kind of life we enjoy in my wife and I 66 countries later can conclude that there's no place like America in the world we've been to countries where there's so many things we enjoy we've seen landscapes we've seen Alps we've seen beautiful clear oceans we've seen dynasties and palaces and we have been to countries where money is not even an object like in Dubai where there are seven star hotels and where cars are in the millions of dollars and where people can purchase anything that their hearts desire but whenever we land in America we always say it's good to be back home we remember September 11th the world trade center incident and the tragedy that struck in New York City and when our plane landed one of the only ones at the time to land in the airport in San Francisco three days later as the doors open we were greeted by flight attendants and airport personnel that on that particular day met us at the airport for the only plane that landed that day in San Francisco International Airport I never forget the sight the the the gangplank that as the plane turned in where it it disembarks on the left side and on the right side of the airplane were baggage handlers and baggage carts and fire trucks and police cars and they were holding up signs to Americans welcome home as though we had just come home from a foreign country the land of the free and the home of the brave this country plays a very important role in the unfolding of Bible prophecy but I want to remind us today while we are blessed by this nation and all that is in it we must not forget that we are citizens of an eternal Kingdom I think of the pledge allegiance and I want to begin by unfolding and walking us through some of the things that have happened and as I was putting the message together my wife even commented she said boy this is not a one sermon topic this is a topic that should be covered in the course of a month because there's so much and if you want to educate yourself I would recommend strongly that you read the chapter in the great controversy liberty of conscience threatened you we'll see where we are as a world and not just as a nation and how critical the hour in which we live really is the pledge of allegiance was written in August 1892 and get this by a socialist minister named Francis Bellamy he was born in 1855 and lived till 1931 and that's a long time when you think of the challenges that people had and many of the medical things that we did not even understand the Pledge of Allegiance was originally published in the youths companion a magazine that was published September 8 1892 first time it was put in public circulation Bellomy hoped that the Pledge of Allegiance would be used by citizens in any country because the way he worded it did not immediately favor America in its original form it read I pledge allegiance to my flag and the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all it made no reference to any particular nation except with the phrase my flag and the Republic for which it stands in 1923 the words the flag of the United States of America were added the 1923 version read as follows I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all in 1954 in response to the communist threat of the times president eisenhower encouraged Congress to add the words under God creating the 31 word pledge we say today Francis Bellamy's daughter alive at the time objected to the alteration because she said it was not intended to represent only the nation that acknowledges god but any nation today we recite the Pledge of Allegiance as follows join me I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all something else is very important to note about the pledge allegiance Francis Bellamy intended that when the Pledge of Allegiance was recited that we would hold our hand right hand over our heart and then when we got to the place where to the the flag of the to the Republic for which it stands he intended that we would hold our hand out at an angle with our palms open wide but when the second world war ensued and it was noted among the Nazis that they held their hands out they ceased doing that and said from that from that point on the only way the Pledge of Allegiance should be recited as our left hand to our side in our right hand over our hearts so it went through a metamorphosis but what did not change was the was the caption the salutation the signature with liberty and justice for all today we live in a climate and in a nation where liberty and justice is not available to all this country has become a nation where even professed Christians are trading Bible teachings in favor of political dogma many are choosing their convictions based on their preferred politicians and not on the teachings of God's Word and how quickly we forget that the measure of the Christian and I want to say that again that the measure of the Christian is not the conditional promises of politicians but the unconditional teachings of Christ and when Jesus returns there won't be two parties by which we will be judged there will be two hands the left hand and the right hand notice the words of the converted tax collector Matthew as we read Matthew chapter 25 verse 34 to 36 notice it together with me then the king will say to those on his say with me his right hand come you blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world and here are the conditions for which he made that decision for I was hungry and you gave me food I was thirsty and you gave me drink I was a stranger and you took me in I was naked and you clothed me I was sick and you visited me I was in prison and you came to me that's the right hand that's not the religious right hand that's the right hand but there's a left hand verse 41 to 43 in the very same passage of Matthew 25 then he will also say to those on his left hand depart from me you cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels for I was hungry and you gave me no food I was thirsty and you gave me no drink I was a stranger and you did not take me in naked and you did not clothe me sick and in prison and you did not visit me and the salutation which I did not include which we all know the Lord says as much as you've done it or not done it unto the least of these you have done it or not done it unto me so the measure of our standing before God I have to be clear but I'm going to be delicate because I am not intending to get into politics but I must be clear in and very precise and I'm asking for God to guide me we must remember that the teachings in the teachings of Jesus the only right and left that exists is in these passages Matthew chapter 25 verse 35 to verse 43 can you say amen to that the only left in right that exists that we will be measured by is not the party that represents the left or the party that represents the right but the people that represents Christ but we are and continue to be it's not something that has recently happened but in my memory I'm still young no amens necessary but I can go back far enough to remember politics as it began to change as it began to metamorphosize there was a time that religion was never a precursor to a person running for office in America there was a time it didn't really matter what your particular convictions were but when we go back to the establishment of our country the phrase that is often used for fathers it wasn't for fo you are but it was fo re for fathers those primitive men that came to America and began to establish what has metamorphosize into the nation we have today men that had ideas about the kind of world that they would like to have but men that didn't have it altogether they didn't come with a blueprint and say let's stick to this particular blueprint and not go left or right at all because there was so many left's and rights that the nation had to make in its laws and in his congressional meetings to be able to get to where we are today and I must add we are still fine-tuning ourselves as a country we are not perfect in any particular Amen we are still trying to fine-tune what America should be but in our fine-tuning we must not forget who God established us to be because America is not a nation that came into being haphazardly but as we walk through today you'll discover that we have to be very careful that we as a Christian person that we as a Christian Church not allow the world and the nation around us in the political slinging that is happening lord have mercy it's getting darker and more sinister and we are now come to a place in in our world where both politically and religiously we don't know where one line ends and the other begins and unfortunately we have to be careful in our rhetoric on Facebook not to betray the Christ we claim to represent because I tell you I know I know what I'm talking about because sometimes I've looked on Facebook and I be very honest with you I wanted to respond and my wife says that does not represent the position that God calls you to occupy so don't do it but we've got to use social media to advance the good news rather than advance the things that are going to continually change and later on the thing that we catapult as the thing we prefer well later on change and we'll recognize we shouldn't have supported it anyhow we are not called to be proponents of political quagmire but we are called to be those that advance the cause of an unchanging Kingdom can you say Amen that's why the Lord said our only hope is in isaiah 45:22 look to me and be saved all you ends of the earth for I am God and then the last part with me and there is what there is no other the church was established to represent the character and teachings of a divine kingdom but even the Christian Church is being seduced by political prostitution I couldn't find a cleaner word and you'll understand when you go to revelation 17 why I used that dark salutation political prostitution revelation 17 verse 1 and 2 you know when you study Bible prophecy and I know that if you've been studying Bible prophecy as pastors do and I pray that more of them would but when you study Bible prophecy Bible prophecy inserts into your vernacular and into my vernacular into my understanding the picture that God sees and not the picture that we see we don't see as God sees God sees the end from the beginning from ancient times things that are not yet done Isaiah 46 verse 9 and 10 he sees the world before and after he sees it before it comes and he said in John I'm gonna tell you these state I will tell you these things he said to his disciples so that when it comes to past you will believe so what we see is only a glimpse of what God sees it's like leaving it's like leaving Illinois on our way to California and we say as soon as we get on highway 57 I see California we know it's there amen but you can't see that far but the moment you get on the highway that's why we pray for traveling mercies or we pray for the Lord to guide us and keep us safe because there are certain things that God does in his sovereignty he works out in our favor as all things work together for good to those who love God and the called according to his purpose Romans 8:28 he works out in his sovereignty for our good things that we don't even see coming and he does that not only socially and financially in relationally but he also does so politically and religiously and prophetically he sees what we don't see and when we read the political landscape when we see the political landscape and we read the prophetic prognostications of God's Word we must understand that what God said far supersedes what man sees but so often we jump in the driver's seat or the passenger seat of the next politician and I'll be candid with you God has given us the responsibility to participate in the political process but he's never said to us that we must allow the political process to negate and to cancel our calling as Christians of a permanent and divine kingdom he has never called us to cancel one in favor of the other if anything should be cancelled it is the it is the opinions and in and in conclusions of man over the in airing permanent divinely inspired Word of God look at revelation 17 verse 1 and 2 prophecy teachers that teaches us that a power from beneath will and is pursuing the world revelation 17 look at the political prostitution for which I referred then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls or seven vials if you have the King James came and talked with me saying to me come I will show you the judgment of the great harlot there's that word who sits on many waters harlot an institution that has turned away from God unfaithful but many waters revelation 17 15 represents the multitudes nations and tongues the people of the world and look at what it says in verse 2 with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication and the inhabitants of the earth were made what is the next word drunk with the wine of her fornication what is being said is when leaders and people drink the wine of a system under demonic influence the Bible will always be sacrificed when we swallow what is being given to us when we drink what is being what is being poured out of the fountain of demonic influence and understand what I'm saying I am NOT whitewashing or generally coding politics as under the under the under the influence of demonic presence but I am saying that we cannot put erring man ahead of inerrant God and expect the Tuda measu we must in every particular as a citizen of the nation in which we live and the county in which we live and the state in which we live in the nation in which we live we must understand that if the nation will go according to what God has in store for us we must as we understand the Bible support those things that are not out of harmony with God's Word but we must not in any particular support those things that are clashing with God's Word we cannot we cannot be a citizen of a nation or an issue or an agenda that is out of harmony with God's Word and say we are citizens of an eternal Kingdom we cannot the line that separates politics and religion should not be erased or shortened and while we are privileged look at Romans chapter 13 this is a very this is a passage that is understood but sometimes it's broadly applied when it's not necessarily the application that God intends we have a privilege regulat Romans 13 verse 1 we have the privilege to participate in national and local politics but we must not allow that political landscape to eclipse the gospel look at what it says in Romans 13 verse 1 let every soul be subject to the governing authorities for there is no authority except from God and the authorities that exist are appointed by God do you know that this passage was used to make slaves listen to their masters they were told that this authority that we have to be your master is from God this is the very passage that was used to lord over men and women that were dragged here against their will to this country and made either slaves or indentured servants to a system for which they had no rights to make a choice and this passage was read to them that every soul be subject to the governing authorities up until the 1960s some of us are old enough to remember that there were country there were parts of our nation where they had white fountains and black fountains and they were citing these statements saying the local government has the right to decide who drinks from what and unfortunately in many cases it was coming from the lips of people professing to be led by God and we often say that if they're in office God chose them I would say if they are an office God allowed it but God doesn't choose everybody as Saul became the king and the leader in his in Israel God didn't choose him the people said give us a king and the Lord said that's who you want that's who you'll get and we understand the end of his story God chose nebuchadnezzar to punish judah for their unfaithfulness but when the time came God turned against Babylon because God only allowed Babylon to reign to correct the apostasy in Israel but but by no means that God choose Babylon as the nation to represent it understand sovereign when you go back you can see God's you can see God's hand but you can't always see it going forward but the point that must be made is if we could see behind the spiritual curtain we would understand the way God is working and the way that dark forces are working but we must not lose our focus look unto Jesus and be saved can you say Amen keep our eyes on God I am coming to the conclusion that when you study when you study God's word you will never be the subject of deception when you are a student of Bible prophecy you will see every event through the window of scriptural understanding Amen Ryan when you know what the Bible says in Daniel and revelation you own all of a sudden say well you know what that fourth beast of River of Daniel is really a good Beast because the Bible never described the Kingdom of Rome is a good beast but we are being seduced in America to think that somehow Rome has changed its nature when the Bible says Rome is not done yet it is about to bring to America what it had in Europe for the 1260 years of its people persecution its nature has not changed it is tolerant where it is helpless until the opposite can be carried into effect without any impact to Rome at all you'll see the quotation in a moment but so often our sermons today and many of our Adventist churches have taken on just social issues would to God that we get back to calling and blowing the trumpet as it has been given to us this is nothing wrong we're talking about relationships and pointedness to love one another in marriages and in family and all those good issues but sometimes we could become so Joel Olsteen that we forget that we're Adventists we forget that we've been given a particular call that no other denomination on this planet you can't go anywhere else in this world except a seventh-day Adventist Christian Church and here what I'm telling you today I don't care how many choirs and what programs they do they could feed 55 million people a week in Matthew 7 verse 21 to 23 says they could come to the point where the Lord said I never knew you because the Bible says he who says I know him and does not keep his Commandments as they lie and the truth is not in him and there are ministers today that will not accept the Sabbath no matter what you show them they will not accept the truth of God's Word no matter what you show them they are determined to participate in the political landscape to push this country in a direction that God never raised it up to go that's what we have to look behind the curtain and see what is really at play look at Revelation chapter 16 verse 13 and 14 and by the way this evening at Vespers I'm going to do a lot of slide presentations and videos so you can see what I don't have the time to cover this morning so I invite you to come to Vespers revelation 16 verse 13 the Lord shows us what is happening where the powers are maneuvering themselves and how Satan is working in a clandestine covert and overt way to bring about those things that were always a part of his agenda verse 13 and 14 of Revelation 16 and I saw how many three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon that's Satan out and out of the Beast that's that's Rome out of the mouth of the false prophet that is apostate Protestantism the false prophet why false prophet because they prophet that as true sticks to the Word of God but a prophet that a pasta sizes says it sticks to God's Word but it teaches something altogether different the dragon revelation 12:9 is Satan the Beast Daniel chapter 7 and Daniel chapter 7 will show you that fourth beast has talked about the first piece of revelation 13 the beast of revelation 17 continued continually representing the movements of Rome papal Rome and the false prophet Protestants that have a pasta size from a thus saith the Lord what is Satan doing verse 14 these unclean spirits for they are the spirits of Devil's or demons performing what signs or wonders which go out to the kings of the earth and of how much of the world the whole world to gather them to the Battle of that great day of God Almighty what we must understand as we sit here today there is a battle plan being pulled together and Satan and his forces are marshaling the kings of the earth the leaders of Nations to coalesce together so that when the Battle of Armageddon ensues he will have on his team a host of Nations in their military political and religious might to try to fight against the king in all his glory but I could tell you how that's going to end God wins already what do you say you want to understand that look at Revelation 19 it is there but notice this quotation in the book darkness before dawn it'll-it'll appear on the screen darkness before dawn page 23 paragraph 3 except those who are kept by the power of who God through faith in his word the whole world will be swept into the ranks of this delusion the people of fast being lulled to a fatal security to be awakened only by the outpouring of the wrath of God that's what's happening in our world and the more the closer we get to the next election cycle you know it's like I haven't seen a beehive I'm I go to go to glens let him show me the Beehive me Roger I said Glenn Roger let him show me a beehive but right now the world is like a beehive and they're looking for which Queen Bee to follow they're trying to figure out which queen bee I'm gonna stand behind which Queen Bee am I gonna invite into my hive which Queen Bee am I going to work diligently for I want to tell you the only queen bee and I'm gonna use this term loosely the only king that I'm gonna stand behind is King Jesus because I could tell you I was alive from Kennedy on forward I was alive before Kennedy but I didn't even know anything was going on but I remember when Kennedy got voted in office I was a little boy I was a very little boy I was a little little boy for the record when Kennedy made office I remember the nation was terrified that he was a Catholic they're all here we go Sunday law is gonna come in but he made a determined effort and he did it very well although he didn't unfortunately live out his term but he said I would not allow my religion to inhabit my politics and he was faithful in that but if you look at the agenda of this world as it is taking its in a different direction as we are moving in quite a different direction we must remember that while we live on earth our kingdom is not from here the Apostle Paul in Philippians 3 and verse 20 noticed these words he says to us for our citizenship say that word with me again our what citizenship is in where heaven from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior the Lord Jesus Christ I love that passage rod Ossie don't you love that passage where's your citizenship in heaven where's your citizenship Jeff in heaven where's our citizenship church in heaven let's live like we're bound for heaven not like we're locked down here pushing stuff that has nothing to do with our future arguing over folk that will be in the office for a split second and gone and our church would be all divided spewing things on Facebook that has nothing to do with the call for which God laid us on laid on our lives it's a travesty it's sad to see Adventists participate in such a Dogma blaming one president for this and one president for that I tell you what if anybody is to blame all humanity we all sinners nobody has any kind of vision beyond the curtain the only way that your wisdom can be guided safely is through God's Word if you lack it ask him for it but I reiterate we participate in the political process as long as it does not violate the principles and the teachings of God's Word the church was established to be the place with the teachings of a righteous Kingdom are displayed not where political preferences are debated you know I'm in New York I'm a new year I'm a citizen of New York I might save America but if you're from New York you think America is the whole world if you're from New York you think New York is the whole world I had to reiterate that in New York Harbor there's something called the Statue of Liberty and when you read what's on the Statue of Liberty it extends an international invitation a gift from France listen to its words give me your tired your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free the wretched refuse of your teeming Shore send these the homeless the tempest-tossed to me I lift my lamp beside the Golden Door what has happened have these been words just engraved on a statue with no lips or has somebody gone to the Statue of Liberty and chisel those words into oblivion it represents who we ought to be as a nation let me tell you why those words are important to me I wouldn't be married to my wife if those words were not true when my wife came to America on a ship from England her mother with eight children in tow they came over on a visitor's visa and when they saw America and what it had to offer they decided we're not going back whatever we need to do to become citizens of this we're not going back so they had to hide for a while and we'll live out the process illegal illegal aliens because they read when they entered the harbor in New York they saw these words for themselves on Governors Island send these the homeless the tempest-tossed I lift my lamp beside the Golden Door they said this is the country that our Father never wondered their father said as long as I'm alive they're heard my wife's dad said as long as I'm alive I'll never go to America he hated America for the prejudiced nature that it displayed but when he passed away their mom her mom knew that I cannot make it with eight children my family in New York they could help me raise my children and they came here visitors visa and they overstayed their welcome until one day they got a green card they applied for it got a green card when her brother became didn't know it but when her brother was hired after working in the Air Force to be Secret Service for President Bush daddy Bush every body and the family was given the privilege of becoming American citizens but today if they come from a nation that we don't like I'ma be clear about it this does not apply to the nation's we don't like but God has not called us remember as much as you've done it at least of these there is a legal legal process which we all must follow but when a person does not let's not villainize them as a person unworthy if they are wretched and you consider them refuse that's what the teeming shores of America are all about there's not a nation on this planet that offers what this nation has offered when my wife became a citizen I think it was 1992 91 I was there when she was in San Francisco but all these other they call them aliens and they stood up and said I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America they had to know what the president's name is people in office and I thought how blessed I am I don't know who's in office and I don't need to know I was born here I'm an ignorant citizen but they had to know and she still has in our library to this very deck I go and pull out those documents welcome to America packet we donned our stairways and red white and blue and got flags and I thought my wife was always in America but now she's an official American and now she has an American passport and she could travel the world and praise God for that I went to the DMV this week to renew my driver's license and I saw this real ID coming up Real ID educate yourself about Real ID we're tightening the grips in America and I asked the lady I said could I get a real ID she said well tell me what you have I said well I have a driver's license I have a passport and to have a security clearance from the Department of Homeland Security and I have which is a trusted traveler she said all you don't need it you already have all you need she said they couldn't keep you out of America they couldn't keep you out of America if they wanted to I could go to the airport and walk through not have to take off shoes and not have to go through all my luggage we trust you and she sat down on the Department of Homeland Security in Chicago they go through everything that's in your background and they said we could trust you but if you violate that trust it'll be immediately revoked and you'll have to go through all the stuff that everybody else has to go through through the airport she said believe me sir you don't need you don't need a real ID you got everything you need what is the real ID all about amazingly enough by October 2020 one month before the election everybody in America has to have either an official stance as a passport or real ID to travel from state to state if you ever get pulled over and you don't have a real ID but just a driver's license you better have some other document to prove your citizenship be educated I have the form I said can I have the form and I asked for the form the amazing thing you got have a bill you got to have a some official document showing your address you have to have pay stubs you have to prove how long you've been in America where you've worked you got to have all this stuff and I said I'm an American citizen she said it doesn't really matter whether you're an American citizen or not you got to be able to prove that you're an American citizen I was born in New York or doesn't matter she said because foreigners were born in this country but they don't mean that they're American citizens I mean so it's getting tighter and tighter we are making it more and more and more difficult for this statement on the Statue of Liberty to apply to anybody in this country why in time for October 1 2021 month before elections so that we can really make sure that if you ain't a citizen you cannot vote and I don't disagree with that because if you are actively operating in this country in any employment capacity and you are allowed to work here if you're working here you should participate in the political process that's an opinion nothing more than that my wife and I was swimming recently in st. Maarten and we were in a beach called a mullet Bay I don't know if you've ever seen that on the Internet there's a beach in st. Maarten where airplanes land anybody ever saw that where big planes they land like feet above the beach and people are standing on the beach and the planes a massive jet 747s they come over and people some people have attempted to jump and touch the wheels and somebody once did knocked him over almost killed him and it was a man that was killed a few years ago because when the planes take off they take off from that say they taxi down and the beaches right behind where the engines are and there's a sign on the fences and on the guardrails do not stand here when the plane takes off and one man did when a 747 took off and the blast of the engines were too hot too much gas and it killed him but the least that will do is blow you into the ocean we did it we stood there and you'll see that shaky video Angie put on Facebook that where she was screaming and running because not only is the blast we stood off to the side but not only is it a blast but it's blowing sand at you you're being sandblasted but right next to it not too far away about a mile there's a beach called mullet Bay pristine beautiful clear waters like lord have mercy does this really exist on earth we went there swimming and as Angie and I began to swim further out because water like that is just so you feel good about it ah Jimmy you just this is not Ren's Lake that's all that went through my mind this is not ran late if it were we would find all the seven hundred citizens in Southern Illinois that have disappeared there in whren Lake we just can't see it but I noticed as we started swimming that we stopped and then Angie just started drifting out without any effort on her own and I looked at I'm talking about I looked around and she's going like you know Wilson Wilson remember that like she's floating away like a volleyball and I'm thinking honey where you going and without any effort on her own what I did not know until about a week later a little less than a week later actually Sabbath one of the taxi drivers at the church where I preached said what beach did you go to I said ma la baie he said be very very careful because mullet Bay while it is a beautiful beach it has the strongest undercurrent so when I noticed my wife was floating away I said honey hold onto my hand and I used my fins and I started swimming backward to pull it back in because you just float now like floating out beautiful but under currents you see political issues and legislative regulations are not always the way they appear to be you may only see the issues on the surface but the movements taking place below the surface is where the danger lies below the surface is where the danger is look at second first Thessalonians 5 verse 3 and I'm going to share a couple of things with you that are vitally important for us what I'm Lord give me the wisdom to calibrate our minds to understand where we are in history this fits into the context of swimming and a beach that looks totally safe but we don't understand the undercurrents 1st Thessalonians 5 and verse 3 for when they say what peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman and what does it say and they shall not escape don't take the issues and the rhetoric based on the heat of the person that proclaims it because as we said and I was so thankful Cindy said it because you believe it doesn't make us make it right and because you don't believe it doesn't make it wrong or something like that because you believe it doesn't make it true and because you don't believe it doesn't make it yes whether you believe it or not it's not right or wrong it's not the belief nor the compassion sorry nor the passion with which I communicate something that makes it true as you know the story about the lion that said the sky is falling the sky is falling the sky is falling and because it came from a lie and everybody thought it was true but the sky wasn't falling but listen to what we're told about the unde occurrence in our world today and I praise God once again for inspiration for the forward-looking so that we are not caught off guard with what happened what's happening in our world today testimonies for the church volume 5 look at this quotation page 452 the leaders are concealing the what the true issues the true issue and many who unite and the movement do not themselves see whether what the undercurrent is tending its professions are mild and apparently Christian but when a shall speak it will reveal the spirit of what the dragon that's where we're headed so you might say well that's a good thing like I'll show you this afternoon and you come you'll see at the Vespers you know people like Rick Warren and Kenneth Copeland then Joel Osteen and in Joyce Meyer and the list goes on and on and on and on these religious leaders these people that are in the nominal Christian churches they are uniting with Rome on issues that are not bad issues but they don't understand the undercurrents of Rome Rome has a different approach it's like a drug deal or giving candy to a child or it's like a man out like a pervert in the park saying little girl let me help you find your doggy the undercurrent is where the danger lies and we are being seduced by those things that all apparently month at a professedly mile and apparently Christian but we don't know that the Bible says don't look at the lamb and ignore his horns and wait to see how that little helpless beasts see what he says in just a little while it may take our nation a little more than 250 years we're only 243 years old and we are already beginning in our legislative ways to speak like a dragon we're already beginning and this didn't begin in this administration or the last administration or the last one we have we have seen in the last administration who would have thought that our nation would be a nation where same-sex marriage is legal who would have thought that and who would have thought that the moral fortitude of a leader is not important to occupy office who would have thought that who would have thought we would dismiss anything that appears in a person's life and it doesn't qualify that person for or against an office and we dismiss it because our morals somehow are important as Christians but they're not important for leaders just last week in the waters that were apparently safe right off the coast of the Bahamas you may have seen this story in the news a 21 year old girl call a student they showed her picture so sad 21 year old college student was killed in waters that looked apparently safe nice clean pristine waters off the coast of the Bahamas didn't say which Bahamas but it was just off the coast people swim there all the time but as she was swimming her mother noticed the thrashing in the water and she was attacked by two sharks I don't want to give the details but she did not survive and the only record of this 21 euro girl on summer vacation getting ready to go back to college in the spring in the fall didn't make it past her summer vacation went to the beach and that was it the waters looked safe but she did not understand what was under the surface what she did not understand that she was being hunted without her notice we are being hunted without our notice if you think I'm kidding I'll show you some statements in a moment here that will give you a clearer understanding we are being hunted that fourth beast of Daniel chapter 7 that fourth component in the image of Daniel - the legs of iron notice the head was gold Babylon the chest was silver medo-persia the value was in the gold silver less valuable but stronger than gold then there was a bronze or brass which represents the nations of Greece that was the belly and thighs of bronze or brass cheaper than gold cheaper than silver but stronger than either one and then the legs of iron iron tough for them all tougher than them all less valuable but tenacious that's the picture the Bible use in Daniel 2 to describe the powers of pagan and then papal Rome under which government we are today and in Daniel chapter 7 the beasts with seven heads and ten horns that had great iron teeth it devoured and trampled every do and it's everything in his path and it devoured the whole earth broke it in pieces that's where we are today the ten horns in Daniel 7 the ten toes in Daniel chapter 2 that's where we are today and why why is this so vitally important when America begins to embrace the very things that we are told not to embrace do you realize that in the early 1800s even in the early 1900s you could a pontiff couldn't come to American get the carpet rolled out because we were a Protestant nation what kind of nation did I say a Protestant nation as Kenneth Copeland so snidely laughed it off he says do you realize for the last 500 years we were protesting we were the protesting Church arrogance and ignorance combined together not protesting against people but protesting against anti biblical teachings eternally burning hell there is no such thing immortal soul there is no such thing there is no purgatory there is no limbo there's no disembodied spirits no earthly man has authority that can tell god what to do that's what we will Pro testing against and we are still protesting because no man can occupy the place of God and say that even angels are subject to his whims and his authority and I'm still protesting that by the way but America is quickly becoming in the nation that God did not intend it to be God raised up this nation as a safe haven of religious liberty from the tyranny of papal Rome but America is quickly becoming Rome's playground the Church of Rome always focused on the elimination of freedom of conscience let me give you a quick history lesson and by the way you'll do yourself a great favor if you just take the time and study history have you heard of the Waldensians a people that held out the Waldensians were among the first of the people of europe to obtain a translation of the holy scriptures and they found clever ways of sharing the bible you want to read it I'm not gonna give you all the story but I'll give you just this part the Waldensian is hid in the mountains away from the tyranny of those who control the valley but when they came to the valley they would have portions of the Bible that they inscribed on paper and their walk past each other and put it in the hands of somebody else and keep walking so that it was not noticed although although they were not on the camera surveillance they found clever ways of giving the Bible from one person to the next and they effectively were able to proliferate the truth of God unbeknownst to the powers of Rome that sought tyranny for anyone that oppose what Rome taught after centuries of Roman oppression the Bible began to him.the the Bible Sabbath began to emerge and notice in Scotland in England in Germany in Switzerland and even in Italy the Sabbath truth eventually made its way to Central Africa and the Armenians of Asia but history tells us but of those who resisted the encroachments of the papal power the most the Waldensian stood foremost they refused until under tyranny they were made to acknowledge at the penalty of death the supremacy of Rome John Wickliffe Rieger history John HUS Jerome the Swiss reformer Yule Ringley the German reformer Martin Luther and the French Reformation the gospel Sabbath was shared in the Netherlands and in Scandinavia that's why when you look at one of the games that were created during the time the game of chess look at the game of chess it gives a picture of who reigned the Queen's the bishops and the King and what are they what were they surrounded by pawns that's us the pawns protected to King the bishop in the Queen Rome was determined to eradicate two things Liberty of conscience and the Bible Sabbath look at this quotation from one of my favorite authors the great controversy page 62 and this is just simply recounting the history of Europe no Church within the limits of Romish jurisdiction was long left undisturbed in the enjoyment of freedom of conscience no sooner had the papacy obtained power than she stretched out her arms to crush all that refused to acknowledge her sway and one after another the churches submitted to her Dominion read it for yourself King Henry the eighth Bloody Mary read about Queen Elizabeth all these people they resisted the rise of Rome but Rome said all right I that's that's your attitude it took a while before they before they killed Queen Mary and Elizabeth the first resisted Rome's Authority she had every relic of the Roman Church burned all throughout England seven years later she was dead and her Kingdom was under their sway King King Henry the Eighth resisted the supremacy of the Pope but he was made to walk in the snow all the way to the doors of the papacy and he was made to stand out on the snow until the Pope decided to open the door now I'm telling you this for one particular reason the nature of that Kingdom has not changed the Bible has not told us at all that the nature of Rome has changed but our leaders are giving to Rome the support that it needs why because America is the last holdout let me see that word again America is the last holdout what'd I just say the last frontier that's why it doesn't happen overnight none of these things that I'm sharing with you happens overnight but Rome is tolerant where she's helpless it doesn't happen overnight and even though even though papal rome inflicted Christians with imprisonment God still had the upper hand that's a good place to say Amen revelation 12 verse 14 and 15 let's look at that very quickly revelation 12 verse 14 and 15 and I'll show you the slides and the facts and the the the videos and the the materials for Vespers this evening this is just the foundation revelation 12 verse 14 is 15 during the tyranny doing all the nations I mentioned the wild Indians and the Germans all these debris on all these nations look how God preserves his church but the woman was given two wings of a great eagle not just a general eagle but a great Eagle that she might fly into the what into the wilderness to her place where she is nourished God kept her going for a time and times and half a time that's for 1260 years a time in prophecy represents 360 times represent the doubling 720 and half a time represents 180 God sustained the church from the presence of the servant so the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood but God preserved his church God preserved his church and he's still preserving his church when pilgrims could no longer find refuge in England they went to Holland America wasn't their first choice then finally they went to the Dutch Republic looking for a place to exercise their beliefs but when Europe was no longer a safe place for the church God raised up another nation a nation that believed that the Liberty of conscience was our highest key that will keep us blessed great controversy page 292 look at this look at this it was the desire for liberty of conscience that inspired the pilgrims to brave the perils of the long journey across the sea to endure the hardship and dangers of the wilderness and with God's blessings to lay on the shores of America the foundation of a mighty nation we are what god god built this nation amen but not everything in it it's from him but he put this nation there for a particular reason I praise him for that what do you say and the Bible says it this way in Revelation 12 in verse 16 you got a study revelation revelation 12 is probably the central focus of the whole book of Revelation it gives the history of the church from the time of the birth of Christ until the second coming of Jesus verse 16 notice what it says about this great nation when Rome sought to stamp out the advance of the gospel the Bible says but the earth helped the woman what did the earth do help the woman and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the Dragon had spewed out of his mouth the devil is the dragon the water that he spewed out of the mouth during the Protestant Reformation Martin Luther ha swingley Calvin Jerome they started a movement back to the Bible so Rome started the counter-reformation you know what the counter-reformation included music art science literature opera all those great of all these great artists you mentioned all these great composers they were included in Rome's Counter Reformation to try to counteract so people got involved in music instead of the word does it sound familiar it's happening today the counter-reformation is now happening in America you want to preach the word people make choices based music I like the music better they did that during the counter-reformation music can't get you an inch off the ground and when music is played the devil is not afraid of music David said da word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee but it's happening in America so people eat drink and I'll marry and the counter-reformation is taking place in America we are enamored by entertainment by devices the counter-reformation is taking place at the study of God's Word that's why today what I'm sharing with you may be foreign to some of you because we don't have time to study that America was born God led this nation to its birth the earth opened its mouth and God led his church but Satan pursued it look at Revelation chapter 13 verse 1 the dragon came with the flood to try to drown the woman but God did not allow the church to be drowned so God raised up America revelation 13 verse 11 look at it then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth that's a sparsely populated area he had how many horns two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon now this is very interesting when you look at it it looks like a lamb he had two horns like a lamb lambs have little tiny horns and those horns that that lamb represented that lamb by the way represented a lamb like nation a godly nation America was born with two great principles Protestantism and republicanism not Republican versus Democrat but America was based on a republic not top-down like Europe not Kingdom two pawns but people two politicians America is a grassroots movement don't ever forget that the people give the leaders the right to reign not the other way around so when you don't vote you hang yourself you say I don't have any participation in the political process if you don't vote do not playing about what happens and don't debate people if you don't vote don't debate anybody about anything because you have a voice it may be one voice but it's a voice that's a right that they don't have in Europe you couldn't tell the Pope what to do and what not to do but we can buy our own voice either dissent or support what takes place in America but Dan you made it clear Daniel 7 verse 23 thus he said the fourth beast shall be a fourth Kingdom on the earth that's Rome which shall be different from all other kingdoms and shall devour how much of the earth the whole earth and trample and break it in pieces I must now insert a few other things before I end and I'll call you in just a moment summer what is wrong attitude toward the liberty of conscience in America listen to the words of Pope Pius the 9th in his encyclical letter August 15th 1854 here's his words on the screen I quoted them look at what it says this is what Rome's attitude is towards liberty of conscience said by a representative of Rome post-fight Pope Pius the 9th the Constitution of the United States guarantees what Liberty of conscience nothing is dearer and more fundamental but here's the quote the absurd and you the absurd and erroneous doctrine doctrines or ravings in defense of Liberty of conscience are a most pestilential error a pest of all others most to be dreaded in a state they call Liberty of conscience a pest let me make something clear and I'm and I want to be clear since you guys decided not to put this on television I'm not bound by time but I'm not gonna keep you here told tonight I'll end in just a moment but I have to be clear because it's being recorded and I want people to get this in their hands because people's future depend on it that's not just a sermon my liberty of conscience says I got a right to choose my own destiny and I will be held in the presence of God based on the freedom that I have to choose my own destiny when I take your choice away it's just a matter of time before you take my choice away follow the pages of history I may not like what you do with your guns but you got a right to own them are you ready for the second part let me preface it by saying my mother was born I was born out of wedlock I was born to two people that were not married and I praise God my mother chose not to abort me and I hope you agree with her that was weak but let me make it clear this nation is based on your freedom to choose once I tell you that you cannot choose it's just a matter of time before you tell me I cannot choose but let me give you let me open up the artichoke the issue is not choice the issue is Liberty of conscience did you know what I said the issue is not the issue the issue is unity let's look at the next quote Catholic bishop O'Connell look what he says religious liberty is merely endured until the opposite can be carried into effect without peril to the Catholic world now this is important to me 90% of my family is Catholic so I'm walking through this I'm tiptoeing through the tulips because I have my family that watches three a B and an argument copy of this - I love everybody in my family regardless of their beliefs but I got to make it clear as to what God says and where we're headed as a nation it's too late to be distracted by issues that divide us the undercurrents are going to sweep us away in it's uncontrollable tide if we're not awake in this short in this short 243 year history Rome has not forgotten its mission and the difference is this is powerful the difference is Rome has less opposition now in America than it has ever had three questions followed by a quote how can Christian leaders that abandon the moral law legislate morality Ten Commandments twice removed that's the power of that book how can people that ignore God's law talk about keeping God's law duh no way mens necessary that's a dumb moment I'm legislate a morality but I drink I watch pornography a convention in Dallas the largest Christian convention ever held the hotel managers this was in Christianity Today magazine eight years ago Christianity today says in a Christian convention in Dallas Texas more pornography was ordered while Christian leaders were there than any other time and why were they there to decide what we must do in morality but do we pass a law against pornography no because I've discovered you don't pass laws against the things you participate in alcohol some Christian leaders were outed going to sites like Ashley Madison having extramarital affairs in hotels and brothels and places but they out of them we don't pass laws against immorality when a person professes one thing and does another how can Protestants embrace Catholicism and be trusted with the Bible how can a Protestant who claims to believe the Bible join with the power that does not honor the Bible and be expected to be trusted on Bible issues how can we support political leaders that are pushing Sunday legislation brethren don't be distracted in the Vatican News January 16 2019 listen listen our present Pope said these words Pope Francis has reminded the faithful that ecumenism is not something optional you know what ecumenism is u19 together join it together you may think it's optional it's not optional it's going to happen whether you like it or not it's not optional that's this present pontiff again this year this is just January 2019 again this year we are called to pray so that all Christians may once again be a single family and listen to what he listened to who he listened to who he aligns himself with according to God's will so that they may all be one he quotes John 17 you don't unite on anti biblical issues he said pointing out that ecumenism is not something optional the Bible reveals how non biblical unity will take place in America revelation 17 verse 13 and have a few more quotes and I'm done praise God for that we'll be able to eat lunch revelation 17 13 how is it going to happen how is it going to happen here's what the Bible says the only authority we have these are of one mind these are of how many minds one mind and they will give their power and authority to the Beast what is of one mind when you study Revelation chapter 17 you see the Bible talks about ten Kings that have not received the kingdom as yet that's the nation of the worlds in which we now exist they haven't received the kingdom yet they're looking for somebody to support that's why the word kingdom is there because Rome is a kingdom power not a political not a not a republic but they have no they have received no Kingdom as yet they're looking for a kingdom and they'll put their elbow and their political support for one hour they will reign with the authority of Rome remember I say it again whether the issue is whatever the issue is the issue is not the issue unity is now if you hear is straight it's gonna curl if it's curled it's gonna get straight look at this dead by a Malachi Martin in the book keys of this blood if you want to read a book that'll take you a year and a half to read because it's so deep here's one listen to what he says keys of this blood page 15 V's this statement is made by Pope John Paul the second and Malachi Martin recorded his encyclical letter in Yankee Stadium in New York City willing or not ready or not we are all involved in an all-out no-holds-barred three-way global competition now it's just two because they brought the Soviet Union down most of us are not competitors however we are the stakes for the competition is about who will establish the first one world system of government that has ever existed in the Society of Nations it is about who will hold and wheel the dual power of authority and control over each of us as individuals and over all of us together as a community over the entire six billion people expected by demographers to inhabit the earth by early in the third millennium we are in the third millennium the United States under Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul the second United to bring down the former Soviet Union we have Russians here today now it's called Russia but when it was under communist rule the president of this nation ended and the pope john paul ii united to bring down the walls of eastern europe to abolish communism the magazine article was called the unholy alliance but listen to the rest of the quotation we are standing now in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through he said that's Pope John Paul the second a test of two thousand years of culture and Christian civilization with all its consequences for human dignity listen carefully individual rights and the rights of nations but he chided his listeners on that September day wide circles of American society and wide circles of the Christian community do not realize this fully I have just tipped the iceberg my last two quotations where's is headed praise God we know great controversy for 44 paragraph 3 when the leading churches of the United States uniting upon such points of doctrine as are held by them in common shall influence the state to enforce their decrees and to sustain their institutions then Protestant America will have formed an image to the Roman hierarchy and the infliction of civil penalties upon dissenters will inevitably result why because that's how Rome has always been they have never changed and lastly Maranatha page 216 paragraph 3 somewhere you can come now when Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf which we already have to grasp the hands of the Roman power when she shall reach over the abyss the class pans with spiritualism when under the influence of this threefold Union seyton rome and spiritualism our country shall repudiate every principle of its constitution as a protestant and republican government and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions look at how close we are to the end then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near Christians are not being told while they're celebrating on Sunday and lifting their voices and praise songs which is nothing wrong with that they are ignorant ly on a conveyor belt to their destruction while their leaders are creating an alliance with Rome what's behind it revelation 17 17 here's what the faithful prophet says for God has put it into their hearts to fulfill his purpose to be of one mind to give their Kingdom to the Beast until the words of God are fulfilled my brothers and sisters the Word of God will be fulfilled so what do we call to do this is my declaration today can you stand with me and read this this is my declaration and this should be yours this is my declaration I stand with Jesus in his declaration this is his declaration this is my declaration it should be yours let's read it together the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty those who are oppressed that's my call and I pray that we join Christ in proclaiming in our lives and our attitude about others that we may not agree with that God has given us the Liberty to show them that they can be free in Christ let's not lose focus you think it's bad now she wait till 2020 comes it's only gonna get nastier and more diabolical don't forget the words of Daniel his kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom which shall never be destroyed a father in heaven I have tried my best to tiptoe through a delicate topic but I pray somehow that your people have gotten the message America is a blessed nation more than any other and I would rather be no place else on this earth than in this nation and I praise God for all the advantages that I have the privilege of supporting by my taxes by my vote by my by my my work by my influence the Lord help me remember that this world is not my home I pray for our nation lead national leaders my president our governor's our judicial system a court system Lord that is replete with Catholic judges I pray for wisdom to prevail in their hearts as they are called to make decisions about matters that will shape our nation that they won't allow their religious convictions to influence their their laws and their decisions Lord they need wisdom in order for the two to remain separate I pray for our local leaders our small-town our state but more than all of these things for what I pray that we will be a people who allow the light of God to shine through us and that we will allow the glory that belongs to you to be the only thing that prevails when all the kingdoms are brought to dust glory glory hallelujah your truth is still marching on in Jesus name I pray and thank you amen
Channel: Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
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Length: 84min 8sec (5048 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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