2018 CanAm Outlander XMR 1000R Honest 50hr Review!

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hey guys Kyle main Ville with mean Billy TV and outdoors today we're gonna pull out my 2018 XMR out of the shop and give you an honest review good or bad I don't owe anybody anything so I'll tell you exactly what I think there's definitely plenty of both categories so I'm just gonna get it out of here and put that back on and yeah we'll see how it goes so here it is this is my 2018 can-am XMR it's the 1000 so for myself I got the extended frame you don't really have much of a choice for the 1000s in the ExoMars so they always come long so the eight fifties are the short frames you basically knock this chunk out and this back section this is a part of the link you system where the spare seat goes which I have so it's a little harder to wheelie essentially is what it is it definitely does it no problem you just got to convince it a little bit but we bought it in January of 2018 it's so far been pretty good to us it's matched all expectations as far as I'm concerned there's a few cons I find but we'll get into that I'll go piece by piece up here in Canada by the time you get the machine out the door we were fortunate enough to buy a cache so we saved a few ways but they can get quite expensive here in Canada to buy a bike so people in the states always ask us why it cost us so much money well Canada gets dinged pretty hard so for myself with all of the seats the storage I have a big bin for the back snorkel extension I got cable for the winch remote for the winch I have a snowplow you can see the mount there and the whole thing that that was about $21,000 for me so it's definitely been it's it's a bit much but we we don't regret it it's been very good so we'll start getting into the details anyway so I guess we'll start off with modifications it's pretty short list I haven't done a whole lot to this bike my wife would murder me otherwise but so far I've just done the can-am Yoshimura exhaust and there's a good reason for that it's mostly due to its it's cost it's well performing exhaust sounds great which to be honest is exactly what I was looking for was just a little bit of sound it's a slip on so the one nice thing about it is it is made for this bike so you don't have to get a tuner for it can you combine a tuner with it sure absolutely well you get more performance probably but it hasn't caused any issues it runs great it's not extra hot or anything like that easy to install there's a video for that if you want to see it I'll include it in the description so that's pretty much really the only modification I did I did do halos on the front they were sent to me so I figured why not put those on and I mean they're pretty cool and then I basically switched out the hook not a fan of what can am sells out of the gate so I bought this on Amazon most people who are looking for easy improvements have probably seen these Lauren hooks on Amazon and KFI bump stop I just took a page from Rob Farrow ATV and I wanted a big machete on the bike so this is where I stash mine and it just slips into there I'll probably find a better way of securing that at some point but it's nice and easy to grab when you want to hack some branches off are pretty healthy they can be annoying when you try to rip him off by hand one of the things I did get was this mud strap which honestly is better used if you have like a kid on here and you're bringing them for a ride they hold on to that and it's actually great for that so I have used it in the mud but slinging these things around isn't as easy is just pulling on a strap so I also put this is from Amazon smittybilt I believe just a two inch receiver and d-ring so i can tow and get people out as i've showed in other videos I do carry this this rope to off-roading gear rope that's good for like nineteen thousand pounds and something like seven thousand shock load then I just keep my papers and stuff in there this box should probably talk about they they try to tell you that oh it's a sealed box and it's advertises that and everyone knows if you own one of these or have a buddy that they are not waterproof they're not even water resistant it might as well not even have a seal to tell you the truth I think it's only there to stop it from rattling so don't believe the hype on that one it's it'll store stuff don't get me wrong that's fine it hasn't opened on me or anything like that but it's absolutely garbage when it comes to holding out water so I haven't had any problems with axles they've been really good to me and most people who don't lift these machines truth be told the ExoMars do pretty well on stock axles I haven't had any issues or any of my buddies have had any issues with the axles when it comes to a ripp boot or something like that that's something different but I haven't had any issues there one thing is these brake pads another issue with can-am there's going to be a few of them in this video is the brake pads on these they're just not good and they wear out quickly so I'm already ready for a set myself and there's there's three breaks on these so this rear left corner doesn't have a break but I'm gonna be doing pads on that for sure so as far as suspension Fox shocks all the hype sure they're plenty good but this thing's like riding a horse and buggy just you're tied up to a hundred horses so it rides rough I I do a mixture of mud and trail I'll basically do anything I'll run water whatever scag but when it comes to trail riding if I'm doing like a an ATV club event or something like that this thing is rough so if you're doing 200k Plus or something like that you'll be pretty banged up going over rocks and stuff like that because these mud tires they run quite a bit of pressure in them in they're stiff and then you combine that with your suspension and it's nothing but rough ride but for myself as a younger guy I'll deal with it the powers were that I haven't necessarily been too stuck yet unless I'm looking for it so that's sort of the trade-off I guess as far as electrical and stuff like that I've put a bunch of dielectric grease and everything I haven't had any issues that way so that's been really good so far the connections are really good I find so I have zero concerns that way I thought I would like these racing pegs more they're more like there is a use for them I just don't find myself using them so if you have the option to buy them or not I guess it's up to you but personally I haven't had much success with them I basically use them to wheelie yeah that's about it because with the long frame I have to put my weight here and really punch it and it'll go up and it'll go up nine times out of ten but I have to be up here swinging my weight in order to get it to do it so I know a lot of guys who buy like light frames and stuff like that it's the same plastic here when you buy the legal up seat like light frame for 50s or max or whatever they tell you you can't get these on them but you can so you'll notice most of those bikes just have this platform here you can buy these to go on top so I know a lot of dealerships just may not have experience with some bikes doing certain things but you can absolutely absolutely do it clutches so I have a box in the garage of my buddy's 850 and those clutches will run you and and they'll work but to me it seems like they're designed for a smaller engine they just don't have the pickup and go that everybody's looking for and that's why there's such a strong aftermarket for these bikes for clutches especially the primary the secondary is fine the primary can definitely be improved like STM or CV Tech or whoever they're all basically doing a better job than what's coming stock on these it's almost like they designed everything off of like a 570 or a 650 and then they just slapped a 1000 or an 850 behind it so that's one of my biggest concerns with this bike I've used the stock belt for about 900 kilometers and I was already glazing it over really bad so and now I have it as a bush belt and I have the Maverick belt on it I don't have much to say about the Maverick belts - too much yet I did check it out the other day and it's in good shape and I put it through some abuse so is it doing better in the stock belt yes absolutely so far anyway but I'll I'll probably do another review and at a hundred hours or 150 hours something like that whenever I get around to it my winch not an issue there so far I find it sticks every once in a while but it's working well I actually pulled a tree out of the swamp back there with it near max distance and it worked well as long as you give it it's time to cool off because they have a like a working load limit let's say where if you're gonna use them for ten minutes for example you should only use them six out of the ten minutes and then let it cool off just for numbers sake that's how that roughly works just because that motor gets crazy crazy hot and you'll start seeing it smoking and stuff like that if you do that to your wench a couple times you're gonna start seeing we're out of course I have no problem with the steel rope that's on it I do suggest upgrading the hook like I was pointing out but no there's there's plenty going on front diffs I check them religiously just because these things have a reputation of letting water and especially the rear diff actually just because of the way the tail-shaft comes into it at a bit of an angle and the seals on them are notoriously bad so there's plenty of companies that are making different dips or different parts and stuff like that I myself have not haven't had an issue yet I did check my tail shaft for phasing because from the factory there's a bit of an issue where they're not phased correctly and it creates a vibration and all these other issues you'll you'll have to look that up so there's problems there too I don't seem to be part of that Club luckily so that's that's not so bad the rear link you system has actually been pretty good to me I like the modular design when I put my storage bin on the back I can't remember if I have a 60 or an 80 gallon storage bin for the back but it snaps in really easy I like how that goes the one problem I have with it is there's one hook that goes in here one that goes in here and then you have just a piece of aluminum that clips underneath and stops it from wobbling or at least it's supposed to but it does not it vibrates like a bastard so not too keen on that I would suggest going with like Kim pecks or some other reputable company to make your storage bins don't suggest the K damn ones I haven't had a good experience with them and neither of most invited buddies who have them on their machines this little storage bin I do like it works well and so far it has kept water out of it but just like the rear storage I've heard bad stories about these guys too eventually they give up so what else we got oh yes I did a video of hitting a trail called Black Bay and it was really really early spring late winter and one thing that this machine does I find is I broke a chunk of ice and it essentially launched this chunk of ice through my fenders all up and through and there isn't a whole lot of room on some of these points right and a lot of guys trim this or buy like full armor pieces and stuff like that but what it did was break out a bunch of chunks and drag the ice through my fenders instead of like getting it ejected outwards so I got a little bit of damage I have it stitched on the inside and industrially glued but you can see fade and a few pieces of damage and that happens I mean it's an all-terrain vehicle what do you expect but it sucks I did that like a couple weeks after owning this thing but at least it got it out of the way and now I don't care so one of my biggest gripes with this machine is the snorkels they're actually run to about here so the height isn't all that great so when I was buying and I was like well get this snorkel extension you would assume that actually extends your snorkel right but all it does is give you this housing the pipes are in the same spot and they don't actually bring the pipes up or you know you know in regular height like you'd see most bikes do at with aftermarket so that is simply false advertising to me there's videos online from power ma and stuff like that talking about it so I won't go too far into it just know that the snorkel extension is literally useless it's just the only thing I use it for is I put my helmet here when I stop that's the only thing it's good for so that's garbage to a lot of my plastics and stuff like that are holding up really well I do find that the way they're molded and everything they seem to be pretty strong but in the winter they can become really brittle really quick so you can tell in the summer they have like flecks and all this but in the winter if you came up and did the same thing I find them they they're like ready to snap so be careful with that for sure and I'm sure that's not just can am's problem I'm not tearing them apart completely just giving you it's my experience this machine is I would buy another one again knowing what I know just because I know what to do about all the stuff now but another big issue that I have is maintenance on this thing a lot of it's pretty easy but when it comes to changing your oil checking the transmission a lot of this plastic has to get torn out of here and I just don't know why there isn't an access plate or something you know like you look at a Kodiak or a grizzly or something Japanese they think about all this stuff they put covers where you can open it up check your fluids and whatever and as long as I could check it I'd be alright with it so I have to tear a lot of plastics out of places just to get at certain things and I find that incredibly annoying it should be more user friendly to maintain checking your oil is easy your filters up in the middle of nowhere so plastic has to come off transmissions and then Illinois wire plastic has to come off some of the grease points are a little ridiculous some of them are easy to but and then when you check your diffs those are actually accessible which is good because you got to check these off and like I said before they got water issues seal issues whatever you want to call it the bikes got problems no doubt and you'd think they'd have it all figured out at this point but they don't overall my experience like I said I would buy it again I really would especially knowing what I know now there's bits and pieces that definitely need to be improved there are a large enough company that you think they would oh yeah that's right so studs I have been blowing out studs like crazy and I am a mechanic I do have properly tuned snap-on equipment to do torque I have them at seventy four pounds like they described in the book and I double-checked with my dealer just in case and I have been snapping them at seventy four pounds and I'm not the only one I have several friends with bikes doing the same thing and they're snapping studs so I went anywhere between fifty and sixty and I haven't snapped to stud yet so my my advice is to just toner it back a little bit and I've been riding like six seven hundred kilometres like that without a single stud breaking all of a sudden but I went through probably eight or nine of them doing the 74 foot by foot pounds they recommend so be careful with that I've had no problems with these tires and rims they've held up I've bashed them against rocks rocks I didn't see it full tilt and the beads are holding the one thing about these tires I do really like these tires they made a good choice overall as far as a generic mud tire I would even buy them again my one issue with them is they don't have much four side lug so if you're trying to get out of a rut and you're trying to climb the sidewall and stuff like that there is none it'll do it a little bit with the front tires obviously because you can turn them and stuff but they they won't grip sidewalls of the mud pit as well as I want - so there's issues there but overall fantastic tire I ride road rail bed trail mud you name it and they haven't even worn down all that much so they've been really good to me in the last 1,200 kilometers no air issues no nothing and like I said I'm not gentle on this thing I know I clean it and I look sharp and stuff but believe me this thing's been beat up one of the issues I had out of the gate and I'm assuming it was a factory issue is one of my knuckles for the steering on the actual steering box plate popped out and again I'm not the only one with that issue so I had to go in there and tighten it all up realign my front end because the way it popped out was pretty aggressive and that was during my Robbie Dean ride in my video I came into a hole and I didn't see a rock under the mud bashed my tire in no damage except for that popping out so I tightened it up and everything's been good since but I really cranked on it to make sure it wouldn't pop out there's grease points on everything a lot of them you have to get from opposite sides not a big deal there overall super happy with it it gets hot it gets warm not a big deal even if you're not a big mud guy I would suggest getting your rad relocated just because these bikes do get pretty hot will you overheat if you cake it and stuff like that absolutely and I find it very nice and accessible up here I use different chemicals in my cleaning video that you can see and I clean it out so that helped with my heat a lot I know this video is all over the place I'm just trying to think of everything that I've experienced with this bike and there's probably more that I'm going to forget but just wanted to share this with you guys this machine has problems it's not perfect I I'm not a can-am guy by any means I enjoy their product I would buy it again but they are not perfect and I always say if if you've got money to fix it can-am is a great choice because I'm probably gonna make a youtube channel career out of fixing this thing but it's so enjoyable that it's worth it for me it's easy for me as a mechanic to say that just because it's something I like doing anyway it's something I'm good at doing so just thought I'd share that with you guys if there's anything you want to see know about or anything like that just comment down below I will absolutely answer all of your questions I'll tell you truthfully what I think if you want to know more about how we tow our quads about the old power Ram there if you want to know more about Casas bike I can get her to do a review of hers too we've got plenty of machines projects all the time so yeah just comment let me know what you think I'll answer any question you have thanks for watching this is my XMR 50 plus our review and we'll see you next time [Music] you you
Channel: Mainville ATV and Outdoors
Views: 56,303
Rating: 4.8720541 out of 5
Keywords: atv, can am, outdoors, canada, outlander, quad, four wheeler, xmr, 1000r, brp, beavers, mainville, Outlander Review, Outlander XMR Review, Can Am Outlander 1000r, Can Am Outlander XMR 1000r Review, Ou
Id: UW2TBK0Kx8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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