2018 Clemson Football: 15-0 Leave No Doubt

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[Music] let's put everything we got into this game last thing always say to the team every Saturday after every game and say the season starts regardless of what school bills that's what I'll tell our guys all the time listen when I got this job everybody used to talk about you know the good old days you know back in the day back in the day and I tell our guys this isn't good old days this is back though this is the best of times and we need to scratch the surface we just didn't go we're just getting going [Music] we're just we're in the midst of what I hope to be the best decade in history of this program [Music] everything that we've done once we've done again is so hopefully hopefully before they put me out to pasture we can do this a few more times go Tigers and I told these guys we're going to win it again it's just a matter which team doesn't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] / takes out rolling right now gonna run with it he's at the five open up so beautifully on the right side [Music] Watson wants to go back to the air or he's fired a nanny what a throw 30-yard laser shot down a Russian and a fun rice touchdown [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] third and goal [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] way to London Conway [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] CJ spiller [Music] some rolling out fix it downfield [Music] [Applause] [Music] now times Boyd go down well he's got which takes it in speed [Music] [Applause] [Music] Steve takes up Robin control moving left looking ornamental fire Carrie touchdown [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to take a shotgun [Applause] to extend intelligent honest [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] roll to the right watch a rock star clubs and tigers [Applause] one second ago 34 31 Clemson see the snap he does not get out of his stance he's not looking at the ball he's late to beat some to the quarterback Harry Dungey had no chance on this block [Music] justice faster disastrous play for the Aggies by dissention it would surprise him you might see the Pharaoh able to get offensive line just a mismatch round brushes Wilkins and the Massachusetts native who's got 80 tickets to Piper Prince belly it's gotta be a record number if that impact he is a handful up with just the wind get back at it but we'll face so inspired try the night picket trying to survive it's gonna be sad my what a series with a better tackle but this offensive line leader Jimmy Morris a dissenter then Tino inevitable over to Center new left car you see Christian Wilkins fighting through that gap but this is a defense it has a lot of fly [Music] [Applause] tre Lamar he's a guy he's gonna come through he's very active at the line of scrimmage have won the battle against blind and then continues book in the last minute trying to get rid of it as he got planted again by Austin Bryant and the officials are talking about this protection around the quarterback he was on the ground prior to the bat we're down read bendables with a little different looked at time one of the best pass rushers on this team gets a pre-shot in the quarterback you got the best defensive line ago they get you there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] maybe that's what Davos Russian writer Nestor was you can be whoever you want to ditch the Lord's number 90 is a beast of a player defeats the block and then distracts the backup better in recent weeks for NC State the team under former Saturn is on the scene [Applause] here the 16 yard line the defensive coordinator said they run a lot of bootlegs this is how you James Blackman immediately under us so he goes down at the 19 yard line that was our guy Alfred Huggins once again that just continues to take the life out of this offensive line and anybody around words under pressure [Music] it's a swarm the back of the 39 Kendall Joseph was the first Tiger to arrive it's a break once now tell him on his hips mine in sac and it's Justin foster one of the young guns the frontcourt offensive in a funny how the offense on one side can start to trigger the defense is just speed relentless magnitude rotating bodies in this is this is foster in 6-2 to 60 second attempt Wilkins [Music] there's only a matter of time you're not going to be able to block these guys forever and especially one of the best in college football Marseilles gonna pass it sacked once the ball tumbled and Georgia Tech recovered it Christian Wilkins either ripped it out of Marshalls hands or courts the sack on the hit and it's fourth down [Music] Oh felt the brunt Jordan Williams number 59 is gonna pull them off right there t9 Jordan Williams knocks the ball out and then number three freshmen and seeds gets harvested [Music] 30:28 Tigers branch sequester pickets some big plans feral actually on the other side eventually gets the picket but it's Simmons who knocks the ball loose watch Simmons come here on the Blitz Farrell comes around on the edge that's the pressure it's just nothing pit can do to slow down presidents of mine to be able to pick it up and you know how he is he's thinking goal line get me to the end zone what's good pressure right in the face get used to it if you're DeAndre Francois you laid your head down to bed last night and you repeat it yourself I'm gonna get hit it it's okay I'm gonna get hit and it's okay I'm gonna get getting it's okay because you are [Applause] Cardinals pounced on the loose ball Ginty Davis made the hit to knock it loose from paths four-man rush but book in trouble again in town another loss of two now this is just a three-man rush it's the guy Xavier Thomas number three is the guy that's going to put the most pressure on him book starting to feel the heat the 25 put three it out for the vote before this defensive line is as good as he ditching college football's too simple speed west lots of work his hands [Music] it's the second set for clubs in their time and around obey white is just hammered harder to hear this by Austin Brian on the edge it's a box yeah you run that from the right hash into the pound tree against this speed that is a tough ass look at this Christian Wilkins is already there to push white out and then it's Clinton stuffed by Austin Brian the little quarterback draw that is not gonna work with the kindergarten top Christian Wilkins showing up I'd say the NFL will allow Crystal group [Music] works under pressure there's the future a special town wants the ball get off here they're going three deep into their bag right now and it's a bunch of watch the ball get off here just no change sir donkeys done by Cleveland Farah many at the 42 silly would attempt go to either you if Dungey came thither he gives it on this white watch [Applause] the rivers play with a loss of eight Ranger the swarming Simmons Isaiah Simmons who's playing speed door you know Daniel spotted you Francois with the quick back to the original line of scrimmage sets up third down and set one two three four five six seven seven Tigers flying to the football they know who they are on third down it's a short story Bennett flying up was AJ Terrell the sophomore corner and venimos defense gets him off the field three Anapa he is fired up because of the way his defense played his serve down he goes with so instead of man Lau's his defensive backs in his linebackers to keep their eyes on a quick truck either that probably expected to be playing here tonight by Xavier Thomas what a play by Thomas I mean that's an explosive defensive end who they think is gonna [Applause] fourth the tank in town and scramble they can't get away Austin Bryan ran him down from behind bring their starters back Austin Bryan beats two got me that's a running back at a tight end Austin Bryan beats a bull Jones travel run it again we'll get back the line of scrimmage Dexter Lawrence made sure that they let you know about it Wes got some signs up there and even women [Music] traveler David Wilkins was the first one that got back there to getting and Venables Defense Forces of three and out he values everybody on his feet he has not forgotten where he came Joe that's for sure his defense team used to hold the line of scrimmage even down to the last minute [Applause] scram before the football eclipse it is on top red petals means love and neck [Music] she'll find a college foot since he's come to Clemson he's been able to bring emotion energy fantastic players in the weekend week out one of the best defenses in college football [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes go yeah let's go [Music] [Applause] 13 strike again 30-plus 417 in I really have absolutely nothing bad that I could say about Kelly Brown he's one of the best young people I've ever been around I love and care about him I wish him nothing but the best and again sad that he has made this decision and you know all I can say is another program where everywhere every decisis goes don't get a quality quarterback and a very quality young man and we appreciate everything that Kelly gave to this program while he was here he's a graduate and like I said just he's one of the best young people you could ever be around and as a coach sometimes you have to make the tough decisions that are in the best interests of the team and and this is one of those decisions and and I would make it all over again because I believe that it's what's right for our team at the end of the day it is what it is love Kelly I wish him all the best again I appreciate everything he's done for this university this team and respect his decision and wish him all the best so as far as us and our team take what we got and get back to work and see if we can play our best game that's that's where we are and here comes Reverend Lawrence in the third series first time in front of a real atmosphere but his phenom let's see how he does Shawn Watson passing records in the state of floor [Applause] Laurens going up he's got enough gas Higgins trying to get to the corner punch down tires welcome to the big time Trevor Lawrence 64 yards [Applause] [Music] welcome this time as you say for number 16 and welcome T Higgins to take it over that flood at that boundary receivers by number five goes and over the defender from and to make that play after the catch to get it into the end zone huh how many people hundreds how many hundred to thousands of that's not a problem zip that out there they say he's a flat liner nothing affects him he affected this game for sure Wow as it looks like a freshman all season long this is night start expects to handle the championship game nerves just fine tonight and it's Travis ETM look at the world on the light side finding it hey Jen footrace catch him in the Tigers score by the opening play 75 yards [Music] [Applause] that patty get championship weekend started for the Clemson Tiger I got the bath any age he's pitched a flip chip [Music] is to give up a long touchdown run to Travis et is his 20th rushing touchdown of the season extending his Clemson single-season record the tick of 13 seconds here go with the conversions she exploded around the right I'm thirds out Lawrence to the air which picked up by Davis yes stay there so good stuff it lies another date strong can attach a with Maddox protection you keep the tiger it's a tumor [Music] leads him perfectly away from the defender with a touchdown they convert on in the next play they strike for the touchdown glass of the talented dragon [Applause] player with vision and patience a little bit more strength than two catches today more pressure from Syracuse price steps away [Music] you see the acrobatic catch 500 [Music] a foot race for the pylon empty a yard touchdown just gone a lot of big receivers and I think that's that's me - - how to play [Music] a foot race for the Oh believable explosive plays today for Clemson one goes 65 yards how does this happen how do you not have anybody on the second third level of the taco ran back through on well they tried to simplify rocky right they made a change but no one's there you see golden aren't there make one of the Georgia Tech deepwater told us he's got a gold it on today every throw six sixteen fifteen faster 7y they were ready for it chase stop the drop ciao four yards listen I touchdown that the chance to stop on the jail touchdown Clemson 62 yards nobody there and all Travis etn needs is a little space and he's got the speed to get it to the end zone [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that unit of Alessa warrants that's gonna fire touchdown Tigers Renfro there's just a different element with this offense when Trevor Lawrence comes into the game the vertical passing game comes very much alive and they become a 2-dimensional football team that you've got to deal with down the same Ross again touchdown Clemson [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's single coverage on a LOI Gilman dis gets caught flat-footed and Ross goes right by him Gilman is thinking he's going to break off the route to try to pick up the first down and Ross never slow down Morris ancho's hi touchdown tea engines with a got the ball and they say got the foot down let's make sure six for one on one they've been tight coverage this entire Drive got a low video yeah nice job on the left foot getting down has possession of the football goes over pinup and we've been seeing that connection all year long from the freshman lawrence they get down to the red zone they love to throw the football to t higgins when he's matched up one-on-one the progressive pylon camp shows he catches it and gets the left foot down saves one down the sidelines for Rogers Rogers does it again 68 yards with Trevor Lawrence [Applause] kinda just maybe it's the wish of everybody that listens to us anyway for another subset it all told off time to shut up so I'll just stop talking cuz I know there's really nothing more to say coach I was talking to a real rush him last night start his Spurs up tour you talking about the schedule I know they'll live in comparison between South Carolina's cleansing schedule people saying you have very easy schedule and South Carolina one of the hardest he's felt like and we have difficult schedule every year do you feel the same as far as Clemson despite you know maybe the lack of competition [Music] fight to the field Clarkson comma South Carolina the Palmetto ball with Sam so stately and refined it is anything fun and everybody thinks they've got the biggest rivalry in college football you know I know this state there's nothing bigger and more important when it comes to all things football the hate and heart is on both sides Lawrence the throw for the first time tonight [Applause] [Music] sake to ETA [Applause] and this time and who's the first guy on the field we've understatement record me do look what you just get a chai Smith takes a big pounding by AJ Tyrell Tyrell is not messing around [Applause] [Music] to the season two [Music] [Applause] completion incredible [Music] there are Tigers on top [Applause] after he gets this touchdown South Carolina's bench is right at will bus check what you just made me do look what you just see me what you made me do what you do what you just made me do look what'd you just do what you what you just made me do look what you just made [Music] flag comes in Lakes big time wide receiver for Clemson boy what a luxury have these two receivers now the true freshman that is very well done at first out of 10 that's Easter okay four [Applause] question what [Music] [Applause] [Music] Kowalski here's water Chavo [Applause] to the 25 it's a gain of 32 yards Petrella large is out of choice [Music] [Applause] so many weapons [Music] [Applause] in for the touchdown out and a choice nobody will miss a rock his first carry we'll see where we stepped out [Music] to Kendrick [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fortunately [Music] the arm straight from Trevor Lawrence and that play was off schedule he moves around buys a little bit he's just got this rocket turn on the official plays not fair doesn't panic steps into the pocket vines rent from coach yes in state rival clemson has become a national powerhouse winning two out the last four national championships as South Carolina kind of became like the little brother to Clemson [Music] [Applause] now we're not brother we're not okay no okay [Music] [Applause] the chips are down Renfro rises up Matt bar course as checked in our police job [Applause] for the latest Krupp sim touchdown and that is an a question single season his 18th brushing touched of the season we need to go what you made me do what you just made me do look what you just seen me Oh what you made me do what you made me do what you just made me do look what you just see me Oh what you made me do look what you made me do what you just made me do look what you just made me [Applause] second sack of the night that Clemson defense first EPA for Trevor Lawrence [Music] [Applause] tabi at Easter crosses midfield [Applause] it's inside [Applause] with skinny post that Trevor Awards throws and certainly Higgins Ross Lawrence they mention up so I can be a feast [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's it you deform the shoulders it's not going anywhere to picture the to Bentley to throw Ford back in the answer Michelle Johnson able to knock it away Tigers defense home [Music] this phasing out Clemson continues to churn out these skill guys we're down to three give it to the professor [Music] just tripped up they're touchdown [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the game everyone knew that you know they weren't that much better than that's not better than snow at all first down for Clemson [Applause] and they're still running with the ones yeah it's still throwing the ball I want to put some more points on the board one chance twice a year to play a rival and it's only 60 minutes and minute on that clock [Music] the game these Tigers [Applause] the staff at the front of the 15 and they snap it right away [Applause] [Music] touchdown [Applause] it's double nickel time nights the second ranked Tigers [Music] Tayloe is interesting before that play watching two coaches to say let's go gets the violets go they want which is libel man they wanted a score you know at the top of the mountain that klutzy flag is flying okay they're cycling out we're cycling in that's a big part of the fear of the tiger they put me out to pasture we can do this a few more times what's in the winning funds in the winning man and to celebrate this rivalry there's a lot of robberies out there this is more of a domination road state champion our guys have never been to us sit down boys a long way my kids grandkids won't live long enough to never see this really become a robbery set points when you state championship by three touchdowns it's all good it's all good so she already won you won January November so plate y'all did great that sweet then runs into [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's a reason why we've won two out of last three national championships and it's not because we don't play anybody [Music] [Music] the national championship two years ago once chase price uses eyes to look up the safety in the cut back the Higgins [Music] looking for the sideline [Music] there is your first pitch and half the season and it's mostly just said you have a quarterback at Pickett who's still growing and trying to get comfortable from the pocket against this defense that likes to confuse the quarterback you can almost feel - oh sure and just simply throwing it out into the flat where Tyrell ends up making the play [Music] it has to be sobering for a Florida State offensively when you are two and three one sees depth chart they are still dominating align extremity [Music] seventy yards for the score Tremayne FAT FAT FAT okay here's the funny to Rogers and retreats to the 40 [Music] touchdown [Music] you'd see that [Music] Rogers [Music] a lot to talk about honey next contacts his dad 27-7 Tigers nice job here listen to shout out of wood two hearts on the sack that was Trayvon Oh [Music] with a second packages sometime okay with this speed we also have to deal with Austin Brian so let's give you the easiest question first do you believe your alma mater at Clemson right now has put together a dynasty for sure I mean the things that Coach Sweeney is bringing to that University the recruits that's coming in the the things they're doing on the field each and every year I mean it's one of the top if not the best program in the country [Music] [Music] number 41 three there's the first best by the safety Cisco and gonna block all the way down against the receiver [Music] to the front [Music] those are just mismatches who can say [Music] two hours and he's the first one out there running Hunter Wow it's a big block he was just blank quarterback Bo locks it up to the catch may wasn't in [Music] yes and it's the standard for Julie in the line in coverage again not tape on actually got a hand on this ball he knocks it up in the air unfortunately it goes up in the air not to the ground and Higgins is able to snag it does he get one foot in with possession unbelievable concentration near the redzone [Music] [Music] Justin touchdown [Music] doing that freshman thing true freshmen to true freshmen Lawrence to Ross cash it in 53 on one thing to play in a few national championships it's a whole other thing to be winning them and you decided to go back to Clemson for the opportunity to win another national championship for your senior year you could have gone to the draft you decide to go back a lot of that's your relationship with DuBose Sweeney Inventables but now that you look back on that decision how much does it mean to the way it turned out for me yeah just looking back it definitely was a great decision my slope you know you know what back then accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish got better with my play on the field also just you know just won national championship like you said got my second one it was a great year had a lot of fun got closer with my teammates I just continue to make comes in a better place so now that was definitely awesome never been a college football player quite like William Perry 330 some pounds they called him the human refrigerator but the big kid could play recording at all-time ACC mark four career sacks and tackles behind the line of scrimmage perry the only clemson player to receive all-american accolades three different seasons first of all the reality of first [Applause] mr. green party [Applause] the first refrigerator to store [Music] damos rainy in his tent full season as head coach took over as it they're in there chief Oh jumbo goal-line set right now that means Dexter Laurence and Christian Wilkins they're two starting defensive tackles are yes walking back I would presume you would say God loves it Lordships ow the CT place give it opens that is tough to stop that's the fridge coming right at you Christian we'll get the lines up in the eye and he comes down him oh no it's not the British the British was Dexter Lawrence he was the full bath that was right in front of Christian Wilkins you have never seen the college football 700 pounds nearly in the backfield never and Lord that she doesn't anybody hit these running sports elite through the landing wow that is awesome man big guys dream I their third second ago and in times the jumbo package Jamaicans a possibility to hand it off to look at this food got 5173 fifties the interesting this is what gets interesting [Applause] butoh the refrigerators Terry there's a getting the end zone for clips it is a mountain of a man six pool 350 plus another future first round [Music] the scores this time they give it to the fullback nothing better than seeing the pain uglies up front finding a way to get into the endzone think of the big diving fellas are coming in Kristy Wilkins and Dexter Lawrence each have scored touchdowns on short runs this year and short ones you wonder because it's getting so much attention if they go with a little bit of a wrinkle here and use it and maybe in a play-action type of way it's gotten a lot of attention with these guys running the ball behind wilkins at tailback has excellent hands it is playoffs and Analia throat up the middle in easy pitch and catch violin Richards a fourth down touchdown and the Tigers reclaim the lead it just has gotten so much attention they look at BC attacking it anticipating that they're gonna run with the big fellas great job of being ahead of that by thinking ahead by the offensive staff Tony Elliot Jeff Scott the fell off the subordinators court big time that was the excitement from the crowd Dexter Lawrence and Christian Wilkins are in their fridge package Davo says you touchdown the Christian workers will not be denied of a secular chest of children let him show is that lettuce choose to come back so what does that say about Clemson as a whole in your mind I mean I just it's a speech to the type of players that we bring in the type of guys that we bring in and speaks to the type of culture that you have death you know what I mean I talked to a couple people about this and one of the big reasons why we were okay with coming back is I'm sure both of you have seen juniors declare early and you're like why would they do that you know you don't really understand for a lot of guys the schools that they're at you know they don't really like being there unless this football season but for Clemson you know it's the type of atmosphere to where you can beat a year-round and you'll enjoy yourself if you if you've really enjoyed this the college experience and that's what this is about Clemson not just the football but the people the food the food yeah don't let that for you the the the culture that were places where we're living go out on the lake you know I'm two hours from Atlanta might want to go to if you want to go to the city I mean it's a great place to be a you know just to just to have a good time as a young person so that that was a great comfort it's like you're not going back to school I decided to come back home that's kind of what it would dexter Lawrence want a matchup with Eric McCoy watch him in the middle and watch the push even when you don't get a sack you can affect the quarterback my man is healthy this year and dominant players first defensive series and now the backup comes in their immediate pressure Kendall Joseph came on the Blitz and knocked him down this brought the Blitz there they've been bringing those linebackers a lot at this time Joseph just comes clean right up the middle surprise there's a first Tigers bring abandoned ticket back it's tre Lamar because the linebacker position we're down now they get aggressive all the time on third down that's just who they are that's both their linebackers Joseph and here's the marha winds up putting the pressure on picket and you better have more than one cutback for choice choice into the end zone with another Clemson touchdown [Applause] the pocket bishop [Applause] sighs backwards cannon use the free safety will drop [Music] offense starts in my opinion to net with et and he's the guy that can lead this team and take the pressure off the quarterback position or ensure the fake up the middle bestir touchdown Tigers [Applause] middle that offensive line the concern of the growth the pocket collapsing he goes down its Alfred plugins [Music] as well here here it is the backups come in this backups play anyone heard down pressure and in trouble is Dexter Williams drop behind the line of scrimmage a host of Tigers they're led by Austin front another all-american on that defensive line Xavier Thomas who's the next great but watch him set the edge of the defense he has contained he's not gonna let Dexter Williams get outside forces him back inside to Austin Bryan Lawrence into the end zone with a touchdown the football it's gonna set up a lot of play action - you fight speed iggins of future stalling outside of the slam flexing our feet that's not when is the fall arrived by Savior Thomas the freshmen leaving his mark against the tough senior whose slow to get up and choice remains the runningback [Music] flexin you just throw it up Justin Ross a freshman wide receiver rangy and Trevor Lawrence knows throw it up that signal coverage give a chance to make a play on a fifth the ball Jesse Rosco at the pocket park now hard they still play you said your Kelly you just can't fake a love of competition you know and this is a beauty when you play 58 guys a week ago right I mean this is that everybody gets to be involved it is paying it off yeah sometimes you just know just I just really felt like this is the guy it was just a matter of open process and making sure I still felt like that after I did that and once I did I was even strong more strong in my conviction that brent was the guy and that's why I was gonna reason I was going wait until I flew home I was I was actually literally taking off and I was gonna wait till I got home and call him but I called him though probably 2,000 feet there and I said hey I may cut off here but are you ready to be a tiger and then we continued that conversation later but I was I was jacked up I didn't want to wait I knew then this is the direction it's just kind of been confirmed over and over and over since that time [Music] with the touchdown [Applause] [Music] just intercepted [Applause] for the third year he is intercepted a pass against NC State he's trying to bring this ones back to the enzyme [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a little bit high Terrell gets the deflection and Kavon Wallace who really emerged in this North Carolina state last year became a starter because of some injuries in the back end and has played at a very high level ever since then comes up with the pick it sets up another scoring opportunity minute is affecting book more ANSI than usual his turn what's the blockers and pick at the 44-yard line [Applause] [Music] Turner is the Safety's gonna be sitting right in here it's only a three-man rush this time until they're dropping eight they don't pressure they play so and Nolan Turner sitting in the safety spot with eyes on the quarterback to try to pressure [Music] [Applause] [Music] 25 huge play he has very good protection it's max but protection but his receiver Butler third and 12 Hartman fell right in his face [Music] you if cleanliness rest [Music] Portland's grilled girls been a problem rolls inside goes right over the center Anderson doesn't pick them up forces Bartman to throw this ball off out has two catches for 13 yards Finley deep in a trap [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you don't normally like this into the middle of the field but this is what North Carolina State dodge they throw to their big receivers and say win that time Clemson one beautiful play by Samuel and Clemson has the football back to the sideline stays inbounds and returns it [Applause] you see holder what says you just rose like a concealed the face the Rangers the buddies the best friends Russia Wilkins democracy that's Earl or excuse me right into the grill and inside the ten-yard line [Applause] [Music] second finger today the question [Music] [Applause] it was probably a 10 second conversation literally 10 seconds yet they offer me the job babe I love you I'll see you a little bit weeks and just you know all his emotions had built up so it was it was emotional but I was real excited for I'm very proud of him he's worked so hard and um and I was just I'm just very proud balls really all we've ever known and so um just we're just so looking forward to the season and you know getting a championship soon for Clemson for everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] please barely the big right tackle for me a groom he's gonna come up on the walk back of the second row [Music] ravish ETA while field like retrosternal tiens hoagie of software against the three men pleasure Lawrence just yours touchdown Tigers [Applause] [Music] finally got some room bet that's why this young man playing quarterback for Clemson [Music] really nice job he looks it out it's got trips on the right side and just reads it this man piggies touchdown Tigers see Higgins is an elite talent six four to ten long and he goes up and gets a football simple run-pass option ball put on the money by Trevor Lawrence out in front where he can finish running with the ball and he fights into the endzone [Music] making tracks Tiger boss touchdown [Music] that's their tenth touchdown of the day and we've got a porter to play [Music] five yards on that one prediction [Music] he is the CM I guess because this football game is done thanks to the endzone for the touchdown [Music] TJ chase [Applause] [Music] the backup gets a chance to throw his second touchdown pass of the season [Music] legend continues to roll over Florida State we understand Christian does this with every single touchdown but it never gets in [Music] wide receiver where does he go [Music] what you see there you you are not on the rest of y'all bus no I don't I don't care what kind of Halloween costume you tried to put on you ain't getting on the rest of y'all bus you've got one in front my man yeah wait wait Alabama's own bus one two and three and then it's the roids Oh Lester y'all yeah all right we're in that group the rest of y'all now the Tigers trying to add to the lead Lawrence for the answer just write down they make the Panthers fade decades for the second time tonight I put the little the little marker on Higgins because if I'm a quarterback and I got 29 seconds to go and I see one-on-one coverage with my guy I'm gonna go to it all day nice job of reading it it's an RPO the safety came up made it easy throw for Trevor Lawrence Tootie Higgins so Higgins two catches boat touchdowns and that is a devastating blow for a panther team that quickly fell down 14 got back with info but the turnover sets up the touchdown and the lead is 1888 off to the races his second touchdown of the afternoon there is this breakaway speed that we've heard about each team going to the boundary this is hard it's not space over here picks up a great block on the outside edge and I said it earlier he's so tractable blow right by you dynamic playmaker just a true freshman an explosive electric [Music] [Applause] answer the chip ball is there 40 seconds since out the defender and he's gonna seven yard touchdown Vijay Westbrook is doing all he can he's perfectly thrown ball then that's allowed Higgins to extend those wall dogs those monster hands to put seven on board pistol now and boy it's buried by Cleveland swirl the tent Hendrix Award winner as the top defensive end in the country this year well they're trying to block him with a tight end that's Cole camed number 84 trying to block him that's a mismatch this is the best pass rusher in the ACC one of the best in the country the quarterback to the first series they've gone to the redshirt freshman Lincoln trying to escape the arch pressure and again wallets making a hit that's a good play by Wallace it's a really good play by Lincoln Cleveland Pharaoh's lose to get in the backfield this is white Lincoln's in the game because ability to run and avoid the pressure but Wallace comes up for the safety spot and textbook tackle to put the food back on the ground [Applause] a lot of answers for Drew get back in this game [Music] spring offensively for Clinton Francois with no chance speed rush for the [Music] do you go back maybe watch the first half or do he continues to be big no doubt looking at tonight it's on grab behind the line our polish is made by Wilkins this is where this defensive line can should really take over Christian Wilkins is right here and may shoot gaps as well as anybody's the best since 2013 that alone they're not this time Ricky person the freshman poor loss Isaiah Simmons better than the backfield too many guys that they could block if this is a play Ryan Finley need to get out of because Simmons is going to come [Applause] laughter oh the baby [Music] six-four pretty good job I point that one I mean that's that's that's textbook right there going up to the highest point raising your hands offenders face and in his face bring it down control it and the foot is in bounds [Applause] [Music] dad smiling space happiness fun everyone likes it gotta be a special moment for Dabo Swinney his first career touchdown let's just put the ground just north and south and dad likes it let it go son Barry that's not a push down they have been all Tommy Sweeney is the leading receiver Venable so just like we talked about in breakfast it's exactly how you'd roll it up they brought the Bliss with Simmons and Joseph forced him to throw this football short of the first down Sweeney catches at two yards short final play of the third quarter to flea-flicker and who's gonna be stopped just short of the goal on it's trickery to end the third period and they brought a corner blitz with Jackson which meant the safety had one-on-one coverage and Briggs was late to respond you see how Ross kind of slow plated showed like he was gonna block Briggs fell for it and then watch him in the background he goes right behind him and Lawrence getting all that pressure from the corner blitz puts it up in the air for that night pledge so gloves him on the doorstep when the final period starts back after this message and a word from your local ABC station search doesn't have the same zip on the ball it's a fake it's a fake in there [Applause] Dean play Denzel Johnson there to snuff it out [Music] play that me they did a great job of mane great this player right here is gonna maintain leverage much different result and Williams just buried again they have been dominated the line of scrimmage and right now Notre Dame being dominated by backups Xavier Thomas and Justin foster both second stringers Savior Thomas has so much suchness I mean he's going to be the next one Chris Bosh could be needed on defense here to Georgia Tech gonna catch up high complete to Renfro he got on the elevator the little man when I say little figuratively speaking what a career hunter rim pro foot to get us will walk on the national champions a star on this teeth sure was and now he Tian it breaks free as he again it is sparking this pups on offense he's deep in the Pittsburgh territory his second huge run Hamlin drove him out if you go back in the backfield he's tackled he's tackled by he beat em feet don't move 23 has him 44 Reynolds he's wrapped up this is the difference with DTM this year he's able to pull out of those tackles Lindsey Dixon number 23 he gets the plant great speed ball game a classmate peels away too much [Music] Darrien skirt saved the touchdown as Lynn Jay Dixon accelerated away Taylor County High School Butler Georgia over 50 almost 5200 yard rushing in 73 touchdowns this kid can read [Music] understanding what you're getting and a level of expectations when you sit down with each of those three guide which we did you know you sit down with Pharaoh and you can watch all the tape you want that's going to get a feel for what make makes this kid tick and we came away going that's one of the greatest kids we've ever best fine then we sat down with Mullen and we're like wow what a kid does like Trayvon mom really hasn't stopped together and we were at the Senior Bowl playing against rent flow and every day at practice the kids just going about is the quietly separating Pete Rouse and makes him catch after catch and I think he define it further with dabble and what they've done here [Music] kind of program around to the point where there they take pride in physical toughness and finishing and I'll say what we feel like we know what we got [Music] and the second keeper [Applause] Farrell was there quickly it'll be third law he's reading clean Farrell here and he mistreats this right here I think he felt that he was going out but he actually comes down watch the body language in 99 looks like he gives him a little bit of an outside look which made him pull the ball by keeping it Farrell's there to make the play [Applause] LinkedIn cut down to 45 Trayvon Mullin and a loss of one writers threatening again and Lawrence has a clean pocket Simpson across Renfro makes a cut stutters Duncan settle our fight lead graphic down at the five red throw so many short catches makes a big play down food cutter Renfro who's as quick and as good did you receiver you're gonna see [Music] [Applause] I shall ignore to go it's later though again by Christian Wilkins [Applause] don't come after Lawrence with much intensity and he fires a bullet first first down Justin Ross Brooks ready to score the 52 yard touchdown and he nearly escaped began wrapped up by Dante bond hello he Gilman is a 35 yard play [Music] sixty-one more [Music] situations but Dex Lauren serious and I don't care if you try to double-team him [Applause] man [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] second time today brian has gotten a sack point unblocked and that if the Tigers force sack of this ball game Venables with a timely call coded in a 2003 straight quick boys Duffey collapse down in the back he walks into the end zone that's his first touchdown on the ground his Tigers team unrelenting down to the 17 yard line these guys and our staff they put in an enormous amount of work and and just heart and effort and commitment they've been grinding since January last year to get here so this is this is where we are and we want to it's a big deal now we know we got pizza I mean we we low-budget here but no pizza still works hey get off that wallet kids plenty is plenty for you hey listen since the start of October oh boy guys oh you got yourself a hat there on the correct way coach in the correct way I don't yeah won't make sure I got all right but they say Dallas that's a nice place so uh give a toothpick get him a toothpick down there we're ready you better it's a Rinaldi prop right here you better you better wear that thing the right way or a certain coach stalling to be all over you for wearing wearing hat the wrong way right yeah I got to get my boots out I got I got I got some I got to work on my apparel never been to Gerry's world excited about it my guys are excited about it but we're gonna paint Dallas Orange see Wake Forest trying to calm them down but that's question we're not gonna listen baby in teeth videos they're down the wrong end of the field here to try to get this crowd quiet it's all orange up there [Applause] Anderson the sentries use the book to his wife because it's too much hardship it stadium [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] Leland Farrow leading the charge against Kate Kearney he appears to be short it's a good job by Pharrell and they get they're still short bet it's definitely going to be sure down to the end of his attack ler that six foot six he could scoop they can also make guys miss when he can cover a lot of ground at six six and once he builds up in speed he's really a threat and I think he'd swear he's really developed is understanding with the primary receiver is not there the second options not there instead of waiting and waiting he's such a good athlete you gotta take off they've got guys it would be starting a lot of plates there comes a blitz after book he stands in the Hat they get rid of it quickly too far Armstrong Simmons thought he took the ball away but the official flow the play dead at the 39 yard line well short of the first down by about ten yards he wants every flight they really played well today well school he does rip the ball out is there any do they call forward progress he's come down to the ground but this is a great play by Simmons ripping the ball out might be another one of those excruciating developments or the Fighting Irish Brent Venables advance the button but it certainly looks like he got possession of the football work and play on this Clinton squad right now doing work against Louisville and there's a guy we just talked about the ball came out but it's ruled down Wilkins there to sack the quarterback to on fast [Applause] go back in the 28 before the court back slinging a hot one they brought blitz they lead there hendrik just beat him able to get behind it this broken a ton of tacos today and broke a couple more making it down to the 43 yard line picked up 29 you would talk about a 1 in fact 8 they burst through the hole as they make a push towards that plate the screen great patience by each end of the pounds or dude they're gonna mark about the 50-yard line by week Jeff Scott told us working a lot of their screen game which had been very good this was beautiful and watch the little limp leg move by traffic CTA urges and there's that first that explosiveness that he has at sprinter speed [Music] hey each and every bullet on it Jack Smith with break it up to make the tackle 53:5 get it on the plane and the ball pops up [Applause] here comes the pressure and gets the sack and flexion takes over that's the fifth sack of the ball game and Farrell tough out there at all coming off of that edge he's ferocious this time here just beating the tight-end man at the point of attack was trying to squirt out in the backside of that pocket but these guys are big they're on Lenny [Applause] [Music] why back to the 32 isaiah simmons is really an outstanding athlete [Applause] [Music] gonna go to jared garter [Music] very end when Wallace was able to knock it away to cave on walls this is gonna be a catch Steve if he doesn't see the arm down he's a good runner and he get there [Music] [Applause] tre Lamar came through on the Blitz up the middle he's trying as hard as he can he picks up a block there behind him and then a major collision [Applause] [Music] Arthur's strike delivered by Trevor Lawrence who seen it make the throws within the pocket you see him outside the numbers bacon throws on the move packagers first out give it to Garrett Williams the full-back and he's infinite such news for Street touchdowns on four consecutive possessions more fun the party and all miss Marchant today was going to be so slammed this would be 52 so they're not gonna try and feel go bump on his back foot another jump [Applause] a former safety now a linebacker running with the leading wide receiver for Notre Dame in coverage they thought they would have a matchup that favored them it sounds right miles Boykin going against a linebacker but this is no ordinary linebacker this is a guy as you mentioned played safety he's six foot four he runs a 4-3 he's got extremely long arms and he makes a beautiful play to knock that fourth down pass away when we met whether they say a 72 that you almost feel inadequate because [Music] [Applause] go set back at the 19-yard line katie.davis the first one to get there he got the start today for Kendall Joseph and good pressure from trailer balls 37 bucks down to the ribs on last season's best of the conference water pastor over I'll start the clock now Trevor Lawrence's first touchdown pass of his career he's got a long way to go to match - like ties Boyd and this Shawn Watson just weeks now it's a productive claim can amuse to safety and brian visit position what we can do to still try to win the game refusing to go down take cover programs it's gonna go down again [Applause] line this one aside for Jordan Williams in speed embarrass the bro this is this is even competitive at the line of scrimmage offensive board 46 of 51 entries into the red zone a season ago Kellaway [Applause] freshmen on Anderson plate went the Seneca at school here this down the road the way okay they aren't still with a chance to win the ACC and be in the playoff it's Troy good boy right sadly 35 left floor across spotted erratic Trevon the star X lots of five on the play he left the game did not return after going in the concussion protocol he throws on the run defender nowhere Deerhunter read fro and it's a first down for Clemson [Music] Dino Babers told Holly Rowe have enough explosive players on the Clemson sideline to win step fine defensive play with Denzel Johnson I thought enhanced our burger for a second Johnson closed quickly twice he responded so quickly to this usually you're concerned about number eight trying to throw the ball over top of him not to safety breaking on his fall on second of ten la Rana slips to throw the far sideline slide and catch made by Higgins back shoulder throw in an acrobatic grab at the 41st now Jeff Scott whose works as a co-offensive coordinator works on the wide receivers says that this group is maybe the area that has improved of most from where they were last year just aids mature group very serious about their preparation and obviously have tremendous skills [Music] [Applause] [Music] trying to make the catch boy and some mustard on take a look at it let's take a look at this see if they may have missed one somebody knows [Music] still play tempo Kirk with backup quarterback and Dylan's got it and they're stopped short of the first down pickled Xserve ours [Music] around the 10-yard line consistency of the program that Davos Sweden has built in it's exceptional I mean it's really incredible you look year after year better employers three-straight college football playoff appearances as well as ACC Championships and it feels like this game started jumping good morning what a what a quick night we had but but what a fun night celebrating with our team and our families fans and friends celebrating just an incredibly special special accomplishment by this team and you know just again as I said last night just so happy that we have the opportunity and the blessing to experience such a such a great moment and kind of unique today's January the 8th and we're hearing obviously the San Francisco Bay Area and it's Dwight Clark's birthday and Dwight Clark was a Clemson Tiger and you know I just think that it's pretty neat that we're here this morning as the national champions here and got a just got a fate that he's he's smiling down on us out [Music] [Applause] one timeout for Clemson prevent defense here for Notre Dame a three-man rush and Stellan open man and it's Renfro who got walloped but he's deep in a Notre Dame territory now and Dabo sweetie will call the timeout we do not and that's all who's gonna be dropped short and it's another report down as the pumps & backup starting to get their uniforms dirty now Logan Rudolph right back here watch him chases from behind cuts it across midfield for the first time tonight here's why that's us exactly what Clemson needed the true freshman showing blitz instead of three-man rush ceptin fields he read it from the get-go and would have had a pick six had great anticipation he was in a cover to look on the outside edge as he walked around [Applause] Marcel throws it up and incomplete of the 35-yard line no flags on the play AJ Terrell right at the scene in Stratos Ross that's so freshman and getting tracked down inside the Florida State 25-yard line I was a beautiful little flow option there you run on first down you suck up the linebackers and safeties it's gotta go right over the head right over the head of the state they're saying that it was a bumble through the end zone and a touchback he played by Wallace in the progressive pylon cam to get his hand on the football first and goal Clemson those Travis got to the edge well everybody was bunched up in the middle I guess with Haiti they ran a little powered good we block and got a full weight farce on that one getting themselves a big run very accurate well protected again by a better after Tanner Engel whipped it's a 16-yard game three got it yeah and pushed out of bounds at about the two yard line Bank remove on that 41 yard gallop we've seen time and time again another explosive run by Travis eta on second and short now why not and that's out the ball comes out picked up by Clemson we came up your watch here the rake still only carry me with that one hand and 44 not picnic with the force fumble they basically bet brand the same exact way last touchin happen great and affairs for the Clemson Tigers get out of Huggins and Justin foster 67 35 are gonna come clean Huggins first here comes Foster to brush it off but extra pressure Justin he's been a spectator here in the second half is buried by Shack Smith listed as a third-string wide backer for cleansing holds on doing there's gonna be a whole [Music] to get a feel for school [Applause] for Clemson with 41 seconds to go just buns sorry you need to think about how cool is it man you're getting to play the go to this crowd swim so no matter what happened on that play I was proud of my team on Hart gotta fight it's been a heck of a week she saw the heart of our team today why that's the heart of a champion and you saw the heart of tiger all day last thing guys give me your predictions atashi dry her 27-17 baby I'm think I'm going somewhere like a 24-17 I think don't be one of those type of games but you know at the end of day you know we're gonna be the first ever to go 15 to know and we're gonna be taking that trophy better go Tigers [Music] [Music] [Music] Alabama's Alabama I do love Alabama oh yeah I'm a Georgia fan big fan I just love Tom I mean between you and all because the callers I mean it'll be fun I mean Clemson turn the plane around turn the plane around Alabama once again is sucking the oxygen out of the sport look it's just a fait accompli that Alabama's going to win and there's no one else it is just so good clumsy I'm pushing numbers ways it way to the back of the contender so many years we've talked about what Alabama had and say boy if they get a special quarterback there's nothing you could be and I think two is awesome I devil Sweeney said that the song watch me is Michael Jordan I really feel like this season congressman did you look at Clemson for a couple seconds do we know what you think about their football team might like is there any chance that this team has got here because of the schedule they didn't play any worth their great win I mean they barely beat Texas A&M on the road eating kids whatever the apt was awful Notre Dame was very limited Alabama dumped on everybody on their schedule worse than I've ever seen a team these three players from the FBS level ever before I think Alabama might be the best thing I've ever seen it's Alabama and nobody else it's Alabama and nobody else right now this thing doesn't scare me as much yeah okay area and maybe it's because the true freshman quarterback and so all the all the talk I hear about you know the sophomore running back - let's face it he has rushed for 1600 yards this year he scored 22 touchdowns but he has played in the 8dc prediction who wins torn Alabama wins I don't see a rout happen to say Bala Bama in a rout they just get up on their toes and lean into it and go they're good but they're not Alabama in spite of all the hype about having been here four years in a row I still don't think what we've seen of Trevor Lawrence is enough I mean I was at media days and everyone's saying the same thing this kids unbelievable being unbelievable until the moment arises and I don't think Trevor Lawrence will be able to handle it tonight you know I've been doing my football power ratings for about 20 years my highest team ever in college football with Bush lineart and this Bama team I have about 6 points higher than that we've seen this be the most dominant Bama team I've ever seen play is not the college football playoffs yeah Alabama my invitation is really show up every year don't have a new yeah so st. Nick's as lame as it always oh yeah between tips America's footballs and dinners it never gap between Clemson and Alabama you cannot stop the tide you can only save people the flood I think Trevor losses job tonight is to save the Tigers from the flood but he's a year too soon you're too early I'm going with Alabama they have a quarterback now that can get first downs so uncertain whatever a tool makes it almost unfair opponents a Notre Dame pass that they sold is Justin wrong deck for number 11 these note the USA for the favor me cheating and that's gonna be this year I don't think that Trevor Lawrence has the fat that he had this year it's been in the SEC all you I'll say it that way and so I think for the first time we played Clemson in four years now I think this team is more beatable than any of the other Clinton teams we play Clemson I don't know it says you know soup-to-nuts is talented in Georgia this Clemson team we I feel like we know less about how [Music] the big four college football really I think for the first time I know people will say well you always picked Alabama well you know what I picked out of em before haven't along too many times we'll see you soon [Music] although [Music] [Music] along [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] we know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's close we don't know west coast we all know west coast is Cleveland Fair over hey lady I'm I understand this but uh if you want to cut me anymore cruise out there if you want to come to a program well you gotta worry about your coats I've been an octoroon dancin come to Devon first rolling three plays it's intercepted the Tigers go the other way with a pick six [Applause] [Music] [Music] - full burqa the Tigers beta pay only a three-man rush Florence to shut down [Music] 5:45 ugh just explosiveness and still back in front we said there were heaps of Iowa I didn't expect this read even five minutes [Music] [Music] right there terrific handle by Avon Wallace was a great job and hey Bob Wallace to be able to come up there you feel crusher and suck it at the ground Leland burl ACC's Defensive Player of the Year with in his face at him John about it Burrell fired up because he's going up against Jonah Williams I'd say what did you wanna watch a match up a game was in the game he won that battle slugs in motion to a rolling shovel pass and the Tigers snip and Alec Austin fly you come that's having a man on a man tre Lamar on the blade trying to catch Clemson napping but this is where the experience and the veterans up once the flips entail a great job by Austin Bryant the senior booster inner flats it's a block gets another block and spans down inside the 25 from South Carolina makes a big play as time and pliers to Higgins across the middle horse down some confusion his Savion Smith started to and kind of looked around watching Mayans oh no my man he left he Higgins go and could recognition to find him and make the rules just as he Tian walks in stretching the lead players 65 yards right there they gotta be happy with that cries he is not if anything he's accelerating [Music] looking to throw in first down launches it for Judy but it's picked up the second interception this is crazy and Mullen getting supports is to going Plato thing out as two of his picked off for the second time you know he has such confidence in his ability that sometimes I think he becomes EE he has such confidence that he thinks this guy's gonna make a plan this safety his time fools him Wallace was sitting on the hash he thought he had man to man instead to Mullen crops back anticipated the coverage didn't read the coverage and because of that he just silly thinking his man's going to make a play and instead Winston Bateson and picks him off to the second time and a Sean Watson honorary captain tonight they like young boys looking the other direction [Music] rental goes down and makes the catch such 43 gays against where the man is finally concluded his Tigers burger sanitation great job begins Paul McKenna's but if anybody with a ton of retro coach Lawrence Wright suction six inside the 35 [Music] pocket order to catch your bus little by Hammarby mr. Rogers why loadouts Trevor Lawrence from get this deeper the shuttle pass in the middle take this finally Tigers fire it's shovel pass DTM and a fire touchdown what way it was going to be an option run to the right after Lawrence took the shotgun snap he took a couple of steps pop shoveled it to ETN Anthony Jennings whiffed on the tackle and this time the offense getting gas Nagi Eris tries to balance it but he cannot escape the range he safety Isaiah Simmons but tre Lamar makes the play right here and it forces Harris to have to bounce they continue to blitz these linebackers he gets penetration and here if Isaiah Simmons functions crowding the line when they back out now late pressure bet clock above all was hammered Trayvon Mullen who just had to pay gets home when a to a slow to get up Chris state disguises this Mullins showing coverage you'll see him start to sneak in and then end up coming in late after the motion watched one late - it never gets his eyes out Mullins upcoming nobody picks him up the back didn't recognize him - pick it up - it in see it well times by Mullin to disguise [Music] from the pocket war iron strength ATS trivia Thompson out near the 40 recognizes its cover too he goes right over top of him showing that arm strength and it's one of the safety and puts it there the senior Thompson and Lauren sands and fires it is tied to you president ooh what to do there's a hit out of bounds by McKinney on Justin Ross this should add 15 yards to the play there's that frustration we saw a little bit of that and we went to a brain lawrence strike across the middle and that's Justin Ross [Applause] field goal number 54 and the Tigers there was 61 yards quickly and adds to the lead a 15 point margin 45 seconds before half-time Vukovar Lola steps up and it's a test of an ankle he's not that of the 31 I don't have to spend the first of the three timeouts well will they maybe not Wow maybe not maybe they're content they're just gonna say that's enough other play defense two interceptions took one to the house egn touchdown hat-trick and the favorites the top seeds find themselves in a 15-point hole we're gonna throw again any escape this fires it into the turf Tiger is looking for intentional grounding as Wilkins push brush to the quarterback along with Austin Bryant it's a little salty now that's the beauty of having poor they can rush the quarterback Blanca Bella has to avoid pressure and delivers off the hands of Smith's there he doesn't hear the quarterback gets up and that all offensive lines having a hard time dispatch Russ way that pearl gets in there with it swift make to have to step up second and six as time this time ago those crossing routes tough to stop Smith made they rule that a funcle' he recovers it Terrell limping off he's made the tackle take another look and see if he was down bang-bang play here [Music] and fire struck the middle Hartsfield Bama fans animation there isn't one it's 4,000 bucks and alerts are fake well of us from 40 yards and it is a fake and taking up is Matt Jones the backup quarterback and it's he'll spit the Tigers were thinking realization it didn't feel right appeal goes down in a long way to go six that had no chance of making it I'm surprised at Georgie's negative thinking I thought he would throw the ball and play had no chance Clemson ready for and back peddling lawrence flips it open wide open Justin Ross open right the Alabama native brings up but race and Clemson strengthens its grip of his championship game [Applause] 74 yards [Applause] near midfield I think he was shocked to find out there weren't any Alabama defenders around him and it's another long lunch down for Clemson 74-yard areas he jammed up close give them a whoosh and it goes down lose his footing and then after this in the yards after the catch by Justin Ross against the safety Yount they Thompson boy that's a true freshman making that move in the open field comes his longest pass play of the season the lead is 21 Najee harris tried to bounce it is ran into traffic antenna not the bat along with Lucas so on they pick up the Blitz can he scramble for it got a ways to go thanks a cut shows the toughness this spot will decide it may be too short the Tigers have held is lingam Aloha tried to weave his way through heavy traffic and terror museum the sidelines and they come back to make the catch is DeAndre Overton first down perfectly thrown ball third and 13 Lawrence just launched his freshman versus fresh bread makes a catch by the far sideline a brilliant juggling get a location of the ball up and over the shoulder a joke and there's the focus but a freshman Ross the hall that in for a big play for the clemson offense 30 every five Lawrence picks up the Blitz delivers Edison and leather sofas get where Ross Hubertus blame other freshmen you kidding me down that's as good of a deductions you're gonna see by the way Trevor Lawrence makes that play on third down roads it and just hopes it's gonna be good enough damage chance he got leveled as soon as he threw that ball that's big time I love to see a young quarterback looking his eyes the nurseries gonna go watch how he keeps his eyes down field becomes bugs boom Motors is coming in soon as he threw that ball he felt 300 pounds closing in on him didn't affect him at all kept his eyes takes the head and gives Ross a chance to make that play downfield egn gets a block yeah makes it cut down right near the 10 yard line it'll be first and goal Clemson Lawrence with the rush coming spicy engines touchdown here's a flag down hit after the touchdown fiction stage it'll be fun [Music] what a catch the kick cannot be nineteen years old I like a ten year NFL better and he looks like he's been there his whole life back there taking hits making drones and how about these receivers me Ross has made some at that time it's t Higgins going up and making a play I bet the circus catches this crew has made to go back to the COPO against Notre Dame great catch by Higgins in the end zone quickly here at the board when couple Arawa stepson broken up by children or to be feels stepped in admirably to come up and make some play there's not that easy against the Tigers tonight Damien Harris fighting without getting there but Kendall Joseph filled that hole middle linebacker it's what you're supposed to do the goal line 34 everybody else have that hat on a hat 34 right there smells like that mokuba Damien Harris knock down great penetration by Christian Wilkins nothin comin easy but they are not giving up and if you want to see why Christian Wilkins is in all Americans watch how quick he is and watch the awareness to know where this ball is he's fighting through that right card leather woods it comes up and submarines Damien Harris he didn't know what hit him these guys have waited to get to this moment all the wanted to come back for a chance at Alabama Nashville's Idol [Music] chenkov Aloha trying to run ain't gonna get there touchdown by Cleveland Faro begin to celebrate how about that defense that question even emotional or that the design whatever taken down back in the yard line they tried to run a cutter backseat and they were not fooled it was going to be a sweep by Tonga Lila and Cleveland Farrell buried him for a big loss [Music] and he's gonna be Corral Wilkins and sack back inside the 45 that ball came out Alabama got on top of it but he's looking at member this is area that he's trying to grow look at look at Christian Wulff by the way he's being held there's two offensive linemen trying to keep them out to see the ball out Christian Wilkins by the way when you come back for a reason and it's a reality right in front of your eyes you're not gonna let up dirt and sport scene low snap hurts scrambling for his life turns and makes a floor it's loaded complete rugs couldn't get out and get it that was a better look meaning that they covered up the note the center and the two guards and Brent Venables is unloaded everything in his arsenal to try to confuse the Bama offensive line and has done a great job of it so shits up this again it's a late slide before McKinney got him you see another the two back look Mexican ptn isn't the clear and finally as they close in a running out the entire territory Dylan Moses saved the touchdown yeah what great vision by each en what poor effort there by Isaiah bucks now we have seen Alabama bully people for the decade [Applause] since the little capitulation of the Crimson Tide right now as Lawrence's shows more toughness he's not back to dad at all there are four scores and press was still in there colliding with defenders another first down [Applause] Clemson's not letting up Alabama thinks defeated mentally not just physically and Trevor Lawrence is saying if you're not going to tack all run right over top of you it's real Sweeney the coach's son who came in motion the Lawrence is just keeping the football and he's still willing to take a beating to move the sticks yet again again he eats six six to 15 I mean you better tackle it and in he's running with some confidence right now so he's 20 and 32 for 347 curtain call the alive absolutely about that Mitch I have the senior is 57 start let's a Clemson record big bear hug from gage Cervenka he'll be the center next year gonna have four senior offensive lineman and a very talented will be a sophomore Jackson Carmen osika the guys in front of Lawrence and all those young playmakers next year love how he pulled them off Omaha she said get mo Kim apartment hall and now Quentin's gonna call timeout get as many reserves and can the time faithful have headed for the exits suppose 245 away from a title or postgame show two minutes and 45 seconds away and what is seen big tough guy Christiane Wiggins with a rare northerners on this team comes to Massachusetts came back hoping for this moment that's what it's about right there the emotions you make a decision to pass on the NFL to come back to chase a dream with your with your brothers that's what it's about when it's realized good tell you they're gonna be a lot of teams are gonna study Brent Venables scheme and what they did in the offseason not everybody has the talent the Clemson has but you could come up with some of the scheme Brent Venables to get a game ball we're talking about all these players dabbler deserves it but boy that defense came prepared and outplayed Alabama's for 60 minutes as the reason we're Venables makes more than two million a year you showing here that tonight and this will end deep inside territory with very likely a victory formation and a 55th win for this Clemson senior class the Tigers reclaim their crown by crushing Alabama [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] delirium let me comes inside stunt banner players humble tonight your bama shut out the second half and Clemson just eats up the last 10 minutes Wow let's hear from Dabo Swinney international championship number two Tom Rinaldi now on behalf of the conferences and institutions that manage the college football playoff it's my honor the national championship trophy coach Dabo Swinney and the Clemson Tiger [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Davo there is something there is something different about elevating a program to a place where you went multiple championships ii done what ru championship what does that say about where this program is now well the past 10 years one of those i told his diocese is we everything we've done once we've done again that 2016 1 the nati the first time in and knocked the lid off our program and i told these guys we're gonna win it again it's just a matter of which team does it and just so happens but this this this group of seniors that just won their 55th game they did it again and i'm gonna just say this and I mean this from the bottom of my heart because it is it is a privilege for anybody to be able to experience a moment like this so many coaches and great players never get this opportunity and for us to get to do it twice it's just the grace of God it's a blessing but at the end of the day having done today I appreciate this moment but it's really more about our journey relationships are dried what it took to get here and I just I'm so happy for our fans our families our players our administration our former winners a bunch of them here tonight and loved the ball and we're gonna enjoy this one we got a nice spot to put it in our facility right by the other ones we got twins but let me say this they're gonna be the glory and we're gonna enjoy this tonight but oh Friday we're gonna have another team meeting and we're gonna get locked in on next year a new journey you got some guys that can get you back one quick question about the way in which you won this one when did you feel that you had broken their will well I don't uh I really thought coming in I mean Alabama is Alabama I mean it's unbelievable but I felt like we had the better team I felt like our leadership the winner future citrus and I felt like in the first half the first half of pic 6 kind of set the tempo and then the first big play by Trevor to me right then when we stopped think we scored 4 out of the first six possessions I knew we had the opportunity even though we didn't run the ball great but I knew that we were going to be able to dictate to the coverage that we were going to get from them and I gots made plays we came in with the mindset that we were going to play on the balls of our feet and we were going to attack and we did the whole night we attacked and to be able to beat a great champion like this I mean it's just something you just kind of give credit to our staff and to these players for just just their will to win it was unbelievable that whoa congratulations that you made us before devil sweetie head coach of the national champions but he had travel warrants in here trevor as you might expect the offensive MVP with a virtuoso performance Trevor you're the first true freshman quarterback to start from win a national championship game since 1985 what's significance of what you've been able to accomplish in such a short period of time my teammates these coaches it's not really it's not really about me about me being a Freshman inches and I'm just so grateful to get to be a part of a team like this in any of my four years much less my freshman year has been it's been unbelievable the leadership of these seniors these coaches has been amazing I've never been on a team let's bring this poker since when did you feel that you guys had complete and total control of the game Oh probably probably honestly when Justin made that crazy catch down there I was like I think we got this not a bad deal that we got like that as a crabber congratulations man what a performance Trevor Lawrence the offensive MVP of the national championship game for wakame Trayvon Molyneux the defensive MVP the game you guys absolutely shut them down kept him out of the end zone after the first quarter now what did it mean to you to be able to stymie this offense that have gotten so much attention throughout the course of the year I mean a minute it meant a lot to us especially as the people defensive coordinator like Brent Venables believing in us you mentioned propel well we get all the preparation we believe in each other why no we have an aunt play with love and it got the business at what point did you feel like that you were dictating the terms of the game to them I mean I feel like as soon as we got on that we felt like that [Applause] great mind congratulations congratulations hey let's see if we can get Christian welcome dear Christian what yeah this year [Applause] Campbell Trophy winner national champion two times over now tell me about the emotion that was coming out of you at the end of the game as the clock started to wind down I mean this is special man this everybody on this team all the work we put in the coaching staff I mean people just don't get it man unless you're at Clemson just how special everybody is and I special epic okay we are now we 52 know the best team ever I mean so we fitted another best him over and over taking that away from me and as you leave Clemson was this a changing of the guard game where now you are the program against which everyone else is measured I mean well that's up to everybody else you know we just thought it'd be the best we can be you know day in and day out we'd be the best pair working program we could be and I mean so that's our yacht inside we just wish them take care of our business freshen tremendous career outstanding performance tonight cause we don't know what its Coast we all know West Coast it's Cleveland Fair over yeah Lonnie how am I understand this but uh if you want to cut mandible crews out there if you want to come to a program well you got to worry about your coach I'm in an octoroon [Music] that might be the strongest before try to take that mic away from me but I was not given enough but they are the champions of the night Chris guru see hell did you grab but they made their point I mean a recruiting pitch on the way out the door from the two to the fence don't hide stuff as if we need a recruiting pitch after this are those two we'll be back next we're going to wide receivers but you're right that's pretty cool I trust you how much they care about their program not just about themselves what's the phrase they use the love of the ball tiger paw prints all over the back side of Alabama and a beat-down we thought we would never see of a Saban team an emphatic statement a knockout in the third quarter really around for good comeback take a look at the highlights of this game as we move towards SVP it's workcenter kid really is 19 years old believe it or not two more years of Trevor Lawrence to enjoy because football this was an emphatic that strong statement Mike comes and something thought he'd never see a save a team righted like that what's your takeaway from tonight Trevor Lawrence is a creek and his clemson team was incredibly well prepared they have coached Alabama they'll played Alabama they deserve to win this complete domination from the goal we kept talking about that Syracuse close call that dad from that point on when they got Trevor Lawrence back in the lineup against Wake Forest they they won by 20 or more every game that they played then they get into the playoffs at Notre Dame and of course out and a playoffs that's that's about as good as you can hope for appear Clemson fan of it pretty much checked every box demo so he could hope for right explosive plays they won the turnover battle they were almost flawless just the one penalty in the game didn't have a turnover didn't give up sacks it's just on a tip our cap again to that defensive line they all decided to come back together for this moment but that confetti to play this opponent and they got what they wanted and they're the chance so Christian Wilkinson Hunter Renfro two of the seniors you cap an incredible career 55 wins in their careers back to the total of the Alabama seniors each with two national champions the Clemson Tigers perfection the season 15 and oh the first undefeated champ to the playoff era in the first 15 and over major college champion in the modern era a near flawless performance round form wasn't knocked out but the challengers out of the orange quarter 4416 a 31 is it run down the stretch [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] they don't put championship rings on smooth hands my friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the house Oh [Music] I fell all the time Christmas it's not your destiny is it the city which you ever baked and his team made a decision to be great it's not there right right they're not entitled to be great it's a decision that you have to pay fifteen they make that decision they were special and not only is this group with their second National Championship in three years but they became the first 15 and 18 a modern day history [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the following announcement has been paid for by the New World Order well the first thing you gotta realize mother is this right here is the future you can call this balloon we don't do much I don't think okay there's a lot of things Bama had a lot of things going again I'm not trying to sound like sour grapes once we won the game okay but you said to me a minute ago when we were preparing for the show you're like if this is the NBA Finals or this is the World Series and this is the best of seven you and I think Alabama wins that's right as though we're 20 the better team that day at the end of the day the okay but I don't think it was anything [Music] bad decision is poor decision on my part I just think we came out we were filling ourselves shout ourselves in the foot nobody spelling an interception for a touchdown [Music] ago the way we want these guys spent the whole year getting ready for this game they play the schedule that they didn't have to worry about no other scene forward by the audience the Gala's cheese on the plate before the ball came even though we would have won I think the game was actually closer fans in Alabama D we're down in the red phone and not converse right and take seven alone zatarc again which that is scared to death process the next thing the next thing else would you address what I think it is you know they're talking about they're talking about clumps to make a better team motion I'm very faulty it's the better day to be a game time we punished once Alabama license bill which won twice over the course of a game that means offensively you're moving the ball well you're having success and so one of the punts table and sorry got a discount you got a do one of the pain with a minute ten left in the gym yeah but even under four with your thing we punted one time at the very end of the first half in one job at the very end of the game yep Sue's they didn't stop it we stopped us from surco no I think you're right in in tort or two up so what tor tor tor to it to us are you here on the perfect pitch which could've easier than a poor people pick something you know and they scored off of you know poke themselves you know that was fourteen points off turnovers I don't want to assign points to how do we possess the ball but certainly that's poking points that you know you could look at on a player in put a question mark to them the two interceptions lead deploys and so in in a 28 point margin you can say okay that's fourteen and Alabama had five possessions inside the Clemson 22 resulted in only nine points in school in fact Alabama has three possessions inside the three yard line and resulted in only nine points it's if you take those five possessions and you say you know Alabama's just fun doing Alabama dance and if they get inside the five they're gonna score a touchdown and if they get inside the 25 they're gonna score bilbo then Alabama scores eighteen trends I'm sorry Alabama score is 27 points instead that's a plus amazing this will take a bus of 18 muscles and I know all this is if and buts oh no no no but if you add weight if you add 18 to Alabama's whole young you take away team from Simpson Tony then is those lost scoring opportunities there's easily easily and again I'm being conservative I'm not giving us a touchdown every time I mean I know that sounds Homer ISM I know it sounds great and I don't want that to be true I don't I don't intend to sell that where they beat us on this day but I do think anything and especially these questions I think 12 in faraway Brooklyn is what you said about the five possessions we should kind of laid all that out dude dude that's just not football that's why we're playing more like the Auburn game for the pupate it's if you have ten games for Alabama to play right and they have the ball five sides of 22 yes Papa Naylor scored nine point this is a dude dude that might not happen again and ten games like that you know kind of the irony is is you know we have the same you know a couple years ago when we lost the function was a very similar circumstance where we lost some guys in the secondary and had they been available for that game and we had a couple a couple of losses - second day then I think impacted the outcome of that game along with the injuries smaller one no even though they didn't have Dexter water okay they had Christian Wilkins fifth-year senior Albert hug and sit your finger often Brian Vickers things where the we're cycling in the Tigers right now they certainly had a lot of success against SEC programs but there's a difference between play in South Carolina and then either albarn array in in I'm ever play Alabama and then going through the grind of an SEC my conference is better than yours really doesn't matter when you're winning national titles but cousin had this one night Oh can't believe Alabama got beat in by quarterback it could be a Hermosa Beach Boys ran No yeah we would have a defensive back get injured on the touchdown play the Stars was not lined up I'm not turned East our great sir I'm just saying had we done what had Alabama done with and done the whole rest of the season that is a 32 point sure we got away from what Alabama football you okay you go back to you look at the bat that we had to drive stop by an underdose we had three drives stop on down in the red coach we only punish the bollocks wife you know I'm sorry man they didn't do anything to stop us on offense and and that's gonna be easy to make someone's gonna take that as Alabama homework their point there right the other thing that key about the score differential is Clemson had to pick six right they start to make the place but they had to pick six and then they score one touchdown on fourth one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if where they got to draw the Clinton got that to change Notre Dame out I have something well anybody will be back Sam about that Bombo no no got it these will never be over [Music] [Music] this relation is gonna be great
Channel: Shadow of Death Valley
Views: 54,314
Rating: 4.8792453 out of 5
Id: 1kOhhqoWJQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 32sec (9632 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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