Grace Ping, 7th Grader, Takes Down ENTIRE Roy Griak High School Field

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Idk why but stuff like this makes me irrationally upset for the second place winners, imagine spending your entire middle and high school career training, going to meets, building your body only for a 7th grader to come in and yank first from you like its nothing.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Send_It47 📅︎︎ May 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

Pings are supposed to be fast, nothing to see here.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tuerer 📅︎︎ May 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
this will be a restart here but this is going to be the start of the high school the Gary Wilson High School girls 5k race as we were talking earlier we have a couple favorites here one of them is Lake Braddock Lake Braddock of Virginia Kate Murphy she's a Pan American 1500 champ she's run for 16 in that event and she was also 24th and enix in last year so she's got the track speed and the cross country credentials to go with it but can't forget about Emily covert she's only a ninth grader just a freshman but she was third in this race a year ago so RT has the experience in the big girl race and now she's just a freshman but what can she do here can she get her first victory in her freshman year so we will wait and see something interesting about Kate Murphy you know she comes from Virginia but the fact that she traveled all the way to Minneapolis to run in the Roy yeck Invitational shows just how competitive this these races are on the high school level yeah no it really doesn't did that the generally you find success when you win these races and so okay you see the start here we have an athlete how very quickly like we had in the men's race which in the in the boys race excuse me that went very well for mr. Garrick Bielek who ended up being our champion so let's see if we'll have that same result but out very very quickly is one of our athletes so we're going to toss it up to a map just to show you where we're off on the course early on at this portion of the race covert covert make a statement very very early on in this race so here we you know I think we've shown last race I was a really good circle this is about where we're at early on in the course they're going to wrap around to this right side over here is they head over to the kilometer which of course is right there so about in this middle portion long straightaway but they get some downhill and that's where some separation can really start to happen when they before they start to even get early on into the early portion but oh so early on it's all about getting out and making sure that you're executing your race strategies we're going to see our leaders right now we have two ladies up front starting to break away from the field here so covert out front and grace ping Oh actually uh I'm parent came up to me before this race and told me to watch out for her she is in seventh grade oh my goodness seventh grade and I I think he if I'm not mistaken he told me that she either goes to the same high school or is in the same conference as Colorado's coach Heather burrows who held the course record of a race that she had just run I believe in the Minnesota area okay assuming uh but he told me to look out for her she's young but she's a fierce competitor grace ping remember the name well doing we're watching her her early success in her career here at Grieg's just a seventh grader that I made great was a long time ago for me and I was not running this fast so I applaud her for getting now these high school girls early excuse me he's middle school girls in Minnesota know how to get it done not scared at all of these girls that are five six years older than them I mean I ran cross-country in PE as a seventh and eighth grader but I didn't even know that you could run no it wasn't an option for us back in the old the good old Missouri so yeah we're approaching they're gonna head to the K but two ladies breaking off early in its grace ping and our top returner Emily covert so one of them a favorite one of them a little bit of a dark horse I would say so yeah it's it's pretty cool to see that you know even with the age gap you know it's a big age gap between a seventh grader and a senior in high school oh yeah these send-up graders are fearless doesn't matter who they're running against and you know ping is showing that today so 3:17 through our opening k so we do a little math there let's see so it's about let's see 15 16 15 it's about 16 25 pace I believe if my math is correct so out pretty pretty quick early on really quick early on let me go ahead and correct myself two ladies outbreak earlier yeah perhaps but here's some of our pack that is going to be chasing them and as they come through this area of the course they're in a minute or so they're going to be approaching the first mile which will be an indicator of you know what pace these ladies are running and you know interesting to see what they start out at if it's too fast if it's too slow and what what happens from here but this is the the first indicator of how how they're going to feel for the remainder of this race yeah it is true so we're looking at an athlete early on from like it was say Cotter but I don't see that school on my list here so we'll have to check in who we're working with up front [Music] so we see the field now catching up to the pack or excuse me working their way through the pack and up to our leaders now so two ladies still running together at this point two girls out front early so there's some of our chase pack now they're stringing out a little bit as they catch up to our top two girls the rest of our field now working their way through the course it is still a warm day here in Minneapolis there's a big chunk of the pack but we're gonna work our way back up to the leaders and here they come so our leader up front is our is our seventh grader that you were talking about grace pink is just putting the hammer down right now and she is the leader and I think it's Emily covert there that is in second I need to get a verification of that but upfront right now is a seventh grader grace ping absolutely dominating me not dominating but she's leading the field and setting this pace which is certainly impressive for someone who's what thirteen I mean if that yeah yeah yeah twelve or thirteen is ridiculous I mean they're flying this part of the course and the the point in the course were there they just passed the two K mark going down that that hill that's a really really nice way to build a gap if you're you know in the lead and that's exactly what ping is doing she is trying to extend her lead right now and she'll come around a turn pretty soon where she's going to hit the dreaded three K hill the big hill on the course is about a little over two hundred meters long it's pretty gradual there's a plateau in the middle but by by the top of it is where the three K mark will be and that is a good indicator of how the rest of this race is going to go it is you can see it seems like ping might have gone out too hard she just relinquished her lead so they're heading to three K at this point yeah the lead is now swapping back and forth think of Minneapolis Western or Washburn athlete now moving up and that might be Emily covert now moving pasture is they they're heading off to 3k so they'll get there at about somewhere around 11 minutes so continuing to work their way through the course we'll try to catch up with them soon we can ID where they're at on on the course just past halfway like and we've seen a lot of really exciting races today what would have been your favorite moment so far I mean it's no doubt there's really not a question it's what Boise State did the ladies from from Boise coming here and I know it's a much weaker Michigan State team than we saw last year especially without their one of their top returners and an all-american but Boise State 37 points what four in the top ten five in the top 20 22 and we'll catch back up to our leaders momentarily here they are but yeah that's so far Boise State's performance Ally Ostrander running confidently up front we just kind of see what they're made of the show that they're not you know they're not scared of anybody even the defending champ so awesome race out of them so back up front grace ping is reassumed the lead that's Emily covert they're given pursuit very close this is our three Cahill so here they come to 3,000 meters and it's going to be quick this is very very quick and about ten twenty five on the clock through 3,000 meters is is no slouch of a pace it's very nice very very good pace that that paying and covert have set and you know as you can see they've they've definitely established themselves as as early leaders but um you know there's there's a sizable top-ten pack behind them that is just trying to hold on trying to you know take advantage of this hill that you know separates the tough runners from or the runners that aren't very good at hills and I think I've made a mistake here that the girl in second Judy Pendergrast is is let's just say she's not a slouch us number one right now in the country for three miles 16 18 so are we looking at a couple superstars up front we apologize for the confusion there but a Pendergrast is is an orange giving pursuit she's run 1618 for three miles which is tops in the country this year and a seventh grader right now is taking it to her this is ridiculous I was a little nervous about pink heading up that 3k hill but ma'am she's handling it right now no doubt about it so it is ping and Pendergrass doing battle right now and so they're working their way they'll make a turn and wrap up go to the fork a marker just about just about six six and a half minutes left to run on this course and these two ladies ping has not shown any fear by just setting the pace and Pendergrass happy to follow that couldn't be good things for the more experienced Pendergrass who is chasing however that looks like a little bit of gap is forming and this is one of the rare points in the course where a good amount of spectators can can gather as there's a little bit of over overlap but on but not much as you know this this corset Roig react is very very unique in that it's not loops it hardly crosses the same plate place twice and makes it very interesting for these ladies it does all right so you see some of our athletes in the back now we're going to give you an idea where we're at in our map with our leaders they're heading two three four k excuse me so this is about our area of the course that we're seeing them work through right now the heart of the course heading to 3,000 meter or excuse me 4,000 meters it's getting to be tough parts of this course obviously Pendergrass and pink navigating it better than anyone else at this moment but no the thing with the 5k course that you don't have or that you do have with the excuse me what you don't have on the 5k for of course that you have on some of the other courses is some of these tighter turns and what you would think of as switchbacks they don't have those here which it makes life a little bit easier as they're going to head to the very top of this map for 4k and they will wrap all the way around here and come to the finish line which is of course here oh that's a good one I couldn't even correct that so that's where we're obviously finishing this is where we are at here and so this is where they're running and made a complete mess of this but you see where we're working through the heart of the course and we are going to catch back up with our leaders very shortly here's our lead cart now this is a pivotal point in this race we've had two ladies going head to head crucial questions about to be answered is Pendergrass as she just been trailing ping just to kind of gauge her and make her do all the work or she's starting to drop off the pace last check-in she was dropping on face and as we check in on the screen I think I'm getting my answer here is pinging now has opened up a 15 to 20 meter gap at 14 and a half minutes into this race so we got about four minutes left in this one and at this point it looks like it's all grace ping the seventh-grader gonna take the title here what a performance I mean yeah this is stunning it's not over yet but this is unbelievable this is ridiculous somebody it's it's crazy that someone today watch out for her and turns out she's probably gonna be our winner here so I know so wrapping up to our 4000 meter point very shortly they should be hitting that split at this moment the beautiful ball stat course so we're over at this point of the course now and working our way to the top and then they'll just have one last straightaway before wrapping to the big long final straightaway of this course and to our finish that final K is you know most most of it other than that that sharp right turn is just one long straightaway it's you know runners getting tired at that point and trying to trying to see the finish as hard as they can but um you know it's it's important at that point to really just stay focused know that you know you that you can't have any regrets at that point you just got to go for it yep and so soon enough we'll catch back up with grace ping and up to the lead let's see if Pendergrass who is no slouch we're talking about one of the better high school runners in the country right now getting uh getting beaten by a 7th grader and possibly one of the best the future future studs here in grace ping and you know as we we've seen all day and all of these really deep and interesting races the Roig react invitational does a great job of putting on exciting competitive races at all levels between Division three division to division one and high school levels I mean it's a it's definitely a special meet and we're very happy to be a part of it and get to see all this action absolutely and here back to our leaders there's our lead kart we're going to see where we can see the ladies now but if you want to say our second-place athlete Pendergrass is a senior she was ninth in the Illinois state meet a year ago she is the 3200 champion and she's kidding once again I hesitate to say but she's getting me by seventh grader this is no slouch judi Pendergrass one of the better runners in the country she's a senior in 18 17 or 18 year old can beat by a 12 year old so this is absolutely a stunning performance grace ping is going to be your champion it's just a formality at this point as she wraps up the hill times not going to be incredibly fast but it doesn't matter it's all about beating this field in cross country time doesn't matter at all this is a story here a seventh-grader winning this isn't the maroon race folks this is the big the big girl the excuse me the gold race penises where some studs are supposed to be winning seniors and juniors supposed to be won in this race seventh grader so here she comes down the hill now Pendergrass is starting to put in a little bit of a late charge at this point let's see if ping is going to have enough real estate it looks like she will grace ping folks is going to be your winner she's in seventh grade seventh grade this is truly special to see seventh grader she's 13 years old grace King remember that day folks Wow what it what a finish she beats a senior and here's our third place finisher 1810 unofficially for our race winner race pink seventh grade that is just absolutely ridiculous so rest of our finishers now charting to trickle in nice little battles at the finish line what you love to see what a performance of by grace King [Music]
Channel: FloTrack
Views: 6,707,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grace ping, grace ping 2016, grace ping 5k, high school, grace ping running, 7th grade cross country, roy griak, roy griak invitational, roy griak 2016, grace ping 2017, cross country race, high school cross country, cross country high school, cross country running, cross country, running, flotrack, milesplit, running motivation, high school cross country race, cross country meet, fastest girl in the world, fastest 5k, running cross country, fastest cross country runner
Id: 0-ap9KvsQzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2016
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