2019 KTM Duke 390 - First Impression Ride!

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like I said it gives you a lot of that kind of dirt bike supermoto stuff but in a package that's easy to handle for most people it's not tall and intimidating [Music] already everybody what is going on welcome to another episode of the beginner bike giveaway series this truly is one of the most beginner of beginner bikes we are giving away this is our 2019 KTM Duke 390 I love this motorcycle so last year we did a giveaway RC 390 I've got currently a track prepped RC 390 that I use for my own personal track day things and this is a really fun platform I got a lot to say about this motorcycle but of course as I mentioned earlier it is a giveaway bike so this is not my motorcycle and actually giving this motorcycle away click the link down below and yeah my noob code get yourself signed up get access to our discord server all kinds of cool perks and features every dollar you spend gets you 10 entries so if you sign up for a $20 package get access to our discord server get yourself 200 entries get access to all kinds of cool stuff I am on the discord server literally every day you can ask people down the comments below if you don't believe me they are active discord members I am there every day chatting with people and hanging out so click the link down below and check it out but before we take off on this motorcycle we're doing in a bit of a different location today we're right here on this very beautiful scenic little overlook about to head out here on the hills here and the highway 360 go up north to our normal spot but I thought we'd start off on the highway with this bike that's a common thing people want to know about this bike - like a me can be RC excuse me can the duke 390 handle highway duty and I'm proud to report that it certainly can but let's talk about this bike a little bit before we take off on it so what is it this is a motorcycle produced by KTM as we just mentioned it features a 373 cc single-cylinder engine makes about 42 horsepower stays right in that a2 compliant zone and I gotta say I think it's one of the coolest looking little bikes that you can ride also because this motorcycle is so lightweight and features that punchy single cylinder it doesn't really feel like a little beginner bike honestly it doesn't feel like a and you know slow to Rev kind of pinky a little bike it feels like a proper little motorcycle it just feels pint-sized I've got so many things I want to say about this bike it's so so cool I think the main point I want to drive home is that this is a super fun motorcycle to ride no matter your skill level no matter your experience you jump on this thing and it is awesome so key changes they made to this bike over the old models is they change the frame as you can see now this is no longer a one-piece trellis frame this is a two-piece frame with a new subframe here bolted onto this trellis I think this is about the same as what they were used to doing they also made some changes to the engine the cases are a little bit different they adjusted the head gasses to pose at least a little bit more reliable we will see as you can see this is the naked version of the RC 390 so no fairing is kind of a simpler look that features upside-down not an adjustable WP suspension at the front which is quite stiff very very sporty and it also features this a 300 millimeter by Bri brake system these brakes are okay I think the big thing of Adam is that they are definitely better than the brakes that come on the r3 they are not quite as good as the brakes to come on the ninja 400 kind of somewhere in between but these brakes as I've done on my truck prepped RC you can swap out the pads do a couple other changes and get them to perform quite a bit better than stuck and the other big thing you'll notice as well here on this motorcycle I've got a double camera going on here hello everyone it features a TFT display so as I mentioned in my first ride back home with it this is one of the few motorcycles in this segment right now the features this big TFT display it's a really premium feature so it's pretty easy to get around with this system right over here really really easy to use it doesn't have a lot of features it's kind of for show it shows you basic stuff like your trip your odometer all the stuff you come to expect out of a bike it features the KTM My Ride feature as well that's a system where you can hook up your phone to your KTM and it gives you you know integration with navigation or something like that I'm not gonna be bothered to set it up on this bike I like my bugs a little bit more simple a little bit more easy to ride doesn't really concern me too much and one of the key features this bike has is a supermoto mode what a supermoto mode do it engages the rear ABS it actually turns it off there's an engages it turns it off I'm sorry and makes us so you can slide the rear wheel around have some fun with it and it's a great time on this motorcycle this bike I mean the coolest thing about it it's just how tiny it feels in the saddle it's just so pocket-sized it's so small and nimble and easy to ride I think for people who are looking to get a bike and they kind of already know they want to maybe practice some wheelies have a good time with their motorcycle maybe they're interested in doing things a little bit more in a fun variety with their bikes this is the one to get man this bike I think is a perfect starting point for those of you who are looking to maybe jump into a supermoto eventually because this is going to give you those fundamentals in a package that has a relatively small seat height as you can tell I'm 6 foot 32 inch inseam flat footing this motorcycle will to bend in my knee so with this bike I mean damn near anybody can ride it honestly let's get it started up and see how it sounds shall we we've got the backlit controls here which is pretty cool let's get it started up got that quiet stock exhaust on there but it still sounds pretty spicy sounds just like our old RC 390 that we had as a giveaway bike a little while back what I'm gonna do actually is adjust the brake lever a little bit because this bike actually comes stuck with some brake levers adjusters which is really nice I need to get these a little bit closer to my fingers so agree with me while I do this here guys that's more like it that's how I like it alright let's get it out on the highway because I think that's what a lot of people like to see what these little bikes to see how does it do on the highway so let's do that really quick and let you know how it is as you guys can tell I'm wearing all my sport gear today got my full face a ride not my fin to helmet that I normally wear got my Daisy textile and so we are sporting and good to go one thing I wanted to show you guys really quick though before we take off it's just how easy this bike picks up the front wheel you just clutch it up and first it just it just pops right up it is so fun if you want a bike to learn how to do wheelies on and goof around with this is the Machine because I'll show you guys right here just a quick little one just a little baby wheelies all day and I'm really bad at wheelies so that tells you how easy this thing is to wheelie [Music] gets up to speed just fine now one thing I really like about this motorcycle as well are these mirrors these have to be some of the nicest mirrors that I've ever seen on any bike ever as a side note guys look how beautiful is today spring day here in Texas got the wildflowers and the blue bonnets coming out oh love this time of year here in Texas before it starts getting scorching hot it is just gorgeous gorgeous so yeah as I was saying the mirrors on this motorcycle are fantastic really really nice you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna skip ahead here so after pulling some incredibly legal maneuvers and following all traffic laws I'm a little bit further ahead here on the KTM as I was mentioning the mirrors aren't quite good on this motorcycle you can really see far behind you it's a high level of adjustability on them really really easy to use in in everyday traffic situations I've actually these got to be one of my favorite mirrors that I've ever seen on any bike they're really really nice sitting here in the saddle I love the look down on this cockpit feels way more premium than the price point would suggest with this color scheme and the TFT and all kinds of stuff it just feels like an awesome place to be now one thing that note about the KTM is that it works extremely well in low speeds it is a fantastically fun motorcycle to ride in low speeds but it works pretty okay higher speeds as well as we just saw on the highway over there we jumped on and you know going 60 to 70 miles per hour not a problem on this little bike you know even though it does have this very short wheelbase and very compact riding position and riding triangle here you know works really really well oh all these flowers spring is so wonderful here in the hill country man it's so pretty out here so nice oh my god I need to start a political action committee that specializes in getting Lane filtering to be legal in Texas does this is so frustrating one thing to note as well as since this is a single cylinder engine it's not going to be as refined and as smooth to ride as something like the Ninja 400 or the r3 but the trade-off that you get is low-end grunts the single-cylinder has a lot more low-end punch than those other two bikes he just wake up the throttle here in first picks up really nice man it's a fun motorcycle this is such a good platform for anybody who's wanting to learn how to ride and who specifically wants to get something that's gonna be a little bit more playful than the Ninja 400 then the r3 that this is the choice to get in my opinion especially with some of these more premium features especially with you know just I think it's such a good value for money especially if you can pick it up lightly used it's it's really really phenomenal so yeah this bike gives you all those kind of supermoto vibes all those kind of like you know just playful fun motorcycle but in a package that I think for the average rider is gonna be really really approachable and really acceptable you know I can't imagine a situation where you know someone gets into one of these and they feel like it's too much for them or it's too powerful or too crazy this is such an adequate first bike for almost all people one thing that I would love to check on this motorcycle is if KTM is fixed a bit of the the fuelling issues so the original RC 390 that we had ran extremely lean I think this 373 CC from KTM if they haven't done any major changes to it it's just a it's an engine that runs super super lean from factory and that definitely is something that needs to be addressed if you do get one of these you don't want to bike to be running as lean as they do from the factory another thing to note about this motorcycle has given its light weight it is unbelievably easy to manage around town in low-speed situations put a foot down it feels like an absolute featherweight super easy to manage I can't imagine this thing weighs much more than 340 pounds or something like that I'd have to look into yak specs I forgot to check in on it today but I cannot imagine this bikeways in any more than 340 330 pounds because it feels absolutely featherweight back the rear wheel a little bit so when that supermoto mode as we turned it on like I mentioned earlier the ABS switches off in the rear and you can slide the rear around and have some fun with it that's a feature that I have not seen in any other beginner bike that we've tested a switchable ABS on the fly like that typically you have to go in and pull the fuse and and make it so that it's ABS fully off which you know sometimes it's fun to turn it off while you're riding and then to have some fun and then turn it back on so you can have a more safe ride but honestly just having that rear turned off is why would you ever want that turned on now one thing I want to point out as well guys is we will be having a surprise motorcycle in the garage later in march to compare the KTM - I can't spoil it just yet but you guys are really going to enjoy seeing that comparison so stay tuned for that get in the KTM and some twisties now having some fun with it how does he do des alright these met slurs aren't the grittiest things in the world he do have to be careful a little bit but it's a fun motorcycle nonetheless now up here on these kind of more hilly areas it is tough to kind of get it go and it does take a little bit to really hustle it up these hills it's a little slow you know what it does the job but it's an easy bike to ride it's the the writer triangle really is just so damn small though so that is something to keep in mind I do feel a little oversized through this motorcycle but it's still incredibly capable if this is your starting point if you're getting this thing to learn how to ride and to you know understand the sort of basic dynamics of how to corner and how to have fun with the motorcycle great starting point to really understand that and though the ergonomics are really different from a sport bike you know you could definitely learn on this and then transition to something in the future you know to a proper r6 or Daytona or if you wanted to go that route there's nothing tells me that if you're buying this motor is like what are looking at bikes like this you're probably not looking at something like a Daytona or something of that ilk to go and have fun with you're probably looking to upgrade to you it's you 791 MTO 9 or something like that so you can have some fun front-end feel is really good but again because the rider triangle is just so small it is a bit wonky you know feels a little funny kind of flipping it in a corners here and there but it'll definitely do the job it's very capable quicks right in frontend peel is really similar to the rc390 honestly good grip honestly Oh screw this is pretty good yeah you can definitely hustle with this little bike haha that's awesome [Music] a little bit of a break test there does really well even though these these bricks probably need a little bit of a pad upgrade but they do okay take this one a little bit slower because it's quite bumpy right here yep right there so take it easy that's the benefit of knowing the road you guys are traveling on so don't ever push on a road you're not familiar with so it's just a little bit of a yeah me tip for you so back there if you've been cooking it in third gear you would have maybe gotten chopped up on those rougher patches so careful whenever you're riding out there guys know don't overdo it ride it on straight right at six tenths don't ever go love that and it's not worth it but man this little bike is fun just a fun fun motorcycle to ride and I think one of the coolest things about it is its low speed performance it is fun and just about every speed that you can imagine it's so light and flickable too now two gears there to set up into here tight little corner say again like I mentioned it's gonna teach you all those fundamentals this is a super rewarding motorcycle to flick around it's a to really understand in that way really really awesome bike man let's see it keeping it a gear low what does it do it's got plenty of punch to get you out of the corners man keep it in third here let's see what it does [Music] got a tighter one here let's see I know it tightens up up ahead so what happens let's keep it in third and see what it does plenty of punch plenty of punch to get you out of there now let's see about a little a little pull in first shall we [Music] and that's the fun of a little bike you get to wring them out all day long without too much trouble see you for fun let's get this thing out in our final little testing area and let's do some baby wheelies and skip the ruh wheel and show you how much fun this bike can be let's go do it so again guys the the main benefit of this motorcycle I think is it's a low speed performance it's just so fun and conditions like this just you know I'd say under 30 miles per hour you can just slide the rear wheel around like I said it gives you a lot of that kind of dirtbike supermoto stuff but in a package that's easy to handle for most people it's not tall and intimidating [Music] alright guys I think that's enough gooning and we laying on the KTM rc390 excuse me Duke 390 Jesus where's my head at if you guys want the chance to win this motorcycle and do some sick wheelies yourself hit the link down below - yeah minuto get signed out to enter I will get you guys the next one see you later
Channel: Yammie Noob
Views: 208,242
Rating: 4.9128499 out of 5
Id: -p3DwxzOhvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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