2019 Foot Locker-Eastbay Cross Country Championships Boys Race

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duh and go for it again I am just hoping that we can we can see something like we saw in the girls right sink so it looks like we're all set al Dandridge our starter al it's all up to you and my friend boys footlocker national championship and Kerri you said they do look for colors but I think the boys are just not quite as kumbaya as the girls this colors run pretty quickly when it's mano a mano they do but you know there is some kind of comfort knowing that you have race to get here and if you do have somebody from your region next to you it's kind of like oh do you remember the Olympic Trials when chalene Flannigan and Amy Craig word of working together they train together they race each other and there is kind of that calming effect but yes again you kind of you don't really care you want to just get to the finish line as fast as you can well there's two of them in the West that go to high school together yeah I mean there are there's a lot of stories out here the set of twins they both made it here and run well and speaking of the West Abraham Abraham Abraham and being moving up well but grade Morris in the bright orange there the one with the experience for years just look like he was pressing right when you're announcing that and then just like kind of made a step back and maybe took the pressure off a little bit I mean you know there's a lot riding not only for Josh Buettner who's had such a phenomenal year but great and Morris I mean great and said he has been thinking about this race and I think this year it's a different mentality I don't know about you Tim but when I talked to him last year he was so nervous you know I think with the boys here you know with Anderson and metha and and Morris and those boys they don't want it to be slow they don't want anybody sneaking up on them if they're gonna win it they're gonna win it from the front and if you're gonna beat him you're gonna have to go with them so we'll get 1/2 mile split here we're just about 90 seconds they've made the the big dog park loop as they call it it'll be heading uphill now that we've seen the course we'll get that half mile you can see Anderson right there but our leader is great Morris you know interesting we said he's the only the 4th runner ever so Jorge Torres 21 years ago in his fourth time here it was his fourth time anyone at all so the odds are and guard in his favor so great mores heading up to the lead this is a solid compact pack of runners here compared to the girls race we're already we had seen a few of them jump out to the front it's almost like somebody's waiting for somebody to take that lead and just go for it well last year at 2 miles we had 15 guys still in the race was what I wanted to see so they're listening so far you're getting your money's worth today Stephen they're gonna be a fair half-mile right around 222 for the half mile so that's not blistering but that's as we said affair so - 16 is the official split there as they went by that's met there right there on the shoulder of more so Morrison method right there running one two and Anderson tucked in the middle behind but everybody's still in a carry yeah great and Morris spoke with us the other day saying how he has been thinking about this race since last year and you know he really feels like the way he ran as regional was very calm and collected he just got the job done but this is a big deal for him today now we're looking at slowing down a bit and you can see everybody's moved up and started a bunch carry somebody's gonna make a move here somewhere on this lower part or maybe wait till after the hill for the first time but Stephens seeing the difference here we aren't spread out that's 40 boys within three seconds of each other part is it to be running that close to them I mean do you have to pay attention to getting knocked over by somebody or feet getting tangled are they aware of that is just smooth and natural they're aware of it but I think in the cross-country course is a little bit different when you're on the track you know you really are thinking about position position but these guys right now are all within it you can see them now actually just starting to get their rhythm going watch their step I mean they're they're starting to stride out a little bit and last year we came up to the mile in 448 so we'll have to keep a check on the clock here but I think these guys it's not so much about the time it's about racing for the win in the men's race you know Stephen that's a great point because you know most of these boys are used to at this point in Invitational they're in the lead they're in the lead and some have been in the lead for a hundred 150 meters at a half mile into a race are most meets maybe one or two boys and all of a sudden you know you've gone out pretty well and you're 15 guys all around you so you can see jetson greer our south champion moving up well there on the outside that bright orange of the south movin well he's got good speed too so that's him now pushing the pace a bit and meth nur and Greer running one two so you've got the South champion in the midwest champion pushing the pace great morris and then you see anderson in the blue there in the northeast right tucked in there so as we've seen with the boys in every I always say it's almost always a regional champion and a senior and a guy with experience that wins this race so if you're going to be lips like Thomas point moving up to there's Solomon right there on the right one of our top returners from last year they make it look so smooth and easy and if you're a runners maybe watching this online at home and you go out winter how fast they actually are running for most of us this is a sprint they were 448 at the mile so we had Greer at 48 Salomon right there mentor Anderson Boris Walker Boyd Murphy Jennings and they're all right at 448 at that first Mountain time is last year yeah oh there we go we said we think the booth somewhere in here so Carter Solomon has decided it's time Carter Solomon fourth year last year there's Josh Buettner sixth year last year Braden Morris second was he second last year the year before though yeah and Grier right there Anderson and Morris boy I think in any discussions we've had about this race if we picked five names those are the five right there so somewhat like the girls race the the big names the favorites out well but boy they sure covered that move quickly Salomon couldn't get away bet they're right up on his shoulder so they peaked the hill they made it to the top they'll make that downhill and the boys the downhill has really played a role in this race in the last several years who can run that downhill comfortably and open up a bit but his met there and then now looks like we're in a second Solomon is in third Anderson and Morris and it's a pretty steep downhill you can see meant they're being very careful on that downhill Josh Smith were having a phenomenal year broke the state record by 40 minutes in 47 years and set records the only demon makes it even more impressive so it's Greg virgins record which is great but you know Lucas Rebekah switch maybe the the best High School kristinia runner ever he never broke that Dylan Jacobs our champion a couple years he didn't do that Chris Derek a great runner Allen Oy never did it so he would he was able to do what no one had done in the last 47 years and now he's making a move so here we go we've had one move here comes the second big move method moving as we had Anderson trying to match it Carter right there Greer and Morris from the South moving well just approaching the halfway point where they'll come through here and they've been enough use of energy from the crowd that will certainly be cheering them on collectively and individually as we've got moms and dads spread throughout the the crowd and we heard from the girls that they actually listen for some voices along you can pull out your coach you can pull out your parents voice it's important when you hear that and they make their way across the road here we go Josh mething are trying to take the lead Salomon Carter Anderson Morris Grier moving up well there that is Evan Bishop trying to move up in there and Jack spammer so moving up well for the Midwest but as we mentioned everybody in it still then over the hill down into this part so Methodist decided it's time can they match the movement we're getting a little bit of a break here bet they're out front but then a group of six chasing them carry you got to believe that in that six that's where any child gonna come cuz that's a talented group of girls yeah one of the guys his story that I like is Patrick Anderson he's a returner he was 29th last year but who and he was here he found out his grandfather passed away last year and he each held his held it together I mean he was very close to him and sad and he said this year he wanted to come back and not have quite as heavy of a heart and to run hard and so he's he's the guy in the blue right aftermath their shoulder there and great and Morris obviously such a great story Jorge Torres only being the other boy to be here for years and you know to have a name like hoary Torres who is an Olympian NCAA champion and now to be in that that company that's pretty cool for grade Morris someday someone will be saying oh I put steps of Braden Morris right oh the great grade Morris yep right now grade Morris is following the footsteps of Josh Smith we'll see that's about a 10 meter lead but Morris recognizes that trying to make a move you made a great point about Anderson in our Northeast region the last half mile he powered him he is a strong finisher and he said if he could stay with him you know he could out kick him he's that that kind of runner but you also got Greer who's got great speed 411 it's just a sophomore on the track last year so he's got that speed out of Texas but they're moving well in that group but staying within striking distance will get a 2-mile split here in just about a minute and we'll be able to check exactly where we are but Josh Buettner from the Midwest John Hersey high is now moving out great more staying close but you still got to get up that hill what's born Josh Buettner finishing second last weekend you know he is kind of geared to really do some damage and he kind of talked that way he wanted this win he wanted to run hard he's been winning big all year except for last year or last last weekend but great and Morris has said that he has been thinking about this race every single day and he's very much of a thinker they just go through two miles right there - they did 943 for secondly great morris 947 Patrick Anderson 47 Evan bishop we mentioned he had been moving up and he's moved up in contention with that group he's at 9:47 along with Greer and Carter Salomon Jack spammer from the Midwest moving up Thomas Boyden and that was the one you mentioned from the West he's got the experience he's in eighth at 9:49 Daniel Bryan 10th at 9 51 and Jack Jennings rounds out the top 10 at 951 Josh looking very smooth though arm carriage where it should be faces relaxed carry they're gonna have to start worrying about this at one point he's pulling away yeah they have to close this up pretty quick here I mean there under a mile to go their eyes need to be up on him they need to be working together to reel him in if they're gonna be able to do that they have can't afford to let someone of that great quality as you mentioned that record 47 years no one else could do it he did it and he looks very good in fact he's picking it out oh my gosh yeah he hit that road you start making those turn scary as you know if you can make those turns where they can't see a get away from you and all sudden that far out every time he makes a turn he does a little bit of a surge and that's what a smart runner does and a powerful runner does he doubled that lead in just that last hundred meters oh my gosh Josh Buettner making a big move on his way if he if anybody's gonna catch him they're gonna have to do it before they get to the hill because he looks good one of the things about Josh is that he's he doesn't really change much with his stride right when he starts to put a surge on you don't really see much of a change and that's kind of a deadly weapon to have as a runner that really is he looks great we see Thomas Boyd and moving up from the West trying to get up there and get contention into that group it's gonna be unfortunately going to be a battle for second for those boys if some doesn't make a move because this is Memphis race all the way he has made that move early it continues and boy you're right here he looks great I keep waiting to catch a glimpse of him turning around to try and get a sense with his a bit he's just eyes straight ahead yeah he took a little bit of a look down in the lower part of the first loop here and that was the last time I saw it I think he just want to make sure he was he's working hard and he's making some ground or putting ground on them he is putting ground on him he looks like he's out for her I know exactly but I think Pat I think Anderson was in second and he looks like he's the one pushing that pace for that second pack and that lead is getting larger here so now up the hill here it is if you can get to the top of this hill he will be very difficult to catch Anderson Morris trying to move up well and hang them there Bishop has done a great job and then Greer the South Regional champion but met there looks nothing if not fresher even now as he gets set that's the C part he's made it up the tough part he's got now about 250 meters back and forth the switch back to get there Anderson the blue Morris in the bright orange moving up well Bishop there in the Midwest and career he does take a quick look here but he that quick looks only gonna bring him more encouragement that he has made the right move I'm not there serve and running about 20 seconds faster on every course this year he's really coming along in his senior year and I think this was just something that he's been thinking about being six here last year he was so close to getting that top spot and I know that he he know he believes in himself this year his confidence is really up there but what a class act of a guy really nice guy to talk to he really is he's a very just like Jorge Torres we always mentioned what a great man horror tours turned out to be and you just gotta believe the great Morris is on that way he had a little trouble on down hill held out a little bit but boy he's got such a cushion he can just make sure it gets through that down hill and then this isn't going to be a quarter mile this is going to be a victory lap here to the finish oh my look in smooth you have to you have to kind of hold your form on that hill it doesn't look very steep when you're looking at out of the on the screen right here but if you guys go over there and run it it is very fast and it's almost jarring because you're going so fast down it remember Bob Kennedy from the in his senior year here coming down the hill leading just like this started to fall just went into a complete flip that a flip came back on his feet and kept running running onto the footlocker national championship and then the NCAA championship the following year so as he comes along here he comes on to his coronation here Josh Buettner the senior running so well here this is his race they're trying to close but it is going to be very difficult 300 meters to go and it is all Josh Buettner as he moves towards closer to a 2019 footlocker national cross country championship no one else even making the turn yet as he comes up the row what a great race running a very quick time three miles in 1437 1437 on his way up the hill Josh met there the senior from John Hersey high school in Illinois Anderson trying to make a move for that second place Anderson moving well and he is now in a battle here but it is going to be our 2019 footlocker national champion Josh Smith there and that looks like Solomon coming back for that strong second place finish Solomon will get second Anderson and Moore's diving at the finish for three and four and it will get Anderson will get Morris by a tenth of a second Jetson Grier an outstanding debut in this race he'll get fifth Evan bishop what a great race in six Daniel O'Brien moves up to seven Kevin and Zach in eighth winning time 15:08 for Josh Smith they're almost an eight second victory boy what a great race on Stephen he really made a move and no one could go with him it was it was fun to watch it looked like he had it in the bag all along at least mentally and just such a smooth run and as we cheer on the final guys who are making their way down the backstretch here towards the finish line what a great race all the way around a bunch of champions here together and it is going to be Josh Buettner who rises above the rest Carter Solomon at second is that a surprise to you at all no Carter is very good it should have been one of our favorite was one of our favorites and and that was a great race there that's tough coming up there at the end like that you know and he was able to him and Morris those are great races for them so they should be very pleased with that race Patrick Anderson in third place as well and that was really
Channel: footlockerxc
Views: 327,549
Rating: 4.9004407 out of 5
Keywords: Foot Locker Cross Country, Cross country running, high school sports
Id: 1C0NM7U5oi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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