2018 Arnold Strongman Classic | Deadlift Highlights / 8K
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Channel: Rogue Fitness
Views: 15,758,360
Rating: 4.8196249 out of 5
Keywords: Rogue Fitness, crossfit, rogue, made in the usa, american made, fitness, strongman, world record, Hafรพรณr Jรบlรญus Bjรถrnsson, Hafthor, the mountain, rogue athlete elephant bar, deadlift, brian shaw, 2018 arnold classic, arnold classic, arnold sports festival, arnold fitness expo, arnold strongman classic, world record deadlift, heavy deadlift, elephant bar, rogue fitness deadlift, arnold strongman deadlift, arnold strongman deadlift event, arnold strongman deadlift results
Id: M04f7hdBWko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 39sec (159 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
An actual, literal, million-ton mountain of literal weight.
Dude is 29 years old.
Every day things that weigh 1000 pounds include a horse, 1,500 cans of soup, 180 reams (500 sheets) of paper and a grand piano.
Inb4 "this can't be healthy"
It probably isn't. No high performance sport is healthy.
But most people would highly benefit from a little diddlylifting every now and then.
OP, do you have any idea how much an actual mountain weighs?
His face went full Gregor Clegane at the end there, what a beast!
Can someone explain please how that one guy in the video started bleeding that much from deadlifting.
Maybe put the weight in the title?
I don't think you know how much a mountain weighs