2017 Detroit - Stadium SUPER Trucks - CBS Sports Network

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[Music] [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] it's been one of the most wide open sides in series history five different winners from the first ten races today we're back in the Motor City for the fifth stop on the to earth hi everyone and welcome to Bella our parking in Detroit grunt three four rounds eleven and twelve of the subpoena and expedience Cooper trucks I'm at multi-language Sean Germany and Sean Pettit a that last round in Perth with one for the ages absolutely I mean that was a perfect circuit for stadium super trucks and added a lot of action but year after year Belle Isle Grand Prix offers amazing racing now on top of that new track surface this year offered a lot more traction for these trucks and it's all around the circuit a lot of grooves in the track now in this new asphalt new concrete they put in going to make for some great racing to keep the pack really really tight we talked at the top of the show but it means so much variety but we've got one new big name making history few in the series this weekend that's right out of South America a chiller a brew he's here with us this weekend making his debut in stadium super trucks practicin in Charlotte a few weeks ago put down some really good laps we're expecting to awful on Attila we're right in the middle of a very busy period of Energy stadium super trucks has come to hook into two big races here from the D and the points look like this it's five now that we've Paul Morris and Robby Gordon that Brabant back to third position now Sheldon Crete and Kevin Harlan playing the points game here in 2017 let's take a look at your starting grid day for round number 11 it's a reverse of what we saw from qualifying giving Davey Hamilton Jr a front row start Erik Davis will join him on the front row Sheldon cretan bill Holmes Paul Morrison Aaron Baumbach dance the bass guys the fact Matt Brabham and Gavin Harlan electric keep it in mind it is a full inversion of what we saw in qualifying so you're slow guys to the front you're faster guys the rear and there is true fueled Jeff Hoffman right now next to him it is excellent hey brew is his first opportunity here Racing stadium super trucks of course Maddie problem no stranger to SSD and appointment as well is we're about ready to take the green flag race control since it is time to go racing right start from Hamilton Jr thing sniffing around right this weekend is aboard truck number seven that Robby Gordon would normally drive Robby's operating the Baja 500 so VHDL contacts in fact the infidel is that something going on her early contact with Paul Morris and Aaron Bob back before they even get to turn number one now they all file in here's a fast section this is when they let it eat they're wide open in third gear going into turn three now often we'll see a lot of mistakes down here because they're carrying so much momentum on the run down here to turn number three Heinz Heinz first I was here and runs into his teammates oh hi to get into the duty case United fathered a number 57 gets in the palm worse right there his teaming as we hop on board with Gavin Harlan Harlan looking to have a great run this weekend qualifying well he's in the number 55 truck right now we're going to go back and take a look at this is what we're hearing on board bill hi he's all by yourself looking good oh they'll get over into his teammate grabs both hands on the wheel says I don't know what just happened without any cocktail I don't think anticipated the dude going down the inside there like he did and a bit of contact a bit of us elbows up kind of stuff here on lap number one I'm going to say you know the race car just like you car home maybe he was in his blind spot let's leave that one right there agency and they followed it is Hamilton Jr right there behind him a brew but keep in mind checking out already and Sheldon Creech on the treat happen took trouble it's all fine he's starting up in the front of the pack that's bad news for all the competitors here a limited schedule this year for Sheldon prayed the soup on campus we're back on board now mara stating Airlines i jr we know over the years these guys have had some on track contact yet to say the least there is no love lost between lions thank you here and all the dude mars these guys just meeting up recently Steve Cooper trucks in the last year so and definitely have a lot of contact some of which make you up there's a little unnecessary so a little heavy rubbing between these guys hoping for some clean racing today around the back saw the circuit we go here's the rabbit the five stone bridge down towards this tricky alternate turn number five which would put sometimes two on the curb this year to stop the trucks getting airtime through that corner as the weekend rolls on you'll see if someone takes out one of those called they are here and on the side of safety with a Detroit Grand Prix you second FSP there we may probably be a penalty at set if that happens they're natural to keep them off their pirate inside firm right they're running down out towards turn number seven another high momentum point the track they might've been Creed locking the brakes up for a split second down there the trucks can run down the inside here the traditional apex of the corner doesn't exist with stadium super trucks here they're allowed to letter e go to the inside of the curve here up here three wheel and both these guys get the power to the ground with those Toyo tires this is one of the slower ransom for the corporate suite right there that is Motor City casino send them high into that session the Olympic Harlan goes the inside of a brew not able make it stick just yet we have on board of the royal purple number 55 battle for fourth place right now goes to the inside but we're gonna dive into the chicane this chicane is meant to slow them down you cannot be jumping chunks at 150 miles an hour so we're going to see this here just a minute we're going to see a lot of passing going into this section here Jeru pulls a little bit of a lead on Kevin Harlan right now as they fall in wrapping is very important in these tight sections impressive debut from the 30-year old Brazilian Attila neighbor of all these shell v-power entries who come through to complete another left those orange barrels have been sorted to slow the trucks down if you hit them get a cup some penalties they'll Ebru right now this is his first time out this is his debut and stadium super trucks running very well coming up out of Brazil first time a truck first time jumping a vehicle of this sort before so he is on a very fast learning curve baptism by fire if you will as Gavin Harlan he's an experienced young driver in these super trucks he's on the outside right now going into turn four not able to make it sniffing a brew key holders live stays out in front of Harley good pressure motor racing there from these two down to turn number four they go again so Gavin Harlan who's been playing the points game we've alluded to at the top of the show here grabbing podium after podium chasing the guy here but never seen this street circuit let alone a study of super truck well now Jordan the mentor getting closer and closer it is Madi Brattle he's in the middle miss number 83 no sir his colors all season long the Builder hopped on board the stadium super trucks and say he want Maddie problem flying our colors and misses like as he's now come from the back of the pack oli up in the battle for fourth ships pilot right here high-speed touch 150 miles an hour oh hey Bruce and hang on hang on can't quite make it happen Oh in gravel giggles might as well harlot he moves into fourth place some royal action right there that was seriously cold from the outside of the farthest points this fellow street costs and Holland now moved himself up into p3 look right there now Harlan he's got some open track in front home he's got his eyes dad what's going on out in front of him he's trying to chase down the leaders keep in mind there will be a mandatory competition caution up right around the corner here that will punch the pack back together again now do you see developments number 83 of Manny breves he's going to pressure under Brazilian out as well competition caution not too far away three guys renewed Paul Morris he's are aligned Ike Junior you support this weekend from Detroit place coming lead corporation maybe for strong result for that team they see this is also a quicker section as you can they're too slow out oh hey drew almost gets piggyback by gravel gravel putting some big pressure on the new driver here stadium super truck looking very well gifts through here nicely clean it's not like paddy grab to swap a lot of paint a month necessary he's not going to strike unless someone punches him first so he's going to run Hebrew real clean here he's drafting drafting goes to the outside aho gives him up here now you see me now you don't the magic man to the inside of the outside smoke off the tires are heartily a little bit of contact in between travel in Hebrew says hey man I'm right here I'm moving to the inside so I want to psych himself out here now because problem has gone down the inside moves up another position but I'm very very impressed with artillery Bruce debut here today going around this tight corner real right there saying all that up on three wheels Toyo tires gets the power to the ground here right around the corner words out far away from my Tom caution that's been a buncha spat back up keep in mind great race out here for fourth fifth and six but we've got Sheldon Creed and Palmer to divorce they're checked out on the pac-man they are gone in a world of their own but with this we bring out the competition caution to stack the field up once again wet stacked up it's a lot of fans around here today that's your order four laps in is Chris Morris lined by Kevin Harlan and Matt Brabham in race one here from Detroit [Music] Steve you Superdrug on this network is sponsored by Toyota we are Toyo all-or-nothing and by Arctic cash creating the ultimate off-road riding experience Arctic chats share our passion went back in Detroit the Belle Isle Grand Prix for 2007 say there's a nice little city to wander around he didn't get the chance come up and do it with back to get underway here with the star Creed Morris and line bike junior at the restart this is why we live the competition cautions because these guys were starting to get away from the field I've watched the pack back up but keep in mind JooJoo not a great qualifying run shall decree starting up front while he's still a pro right now no surprise right there but look on that research normally the guys here green flag Amir off and run it shall be Creed with the opposite direction he packed them up behind him to get a bit of a jump on the nude race control I don't think they're going to call that but definitely a round of our way of restarting the race to take a green flag good pass of Erin Bombeck the man from Rochester just up the road here from the Detroit circuit he's up to seventh position I was going past the number seven up Davey Hamilton Jr and there we are going to that Toyo tires section that is Creed Paul the dude Morris are alike jr. and Harlan great race right there we're already getting into the who's who of stadium super trucks of natty problem and d5 as well so the faster guys in this pack are a starter sighs they move on only into the second course of this race the Creed is stretching the mauve it is with five let them hold another competition forces still to come here in Detroit when the biggest circus we run on speed energy Stadium super trucks on our tour as it gets it was in the race we started it will be concerned about highway and fuel absolutely this is the yulux in a law course in the runner heart it's a fast course deuces they're wide open 650 horsepower these trucks are here and they are pinned out the whole race so that's a lot of fuel research into the end sometimes what's the wild landing off the jobs or some of the turns they may even find trouble with fuel fuel picking off so the truck starts to follow its base a little bit so there is some strategy involved as well and drafting is one of them heading down to walks motor because Motor City casino corner this is turn 12 around the back service circuit the short will strike a little bit kink into turn 13 then the run down towards those both orange barriers which have been fatal so part of some of these drivers fog you know every year the chicane here if they're for safety it's just a slowing down they can't be hit these jumps at 150 miles an hour something usually over about 85 90 miles an hour so everyone sees to get through here clean there will be a penalty and sense if you hit that look at Terry Baker oh oh a chiller hey broom gets upside down on the second jump ought to see exactly what happened there he goes off jump number one the Arctic at Wildcat jump couldn't quite collect himself quick enough goes off the Toyo tires job gets upside down looks like he's in the cab moving around seems like he's alright but let's look at this battle for second is already Lions Ike junior goes to the inside of Paul Morris re and Paul had the same but this is going back and forth just a few laps to go in that same turn the goo to let you get that full sense of security sometimes well you know you take the corner it's okay and he'll be back lucky is right now let's take a moment now we did have a big crash earlier let's go to a replay and Felix out look at the back of the screen a chilla he brutal get Silas Hoffman Tonio left all we came to the wall a pretty wild ride right there looks like right off the bat he started having trouble is through the answers the air off the first jump look at off in front Hamilton Jr he can see he's got a bird's-eye view right there there is a chilly Hebrew turn John lands back on all fours from Eric Davis this point again I'll stack up there's Hoffman right into the back of Hamilton Jr Davis down the inside so it happened that first read now you can also question the pieces between the two Rams he was out of control by the time he got that second one that can be this experience well absolutely these job show they're always about 270 feet in distance in between them here so they're about the same reach and that's just done on the safety side I think it looked like a cello just really was on the gas maybe too much air and certainly a vast learning curve but we mentioned earlier hopefully we'll see him back later in the weekend as were on board with Maddy Brown Oh summer 83 Oh if Ari lion Dyke gets into the dude right there and then Gavin harlot he goes around all three drivers Maddy Bram's he's not able to make it efficient up there ari Lyons egg makes a silly move right there gets right in front of the Braves I think just a lot of chaos ensuing right there these guys need to calm down bellow gone hurry all into the tires there I wonder if maybe the truck was broken after that those contact with several trucks he just went off the tires as if he was trying to turn that is unlike our Eli indict to make that table to speak and quickly can it change his frame towards the point in the field and our finds himself towards the back Paul Morris mad problem now with damage to the front of the developments at number 83 truck as the competition caution comes out once again time to check out what happened just a few moments ago down there at turn number three between line Dyke and Morris there Morris its thrilled for the Lear corporation entry he retaliates by driving across well Harlan says you guys fight I'll take two positions Kevin Harlan the smartest one out there here we are on board are Elijah he get through the dude comes in a little too hot gets into the dude now here's a look Betty Brabham nowhere for Mattie to go Matt gets elected as well so a lot of chaos right there so the big mover in this one with Gavin Hollen he's up to second Sheldon Creek continues to lead with three laps to go here in the be with back of the reef site here at Detroit Sheldon crease Neal your leader at Kevin Holland the big mover and shaker in that live sick but he's got the second place right now look at this again second restart a row with gel degree packing them up the slow reser not the violence are you normally would think you would here as we look o coming out of heads right now always like had to promise early rock into the dude and then ramp getting in the ham get clutch as well he was in the pits turn I prefer to break out that truck worked on not too often you'll see a stadium super truck in the pits doing work like that but it gets re back out in the field he's behind Hoffman and Eric Davis on the run down to turn number three we get down to turn three with Hoffman assignments down the inside he goes and Eric Davis up to sixth place down look at the hawk - those great he's wide open on the skinny pedal but pumping the brakes going into that turn working everything in there he's a busy man in the cab of that truck shifting running the hand brake driving with the left popping the brakes of the left foot very busy a lot happen in the cavity super truck in super impressive this young guy to see up to the 18 year old from Phoenix in Arizona a leading Rookie of the Year to speed energy Stadium super trucks and like Kevin Holland playing the points game right now both these young guys pretty quiet in the pits you know when you see them to panic but they let their driving do the talking and it shows multiple female early on were supported and keeping that flow going so some good rates for them as there is Sheldon Creed violently fast on front Gavin Harlan as we were just talking about here in p2 as well and then that is the dude and batting Rams and then Aaron tombak we haven't heard too much of them yet today bomb box he is the local he's from the Detroit area the people here behind them in love what he's doing they love him race in Detroit he's on the podium every weekend every year we come to Troy here here you see if that's going to happen for him now he can drive the wheels off just about anything you right there down to turn number 12 we go again so Brabham behind Morris and Baumbach it's sniffing around because the world can change so quickly in speed energy Stadium super trucks bump I've got a podium here last year is hoping to go one step further for his support he's got here from strategic stopping solutions we are on board with Madi Brabham Mary Graham and his hillocks starting to peel off a little bit some contact not due to his own fault as well as the white flag is our one lap of violence who have to go here in Detroit for race number one back onboard the pillow bus driver he goes the inside of the dude a fellow Aussie ball through coming up from the Gold Coast region of Australia reefs with it this weekend in Detroit set it down on all fours wide open through this session this is third gear pinned out julienne well well over 100 miles an hour it is Creed Harlan Morris Brabham and right behind him and the local boy himself that is Terrence as well he's waiting for something to happen he needs one of his guys to make a mistake so he can strike to get on the podium wonder what Paul Morris is thinking right now looking up in the mirror and seeing Matt grab him Paul used to run with his dad in the factory BMW team days back in Australia where he won three championships looking up their gun erasing the Sun here he comes down the inside brave booth gets it done I'm zippered spot Down Goes Brad's Wow easy on the brakes what a good pass clean reason between the two Aussies right there definitely some respect between Morrison travels Morris goes the inside says it's not over yet this is one of the fastest sections of the track right here this is a long section 150 miles an hour look at the hook bounce around trying to just hang on there it goes again side by side it is renewed in problem problem in the dude back and forth battle back to the inside he swaps a little horn said hey man you want to get dirty I'm going to swap the beat what'd he do hard hard racing down into turn 8 and turn 9 Aaron bar back like this is good hey guys keep doing this I can get a couple of positions but maybe back up onto the podium in this thrilling final lap in round 11 of this year's speed and if you studying super truck firefight just waiting for something to happen wait for one of these guys to make a mistake we are running out of time right now sit in p3 it is gravel behind him it is the dude and papa it is the race right now for the podium get ready to come to the checkered flag meantime Sheldon Creed he's never won in Detroit he's won pretty much everywhere else on our sewer he comes around to grab the checkered flag and grabs his 30th race win of his career Varick went for Sheldon creme right behind him it is Gavin Harlan as well and making on the podium well fought battle for Maddy wraps in p3 but that is the safe crash safety limit number one or two time champion up on the podium here in Detroit take a look at the results of round number 11 race one of the weekend Sheldon Creed the winner here his first time in Detroit Kevin Harlan playing the podium game again in second Matt Brabham got home for third Morrison fought back to Erin Byrne but Jeff Hoffman Davey Hamilton Jr Eric Davis our killer Avery who at that moment but there is no stopping Sheldon Creed at on a limited campaign he's still looking good in the point let's check in catch up with that winner right now kind of tough qualifying it so we had some transmission issues so God's done upfront today and just made quick work of the first two in front of me and just try to run my own race get good fast lines right away just so I knew one pressure was applied I had good lines and outside so so I really did I just started Kate they conservative saved my brakes and just give it tires to where there they were good towards the end of the race and I notice when they were they were kind of battling each other so hard that it kind of slowed them all down and let me get away a few times and then the last time Gavin stayed with me pretty good so man that was just fun that's a good racing right there and now I'm looking forward to a battle tomorrow I want some some some banging going on and hopefully we can put this safe track by yourself alone California looking really really good third in the points right now it's extended by ten between Morris and Brabham another further ten back to Crete Gordon back in fourth position not here this weekend Highlands running out the top five it's still another race to go will squeezing a break round number 12 is up next year from Detroit welcome back to Detroit around number 12 the speed energy Stadium super truck PSA on CBS Sports 2 on 70 McNulty with you for the next race of the weekend the trucks have been repaired we've got them all set for race number two here today Matt Bevin will carry one of our own boards for this Atilla a brew is back in the field and that put the seats wild ride for our chili brew yesterday his debut in stadium super truck she's back on the grid right there next to bill Hines in the United fiber and data we just saw Jeff Hoffman as well in the true fuel truck and here's your starting grid up front a chili a brew are aligned like they're in row one bill Hines Erik Davis Erin bomb Baca Paula dude Morrison the third row down it is Hoffman Sheldon Creed Manny Bravo and Gavin Harlan all the way in the rear so slower guys had trouble in the front faster guys in the back some wild racing here is we go green flag racing for Rick number two have had the star from blind dog jr. he left a bruise standing at the starving support the number seven tribes the hamilton jr. drug yesterday two most damage to his entry so we've jumped him into number seven here today and that's great to see well don't worry but a stadium superdrug a lot of hard work but every lie these trucks are all built the same setup the same some swapping some body panels and some number plates in this bed all works hours you hop on board with all the new horse right now he is riding for his life whoa the multi-platinum recording artist the band's live as he had swap it back and forth smoke on photo tires those the inside of his teammate mill high almost dijon flew all over again opposite positions from reef number one of those two he almost went platinum down there and to turn number three the way he was ghostly look backwards attitude number four over the first the ramps and the back side of the circuit and into turn five three but he settles into the group in round number twelve to wide right there that's a tight turn it's hard to get around their speed single-file nevermind too wide is there is Aron Baba he was looking back towards Creedon them o in front re Lyons Ike junior he's got the speed got the abilities got the talent to win the race here he don't throw all his over right now is steadfast safe equipment number one Sheldon greed race number one winner on board was him through this very fast section all three wide three wide down into turn number seven Harlan again with an impressive pass and perhaps listed two kids if I can use that term loosely go down the inside Harlan Hoffman in Brabham three is the biggest leaves in 2017 in Stadium super truck racing three wide coming off at 150 mile an hour section of the turn 7 through 11 that's a tighter session this gets a little bit more technical just need a hop he's a little sideways there as well look how compress the field was going around the backside the circuit now it's down to turn number 12 this Eric Davis pushing Sheldon Creed in the always evolving number 75 and Phil Hines on the back of never turn number 12 we go Davis and Hines having a good batter right there Danis he's trying to basically hook a chain of she'll decrease that she'll is going to come through the pack I want to go with him so Davis he's trying to follow some lines agreed here back and forth Jesus Kate oh the dude just touches one of those barrels there would be a penalty excessive he had knocked it over got through it just by the skin of his teeth with a scan results we saw from Australia earlier in the year on the first of our ramp capturing how high these speed energy Stadium super trucks go into the air and Detroit great crowd watching on here as we start lap number 2 of 11 to competition caution to this one but are aligned Ike jr. he's comfortable strong showing here today the lead corporation he took the CEO maximum Cheney for a ride around in the two-seater here on Thursday look at this now a chilly Hebrew he's in p2 he's got Horace and Creed looks like Creed went to the Hanoi smoke off the tires Davis hang on oh and where'd the Duke Oh what's happened here so all of a sudden the deuce on either shot he's back in he we're too far and Allah here in Lompoc he's off the weeds but take a replay right here look there is the dude he gets in the mix that Davis he almost came into Hahn he collected himself but then all along a guy does not know follow either one of those that was a racing incident look at Robins got a good look at it Harlan almost got into it as well I think just not enough real estate for too many vehicles at once and then the dude I think he was just all on his own out there and they all continued which was good to see absolutely number 3 of 11 line doc jr. a chiller a brew and here comes the showstopper Sheldon Creed on the right hand side here the safe cross safety equipment entry and here's a brave move for the brazillian now as he tries the outside on the run down to turn number three if he pulls this off this will be huge of pass around the outside makes the clean pass keep in mind a killer Ebru out of Brazil he was down with a wild ride yesterday not able to continue out with that truck he gets back in puts his fears aside passes one of our fastest riders in the series and moves up forward here a brew is in the lead incredible pass on the outside so in the blink of an eye line dog junior goes back to third position and Sheldon Crete looking over this here but I think a killer will give a good run here I'm wondering of a chill again here like the music from Jaws right now Jenna Jenna Jenna - Sheldon Crete in the number 1 is hot as hell go to the inside dress cool 10 he should have a spot where he should be able to hold this pass right here in force a brew to go wide if anything smoke off the tires of the top three drivers it is Creed a brew and lion Dyke is all three of them file into this tight section of 7 to 11 greatest back in vintage form here he knows he's going to go to limited campaign like we've talked about during the show we're not going to see him next week he could in that car ARCA race in Pocono to do so in no TVs get maximum points here this weekend right now Greg Ryan for our top three competitors right now shall we create safe - safe equipment looking really good he's wanted to repeat where he was in race number one this weekend a chilly Hebrew he's looking good as well coming off a major crash yesterday now he's right back on it and up to speed again and don't forget we got a mandatory competition caution coming up right around the corner that's going to pack them back up again so that will give guys like Harlan and Hoffman in the dude and bramble those guys that are making their way through the pack an opportunity to catch our leaders but two big race impacts at the moment there's a flag being pledged to the top they have some debris on the circuit both left and right hand side here going down into turn number one and Bill Hines that's 10th of the chicane and look at the barrels they've gone flying past their chemistry box window as well we're going to go back take a look here you can tell bill Hines not happy about what happened there we're onboard looking at line yeah Oh Hines all by his lonesome just piles into the chicane there we're on board with them and uh way over ran it in there spun around backwards Eric Davis he got into one as well those three guys was not a cent get a penalty assessed bill Hynes will as you can see he wasn't very happy with his performance as you got in the in-car camera threw his hands up in the air and here's already Liars like junior battle for second place right now re uh-huh on the tail of a chiller hey drew these guys running really well impressive run by Hebrew first time out stadium super truck he's making it happen this weekend he looks a bit of drive out this line bike jr. has I should say on the back of a chiller a brew who drives the truck down the right-hand side here he's going to make re go the hard way around as he gives the shell v-power truck and nice little rubber on the way down the backside towards turn number seven can you get it done before the top courses no he can't we'll head to a break though Creed a Bruin lion I killed pop three here in Detroit with back in Detroit the first competition caution of round number 12 it's in the books seldom Creed leads its back of the restart as he did in race number one are aligned dog runs in second a pillar a Bruin third and here comes Kevin Harlan one look at once again shall degree he the leader is allowed to set the pace on the restart you go sponsor slow as you want when you see the green flag fly off that jump for the third time this weekend we should show the Creed pack it up nice and easy and set his own pace nice and calm he is this weekend out in front so a little bit of a different shoulder you see in the past is her on board right now is already Lyons Ike junior in the Lear corporation truck as he's trying to chase down our leader of shall decree huge amount of experience at open-wheel a competition to an Indy light series the son of the 1990 Indianapolis 500 winner re line Dyke down to turn five he goes leading a tiller a true Jeff Hoffman has decided to shed his hood and keep his engine call of all the truth fuel 50 to 1 ratio entry and it is a chilly Hebrew Gavin Harlan also getting into Mexico I name it is grab them grab them short little obey he was started the back of the pack trying to go up every time he tries to get to the pack he bounces up a little bit of trouble he's not normally causing as you're on board right now with gravel see a good route run right there a chill to the inside Gavin Hartley outside the royal purple number 55 not able to make a stick oh he goes to the inside to the outside back to the owl again so a lot of live season looks like that ramp service split across as well that's going to make it difficult as the race goes on these guys you can throw a blanket over those four competitors right now think about the names ie Brewers got behind him right now Brabham Holland and Hoffman no good no good no good I don't wanna be and that young man shoes right now the 30 year old Brazilian in his first time on stage super trucks racing and you've got those things behind you you've got to be sweatin endowment still races these days the stock car Brasil Series in his home country then their teammates a former Formula One style Ricardo's on serious let it run down there we yellows down the bottom here looks like a barrel possibly maybe someone else's guide into this table definitely now without a doubt we had a competitor to get in there those are only they're simply to slow them down so they're not hitting the ramps so quickly on the front stretch to keep it safe meanwhile fill out from shale the green he's comfortable re Lyons like he's fallen into his home page as well a chilly Hebrew and a deep rattle we're having a great problem gravel his guy up half Harlan now he's pushing hard to get into p3 this is your third place battle I bet the head of standard the bill beast number 83 trike head on the excellent turn number one he's on the outside Holland pinches there is a chiller a brew is out of shape here allowing the field to push right up on him what's Holland down the inside here on problem Charlie gets to the inside of chilly brew making it through there without any problems they're handling that pressure from some of the fastest drivers in ffd raising very impressive brought by Hebrew to turn five those witches hats on the left-hand side to stop the trucks climbing up on the curb a chiller a brew driving very defensively this time the doors open and that's the only invitation that brother needed era worrying more about what's going on behind them that was going on in frontal as these guys are starting to work towards the next caution flag here it is Brabham he has made the pass Kevin Harlan hung on with him as well hey brew drops back to position so put spread them up nicely into third position still Sheldon Crede are aligned Ike junior running in second back to Holland and Oh Bruce your top five back up the break welcome back to the Troy there's a bit of confusion going on here right now we're hearing from race control that maybe shield and Creed was going to cop a penalty with a competition caution was good on some of these drivers to pay the drone Eric Davis having support so shall they treat as well we don't want to have to have half but Eric's a big dude so they look at re lanes like he's cited a problem so there may be some form of penalty or something as well here we go on board with gravel Oh Reed he got into the cone on the inside of that turn there he's a sense of penalty he's dropping back one position that's why our enlightened I says hey man I'm in the lead right now the last thing was this race agreed by explain we have a new leader Creed's angry about it I rely on i cuter he's out in front now we can only speculate that maybe Sheldon Creed has radio problems or selective hearing or a combination of both here but nonetheless he's plenty pumped up there for that safe cross safety equipment number one he just led that whole race and due to a mistake made by himself all on his own now going to the inside says the out Reynold does he have the braking power to stop yes he does hawk performance slows that truck down gets around the corner he's back out front all right lying like almost flat up ghost and I'm not even gonna get in this mess with him right now as you see re lines like he is now drop back to p2 looks like Maddie Brad's is in p3 as well Gavin Harlan in fourth Attila hey bro still with a great run and Hoffman the hood as hot as you will he is still running well also with only a few laps left in this race lines are clean the spot game here Crede he knows it's going to be fairly fired up about what happened during that competition caution but now he's got Matt Brabham all over the tail openly at corporation one one nine as we see the 83 like a praying mantis on the back of our line guy sticks of down the inside this will be a pass but it is what our pastor just is knows why now you see me now you don't this travel comes in makes the pass blows it wide all realize that gear sticks back in phase and secondly now Gavin Harlan he's in the midst as well the royal purple truck the number 55 he's out of the town has problem so we got the top the fastest of the fastest avian super trucks is only a few laps left to go five laps to go in fact still a lot to play out in round number 12 and race two of the weekend here at the Detroit bellow grande Prius down the Motor City casino corner we go on board with the one-one-nine Lear corporation entry of hurry lined Ike junior is he chases children Creed I guess Sharma credo open-air almost all weekend long taking his own lines doing his own thing he's able to make that truck work and it's showing how bad it is these guys battling lions I travel often at La Rue they've been in the mix all weekend long at all if anything slowing each other down over and just let it show me Creed have at it it made that chicane so much tighter now on the restart is a lot more speed through there before they're really having to jerk these trucks right and left on the run down their path down comer to position four laps to go now as we work down the fastest part of their sixth normally long Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix circuit line bike Junior Brabham side-by-side battle for second here Lodi Junior is going to hold on they both run out of brakes right on the edge here oh and brambles the sighs pulls up next to juniors being able to make instead Oh side by side going to turn five Bravo he gets out in front it is created brambles why is that they switch positions once again go to the turn ball past as well we got a truck off in the distance looks like it might be hostage yeah it is the hop he gets off to the wall let's go back look at the frame right here here is Paul Morris to the outside of him Oh Boris gets in the Hofmann right there yeah I'm going to say as we see from Hoffman's view it's hard to tell that was just a really I know the dude has nothing against the hawk so he wasn't trying to take them on but meanwhile take a look what's going on right now what a battle for third right now waha hands like junior is part of every bit of action thus far he's been in every battle of this rate as the hawk makes it all past him as well so now gathered Harlan I should say he is in front of Lion like junior junior has been part of every battle of the last of all am I'm glad to service here in the country box today because there's so much action going on meantime it's allowing Sheldon creative disappearance to the distance mad problem with that standard landing order to build which number 83 down into the first right-hander here and back on through the long straight down the turn number three Morris starting to bring in the young Brazilian now look at that still another calm caution often ready to come up here so it's a little bit longer race that's good news for Brabham and Harlan and those guys oh look at we've seen this battle happen already this weekend as well it is April and the do let's see how they get along it's Australia and Brazil back and forth Brazil the inside just makes things all in front of the to the right action on board sheldon trade nothing but clear air for the californian still leading this race with to go Stadium supertruck on CBS Sports Network is sponsored by KMT week precision for imprecise environment a vive these energy fuel the need the need for speed but back in Detroit for around 12 the speed energy study of super trucks but a caution has come out here Sean well yes there's usually scheduled for two comp cautions however we have to go better skin to the chicane into the barrel there making it basically it with a cop caution for the third cautiousness ring so that pack the pack back up one more time as we only got a couple laps left to go in this race so the green he's still on from a rally behind him Gavin Harlan in p3 two laps left to go it's a 5-2 unfold and it get wildly crazy it's go time I think you're trying to say on the run down the turn number three is Highland pushes Brabham line Dyke Jr's in the background too and Morris pick another battle he had with a chiller over as he pushes it down the inside lifts the Bakula shell v-power truck up unloads him into the wall oh I'm chiller and the dude right there a little bit of contact front to rear a jelly got off easy here we go hop on board with Madi perhaps big air time maybe some of the biggest same time we've seen on that ramp yet this weekend as he's got his sights on what was in years past his teammate now his competitor for sure Sheldon cree-cree down from Maddy problems right behind him Brad was racing for a championship this year as well and then let's not forget about the quiet Gavin Harlan you don't hear much problem you don't see too much banging around on the track you just see him slowly moving up he's like a Cobra ready to strike at any time the top Greek some of the fastest in super truck racing on where they should be as you come down to little more than a lap to go how often have we seen these to create and prep them go at it right now but we go on the real young stars of study of super trucks right behind them probably got the notebook out again taking notes see how these two guys race absolutely you know right with Brad with Ravel here you know he increaseth have these battles Harlan he's just getting a part of his stuff this year he's watched these guys rape he's made note Matalin tells probably physically you know he's learning a lot from him right now just racing with him and he's now up to speed and able to strike when the time is right down through turn 13 or line die tuna just gives the wall a little rub on the accident down to the barrels that have been realigned moved plays it not punched out all rates are met the finish of another lap the white flag is out now for Sheldon Crete so one lap to go here for problem to grab the win or maybe Highland to sneak up and grab his first win of the season it's hard to even get wild would you see Brad on that fibers in here that's the way he jumped yet doesn't matter which truck which chassis he's driving when Matty Brabham's was on the loud pedal he's got that pedal to the metal that trucks flying sideways is flying rear-end high and that's how he does it that's what he know he's fast down to turn three right on the backs of the top three or throw blanket over these guys in the background this shot like over here tire screeching and these two have come together oddly enough it is the student lion tight swap it ain't there that's a long story going on as well we're going to go back and take a look at this again we're onboard with Paul Horace he goes to the inside of re re turns right into them again the do kind of says hey if that's how you're going to play it I'm going to do the same thing I don't think there was honest racing maybe between either of close to right there we've seen that battle going on for a long time let's not forget they're also united fiber and data teammates so team owner Bill Heights may have supports about that let's go down to well post races down to the barrels the chicane for the final time Sheldon Creed if they race the Trans Am car here this weekend the trip in Detroit it's time to get the Premal because that's a clean sweep for Sheldon Creed here in 2017 read his first wins this weekend is right here in Detroit he struggled at this track in the past but he's got it down he's been out all weekend long hardly any battles at all as here is a result overall it is shell decreed Maddie Brown Gavin Harlan at third place Paul Morris Eric Davis rounding out your top five sixth place are enlightened like junior Phil Hines appellate a brew with his debut with Sam super trucks of any place Jeff Hoffman and Aaron Baba crowding out your top ten yeah another great day here in the fifth craft came few wheels clear tires King shocks truck has been been a super awesome weekend Iran fourth in the the Trans Am car which is which is really cool and tuned in this which is I mean you can't complain about that but man it was a great race on one of those last restarts I hit a cone on that first or second lap and they they maybe put a spot back so a little confusion and there's some radio communication issue in the night and I got to work so no I didn't didn't affect me to see that end of getting right by my back to the lead and just trying to be smooth that's my main goal is just being smooth not spinning the tires and and I just being a really really discipline racer so now it's working out I think the more asphalt I do the better I'm getting so mad at they keep doing what I'm doing and they keep getting these wins it's the Pocono next week the race of the NASCAR ARCA series meantime it's one point separating Paul Morris and Matt Brabham right now another four points back to Sheldon Crete Robby Gordon we'll be back next week in Texas Gavin Harlan playing the points game back in fifth position we're going to start to get to that point the season work points are important and these types of things cannot be happening if you want to be in the point sheet at the end of the year so wild racing here in Detroit a lot of big racing coming up yet the season moves on so we can expect just about anything here city of super-drunk in Olathe take this next week tickets at a stadium super trucks go to come for information I'm Matt Nolte along with Sean Germany we'll see you in Texas and a feat well done the Sheldon Creed
Channel: StadiumSUPERTrucks
Views: 81,852
Rating: 4.8439717 out of 5
Keywords: 2017, detroit, michigan, cbs sports network, racing, robby gordon, stadium super trucks, sst, speed energy, matt brabham, bill hynes, paul morris, aaron bambach, jeff hoffman, erik davis, gavin harlien, arie luyendyk jr, davey hamilton jr, atila abreau, sheldon creed
Id: Vic_dT4xDcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 59sec (2639 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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